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Discworld 06 - Wyrd Sisters
Discworld 06 - Wyrd Sisters | Pratchett, Terry
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Wyrd Sisters | Terry Pratchett
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#wondrouswednesday @Eggs

1) certainly, but I cannot think of a single one right now

2) The Secret History

3) I should write something profound, but it was Terry Pratchett's Wyrd Sisters

Thanks for the tag @TheSpineView

TheSpineView You're welcome! 4mo
Susanita I didn‘t like The Secret History either. They‘re all horrible! 4mo
Eggs Thanks for joining in 🤗👏🏻 4mo
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Wyrd Sisters | Terry Pratchett
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In the last weeks I went through some of Pratchett‘s discworld novels again. I have to say I like the Witches and the Nightwatch ones the most. There is nothing like a stanze of „The Hedgehog Can Never be Buggered at All“. 😂😂😂

Ruthiella 🤣🤣🤣 8mo
mabell I agree about the witches! I don‘t think I‘ve read a nightwatch one yet 8mo
CarolynM 🤣 I should reread a few too. 8mo
julesG Love the Witches! 8mo
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Wyrd Sisters | Terry Pratchett
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My Little Free Library haul this morning.

Ruthiella Nice! I‘d have picked up the Terry Pratchett too. 👍 9mo
Leftcoastzen Nice! 9mo
Aimeesue Granny Weatherwax! Nanny Ogg! 💚💚💚 9mo
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vivastory Pratchett 👏 9mo
Texreader @Ruthiella @Aimeesue @vivastory Husband has most of Pratchett‘s books. This is my first own copy of a book by him. I figured why not and if I like it I can dig into my husband‘s stash. 9mo
Texreader @Leftcoastzen Right?? The LFL had some good ones today! I left some good ones too. 9mo
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Wyrd Sisters | Terry Pratchett
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Me driving home from work listening to Terry Pratchett. The jokes are easing the traffic and I arrive home lauging. 😊

Ruthiella Nice strategy! 10mo
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Wyrd Sisters (Turtleback School & Library) | Terence David John Pratchett
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Pratchett will always be a pick, but I read this one in fits and starts and never really got fully immersed in it. Onto the next...

Please enjoy this photo of a cat that clearly did not want to be photographed.

Tea_and_Starstuff Fuzzy Kitty! And I love the edition you're reading, it's so pretty. 1y
everlocalwest @Tea_and_Starstuff I love them so much! I can't wait to see the complete Discworld in these lovely clothbounds when I finally work my way through the series. 1y
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Wyrd Sisters | Terry Pratchett
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Even after re-reading, this remains my favorite Discworld book. The opening scene—the parody of the scene with the three witches in Macbeth—is the best opening scene ever.

Seriously, those three are the best characters, too. Each has her flaws, and each has her own good qualities.

Kings, destinies, and the regular magic confronted by the magic of the theatre.

“Things that try to look like things often do look more like things than things.”


julesG Agree, 100%! It's my favourite Discworld novel too. 1y
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Wyrd Sisters (Turtleback School & Library) | Terence David John Pratchett

Another great Pratchett book

#bookspinbingo no. 6 @thearomaofbooks

Wyrd Sisters | Terry Pratchett
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I have not read any Pratchett (something I really must correct). However, this comic which was inspired by Inktober prompts is a cute bit of fan art based on Discworld characters. The illustrations here are top notch! I am happy to have my copy signed- Holak‘s art is great and I‘m going to keep my eyes open for other works by her.
#greekcomics #fanart

Wyrd Sisters | Terry Pratchett
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My first Discworld book and still my favourite😘😍

#scarathlon2022 #teamslaughter #scarathlondailyprompts

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Wyrd Sisters (Revised) | Terry Pratchett
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Thanks for the tag, @kspenmoll

#Two4Tuesday @TheSpineView

1) being disturbed every other paragraph, sticky book covers, smelly/grubby/very used library books, books whose spine I have to crack to be able to read them

2) a signed edition of my favourite Pratchett book, tagged

TheSpineView Thanks for playing! 2y
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When your outfit matches the book you're reading...
Even without knowing the play Macbeth, (though I caught the Hamlet flavour) this is still an awesome, fun read, with Terry Pratchett's uncanny ability to include solemn moments and important asides amongst the humour and shenanigans. It's that last reveal that got me! 🤭 Read the guest intro last and enjoyed it too!

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Peak Pratchett. 👨‍🍳💋

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Wyrd Sisters (Turtleback School & Library) | Terence David John Pratchett
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"The wind howled."

Short and sweet! ?


Wyrd Sisters (Turtleback School & Library) | Terence David John Pratchett
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Taking a break from Towles for some absurdity and fun (with underlying social commentary!) today.

Wyrd Sisters | Terry Pratchett
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Cupcake12 I got a few this morning too…far too many books now and too little time🤣 2y
JaneyWaneyB @Cupcake12 you can't help yourself can you? Ooh 99p have that and that and that... £1.99 I think not! I'm not made of money but I'll add you to my wish list 😂😂😂 2y
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Wyrd Sisters (Revised) | Terry Pratchett
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Need Mr. Pratchett to bring laughter back. This week has been rough.

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Wyrd Sisters | Terry Pratchett

A great hamlet spoof set in Pratchett‘s Discworld

Wyrd Sisters (Revised) | Terry Pratchett
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Thanks for the tag @The_Penniless_Author

1) witches (in the sense: witches = natural magic; wizards = studied magic - - - either can be either gender)
2) Wyrd Sisters - I love Pratchett's witches.

#Two4Tuesday @TheSpineView

How about you, @LauraBeth @ozma.of.oz @DGRachel?

TheSpineView Thanks for playing! Happy Tuesday! 3y
BookmarkTavern Thanks for the tag! 3y
LauraBeth Thanks for the tag!! I definitely prefer witches and still love 3y
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Discworld 06 - Wyrd Sisters | Pratchett, Terry

Another charming discworld book! I love the witch characters!

Wyrd Sisters | Terry Pratchett
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This is my first Discworld novel, chosen on the recommendation of a friend, and I really loved it! I‘ll have to read more, for sure!

Catherine_Willoughby Still havent finished this one. I might have started further in the witches series..prefer the death collection (Hogfather being my favourite) . Best to read in order in the death series because you will understand more of the backstory of his "granddaughter" , some can be read in any order (stand alone books). Google for best order to read the different series in discworld. 3y
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Discworld 06 - Wyrd Sisters | Pratchett, Terry

‘I hate cats.‘
Death‘s face became a little stiffer, if that were possible. The blue glow in his eye sockets flickered red for an instant.
I SEE, he said. The tone suggested that death was too good for cat-haters.

Wyrd Sisters | Terry Pratchett
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My second discworld book, loved it. Terry builds the best sentences and the most wonderful characters. Can‘t wait to find more Nanny Ogg and Granny Weatherwax adventures!

Heideschrampf Those two are my favorite book characters of all time ever. 4y
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Wyrd Sisters | Terry Pratchett
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Granny Weatherwax is one of my favourite Discworld characters and this is a riff of my favourite Shakespeare play. ‘Nuff said!

SayersLover Yes! One of my favorite Terry Pratchetts 😀 4y
twohectobooks The witches are my favourite sub-series in discworld! 4y
Lucy_Anywhere @SayersLover It‘s one of mine too - the awkward romance between Magrat and The Fool is so damn cute as well! @twohectobooks the City Guard sub-series just pips the witches for me. Sam Vimes might just tip the balance 4y
twohectobooks @Lucy_Anywhere it could just be that I haven‘t read enough of that one yet, I think I‘ve only read Men at Arms so far. 4y
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Wyrd Sisters (Revised) | Terry Pratchett
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“Blessings be on this house," Granny said, perfunctorily. It was always a good opening remark for a witch. It concentrated people's minds on what other things might be on this house.”

#Halloween has #witches, right?

Happy Halloween!

#QuotsyOct20 @TK-421

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Opening day is here!!! @quietjenn your package is fabulous!!🤩 The wrapping is gorgeous. I can see you put a lot of thought and care into this! The Craft pin and the tote are so cool and your book selections are on point!! I love everything!! Thank you so much!!
@wanderinglynn That you for hosting!!
#hhs #hauntedhallowswap

StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego That tote! 💀👌🏼 4y
quietjenn Aw, I'm so pleased to hear that! It was a fun swap and I hope you enjoy it all. 💀🎃📚 4y
LibrarianRyan Vampire blood is one of my fav BBW scents. I always stock up when it is in stock. 4y
wanderinglynn Great box! 🎃🖤🧡☠️ 4y
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Wyrd Sisters (Revised) | Terence David John Pratchett
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Thanks for the tag @Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick !
1. I like chocolates... and have a weakness for Almond Joy
2. I don‘t watch horror... I am voting for current news
3. “THERE IS NO JUSTICE. THERE IS JUST ME.” -Death - From #terrypratchett

Want to play, @obviateit , to celebrate being back?

obviateit Yes! I‘m always late with these, but I‘m okay with that lol. Thank you for the tag! ❤️ 4y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick Almond Joy's are yummy and I agree with you on the current news cycle. Doom. Every day it's doom. 4y
Gezemice @Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick Yes, no one came to trick-or-treat so they are all mine... 4y
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Wyrd Sisters (Revised) | Terry Pratchett
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For me, this is the book where Pratchett established a concrete tone of voice and the series took off. The previous books showed hints of it but could not fully combine his humour with the plot.
In this one, he weaves in the subject of how words matter and how history is written.

julesG That's exactly how I feel about this book. 4y
Heideschrampf Yes!! Same! 4y
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Wyrd Sisters | Terry Pratchett
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I love Nanny Ogg. Always makes me cry with laughter. Do you remember verse no. 50 of „The Hedgehog Can Never be Buggered at All“? 😜🤗😜 #discworld

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Wyrd Sisters | Terry Pratchett
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On my way back to Switzerland and taking @Heideschrampf ‘s advice. Listening to the audiobook of Wyrd Sisters, which was actually the first Discworld novel I bought almost 20 years ago. 🤗
#gnuterrypratchett #speakhisname #terrypratchett #discworld

Catherine_Willoughby Must finish. 3hrs in lol 4y
Heideschrampf I hope it works! It‘s definitely perfect travel reading and it was my first Pratchett 20yrs ago too! This must be fairy godmothering! 4y
MariaW @Catherine_Willoughby Did you make it? 4y
MariaW @Heideschrampf 🤗 🧙‍♀️ 🧙‍♀️ 🧙‍♀️ 4y
Catherine_Willoughby @MariaW no. Hope to complete next week. The last week of the month is when I try to complete all the books I yet to finish 4y
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Wyrd Sisters | Terry Pratchett
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Two busy days put me behind. In honor of #NursesDay I'm posting books lent to me by my friend who's a nurse and an all around awesome person.
#MagicalMay @Eggs

Eggs Great job 👏🏻📚🤗 Here‘s to the Nurses 🥂 🥳 4y
jmtrivera @Eggs Cheers to that! 🥂 4y
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Wyrd Sisters | Terry Pratchett
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Remembering Terry today. He has been gone for five years now, I still read a discworld novel every month or so. Just referred to the Wyrd Sister as a pop culture version of Macbeth in my English lessons.
#gnuterrypratchett #terrypratchett #speakhisname #discworld

Wyrd Sisters | Terry Pratchett
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Started on WYRD SISTER and I love it!!!!!!!!!😍😍😍
I think I love the witches the most of all The Discworld characters!

julesG The witches are my favourite characters, too. Followed by Death. 😁 5y
rwmg @julesG Snap 😃 5y
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Wyrd Sisters | Terry Pratchett
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“We got the #spell exactly right. Except for the ingredients. And most of the poetry. And it probably wasn‘t the right time. And Gytha took most of it home for the cat, which couldn‘t of been proper.” #QuotsyOct19

ju.ca.no 🥰 5y
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Wyrd Sisters | Terry Pratchett
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#ChillingPhotoChallenge for yesterday!

Oct 22: Green
Status: hardcover and read! I love the witches!


BeansPage 🧟‍♀️ 5y
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Wyrd Sisters | Terry Pratchett
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Wyrd Sisters | Terry Pratchett
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Nothing like a Sir PTerry reread to brighten up one‘s week

Wyrd Sisters (Revised) | Terry Pratchett
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I spent some time at my local library after my shift today, and I found some great options for all the #Scarathlon events. 4/6 of these are directly related to Halloween, and the remaining 2 fall within the #TeamSlaughter themes! 👻🎃☠️

#OctoberTBR #OctoberStack #ScarathlonTBR

dizie_lizie Love your garland! Super excited for Scarathlon🎃 5y
Clwojick @dizie_lizie Thanks! I'm glad it turned out the way i was hoping 😊 5y
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Wyrd Sisters | Terry Pratchett
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Husband did alright 😍 #birthdayswag

julesG Happy Birthday! 🎉🎂🎁🍫💐🎈🎊 Great tote! 5y
Lyssa131330 @julesG Thank you! 5y
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“This cat, on the other hand, was its own animal. All cats give that #impression, of course, but instead of the mindless animal self-absorption that passes for secret wisdom in the creatures, Greebo radiated genuine intelligence. He also radiated a smell that would have knocked over a wall and caused sinus trouble in a dead fox.” Paul Kidby illustration. #QuotsyJuly19

julesG 😁 5y
gradcat 😂🤣😂 5y
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“Destiny was funny stuff, he knew. You couldn‘t trust it. Often you couldn‘t even see it. Just when you knew you had it cornered, it turned out to be something else—coincidence, maybe, or providence. You barred the door against it, and it was standing behind you. Then just when you thought you had it nailed down it walked away with the hammer.” #destiny #QuotsyJuly19

Wyrd Sisters | Terry Pratchett
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Apparently books make very good pillows! 😍😻📚💕 #catsoflitsy #littenkitten

ravenlee Mine. Can‘t have it. 5y
rretzler 😻 5y
DebinHawaii 🐱❤️ 5y
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Wyrd Sisters | Terry Pratchett
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Wyrd Sisters (Revised) | Terence David John Pratchett
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#friyayintro @howjessreads

2) reaching all my #BFC goals
3) Indian - great variety
4) had two, they died in a fire around Christmas 15 years ago

Texreader Oh so sad (no. 4). 5y
Kaye Gosh, that‘s so sad about your cousins. What ages were they ? 5y
julesG @Kaye 16 and 18. They were a few years younger than I. 5y
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TrishB That‘s so sad 💔 5y
LeahBergen 💔💔 5y
Megabooks I‘m so sorry! 5y
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Wyrd Sisters (Revised) | Terry Pratchett
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#hellothursday @wanderinglynn

1) favourite at the moment, the pin I got from @Mitch. I wear it nearly every day.
2) my witch, which is covering up a previous witch tattoo. Both inspired by my love for Esme Weatherwax ? (tagged book)
3) a scarf with the text of a book on
4) bookmarks
5) no preferences, I like @BookishMarginalia's "goes postal" swaps

Sarah83 Which text should be written on the scarf? 5y
julesG @Sarah83 ???? Austen, AC Doyle, "Jane Eyre", a Stevenson poem or two, Gaiman... 5y
Sarah83 Oh... Just a few 😂😂😂 5y
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julesG @Sarah83 I haven't looked at what is available for a long time, but it's something my bookish nerdy heart would love to have one day. 5y
Sarah83 Definitely 😍🎉 5y
wanderinglynn Very cool tattoo! Thanks for playing! 📚 5y
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“There are thousands of good reasons why magic doesn‘t rule the world. They‘re called witches and wizards, Magrat reflected...It was probably some wonderful organization on the part of Nature to protect itself. It saw to it that everyone with any magical talent was about as ready to cooperate as a she-bear with toothache, so all that dangerous power was safely dissipated as random bickering and rivalry.” #rival #QuotsyMar19

Wyrd Sisters | Terry Pratchett
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I just saw this on FB. Looks like only the three will be released in this format for now. What do you think of these covers Pratchett fans? I don‘t care for them myself. Here are the preorder links:

📙 https://bit.ly/2udCjJX
📘 https://bit.ly/2UE1Ibz
📗 https://bit.ly/2HzXvlA

#PratchettsPosse #OokBOokClub

Heideschrampf I only dig the mort one, but i really want it to be hardback 6y
Heideschrampf Also: you matched the emojis to the covers! You go gurl! 6y
TobeyTheScavengerMonk Don‘t see what purpose these serve with multiple amazing covers of each one out there, but a Neil Gaiman introduction has me interested. 6y
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saresmoore Hmm, not a fan of the covers, but agree with @TobeyTheScavengerMonk that I am intrigued by Neil Gaiman‘s intro! 6y
madamereadsalot1 I actually like them. Very simple, clean, and eye catching. And an intro by Gaiman is sure to be beautiful. 6y
Aimeesue The Gollancz foiled hardcovers will always always be my faves. The Gaiman intro will be interesting to read, though. 6y
AlaMich The covers are cool in themselves, but not for Pratchett. They‘d be good for something else, though. 6y
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“The storm was really giving it everything it had. This was its big chance...Now an opening in the #weather had given it an opportunity to strut its hour, and it was building up its role in the hope of being spotted by one of the big climates.” #QuotsyFeb19

jmofo I loved how the storm was kinda a character! 6y
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Wyrd Sisters | Terry Pratchett
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This was a slow burn at first, but by the end I found it to be one of the more amusing of the Discworld series. Granny Weatherwax and Nanny Ogg are charmingly eccentric and the plot was just fun once it got going. A lot of the humor put me very much in the mind of Monty Python, and Shakespeare references are obviously always going to be my cup of tea. A fun time.