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Prize | Julie Garwood
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In the resplendence of William the Conqueror's London court, the lovely Saxon captive, Nichola was forced to choose a husband from the assembled Norman nobles. She chose Royce, a baron warrior whose fierce demeanor could not conceal his chivalrous and tender hear. Resourceful, rebellious and utterly naive, Nicholaa vowed to bend Royce to her will, despite the whirlwind of feelings he aroused in her. Ferocious in battle, seasoned in passion, Royce was surprised by the depth of his emotion whenever he caressed his charming bride. In a climate of utmost treachery, where Saxons still intrigued against their Norman invaders, Royce and Nicholaa revelled in their precious new love... a fervent bond soon to be disrupted by the call of blood, kin and country!
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Prize | Julie Garwood
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Royce had so many awesome qualities so it was really easy to like him. Nicholaa was also clever, and I think they had a great chemistry. Their discussions were fun!

Sometimes I noticed how Royce was a bit annoying with his opinions but this was a historical book and attitudes have changed.

I loved how this wasn't just a book about Nicholaa & Royce but there was also Nicholaa's brother who had a great character growth.


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The Prize | Julie Garwood
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I have mixed feelings about this one, it‘s between a so/so and a pick for me. I mostly enjoyed it, but some of the gender dynamics irritated me. It didn‘t necessarily feel much different than a regency, I‘m not sure what I expected medieval romance to be- but it was mostly a pleasant surprise. 3 ⭐️ #littensloveromance

BethM @StayCurious did I miss the end of the month discussion? 2y
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The Prize | Julie Garwood
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Why yes, I am audio baking donuts at 8:30pm for my kid‘s bake sale tomorrow 😂 full time mom, full time employee lol

CoverToCoverGirl Get cracking‘.. lol 😂 2y
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The Prize | Julie Garwood
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I honestly wasn't sure how I'd like this one. Medieval romance isn't my usual thing & I cringe when men set out to 'tame' their brides. But Nicholaa gave as good as she got; it was entertaining to witness her & Royce's battle of wills. Royce turned out to be a compassionate character that I was rooting for by the end
I won't consider it a favorite but this was a quick read for #littensloveromance & I'm glad I tried something out of my comfort zone

peanutnine #2023ReadySetRead enemies to lovers/ game related title @Clwojick @StayCurious 2y
KristiAhlers I loved this story! 2y
Lizpixie 🙌🎉 2y
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The Prize | Julie Garwood
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Throughly enjoyed this historical, feel good, romance. The opening line is, "He never knew what hit him." This totally sums up the book and I was hooked from that first line. Besides the romance, there was plenty of tension to help move the story along and the characters were awesome. 4⭐️ This was March's pick for #LittensLoveRomance @TheAromaofBooks
#LitsyLoveReads @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 2y
CoverToCoverGirl I really loved that first line too! 2y
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The Prize | Julie Garwood
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TheBookHippie 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡 2y
DieAReader 💕💕💕 2y
Soubhiville Great week! 2y
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PuddleJumper Amazing! 2y
Andrew65 A wonderful week 👏👏👏 2y
TheAromaofBooks Looking fabulous!! 2y
RebelReader Ginny Moon is so good! 2y
kspenmoll 💛👍🏻 2y
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The Prize | Julie Garwood
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#LittensLoveRomance The final chapters brought the story of Royce and Nicholaa to a satisfying close. Their romance was a fun tête-à-tête and a fantastic battle of the sexes. It was enemies to lovers at its best. It was historical fiction written decades ago that stood up - I first discovered Julie Garwood in high school and this book makes me want to revisit her other books. ?

StayCurious We will have a further discussion on the final Sunday of the month. I hope you all enjoyed our March Medieval Romance as much as I did! 2y
Kshakal I enjoyed this book very much! 2y
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BarkingMadRead I loved this!! I had to finish it a few days ago, I couldn‘t wait any more! 2y
CoverToCoverGirl I‘m also happy to have re-visited this early work. And I agree it does stand the test of time. 2y
TheSpineView I definitely enjoyed this one. I now want to read some of her other books. Great pick! 2y
Read4life Not my typical read but this was a great pick. I‘m so glad I read this with all of you. I may just read more Garwood in the future. 2y
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Prize | Julie Garwood

“A compliment about one‘s nature is more important because a person has to choose how to behave, whilst a compliment about one‘s appearance doesn‘t mean overly much because there is no choice involved there.”

The Prize | Julie Garwood
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This isn‘t usually my type of read (historical romance) but I enjoyed it. I listened to it & the narration was well done. Enemies to lovers is a trope I can get behind & the characters were wonderful in the way that sometimes I really liked them & other times I wanted to smack them. 😄
#LittensLoveRomance #BookSpinBingo #MarchMadness #BirthdayPixieReadathon

DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 2y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 2y
Lizpixie 🙌🎉 2y
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The Prize | Julie Garwood
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#LittensLoveRomance Ch.15-16 - sorry I‘m a bit behind, but I‘ll have my final review up tomorrow. These chapters were fun - Nicholaa tries to tamp down her temper, her true self in an effort to please her husband - and he hates it! He wants his passionate wife back! She loves him and he loves her just the way she is. It‘s very sweet.

BarkingMadRead I really loved this, he got what he wanted and then didn‘t want it 🤣🤣 (edited) 2y
OriginalCyn620 @StayCurious @BarkingMadRead Right? So funny! Be careful what you wish for… 2y
TheSpineView As they say, beware what you ask for. I had a good chuckle at his expense. 2y
PageShifter I hated how she started to act. It felt so bad that she started to act totally differently trying to please him. You should never do that 😑 2y
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The Prize | Julie Garwood
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I finished early, but I found this one witty and funny. The setting was great for the characters. I also noticed that I had read this one 10 years ago. A good read for #LitsyLoveRomanceRead for the month of March. @StayCurious @Clwojick I also found bingos for #MarchMadnessReadingChallenge @DieAReader @Andrew65 @GHABI4ROSES

DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 2y
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The Prize | Julie Garwood
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This was March's #LittensLoveRomance read, and while it was okay, it wasn't really my style. I just never could particularly like either of the main characters. Nicholaa had kind of ridiculous mood swings, and Royce was never wrong about anything 🙄 They had a lot of conversations, but never felt like they were communicating. Not a bad read, but not my favorite.

@StayCurious thanks for hosting!!

peanutnine Your point about their communication is so true! They never seemed to quite hit on what they meant to say to each other 2y
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 2y
Lizpixie 🙌🎉 2y
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The Prize | Julie Garwood
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I didn‘t think I would enjoy this book but boy was I wrong… it had great characters and just enough romance to make it spicy! Glad I read it it!

#littensloveromance @StayCurious

The Prize | Julie Garwood
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I enjoyed this more than I thought I would! Things set in medieval times usually aren‘t my jam, but this one had great characters and a decent amount of steam. And this could be classified as an enemies-to-lovers romance, which is my favorite trope!

#bookspinbingo - free space

TheAromaofBooks I am having mixed feelings about this one, but it will probably end up being a soft pick for me. 2y
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The Prize | Julie Garwood
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#LittensLoveRomance Ch.13-14: life in the manor isn‘t peaceful, that‘s for sure. But Royce is certainly trying to make it that way. If only his wife would listen! I honestly feel bad for Nicholaa. She‘s going through so much with her family and learning to love and everything she knows is changing. How are these two going to come to an understanding that works for the both of them?

BarkingMadRead These two need ten minutes in the closet. Communication is key! 2y
TheAromaofBooks @BarkingMadRead - I know, right? When we were kids, if my brother and I got in a fight, Mom would make us hold hands and do laps around the yard until we had worked it out. That's the kind of thing these two need, I think 😂 2y
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Read4life I agree with both of you @BarkingMadRead & @TheAromaofBooks Now I have an image of them holding hands running around the castle. I definitely think 10 minutes in the closet would result in something other than communicating 😉 2y
BarkingMadRead @Read4life 🤣🤣🤣 2y
PageShifter It felt almost bad to read about him lecturing her how his orders are something that she can't change etc. 🤮 2y
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The Prize | Julie Garwood
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#LittensLoveRomance Ch.11-12: Nicholaa is caught in the middle. She loves her husband and wants to build a future with him but she is also clinging to the traditions of her past. When Thurston arrives and calls her a traitor, Nicholaa is torn. How can she be loyal to the man she loves if it means ignoring her family and burying the woman she thought she was? 👇

StayCurious Will love be worth losing herself or can she forge a new identity and blend elements of the past and future together? 2y
OriginalCyn620 The scene with Thurston was rough! It seems like he could‘ve at least listened to his sister‘s side of things. But hitting her was crossing a line. I kinda wanted Royce to kill him, but of course, I get why he didn‘t. Now I‘m rooting for the newlyweds even more! 2y
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BarkingMadRead I do not like Thurston at all! I get why he‘s angry, but he should not have hit his sister. I wanted Royce to beat the 💩 out of him! 2y
CoverToCoverGirl They are finding each but it‘s a very rough road. And Thurston worries me and the unknown assassin(s) too. 2y
PageShifter I felt so bad for Nicholaa 😒 2y
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The Prize | Julie Garwood
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While The Pearl was just ok for me, the others I read last week were all picks. They all contained some really great characters. I‘ll most likely finish Adult Assembly Required this week since it‘s due back at the library. #SUNDAYBUDDYREAD
#BookSpinBingo #AuthorAMonth #LittensLoveRomance #Whimsicalreadsbookclub #Roll100 #Bookopoly #MarchMadness

DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 2y
TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! 2y
WriteForwardCoaching Eleanor Oliphant is one of my all time favorites. 2y
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The Prize | Julie Garwood
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#LittensLoveRomance Ch.9-10: Nicholaa is tired of being ignored and wants to get her marriage back on track. She needs to be honest with Royce and show that she‘s loyal to him. So she comes up with a foolproof plan…haha this whole scene made me laugh. Royce‘s reaction to her silliness is great. But now what to do about the very big Thurston problem?

BarkingMadRead 🍻🍻🍻🍻 2y
Kshakal I really didn‘t think I would enjoy this book but I am really liking it! 2y
OriginalCyn620 Oh, I like drunk Nicholaa! She‘s so funny! I mean, I liked her before, but that whole scene was too good. 🍻 2y
PageShifter That picture 🤣🤣🤣🤣 It sums up everything in these chapters. Now Royce knows the truth about things. 2y
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The Prize | Julie Garwood
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#LittensLoveRomance Ch:7-8: Royce and Nicholaa are definitely developing feelings and their attraction is building. But there are Saxon plots in the works that could put their budding romance at risk. Especially when Nicholaa realizes her brother is still alive. That‘s going to complicate things.

OriginalCyn620 The brother was a nice little surprise! Can‘t wait to see where that goes. And your memes are on point @StayCurious! 😂 2y
StayCurious @OriginalCyn620 haha I try 😄 2y
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BarkingMadRead The memes are on point! The timing with her brother 🤣 2y
CoverToCoverGirl Another cliffhanger.. 😲 and the plot thickens 🙂 I want to read on but I won‘t. 2y
PageShifter Her brother being alive definitely was a surprise! 2y
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The Prize | Julie Garwood
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StayCurious You‘re a superstar! 2y
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The Prize | Julie Garwood
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#LittensLoveRomance Ch:5-6: “They were married a scant half hour later.” Wow! Checkmate indeed! Now to find out who rules in this relationship. Nicholaa is certain it‘s her. Royce is certain she‘s wrong. It‘s a battle of wills while attraction simmers underneath it all. It‘s fun to be in the audience for this. Will Nicholaa accept her fate and prove her loyalty to her new husband? 👇

StayCurious Will Royce realize Nicholaa is not going to be tamed? And what about the danger that lurks around them? Their love is certain to be put to the test. 2y
KristiAhlers I love these two. Garwood is one of my favorite authors. These two are well matched 2y
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OriginalCyn620 The battle of wills is definitely fun, but there‘s genuine caring there too, which is sweet! 2y
BarkingMadRead This is so much fun, hopefully they both win in the end! 2y
CoverToCoverGirl Garwood has yet to disappoint me. These two are wonderful and hilarious together! 💞Yet… beware evil lurks in the shadows. Looking forward to tomorrow‘s chapters. 2y
TheSpineView No courting or anything. Brave people! Makes for a good story 2y
PageShifter It was quick, indeed 🤣 I think she already proved her loyalty, she talked for him because she wanted to do that. I think that revealed quite much. But this went thrilling now! I really love this twist because it's intriguing to see how Nicholaa's is going to solve the situation! They even threatened to kill her!! 2y
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The Prize | Julie Garwood
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I am loving Lady Nicholaa… she is amazing!! 🤓🤓🤓

#littensloveromance @StayCurious

StayCurious She‘s a lot of fun! 2y
gossamerchild I always adored Julie Garwood's historicals. I haven't read them in forever. 2y
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The Prize | Julie Garwood
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#LittensLoveRomance Ch.3-4: I love Nicholaa and Royce going back and forth - it‘s so clear they are attracted to each other but they‘re fighting it - naturally. Nicholaa is lured out of her sanctuary by Royce and he drags her - sometimes literally - to London. She is to be the prize for a worthy knight. Is Royce going to fight for her hand? Can he handle her going to another man instead of him? 👇

StayCurious Before he can decide, there‘s an accident and Nicholaa burns her hands saving the queen‘s niece. The queen realizes that the brave Saxon likes Royce, and to her amusement he likes her too. Time to play matchmaker! 2y
LiseWorks I love the queen. 2y
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OriginalCyn620 Love the back and forth between Royce and Nicholaa! 2y
TheSpineView I love the matchmaking. 💗 2y
CoverToCoverGirl Checkmate! Ha! What else is there to say?! I love it..🤭🤣💜 2y
BookwormAHN @CoverToCoverGirl That was brilliant 😸 2y
PageShifter I laughed when Royce didn't believe that Nicholaa was the child's mother and said how he had called even him and a horse a mother 🤣 The chapter 4 was good, I started to understand how good man Royce is and I am glad she choosed him. Well we knew she would, but still. (edited) 2y
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The Prize | Julie Garwood
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#LittensLoveRomance Ch.1-2: starts off right in the action of a siege on a castle in the wake of the Norman conquest of 1066. We get to know Baron Royce - he‘s a strong, capable warrior with a good reputation and an impressive record. He was sent to capture lady Nicholaa and bring her back to William the conqueror so he can marry her off 👇.

StayCurious Things get complicated when Nicholaa manages to get to sanctuary at an abbey using a clever ploy. It‘s now a battle of wills between the Norman and the Saxon beauty and I can‘t wait to see more of their interactions. 2y
BarkingMadRead Omg I worship the ground Nicholaa walks on! So crafty!! 2y
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BethM Are we doing read along posts? I think I thought we were going to end of the month discussions. Just clarifying so I know when to look/not look :) 2y
LiseWorks I think she is rather clever, i also think the Baron is not stupid to believe her ploy. I actually had a laugh when the description of the 40 year old nun was like an 80 year old, and the description said she was old. 2y
StayCurious @BethM it‘s completely up to you😁 I can take you off my daily tag list no problem. Let me know 2y
StayCurious @LiseWorks I know! I thought that was a neat detail to bring us back in time 2y
TheSpineView I think they both are clever and shrewd. Will it be a test of wills? I think so. 2y
CoverToCoverGirl @LiseWorks I had to read the that sentence twice, by that standard I‘d now be described as ancient! 2y
CoverToCoverGirl I‘m enjoying the battle of the wills. She was clever in her tactics to evade capture and gain sanctuary but I‘m anticipating how clever and crafty Baron Royce will be in getting her to leave sanctuary. Until tomorrow….. 2y
MeganAnn My library hold on this just came in today! Picking it up tomorrow and then I‘ll catch up. I‘m very excited about this one! 2y
Clwojick I‘m so glad I stuck with it! It was a little slow for me at first, but then I ended up devouring it! 💜 I‘ll check in at the end of the month since I finished it all in one go. 2y
TheAromaofBooks I started this one on the first, and then realized we weren't actually starting until the eighth 😂 But I'm ready to pick back up today! 2y
OriginalCyn620 I am loving Nicholaa! She‘s got spunk! I think she and Royce will have some great chemistry together! 2y
peanutnine My library hold finally came in! Loving the back and forth between these two so far! 2y
BookwormAHN I love Nicholaa. Posing as a nun was brilliant 👏🏻 2y
PageShifter I laughed when it was revealed how there wasn't a twin, and now I laughed again when I saw those pictures 🤣🤣 The second chapter wasn't as fun but Royce met her knowing who she was. 2y
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The Prize | Julie Garwood
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#Two4Tuesday @TheSpineView

1. Fleece pajama pants & a tank top or T-shirt

2. Five (3 are buddy reads)

TheSpineView Love fleece! Nothing more comfy! Thanks for playing 2y
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The Prize | Julie Garwood
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StayCurious Don‘t you love buddy reads? 2y
Clare-Dragonfly @StayCurious I have a feeling that @BarkingMadRead might be IN LOVE with buddy reads 🥰😂 2y
BarkingMadRead @Clare-Dragonfly I see them, and say yes!! Sign me up and then the first of the month comes and 😳😳😳 2y
StayCurious @BarkingMadRead that‘s why I pushed our #LittensLoveRomance to a week from now haha 2y
BarkingMadRead @StayCurious I figured if I read a chapter a day until then, I‘ll be ahead of the game 🤪 2y
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The Prize | Julie Garwood
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Repost for @StayCurious

#LittensLoveRomance March Medieval Romance - our winner by a very slim margin was this classic from one of the great names in historical romance - Julie Garwood.

If you‘d like to be added to the tag list, see and comment on the original post at https://www.litsy.com/web/post/2554231

The Prize | Julie Garwood
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#LittensLoveRomance March Medieval Romance - our winner by a very slim margin was this classic from one of the great names in historical romance - Julie Garwood. I‘ll be honest and say this one made my little high school heart beat faster and I‘m interested to see if it holds up. Please remember it was written a couple of decades ago so might be outdated. Let me know if you want to be tagged in my daily posts!

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BarkingMadRead Can‘t wait!! 2y
TheSpineView Looking forward to it! 2y
Kshakal Looking forward to it! 2y
Clwojick Yay! Just found the audiobook on Scribd 2y
peanutnine Waiting on a library hold but will try to read once it comes in 2y
Laughterhp This one‘s available at my library, so I‘m in! 2y
OriginalCyn620 Oh man, I totally forgot to vote! 🤦🏻‍♀️ But I‘m in! 2y
MeganAnn I‘m so in! 🎉 2y
Read4life I‘m in! 🤓 2y
BethM Hold placed! I couldn‘t get a copy of feb‘s book :/ 2y
TheAromaofBooks I have a soft spot for arranged marriage stories - count me in!! 2y
Gissy 🙋🏽‍♀️ 2y
CoverToCoverGirl YES, please! She is right up there with Lisa Kleypas for me, along with a few others. I recently re-read The Bride and The Wedding by her and they didn‘t feel dated to me. I‘m so hoping this one won‘t feel dated either. I haven‘t read The Guardian in a very long time. Looking forward to revisiting it. (edited) 2y
Vansa Never read her, would love to, from all the comments! Please count me in! 2y
Kerrbearlib I‘d like to be tagged! 2y
BookwormAHN I'm in. I have a soft spot for historical romance. 2y
Crinoline_Laphroaig I think this was one of my first Julie Garwoods. Remember reading at my mother in laws and being excited that she had a book that wasn't a Harlequin. Tag me please! 2y
tdrosebud I was able to get this on Libby. Tag me please. 2y
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The Prize | Julie Garwood
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Don‘t miss out on #BibliophageGiveaway2018! Visit @BarbaraTheBibliophage for all the details. 😊

BarbaraTheBibliophage Thanks so much for sharing!! 💙🖤💙🖤 6y
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The Prize | Julie Garwood
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Sorry for the delay #blindassassinbuddyread participants. I had to tally all the entries for the prize. The randomized picked... Connie for the Folio prize. I believe Connie only participated over at goodreads but I wanted to post the winner here too so everyone knows the outcome.

I hope you all enjoyed reading along together. I‘m swamped with work now but am working on planning the next buddyread. More to come after Dec 8

Riveted_Reader_Melissa Great job organizing everything, I really enjoyed our read along....and congratulations Connie (even though you‘ll probably never see this here)! 7y
JenP @Riveted_Reader_Melissa thanks! I@posted over there too. I loved seeing all your posts. You were very creative! 7y
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Kristelh A great readathon, thanks to all who participated and made it fun! 7y
Currey It was great fun and helpful to have everyone together. Thanks to you for pulling it together. I also had not participated on Goodreads before so that was a happy first for me. 7y
JenP @Currey that‘s great. I really enjoyed your comments over there and here 😁 7y
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The Prize | Julie Garwood
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The choice of what to read next was between The Prize & The Secret... #osrbc #romantsy

CoverToCoverGirl Both are excellent... 🌟 8y
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The Prize | Julie Garwood
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#FunFridayPhoto The Prize is one of the first romances I ever read and there are select scenes I can read over and over - if I don't reread the whole thing!

LizzyM Julie Garwood was one of the first romance writers I read (waaaaaay back). A few of hers are still some of my favorites! 8y
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