Still slowly working my way through the #Jennyis30 bingo card - the pink highlights are February's additions!!
Still slowly working my way through the #Jennyis30 bingo card - the pink highlights are February's additions!!
#BookReport - Started this week still in a bit of a book slump, and none of these books felt right. I read another P&P variation that was decent, then picked up How to Save Your Child... eh... Watership Down... eh... The Underground Railroad... eh... Finally picked up the tagged book, which I've had from the library for a while, completely anticipating another eh... but instead was totally drawn into that weirdly engaging tale. Somehow, ⬇
No pic since my phone is on the fritz (sigh) -
I've been in a bit of a book slump the last couple of weeks, so I picked up this one with virtually no anticipation of finishing it. I was pulled almost unwillingly into the story, though - a clan of stray cats living in India is disturbed when a Sender appears in their midst, as legend says that Senders only appear during times of great need - and everything seems to be going well for the clan ⬇
Neferkitty? Really? I mean, I know I‘m reading a book from the point of view of cats, but oh dear.
What a delightful magical read! It's about a clan of cats in Delhi whose lives are disrupted by a very powerful very young kitten who can send her thoughts and emotions out far and strong. I loved how each cat was so distinctive and had such great personalities.
#fallintobooks day 23: #shadesofautumn
I unconsciously ended up with a diverse edition of shades of autumn!
@Cortg @RestlessFickleBookSlut she's full now, lol@😽😽
Stormy wants a third serving of wet food today. I am about to give in 🤷🏽♀️#perfectpets
I'm happy I let my daughter talk me into reading this one. It had humour and sadness and edge-of-your-seat action. A story centred around the stray cats of Delhi, but also featuring several other animals (humans only appear as sensory deficient "bigfeet"). The story is self-contained, but there's a sequel that follows directly on. I'm looking forward to it! No arm twisting needed. (Authors take note: This is how it's done, not with cliffhangers!)
Fire ants! 🐜 Stay clear!
I love how the author does the various animal speech patterns and mannerisms. 😄
I only managed to get through half of Wildings last night. We solved it by explaining to the librarian who let us check it off on the summer reading challenge for my daughter, but keep it so I can finish it too. I also came away with the final Canesville book (Yasss!) and The Bell Jar.
My daughter is miffed that someone else had the sequel to Wildings and she has to wait until Tuesday! She consoled herself with Kid Normal for the wait.
My daughter just finished this book this evening. She really, really wants me to read it so we can talk about it. She also wants to return it to the library tomorrow so that she has completed their summer reading challenge. 🙄 I think her faith in my reading superpowers is flattering but rather inflated. It's 300+ pages of tiny print. 😆 I guess I'm staying up late tonight.
Birthday Book Number 2 - The Wildings
Thank you, Littens!
I'd never heard of this book until I saw it on Litsy. I think I'm most excited about this one.
I tried to take a photo with my own Wilding but she wasn't very impressed.
Guys - it's gonna be Postapalooza today.
I've had American family members coming and going for a few weeks so I'm really behind on Litsy. I loved their visits but I have some serious reading to catch up on.
It was my birthday 3 weeks ago! Here is my birthday stack. I'll post about each one. 😃
They scratched at my door so bad I had to give in. Almost immediately 3 cats on my bed, lol. I'll probably need anti-biotic because I have seen little improvement in this cold in 7 days. Good grief. Have a great weekend guys!!! 📚😻❤️I want my mommy but she won't come near me because I have kooties!!! Being grown- up with a cold sucks, lol Moms are like- oh well- don't get me sick. Microwave your own damn soup!!! 😂😂
How I felt yesterday-- feeling much better today ❤️❤️Taken from Instagram 😻😻❤️❤️
Sorting laundry but Mogwai really wants to play 😻😻😻
@lemonlime799 Here's Mogwai dropping by to say Hi!! #petsoflitsy #catsoflitsy
#litsypartyofone plus 3 😻😻😻 Taz, Ozzie, and Mogwai. I need a bigger bed!! #catsoflitsy #petsoflitsy ( last post tonight I promise)
My Barnes and Nobles order has arrived! I know what my weekend is looking like. 😄😄😄
#bookmail #bookhaul
This is Mogwai after the pet gift box fun. There were treats and a lot more stuff in the box. Use my referral code and get 50% off your first order!! Http://thegiftbox.refr.cc/michellem They have other types of boxes too! ( including a sweets box) check it out, and feel free to use my referral!!
#photoadaynov16 #orangecovers I own both of these books but I have not finished them yet, because I still have so many library books out. Here's Ozzie trying to chill after breakfast wondering why I am putting books next to him again, lol. He's not going to Mars anymore, so I decided to feature the other orange cover I have. Have a great day Littens! 😻😍❤️📚☮️☮️🌞☀️
My loves! #nationalcatday #catsoflitsy
Realizing the sources of my neck pain and headaches... I am always laying at a weird angle because there is a cat on top of me and/or I am straining to see my phone. I never wear my glasses while I am laying down either, because I don't want to fall asleep and break them and they hurt the bridge of my nose when I am on my side. I have bad astigmatism and should be wearing my glasses ALL my waking hours. There are also books and cats in my bed lol
Happy #nationalcatday !! Here's Mogwai curled up on my bed 😻❤️
"It may not be anything you have ever read before but I promise it will make you chuckle and leave you thinking." -- @Nafiza thebookwars.ca/?s=the+wildings #CurrentlyReading #India #Cats #NilanjanaRoy #TheWildings
#mapsinbooks I opened one of my favorite books and voilà! A map with kitties all over it. Amesome sauce!!! ????
Trying to get 3 cats in one pic here, lol. Ozzie is in front in a usual weird position, Stormy is on the dresser, and Nikie is on the background sleeping on books and her fav new toy. I really want to read this book but I'm exhausted and I can't break my Friday night date with The Simpsons on FX, lol 😎😜🤓❤️🌟😻😻😻
New box of toys came today. Stormy is chillin in her catnip daze. I got one of those toys for each cat. I think I can take a nap now too 😻😸😸😸😴😴
My 17 year old Nikie understandably trusts humans more than the other 5 cats. My Tortie Mogwai still goes after her sometimes and then they still cuddle ( they are like sisters, youngest and oldest) so she is here on my dresser between my mom and I. So I decided to display my library haul today. You know I can't wait to read the cat one! (Being the crazy cat lady that I am) Does anyone know of any other cat books out there?Tons of dog ones! Lol 😸