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The Dud Avocado
The Dud Avocado | Elaine Dundy
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The Dud Avocado follows the romantic and comedic adventures of a young American who heads overseas to conquer Paris in the late 1950s. Edith Wharton and Henry James wrote about the American girl abroad, but it was Elaine Dundys Sally Jay Gorce who told us what she was really thinking. Charming, sexy, and hilarious, The Dud Avocado gained instant cult status when it was first published and it remains a timeless portrait of a woman hell-bent on living. I had to tell someone how much I enjoyed The Dud Avocado. It made me laugh, scream, and guffaw (which, incidentally, is a great name for a law firm). Groucho Marx "[The Dud Avocado] is one of the best novels about growing up fast..." -The Guardian
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The Dud Avocado | Elaine Dundy
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Starting a new book... Let's hope it's a good one. 🤞

The Dud Avocado | Elaine Dundy
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WOW. THIs book is just one zinger after another

Ruthiella I liked this book a lot! It was witty. 7mo
Vansa @Ruthiella I love it so far! It's so darkly funny 7mo
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The Dud Avocado | Elaine Dundy
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#AdventRecommends December 20th

I love Paris, so a book set in Paris about a young woman‘s adventures in said city, is a sure winner with me.

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The Dud Avocado | Elaine Dundy
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What a treat! I loved this book

Sally‘s a young American in 50s Paris. She‘s made a deal with her uncle, for 2 yrs she‘ll have complete freedom and he‘ll support her. His condition is that she tells him all about it afterwards. This is Sally‘s adventures and she really knows how to live life

There‘s a lot of talk of the left bank and since Saint Germain is my favorite part of Paris, I loved it. Along with all the other Paris descriptions.

AnneCecilie #DoubleSpin October @TheAromaofBooks 1st book finished for #20in4 @Andrew65 (edited) 2y
Ruthiella I loved this book too! 😃 2y
Cinfhen Sounds great!! 2y
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GerardtheBookworm YES! YES! YES! I ❤ this book! The UK cover is much better. I'm not a fan of the NYR of books with a pin up model on the cover. I'm handselling this at my bookstore. 2y
LeahBergen This is such a good read. 😊 2y
Tamra Sounds fun! Stacked 2y
AnneCecilie @Ruthiella @Cinfhen @GerardtheBookworm @LeahBergen @Tamra I‘m surprised by how much I enjoyed this. 2y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
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The Dud Avocado | Elaine Dundy
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I was still wearing the evening dress I had on when I‘d met Larry that morning and the funny thing about it was that, even though twelve hours had elapsed since then, it still wasn‘t particularly appropriate. I mean I really felt I could expect it to be correct attire at some point of the day - like a watch that has stopped, eventually just happening to have its hands pointing to the right time

(Picture found online of the clock at Musee d‘Orsay)

The Dud Avocado | Elaine Dundy
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For some people history is a Beach or a Tower or a Graveyard. For me it was this giant primordial Toy Shop with all its windows gloriously ablaze. It contained everything I‘ve ever wanted that money can buy. It was an enormous Christmas present wrapped in silver and blue tissue paper tied with satin ribbons and bells. Inside would be something to adorn, to amuse, and to dazzle me forever. It was my present for being alive.
As I say, I‘d started at

AnneCecilie the Etoile and was working my way down to the Place de la Concorde. 2y
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The Dud Avocado | Elaine Dundy
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#bookspin Sad to say, I DNF'd this. It looked exactly the sort of old-fashioned, young woman having adventures story I liked, but it didn't feel... wholesome. I didn't like the narrator or want to spend time with her.

willaful #doublespin I read a graphic novel, _Made in Korea_. It was very confusing, but interesting. It includes a main story and a number of related shorts, set in a future where fertility is very limited (reasons unknown) and people buy “proxys,“ lifelike android children. The main character, Jesse, is a new form of AI who could be said to have a soul, with is more of a curse than a blessing until a triumphant end. 2y
TheAromaofBooks Sad that your BookSpin didn't pan out!! Books from the 50s can be a little hit or miss for me - I'm not always a fan of the “edgy“ authors from that era. 2y
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The Dud Avocado | Elaine Dundy
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This was an enjoyable read. Elaine Dundy sets the mood brilliantly and paints a vivid portrait of a young woman who just wants to have different experiences and is simply a curious soul: "That's my answer to the question what is your strongest emotion, if you ever want to ask me: Curiosity, old bean. Curiosity every time." (Also, the 2006 afterward in my edition was great too. Love those little insights.)

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The Dud Avocado | Elaine Dundy
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This was funny but lacking in plot and didn‘t quite do it for me 🤷🏻‍♀️

The Dud Avocado | Elaine Dundy
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Way overdue with this review, especially since this is probably my favorite NYRB pick so far. Most stories with naive young adults at their center don't give them much personality, so I enjoyed watching Sally Jay Gorce's exploits in Paris. She has a comic charm to how she approaches a series of absurd situations and characters. There were plenty of laugh out loud moments and it also took some unexpected turns.

LeahBergen I loved this one, too! 👍🏻 4y
Tanisha_A Fab review! Loved this one 🙂 4y
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The Dud Avocado | Elaine Dundy
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“I couldn't stop singing to myself in the taxi–that heavenly tune about taking a chance on love.”

It's 1950s, Sally Jay Gorce in her early 20s travels from America to Paris to live life carefree. Paris at that time is brimming with artists (expatriates or otherwise) of various intellects; culture; and a thrill of experiencing a foreign life. It's a brilliantly vivid portrait of a woman who just wants to have different experiences and is 👇🏽

Tanisha_A simply a curious soul, as she says – “That's my answer to the question what is your strongest emotion, if you ever want to ask me: Curiosity, old bean. Curiosity every time.” 4y
Tanisha_A @TrishB Thanks for the bookmark. It matches this book and edition in every sense. 😘 4y
readordierachel Lovely review, Tanisha! 4y
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vivastory Sally Jay definitely had a curious nature. So glad to hear your thoughts on this one! 4y
LeahBergen Nicely reviewed! 👏🏻👏🏻 4y
TrishB Great review 😁 and love it when book marks match 😘 4y
UwannaPublishme 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 4y
Tanisha_A @vivastory Thanks for bringing this one to my attention, Scott. I had a gala time reading it. So good and funny! 😁 4y
Tanisha_A @readordierachel @LeahBergen @TrishB @UwannaPublishme Thank you, ladies! ❤️ What a fun book, this one. 4y
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The Dud Avocado | Elaine Dundy
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Book mail from #Powells to keep me sane tonight.

The Dud Avocado | Elaine Dundy
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QUESTION 5 #NYRBbookclub

What did you think of the ending? Is the ending “happy“ for Sally? Did it satisfy you?

vivastory I loved the ending. I would have liked another 40-50 pages to develop her relationship with Max but it seemed like she was showing that she had not sacrificed the carefree aspect of her personality. 4y
GatheringBooks I thought it was just the right ending with the perfect note of reluctance, uncertainty coupled with yet another firm resolution that she is determined to see through to the fullest. It was in keeping with the impulsive, blindside-the-reader-because-its-fun type of ending that simply came out of nowhere. Just like Sally Jay. 4y
vivastory @GatheringBooks Exactly, the ending perfectly suited Sally Jay's personality. Dundy didn't impose her own. I would have liked more, but I was perfectly happy not getting more bc as you said 'blindside-the-reader-because-its-fun type of ending' was a memorable way to end it. 4y
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Theaelizabet @Gatheringbooks I'll admit that I wanted more for her, but you make a good point. it was in keeping with her. She probably will dye her hair black to “get into the swing of things,“ and that's as it should be. Loved the last two paragraphs! 4y
Leftcoastzen I thought it was a good ending. They are both somewhat unconventional people that may actually end up together.Upbeat & fun (mostly) there were many Lol moments. The uncle‘s letter made me laugh a lot! 4y
batsy Yes to what @GatheringBooks said. I don't know if it's necessarily "happy" but it sort of points to her indefatigable spirit! And I found that optimism very welcome, particularly reading it in 2020 ? But I do agree @Theaelizabet I want more for her, too. I would have liked a sequel... 4y
LeahBergen My sappy heart loved the ending. I want to think of her dyeing her hair, wearing the “wrong” clothes, and off on continual adventures. 4y
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The Dud Avocado | Elaine Dundy
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QUESTION 4 #NYRBbookclub

Why does it take her so long (and Teddy's warning) to see Larry for who he was? As you read, how did you see Larry?

vivastory That honestly caught me a bit off guard. I greatly enjoyed this book, but I was a bit distracted in the middle of the book. I felt like the beginning & the end were the strongest so I missed a few of the warning signs. There were so many characters entering & leaving the pages, the overall tone of the book often felt like watching a Fellini movie (esp La Dolce Vita) 4y
Theaelizabet @vivastory Me, too! At least the extent to which he was violent and brutish. But all along I kept thinking something wasn't quite right. Great point about La Dolce Vita, plus it sounds like something Sally would recognize and name drop! 4y
vivastory @Theaelizabet The book felt like it was very much in conversation with cinema, with Sally being an actress & spending her days in theaters etc. It's no wonder that Marx blurbed it. 4y
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GatheringBooks As the trite adage goes, it‘s difficult to wake up a person who isn‘t asleep to begin with (or simply pretending to sleep). I think she was determined to see Larry in the best light possible, regardless, because she has already made a conscious decision that she was in love with him and by golly she will see that through. I never trusted Larry at the get-go. Found him to be an opportunistic pretentious fop, convinced of his own genius. 4y
vivastory @GatheringBooks Excellently said! I agree though, sometimes people just can't be convinced that there's something wrong (seems to be the case with politics & love) 4y
Leftcoastzen Because she was so direct at describing most of the other characters , it‘s easy to see her being a bit sweet on Larry not to see some of the signs.The passport was a big clue to me.Some of his behavior she observed at a distance made me know he wasn‘t on the up & up. 4y
mklong I know that Teddy was a jerk too, but I actually believed he was serious when he warned her about Larry. His observation that he didn‘t react either when she left the table or when she came back, was pretty impressive. I completely see why she didn‘t listen to him, but the signs were there all along. 4y
vivastory @mklong When he didn't react I believed him completely. I just couldn't recall if there were signs that Larry had stolen her passport earlier in the book. 4y
Theaelizabet Part of what obscured her ability to see him clearly, I think, was that she saw the Larry she wanted to see (ah, the young) and the two had some things alike (which Larry notes at one point): their cleverness in commenting/categorizing others; their ambition, which was often placed in artistic endeavors, etc. He was good looking and she saw the bits of herself that pleased her, perhaps? (edited) 4y
mklong @vivastory Oh I see what you mean. Since I was rereading and knew what would happen with the passport, my ears perked up in their very first conversation when Sally talks about losing her pearls. It read to me this time like he was sizing her up as a mark 4y
youneverarrived You can tell in their first conversation there‘s something a bit off about him, like @mklong says about the pearls, but she‘s so enamoured with him from the get go I think she‘s pretty naive to his faults. She just sees him as she wants to rather than what he is. Saying that, I didn‘t have a clue it was him that stole the passport until it was revealed. 4y
Suet624 This question and the comments make me want to finish reading the book! Hoping my concentration will improves soon. 4y
vivastory @youneverarrived Yes, I think part of the problem too is she doesn't have any reliable friends early on that she would have been able to discuss any concerns with. She was stranded overseas & had to rely on her own judgment, which was clouded by her feelings. But as you pointed out he didn't really do anything to really stand out immediately. 4y
vivastory @Suet624 I think it's def worth checking out, so when you are able to concentrate I def recommend it. I know my attention was meandering a bit in the middle. 4y
batsy I agree with @GatheringBooks' assessment of Larry. I think Sally Jay couldn't see it because she's "green", and thus still naive. She still has a lot to learn about people. She was also nursing a bit of a crush. I think this kind of blinkered perspective brought about by youth and naivete and the urge to see good in everyone was kind of deftly handled by Dundy; Sally Jay is rarely foolish, but she still can be wrong. 4y
LeahBergen The truth about Larry‘s character actually took me by surprise and I somehow didn‘t see it coming that he could be so brutal. I think this probably shows how clever Dundy is at getting us inside Sally Jay‘s mind and having us experience events as she does. 4y
youneverarrived @vivastory that is true! Her feelings for him definitely blindsided her. @LeahBergen I felt the same. 4y
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The Dud Avocado | Elaine Dundy
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QESTION 3 #NYRBbookclub

“And yet he was, I suppose, my first real relationship.” (p. 140) What did “a real relationship” seem to mean to Sally? Why did she leave Jim?

vivastory She seemed to want to experience more of the world & life before she wanted to commit to a relationship. From what I recall he also said some pretty stupid things too 4y
Theaelizabet She seemed to care for Jim, but for all his artistry, he was a traditionalist. And it seemed to me she took a hard look at what she thought she was being asked to commit to and said no. ('I tried to remember one minute that whole week end when Marion and I weren't either feeding people, or clearing up from doing it, or preparing to do it again....But I couldn't see why...I should.“) 4y
GatheringBooks The book was first published in 1958- which makes it pretty revelatory in terms of how intimate relationships are portrayed. While Sally Jay evidently had this wild streak that she took pride in, she may have equated “real relationships” as those which resembled that which she had always known to be true and inevitable? Expected as matter-of-fact with the clearly defined roles? While Jim‘s expectations rankled at her, she struggled, but barely. 4y
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Leftcoastzen I think she wanted some sexual experiences just like anyone.Of course some novels wouldn‘t go there at the time this was written.You can feel the domesticity of some of the scenes with Jim.Some of those effects are comforting , some horrifying,yet she doesn‘t want that yet. (edited) 4y
Theaelizabet @Leftcoastzen You're right that some novels “wouldn't go there,“ but this one sure did, didn't it? (p. 20 “You know how it is. Some people can hack and hack away at you and nothing happens at all and then someone else just touches you and you come...yes, I mean that's what happened. I mean I came.“) I read that that paragraph was cut in the first edition, but that Dundy got it returned for the second. 4y
vivastory @Theaelizabet @leftcoastzen I was also a tad bit surprised by some of the profanity. Although it was edited, it was pretty obvious what was intended. 4y
youneverarrived @GatheringBooks great points there! I think she left him because she didn‘t want that domesticity; she didn‘t want to be doing the cleaning or the cooking as Jim would probably be expecting. I feel like there relationship in terms of their feelings for each other was more equal & mutual than with Teddy or Larry though. (edited) 4y
batsy I found that a puzzling remark & I was mulling it over, as well. I think real to her means what she's been used to seeing as real—tepid almost, domestic. And she's learning that she's a person who can't settle for that version of a real relationship despite living in an era where that would have been held up as the ideal. I think Sally Jay kind of screwing up & lusting after the wrong men would have been subversively feminist for its time. 4y
LeahBergen @Theaelizabet I loved that “hack and hack away” section! It was shocking and so cleverly situated near the beginning of the book. 4y
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The Dud Avocado | Elaine Dundy
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QUESTION 2 #NYRBbookclub

“To my chagrin, I found all my clothes...splitting themselves resolutely into three categories: Tyrolean Peasant, Bar Girl and Dreaded Librarian.“ (p. 56 NYRB edition). Sally alludes to being mistaken for a librarian, has the Dreaded Librarian Dream, attempts to become a librarian, and finally ends up in a man's bed that's in his library. What the heck is going on here?

vivastory The bed in the library cracked me up. I think that for Dundy this was a symbol of spinsterhood & stasis. Of being stuck in place. 4y
Theaelizabet I think she both feared and admired “The Dreaded Librarian.“ It's a thing too normal (and possibly dull), but she's a literate, well-read girl if her allusions are any example, and The Dreaded Librarian seemed to both haunt and entice her. 4y
Leftcoastzen I remember being young and looking at my wardrobe & thinking this dress makes me look too...something.I think you dream of what you long for yet fear .I hated in It‘s a wonderful life that they portrayed Mary as a meek ,sad, spinster librarian if she doesn‘t marry George.I saw ending up in a bedroom library as having a certain symmetry. 4y
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vivastory @Leftcoastzen That's a good point & I think true that people dream of what they long for & yet fear. Also there's the kindness that was shown to her in Chicago by the clerk that resembled a librarian. That memory was very important to Sally 4y
GatheringBooks I love the q and “what the heck is going on here” by @Theaelizabet - Indeed! I love how @vivastory once again arrived at the perfect symbolic significance “spinsterhood and stasis” that totally escaped me - Could be Dundy‘s throwaway tribute to librarians? Tongue-in-cheek? But yes, there is something about librarians that def appealed to and appalled her both at once. Glad that the former won out. 4y
Leftcoastzen @vivastory Yes , I loved how the positive encounter with clerk in Chicago brought bus an “ah Ha“moment ! 4y
youneverarrived 😂 I think she‘s so full of adventure and runs away a couple of times (or thinks about it) that to her it‘s a dreaded thing being stuck in the same place, in the one role etc. It feels like a fear thing but like others have said she also possibly craves it in some way. 4y
emilyhaldi "what the heck is going on here" ...thanks for saying what I was thinking ? 4y
batsy @vivastory Yes, I think so too! I remember thinking "what the heck is going on here" myself but felt like Dundy was also being tongue-in-cheek about that stereotypical image which would have held quite a bit of relevance in the 1950s—a woman should be anything but the dreaded spinster librarian! 4y
LeahBergen All I could think was “Wow. I would‘ve loved to have awoken from a one-night stand to find myself in the New York library bed of a man who owned the entire brownstone”. 😂😂 4y
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The Dud Avocado | Elaine Dundy
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QUESTION 1 #NYRBbookclub

Sally Jay Gorce is funny and certainly has her faults. Did you also find her to be smart? Silly? Aware of the world? Delusional? Something else? Did you root for her? Why or why not?

@vivastory @BarbaraBB @emilyhaldi @sprainedbrain @mklong @youneverarrived @LeahBergen @Leftcoastzen @Liz_M @merelybookish @MicheleinPhilly @gatheringbooks @saresmoore @sisilia @Reviewsbylola @batsy @Suet624

vivastory I think that she becomes a bit more guarded by the end of the book. One of the things that appealed to me was her infectious energy & devil may care attitude, which occassionally backfires. But she learns from it. At the same time she never struck me as a wide-eyed idealist. I def rooted for her. 4y
Leftcoastzen Ah , the exuberance of youth! I think she wanted to grab this opportunity with enthusiasm, but as a young person she has lessons to learn. She is wise in sly ways . Like @vivastory I rooted for her. 4y
Theaelizabet Yeah, I rooted for her. I loved her takes on her world, laughed at her categorizing/classifying (“What is he--G.I., Fulbright, Guggensheim, or Rockefeller?“, The Hard Cores, etc.), which often seemed astute. 4y
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batsy I definitely rooted for her. Funny, clever, self-aware, but also quite ignorant in the way only the young can be...I found that aspect very realistic. Like the others said her enthusiasm and energy are infectious, and I found her so charismatic. Her inner voice was so gloriously fun and irreverent. 4y
vivastory @batsy Very irreverent! I felt like it was a disservice to be making this comparison, as they are entirely different books & characters, but I simply couldn't think of Sally as a less abrasive Harriet from After Claude 4y
Theaelizabet @vivastory I had the same thought! Though ultimately, Sally seemed to have more agency. 4y
vivastory @Theaelizabet Def, & that made her a more fully realized character IMO 4y
GatheringBooks @batsy i agree with all your thoughts here @vivastory - i was on her camp thruout even while she was being the perfect diva in their overly extended trip. I think more than ignorant, she was naive? There is def the youthful exuberance screaming invulnerability but there was always something genuine about her that I gravitated towards. 4y
batsy @vivastory Oh, that's a good call! Harriet felt more weighed down while Sally Jay has that elastic resilience to her that youth can give (I can't recall how old Harriet was...) 4y
vivastory @GatheringBooks Good point about her being genuine & I def agree! I loved her line earlier in the book about hating to travel by plane, train & boat. Seemed like a sign of things to come later on with her trip, but I couldn't help but be sympathetic. I like to travel in theory 😂 4y
vivastory @batsy Harriet was def more jaded than Sally, even if it may have been a bit of a front 4y
mklong This was a reread for me and I loved Sally Jay even more this time around. I agree with @GatheringBooks that she is certainly naïve, but she is self aware enough to know that. She has a great thought watching other women at the Ritz who she believes have the life that she is pretending to have. 4y
LeahBergen Sorry, fellow book clubbers; I‘m late in finishing this one (I‘m about halfway through) but I‘ll come back here and chime in when I‘m done! ❤️ 4y
vivastory @mklong I will def be reading this one again when my reading focus is a bit better. I'm glad that you got more out of it the second time. That section struck me as well, she had some great observations. 4y
vivastory @LeahBergen No worries, friend! I'll be glad to hear your thoughts! @billypar @tanisha_a @catebutler @kvanread feel free to chime in with the discussion as well! (edited) 4y
Billypar I'm in the same boat as @LeahBergen - about 55% through now. Life has not been cooperating with reading or Litsy time lately! But I've been loving this so far. I didn't take to Sally Jay right away- she seemed a little snobbish at first, like the way she spoke was at odds with her bohemian tastes. But she's growing on me - I think she is very smart, so I'm enjoying her wry observations about the personalities she encounters. 4y
merelybookish Also here with apologies. 😐 I read this a few years ago and loved it. I intended to give it a skim/re-read in time for discussion but alas that didn't happen. I remember finding Sally Jay a delight! 4y
youneverarrived Ohh good question! I agree with @vivastory that she becomes more guarded towards the end of the book. In a lot of ways she comes across as quite naive but I think she‘s also very aware of herself so she balances herself out. 4y
emilyhaldi I love the comparison of Sally Jay to my old favorite Harriet!! 😆 I think they both certainly rank up there as a couple of my fav protagonists. I want to second everything @batsy said about Sally Jay, I found her so fun! 4y
vivastory @Billypar I really liked her from the beginning, but I could def see her being an acquired taste. Hopefully everything is okay in your life or is on it's way to improving. Fingers crossed! 4y
vivastory @merelybookish She's great! Hope you are well! 4y
vivastory @youneverarrived I was a bit jealous of her impulsivity. I find myself missing the carefree days of my youth. I found it to be a good antidote to lockdown too, it was a vibrant book, full of travel (even if it reminded me of how obnoxious traveling can be) 😂 4y
vivastory @emilyhaldi I have to admit that out of all of the NYRB selections, Harriet has really stuck out. I'd say she's in the top 5 probably 😂 4y
sisilia @Theaelizabet @vivastory I‘m late with this one; just started it yesterday 🤦🏻‍♀️ I will come back here when I‘m done 😙 4y
vivastory @sisilia Sounds good! I look forward to your thoughts 👍 4y
LeahBergen Just like @vivastory said ... I was a tad jealous of her impulsivity and had a momentary twinge of nostalgia for my early twenties. 😆 I was definitely rooting for her! 4y
youneverarrived @vivastory vibrant is the exact word for it! It was a fun read for sure with a character like Sally Jay. 4y
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The Dud Avocado | Elaine Dundy
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A screwball picaresque romp through Paris in the 1950s featuring the young & audacious American avocado, Sally Jay. All she wants to do is grab life with both hands & avoid turning into a spinster librarian. Reading this is in our bleak, gloom-soaked era of the pandemic was kind of a revelation. Sally Jay's life isn't frivolous, but because it's told with so much wit & humour, some of the wisdom hiding between the lines might get lost. A gem.

Theaelizabet Agree! 4y
Cathythoughts Great review 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 I have this right next to me waiting.... 4y
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erzascarletbookgasm Lovely review 👍. Stacking. 4y
BarbaraBB Lovely review. I already feel like giving it another try. But for me it didn‘t feel like a revelation, unfortunately 🤷🏻‍♀️ 4y
IndoorDame What a beautiful copy! 4y
vivastory I agree. I admit my mind was wandering a bit in the middle, but that was due more to my distracted mindset from state of affairs with the world than the book. I really enjoyed it! 4y
Leftcoastzen Great review! 4y
Tanisha_A Fab review! I just started reading it, and it's sooo funny! 4y
JennyM Gorgeous review and gorgeous cover ✨💫 4y
readordierachel Such a lovely edition. And the book sounds good too 🙂 4y
batsy @Cathythoughts Thank you! I hope you find it a good read. It's screwball and a bit madcap with not much plot, but if you're in the mood it's so enjoyable :) 4y
batsy @BarbaraBB I understand! It's a book that's largely about style and voice and it can be hard to get into if we're not quite in the mood or frame of mind. 4y
batsy @vivastory It was like that at the start of it for me, as I had some changes going on in life as well as being perennially distracted with the state of the world. But once I got into the flow of it I just fell in love with it! 4y
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The Dud Avocado | Elaine Dundy
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It just isn‘t the right time for this book. Sally Jay makes me smile but I can keep focussed. Too many characters, a too dense font. And I am reading Rules of Civility too, which is a bit similar but better written, I think. I‘m sorry #NYRBBookClub to let you down.

#Booked2020 #BookClubWorthy

vivastory There are a lot of characters in this one, very few with real depth. No worries! 4y
LeahBergen Sometimes you just gotta bail! I‘ve done it on two (I think? 🤔) of our NYRB books. 4y
BarbaraBB This may very well be my first one but it comes as a relief @LeahBergen 😀 4y
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Tanisha_A Ooh! Sorry it didn't work out for you. I am laughing reading it 😁 4y
batsy Sorry to hear that it didn't work for you! 4y
Theaelizabet No problem! 4y
Cinfhen Awesome photo ❤️Too bad book didn‘t hold your interest 4y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Sounds like between this and Zadie, you had some reading duds. On to some more captivating choices! 🥑 4y
sisilia I found it difficult to get in, too. I‘m setting it aside for now... 4y
BarbaraBB @sisilia That‘s how I felt too. Bailing sounds too definite, setting it aside is better. It might be a complete different experience once I try again some other time🤷🏻‍♀️! 4y
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The Dud Avocado | Elaine Dundy
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This book is zymotic! And, by the way , drinks for everyone! 🍸🍷🥃🥂Almost every young woman would envy Sally Jay Gorce ! She has a chance and the means to explore Paris , a generous gift from her uncle.It‘s the 1950s ,Sally will learn as she goes along , that life can be joyous & fun , but there are always complications on the way to adulthood.Funny & smart.Can‘t wait for the discussion with the

vivastory Very zymotic! Great review! There was such an unfettered zest for life in this book, it was infectious. I thought Dundy's afterword was interesting too. Her husband sounded horrible. 4y
Leftcoastzen @vivastory Thank you! I thought he was a bit much from the afterword, then I dug into the Wikipedia.🤨😳 (edited) 4y
LeahBergen I‘m going to be late to the discussion tomorrow as I‘m only halfway through - but I‘m thoroughly enjoying it! I love your frame in this photo (I have a couple of them 😆). 4y
Cathythoughts I see differing views on this ( makes for an interesting read) .... I have a copy , I might try it later. 4y
batsy Great review! I loved it 💚 4y
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The Dud Avocado | Elaine Dundy
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Now this is a Halloween party!

Looking forward to discussing this one with the #NYRBBookClub tomorrow!

vivastory Nice! Looking forward to the discussion tomorrow 📚🍷📚🍷 4y
LeahBergen Pernod! Yes! 😂 4y
batsy Perfect! 4y
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The Dud Avocado | Elaine Dundy
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Happy #caturday It just so happens that Crosby loves looking out the front door and 🥑avocados.
#NYRBBookClub @vivastory

AmyG Awww ❤️ 4y
vivastory I liked the part in the book when she talked about the house chat 4y
Leftcoastzen @vivastory Yes , I liked that too ! 4y
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Branwen This is the cutest picture I've ever seen! 😍 4y
Leftcoastzen @Branwen Thanks, he believes he is lord of all he surveys! 4y
LeahBergen This was my #JohnnyBergen tonight, watching all the little trick-or-treaters and wagging so sweetly ... until one came up to the door dressed as a “My Little Pony” and he lost his mind. 😂😂 He‘s a little unsure about “horses”. 4y
Cathythoughts Great picture 👍🏻❤️ 4y
iread2much Oh my gosh, so cute!!! 4y
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The Dud Avocado | Elaine Dundy
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I love the irreverent voice of the protagonist, Sally Jay Gorce. It's never mean-spirited but very funny and clever.


Leftcoastzen Great post! 4y
BarbaraBB Great quote! 4y
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The Dud Avocado | Elaine Dundy
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I‘m super late for this month‘s #nyrbbookclub 😑 Just started this today

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The Dud Avocado | Elaine Dundy
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Tonight looks like I‘m in it to make progress on my
#NYRBBookClub pick , discussion day is almost here!

vivastory Hope you enjoy! I really liked it ☺️ 4y
BarbaraBB I have a hard time making progress in it. The font is so unattractive to me I can only read a few pages before I have had enough! 4y
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The Dud Avocado | Elaine Dundy
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Our current #NYRBBookClub read with a glass of rosé (because I didn‘t have any pernod ?).

@vivastory @Theaelizabet

Ruthiella They drink EVERYTHING in that book! Was the entire western world slightly soused in the 1950s? 4y
vivastory I almost ran to the store for a bottle when I started reading it 😂I really liked it. Hope you do, too 4y
Leftcoastzen It‘s hard to make a drinking game out of a book that is like a drinking game! 😀🍸🍷 4y
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CrowCAH Happy belated birthday 🎁 Much Litsy love for you 🥰📚 4y
BarbaraBB Are you liking the book Leah? I just started it too. 4y
LeahBergen @Ruthiella Right?? 😂 4y
LeahBergen @vivastory I‘m really enjoying it! 👍🏻 4y
LeahBergen @CrowCAH Thank you! 😘😘 4y
LeahBergen @BarbaraBB I am! I‘m about 75 pages in now. 4y
Cathythoughts I have this one ... I must give it a go 👍🏻❤️ 4y
BarbaraBB I am 75 pages in too but I have a hard time keeping concentrated! 4y
batsy I had that same thought @Ruthiella ! I also felt the pain a bit thinking about the hangovers they must have endured 😂 4y
Ruthiella @batsy Totally! I always feel a little queasy when I think about that! 🥴😆 4y
Reviewsbylola I couldn‘t get into this one. I was bummed because it‘s been on my TBR for years. 4y
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The Dud Avocado | Elaine Dundy
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“...I reflected wearily that it was not easy to be a Woman in these stirring times. I said it then and I say it now: it just isn‘t our century.”
Sally Jay Gorce
The Dud Avocado


The Dud Avocado | Elaine Dundy
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#WordsOfOctober day 28: This seafood paella looks like a #vibrant coloured meal - compared to the eggs benedict, that is. :) 💕🥰

OriginalCyn620 👍🏻😋 4y
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The Dud Avocado | Elaine Dundy
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This is the only book I‘ve read over the past few weeks. It‘s often put me to sleep-literally. However, it‘s also made me chuckle out loud. Unfortunately, after all this time I‘m only on page 85 and have decided to call it quits. I wish I could continue with it because it clearly has promise - it‘s an NYRB selection for heaven‘s sakes! - but politics & traveling back and forth to work has inhibited my ability to relate to the story. #NYRBbookclub

The Dud Avocado | Elaine Dundy
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Join @Theaelizabet & I Sun 11/1 @11 EST for October #NYRBBookClub discussion. Just a reminder that 11/1 is Daylight Savings Time, which of course translates to an extra hour of reading! Did you enjoy Dundy's book, did you dislike it? Make your case with a Halloween Candy sugar rush.
@BarbaraBB @emilyhaldi @sprainedbrain @mklong @youneverarrived @LeahBergen @Leftcoastzen @Liz_M @merelybookish @MicheleinPhilly @GatheringBooks @saresmoore @sisilia

BarbaraBB Thanks! I am planning to read it just in time! 4y
Reviewsbylola I‘m having a hard time getting into Dundy‘s writing style but I do love the humor! 4y
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vivastory @Reviewsbylola I've heard that from others. I'm starting it tomorrow. 4y
LeahBergen I‘ll be picking it up next. 👍🏻 4y
emilyhaldi Loved this one 💚 4y
saresmoore I‘m looking forward to this! 4y
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The Dud Avocado | Elaine Dundy
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#FallFinds Day 19: Not the usual #flaky Mediterranean pastry that I love - but the all American skillet cookie goodness is still loooove! 💕💕💕 #NYRBBookClub

Eggs Great pic👏🏻📚👏🏻 4y
ephemeralwaltz Jealous!! 4y
NaomiO I just bought that book and it‘s going to be one of my next reads. 4y
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The Dud Avocado | Elaine Dundy
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The beginning I absolutely loved, but then parts 2 & 3 lost that initial spark. I still read it with enjoyment because with a character like Sally Jay Gorce and with such witty writing by the author you can‘t not. It makes you feel like you‘re in for the ride. Funny and very well written. Can‘t wait to discuss it. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ #nyrbbookclub

Cathythoughts Well that‘s the loveliest profile picture I‘ve seen in a long time. Happy days with your Alfie ✨ (edited) 4y
youneverarrived @Cathythoughts 🥰🥰 thanks Cathy. He‘s my little sunshine. Hope you‘re well xx 4y
vivastory Love the new profile pic! Looking forward to the discussion 4y
youneverarrived @vivastory thank you 😃 me too! 4y
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The Dud Avocado | Elaine Dundy
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I loved this book because of its protagonist & narrator. It‘s an excellent character study and the storyline takes a backseat to the quintessentially American Sally Jay‘s musings and antics as a young expat in 1950‘s Paris. Dundy shows us a scrapbook of a particular time & place, adding her own embellishments and creating a muddled narrative of tangible experiences and blurred memories. I found it to be hilarious and unique. #NYRBBookClub

saresmoore Baby Clara is channeling Sally Jay‘s exhibitionism. 😆 4y
AceOnRoam She's so cute. Those knees 🤩 4y
saresmoore @AceOnRoam I know, right? Baby knees are the best! 4y
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KVanRead Great review and thankful as always for baby pic. Nothing cuter than baby belly 😊 4y
GingerAntics Is she trying to get you to blow bubbles on her tummy? 🥰🥰🥰 What a cutie!!! The book sounds intriguing, too. 4y
LeahBergen I‘m looking forward to starting this one (and blow on that baby belly for me!!). 4y
Leftcoastzen She is so adorable!Hope you are doing well , she‘s glorious! 4y
batsy Lovely review! And I can't stand how adorable Clara is! Must... pinch... cheeks 😍😍 4y
andrew61 Great review ,read it last year and loved it. A photo to brighten everyone's day ,thank you 😊 4y
Suet624 I‘m looking forward to starting the book. What an adorable baby. 🥰🥰 4y
MicheleinPhilly Zerbert time!!! 4y
Centique Awww all the cute! And your comment cracked me up! 😂😂 4y
saresmoore @MicheleinPhilly I always pass on your zerberts and her reaction is hilarious! She wriggles, shakes her head, and opens her eyes wide in something like shock. 😳 Every time! 4y
saresmoore @andrew61 Thank you! I remember you liking the book, so I was ready to enjoy it. 😊 4y
saresmoore @batsy My children have all had very pinchable baby cheeks! 4y
MicheleinPhilly ☺️ 4y
ValerieAndBooks I‘m loving all these baby pictures! Clara is so adorable 😍 4y
Moray_Reads What a cute tummy! 4y
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The Dud Avocado | Elaine Dundy
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My current (delightful) view is a sleeping baby and a great book. I‘m loving Sally Jay and Dundy‘s meandering, vivid writing style. I plan to do NaNoWriMo next month and I‘m finding this book to be very inspiring!

I look forward to the discussion for #NYRBBookClub this month.

BiblioLitten A truly delightful view! 🥰 4y
GingerAntics Such a cutie!!! 🥰🥰🥰 Is NaNo really next month already?! I‘ve got to get thinking of ideas. 4y
dylanisreading Lovely view! I'm planning to do NaNoWriMo as well. 4y
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BarbaraBB 😍💕 4y
batsy Precious lil one 😍 I haven't started this yet but I love that it's inspiring you where your own writing is concerned. Books like that are the best. 4y
saresmoore @Bianca Woohoo! Best of luck to you! 4y
saresmoore @GingerAntics I‘m going full Pantser this time. I will most likely produce something either appalling or abysmal, but at least I‘ll have spent a whole month writing! 4y
GingerAntics 🤣😂🤣 that‘s what I did last year and it went really badly. Luckily I named my project “Random Outbursts” because that‘s exactly what happened. A bit of this story, a bit of that. It was madness. I didn‘t like not having any direction at all. I think I‘ve got an idea now, though. 4y
saresmoore I love it! I will be satisfied with a collection of random outbursts this year. I think I will be satisfied with rambling as long as it‘s 50k words worth of rambling! 4y
QuintusMarcus I tried to like this, and thought it was boring. Maybe I should try it again. 4y
saresmoore @QuintusMarcus It does have some pacing issues, but when I started to get bored, I read the intro (no spoilers) and had a new appreciation for it. It‘s really a character study and a snapshot of a specific time, place, and subculture. The plot does thicken, too. 4y
ReadingEnvy This is one of those cheer up books for me! 4y
saresmoore @ReadingEnvy I can certainly see why—it was so fun to read! 4y
Suet624 All these baby pics are making me rethink the possibility of offering to babysit a little one. Gracie is almost 3 now, the Captain is 7. Time goes so quickly. 4y
saresmoore @Suet624 I can‘t believe it! I‘m actually thankful for being cooped up from the pandemic because I feel free to savor every last minute with this miraculous baby while she‘s still squishy. But as to your babysitting again, I think the way you‘ve come back into your empowered sense of identity through activism & involvement while also owning your grandmotherly role is BEAUTIFUL. Whatever gives you life is worthwhile, but you will always be so much 4y
saresmoore ...more to the world and to those you love than a babysitter! ♥️♥️♥️ Thinking of you in this fall season. 🍂🥰 4y
Suet624 Thank you so much for your kind words. It means a lot to me. 4y
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The Dud Avocado | Elaine Dundy
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#FallFinds Day 10: Not really a #ForestGreenCover but at least a part of it. Paired with cheesy French onion soup from Shakespeare and Co. (which happens to be a restaurant here in Al Ain, not a bookstore) - super delicious!

TrishB It looks delicious 😁 4y
Eggs Perfect 👌🏼 4y
vivastory You always take the best book/food pairing pics! 4y
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The Dud Avocado | Elaine Dundy
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#WordsOfOctober Day 9: Sally Jay Gorce is staring at this #incredible platter with frozen mango margarita and frozen cherry margarita signaling the start of my weekend.

OriginalCyn620 I love margaritas! 😋 4y
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The Dud Avocado | Elaine Dundy
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I‘m thoroughly enjoying this book and Clara is thoroughly enjoying being adorable. 🥰 #NYRBBookClub #bookandbaby

BiblioLitten She‘s absolutely adorable!! 🥰🥰 4y
LeahBergen The cuteness! 💞💞💞 4y
Lcsmcat Awww! ❤️❤️❤️ 4y
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squirrelbrain So cute! ❤️ 4y
Moray_Reads I'm surprised you can tear yourself away, even for a book 😍 4y
BookwormM Cutie 💕💕 4y
marleed She just a little bit of everything perfect! 4y
saresmoore @Moray_Reads It really is tough to want to do anything other than coo & snuggle with her. The laundry pile is impressive! 4y
Cinfhen Awwwwwww, my heart is melting 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖 4y
MicheleinPhilly I would blow so many zerberts on those cheeks. 4y
saresmoore @MicheleinPhilly You should see the other cheeks! 😍 They blow zerberts of their own, though. 😆 4y
xicanti Clara‘s really nailing it on the adorability front. Good job, kid! 4y
kspenmoll What a cutie!!! ❤️ 4y
GingerAntics She‘s getting so big!!! She‘s doing a great job at being adorable!!! 4y
MaureenMc 😍 4y
Bookzombie She is so cute! 💗 4y
erzascarletbookgasm I love her expression ❤️ 4y
KVanRead She‘s no dud 🤗 4y
Cathythoughts 💕💕💕 4y
ValerieAndBooks What a cutie 😍! 4y
Lindy 🤗 4y
TrishB Awww, lovely ❤️ 4y
vivastory Too adorable!! 4y
Suet624 😍😍😍 4y
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The Dud Avocado | Elaine Dundy
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I‘m about to start reading for this month‘s #NYRBBookClub in my little sanctuary, aka the closet nursery. I‘m also sunning out diaper stains next to some apt embroidery art. 😄

LeahBergen 😆😆 Love the embroidery! 4y
MicheleinPhilly @LeahBergen Seriously. Maybe my next tattoo? 🤔 4y
Cinfhen Awesome photo 💕 4y
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MommyWantsToReadHerBook Ooh I love you for using cloth 😍 4y
LeahBergen @MicheleinPhilly Definitely 😂 4y
Aims42 LOL, this is a great pic. Made me chuckle 😆 4y
saresmoore @MommyWantsToReadHerBook I was on the fence about it at first, but I‘m so glad I went for cloth this time around! It has been a really (surprisingly) wonderful experience. 4y
saresmoore @MicheleinPhilly Absolutely yes. 4y
erzascarletbookgasm Love that embroidery 😁. 4y
Cathythoughts I gave this too & looking forward to reading 4y
BiblioLitten That embroidery 😍😄 4y
dottie.floating.on.words Love that embroidery!! 4y
vivastory That embroidery 😂😂 4y
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The Dud Avocado | Elaine Dundy
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Thanks to @suet624 for co-hosting in September, Thank you for your admirable & hard work for the upcoming elections. We all know how vital this election is & I applaud your commitment. Thanks to everyone for another great discussion, which is still ongoing. If you have thoughts on the book, please weigh in. Join me & @Theaelizabet this month as we read & discuss Elaine Dundy's “Dud Avocado.“ The October discussion is👇

vivastory not the end of the line for the #NYRBBookClub For several months @billypar has been an engaged member of our monthly discussions. I have asked him to co-host the Nov reading & discussion. I look forward to his selections. After Nov. I will be continuing the book club, although there might be changes. There won't be changes to the selection/hosting format as that seems to work well. I will make final announcements in 2 weeks, will open for new 4y
BarbaraBB I am so happy you are continuing the #NYRBBookClub! Looking forward to what you‘ll come up with. Also - very nice to have @Billypar cohosting in November! 4y
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Tanisha_A Yay! Will look out for the new member announcement 🙂 4y
Tanisha_A And will check out the books selected by @Billypar 🥳 4y
vivastory @BarbaraBB It's turned out great. No matter how upside down the world is our discussions have been a bright point of stability every month. @billypar is def an honorary member! Looking forward to carrying on with the group, it'll be interesting to see what the new group will look like 4y
vivastory @Tanisha_A Glad to have you join in! I will be posting the announcement in a week or two. I will tag you 4y
Liz_M Oh thank goodness, I was worried you'd throw over nyrb in favor of Europa 😆! So excited for Nov and the next round of nyrb reads! ✨ (edited) 4y
BarbaraBB @Tanisha_A Great that you‘ll join! 4y
GatheringBooks Yay for the continuation of the book club! 4y
KVanRead Would love to join you for the new year! 4y
LeahBergen I‘m so glad that you are continuing! It‘s always such a lovely thing to look forward to each month. ❤️ 4y
merelybookish Thanks for all you do to keep this running Scott! I've really enjoyed so many of these books and discussions. 4y
vivastory @KVanRead Glad to have you join! I will tag you when I make the announcement in a couple of weeks 4y
vivastory @merelybookish Thanks! I always get so much out of the book from the discussion. I've also enjoyed getting to know more about my co-hosts & the group dynamic has been terrific 4y
vivastory @LeahBergen Thanks, friend! I always look forward to your thoughts 4y
vivastory @Liz_M Same here! There will be plenty of surprises in the NYRB catolog for our group 4y
mklong So glad to hear that we‘re going to go for another round! Thank you so much for keeping us going 😊 4y
saresmoore I have loved being a part of this book club and though I‘ve had some off months with all the life changes in the past year, it has been a highlight for me. Thanks so much for all the energy you put into it, Scott! 4y
OnConnersCorner I just stumbled upon #NYRBBookClub, and I‘m intrigued. What are y‘all about? 4y
vivastory @OnConnersCorner Once a month we vote for a book published by NYRB Classics and I moderate the monthly discussion with a different co-host each month. Our current selections have been voted on for this round, but I'm going to open it for new members in a couple of weeks. You're more than welcome to join us for the discussion of Dud Avocado this month. It's typically the final weekend of the month 4y
batsy Thank you for your amazing work and coordination for this book club! I've read so many amazing books because of it and the discussions have been lit 🔥 4y
Liz_M @vivastory I hope all is well! Just curious as to the December plans for nyrbbookclub....🙃 4y
vivastory @Liz_M I'm well. Thanks for asking! NYRB is on break in Dec. We'll resume in the New Year w/ a new group. I hope youre well! 4y
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The Dud Avocado | Elaine Dundy
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Thank you for the card & tea @kaysworld1 this is so sweet of you 💕 I hope you‘re doing well!

I also got the October #nyrbbookclub read the other day. I‘m about 50 pages in and so far it‘s brilliant. Can‘t resist a book set in Paris.

Caroline2 Oh I‘ve heard good things about this one. Be interesting to hear what you think. 👍 4y
squirrelbrain Ooh I have this one in Penguin format - love to hear your thoughts.... 4y
batsy I'm looking forward to starting this! 4y
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vivastory I can't wait to start it. Looking forward to your thoughts. I hope you're doing well! 4y
youneverarrived @Caroline2 @squirrelbrain I will let you know. Loving it so far! 4y
youneverarrived @batsy from what I‘ve read I think you will like it 🤍 4y
youneverarrived @vivastory thank you! Will be interesting to see what everyone thinks of it. 4y
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The Dud Avocado | Elaine Dundy
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#WordsOfOctober Day 3: Yesterday, I was surprised to receive this bouquet and a bowl of chocolates from our Dean, most likely triggered by a completely-forgotten web conference with colleagues from Finland which I had to attend on my own, and where I delivered a presentation on the fly - and resulted in an MOU draft at the end of the day for academic collaborations and faculty/student exchange. I am deeply #thankful for this affirmation.

Oryx Well done! 4y
OriginalCyn620 Beautiful flowers! 4y
vivastory Fantastic! It's always great being acknowledged. 4y
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The Dud Avocado | Elaine Dundy
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Day 30: Here are #3Books #IWantToReadNextMonth - tagged book is for our #NYRBBookClub

OriginalCyn620 📚👍🏻📚 4y
vivastory I'm going to be very curious on your thoughts on Dud Avocado & Savage Detectives. Everyone raves about 2666, but I think SD is the better book 4y
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The Dud Avocado | Elaine Dundy
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#SeptemberSenses Day 21: We now spend part of our weekends climbing up the mountain (Jebel Hafeet) because it is truly #AVision at night. We bring chairs and snacks with us - and of course, a book. #NYRBBookClub title for October accompanied me up the mountain with the glorious wind in our faces.

Eggs What a view! 4y
Leftcoastzen Pretty! 4y
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The Dud Avocado | Elaine Dundy
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It‘s Christmas in September! Santa = Better World Books. Quarantine looks better to me now.

The Dud Avocado | Elaine Dundy
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Aha! Love this edition.

#nyrbbookclub #nyrbclassics #bookmail

@vivastory @Theaelizabet I am excited to join you all. 😀

batsy Nice! 👌🏽 4y
Cinfhen Beautiful 4y
Tanisha_A @batsy @Cinfhen I am drowning in unread books. 😂 4y
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Cathythoughts Looks great 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 4y
Cinfhen Not a bad problem xxx 4y
LeahBergen I‘m so glad you‘ll be joining in! 😊 4y
Theaelizabet Glad to have you!👏👏👏 4y
vivastory So glad you're joining us & what a wonderful edition!! 4y
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The Dud Avocado | Elaine Dundy
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sisilia Just purchased this 😆 4y
LeahBergen Woohoo! 👏🏻👏🏻 4y
batsy Yay! 4y
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vivastory @sisilia Good timing! 4y
vivastory @LeahBergen I'm really looking forward to it 👏 4y
vivastory @batsy I'm happy it won this month, I remember it's been nominated a couple of times previously 4y
Tanisha_A I am ordering it now. 😁 4y
batsy @vivastory Me too! And I have a fab Virago edition thanks to the lovely @saresmoore ❤️ 4y
Theaelizabet This has been on my TBR forever. Happy to get to it! 4y
BarbaraBB Yay, ordering right now! 4y
RidgewayGirl I have a copy of this and so will happily follow the discussion. Off to pull my copy off of the shelf! 4y
emilyhaldi Apologies for being MIA the last few days!! This book is a fabulous pick! I read it not too long ago but might have to fit in a reread 😁 4y
GatheringBooks I have this for the longest time, but never found the time to read it. I am so glad this was the majority‘s choice! Yay! So strange that i did not see the notification for the vote. 😭😭😭😭😭 4y
saresmoore Really looking forward to this! I‘m getting back into the swing of prioritizing my reading...and hopefully Litsying! 4y
catebutler I have had this on my TBR for ages, I hope it‘s okay if I follow along again. 🤗 4y
vivastory @catebutler Definitely! Looking forward to your thoughts! 4y
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The Dud Avocado | Elaine Dundy
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I started this last week and I've barely read 5 pages. Might have to put it down for now and move on to something else, maybe come back to it another time.

cathysaid So...title is self-fulfilling? 4y
TEArificbooks I did not finish this book either 4y
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The Dud Avocado | Elaine Dundy
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I laughed out loud reading this novel about a footloose, slightly zany young American woman in Paris in the late 50s. I found Sally J. Gorce to be a charming, if occasionally frustrating heroine. Plus the book is pretty sharp about what‘s OK for men vs the expectations placed on women...even in Bohemian Paris. #ClassicsChallenge2020

Sace I love that 50s retro cover too. 4y
CarolynM I started this one a while ago but it didn't grab me. I'll have to try again. 4y
Ruthiella @Sace Me too. It‘s part of the Virago Modern Classic naked hardback series. So pretty. 4y
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Ruthiella @CarolynM This was my second attempt too Carolyn. It just clicked this time. 4y
Reviewsbylola We just chose this one for #nyrbbookclub. I‘m excited to read it! 4y
Ruthiella @Reviewsbylola I hope you enjoy it!😀 4y
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The Dud Avocado | Elaine Dundy
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An American coming of age story set in 1950s Paris. It was written in the 50s, and has not aged well IMO. I didn't connect with the female MC, or the writting style. I'm not a fan of how women are often depicted (and I suppose how they often were) in older writings. Trifling, heedless, and man crazy (aka boring). I prefer a stronger female personality.

The Dud Avocado | Elaine Dundy
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"Bax chops wood, or starts to chop wood, or has just come from chopping wood. Never without an axe."

The random Canadian guy in my book. Made me chuckle. ??

eraderneely I‘ve had this on my TBR for years, but I‘ve never actually seen anyone reading it. How is it? 4y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego @eraderneely it's alright, not as good as I was expecting. I'm finding it a bit dated. But that is probably just me, I'm not always good with less contemporary reads. 4y
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