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Traveling Mercies
Traveling Mercies: Some Thoughts on Faith | Anne Lamott
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Anne Lamott claims the two best prayers she knows are: "Help me, help me, help me" and "Thank you, thank you, thank you." She has a friend whose morning prayer each day is "Whatever," and whose evening prayer is "Oh, well." Anne thinks of Jesus as "Casper the friendly savior" and describes God as "one crafty mother." Despite--or because of--her irreverence, faith is a natural subject for Anne Lamott. Since Operating Instructions and Bird by Bird, her fans have been waiting for her to write the book that explained how she came to the big-hearted, grateful, generous faith that she so often alluded to in her two earlier nonfiction books. The people in Anne Lamott's real life are like beloved characters in a favorite series for her readers--her friend Pammy, her son, Sam, and the many funny and wise folks who attend her church are all familiar. And Traveling Mercies is a welcome return to those lives, as well as an introduction to new companions Lamott treats with the same candor, insight, and tenderness. Lamott's faith isn't about easy answers, which is part of what endears her to believers as well as nonbelievers. Against all odds, she came to believe in God and then, even more miraculously, in herself. As she puts it, "My coming to faith did not start with a leap but rather a series of staggers." At once tough, personal, affectionate, wise, and very funny, Traveling Mercies tells in exuberant detail how Anne Lamott learned to shine the light of faith on the darkest part of ordinary life, exposing surprising pockets of meaning and hope. From the Trade Paperback edition.
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There goes my next week 😕

HannaPolkadots You were going to hear Anne Lamott?! I love her. Seriously, my copies of her books are more underlined than not, she is so good 💚 5y
kspenmoll She is wonderful! @HannaPolkadots 5y
Suet624 💔💔 5y
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I‘m giving the read more than one book at a time thing a try. 😂😂 Started both of these yesterday and I‘m liking them so far. @Crazeedi

Crazeedi Oh no! Litsy has you doing it now, just like me! Congrats and join the rest of us! 5y
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I finished this over lunch today. It was a really good read. I always enjoy what Anne writes and this was no different. She makes me feel like I‘m not the only one with a screwed up family or a less-than-ideal childhood. And she does it all with a great sense of humor. #lunchtimereading #bookandlunch

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I just love Anne Lamott. What a beautiful thought...

AmyG Agreed. Anne is truly a gem. This is beautiful. I‘d like to believe it‘s true, too. 6y
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Photo 3 of my #greatwideopen swap package - @debthmpsn has wrapped up several books with nice messages on them. I'll post a fourth photo a little later on, once I've eaten breakfast and read the notes on the books. See you in a while. Thanks so much @debthmpsn 👌👍❤💕

Amiable What a fun way to package the books! 6y
MaGoose @Amiable Yes, it was lots of fun reading the notes and opening up the wrappings. 6y
TrishMcCallister That looks like fun! 6y
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#50Kreadinglifegiveaway #5words

Curiosity, sensory, escapism, travel, learning

Mitch Mmmm.. fun set of words. 🤔💕 6y
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Pamwurtzler Words to live by! 6y
julesG Books! Not magazines. 😝 6y
CBee @julesG for sure! 6y
tracey38 Great quote! 😁 6y
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There are so many moments of raw honesty and insight in this book by a self-described “bad Christian”. Anne Lamott‘s way of walking through life feels like a gift for anyone who listens; she shares moments from every corner of grief and joy without an ounce of ego or judgement.

jillrhudy I adore her. I keep Traveling Mercies and Plan B close for comfort. 6y
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#trivialthursday @GarthRanzz

1. train I think, it‘s the easiest
2. I usually love every place I am at, so I don‘t have a favourite spot I think
3. france next week and spain in summer :) maybe a businesstrip to brazil if my boss is willing to take me along 😍😍😍

LapReader What part of France? 6y
ju.ca.no @LapReader Lille in the North! What part are you going to? 6y
LapReader Chambery and the Riviera @ju.ca.no 6y
ju.ca.no @LapReader oh lovely! I want to go there too someday😍 6y
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1. Any book in a real life setting that sounded interesting. I want to go and see the buildings, streets, signs, etc for myself.
2. Barcelona hands down
3. Traveling all over Europe
4. Depends on how far I‘m going
5. Yes please 🍦🍨
#manicmonday @JoScho

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If your heart or soul is aching, I recommend reading Anne Lamott. She writes beautifully and passionately about love, loss, grief, faith, and doubt.

8leagueboot Her passages on grief just speak right to me. 6y
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Today we laid to rest my mentor, former boss & (later) law partner, and friend, Kevin. He was a great man and will be dearly missed. I‘m finding Anne Lamott to be exactly what I need at this time.

(The mug in the photo was his going-away gift to me last Summer, when I had decided to become a full-time parent. He was so supportive of my decision, which meant a lot to me.)

Avanders 🤗 7y
BarbaraTheBibliophage So sorry for your loss. ❤️ 7y
LiteraryinPA 💜💜 7y
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DGRachel I‘m very sorry for your loss 😔 7y
mabell I'm so sorry for your loss, Maureen. 😔 7y
Cathythoughts So sorry to hear of your loss ❤️ 7y
ValerieAndBooks I‘m so sorry. My condolences to you. 7y
britt_brooke Hugs! 💔 7y
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Got up early to enjoy some quiet and Anne Lamott before the rest of the house awakes.
#Sundaymorningreading #Morningreading

MayJasper I have certain books I like to read on Sundays. Today I'm hoping to finish this beauty. Though I am sure I will return to it many times. 7y
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readordierachel Great quote. I needed this today 💙 7y
Lmstraubie I 💕💕💕Anne Lamott 7y
merelybookish @ReadOrDieRachel keep fighting the good fight! 💜 @Lmstraubie Me too. She helps me. 7y
kspenmoll Love that Anne! 7y
MayJasper True 7y
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I grew up in a family full of people who believed in constant evidence of perfection. It‘s been a lifetime journey to just take off the mask and be me. But it‘s a relief!

#quotsynov17 #mask

AmyG Isn't Anne the best? 7y
kspenmoll So so glad you have shed that expectation! Love that Anne L. 7y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @AmyG She‘s very wise! 7y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @kspenmoll Me too. I‘m older and wiser now! 7y
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If anyone knows about #mercy it's this lady. #augustgrrrl @Cinfhen

kspenmoll Love her books. ❤️ 7y
SheilaChew Good book! Loved this one. 7y
mrozzz Ugh Bird by Bird 💗 7y
Cinfhen I've still not read her books... need to correct that! 7y
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I love Lamont's writing, and this has been on my TBR too long. It's time to bump it up. #mercy #Augustgrrrl @Cinfhen

Cinfhen 🙌🏻🙌🏻 7y
OrangeMooseReads Excellent book 7y
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Love the last line on the #botm luggage/travel tag

Luv2readbookz So what are you going to put down for favorite book? That's a tough one for me. 7y
Lwiesman The blank is not big enough!! 7y
CouronneDhiver Oh cool. I think you should pick your favourite of 2017... and then you can update the paper inside the tag annually. 🙂 7y
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Litsy pals, I would like some suggestions, please! I need a really fantastic travel memoir to read for the #ReadHarder2017 challenge. I tried a few by Bill Bryson and didn't care for his style.

(Here's a picture of my cute family playing Legos as bribery for book recommendations.)

TheKidUpstairs Ooh, I've got some faves. Will tag. 7y
Aswenson ❤️❤️Legos! 7y
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vivastory I haven't read it, but I've heard great things about 7y
TheKidUpstairs I liked this one, but it's a bit closer to Bryson in style so you may not. 7y
TheKidUpstairs Hope it helps, I went through a stage a couple years ago of reading as many travel memoirs as I could. The four I tagged definitely stand out. 7y
saresmoore @TheKidUpstairs That's awesome! I'm so glad you saw my post. I will look into your suggestions. Thank you! 7y
ReadingEnvy This is a bit random but instigated my lifelong Iceland obsession 7y
ReadingEnvy And she travels from tip to tail through amazing territory here 7y
ReadingEnvy Or how about one woman traveling solo through the wildest most dangerous country 7y
ReadingEnvy Or a fun one about a family trekking through all the regions of Japan... For the food! 7y
saresmoore @ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled I wanna read that one for the title alone! Haha! 7y
ReadingEnvy @LauraBeth ooh yeah double Steinbeck... That one is fascinating for the era of America. 7y
LauraBeth @ReadingEnvy I ❤️ Travels With Charley! 7y
saresmoore @LauraBeth Yes to Steinbeck! I hadn't even heard of it! And At Home in the World sounds really relatable—could have been written by any of several friends I met at Fuller. 7y
saresmoore @moranadatter That sounds lovely. Thank you! 7y
saresmoore @ReadingEnvy I want to read all of those. And now I want ramen. Thank you! ♥️ 7y
moranadatter If you're interested in a graphic novel memoir: 7y
Redwritinghood Have you read any Patrick Leigh Fermor? This one is pretty short and I really liked it. 7y
saresmoore @LeahBergen Ooh, they all sound great! (I haven't ever read Agatha Christie, but I think the book would make me want to.) Thank you! ♥️ 7y
saresmoore @Redwritinghood I haven't read anything by him, but I really like the sound of A Time to Keep Silence. Thank you! 7y
Moray_Reads I think Bill Bryson may be the only travel writer I've read so all I can really do here is steal everyone's recommendations . Or I can shamelessly plug my workplace and suggest Isabella Bird and Patrick Leigh Fermor since we hold their papers (none of which I have read 😐) 7y
saresmoore @Moray_Reads I will take your shameless plug! I'm very intrigued by Fermor. 7y
ReadingEnvy Also graphic novel 7y
Moray_Reads @saresmoore Both recommendations come with a warning, we've been working closely with the Folio Society the last couple of years to produce editions by both authors. Proceed with caution! 😉 7y
LeahBergen @TheKidUpstairs I second the recommendation for Honeymoon in Purdah. 👍🏼 7y
saresmoore @Moray_Reads 😬🙈You have the coolest job! 7y
Cinfhen Thanks for thinking of me...on my TBR 7y
Cinfhen Love the family photo...lego +dad+ girls = 💕💕💕 7y
LauraBrook This is one of my faves (though I haven't reread it in 15 years). It's about Bhutan! 7y
LauraBrook Middle-aged lady travels the world solo. 7y
LauraBrook A fortune teller tells this Asia correspondent not to fly for a year, so he travels around the East by every other way. 7y
LauraBrook 1915 travelogue by America's Agatha Christie. 7y
LauraBrook A 100 day journey around the world to invite just the right person home to America. 7y
KVanRead @LauraBeth @ReadingEnvy I 'third' Travels with Charley...very cool book 7y
LauraBrook Russian travelogue from the 1980s. 7y
KVanRead And for something completely different 7y
KVanRead This is such an awesome list. Poor TBR!😂 7y
LauraBrook Any of the Tuscany books by Frances Mayes. 7y
LauraBrook Any of the Provence books by Peter Mayle. 7y
LauraBrook Any year of Best American Travel Writing would probably fit the bill. 7y
LauraBrook This is travelly, but maybe not right? Memoir of two pen pals (American and Zimbabwean) and their lives over 6 + years. 7y
LauraBrook English countryside love with lots of watercolors. 7y
LauraBrook Another watercolor-illustrated travel diary but this one is about love and France. 7y
LauraBrook Sorry, I'll stop now. But can you tell I kind of like travel lit? 😉 7y
saresmoore @Cinfhen Thank you! All of those sound fascinating. And yeah, the Lego moments are some of my favorites. Hence the insane quantity. 😳 7y
saresmoore @Jas16 Thanks! Those both sound good and the cover of Holy Cow is hilarious! 7y
saresmoore @LauraBrook Excuse me while I pop over to Goodreads for the rest of the day! Haha! Thank you so much! I love that you love travel lit. I have read almost none, so I'm excited to try your recommendations! ♥️♥️ 7y
saresmoore @Hobbinol Ooh, Flaubert! That sounds great. But if I read it, I'm going to pester you about it until you do, too. 😘 Thank you! 7y
saresmoore @KVanRead Poor TBR, indeed! I can hear it groaning and loosening its belt like it just consumed a double portion of turkey dinner. Gloria Steinem is a great recommendation! Thank you! 7y
Suet624 Yowzer! Look at all those recommendations! The only books I could come up with were Endurance or Welcome to the God Damn Ice Cube or My Life on the Road. But I don't know if that's what you're looking for. Made me realize I don't read many travel books. And here's where we may be different: Legos bug the crap out of me. Love the family shot though. 💕 7y
Sarah83 Have you already read one of his books? 7y
andrew61 Wow that is an amazing list of recommendations, I'll add one more i enjoyed which was Ian Banks' tour of scottish whisky distilleries 'Raw Spirit', the only problem was i kept wanting to taste as i read and pack rucksack and head off in his footsteps. Great photo. ☺ 7y
saresmoore @Suet624 COULD WE BE DIFFERENT?! No, not really. They drive me insane. But, I do still like the idea of Legos since they were a big part of my childhood. Braverman's book actually sounds really good. I think I remember you reviewing it recently and I did have the thought that I should read one set somewhere cold because I want to punch FL in the face right now. 😝 7y
saresmoore @andrew61 Well, that sounds amazing! My husband is sure to take that book right outta my hands and consume it alongside two fingers of Lagavulin. 7y
Suet624 Phew. We're still 👯. 7y
saresmoore @Sarah83 EWAN!!! ♥️♥️♥️ Sorry, excuse me for that outburst. Stacked! 7y
Suet624 @saresmoore oh! You have to go with Ewan! 7y
saresmoore @UwannaPublishme That sounds lovely! Thank you! 7y
Lindy I second @jas16 recommendation Give Me the World. Also, are you interested in graphic novel travel memoirs? I can think of lots, including 7y
saresmoore @Lindy I don't tend to like graphic novels, but Pyongyang sounds fascinating. 7y
saresmoore @drokka That sounds like fun and I love the setting! Thanks! 7y
batsy I realise I haven't read much travel writing myself so can't wait to look through comments! I liked Jessa Crispin's book quite a bit. 7y
batsy Ok I just went back to look at your pic and it's adorable 💜 Also this might have already been mentioned but Rebecca West has been on my TBR forever 7y
batsy Also TBR, Annemarie Schwarzenbach's Death in Persia and this one. This article makes her work sound fascinating http://blog.pshares.org/index.php/she-had-a-face-that-would-haunt-me-for-the-res... 7y
batsy This is the other one. Sorry for leaving so many comments! Your phone must be lighting up x 7y
saresmoore @batsy Psh! Give me ALL the good books. Thank you for sharing! ♥️ 7y
saresmoore @batsy Okay, I want to read all of those, obviously. Schwarzenbach sounds amazing! That article left me feeling hints of potential obsession, myself. Ha! 7y
batsy @saresmoore I know right? I was feeling the same 7y
Zelma Anything by Dervla Murphy but this is a particular favorite 7y
Zelma And if you need even more suggestions, check out Nancy Pearl's Book Lust To Go. All travel book recommendations. 7y
Sarah83 You're welcome 😉 7y
saresmoore @Zelma Thank you! 7y
saresmoore @LauraBeth Well, that's good timing! 😁 7y
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When I think of #true I think of #annelamott #lyricalapril @Cinfhen

LauraBeth I loved Traveling Mercies! 8y
merelybookish She has a new book coming out soon. 8y
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Lmstraubie @LauraBeth I fan girl over her. I just love the rawness of her writing. 8y
Lmstraubie @merelybookish Yes! I know! I think it might have been just released or will be in the next few days. 8y
Lmstraubie @Suet624 Yes! I have pretty much read all her nonfiction stuff. I read one of her fiction books as well, enjoy her memiors more. 8y
Cinfhen Another author I NEED to try! Which should I read first?!? 8y
kspenmoll Love all her books❤. Her latest just arrived yesterday, 8y
Lmstraubie @Cinfhen She is wonderful! I believe this one is her first (if you want to read them in order, but you don't need to) 8y
Lmstraubie @kspenmoll I can't wait to get my hands on it!! 8y
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I have read most of these. #greencovers #marchintoreading

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coffeenebula Cool 😎 8y
mcipher Oh I'm so jealous!!! Love her! ❤️ 8y
Lmstraubie @mcipher @coffeenebula She was really incredible! I feel blessed I got to meet her 😇 8y
Suet624 She's so inspiring. 8y
Lmstraubie @Suet624 Agreed!! 8y
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I finished my first book of the year (towards my goal of 52 books for 2017). I rarely reread books, but this is one I've read over and over and it never disappoints. I keep learning so much from it, as well as being in awe anew at Annie's raw wisdom, strength, and relate-ability. I've purchased this book so many times as gifts and to replace my own copy, which I lend out and lose track of. I'll keep buying and gifting it forever, I suspect.

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People passionately love Anne Lamott and I had been meaning to read something of hers for a long time. I think this site considered one of her best, but it just wasn't fresh or outstanding to me. maybe because my baggage and issues are so different from hers. Maybe because I read it right after Accidental Saints which is a fresher version of a similar experience. It's good. just not earth shattering.

Laura317 She wasn't for me either. Not sure why. 8y
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Bumpy ride at first but after pursuing the initial pages, comes the good juicy parts about life and struggle and faith.

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The Big Question: You can have two books, so which three are you getting?

SusanInTiburon I've read the Russell and the LaMott, and I wouldn't wager either on of them on anything behind Door No. 3. 💜💜 8y
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changed my life

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Some #nonfictionlove for today's #septphotochallenge! I read far more fiction than not, but here are a few of my nonfiction favorites. Anne Lamott, Henri Nouwen, Madeleine L'Engle, and Dallas Willard are all spiritual writers who've been greatly influential in my life. And there are a few bookish non-fiction gems there on the right. 💜📚 #somethingforsept

LauraBeth I love, love Dallas Willard! I also love John Ortberg, who I consider as "Dallas Willard lite". 8y
BarbaraJean @LauraBeth I've gotten so much out of everything I've read by Dallas Willard! I've only read parts of stuff by Ortberg... "Dallas Willard lite"?! ?? Love it! 8y
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[DELETED] 2232195534 This is a good one. Discussed with a book group some years ago. 8y
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I'm just... loving this book. So, so much.

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It is an Anne Lamott kind of morning. I found a weird lump in my armpit and have freaked out a bit. It is nice to have a book to run to for encouragement and comfort when life starts to come at you like a crazy spider monkey.