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Goose Girl
Goose Girl | Shannon Hale
A New York Public Library "100 Titles for Reading and Sharing"A Texas Lone Star Reading List BookA Josette Frank Award WinnerA Utah State Book Award WinnerA Utah Speculative Fiction Award Winner
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Goose Girl | Shannon Hale

5 ⭐️ s
I read this book as a child and I remember being absolutely awestruck by it - it is SO ENCHANTING. Through the use of magical languages, relics of an ancient past that are disregarded by most, Hale weaves a beautiful story. Protagonist Ani has the unique gift of speaking to animals which initially seems to interfere with her royalty but results in her salvation when her lady-in-waiting attempts to steal her crown. An all-time favorite.

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Great fleshed-out retelling of a Grimm's Tale. I'd never read this one before, but since I had a daughter's copy, I gave it a try. Must have assumed, before, that it would be silly, but it was really a fun read, with good thoughts on inclusion, standing up for yourself, good vs. evil, etc.

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Starting a book that my oldest daughter, who is also a librarian, likes a lot. Author is from our area.

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The Goose Girl | Shannon Hale
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Honestly this book is top tier amazing! Multiple times I was holding my breath with anticipation. I‘ve never read the original Brothers Grimm story so everything was fresh. I see why people who read it highly recommend. I also recommend this! 👑5/5👑

TheAromaofBooks I love this whole series!!! 3y
Chrissyreadit I love this series too! 3y
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The Goose Girl | Shannon Hale
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Yay! I read for 2 hours on our trip to see our granddaughter yesterday and 6 hours today and finished this glorious book! It‘s a tale that I‘ve always wanted to read, but didn‘t know it until now. I love how Shannon Hale writes - believable fantasy, if there is such a thing. I plan to read the next book in April. Yes! Another series! #100YEARS100BOOKS #BookSpinBingo #24 #BFC21 #SERIES2021 #MGMarch

TheSpineView 👍📖📚 4y
sblbooks I've been wanting to read this one for a while. 4y
TheAromaofBooks I really love this series a lot. I think Hale does such a great job with this story, making all the kind of bizarre aspects of the original make sense. 4y
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Allylu In the copy I read, there is a conversation with Shannon Hale that made me want to read as many of her books as I can. Just goes to show you should always read the extra bits at the end! 4y
Roary47 I loved this one. The others are really hard to get hands on. Finally got 4y
Allylu @Roary47 Really? I want to read Enna Burning next month. Where did you find it? 4y
Roary47 I managed to find it on Amazon. Hoopla has the audiobook now. 😊 4y
Allylu I found the ebook and audiobook on Libby. 4y
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The Goose Girl | Shannon Hale
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Every time I reread this story, I fall in love with it all over again. The lyricism! The friendships! The growth! People should stop sleeping on this book, I tell you. #yalit #retellings

The Goose Girl | Shannon Hale
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Finished the Goose Girl last night and got Bingo in the top row! Currently reading White as Snow and The Neil Gaiman Reader. Have to decide what book I'll start when I'm done with White as Snow....

#bookspinbingo @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Awesome progress!! 4y
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The Goose Girl | Shannon Hale

The further i read, the more i loved this book. It's a beautiful retelling.

#joyousjanuary @Andrew65

#bookspinbingo @TheAromaofBooks
Square 3 ✔️
Top row bingo!

BookishMarginalia I love this one! 4y
TheAromaofBooks Yay!! I definitely recommend the rest of the series. 4y
AllisonM89 @TheAromaofBooks I'll definitely look them up! Do they all work as stand alone novels? I thought the first one wrapped up pretty tidily... 4y
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TheAromaofBooks They definitely build on each other (should be read in order), but each story concludes satisfactorily. I was impressed with how Hale wrote each story so that I didn't feel gypped when it ended, yet when I started the next book I realized that it was answering questions I actually still had!! I did review the series here (no spoilers) if you want more thoughts - https://thearomaofbooks.wordpress.com/2019/05/31/books-of-bayern-by-shannon-hale... 4y
AllisonM89 @TheAromaofBooks ooo nice! Thank you! 4y
Andrew65 Great 👏👏👏 4y
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The Goose Girl | Shannon Hale

One chapter away from finishing the book and I have to stop to make dinner. Ugh!

This book is fabulous, by the way. Stellar review to come later

The Goose Girl | Shannon Hale
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Really enjoying this story, but already knowing the fairy tale, I'm dreading what's to come 😬

TheAromaofBooks I LOVE this series! 4y
AllisonM89 @TheAromaofBooks It's great so far, but I'm dreading Faladas fate.... 😬 4y
TheAromaofBooks I know. 😕 But Hale does a really amazing job making all the weird parts of the original fairy tale actually come together into a world-building that makes sense. The rest of the series is really good, too - I think the final book is my favorite. 4y
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The Goose Girl | Shannon Hale
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#20series20days - forgot to post this yesterday - my series are definitely going to be in the order I stumble across them on my shelves...no actual planning or ranking involved haha - anyway I really love Hale's Bayern books. While the first (tagged) is a retelling of The Goose Girl, from there the series builds on Hale's own world and characters. I love the magic system and the way that the series comes full circle. There are strong themes ⬇️

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) of friendship, balance, and the importance of recognizing that you control your choices, and thus your destiny.

Andrew65 Sound great. 4y
Chrissyreadit I LOVE these tooooooo
TheAromaofBooks @Chrissyreadit - Forest Born gets me every time. I LOVE how she comes back around to have another character with People Speaking to show how talents/skills aren't inherently evil/that no one is born already an evil person - that it's all about our choices and how we just to use our talents. So fantastic. 4y
Chrissyreadit ❤️❤️❤️❤️ 4y
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The Goose Girl | Shannon Hale
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Day 8 of a book (or four) off my shelf with some random thoughts -

I really love the Bayern books, which start with the tagged title, a retelling of The Goose Girl. Full of adventure, magic, and friendship, these are engaging stories, and I love the way that Forest Born brings the books full circle - they definitely should be read in order. Technically YA, they aren't "too" YA, and I totally recommend them to anyone who enjoys fairy tales/fantasy

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The Goose Girl | Shannon Hale

A wonderful rendition of another ancient fairytale classic, Shannon Hale never fails at delivering truly amazing stories with young women you can‘t help but admire for their bravery, tenacity, and perseverance!

The Goose Girl | Shannon Hale
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#7Days7Books Day 1
Tagged by the magnificent @DaveGreen7777

We present here 7 books that will remain in our minds, because they touched us so much, changed us.
No further comments!

DaveGreen7777 Awww, thank you for the compliment, Rachel! You always make me smile! 😊😊😊 5y
caittfin One of my favorite books 💚 5y
TheAromaofBooks Love this whole series! 5y
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The Goose Girl | Shannon Hale
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November #TBR 🧡

ImperfectCJ Nice variety! I especially loved The Goose Girl and Little Fires Everywhere. 5y
lost.in.a.book @ImperfectCJ currently reading The Goose Girl and really enjoying it so far 😀👍🏻 It has been on my TBR since dinosaurs walked the Earth, so I am excited to have finally cracked it open. 5y
ImperfectCJ @lost.in.a.book Silly tidbit: the first time I read it I lived in Salt Lake City and picked it up because it was by a local author. I was a little surprised when I moved away and discovered that people outside of Utah knew about the book.🙄 My ridiculousness aside, my kids and I all liked it. My daughter has read some of Hale's Princess Academy books but says Goose Girl's better. Hope you continue enjoying it! 5y
TheAromaofBooks I really enjoyed The Goose Girl and then went on to love the rest of the series as well. Just reread them recently and they held up well. 5y
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The Goose Girl | Shannon Hale
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#colormepretty Day 17: #coolcolors @sweetkokoro

From top to bottom:

1. The Goose Girl 👍✨
2. Dealing with Dragons 👍✨
3. Story Structure Architect
4. How to Read Water
5. The Crafter‘s Guide to Taking Great Photos
6. Desserts From an Herb Garden 👍✨
7. Nausicaa (Vol. 1 of 2)
8. Pioneer Girl
9. How to Live in the World and Still Be Happy

& tagging @TheAromaofBooks because we were just talking about Shannon Hale! 💖

BookmarkTavern Ahhh! Dealing with Dragons! I love that whole series! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ 5y
Sunraven @chaoticgoodhufflepuff: Me, too! It‘s one of my all-time favorites! 🤩✨🐉 5y
TheAromaofBooks And it's that gorgeous edition as well!! Those covers make me sooo happy. I'm also a huge fan of Dealing With Dragons - those books are so funny. My sister, who has had many cats, has named them all after various characters from the series. :-D 5y
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Sunraven @TheAromaofBooks: That‘s hilarious! Half the time when a cat sits on me and I consider getting up, I think about Kazul shedding Morwen‘s cats, and I‘ve also named things (not cats, though) after characters in the series. I‘ve read it soooo many times in my life it‘s now part of my inner workings, I think... 5y
TheAromaofBooks I love it when books connect to you like that, and I love how different books connect to different people. I think it's what makes them magical! 5y
Sunraven @TheAromaofBooks: To me that‘s one of the important things about reading, you know? That connection with something that you know other people connect with, too. (At the very least, the author has a connection to their own story, haha, so that‘s one invisible connection from the very start...) 5y
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This is a great retelling that takes all the weird/dark vibes of the original fairy tale and makes them make sense, all while building an excellent story of its own. Looking forward to delving into the rest of the series!!

Full review on my blog at some point; link in bio.

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Huuuge fan of these covers. I never understand why books go from unique, beautiful covers like this to bland covers with a picture of a girl on them, like the current covers for this series. Still need River Secrets to complete this set!!

Goose Girl | Shannon Hale

An entertaining read, though slow to get started.

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The Goose Girl | Shannon Hale
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#girlinthetitle #riotgrams

One of my favorite fairy tale retellings!

BarbaraJean Me too!! 6y
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The Goose Girl | Shannon Hale
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I LOVED this book. I do enjoy fairy-tale feeling books, but the characters have to be likable, and this book delivered. I couldn‘t put it down and am now anxiously reading my way through the next 3 in the series. This was probably the best book of the summer until reading dark matter on the final day. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

The Goose Girl | Shannon Hale
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Started re-reading this series to see if they hold up, since I was considering recommending them to my friend‘s daughters. As I expected, they‘re still wonderful, made me cry in places, and have an incredible heroine, wonderful characters and a great story.

CarolynM Welcome to Litsy 🌼 6y
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The Goose Girl | Shannon Hale
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Give it up for the Gs!
📚 The Goose Girl, by Shannon Hale
🖊 Graham Greene
📺 Gilmore Girls
🥑 Guacamole
(I really wanted to put green grapes, but that would be a lie. )

#ManicMonday @JoScho

rachelsbrittain Guacamole is such a good food pick! I didn't even think of that 6y
thebluestocking @rachelsbrittain There are a lot of great “g” options. (I think gummy bears is a good one.) ❤️ 6y
JoScho Thanks for playing 💖 6y
thebluestocking @JoScho Thanks for hosting this each week! ⭐️ 6y
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The Goose Girl | Shannon Hale
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1. The Goose Girl
2. I love the classics: Maleficent, the Evil Queen, the Wicked Stepmother.
3. Stardust (from the Neil Gaiman book. That counts, right?). I also have a soft spot for the TV movie of Rodgers and Hammerstein's Cinderella with Brandy and Whitney Houston 💖 Oh, and Season One of Once Upon a Time!

#TuesdayTidbits @JenlovesJT47

JenlovesJT47 💚💚💚 6y
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The Goose Girl | Shannon Hale
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#agameoffavorites day one I choose my favorite #YA writer Shannon Hale! Goose Girl was my favorite book and I would read it over and over again every summer! I used google to look up interviews and she praised The Blue Sword as her favorite. I have not read this book but it looks promising and I will add it to my #TBR! This is a neat challenge!!

Erinsuereads Glad you like it!! 6y
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The Goose Girl | Shannon Hale
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1. The Goose Girl (tagging the Shannon Hale adaptation)
2. Ooh, close call! Monsters, Inc by a nose.
3. 9:00
4. Turkey. Unfortunately, I'm allergic 😔
5. I'll tag my #LitsyPenPals @Melissa_J @Kelican17 and @Betty

#FriYAYintro @jesshowbooks

bookandbedandtea I forgot about The Goose Girl! Good one. 😃 6y
JazzFeathers The Goose Girl is one of my favourite too! 6y
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Goose Girl | Shannon Hale
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#MarchBookstagram2018 Day 6, New to Me Author: Shannon Hale.
I‘ve devoured a lot of YA Fantasy books when I was an actual young adult but I somehow missed out on Shannon Hale.🤦🏻‍♂️ @Chachic , however, made sure I get my Goose Girl fix when she gave me her old books including this and 2 other books from Hale, and 12 more books from other authors. 😂 My #besfluencer spoiled me rotten! 😂🤣😂#YA

The Goose Girl | Shannon Hale
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The hubby is stuck at the hospital with an inmate for an overnight mandatory overtime shift, so I had to take him some food. 40 minutes in the car means starting a new audiobook, right? Now that I‘m home, I‘m happily settling in for some #audiocoloring

Soubhiville That‘s so pretty! 7y
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The Goose Girl | Shannon Hale
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@Chachic was supposed to give me only three Shannon Hale books from her Twitter giveaway but suddenly decided to add 11(!) more books from her personal collection! She is as spontaneous as she is generous! ❤️ I havent heard about any of these before but after her Ilona Andrews rec (and gift!) I trust her taste in books!

Thanks again, bes! Here‘s me trying to bookstagram everything in one go bec im lazy, as you know! 😂 #fantasy #haul

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The Goose Girl | Shannon Hale
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I am now at 88% and I just don't know if I can finish this. The book description indicated that the goose girl would mature, but she's still a whinning, unsure girl. It's so incredibly frustrating. I regret picking this book up. For people who've read it, does it get better? Does the ending show her growth?

Bradleygirl I did love it, but read it rather than listened. For me the narrator can really affect tone- sorry the heroine is sounding like that! I think she ends up well. Also the sequels are awesome 7y
MayginReads @Bradleygirl Thank you! I've liked Hale's other books, so it probably is the narrator more than the character. 7y
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The Goose Girl | Shannon Hale
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Made decent progress on this one during the #readathon. On to spending time with friends, but I'll be picking this back up shortly on my drive back!

The Goose Girl | Shannon Hale
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Listening while doing chores. So far I'm really enjoying it 😃
#currentlylistening #audiobook #librarycheckout

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Goose Girl | Shannon Hale
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I read this book years ago at it instanly became one of my favorites. It's a grims brothers fairytale retelling and its starts a little slow, with a touch of romanace along the way and a shy, quite girl forced to save herself and find herself when thrown into an enemy kingdom. The villian is one of my favorites and I think this book is totally worth reading if you like retellings at all!

#fantasy #youngadult #fairytale #fairytaleretelling

Chachic Love this book! One of my favorite retellings. 7y
Alybrarian This is one of my favorite books🙌🏻💜 5y
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Goose Girl | Shannon Hale
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MrBook 😁👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 8y
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The Goose Girl | Shannon Hale
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So I'm a sucker for fairy tales and enjoyed this retelling of a Grimm original. Ani, our damsel in distress is a likeable Princess because she thinks before she acts. She isn't afraid of hard work and cares about those around her that she meets on her journey to set things right when her kingdom is tricked and the perpetrators are out to trick another kingdom.

Read: 01/01/17
4 stars
2017 Books Read Count: 1
#2017Reads #JanuaryReads #fairytales

The Goose Girl | Shannon Hale
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I have more books with #girlinthetitle than I thought! The Goose Girl is fantastic, especially if you like fairy tales/fantasy. And I'd forgotten about The Girl with the Silver Eyes... a childhood favorite (even though this cover is terrible). #readjanuary

lisakoby I forgotten The Girl with the Silver Eyes too! I loved it as a kid. 😊 8y
syasutake The Girl with the Silver Eyes was a childhood fave of mine, too. I remember having the Apple Books edition. 8y
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The Goose Girl | Shannon Hale
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"Danger, Ani told the geese. Danger by the stream."

HotCocoaReads I've been wanting to read this book! 📚 8y
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The Goose Girl | Shannon Hale
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Some of my favorite women writers for today's #septphotochallenge #somethingforsept. there were so many more I could've included... but does anyone have any recommendations?

Thanks @RealLifeReading for the challenge!

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The Goose Girl | Shannon Hale
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#SundaySessions The 10 books I constantly come back to read time and again. These books have over time been of comfort to me, and when I revisit them I feel as if I am visiting an old friend • All the Light we Cannot See• Jane Eyre• The Tale of Desperaux• The Forgotten Garden• Peter Pan• Alice in Wonderland/ through the looking glass• The Goose Girl• The Secret Garden • Ramona the Pest• Anne of Green Gables •

Emily92Bibliophile Oops, actually 12/ Not pictured * The Count of Monte Cristo, and How to be a Victorian ( both are leant out at the moment 😊) 8y
Emily92Bibliophile Also side note : The Goose Girl is a part of a trilogy - all three are wonderful, but TGG is by far my favorite 🙈 8y
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The Goose Girl | Shannon Hale
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"Goose Girl" by Shannon Hale is amazing, read it! (It does take a bit to pick up, but the end is worth it). Also great is the "Iron King" series by Julie Kagawa (faeries and Magic) and I will always love the dark humor of "A Series of Unfortunate Events" by Lemony Snicket, who is hilarious.

Goose Girl | Shannon Hale

If you liked Disney's Frozen but wanted something with a little more depth- read this. As you might guess it's based on the fairy tale and while Isi very much starts off like the wishy washy princess of the original she has so much character growth. There are also sequels if you end up loving it.

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