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The Storm Runner
The Storm Runner | J.C. Cervantes
43 posts | 40 read | 24 to read
A contemporary adventure based on Maya mythology from Rick Riordan Presents! Zane has always enjoyed exploring the dormant volcano near his home in New Mexico, even though hiking it is challenging. He'd much rather hang out there with his dog, Rosie, than go to middle school, where kids call him Sir Limps a Lot, McGimpster, or Uno--for his one good leg. What Zane doesn't know is that the volcano is a gateway to another world and he is at the center of a powerful prophecy. A new girl at school, Brooks, informs him that he's destined to release an evil god from the ancient Maya relic he is imprisoned in--unless she can find and remove it first. Together they return to the volcano, where all kinds of crazy happens. Brooks turns into a hawk, a demon attacks them in a cave, and Rosie gives her all while trying to protect Zane. When Zane decides to save his dog no matter the cost, he is thrust into an adventure full of surprising discoveries, dangerous secrets, and an all-out war between the gods, one of whom happens to be his father. To survive, Zane will have to become the Storm Runner. But how can he run when he can't even walk well without a cane?
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The Storm Runner | J.C. Cervantes

“On my nightstand was the Maya Mythology book Mom had given to me on my eighth birthday.“ This quote is an introduction to the Mayan mythology that is in this book.

The Storm Runner | J.C. Cervantes

This book uses the mythology part of speculative fiction's and imbeds it with some fantasy. This book uses lots of young adult themes so I think it would be good for middle school age.

The Storm Runner | J.C. Cervantes

Storm Runner by J.C. Cervantes. Fantasy Fiction. Mayan Mythology. This book is speculative fiction because it refers to mayan gods and its mythology. It refers to magic and fantasy in Mexico. I think that book would be fun to read as a class everyday. I think that it would also be good to use when talking about different genres, specifically different types of fiction.

The Storm Runner | J.C. Cervantes
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Came home today to a couple of packages. I love getting a book haul this way! Thanks so much, @Soubvihille (Soubhi) and @BookwormAHN (Ashley) for your generosity. I'll take good care of these and pass them on again when I'm done. And thanks again, @AllDeBooks (Debbie) for all of your work in organizing this event. #Book2Book 🧡💜💛

Bookpearl How awesome is this! Enjoy!! 13mo
Soubhiville Yay! You‘re welcome! I hope you‘ll love them. 13mo
JessieKB So fun!! I hope she does this again!!! I really enjoyed The Lincoln Highway.🤍 (edited) 13mo
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dabbe @Bookpearl 🧡💜💛 13mo
dabbe @Soubhiville I'm sure I will! Thanks again! 🧡💜💛 13mo
dabbe @JessieKB Me, too! And thanks for the plug for Lincoln; that might be the one I lead off with (after #Scarathlon, of course!) 🧡💜💛 13mo
AnnCrystal 🤩📚🤩☺️👍. (edited) 13mo
BookwormAHN You're welcome 😺 13mo
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The Storm Runner | J.C. Cervantes
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Open to those who signed up for #book2book with @AllDebooks

Comment below if you‘d like to take this one home. If multiple folks are interested I‘ll draw a random number. I‘m in the US.

Mailing books on 9-22.

@CSeydel @Bookish_Gal @LiteraryinLawrence @Chrissyreadit @Clwojick @Cuilin @bcncookbookclub @Tineke @julieclair @Catsandbooks @TheAromaofBooks @BookwormAHN @Lizpixie @KateReadsYA @TheBookHippie @dabbe

dabbe Yes, please! 🤗 13mo
Soubhiville @dabbe 😁👍 13mo
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The Storm Runner | J.C. Cervantes
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A solid read, if not outstanding, this Maya-mythology-based story features an unlikely hero, a girl (who is sometimes a hawk), and a devoted three-legged dog. (Warning: the dog dies, but it‘s ok in the end. Trust me on this) Zane is a good MC who deals with overwhelming news (he‘s godborn, his short leg is actually a sign of godly power, oh and he‘s prophecied to unleash a powerful god of destruction and thereby doom the world) pretty well.

ravenlee This was my #DoubleSpin for November. 2y
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The Storm Runner | J.C. Cervantes
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A fun mythological adventure involving Maya gods, lots of magic, and a super cute dog. Perfect for fans of the PJO series (of course) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

The Storm Runner | J.C. Cervantes
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I love the idea behind the Rick Roirdan Presents series- MG books that draw from various world mythologies written by people from those cultures. This one is about a young boy who gets caught up in a Mayan prophecy. It had some really fun, action packed moments. I had to push myself to get to the end though. It might be that I just wasn‘t in the right headspace for a longer book right now. (400+ pages)

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The Storm Runner | J.C. Cervantes
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February Break vibe.

The Storm Runner | J.C. Cervantes
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Fantasy Fiction
I had this book sitting on my shelf for a while since I stopped reading last year but this introduced Maya Mythology. I've never really heard about it before but I was fascinated by the facts and history. It is a Non - Fiction and Fiction book. The gods names she used in this book are in fact true. When you search up Ah puch you'll see that he was the God of death and ruler of the underworld. I definitely recommend this book.

bella.bruvthjbf im so sad that this series is ending 😔 4y
Kiana24 @bella.bruvthjbf me too
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The Storm Runner | J.C. Cervantes

The story could take place in the underworld, in another volcano, A different place in Mexico. The main place where many people believe in Maya Mythology is Mexico so if it was in Canada it wouldn't make sense.I think that maybe less people would believe in it if this was later in the future and Zane would have talked to His friends. I can related this to when I went to banff and saw the mountains the volcano reminds me of this.

The Storm Runner | J.C. Cervantes
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10/05 - 10/09
The characters in this book remind me of my Grandfather. He has recently died and when Zane Obispo loses Roise it reminds me of how I lost my Grandfather. He had already been in lots of medications but he was brave about it. I saw that he looked scared but never showed it.Rosie saved Zane from a demon runner and that's pretty brave. Roise reminds me that when you find the right person or animal for you they will do anything.

The Storm Runner | J.C. Cervantes

I chose this book because it introduces you to maya mythology and I've never heard about this before so I decided I wanted to learn about it. So far the author has talked about Zane Obispo leg problem and how he has a volcano in his backyard.I will put more details once I finish reading the book.

The Storm Runner | J.C. Cervantes
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This was such a fun book! The ending kept me hanging so now I must read (listen to) the next book.


The Storm Runner | J.C. Cervantes
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I...wanted to like this more than I did. I just couldn't connected to anything or anyone on the book!

Pumpkinandegg313 Love the cover 4y
Deifio I agree, the cover looks awesome! 4y
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The Storm Runner | J.C. Cervantes
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Just finished this one! If you‘re a Percy Jackson fan, definitely add this to your list! So good, and I can‘t wait to read the next one to learn a little more about the Mayan gods.
#booked2020 #liveandlearn #popsugarreadingchallenge2020 #subjectyouknownothingabout #flourishandblottsreadingchallenge #blueonthecover

The Storm Runner | J.C. Cervantes
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“you will always feel his absence but you can still find joy. like now, we are sad but that doesn't mean we can't smile or that life won't ever be normal again... you shouldn't feel bad for moments of joy... we must find our way back to joy. bit by bit. and some of us will find it sooner than others.“

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The Storm Runner | J.C. Cervantes
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day 7 person 15 and DONE!

The Storm Runner | J.C. Cervantes
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For fans of Lightning Thief a story built around Mayan myths. Great main character and lots of action.

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The Storm Runner | J.C. Cervantes
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If you like Rick Riordan' s books, you will like this too. In fact this book is part of the Rick Riordan Presents campaign. The main character is Zane Obispo who learns his heritage as well as his destiny in the first book of this series. JC Cervantes explores Mayan gods and myths as she creates an adventure that won't disappoint fans of mythology. Book 2 comes out in the fall of 2019.

The Storm Runner | J.C. Cervantes
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You know what? I'm not enjoying this. I don't care if I've only got 100 pages left, I don't care about the characters, it feels boring and it's not sparking joy. I'm going to konmari this mofo and mark it DNF.

Cathythoughts I think you are absolutely right 👍🏻♥️ 6y
mcctrish I just bailed on “On the come up” I loved “the hate u give” but I‘m not into rap at all so a book about rap throw downs ( that‘s the start who knows where it goes from there ) is a no 6y
Sace @Cathythoughts @mcctrish I had such high hopes for this book but it just wasn't for me. 6y
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Sace @mcctrish that's on my TBR. 6y
mcctrish I wish you luck ( maybe it was the wrong time for me 🤷🏻‍♀️) 6y
mrp27 😂😂😂 6y
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The Storm Runner | J.C. Cervantes
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This is not turning out to be as good as I thought it would, but I'm past the point of no return. I might as well finish it.

The Storm Runner | J.C. Cervantes
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I'm actually staying on target for a read along schedule!!

PS- I think I've figured out that I reach for manga and MG fiction because I can only find small chunks of time to read and I can get more pages of manga/MG read in 10 than more difficult material.

The Storm Runner | J.C. Cervantes
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RealBooks4ever Sounds like it could be exciting! 💜 6y
Erofan Beautiful cover! 6y
Booksblanketsandahotbeverage @RealBooks4ever @Erofan It had the same feeling as the Percy Jackson series. It's definitely a pick - I put a short review on Goodreads. 6y
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The Storm Runner | J.C. Cervantes
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I'm going to try and get an early start on the Latinx Book club April selection.
More info here - https://santanareads.wordpress.com/2019/03/17/welcome-to-the-latinx-book-club-”...

ChasingOm Oh man, this book club looks awesome! Thank you!! 6y
Sace @ChasingOm you're welcome! 6y
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The Storm Runner | J.C. Cervantes
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1. Just reading and making corned beef and cabbage. Probably continuing binge watching Leverage and hang out with my son while the hubs works.
2. Having my wonderful son in 2011 💜💜
3. Done!
4. Elizabeth I, Eleanor of Aquitaine, Queen Victoria, Abraham Lincoln.
5. ☘️🍀☘️🍀
#FriyayIntro @howjessreads

The Storm Runner | J.C. Cervantes
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It was wonderful to see J.C. Cervantes at the Tucson Festival of Books last weekend. The Storm Runner is a fun, thrilling romp through a world of untapped magic and endless possibility. We recently interviewed J.C. Cervantes about her writing process and her interactions with readers.

The Storm Runner | J.C. Cervantes
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This book is exciting for a number of reasons, so I hoped to get my copy signed when I met the author. However, I met the author in a social situation while she spoke to another cool author whose book I did not have on hand. It‘s not like I‘m a smooth talker in the best of situations, so I just excused myself.

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The Storm Runner | J.C. Cervantes
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Being determined to not DNF this has saved it for me. A good 100 pages in and something is /finally/ happening. I don't know if it's enough, but it's more exciting than before. At least Kiwi is comfy and waaarm 😻

The Storm Runner | J.C. Cervantes
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My first finished book of #24in48 with just under 9 hours of total reading done. I enjoyed the story but it didn‘t really grip me quite as I thought it would. The latter part of the book definitely picked up and the ending was really good so I‘ll probably give the sequel a go when it comes out. #rickriordanpresents

The Storm Runner | J.C. Cervantes
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I‘m almost done with The Storm Runner but I can‘t keep my eyes open for much longer so I decided to get some sleep and finish it first thing in the morning. I‘ve gotten a decent 7 hours of reading in today which I‘m proud of! #24in48 #huomennalissää #bujo

rmaclean4 Way to go!! 6y
Linsy Impressive log! 6y
Bry Neat idea! 6y
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The Storm Runner | J.C. Cervantes
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Starting #24in48 now, from the comfort of my bed. It‘s 8:30am as I didn‘t have it in me to wake up at 7am to read but I decided to go with the official time zone anyway. Here we go!

The Storm Runner | J.C. Cervantes
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I‘m ready with my #tbr for my first ever #24in48 readathon! I‘m hoping to get to at least the 12 hour mark; it‘s been a while since I‘ve read for a really long time as my attention span isn‘t what it used to be but I‘m super ready to try this! #bujo

Booksblanketsandahotbeverage The Burning Maze! Love love love Apollo 😍 6y
lukulamppu @BookHoarder32 Apollo is so amazing!! Burning Maze has been sitting on my shelf for waaay too long so I‘m excited to finally dive into it! 6y
Booksblanketsandahotbeverage Enjoy! But the next one doesn't come out until September 😭 6y
lukulamppu @BookHoarder32 Thanks! Oh no😱 Knowing Rick there‘s a huge cliffhanger in this as well which makes that even worse😂 But at least there‘s something to look forward to! 6y
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The Storm Runner | J.C. Cervantes
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Finally I get to enjoy a mostly free weekend! This means that I can stay up late and read which really feels like a luxury at this point. I've been struggling with a lot this month so it's really nice to just be able to relax and catch my breath for a moment. #currentlyreading #latenightreading

Storm Runner | J C Cervantes
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Yay! I have free time for reading! 😆😆

Booksblanketsandahotbeverage Ooo I'm excited for this one. 6y
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The Storm Runner | J.C. Cervantes
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I love my sister! (Who's not on Litsy.... yet) 😉 Because she let me borrow these as she has prime and release day delivery, and my Lantern's Ember and Storm Runner have not yet shipped (with my Lu's Wildcard). And she mostly has the same taste in reading as me. 😁📚 Lended #bookhaul !! 💃🕺

Storm Runner | J C Cervantes
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Feisty heroes, tricky gods, murderous demons, and spirited giants are just some of the pleasures that await in this fresh and funny take on Maya mythology, as rich and delicious as a mug of authentic hot chocolate.

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Storm Runner | J C Cervantes
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Another in the “Rick Riordan Presents” series, this explores Mayan mythology. I really love that Riordan is helping authors explore world mythology, but I wish there was a little more originality in this story. There are so many similarities to both the Harry Potter and Percy Jackson books that I stopped keeping track. There‘s nothing really wrong with the story - it‘s fun and fast and very engaging - but it‘s been told before. 50%pick/50%SoSo

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Storm Runner | J C Cervantes
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Was delighted to come home tonight to a parcel from the wonderful @LibrarianRyan! It's super rad that she decided to share some of her Book Expo treasures with Littens who couldn't attend. All of these sound like amazingly fun reads- not sure how I'll decide what to pick up first!


tammysue Litten‘s are the best! 💜 6y
LazyDays How wonderful!💖📚 6y
LazyDays I love Hocus Pocus, I seriously watch it every year!💖 6y
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2BR02B @whatshesreadingnow I couldn't agree more! 6y
2BR02B @LazyDays I loved it as a kid, but I haven't seen it in years now. Might be time for a re-watch! 6y
LazyDays @2BR02B Yes it is! That is one of my favorite movies👐👐💜 6y
LibrarianRyan I'm glad u liked them. For some reason I just now saw this. Plus it said I wasn't following you but I was. Ugghhh. Happy reading. 6y
2BR02B @LibrarianRyan Just started Hocus Pocus, and I think it's going to be a terrific palate cleanser! 6y
LibrarianRyan @2BR02B yeah. That what I'm saving it for a well. No idea what order I'm going to read anything in but I am working on it. 6y
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Storm Runner | J C Cervantes
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Craftylikefox 😳 you got bruja born!!! 6y
RealLifeReading Ooh a new book by Cordova! 6y
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Storm Runner | J C Cervantes
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My FriYAY #bookmail was the next book from Rick Riordan‘s new imprint. 👍🏽

bunny I‘m so excited about the books coming out from that imprint! Hope you enjoy. 7y
howlinglibraries I didn‘t even know ARCs existed for this yet! Sooooo cool! I can‘t wait to read this one. Enjoy! 7y
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Storm Runner | J C Cervantes
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Yessss this #bookmail made my day! The second series from Rick Riordan‘s new imprint features Mayan mythology and it‘s coming in Sept! #ownvoices #weneeddiversebooks

LibrarianRyan Nice!!! Jelly!! 7y
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