#AutumnPlease Day 5
I always liked the autumn feel of this cover. It certainly has some #BootsAndLeaves
@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Eggs
#AutumnPlease Day 5
I always liked the autumn feel of this cover. It certainly has some #BootsAndLeaves
@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Eggs
Finished! 1 more book to go! This one was quite exciting and can‘t wait to read the next.
Bk8 of July & the 13th WOT book is done! The Pattern is failing, nations are dying and Rand is trying to bring them all together before the Last Battle. Everything is building to that moment when he must battle the Dark One or let the Pattern unravel.Mat still finds time to rescue someone & crack jokes. Perrin grows into his role as leader & Aviendha is shown a glimpse of the Aiels doom. #BookspinBingo #SeriesLove2023 #ChunksterChallenge2023
This is my favorite book in the series yet! All the storylines and character arcs are coming together as all people are marching to The Last Battle. I really enjoyed Perrin's journey in this one. We finally have Mat and Thom's long-awaited mission. Aviendha's vision is very intriguing. It will be interesting to see how it all plays out.
#WoT #wheeloftime
I finished my TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT reread yesterday while I completed the hand part of Fox Mitten #1 and started on the thumb. This book packed in the excitement, y‘all, and when I first read it in 2015 it gave me some scenes I‘d waited nineteen long years for. It‘ll always hold a special place in my heart for that. #audioknitting
I made cranberry & white chocolate scones for breakfast. It was a durned good life choice.
I‘m finally within spitting distance of TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT‘s end, too! With any luck, I‘ll scrounge enough listening time to finish it tomorrow. (Maybe I should bake more cranberry-based stuff…) If not, it‘ll happen on Thursday. I‘m excited to reread the grande finale. #audiobaking
I made it 20% into my TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT reread while I set up my reading journal for next year. I‘m excited to keep going. I remember this as the volume where a couple things I‘d waited twenty years for finally came to pass.
And then there was one! I was curious whether Sanderson could possibly tie up all the loose ends Jordan had left for him, but going into the finale I have to say that he's done an admirable job so far. No minor characters with unfinished business get neglected, yet the story rightly stays focused on the core group that's been with us from the beginning. It's a neat balancing act, and Sanderson manages to pull it off without a hitch.
#weekendreads @rachelsbrittain
1. Tagged
2. Has to be a grilled cheese sandwich and tomato soup
3. Can't think of one off the top of my head, so I'm going to cheat and go with a TV show I recently watched for the first time, Over the Garden Wall.
The number one thing to say about this novel, and this whole series even though it‘s 14 books long, you still want more of the story. Can‘t wait to see how it concludes.
The entirety of this magnificent penultimate entry in The Wheel of Time is suitably grim and vast. Featuring astonishing battles, character deaths, and an impending sense of doom, Towers of Midnight reads like a taut page-turner, while retaining the scope of epic fantasy that Sanderson is the master of.
Sanderson has me tearing through this book. It‘s been 7 days and I‘m already 500 pages in. #fantasy
It‘s not a lazy Saturday unless I‘m reading in bed and surrounded by cats.
Feels weird to be this close to the end of such a mammoth series. Sanderson has done a fantastic job so far. 100 pages in and hooked. #fantasy
I'm amazed at how much I've loved the last few books in this series. It really showcases Jordan's brilliance. One book to go.
Long time, no Litsy. I‘m one of those people who simply can not juggle hobbies. Whatever hobby I‘m into, I dedicate myself to fully. Mostly I tend to alternate video games and reading. While I was in video game land, Wheel of Time took a backseat but I‘m back baby! Finished book ten and eleven in the past couple of weeks and I‘m riding strong to the finish line!
It‘s getting so good now that it‘s the final stretch. A lot of emotional payoffs happening in this one as well as set up for the final confrontation. This series continues to deliver.
1. The biggest highlight for me was my daughter being born. Nothing else compares!
2. A very modest 25, as most of the books I read are massive epic fantasy‘s.
3. Not on New Year‘s Day but Boxing Day we always have steak pie in our house 🙌🏻
@4thhouseontheleft @howjessreads
Just checking in to let everyone know I‘m still alive! My life is pretty much a road trip through hell atm, just last night I had another tooth break in half. So now my teeth are crumbling as fast as my health. Yay. On a brighter note, I be managed to finish three more books in TWOT, leaving me halfway through A Memory Of Light, The last book. Finally! Is it just me or do you also have to finish a series reread before reading a new book? 10⭐️reads
Truly excellent. It‘s almost over....
Last week I was keeping warm by sitting by the fireplace, this week I‘m laying in the grass reading in the sunshine. Gotta love Florida 🌞
Happy New Year 🎆
My first day of the year has been spent taking naps and reading 🤷🏼♀️ Now I am going to switch things up by taking a bath, doing a face mask (that smells like chocolate btw), drinking a milkshake, and, you guessed it, reading!!😜
How have y‘all spent the first day of the year?
It‘s Sunday which is my technically my Friday at work 😄 Downloaded this on Audible, so I‘ll be starting it ASAP!
Oh man. So much happens in this book. It definitely makes up for the ones that were long slogs full of pointless subplots. I think this is the longest book in the series and I tore through it. I cannot believe I only have one more book before I am done with the Wheel of Time.
🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 very good, I'm not ready for the series to end yet! #LitsyAtoZ #LetterT #MountTBRChallenge #theyearofthechunkster @BookishMarginalia
Hoping to finish this today 🤞🤞🤞
712 of 843 pages #WheelOfTime #WoT
411 of 843 pages #WheelOfTime #WoT #bookandplants #succulents
Bk13 Of #TheWheelOfTimeXmasReread is done! My apologies for being MIA for so long,been trying to work things out with my family & Great News!! We‘ll be seeing my grand babies! Xmas eve not Xmas day like we had planned but I‘ll take anything at this point🎉 The book is much better on a reread than I first thought, this is only my 2nd time reading it & while it still has issues(mainly in Mat‘s & Rands portrayal) it‘s still a good part of the series.
Ted.E.Bear is my constant companion on my long dark nights of insomnia,he‘s not much of a conversater but he knows how to listen.If I could only get him to pour tea he‘d be perfect!When shopping for presents for my #secretsanta exchanges, I got myself a box from T2 called 51 Selfies with sachets of 51 different blends to try, black, green, herbal & fruit. I‘m currently on No15, PacksAPeach which is peach, apple,papaya & roasted chicory. #teafortwo
Onto Bk13 in #TheWheelOfTimeXmasReread The penultimate book of the series & the 2nd book written by Sanderson. Tarmon Gai‘don is fast approaching, the Dark Ones touch on the pattern causing famine, disease & strange occurrences with widespread fear. Every side must come together to fight the Last Battle but can differences be put aside so easily? A must read series for any fantasy lover. #tarmongaidaniscoming #thewheelweavesasthewheelwill
Stayed up till 1:00am finishing this 850-page chunkster! I appreciated the character development here. A couple of really frustrating characters went through some deep growth—I finally have respect for Galad, and was so happy to see Perrin come into his own. Mat still has absolutely no self-awareness, but managed to steal some of my favorite moments in the book. Also, I still often want to punch Faile in the face, but not as hard.😜One book to go!
Just finished this book and I'm so glad I have the next and final volume! This is such a detailed world and this book made all the characters so strong and the relationships so well-rounded. Plus I loved reading about the Wolf Dream!
This is my #TBR for the rest of the year! The last two Wheel of Time books, Children of Hurin for #LOTRchapteraday, my last 4 #LitsyAtoZ, and the library book club pick for December. Not pictured is my current audiobook, and Name of the Wind won‘t get finished till January, plus there are the two rogue library books that followed me home yesterday... but other than that... this should be an accurate prediction of the rest of my 2017 reading!
I started a re-read of the whole Wheel of Time series back on May 1st. I'm currently 2/3rds through the 13th book and have really been enjoying revisiting this world. It's a big time commitment but it has been worth it!