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Princess Diaries
Princess Diaries | Meg Cabot
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What? A princess Me Yeah, right.Mia Thermopolis is pretty sure there's nothing worse than being a five-foot-nine, flat-chested freshman, who also happens to be flunking Algebra.Is she ever in for a surprise.First Mom announces that she's dating Mia's Algebra teacher. Then Dad has to go and reveal that he is the crown prince of Genovia. And guess who still doesn't have a date for the Cultural Diversity Dance?
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Princess Diaries | Meg Cabot
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Mia is prepared to sacrifice her happiness in order to secure Genovia's future,

Princess Diaries | Meg Cabot
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Unforgettable scene in the movie, but honestly the old Mia will never change! Her spirit was raw and that what made the movie unforgettable, Lovely story of a girl growing up. Must Read/Watch.

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With just a glance you can probably tell what I spent all of February doing. 😅

I binged the entire Princess Diaries series this month, with a few extra audiobooks thrown in for good measure.

#bookreport #romance #ya #princess #pink

Clwojick Wow! I had no idea there were that many books in the series! I would‘ve guessed 6 or 7 1y
Gnora @Clwojick yup! There‘s 10 in the original series, plus 4 novellas, which plus 2 adult books published latter. 1y
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Cute cover 💗 2y
Eggs Fun movie !! 2y
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#Royalty 👸 👑 💎 #BookMoods 😊📚

#BookNerd 🤓💙📚

Eggs Pretty 👸🏻 2y
Saknicole Such feelings of nostalgia in seeing those books ❤️ 2y
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Princess Diaries | Meg Cabot
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I think it‘s odd how both of the books I‘ve read this year with movie adaptations have bad relationships that are not displayed in said movie. I would have like to seen Mia deal with her mother not being a responsible adult but, hey, it‘s a ten book series dot there‘s still time. Based on personal experience, it bugs me to hear a character complain about being flat chested the entire book, but I like the body sensitivity rep. For ⬇️

Zoe-h ⬆️ these reasons and many more I wanted to not enjoy this book, but I couldn‘t help deeply liking it. It is likely I will buy the next one. 4⭐️ 2y
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Princess Diaries | Meg Cabot
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There are quite few “Are you there God? It‘s me Margaret.” moments with a “Clueless” feel. Not terribly deep but endearing.

Not my best color match for #Pantone2022 but close. Also completed my #Booked2022 prompt about a royal.
#innuendo #christyread

Princess Diaries | Meg Cabot
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CarolynM 🤣 2y
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Princess Diaries | Meg Cabot
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So, this book was very short, so it was easy to get through. But I really didn't enjoy it. I am not the right audience for this book. I haven't seen the movie in forever, so I have it on right now for background noise. #BookToMovie

#NovelWatchingCrew (#NWC)
@AkashaVampie @AnansiGirl @jb72 @AsYouWish @mollyrotondo @Bibliobliss @Butterfinger

HollyBolly I read this after seeing the movie a while ago while I was in high school or maybe college. Thus is one of those rare instances where the movie was better. 2y
ElizaMarie @HollyBolly YES! I rarely say that the movie was better, but this one is definitely the case! 2y
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Princess Diaries | Meg Cabot
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I‘m really not enjoying this one. She is too awkward teen for me. Maybe I‘m too old for this one. Seriously thinking to DNF it but I‘m about 40% in

#NovelWatchingCrew (#NWC)
@AkashaVampie @AnansiGirl @jb72 @AsYouWish @mollyrotondo @Bibliobliss @Butterfinger

jb72 I find it awkward. I‘m definitely not the intended reader. I‘ll finish it since it seems to be a quick read. 2y
mollyrotondo I read this one when I was a teenager and struggled with it then lol this is definitely a more entertaining movie than read. 2y
ElizaMarie @DGRachel - sorry the phone had bad service so it posted this a billion times! I might end up DNFing it. It‘a not too long so I might be able to breeze through it but…. Life‘s too short too! 2y
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ElizaMarie @kamoorephoto - sorry my phone! But yeah I liked the movie. Also in the movie she is less self centered and less whiny 2y
ElizaMarie @jb72 I have about an hour left. I can muster through an hour. I have some chores to do. SO I can do it that way. I don know if going #AudioCommute for this was the right call. Its read by Anne Hathaway (who I love) but she is really playing up the whiney teenage drama! 2y
ElizaMarie @mollyrotondo YES! I am thinking this one is a definite - Movie-IS-Better type of thing here. 2y
jb72 @ElizaMarie I didn‘t care for the movie either. I watched it the other night. But then again I‘m not a fan of Hathaway. I did like the ending of the movie. 2y
ElizaMarie @jb72 So, its not really my “type“ of media (too light for me!) but.. I remember thinking the movie was cute. Nothing amazing but nothing horrible. I am gonna see if I can find it on one of the streaming platforms and have it on (probably as background noise too!) 2y
jb72 @ElizaMarie I watched it on Disney Plus. 2y
ElizaMarie @jb72 I just put it on :) 2y
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It's Time.... if anyone wants to jump on with us to watch the movie or just chat!!!


PageShifter How it went??! We want details 🤣 Or I want 🤓 I was planning to join but time difference made it impossible this time. 2y
AkashaVampie @PageShifter I'm sorry u couldn't make it sweetie. It wasn't bad. We had fun. It was only me and a couple other ladies. I understand since it was last min and like gets in the way. I am thinking about trying to do it once a week with one week doing a morning watch party like at 9am EST and the other week doing an evening party at about 8pm EST. Also might try doing a poll to see what everyone would wanna watch for the week. 2y
AkashaVampie @PageShifter that meant to say Life gets in the way 2y
PageShifter Sounds perfect! That morning time would be good thinking about my time zone. I'll join to Discord now 😎 2y
AkashaVampie @PageShifter awesome. Now I need to do some figuring out of things we could watch 2y
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Good Evening Littens... who is getting ready for the #LitsyWatchParty??? I got all my stuff ready!


Everyone is welcome.


Blueberry Homemade Reese's?!! 2y
AkashaVampie @Blueberry yes they are. I put too much peanut butter in them so the sides aren't completely chocolate. 2y
Blueberry 😋🤪 2y
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1 hour til the #LitsyWatchParty for The Princess Diaries. Everyone is welcome to join in. U don't even have to watch the movie with us.... u can just chat with everyone. Make sure u got ur snacks & drinks ready.



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Going to try and make some peanut butter chocolates for the #LitsyWatchParty tonight.

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Litsy Watch Party Tonight!!!!!!

What are u planning on bringing to the movie?

I am thinking about doing a little spa time via a face mask. Gotta have some candy and snacks. Not a drinker and its late for me, so probably just water.


AkashaVampie discord link
Everyone is welcome!!
PageShifter I am so sad that streaming doesn't work 😭 I don't have Disney. But I want to know everything, I love to hear about your plans and have fun!! 2y
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AkashaVampie @PageShifter awww im sorry sweetie. The movie is on other things but u have to pay for it. it looks like its about $5 on Prime, Vudu, Apple TV, Youtube, Google Play. Not sure if that is something u can afford, but its an option. 2y
AkashaVampie @PageShifter also... u dont have to watch the movie, u can read while u chat with us. So if u dont have any other plans, feel free to jump on! 2y
PageShifter @AkashaVampie I have to check if I can use one of those! 2y
AkashaVampie @PageShifter no pressure... just wanted to give u options.
PageShifter I know and thank you for that ❣ 2y
AkashaVampie @PageShifter ur welcome hun! 2y
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Hello. If u didn't see my posts from yesterday, here is what's up! I have planned a watch party for tonight @ 7:30pm EST (sorry if thats super early where u live) for the #NWC book of Jan & Feb, The Princess Diaries. Sadly if u are joining in, u either need to own the movie or have a subscription to Disney Plus. Was really hoping that screen sharing was going to work! 😢 Everyone is welcome.


Look forward to chatting

AkashaVampie If u dont have disney plus and can afford like $5, the movie is on Prime, Vudu, Apple TV, Youtube, Google Play. Not sure if that is something u can afford, but its an option. 2y
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Princess Diaries | Meg Cabot
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Just downloaded the #NovelWatchingCrew (#NWC) book for January/February. It will be my #AudioCommute book (will start it tomorrow on the way to work).

@AkashaVampie @AnansiGirl @jb72 @AsYouWish @mollyrotondo @Bibliobliss @Butterfinger

jb72 I just started this one. 2y
ElizaMarie @jb72 reading or listening? 2y
jb72 @ElizaMarie Reading. My hoopla has it. It‘s a bit strange how it‘s set up with dates. 2y
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Going to try to read alittle before my head starts hurting again.

@ElizaMarie @AsYouWish @jb72

PageShifter I have read this last year. Have fun! 2y
AkashaVampie @PageShifter its good so far. Thanks 2y
ElizaMarie I haven't started this one yet, but I just downloaded it from Libby as my new #AudioCommute book, so that might be fun! I am sorry your head hurts, I wish you felt better. Hang in there! 2y
AkashaVampie @ElizaMarie yay... hope u like it. And thanks. It comes and goes. Just trying to relax for the long weekend. 2y
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Adulting is all done for today. Now to lay down, get under the covers, and read!!! Nighty Night peeps!


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Happy January Littens!! Who is starting the #NWC book for Jan/Feb today? I am hoping to get to this soon. I have been wanting to read this for a long time. Lets all become princesses.

If u are wanting to join in, u are so welcome to. We would love to have u. We are totally laid back and nothing is mandatory in our groups!

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Princess Diaries | Meg Cabot
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Hello Littens. Who is excited for 2022??? Looking for a new book group to join? Love movies. Come #buddyread with the novel watching crew (#nwc) in 2022!!!!

Everyone is welcome in our groups! Come check us out on https://thecreativecrewblog.weebly.com/

Here is our wonderful team for these groups..... @AkashaVampie @ElizaMarie @AsYouWish @jb72

AkashaVampie Thanks sweetie for sharing. 3y
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I‘ve never actually read these before, but my younger sister loved this whole series growing up. 💕

https://bookriot.com/princess-quiz/ #BookRiotQuiz #WhichCharacterAreYou

Sparklemn I got the same quiz result as you. And yes, I am a little awkward and nerdy. 😊 3y
KathyWheeler I got Elizabeth from The Paper Bag Princess. I‘m good with that; I bought that book for both my daughter and granddaughter when they were small. 3y
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Princess Diaries | Meg Cabot
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Q♦️- The Princess Diaries
15/52 #TBRDeckofCards
They changed quite a bit of the story to make it Disney appropriate 🤣🤣

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I don't have much to say about this one. I liked it but didn't love it. It's nice for a light read in between some heavier stuff. I can imagine how it would be a great read for those who always wished they would become a princess later. For me it was more of an acknowledgement that I didn't want that.

Artwork by: https://www.deviantart.com/saiteadvuse

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The story might sound like a dream to most girls, but Cabot's protagonist is convinced this will be a nightmare for her. I liked that she touched on the potential downsides of the princess life in a way that felt true to the character & age group. At the same time, it didn't go deep enough for me, and often felt more like telling than showing. There's probably more to explore in future volumes, but I'm not convinced I want to continue.

Princess Diaries | Meg Cabot
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Klou Brilliant! 4y
Eggs @Klou 👏🏻📚❤️ 4y
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Man, is this a throw back or what? Besides Harry Potter, Meg Cabot's The Princess Diaries was another book series that was very important in my life. It is so nice to return to the life of Mia Thermopolis. It is a little dated and Mia can be very naive, but that is exactly how teenagers act. But it was still a great read, it was really fun and just nostalgic for me. I think I'll enjoy this series. 4 out of 5

Princess Diaries | Meg Cabot
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Meg Cabot is writing new diary entries for Mia on her blog. So far both days have really made me smile! Check them out! https://www.megcabot.com/2020/03/corona-princess-diaries-day-1/?utm_content=1231...

LiteraryinLawrence What a sweet idea! 4y
Butterfinger I hope you have been feeling better. 4y
BethM @Butterfinger thanks! Dr gave me some meds last night so this am I feel back to just the normal pregnancy woes! 4y
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Avanders Glad you‘re feeling better! 🤗♥️ 4y
Avanders So, I‘m not a *huge* fan of the Aurora Teagarden mystery books ... but I‘m kind of loving the tv series. I have them set to record and hopefully I‘ll get to see them all! I‘m on #5 ☺️ 4y
Avanders (Hallmark movies & mysteries) 4y
BethM @Avanders I‘ll have to check them out! 4y
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Adorable quick read finished in a few hours! The fact that Anne Hathaway narrates just makes it even more lovable!

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sheshedbooks 😄 Loved the movie. Still haven't read the book. 4y
OriginalCyn620 Good choice! 😊 4y
TheSpineView @greenreads I know the problem! 😁 4y
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Had to go with this one for #crownonthecover! 👑

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Pretty 💗 👑 4y
Vee_Bookish I love this book! 4y
mrp27 I really enjoyed this series! 4y
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Princess Diaries | Meg Cabot
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A nice, quick read. I am one of the rare people who has not seen the adaptation, but I‘ve heard good things about it and the books. I love the concept (and that it‘s written as a diary!!) but I‘m not sure how I feel about Mia. I found her a bit annoying. Either way I still enjoyed it and look forward to reading the next book!


This was a wierd experience for me. So many things didn't feel right because I saw the movie a million times before I ever touched this book. New York?!

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This was a cute listen for my walks and drive to work. Very short and loved that it was narrated by Anna Hathaway!

(Must admit I liked the movie better!)

We all know this story - Mia finds out she is actually a princess - not just a regular high school student. I did really like her character and her interactions with everyone else in the story. Typical teenager.

Just definitely geared to a younger audience.

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What my grandma just surprised me with!! This made my day!!😍😍📚📚👑💍👠💎

Branwen Those covers are gorgeous! 😍 5y
brit91 @Branwen thank you I thought so to!😀 5y
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Falling asleep to this one tonight! Who else LOVED this book or movie as a preteen?! 💗💓💞

#BookToMovie #MayMadness @TheReadingMermaid @RadicalReader

CarolynM I read the books as an adult and really enjoyed them. The movie (only saw the first) was a sad disappointment - Grandmere was much too nice😂 I loved it in the later books when Mia grumbled about the movies😂😂😂 (edited) 5y
Lucy_Anywhere I loved this book as a teen - and Grandmere was brutal 😂 5y
alisiakae I love the movie, but I‘ve never actually read the book! 😮 5y
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ReadWithAJ I‘m planning on rereading these soon 5y
Clwojick @CarolynM @Lucy_Anywhere I didn‘t get too far in before I crashed last night, 😅 So far Grandmere has not really been in it. Can‘t wait to finish it off today. ♥️ 5y
Clwojick @ReadWithAJ I don‘t think I read all of them as a preteen, maybe only a few. But I might check them out next month. ♥️ 5y
ReadWithAJ @Clwojick I didn‘t read all of them. Probably about half 5y
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Princess Diaries | Meg Cabot
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Wt if u were an ordinary girl and someone or your family member tells you that u r a princess, wt would your reaction be? Surprised , shocked , happy , sad , confused? . This happens with the school freak , Mia thermopolis.Her grandmother decides her looks and behaviour but it's not easy for Mia or Amelia .
Read this story of a freshman with whole country's responsibility.
# photographybyme

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Chrissyreadit I love meg Cabot and Anne Hathaway. 5y
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When I first found this book in the YA section of the library, I have to admit that I was not convinced. Looking at the cover and reading the blurb about a girl who had just been told that she was a princess, I thought that I was years beyond it

However, giving it a chance was one of the best decisions that I made...the whole series is hilarious (and definitely not for young children!)

A perfect example of not judging a book by it's cover 😂

CoffeeNBooks I enjoyed this series, and now have a set of these books in my classroom library. 6y
cassareada I read All American Girl and Ready or Not by her back in my middle school years and enjoyed them. I also read a few of The Mediator books and enjoyed those as well. 6y
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Day 6 #AdventRecommends

The Princess Diaries by Meg Cabot

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Day 6 #AdventRecommends

The Princess Diaries by Meg Cabot

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Day 6 #AdventRecommends

The Princess Diaries by Meg Cabot

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Day 6 #AdventRecommends

The Princess Diaries by Meg Cabot

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Binge rewatching The Princess Diaries today and I‘m not even ashamed. 😂 #princessdiaries #booktomovie