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The Narrow Road to the Deep North
The Narrow Road to the Deep North: A novel | Richard Flanagan
Winner of the Man Booker Prize Nothing since Cormac McCarthys The Road has shaken me like this. The Washington Post From the author of the acclaimed Goulds Book of Fish, a magisterial novel of love and war that traces the life of one man from World War II to the present. August, 1943: Australian surgeon Dorrigo Evans is haunted by his affair with his uncles young wife two years earlier. His life, in a brutal Japanese POW camp on the Thai-Burma Death Railway, is a daily struggle to save the men under his command. Until he receives a letter that will change him forever. A savagely beautiful novel about the many forms of good and evil, of truth and transcendence, as one man comes of age, prospers, only to discover all that he has lost.
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“And in the deepest recesses of his being, Dorrigo Evans understood that all his life had been a journeying to this point when he had for a moment flown into the sun and would now be journeying away from it forever after.”

#alphabetgame #letterN @alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

Graywacke I have an unread copy. Someday… 🙂 2y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 💙💙💙 2y
Onioons @Graywacke it's intense and difficult in parts, but beautifully written with great characterisation. You'd need to be in the form for it, I think 😢 2y
Graywacke @Onioons I think I knew that. But a good warning. 2y
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Australian prisoners in a Japanese POW camp are assigned the grueling job of building the Thai-Burma Railway, also known as the Death Railway. Extraordinary novel. Winner of the 2014 Man Booker Prize.

#Train #SavvySettings
@Eggs @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

IuliaC A good one! 2y
Eggs 💔📚❤️ 2y
Lucy_Anywhere When I was in Kanchanaburi a year or so ago we went up to Hellfire Pass - the visitor center is excellent but heartbreaking. Quite a bit of it still survives as part of the Thai railway network today 😬 2y
jlhammar @Lucy_Anywhere Wow, that would be heartbreaking. Sounds like an amazing trip. 2y
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#BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks #ReadingAsia2021 @Librarybelle @BarbaraBB

It seems this month I'm reading lots of emotional books. 💔

This book is so well written, but it is difficult to read because the descriptions are so vivid. It was hard at times to keep going, but at the same time I just had to see it through.

I feel this is one of those books that people need to read, but be prepared because it will take an emotional toll on you.

squirrelbrain I read this last month and agree entirely with your review - beautifully written but so tough. 3y
BarbaraBB Your review is very similar to @squirrelbrain ‘s indeed. I feel like I need to finish it but I couldn‘t when I tried last month. 3y
Librarybelle Great review! 3y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
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#BookReport 15/21

A productive week, although I put the tagged one in hibernation. The Shalev is this week‘s favorite!

TrishB I never got through that tagged one! 3y
BarbaraBB @TrishB It‘s a tough one but I liked the writing. I hope one day to return to it. 3y
IuliaC Tough war scenes in the tagged one 3y
Cinfhen Mine is still in hibernation too @TrishB @BarbaraBB / I might try it again 3y
Cinfhen And I want to look for that Shalev novel 3y
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I feel ashamed of myself but I can‘t focus on this book at the moment. Too much going on in real life to be able to concentrate on the horror of Australian POWs working the Burma Railroad in what‘s now called #Myanmar. I don‘t bail, I want to read it one day. Just not now.

#ReadingAsia2021 🇲🇲 #booker

SamAnne And that is okay! Reading shouldn‘t feel like an obligation all the time. 3y
BarbaraBB @SamAnne Thanks 😘 3y
Kalalalatja I really didn‘t like this, but some of it was due to the Danish translation. I get why you find it hard to focus on it, though. 3y
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ChaoticMissAdventures Don't be so hard on yourself!! Books are so much about mood and timing. I start and put down books constantly. One day I just cannot read it, then a few months later it hits just right and I devour it. 3y
Megabooks Sometimes we‘re just not in the right headspace. 💜💜 3y
squirrelbrain It‘s a really difficult book and there‘s no shame in pausing it for a while. 3y
Librarybelle Definitely fine to set it to the side for now! 3y
Graywacke I hope you‘re past whatever was distracting you and wish you well. 3y
BarbaraBB @Graywacke Thanks Dan, for your best wishes. They mean a lot. I was in and out of the hospital with my daughter for a while but things are going better now! 3y
Graywacke @BarbaraBB that sounds very stressful and scary. Glad things are better. 3y
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As per the blurb, this was both devastating and beautiful.

It started off with such gorgeous writing but then, once it reached the ‘Death Railway‘ in Burma it became almost impossible to read. The descriptions were so vividly unpleasant that I wanted to bail more than once.

However, I do think it‘s important to read such histories, even if they are fictional, so I persevered and I can see how it won the Booker.

#readingasia21 #myanmar

Caroline2 Oh that‘s a great review! Looking forward to diving in at the weekend hopefully. Struggling with reading at the mo and I‘m bailing left, right and centre. 🤦‍♀️ I have zero concentration at the mo?!?! 🤷‍♀️ 3y
TrishB Lovely review Helen, sounds like a tough read. 3y
Ruthiella I‘ve definitely avoided this book due to the brutal descriptions I‘d heard about. I‘m too squeamish. 3y
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squirrelbrain Hmmm, I‘m not sure how you‘ll find this one @Caroline2..... I think you‘ll like the start but then I‘m not so sure. @Ruthiella - it is *very* grim so you‘re wise to avoid it. 3y
Cathythoughts Well done ! I‘ve also avoided this one because it sounds like hard work .... you are reaping the rewards ❤️ 3y
AnneCecilie I took my time with this book when I read it, for those exact reasons. 3y
BarbaraBB Great review. I am going to read this one too as you know and appreciate the warning. 3y
Librarybelle Great review! 3y
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I‘ve only just started this last night @Caroline2 so I‘m only a couple of chapters in. It is rather beautiful though, and I love this quote.

Let‘s hope that this is not only a good book, but also a great book!

I get the feeling that it might turn a bit traumatic soon though....

BarbaraBB Looking forward to following your thoughts on this one! 3y
Caroline2 Ohhh that is a great quote. What beautiful writing. ❤️ 3y
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Hey @Caroline2 - look what has *finally* come up as my #bookspin book! When would you like to start our #buddyread?

Also, could my #bookspin and #doublespin books be any more different?! They are polar opposites.... but that‘s the fun of #bookspinbingo...

I‘ll do my full board tomorrow. Thanks for the numbers Sarah!

BarbaraBB I‘m going to read the Flanagan too this year. 3y
squirrelbrain You‘re more than welcome to join us for a #buddyread if you‘d like to @BarbaraBB , but it sounds like you‘re not planning on reading it this month.... 3y
TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! Sometimes some contrast is good! 😂 3y
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BarbaraBB @squirrelbrain No not this month indeed. My scheme is killing 😂 3y
Caroline2 Ohhh interesting!! I‘m in the middle of a book at the mo, it‘s good but taking ages. We have Underland to read too, shall we do it before or after underland do you think?? 🤔 3y
KarenUK These both look fantastic! 3y
squirrelbrain @Caroline2 - let‘s do this one first.... starting next week sometime? Just let me know when suits you as I‘m already reading eleventy million books at the same time anyway! 3y
Caroline2 Okey dokey. Next week is good for me. 😉 👍 3y
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This is the best book I‘ve read in two years.

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Agonizing and so so sad...yet i couldn't put it down. I had to finish this story, as painful as it was.

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Wow this was so hard to pick the #top10ofthedecade ! I have picked books published in the last 10 years that I have read that have stuck with me...I can remember how I felt reading them now. Ones I would recommend unreservedly!
I have read many other brilliant classic books this decade like A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, Anna Karenina, Frankenstein, Dracula, and books by favourites John Le Carre, Peter Temple, Ken Follett and Edward Rutherford ❤️❤️❤️

batsy Fascinating list ❤️ I must read Max Porter soon! 5y
JennyM Fabulous list! Thanks for sharing 😊 5y
TrishB Great choices 👍🏻 5y
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Cinfhen Wonderful list!!!Thanks for sharing 🧡 I really enjoyed 5y
Cinfhen I‘ve heard great things about this book and it‘s sitting on my shelf/ hopefully in 2020 I‘ll finally read it 5y
Freespirit @batsy Lanny is a quick read but one that is so different 5y
Freespirit Thanks @JennyM and @TrishB Wow how hard is it to narrow down!! 5y
Freespirit @Cinfhen I thought The Signature of All things was brilliant..a strong female character and a moving story 5y
CarolynM Interesting list! 5y
Freespirit Thanks @CarolynM I really enjoyed looking through A Tree Grows last night 😍 5y
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For me and my daughter

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I don‘t like having to give this a So-So rating. It‘s very worthy - 12 years in the writing, drawing on his father‘s experiences as a PoW. There are some incredible scenes, that will stay with me for a long time. But the whole Amy/Dorrigo/Ella thing - ugh; the female characters are poorly developed, and I really didn‘t care about them, and the only time I felt anything for Dorrigo was in the makeshift operating theatre.

CarolynM I thought similar things about Death of a River Guide which is the only Richard Flanagan I've read. There was a good book in there struggling to get out. 5y
TheEllieMo @CarolynM I seem to have the same feeling about many Booker winners - good shorter books buried working unnecessarily long and verbose works🙄 5y
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Are you ready to hit the narrow road to the deep north?


Jari-chan Even though I didn't like all the parts of this book it is still very intense and unforgettable. 5y
TheEllieMo @Jari-chan it‘s interesting how a book can get you like that, isn‘t it. I felt the same about Milkman, I can‘t say I enjoyed reading it but it has stuck with me more than other books I‘ve read this year. 5y
Cinfhen I started this book a long time ago but for some reason I put it down and never picked it back up🤷🏼‍♀️ One of those right book wrong time situations 5y
arlenefinnigan Nice cover 😉 5y
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I couldn‘t think of any #avenuesandalleyways but I‘ve got a narrow road?! 🤷‍♀️ (I still haven‘t read this yet. 🤦🏻‍♀️) #ayupaugust

Hestapleton This book was emotionally difficult, but really good. 5y
Cinfhen Well played ❤️love all the red spines together 😍 5y
Cathythoughts I thought of this one too & I still havnt read it either 5y
squirrelbrain I also have it on the TBR shelf .... another #buddyread candidate!? 5y
Caroline2 @squirrelbrain we have so many candidates now! 😆 5y
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This book covers two broad themes: the effects of war, and the nature of love. That's a lot to tackle, which is probably why Flanagan did the former so much better than the latter. I think he would have been better off just chopping off the entire first third off the book, like cutting off a gangrenous limb (as the characters had to). Full review here: http://keepingupwiththepenguins.com/the-narrow-road-to-the-deep-north-richard-fl...

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I am going to bail on this audio 10 hours in - feels overwritten (self-conscious) and repetitive. IMHO the cruelty and horrendous conditions described would have been more impactful in a shorter work.

cathysaid I tried this one a couple of times on audio. Never even got an hour into it...and now I‘m glad. I wonder if it is any better in print? 5y
Tamra @cathysaid it might be. I too disliked the narrator‘s reading - was kind of flat. That didn‘t help at all. 5y
Penny_LiteraryHoarders Oh too bad. I loved this one - but didn't listen to the audio. Sometimes that can hurt a good book. Sometimes it elevates it. Seems like it didn't do a good job on this one. I remember having such visceral reactions when reading. 5y
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Tamra @Penny_LiteraryHoarders it‘s definitely a “visceral” subject matter! I may try it in print because you are right narration can make or break a book. It didn‘t seem to be repetitive to you? Maybe it was the voice. 5y
Penny_LiteraryHoarders @Tamra I just remember being completely absorbed. It was 5-stars for me and I was thrilled it won the Man Booker. They chose the right one! 😊 5y
CarolynM I've read one Richard Flanagan (tagged). Over written and self conscious are good descriptions for it too. I hated it and I don't plan on reading him again 5y
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#wanderingjune #roadtonowhere

A bit of a stretch but the Burma Railway felt like the road to nowhere while the POWs were building it in WW2. And it says road in the title - so that‘s close enough 😋

I loved this book. I know a number of people disliked the jumps into present and past but I needed those jumps to give my head some space from the POW experience! So many memorable scenes in this, some harrowing, some filled with love.

andrew61 Wonderful choice, and i guess the scene on the bridge years later could fit that category as well. 5y
ReadingEnvy I preferred the love story 🤷‍♂️ 5y
Centique @ReadingEnvy That was my favourite part too, although I really liked the war story as well 5y
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Centique @andrew61 I‘m trying to remember the bridge now - is that the fire scene? That‘s the scene that is stuck in my head. 5y
andrew61 @Centique its a while since i read it but it is when he is crossing a bridge and sees his old lover with two children but doesn't speak to her. If im remembeing right im sure i heard the author say he had heard a similar story about a man in Croatia who fails to speak fearing the children are the womans and thinking she has moved on. Apologies if i remembering incorrectly. 5y
Centique @andrew61 oh yes! That‘s right. Such a journey he has been on - almost full circle in figuring out his own heart. 5y
Cinfhen I wanted to love this book but I ended up bailing very early on. I don‘t think I was in the right mood at the time. Maybe I should try again?!? 5y
BarbaraBB I am happy with your recommendation. I have this book on my shelves but heard so many mixed things about it that I never dared trying it. 5y
Centique @Cinfhen I think someday you might like it. When you feel like you don‘t mind quite dramatic shifts between a harsh war story and a lighter love story. 🤞🤞🤞 5y
Centique @BarbaraBB I hope you like it! 🤞🤞 5y
Freespirit For me a brilliant book! The story has stayed with me❤️ 5y
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I haven‘t read this yet, it‘s on my TBR shelf, but it certainly sounds like a #highwaytohell, being set in a Japanese POW camp....


Cinfhen I started this book years ago and it was definitely a type of hell!! I always meant to go back and try the book again.... 5y
BarbaraBB I have a copy and haven‘t dared reading it yet. 5y
Cathythoughts I have it too Helen ! One of these days .... ♥️👍🏻 5y
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Cathythoughts In fact , thanks for reminding me .. I‘d forgotten all about it 5y
squirrelbrain @Cinfhen @BarbaraBB @cathythoughts - it certainly sounds hellish. It was a charity shop find and I fear it may be one of those that languishes on the TBR shelf for a looong time.... 5y
Centique I loved this book! The war scenes are hard but really worth it. 💔 @Cathythoughts (edited) 5y
CarolynM @Cinfhen I'm not a Richard Flanagan fan either. I was supposed to read this for my IRL book group but I flat out refused. Life's too short. 5y
RohitSawant 💔💔 5y
gradcat I don‘t know about the book, but your bookshelves are ooh la la—your books look so lovingly cared for—only a slight bit of wear in the bottom left spine corner. Oh, you must think I‘m a bookshelf stalker (I couldn‘t help myself—I love bookshelves, abnormally so!)...👀 5y
squirrelbrain @gradcat - not a stalker at all! In fact you‘re quite normal! 🤣 A lot of my books (including this one ) actually come from charity shops. I‘m very lucky to find them in such good condition.... 📚 5y
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I‘ve had this book on my TBR shelf for 4yrs now! 😲 #long&windingroad #beatlemaynia

Ashley_Nicoletto Sameeee. Every time I see it I want to read it and then don‘t. 5y
MidnightBookGirl That is a GORGEOUS cover. 5y
rachaich We read this for book club at the start of the year. It was my choice and I'd had it on my pile for years. We were very divided in opinion of it. It has some extremely harrowing parts, as you'd expect. 5y
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Caroline2 @Ashley_Nicoletto I‘m the same! Weird isn‘t it! 🤷‍♀️ I‘m gonna try and conquer it this year tho! 👍🏻 5y
Caroline2 @rachaich ohhh, interesting! 😯 I like reading divisive books, will I love it or hate it?! must read it soon! 5y
Caroline2 @MidnightBookGirl it is, isn‘t it! 😍 5y
Eggs Sounds really good!! 5y
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I‘m home sick today, which gave me the perfect opportunity to scroll back through all (!!!!!!) my posts while watching old seasons of Drag Race. I posted my first post in May 2016, and while I started on a negative note (still don‘t like the book), my Litsy experience has been beyond positive and wonderful ❤️❤️ #LitsyMemories #FirstPost

rockpools Get well soon! 🌸 5y
TrishB Cool 👍🏻 hope you‘re feeling better soon. 5y
cobwebmoth Hope you're feeling better soon! 5y
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ScientistSam Hope you feel better soon! 5y
squirrelbrain Get well soon.... ❤️ 5y
mabell I hope you feel better soon! 5y
julesG Feel better soon! 5y
mabell I hope you feel better soon! 5y
yourfavouritemixtape Reading this while watching Drag Race :) hope you feel better soon 5y
Sarah83 Feel better soon 💖 5y
MrBook Awww, wonderful! So glad you‘re still active on here 🤗🤗🤗🤗! Love your posts. 5y
JennyM Get well soon 😘😘😘 5y
Cinfhen Sorry you‘re not feeling well😣glad to see you‘re relaxing with Litsy ~ the perfect medicine 5y
Suet624 💕💕💕 5y
mhillis Take care! 5y
Purrfectpages How long did it take you to scroll back? 5y
Lizpixie Another #OGofLitsy🎉 hope you feel better soon lovely♥️ 5y
Kalalalatja @RachelO @TrishB @cobwebmoth @ScientistSam @squirrelbrain @mabell @julesG @Sarah83 @JennyM @Cinfhen @Suet624 @mhillis thanks all! Still home today, buy hoping, hoping, hoping I‘ll be ready for tomorrow 🤞 @yourfavouritemixtape Drag Race is the best 🙌 @MrBook thanks! And good idea with the tag 👌 @Purrfectpages I must admit I didn‘t time it, but it probably took around 20 minutes. My thumb hurt quite a bit after 😂 5y
Kalalalatja @Lizpixie thanks sweetie! And woot woot for the #OGLitsyCrew 🙌🙌 5y
julesG Take care! 5y
Reviewsbylola I tried to scroll back for about 20 seconds until I gave up. 😆 5y
ephemeralwaltz I can't imagine how you scrolled so far back 😂😂 but this is awesome! I'm so happy to have connected with you on here ❤️ hope you've been feeling better! 5y
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"Like you've thrown a plum and an orchard comes back at you. [...] These two completely different things, a note and a room, finding each other. [...] Do you think that's what we mean by love, Mr Evans? The note that comes back to you? That finds you even when you don't want to be found? That one day you find someone, and everything they are comes back to you in a strange way that hums? That fits. That's beautiful."

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I‘ve read a lot about WWII but knew nothing of the railway through the Burmese jungle built by Australian POWs. The topics are HUGE- love war death obedience honesty loyalty forgiveness. Flannigan made me see all these in a different light. It‘s a brutal but brilliant read. I loved it in audio, the narrators New Zealand accent was very compelling.

2014 #manbookerprize winner 📖🏅

youneverarrived I loved this one too! 5y
Pricel101 @youneverarrived our tastes in books are very similar 😊 5y
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I'm not familiar with war novels. This one describes war atrocities so realistically that it almost completely overshadows the love story

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Not sure what to say about this one. Horrid detail in the POW section but that was expected and contributed to the plot. Beautifully description about life and love in other chapters. Characters are so simple to imagine. But it's left me feeling quite sad. Which I guess it would. And should. Very glad I've read it though.

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I've wanted to read this for some months and now beginning it.
Beautifully written :)


Part war story, part coming of age - this is a great book.

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My choice for #adventrecommends
What I loved about this book was the honest and disturbing perspective of the Japanese during the building of the Burmese Railway of WWII. Unsettling and astonishing.

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This is a gripping, vivid story about death and violence and the terrible traits of humanity, and all the ways we destroy and degrade and torment each other. It was inspired by the author‘s father‘s grueling experiences as a POW working on the notorious “Death Railway” during WW2, in which starving and dying prisoners were forced by the Japanese to hack through the Burmese jungle and build a railway from Bangkok to Rangoon. It's not an easy read.

CarolynM Great review 6y
sprainedbrain Great review...I loved this book! ❤️ 6y
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I‘m so behind with my bookstagram posts - I read this back in the summer when I had pneumonia but the book‘s impact has lingered (much like the impact of the pneumonia unfortunately). It doesn‘t flinch from the horror of the Burma death railway and the evil of those who ordered its construction.

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Having lived in Tasmania for many years, this novel, of course resonated with me and made me smile when it spoke of places that I am deeply familiar with. The actions of my neighbour, a WWII veteran who would get drunk, sing and piss on his lemon bush makes a lot more sense now. Also I've heard criticism of Darky ending up being Dorry's nephew but this is so possible, everyone is connected in Tassie.

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All that war, all that pain, all that loss - amounting to nothing.

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A day to die.
Collective death.
Prompted me to wonder whether humans have gone to war in an attempt to give death more meaning rather than getting old and fading away one night.....

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I am loving this beautifully written book. It‘s nice to be reading as it‘s been a tough week with no time for books.

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I read a lot of historical fiction, and specifically a lot of WWII era historical fiction, but this book has stuck with me since I read it more than two years ago. Dorrigo Evans isn‘t the most likable character, and this is a hard read with scenes of a Japanese prisoner of war camp and so much suffering, but this book is wonderfully written and powerful.

#Australia #AugustIsATrip

PatienceFortitude Have you read the Billy Boyle mysteries? Really good, character driven WWII series. 6y
Abailliekaras Omg so good. ❤️ 6y
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ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled This is perhaps my favorite book ever. 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I‘m going to stack this one! 6y
MamaGina What a coincidence...I ordered this one just today because so many historical fiction lovers have recommended it! 6y
ReadZenRites Sounds really good. Stacked. 6y
Tashreads Loved it! 6y
sprainedbrain @PatienceFortitude I have not, but I‘m going to check them out. Thank you! 6y
vkois88 Sounds like a hauntingly wonderful story 6y
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"Who he was he had no idea..." I get the sense that Dorry will never have an idea. Will that be the point of the book? It does seem to question existence and meaning quite regularly. I am enjoying this novel but not finding it as poignant as perhaps it was meant to be.

Amiable I had the same reaction to this book as you are. 6y
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#Newyearreads #Flowers #ozfiction 📚📚📚🇦🇺👊

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A good book, he had concluded, leaves you wanting to reread the book. A great book compels you to reread your soul.


It has been on my reading list for a while so I was slightly disappointed that it wasn't a book I couldn't put down. That said, some parts of the book left me thinking so I would still recommend a read.

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My haul from the Lifeline book fair #toughguybookclub #lifeline #richardflanagan #scifi #orwell

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#Firstsentence @BarbaraBB what a great idea ! I haven‘t read all this book ( but I intend to ) the opening paragraph ( not sentence ) I love this” toddling back & forth in and out of transcendent welcome...into the arms of women who loved him “ ❤️❤️❤️I tag @jdtchicago @TrishB @Andrew65 @Ms_T @Centique @EvieBee @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Izai.Amorim & all Littens 💖

BarbaraBB Beautiful. I still need to read it as well (it‘s a Booker winner). This start sounds promising! 7y
TrishB Not read this yet - but that's awesome. 7y
Cathythoughts @Barbarabb 👍👍👍 7y
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Cathythoughts @TrishB beautiful start 👍 7y
batsy Lovely! 7y
Cathythoughts @batsy isn‘t it ?!!!💕 7y
Ms_T Lovely start 😃 7y
Andrew65 A good idea, I think I need to give this some thought before posting. 7y
Centique Thanks for the tag! I loved this book - not a light read, but really immersive. Still think about it a lot. 7y
Cathythoughts @Centique that is so good to hear , I need to get back to it. No, Its not a light read , so I took a break. But hearing you still think about it a lot makes me want to go back ! I don‘t want to miss out 👍❤️ (edited) 7y
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Book 4 that I've started today. It's been a great day so far despite the constant headache. I know this one is going to be hard, but also hopefully great.

cariashley That‘s precisely how I‘d describe this book. 7y
Jessicav @cariashley well that's good to know! I bought it as soon as it came out, but just never got around to it! 7y
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Three strong books set in jungles, and the much tamer one behind our apartment. Still too many wild boars and snakes for my liking! #welcometothejungle #Rocktober

BarbaraBB I can‘t imagine living near a jungle! It seems great somehow 😀! Are you living in Australia? Or is this still Hong Kong? (edited) 7y
Abailliekaras @BarbaraBB it's definitely jungle lite! (& I stay well clear of it such as it is 😉). In Hong Kong for one more day, then back to Aus. 7y
Cinfhen Great collage & awesome photo! So many places I want to visit!!! 7y
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Abailliekaras @Cinfhen thanks! HK is a fun place to visit! 7y
MrsMalaprop Great choices for the prompt. I‘ve read and loved each of them 👍. 7y
Abailliekaras @MrsMalaprop thanks! 😊 7y
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#Snacks, snacks, snacks. My sweet-tooth is indecisive today and for some reason I'm just not connecting with this book 🤔

Mdargusch Beautiful photo 👍🏼 7y
Penny_LiteraryHoarders Loved this book!! Well deserving of its Man Booker Prize win! 7y
saresmoore Something made me push this book off my TBR, although I can‘t remember what now. I‘ll be interested to hear what you think if you stick with it. 7y
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ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled I think this is my favorite book. My. Favorite. Of all books. Hope you enjoy!! 7y
Moray_Reads @saresmoore in just over halfway through and while the writing about the POW camp is powerful and horrific (and I know so little about it!) I feel like I'm only engaging with it intellectually. The parallel love affair storyline, while I realise is there to contrast the brutality of the camp, I could really do without altogether. Perhaps that's the problem! 7y
Kalalalatja I couldn't connect to this at all. Everything about it just felt off for me. I'm interested in seeing what you think of it once you finish. 7y
Simona That's exactly my 'problem' with his works. I do think, that his writing style is powerful and stories are good, but I can't connect with them 🤷‍♀️ 7y
Moray_Reads @saresmoore @Kalalalatja @simona well, I'm done and while some of those terrible things will haunt me I just didn't like it as a novel. It never really came together and seemed confused about what it was trying to say about the characters 7y
Moray_Reads @simona @Kalalalatja and don't even get me started about Darky turning out to be Dorrigo's secret nephew 7y
Erika13137 What a perfect way to use a classic tea cup. 7y
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I was tagged by @kspenmoll and - pile of #blue books for #boockcolortag
tagging: @batsy @BarbaraBB @Izai.Amorim @maich @Ms_T and the color is #gold or #silver

from top: L.Smith, W.Raeper - A beginner's guide to ideas
B.Green - Elegant Universe and The Fabric of the Cosmos

Izai.Amorim Will work on it! 7y
kspenmoll 💙💙 7y
maich Hvala ti😍 Sem ravno v Portorožu. Naredim naslednji teden, ko se vrnem. 7y
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I've read the top two and I'd recommend them both especially Red Love! #compasspoints #jubilantjuly

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#JuneBookBugs #SetInTheSouthernHemisphere

Two very different books set in Australia... loved them both!

SheReadsAndWrites I just saw Big Little Lies in the bookstore! Couldn't decide. You say it's a yes? 7y
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HKGirl @SheReadsAndWrites If you can do audio, you should totally do that! The narrator (Australian, of course) is fantastic. 😊 7y
sprainedbrain @HKGirl @SheReadsAndWrites I second that! The audio is fantastic... Caroline Lee is one of my favorite narrators. 😃 7y
JazzFeathers Oh my goodness, l truly truly love that red and grey cover. It's stunning 😍 7y
Centique I loved The Narrow Road so much. Some truly hard parts to read - but WOW. He's an amazing writer. 7y
sprainedbrain @Centique yes! It was a painful book to read, but so very good. 😊 7y
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