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Slow Regard of Silent Things
Slow Regard of Silent Things | Patrick Rothfuss
Deep below the University, there is a dark place. Few people know of it: a broken web of ancient passageways and abandoned rooms. A young woman lives there, tucked among the sprawling tunnels of the Underthing, snug in the heart of this forgotten place.Her name is Auri, and she is full of mysteries."The Slow Regard of Silent Things" is a brief, bittersweet glimpse of Auri s life, a small adventure all her own. At once joyous and haunting, this story offers a chance to see the world through Auri s eyes. And it gives the reader a chance to learn things that only Auri knows....In this book, Patrick Rothfuss brings us into the world of one of "The Kingkiller Chronicle" s most enigmatic characters. Full of secrets and mysteries, "The Slow Regard of Silent Things" is the story of a broken girl trying to live in a broken world."
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This story does not bring you back to Kvothe‘s world, but provides a glimpse into Auri‘s. It develops her character by following a week of her life during the time she knows Kvothe, although never mentions him by name. In Rothfuss‘s afterward to the book, it sounds as if Auri was revealing herself to him as much as his readers. Shorter than I expected when I picked it up, a quick read.

Slow Regard of Silent Things | Patrick Rothfuss

Still waiting on book 3…..📚

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Great companion piece for the Kingkiller Chronicle. As the author mentions, it's an unusual story, but it's a lovely story about a great character.

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Finally starting this one!

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Such a strange story! It's sooo perfect for Auri. I enjoyed this a lot! It's kind of a character study/short story. If you have read other books in The Kingkiller chronicle's series then this probably works for you as well. First book finished in #20in4 😊

TrishB Beautiful little book ❤️ 4y
Martta @TrishB I'm in love with the cover! I think it's soo beautiful. 😍 4y
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I just learned there is a short story written about Bast and that I have that particular anthology waiting on my bookshelf! 😍

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I had forgotten how much I love Rothfuss's writing. ❤

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Started reading this. Already feeling Rothfuss's magic. It's like he is seeing the language differently than everyone else. 🌸🌻

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Dear Me,

The next time you say you are broke. Remember these moments.

#mounttbr #hpbhaul #adulting

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Another one down for #bookspinbingo! This one is such a beautiful, atmospheric novella, I fell right in love with it. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4y
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The hubs surprised me with these the other day. I came downstairs to find a gift bag on the table next to a bouquet of peonies, and my awesome husband saying that he got me a “just because” present. 💖💖💖

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Awww sweet hubby!! 4y
GypsyKat @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks He‘s the best! 💖 4y
ItsAnotherJen I loved these books! What a great husband you have! 4y
GypsyKat @ItsAnotherJen He really is the sweetest! 💖 4y
mariaku21 Aww that sounds so sweet 4y
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If you've read the Kingkiller Chronicle, (The Name of the Wind & The Wise Man's Fear) this is a must read; a glimpse into the mind & world of Auri. Not only will you be fascinated (maybe haunted) by this sweet little spirit, but you will better understand this mysterious girl. If you have not read the Kingkiller Chronicle, this book will make no sense to you. It is, however the perfect illustration of Rothfuss's incredible storytelling imagination


Patrick Rothfuss put it better than I can: “If you‘re one of the people who found this story disconcerting, off-putting, or confusing, I apologize. The truth is, it probably just wasn‘t for you. The good news is that there are many other stories out there that are written just for you. Stories you will enjoy much more. This story is for all the slightly broken people out there. I am one of you. You are not alone. You are all beautiful to me.”

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🎧 the only reason I‘m not panning this is because I loved the two previous books. It was OK character development of one character. And even that was like 7 plodding days in her life. Author shouldn‘t have read it. He has a pleasant voice but he shoulda stuck with Nick!! Maybe I‘ll feel differently about it if I relisten to all 3 books ... right after the 60 hours of library books I need to finish 😁 (I feel like a total bookgrouch today) ⭐️⭐️1/2

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#MarchMadness @Eggs

While this book was not on the level of The Name of the Wind I still enjoyed it.

Nute Isn‘t that an awesome title?! 4y
Eggs Love this title🤗 4y
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Slow Regard of Silent Things | Patrick Rothfuss
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Thanks to snuggles and cold weather I finished this novella yesterday - an odd story about an odd character who I love in Rothfuss‘s world. Quite different from his other books but I rather enjoyed it. #dogsoflitsy

TheSpineView I liked it too! 5y
kipress Loved this one! I actually read it before the other ones and was surprised in reverse by the different style. 5y
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Slow Regard of Silent Things | Patrick Rothfuss
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Barely started this one last night when my husband called last night in a little duress (missing a necessary work item) sending me on a late night errand so I didn‘t make it too far but I‘m rather enjoying the different tempo to this book and especially the illustrations.

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Tenuously connected to the Kingkiller Chronicle, there‘s a hint of a backstory for Auri as well as hint of things to come in the, long-awaited, book to follow “A Wise Man‘s Fear”.

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I‘ve spent a week at least thinking about my choices for #top10ofthedecade. Not easy! But here are my choices for the #audiobookedition

ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled All of these YES! Many would be my choices too, and I‘ll have to look up the only one I haven‘t read. We obviously have the same taste in books!! 5y
Aimeesue I'm reading an ARC of Ken Liu's new short story collection, and I came across this bit: '"Have you been to Mars?” asked Jimmy, my guide."I have,” I said. “Is it warm?” he asked. “Not quite warm enough to be outside the domes for long,” I said, thinking about the last time I visited Watney City on Acidalia Planetia.' Hat tip to Andy Weir. ? 5y
AmyG Great books. 3 made my list, too. 💕 (edited) 5y
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Soubhiville @Aimeesue that‘s really fun! 5y
Soubhiville @ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled which haven‘t you read? 5y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Nice! Quite a few of these are on my list. Now I may switch to the audio version! 👊🏻📚♥️ 5y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled I missed one - slow regard of silent things - and also the fire on high. Will definitely look into these!! 5y
Soubhiville @ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled for Slow Regard, definitely do the audio, as Patrick Rothfuss reads it himself, but then also be sure to get your hands on the book, because the drawings are perfect! 5y
Cinfhen Great list!! There‘s a few I definitely want to try😊Is the tagged book part of a series??? 5y
Soubhiville @Cinfhen Slow Regard is a novelette about one of the characters from The Kingkiller Chronicles. It‘s not really part of the series, but it‘s not likely to appeal if you haven‘t read The Name of the Wind and The Wise Man‘s Fear. 5y
Cinfhen Ok; thanks 🙏🏻 I thought it might be too attached to the Kingkiller Chronicles 5y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled Oh cool - thanks - will do! 5y
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She‘d strayed from the true way of things. First you set yourself to rights. And then your house. And then your corner of the sky. And after that . . . #KingKillerChronicles #PatrickRothfuss

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A quick audiobook for my commute. I‘m so not ready to not be in this world, so I‘m trying to find every read-a-like I can. So if you have any recs for a big fan of Rothfuss‘ work, please post it in a comment! 🤞🙏

TrishB The hardback of this book is beautiful! Illustrated and everything. I really enjoyed the John Gwynne series this is the first. Has a bit more battles and baddies but a great series. 5y
Kalalalatja @TrishB thanks Trish, I have never heard of the series or the author, but it sounds super good! And now I need a print copy of this book! 5y
HH_Baby_j @Kalalalatja did you read the first two books in the series. I was a big fan. I can‘t wait till the third book comes out. #kingkillerchronicles 5y
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Current bedside stack. Halfway through The Slow Regard. If you like The Name if the Wind, you‘ll enjoy this story about Auri.

SheilaChew Finished in one day! Delightful! I loved reading about making soap. 5y
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For some reason, last night, I couldn't stop thinking about this little novella. I woke up today and it was still on my mind.

Guess I'm re-reading it today. 🤷‍♂️

For me, it's such a beautifuly little written story and I feel so cozy when I'm deep in its pages. I absolutely adore it.

Soubhiville Me too! I‘ve been thinking of replaying the audiobook, because I love the way Pat reads it! 5y
TheBookishSock Ooooo I need to get this one! I just finished Wise Man‘s Fear 5y
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Slow Regard of Silent Things | Patrick Rothfuss
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I was hoping for answers as to why Auri lives as she does, the answers are not in this book.

What you do get in this book is an intimate look into Auri's current day to day life. It is a beautiful character study. If you need a novella to get you out of your own head for a bit, this should do it. That being said, the book is not for everyone. You need to be able to give yourself over to Auri's simple tasks, not look for plots that aren't there.

GingerAntics I‘m feeling iffy on this one. It seems a pity to spend the price for a novel, for a novella, and not be sure you‘re actually going to like it. (edited) 5y
Bookish.Leftist.Auntie I borrowed it. I probably wouldn't recommend buying unless it was pretty cheap but them I'm frugal anyway. 5y
Soubhiville I love this book. 5y
Bookish.Leftist.Auntie @Soubhiville It was not what I expected but it is so well written and simple yet deep. Some writers can't flesh out characters enough to make you care what happens to them but he manages to make you care about objects in this book! 5y
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Strange and wonderful, with absolutely GORGEOUS illustrations and an inside look into the world of Auri. This novella might not be for everyone (as Rothfuss warns at the start of the book) but it was definitely for me!
#Booked2019 pick for a book #gifted to me, by my lovely husband.

@Cinfhen @BarbaraTheBibliophage @4thhouseontheleft

Palimpsest Loved this book! 5y
Cinfhen Yay!!! Hurray for hubs for getting it right 🎉❤️🙌🏻 5y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Fabulous!! ♥️📚👊🏻 5y
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This book was very different from what I am used to from Rothfuss. For one thing no plot. Yet, I still liked it. It helped me understand Auri. As Ruyhfuss says at the end, she is broken and a lot of people can identify with that. The prose was very good but nothing really happened and you need to have read at least the first book in the series. 4 stars for book and narration.

AutumnRLS I found this book to be profoundly touching. It really hit me in all my soft spots. I love Ari. Not the book I was expecting, but sometimes that's a good thing. 5y
TheSpineView @AutumnRLS Totally agree. Rothfuss did a good job with this character 5y
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#BFC #BookFitnessChallenge @wanderinglynn

Made my step goal again yesterday. I am hoping this is the week I walk 8K every single day.🤞 Finally started another audiobook, The Slow Regard of Silent Things.

wanderinglynn Way to go! 🙌🏻 And I love Slow Regard. 👍🏻👍🏻 5y
BarbaraJean Awesome!! I‘m interested to hear what you think of that one on audio—I eventually settled into it and enjoyed it, but found some of his phrasing really annoying early on! 5y
julesG You are doing mighty fine! 5y
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BookwormAHN Great job 👏🏻 5y
TheSpineView @BarbaraJean I'll let you know. 5y
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This book appreciates all the fine & simple things that contribute to a person's soul & heart.

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I forgot how much I enjoy Patrick Rothfuss‘ writing. This was delightful and made me want to reread his books

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I finished this last night. I absolutly loved the artwork. It was interesting to learn more about Auri. I liked how all these little things around her made her so happy and excited.
But I found it a bit repetitive after some time. In the endnote of this book Patrick Rothfuss wrote how the book is not for those people who expect a normal story with a normal story line. Well, I guess I'm 'those people' 😅


Interesting read, well written but an odd book with only one character and everyday objects being the star of the show.

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Sorry for the very late post @jhod ! I opened your package sunday night when I returned home. I love everything from it! I'm very curious for all three of the books. I can't even decide which to read first! 😂 I love Maltesers and the card with the cat and the little hedgehog are both so so cute 😍 Thank you! ❤
#cupidgoespostal @BookishMarginalia

jhod Glad you like! 6y
jhod 😘 6y
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I have mixed feelings about this book. I like Auri and it was interesting to learn more about her world/the Underthing, but it was a bit repetitive and the story dragged in some places. Shout out to the lovely art of Nate Taylor.

TrishB The artwork is beautiful. I just thought it was a lovely little side story, but finish the 3rd book!!!! 6y
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The tiny book in the #KingkillerChronicles with a tiny Hogwarts book and a tiny book necklace 😊

#Tiny #ANewChapter 🥂

#BookNerd 📚💙🤓

Andrew65 Patrick Rothfuss 😍 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 📚📚📚 6y
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I've shared this one before. It's one of my favorites.
#QuotsyJan19 #dragon

LiterRohde “Bilbo it up” Love that! 6y
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Listened to the audible book 1-2019. One of my favorite authors.

Chelleo Welcome to Litsy! Hope these #Litsytips by @RaimeyGallant http://bit.ly/litsytips and #LitsyHowTo videos: goo.gl/UrCpoU are helpful. #LitsyWelcomeWagon 6y
RaimeyGallant Welcome! 6y
AlwaysForeverReading Welcome to Litsy!!!💜💙♥️💙💜 6y
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First off, what a stunning book title. This is the last book I read in 2018. It‘s my brother‘s copy so I‘m sure he‘ll be happy to get it back. Don‘t read this unless you‘ve at least read The Name of the Wind or it won‘t make any sense. Rothfuss even has a statement in this book that it is not for everyone. It follows Auri, a character in his other books and only her. It just simply follows what she does in her own way and how she thinks Loved it!

BethM This book touched my soul. 6y
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After reading all day yesterday, I‘m off to a late start today. But we‘re ready now! #24b42019 #catsoflitsy #aurora

Andrew65 Patrick Rothfuss 😍 6y
glitterkitty459 😻😻😻 6y
CareBear @Andrew65 I know. I‘ve been saving this one. 6y
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Liz_M Sigh another adorable kitty! 6y
Liz_M Sigh another adorable kitty! 6y
CareBear @Liz_M thank you!😻Litsy is full of them! 6y
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November wrap-up! 📚🦃🎉
Finished all these great books plus The Similars (out 1.1.19) and Runebreaker (out now) from #netgalley.

RachelAmphlett I spot a Ben Aaronovitch binge🙂 Having just finished Rivers of London earlier this month and eyeing up Moon over Soho, does the series continue well? I‘ve heard good things 6y
Booksblanketsandahotbeverage @RachelAmphlett Definitely! I like how they all refer back to each other. I've started looking for the graphic novels too. (edited) 6y
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It‘s a great book and a very short story. Very enjoyable 😋📖

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Next up the 2.5 edition to the kingkiller chronicle 😋📖

Leniverse 3.5? But there‘s no 3 yet? 6y
Ddzmini @Leniverse it‘s actually 2.5 😖 6y
Leniverse 😂 Ok, that makes sense. 6y
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Calling all Kvothe-ites and Auri-ites, only #99ponkindle

TrishB I‘m not sure if the pictures will be as wonderful in kindle. It‘s a beautiful little book 💕 6y
Oryx @TrishB yeah it's one I'd recommend in hardcopy too. 6y
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This is one of the most beautifully written books I've ever read.

#julyinbooks18 #photochallenge #finishedinonesitting

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Slow Regard of Silent Things | Patrick Rothfuss
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Slightly broken and alone. This is how Rothfuss describes himself, and this story, and it's a good descriptor. Parts of this story reach in and touch fragments of your soul that you didn't know anyone else saw. Other parts of this story feel a bit odd and drawn out. Overall, I think I liked it. If you don't feel slightly broken and alone, this story likely isn't for you.

GondorGirl What a perfect review! 6y
BethM @GondorGirl thank you 😊 6y
Soubhiville Yes! Perfect review! 6y
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BethM Thanks @Soubhiville ! The longer I sit with this story inside me, the deeper it burrows itself. 6y
KathyWheeler I really liked this book, and the more I think about it the more I like it. 6y
BethM @KathyWheeler me too. 6y
Soubhiville @BethM if you feel like a reread sometime, I highly recommend the audiobook. Pat reads it himself. It brings out all the feels. 💕 6y
BethM @Soubhiville I'll have to do that! 6y
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This is why I love this author😂👍🏻

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When you are PATIENTLY *cough cough* waiting for the last book of the Kingkiller series to come out you gotta fill the time with other things. Thankfully this little gem is one of those things! Excited to be back in this story😍☺️ #kingkillerseries #patientlywaiting #auri

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#riotgrams Day 8! #bestbookfriendship Auri and Kvothe

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You know that character that you just love and cherish so much and want to protect from all of the bad things in the world? For me, that character is Auri! It‘s clear that something happened to her to make her the way she is and #IWantToHoldYourHand sweet Auri 😭💖

Soubhiville I love her so much! 6y
GypsyKat Beautiful illustration! 💗 6y
Cinfhen Haunting drawing 6y
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There was someyhing sweet and vulnerable about this strange little entry in the Kingkiller world, even if it was a little disappointing not to actually learn much more about Auri's story.