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Hypnotizr | Lars Kepler
Psychiatr Erik Maria Bark je uznvan odbornk na l?bu traumat. Jedn prosincov noci mu zavol kriminln inspektor Joona Linna a pros ho, aby okamit? p?ijel do nemocnice k t?ce zran?nmu patnctiletmu chlapci, kterho policist objevili jako jedinho p?eivho v rodinnm domku. Erik se v minulosti po dlouhou dobu v?noval hypnze a pouze s jeho pomoc m?e policie chlapce vyslechnout a zjistit, kdo brutln? zavradil jeho rodi?e a mlad sestru. Erik se vak praxi hypnotizra ukon?il p?ed deseti lety a dost o pomoc v n?m probud bolestn vzpomnky. Komisa?ovu prosbu zprvu odmtne, nakonec se vak nech p?esv?d?it a vichni se rzem ocitnou ve vru dramatickch udlost. Erik je nucen postavit se tv? v tv? minulosti.
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I was trying so hard not to start any new series until I finished a few but I couldn‘t hold off any longer on this one. This is the first in the Joona Linna series and I already want to read book 2 asap! This story sucked me in and I can‘t wait to find out what happens next!

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I FINALLY finished this. It was good. Dragged in some places and didn‘t keep my attention. I eventually got through those parts.
Over all it was a good story. It was obvious that it was the first book.

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Starting this today.

BookDragonNotWorm Looks creepy good! Can't wait to read your review on this! 3y
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☠️🏨🔪🕵🏻‍♂️👀🙀 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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Woke up to a full-blown migraine this morning. Called out of work only to be told, “Well, if you feel better please come in.” They‘ve clearly never experienced migraines before. Straight up told them not to count on it. Anyway, I want to read so bad but it hurts to do so. About to go crawl back into bed; made a quick appearance to take this pic and say hi to the fam 😆

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks They clearly have never had a migraine! I hope you feel better soon ❤️ 3y
Bookwormjillk Yeah, if you know you know. Hope you feel better. 3y
Soubhiville 💜 feel better soon. 3y
Tera0707 @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Bookwormjillk @Soubhiville thank you! I have finally moved on to the “migraine hangover,” but at least I can function 🤪 3y
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Hypnotisren | Lars Kepler
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Yes it was exciting. But so very different than expected and in the middle part it dragged. And it is clearly the wrong season for the book. And in fact the actual case is over quite quickly and 'simplistic' A very quirky book. Some of my friends added little sketch on the first page. ❤️ #thriller #firstpage #doodles

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Bk25 of June is done! I picked this up on the Kobo store for $4.99Au which was a great deal for a 616pg book🙌 I enjoyed it, the storyline was really good, but I think a little bit was lost in translation. The writing didn‘t flow quite right, which is a shame coz there was so much potential here. Hopefully the next books translate better to English coz I love Scandi Noir. #ChunksterChallenge #CloakDaggerChal #Pageathon #PennyPerPage #BookspinBingo

TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! 3y
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Hypnotisren | Lars Kepler
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Today the first day of the #nutsinmay #readathon by @Andrew65

My goal is to read my #buddyread with @Sarah83 and a book about #cats #nonfiction

Andrew65 Good luck 😊👍 Love the Joona Linna series. 3y
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Hypnotisren | Lars Kepler
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Yeah time for #breakfast and #reading I wish you a wonderful #readathon day #20in4 by @Andrew65

Andrew65 Loved these, but dark. 3y
Moony @Andrew65 oh cool you read it 🙂 So far, I like it very much. It's a fast-paced story. 3y
Andrew65 I‘ve read the whole series, which only gets better - last year. (edited) 3y
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Moony @Andrew65 Oh, I didn't know it was a series. 3y
Andrew65 There are 7 books in the series, with an eighth due to be published next year. 3y
Moony @Andrew65 perhaps more books for my tbr 😂 3y
Andrew65 @Moony Oh yes 🤣 3y
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Hypnotisren | Lars Kepler
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Reading in the sun #buddyread #springtime

Hypnotisren | Lars Kepler
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Next #buddyread for @Sarah83 and me. This book was a loooong time on my #tbrpile

I lobe this cover becuase only the eye is shiny amd reflected the light. I love cover with 'special effects'

Cober by Luebbe publisher (German)

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I have to lay off the translations for a bit because I really didn‘t like this. I just keep thinking that after books have been translated, a native English speaker needs to go through them and fix all the ridiculous dialogue. So convoluted and preposterous and unnecessarily l-o-n-g. But, hey, that‘s my November #doublespin done and dusted, @TheAromaofBooks . December #bookspins, I‘m coming for you.

merelybookish I'm reading a book in translation right now and it's hard to tell if it's the writing or translating that are bad, or both. But it's distracting. 4y
TheAromaofBooks Great review!! And I agree - some translations are so clunky & it's hard to tell if the issue is with the original writing or the way it was translated! 4y
TheLudicReader Right @merelybookish ? I mean this book was well-reviewed, but just, people don‘t talk this way. And other ridiculous things. Yuck. 4y
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Am I just squeaking in under the wire for October‘s #bookspin ? Story of my life these days, @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4y
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Day 24 - #DarkIntention #AcrossApril

I think these books by Lars Kepler are the darkest books that I have ever read! they are very hard to read sometimes! #NordicNoir

Andrew65 And some! 4y
eanderson Yup! I agree! 4y
EadieB @Andrew65 Don't really know why I keep reading this author. I guess because I'm a die-hard but they are difficult reads!

@Eanderson I think you gave up on the first one! I keep thinking they will get better.

(edited) 4y
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Susanita Pretty creepy in the end 4y
Andrew65 I‘ve read book 1 and 31% through book 2 when i lost the library loan, now got it back so most probably will finish it in the next couple of weeks. 4y
EadieB @Susanita I think all these books have a high creep factor. 4y
EadieB @Andrew65 Some of the plots are interesting I just don't like the darkness and unnecessary explicit sex. 4y
Andrew65 @EadieB It‘s the sex which is a total turn off for me. 4y
EadieB @Andrew65 I agree! Same with me! 4y
Andrew65 @EadieB Just don‘t understand why it is needed in any book. 4y
EadieB @Andrew65 I believe that there are people who like to read explicit sex. But I think they should keep it in certain genres where you would expect it to be. I just don't like my mystery/thrillers fulled with sex. I like blood and gore without sex! 4y
Andrew65 @EadieB Totally agree. 4y
eanderson Haha! I did give up after the first one in that series! I don‘t mind some of the noirs I‘ve read but some just go almost too far. I did listen to the Sandman and oh boy. That one was really dark. I have the Stalker on hold. I need to read something not so dark before starting that one. (edited) 4y
EadieB @eanderson I've only got 3 more to read. I keep hoping they will get not so dark and so full of unwanted (by me) sex. I should quit reading them but I'm afraid I'm going to miss something good. lol 4y
eanderson Lol! I agree 100% about the unwanted sex. I don‘t care for it. I think someone said the next one has quite a bit of it in it... we shall see... 😑 with out it the series good! Just a bit dark. 4y
EadieB @eanderson I think I‘ll just skip over the sex parts and concentrate on the plot lines. 4y
Tove_Reads @eanderson @eadieb @andrew65 You do not want to miss the next one! I found it to be the darkest so far, but it‘s surprising, and it‘s good. FYI, you might want to skip over the swingers club pages... too graphic. 4y
EadieB @Tove_Reads Ok Thanks for the heads up! 4y
Eggs Nordic Noir—gives me the heebie jeebies 🥶😳. Good choice! 4y
Crazeedi @EadieB @Andrew65 @eanderson I got halfway through the first one and haven't finished. I agree with the unnecessary sex etc, just dont like reading it. Skipping it might be an idea but I always think I'll miss something pertinent to story 4y
EadieB @Crazeedi Glad to hear you feel the same way as we do! 4y
Marina_h I have a hard time thinking of books I found darker than these ones so yes agree. I'm still looking forward to the next one though, but I also don't mind the graphic details. I can understand why it isn't for everybody 4y
EadieB @Marina_h The bottom line is that if you enjoy the story and the characters then you will come back for more and the series has captured us. Thanks for your comment! 4y
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I finished this book which I had since 2014. It was long, and a bit wild. Also didn't guess the perpetrator of the crime which is a plus. On to the next book.
601 pages TBR since 2014
#bookspin @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Great work!! 4y
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My current read.

Y‘all, I had to put my iced coffee in a giant cup so my kid couldn‘t see that it was topped with whipped cream. Not that I have a problem giving him whipped cream, but I‘m not giving a toddler coffee 😜

On a different note, I am really liking this first in the Joona Lina series. I read Stalker, book 5, last weekend and it was ok, but this one is WAY better IMO!

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My first Lars Kepler! 3/5 stars

Full review: https://reneereadsbooks.wordpress.com/2020/02/24/3942/

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Finally finished!!! Yeah, I‘m not into books that have a lot of, to put it bluntly, sex. If it doesn‘t add anything to the story, I‘m out. This book didn‘t have a crazy amount but dang. This book just dragged on and on. It could have been great but nope. I‘m starting to find out that I‘m not good with #NordicNoir... definitely more of a #NordicBore...🤷‍♀️
#murder2020 7/10

SamAnne LOL!! 5y
Crazeedi Well at least you finished it! I'm still not done, and actually put it to the side, I know I need to finish but... 5y
eanderson @Crazeedi that‘s how I felt about finishing it... anything else sounded better but my loan was due and it was now or never. Lol! At least is over. I‘m definitely not going to continue with the series, especially if each book is this long. 5y
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Crazeedi @eanderson I have the book, so I can read at leisure, I just have so many other books to get to it just isnt tops right now. I can say what I read was not awful, but I just didnt finish! 5y
EadieB @eanderson I know he‘s not an easy read! I‘m leaning in your direction! I hate to be a quitter but there are so many better authors out there! @Crazeedi 5y
Marina_h I just finished the second book. It's better than this one but I'm still not blown away. 5y
Andrew65 Could not agree more on all points, @eanderson What is the point of sex! @Crazeedi @EadieB @marina_h (edited) 5y
EadieB @Andrew65 Procreation! But we don‘t want to read about it in our books! lol 5y
Butterfinger I enjoyed reading the comments. LOL!!! 5y
Andrew65 @EadieB Okay, perhaps the question was too literal 😂 5y
EadieB @Andrew65 I thought it was funny! 5y
eanderson @EadieB I‘m glad I‘m not the only one. I definitely agree. There are way more authors that I would rather read. @Crazeedi 5y
eanderson @Andrew65 @EadieB @Butterfinger I‘m not on for a while and I come back and see these comments! Lol! This cracked me up! 5y
Andrew65 @eanderson We aim to please. 😂 👍 @Butterfinger @EadieB 5y
Tamra Totally, me too. Filler romance.....👎🏾 5y
Crazeedi @EadieB @eanderson @Andrew65 I'm going to pick up one of our #nordicnoir books this weekend. I dont even quite remember what I'm on, but i think the Keplar is my next one. So sorry guys I'm so bad at keeping up... 5y
eanderson @Crazeedi I‘m so bad too. I need to find the next one to borrow. 5y
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Trying to work my way through this audiobook for #NordicNoir I‘m starting to think that maybe they aren‘t for me. I feel like there is so much back story and it can get daunting. Still going to power through though! It‘s Friday at least! 🤗
@Crazeedi @Tove_Reads @Andrew65 @gradcat @EadieB @Marina_h @Butterfinger

EadieB @eanderson Takes a lot of patience to get through this book as it is abnormally long and boring in parts. I like the basic story but too many minor plots are not good. (edited) 5y
Crazeedi I hear you! I'm trying to read book, but I'm looking for the audio too 5y
Butterfinger It was not a favorite. 5y
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Tove_Reads There are many good ones. This one is not. 5y
gradcat @eanderson Good luck with it. Did you see that @Andrew65 had trouble with it as well? Sorry it‘s not so great... 😐 5y
Marina_h There are lots of other good #NordicNoir books. This one was disappointing to me as well and I normally like this genre. So don't give up 😊 5y
Andrew65 @gradcat Big trouble! I much prefer #TartanNoir (set in Scotland) to #NordicNoir so far. 5y
Andrew65 @Marina_h I hear you. 5y
Andrew65 @EadieB I told you #NordicBore for this book! 5y
eanderson @EadieB I agree with you. I like the basic story. @Tove_Reads I am going to have to check that one out! @gradcat I did and I‘m glad I‘m not the only one! Lol! @Andrew65 I‘ve read a couple of books that take place in or around Scotland like Peter May! I wouldn‘t mind more #TartaNoir! 5y
Andrew65 @eanderson There are some great series set in Scotland, some of my favourites. Love Peter May books. (edited) 5y
eanderson @Andrew65 I‘m reading Natural Causes by James Oswald right now. Do you have any other recommendations? 5y
Andrew65 @eanderson Love the James Oswald Series. Shetland Series by Ann Cleeves. Rebus Series by Ian Rankin. DCI Daley Series by Denzil Meyrick. Set in England but by a Scottish Author, Tony Hill / Carol Jordan Series by Val McDermid - a great favourite. 5y
Marina_h @Andrew65 I have to look into some the #TartanNoir you mention. I love Scotland and I could see it as a great setting for a good crime novel! 5y
Andrew65 @Marina_h They are great Series. 5y
gradcat @Andrew65 I, too, am a huge fan of Tartan Noir...guess that comes as a shock to you? 😂 5y
gradcat @eanderson I read a trilogy by Peter May a while ago, and I really liked them. ♥️ 5y
Andrew65 @gradcat Most probably the Lewis Trilogy which is excellent. His standalones are good too. (edited) 5y
gradcat @Andrew65 Thanks for the tip, plus your other recommendations on this page! 👍♥️ I‘ve read all of the Tony Hill series, all of the Shetland series, & some Ian Rankin. But I hadn‘t heard of James Oswald or the DCI Daley series...going to check those out. (edited) 5y
Andrew65 @gradcat James Oswald Series is still in Edinburgh (a very loose supernatural element to it but works) and DCI Daley Series is set in a remote community on West coast of Scotland. 5y
eanderson @Andrew65 @gradcat I‘m loading my kindle with his recommendations! I liked the first 2 in the Lewis series. I need to finish it! 5y
Andrew65 @eanderson one moment in book 3 of the Lewis Series gave me the biggest shock of any book I can remember. Enjoy. @gradcat Hope you enjoy the other series. (edited) 5y
gradcat @Andrew65 This is so weird—last night I looked up the DCI Daley series on Amazon, and it told me they were unavailable in the US. Today, just now, they have miraculously become available here—I don‘t get that! But anyway, I think I‘ll give those a go...less interested in the James Oswald, but only because of the supernatural element, I don‘t really love those, you know...😂 (edited) 5y
gradcat @eanderson I think you‘ll be pretty happy with all of them... @Andrew65 & @EadieB are great ones for book recommendations! ♥️ 5y
Andrew65 @gradcat Both @Eadieb and I have incredibly similar tastes, can hardly remember an occasion when our opinion has differed on a book. @eanderson (edited) 5y
Andrew65 @gradcat That‘s strange but good news. Normally I don‘t let me the supernatural element but in this series so incidental that it works and makes for a good series. 5y
gradcat @Andrew65 I could give the Oswald books a shot, though...but my gosh, I have so many books to read at the moment. I‘m going to keep it in mind, because there may be a prompt that it would be a good fit for, so as always, I appreciate your comments & tips! ♥️ 5y
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What do I say, forget #nordicNoir I‘m putting this down for #NordicBore. Just couldn‘t get into it, too long, no pace or tension. Just 💤 Did it by audiobook and kept phasing out as it didn‘t hold my interest. Therefore lost much of the story. Oh there is one good thing.......I don‘t have to read it anymore!

EadieB @Andrew65 Funny! My feelings exactly! 5y
Andrew65 @EadieB Not a surprise. We usually have the same opinions about books. 5y
EadieB @Andrew65 We do know the difference between good and bad! 5y
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Andrew65 @EadieB We do and are very consistent with each other. 5y
Crazeedi @Andrew65 @EadieB I keep picking up the book to read more and then keep putting it down, like nope I'm not feeling it. But I have the next 3 books in this series and so I know I should finish it. Help!!!😜 5y
EadieB @Crazeedi Can you get an audio copy. I got mine from Libby through my library. 5y
Andrew65 @EadieB Great for insomniacs! 😱 @Crazeedi (edited) 5y
Crazeedi @EadieB you know what I didn't even look because I have the physical book, maybe I can I'll have to check 5y
Crazeedi @Andrew65 yep so I'll start listening and I'll fall asleep, so does it count if I sleep through the book?😉 5y
Andrew65 @Crazeedi I was awake and felt like I slept through the book, perhaps I was hypnotised! 🙄 @EadieB (edited) 5y
EadieB @Andrew65 Funny! I know while I was listening to the audio it was so boring I kept saying “When is something going to happen?” I hope you didn‘t confess to the murder! 5y
Crazeedi @Andrew65 that there is funny!! @EadieB 5y
Andrew65 @Crazeedi I could have confessed to anything if it got me away from the book! @Crazeedi 5y
Crazeedi @Andrew65 hahaha!! 5y
DGRachel I love this review! 😆😆 5y
eanderson 🤣 I‘m listening to it now and I agree... I catch myself spacing out and missing some of it because it‘s just blah. 5y
Andrew65 @DGRachel It was definitely an honest review! 😊😂 5y
Andrew65 @eanderson Glad it‘s not just me! 😊👍 (edited) 5y
Tove_Reads I wonder what happened. Several friends on GR has given it 4 stars. Gotten a lot of international praise. Yet no one of us reading it now liked it. 5y
gradcat @Andrew65 Ha ha! I love it—NordicBore! Like I‘ve said, I stopped reading this series after three books....😂 5y
Marina_h Haha, well I'm glad to hear we all agree on this on! If the second book is just as bad I'm not sure I'll be able to continue the series. 5y
Andrew65 @gradcat I need to decide if I go onto book 2! Let alone 3. Sometimes can‘t help putting humour in. 5y
Andrew65 @Marina_h I know the feeling. Interesting how we all agree. 5y
Andrew65 @Tove_Reads I know Goodreads has an average rating of 3.68. I‘m along way from that. Although at 3.68 shows a number haven‘t enjoyed it. 3840 2 star ratings, 1418 1 star ratings and 11,470 3 star ratings. 5y
gradcat @Andrew65 Oh, you simply must put humor into everything—your comments, your job, your day, your coffee...😂♥️ 5y
Andrew65 @gradcat Good way to lead your life. 5y
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Finally got to start this one for #NordicNoir. Given other comments on this book I‘ve decided to do this as an audiobook.

EadieB @Andrew65 Audio is the way to go for sure! 5y
Andrew65 @EadieB I let you guide me on this. 5y
Crazeedi I started reading it too, I haven't gotten much reading done today 5y
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Andrew65 @Crazeedi I‘m up to Chapter 11. 5y
Crazeedi @Andrew65 I'm going to read once I get into bed!! I think I'm up to about there, or close 5y
eanderson I got the audio book because of this post! Thanks for the heads up! 5y
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My first B*I*N*G*O #jennyis30 @jenniferw88

Cinfhen Yay!!! 5y
jenniferw88 🎉🎉🎉 5y
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A psychotherapist takes a gamble on hypnosis therapy because he believes the collective will embrace and support individuals' pain. When a woman confesses a brutal deed, his career unravels. Ten years later his son with a hemophiliac type disease is brutally kidnapped. Who was it?

#PopSugar20 medical thriller
#ReadHarder20 victim is not woman
#mandmchallenge @BarbaraTheBibliophage chronic illness
#jennyis30 @jenniferw88

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AnneCecilie For me I didn‘t connect with the writing style, then there was all the backstory when a character was introduced and all the digression. I don‘t need to know all about Karolinska and the police. And in the beginning the were two similar pages within the first 10 pages. When I started to get annoyed by any of these, I just got more and more annoyed as I noticed them. 5y
EadieB I didn't care for the writing either or the length of the book. Too many boring parts and the story was dragged out. 5y
Marina_h I didn't like the writing style either. At first I found the plot interesting and wanted to find out what had happened with the family, but then the story took a turn and it was suddenly all about Erik, hypnosis and kidnapping of his son. I just didn't connect with that story. I also would have liked to know more about Joona, so I'm hoping he will be more of a main character in the rest of the series 5y
Butterfinger I liked it. I liked how hypnotizing the last survivor lead to the sister's cottage and her abuse came out in the open and how it enraged his past patients. The child abuse bothered me, but so did the child abuse in Lackberg's book. And there is child abuse in The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo so I thought it was common in #nordicnoir. Lars Kepler is a couple so I wonder if that is why the writing may be boring for some. 5y
eanderson So long.... some of it I felt could have been left out. The book could have been around 300pgs and might have been a little better. 5y
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AnneCecilie Simone and Erik. Why has she stayed with him for 10 yrs if she doesn‘t trust him. 5y
Marina_h I didn't feel sorry for them. I was more annoyed that Simone stayed with Erik when she clearly didn't trust him. But I think they both acted foolishly. 5y
EadieB I agree that Simone was very annoying and should have left Erik if she could not trust him. (edited) 5y
Butterfinger I didn't feel sorry for either of them, but why wouldn't Simone know Eric's colleague's name? They never once met? That is far-fetched as if Simone wants him to be caught cheating. 5y
Tove_Reads I felt it didn‘t move forward. Probably been the same all those years, but it doesn‘t have to be dragged out in the book either. @EadieB @Butterfinger @Marina_h 5y
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Marina_h That was probably the most interesting part of the whole story in my opinion. I would have liked that part of the story to be explored more. 5y
EadieB I did not care for the murder plot and found it rather gruesome. Not sure I can believe that the younger child, Josef, was able to overcome his father and the rest of the family. 5y
Butterfinger No. It was very disturbing. I liked the hypnotizing though - when Joona finds out it was him. Then again, would you say the boy was Kepler's red herring - to get the reader to focus on him and not Eric's past. 5y
Tove_Reads I felt there was something weird about it. Why was he not in care anyway? 5y
eanderson I agree with @EadieB the murder plot didn‘t seem plausible. How would a boy be able to take out his family the way he did. The murder was almost too dark for me and I‘ve read some dark books. 5y
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AnneCecilie Since I DNF I never learned if Erik Maria Bark was the hypnotist referenced in the title or if that was someone else. The hypnosis Bark put Josef under at the beginning was problematic and I can understand way the press put it on the front page. Even if the goal was information they wanted to find his sister and they got something else. (edited) 5y
EadieB I found the hypnotism of Josef to interesting. Josef confessed to the murders of his family but his confession while under hypnosis cannot be used against him. Josef's injuries were self-inflicted. His sister, Evelyn, ran away and went to live with an aunt as Josef was trying to molest her. 5y
Marina_h No! I felt like the story started one place and then turned into a completely different story with a focus on hypnosis which just didn't really interest me. Maybe if I had liked Erik better... 5y
Butterfinger I enjoyed the concept of using hypnosis as a way to heal others. The group, some of them, were being helped till the woman confesses to being abusive. I thought it was also interesting that the hypnotist was also being dragged under his own hypnotizing. 5y
Tove_Reads I felt like it was not what the book was about, until it suddenly became it. Weird. Definitely felt like two people writing the book. 5y
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AnneCecilie I liked him well enough, and he was not the reason for my DNF 125p in (chapter 15). He seemed very dedicated to his job and doing what‘s right. 5y
EadieB I liked Joona Linna very much. His father, police officer, died when Joona was 12. Joona is now the operational superintendent of the National Crime Police in Stockholm. He is a highly skilled crime investigator and very empathic. He understands criminals and their fear and suffering. Highly respected by his colleagues. Lost his wife, Summa, and his daughter, Lumi. He is in a relationship with Disa but believes he is destined to be alone. 5y
Marina_h I don't have anything negative to say about Joona Linna but I don't have anything positive either. I don't feel like I know much about him after the first book. I know he's always right and that's about it 😁 I really hope his character will develop more in the next books. 5y
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Marina_h @EadieB did you get all of that from this book? I must have nodded off a couple of times 5y
EadieB @Marina_h Yes, I did the audio and took some notes. 5y
Marina_h @EadieB I don't remember anything about No one's wife or daughter. I heard part of the book as audio but clearly most have drifted off. I'm glad you shared your notes 😊 5y
EadieB @Marina_h I try to take notes as when you begin reading the characters are brand new so I write down whatever I can so i remember who is who. 5y
Butterfinger @EadieB @Marina_h the wife and son was not in my copy. I read about Disa. How did I miss that? I did get the large print so it must have been lost. I thought he was arrogant. "What did I tell you?" I would have been sick of him if I had to work with him. 5y
Marina_h @Butterfinger that's strange. I really don't remember them being mentioned in my book either, only Disa. 5y
Tove_Reads I think I read somewhere that well get to know him better in the future. I didn‘t really connect with anyone in the first book. 5y
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I‘m having problems with this one. The book starts with the brutal murder of an entire family, the police feel lucky that they found the son alive. I didn‘t read in this book for two days, and I didn‘t think about it all, not what would happen to the son or if the police would find who did this.

I‘m thinking about bailing if no one gives me a reason to continue.
I‘ve read over 100p and feel like I‘ve given this book enough time.


Andrew65 I‘ve not started this yet but not sounding good! (edited) 5y
Lindy I don‘t know this book so I only want to comment that the situation—entire family murdered except one son who escapes—is the same as the opening of 5y
Panic70 I feel a bit guilty giving up on a book. However life is short and my TBR list is long. Do all Nordic Noir have slow beginnings? I‘ve only read one or two. 5y
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Tove_Reads It‘s totally up to you. They are however supposed to get better 5y
AnneCecilie @Panic70 No, at least not according to my memory. I‘m Norwegian and was reading Nordic noir long before the rest of the world discovered it. I‘ve devoured books by Anne Holt, Unni Lindell, Liza Marklund and the first 3 books by Karin Fossum. 5y
AnneCecilie @Lindy I didn‘t love that book either and felt like I‘ve missed something once I finished since everybody else loves it. 5y
AnneCecilie @Andrew65 I‘m sorry if I‘ve ruined something for you 5y
AnneCecilie @Tove_Reads I know and everybody seems to love Kepler. Right now there‘s too many digressions and backstory so the story slows down. I feel like everyone has been struggling with this one 5y
EadieB @AnneCecile I would do the audio if you can get it. Otherwise, the book is too long and not that good to spend the time reading it. 5y
AnneCecilie @EadieB I could probably get the audio, but I‘ll never manage to listen to all those hrs in time to participate in the discussion tomorrow. Maybe I‘ll do the next one on audio. 5y
EadieB @AnneCecilie That‘s what I plan to do. I think the translator may be the problem. 5y
AnneCecilie @EadieB I‘m reading the Norwegian translation and considering how similar Norwegian and Swedish is, there should be any problems with my translation. I just have some issues with how the story is told, the digressions and backstories 5y
EadieB @AnneCecilie If translation is not the problem, then I would say that it is just a long drawn out story that is not necessary. 5y
Panic70 @AnneCecilie I‘m going to look for some of those authors. Thanks for the tip! 5y
Andrew65 @AnneCecilie Not at all, you‘re not the first person in #NordicNoir questioning this one. 😊 5y
Marina_h I finished it today but it was a struggle. If it wasn't for the buddyread I probably would have DNF'ed. 5y
Crazeedi @AnneCecilie @EadieB @Andrew65 @Marina_h @Tove_Reads I havent started this one yet either. I have it laying beside my chair and I keep reading something else. I'm definitely going to start but if it's what I've been hearing I may not finish, we will see!! 5y
gradcat @AnneCecilie I found these books to be gratuitously violent. I think that‘s why I didn‘t read any more after the third one. There are loads of Scandinavian/Nordic authors who don‘t necessarily have scenes of such violence in their books. Although, that said, obviously there will be murder...😂♥️ @Andrew65 @Panic70 @Lindy @Tove_Reads @EadieB @Marina_h @Crazeedi (edited) 5y
Marina_h @gradcat I've read the three first books as well but Kepler is not my favourite Nordic author. I've read books by many other Nordic authors which I definitely prefer. Maybe that's why I never continued with the series. I was hoping a reread and talking about it with others would change my view but not many of us seem to like it 5y
Butterfinger @Andrew65 @gradcat @Panic70 @Lindy @Tove_Reads @EadieB @Marina_h @Crazeedi I just finished reading it. It was definitely a wild ride. I don't enjoy reading about children being hurt and the two very disturbed, murderous people are very abusive toward children. Please be cautious. I may be the only one with this opinion though - I thought the hypnotizing scenes were fascinating. I have never read anything similar to it. 5y
Crazeedi @Butterfinger thanks for your comment, I'm going to finish it this week, since I have it and the next 3 too 5y
gradcat @Butterfinger @Marina_h @Andrew65 @Panic70 @Lindy @Tove_Reads @EadieB @Crazeedi We have a very mixed bag of opinions here...just goes to show that one reader‘s fancy is another‘s poison... as it were ... I love hearing what everyone else thinks—such fun!! ♥️ (edited) 5y
hilded I didn‘t enjoy this one either when I read it many years ago, but the next one is somewhat better. Lackberg and Jussi Adler Olsen is much more to my taste. But wanted to give you a heads up about the cover on this one if you have the Norwegian hardcopy? When you hold it under sunlight the colors change, it‘s pretty cool :) 5y
AnneCecilie @hilded Yes, it is. It was a library loan, maybe I need to borrow it to see the color change? 5y
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Tumba Sweden. Triple homicide. One surviving witness is a young boy. DI Joona Linna asks Dr Erik Bark to hypnotize boy. Terrifying events unfurl. Dr. Bark‘s son is kidnapped. His marriage is on the rocks. Dr. Bark is also a drug addict. Dark story. Slow start. Main plot gets sidetracked too many times and makes book too long. Warning: nasty sexual language. Hope next book gets better. Translation may be the problem. #Murder2020 5/5


Andrew65 Great review! Although not enticing me to read the book 😂 5y
Crazeedi @Andrew65 I know, I'm having a tough time picking vfc itvup 5y
Andrew65 @Crazeedi I‘ll quite possibly start it this weekend. 5y
AnneCecilie I‘m almost 50p in, and there‘s a lot of backstory. I hope it‘ll be useful later 5y
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Next up for #NordicNoir buddy reads

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The first book in the third #NordicNoir series. #Murder2020 6/10 for me now. I was a bit disappointed in this book. It should have been edited more, and the writing was uneven. Did not really fall in love with the characters either. The story started all right, but then it sort of stopped going forward. Many awkward relationships. I will continue reading the series, hoping it‘ll get better! ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Tove_Reads Discussion questions posted 19th. 5y
Marina_h I'm sorry to hear you didn't enjoy it that much. I've read it before but it's a long time ago, so I honestly don't really remember it. So I'll give it a try again! 5y
EadieB @Tove_Reads I‘m finding the Nordic books a bit odd. I think they lose something through the translations. The stories seem to go on forever and the books don‘t need to be so long and drawn out. 5y
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Tove_Reads @eadieb Ninni Schulman, Mariette Lindstein, Pekka Hiltunen for example are different. The stories move forward. 600 pages for the tagged book is way too long. 5y
EadieB @Tove_Reads Maybe the 2nd book of these series will get better. I'll have to try those other authors. 5y
Tove_Reads @eadieb You didn‘t like the Ice Princess either? Was my fave out of these three. 5y
Tove_Reads @Eadieb and Cilla & Rolf Börjlind have a good series! 5y
EadieB @Tove_Reads The Ice Princess was the best on the three for sure. 5y
Tove_Reads @EadieB I would actually think that the translation of this one might be better. At some points the text was weird. 5y
EadieB @Tove_Reads I'm listening to the audio today. Only on chapter 25. 5y
Andrew65 Shame to hear this. A bit behind at the moment because of my library books and work! @EadieB @tove_reads 5y
Crazeedi I'm going to start this one tomorrow or sunday! @Tove_Reads @EadieB @Andrew65 5y
EadieB @Crazeedi Good luck! It was good in the beginning but the sexual language is a bit much and the story goes off track from the middle to the end. This is the worst of the 3 we are reading. Book is too long too. @Tove_Reads @Andrew65 (edited) 5y
Crazeedi @EadieB I'm not into a lot of that kind of language, I hope I don't put it down🙄 5y
Crazeedi @EadieB and not that I'm prudish, just too much is a turn off to me 5y
EadieB @Crazeedi It's just so unnecessary so get ready to be turned off. 5y
Crazeedi @EadieB I'll probably do a lot of skimming then, I really need to read a good book, because my week wasnt the greatest and I'm in need of a laugh and a lift! 5y
Tove_Reads @eadieb @andrew65 @crazeedi I‘ve been told this series gets better. Although I‘m surprised to see so many good reviews for the first one. 5y
Andrew65 @Crazeedi @EadieB @Tove_Reads I just don‘t see the need at all for sex and sexual language in books! 5y
Crazeedi @Andrew65 agree, I'll be reading this on starting today 5y
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Was meant to read this next week, but since I‘m on a sick leave the rest of the week I‘ll take it as three full days to read 😃 Strangely enough, my third Swedish book in a row. Even weirder... the third Swedish book with child abuse/child murder 🤔 #Murder2020 6/6 #NordicNoir Questions about this book for our discussion will be posted Sunday 19th.

Butterfinger When will the discussion questions be posted for the Ice Princess? I guess I'm excited. 5y
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This is the first book in the Joona Linna series. It takes place in Stockholm (hooray for Scandi crime fiction!) And is fast paced from start to finish. When I was reading the flashback portion I initially thought it was too drawn out, but it came together and made sense in the end. Looking forward to reading more Kepler! 4⭐⭐⭐⭐

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I started this today, and it is ADDICTING. This is my first by Lars Kepler. I have really been in a Scandinavian crime fiction mood recently and this one is great so far!

OnlyYoo Wow the synopsis for this sounds great! Stacked 5y
TiredLibrarian My library book group is discussing this on Thursday! 5y
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I started listening to this today thru Libby as I was out and about. When I got home tonight I downloaded the ebook from my library and had difficulty finding my place in the book. There are two different translations and I have one on audio and one on ebook. Weird. #BooksInTranslation

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I really enjoyed this book. A fast paced thriller with great complex characters and a very interesting premise. A great start to the Joona Linna series.


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Hypnotist | Lars Kepler
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He could be borrowing worse books...

MrBook Lol 6y
CrowCAH Welcome to the Litsy family!!! 📚 6y
Bklover Welcome to Litsy! 6y
rather_be_reading 🤣🤣 6y
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I'm officially a Joona Linna fan. I enjoyed the book, tho I skipped over the sex scenes. Joona still feels a little flat, but he is starting to come to life in book #2, that I'm now reading.

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Atmospheric, fast paced and good storyline but cramped with subplots and unattractive plot structure. Good for Lars Kepler fans 🙂

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Working on The Hypnotist by Lars Keplar. Not too bad, but it feels sort of flat - & more like telling than showing. This could be because I'm reading an English translation (from Swedish).

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Day 1: Thank you to @ErinSueG for tagging me in #crimesagainstcovers. Here my two - both books were bought used. The Green Mile cover just snapped off and my dog chewed the corner of The Hypnotist. This was his first crime against a book so I let it slide. I‘ll tag the #ATB gang!

Erin7 Fun! I‘ll take a look at my books when I get home and post this evening. 6y
AceOnRoam I'm very choosy with the books I pickup from marinas, particularly if they smell bad! I will check the few I own and post something later. 6y
AceOnRoam We need to see naughty puppy too please...🐶🐕🐶🐕 6y
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Jess_Read_This How fun!! I‘m up north now but I have a torn cover courtesy of my errant three year old nephew! Lol- when Gatsby chews up a book, he leaves only shreds of paper as evidence 6y
jb72 @AceOnRoam picture has been posted of naughty 🐶! He‘s such a sweet puppy. 6y
jb72 @Jess_Read_This oh yes those kids can go wild on a book. Scout hasn‘t learned to hide the evidence of his chews yet. 6y
jb72 @Erin7 cool 😎 6y
Erinsuereads Hi @Erin7 and @AceOnRoam I‘ll tag you in the mornings when i post the prompts! @jb72 thanks for sharing this and excellent choices for wrecked books 😂😂 what is the #ATB group?!? 6y
Erinsuereads @Jess_Read_This if you want to be included in my morning tags so you don‘t miss any of the fun I can do that even if you can‘t post 💜💜 just let me know! 6y
Erinsuereads Also @jb72 you aren‘t kidding when you say it SNAPPED off! That‘s a serious break! 6y
AceOnRoam @ErinSueG we are a small group on Goodreads #ATB = Across the Bookshelves 6y
Erinsuereads Oh fun!! 6y
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This book was all over the place. It felt like it switched stories partway through too. Oh and the dog chewed the corner. 🙀

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Honestly this was one meandering mess! It‘s book one in a series. Good thing I read book 4 first as these authors greatly improved. I‘ll give the 2 book a chance.

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Erik Maria Bark .
One of my favorite quotes from #larskepler #thehypnotist #beautiful #reading #crime

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A lovely bit of bookish art I happened upon! 💖📚

wanderinglynn ❤️ 6y
rubyslippersreads 😻📚😻 6y
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