We haven‘t put up our tree yet, so here‘s a tree picture from a few winters ago.
20 points
P.S. Great book!
We haven‘t put up our tree yet, so here‘s a tree picture from a few winters ago.
20 points
P.S. Great book!
Each year for my birthday I empty my entire Little Free Library and fill it to the brim with some of my favorite books. This year I also got to add my official Little Free Library plaque with my charter number. 📚
Happy birthday to me and happy reading to the community!
Well I got caught up in end-of-year list making, surveys, and wrap-ups so I didn‘t hit my goal for #24B42020 today. I did get some extra reading time during a pedicure, helping me get to 3 hours and 37 minutes. Still loving this book & so close to being done!
@Andrew65 @jb72 @TheReadingMermaid
My dh wins the Assist Award today: he pulled over so I could take this pic of my book with a cold, sassy tree, & drove the whole way home so I could read. 💙
I‘m loving this book!
I read 5 hours & 7 minutes today! 13.5 hours down & 10.5 to go. I think I can do this!
@Andrew65 @TheReadingMermaid @jb72
Since starting #24B42020 I‘ve read Dash & Lily‘s Book of Dares and started Cold Sassy Tree, both very enjoyable reads so far. 8.5 hours down and 15.5 to go!
🐕 Captain and Caprica have been great helpers!
Thanks again @jb72 @TheReadingMermaid & @Andrew65 !
1) Not sure why the tagged book came to mind but there it is.
2) I took a mental health day from work today and I just might stay in my jammies all day.
3) It will be just me, my pugster and books.
4) 3 All wonderful men whom I seldom get the chance to see.
5) 👍🏼
#Friyayintro @howjessreads
1. I hate this like @Trashcanman hates Dickens. But I can‘t remember why. I read it HS while the rest of the class was reading Gatsby or Scarlet Letter. What I do remember is hating the book so much I threw it across the room. And hit the teacher. 😣
3. Biscuits and gravy or French toast
3.CMT (Chicago time zone)
5. Floral shadows or Pink Shadows
A coming-of-age Georgia tale, published in 1984. It‘s 1906 at the beginning of the book, and narrator Will Tweedy is 14. At the end, he‘s 15 and a lot has happened in the small town of Cold Sassy. The book is genuine, brimming with life, and made me both laugh and cry. #comingofage #bildungsroman #south
The first book where I hated the ending so much I threw it across the room Hitting my English teacher Mrs. Wills, while the rest of the class read the Great Gatsby.
#10booksthatchangedme. Day 3
#coldsassytree #friedgreentomatoes #friedgreentomatoesatthewhistlestopcafe #books #reading #americana #booklovers #bookreviews #OliveAnnBurns #simplertimes #childhood #1900s #modelT #trains #depot #grandpa #grandparents
I just finished this and really enjoyed this bittersweet look at a boy‘s life and relationship with his grandfather in a small town in Georgia in 1906. I had read that the author was writing this as a distraction as she was undergoing chemo treatments. That added another dimension to my reading of this especially in its examination of the characters‘ relationship with mortality. This is my #C book for #LitsyAtoZ from my TBR pile.
After the insane Presidential elections, I removed my jaw from the floor and decided, among other things, to better understand the demographic that 45 won over so decidedly: working class White Folk. Before finding some more contemporary characters (This is set in 1906) I was drawn to this goody. Well developed characters ✔historical setting ✔unpredictable but believable plot✔Thank 👏🏾you 👏🏾Olive Ann Burns.
Image: My great-great-great grandfather Richard Franklin Pettigrew, Senator R. F. Pettigrew from South Dakota, reason behind the scandal of the “Pettigrew Indictment”
There Might Be Cupcakes Podcast episode 9: Family Trees http://www.theremightbecupcakes.com/episode-9-family-trees/
To some readers this title left them with a very #satisfiedsaturday, but not me. I hated the book so much that when I was done I threw the book. The worse part, I was in English class and hit the teacher with the book. The rest of the class was taking a Gatsby exam. #awesomeAutumnbooks
Arguably I'm not reading my current (so far excellent) book at this speed, but my husband laughed hard when I sent him this. He tries to ask about a book I am reading frequently and I say, "That was like two books ago." ??
Once I asked granny what (he) did that was so bad, but she wouldn't tell me. Said I was too young to hear such. It must of really been worth hearing about if it was too awful to mention.
"If'n I had my way, wouldn't be no sech a thang as funerals. They's jest a long hot time fill a-hypocrites and kinfolks... tryin' to pretend they ain't havin' a good time seein' one another."
"It wasn't like that at Blu's funeral."
"No, course not. They ain't no hypocrites at a youngun's funeral."
I'm not sure where my copy of this #sassy novel went, but I remember liking it and its unfinished sequel, Leaving Cold Sassy, years ago. Recommended if you like rural small-town coming of age stories or Southern fiction. #anditsaugust
Going for the obvious for today's #sassy prompt. I was loaned this book by an insistent friend in college so I don't have a copy of my own. I liked the story of the scandalous marriage in a small southern town. #anditsaugust
Listening to a library copy of the audiobook in the car right now. So so funny & voicey. Think I heard it recommended on the "what should I read next" podcast.
Such a good book and today the ebook is only $1.99 for Nook and iPad.
Livin' is like pourin' water out of a tumbler into a dang Coca-Cola bottle. If'n you skeered you cain't do it, you cain't. If'n you say to yoreself, 'By dang, I can do it!' then, by dang, you won't slosh a drop.
But to mourn, that's different. To mourn is to be eaten alive with homesickness for the person.
I am second generation northerner and off the farm but this paragraph is very fascinating. I am the great granddaughter of a poor white sharecropper and as far as I know there was never a sweeter more hard working man.
This book would have been alright if it wasn't for the end. In high school I had a special assignment because I had already read all the senior books (transferred from an advanced school to a small country one). While the rest of the class was taking a test on the scarlet letter I was finishing this book. The ending pissed me off and I threw it across the room accidentally hitting the teacher Mrs. Wills. Oops. #photodaynov16 #threwacrosstheroom
Day 4 #photoadaynov16 - set in a small town
It has been over 10 years since I read Cold Sassy Tree but I remember very much enjoying it. Maybe it is due a #reread.... #setinasmalltown