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Alias Hook
Alias Hook | Lisa Jensen
"Every child knows how the story ends. The wicked pirate captain is flung overboard, caught in the jaws of the monster crocodile who drags him down to a watery grave. But it was not yet my time to die. It's my fate to be trapped here forever, in a nightmare of childhood fancy, with that infernal, eternal boy."Meet Captain James Benjamin Hook, a witty, educated Restoration-era privateer cursed to play villain to a pack of malicious little boys in a pointless war that never ends. But everything changes when Stella Parrish, a forbidden grown woman, dreams her way to the Neverland in defiance of Pan's rules. From the glamour of the Fairy Revels, to the secret ceremonies of the First Tribes, to the mysterious underwater temple beneath the Mermaid Lagoon, the magical forces of the Neverland open up for Stella as they never have for Hook. And in the pirate captain himself, she begins to see someone far more complex than the storybook villain. With Stella's knowledge of folk and fairy tales, she might be Hook's last chance for redemption and release if they can break his curse before Pan and his warrior boys hunt her down and drag Hook back to their neverending game. Alias Hook by Lisa Jensen is a beautifully and romantically written adult fairy tale.
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Alias Hook | Lisa Jensen
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My #guiltypleasure is reading different versions of Peter Pan, children‘s, middle school, YA, adult versions it doesn‘t matter. I can‘t seem to grow-up out of it.😉
I‘ve never understood why liking something popular is basic or bad. Guilty as charged because I enjoyed this popular 90s band and picked this song because it linked to my book choice. 🧚 🪝

Soubhiville Yes! I love Blues Traveler! 13mo
Cinfhen Fantastic pairing!! 13mo
Centique Ooh I love Peter Pan! And I‘m always keen on a good retelling. I must try this 😍 13mo
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Alias Hook | Lisa Jensen
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Thanks for the tag @wordslinger42 💙
#wonderouswednesday @Eggs

🍁 Autumn
🍓 Definitely fruit 😋
🎨 Blue
🪻 Periwinkle
🌌 Anywhere in the wilderness with fantasy creatures
☕️ Cappuccino
🎮 Bejeweled

Want to play? @Cupcake12 @Birdsong28 @DaveGreen7777 @Yuki_Onna @Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick

DaveGreen7777 Thank you for the tag! 😀 1y
Eggs Thanks for playing ❤️❤️ 1y
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Alias Hook | Lisa Jensen
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My next read. Back into the Peter Pan world of Neverland and Captain Hook. @curiouserandcurioser @wordslinger42 hopefully we'll all be ready for PAN after this. #peterpan #retelling #captainhook #pirates #natives #neverland #lostboys #mermaids #pixies #fairies #magic

ShelleyBooksie Love your bookmark 1y
wordslinger42 That one looks good! I'm ready whenever you both are 😊 1y
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Gissy That bookmark😱😍 1y
hannah-leeloo I finished my book @curiouserandcurioser not sure what I'm reading next though as the kids want to use the book jar 1y
curiouserandcurioser @hannah-leeloo have fun with their pick❤ im ready for pan when you are:) 1y
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Alias Hook | Lisa Jensen
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#Movie2BookRecs #LetterF #FindingNeverland

A story about Cpt Hook in Neverland! 🏴‍☠️

Klou Perfect!! 2y
emz711 This is a new one I haven't heard of! #tbr 2y
CrowCAH @emz711 now you have 😉🏴‍☠️ 2y
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Alias Hook | Lisa Jensen
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Alias Hook is one of our Bookclub picks for this year. I had a lot of fun with the story and was glad it was an adult book and not YA. The author gives depth to all the characters even her version of Pan.

Alias Hook | Lisa Jensen
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Started a new book during my daughter's riding lesson today (And finished a roll of film in that beast of a camera!)

Scochrane26 Cool cover 4y
kyraleseberg @Scochrane26 It caught my eye at Dollar Tree last year! The story is off to an interesting start. 4y
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Alias Hook | Lisa Jensen
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#SoaringScores #HesAPirate misunderstood of course, but still a pirate 🏴‍☠️

CrowCAH Aye, that he is. But a croc 🐊 did eat his hand 🖐🏻 and a clock ⏰! 5y
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Alias Hook | Lisa Jensen
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#MayMovieMagic #HookedOnAFeeling

Have yet to read it, but it‘s a retelling of Peter Pan from Hook‘s point of view.

DGRachel This is on my TBR shelf, too! 5y
Cinfhen I‘ve seen this one around on Litsy! It sounds super fun ⚓️ 5y
RohitSawant Great pick! 🙌🏼 5y
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Alias Hook | Lisa Jensen

Take it or leave it

Alias Hook | Lisa Jensen
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Thank you @Marmie7 for everything for #Sffs I love it all!! I‘m super excited to read Alias Hook, I have never heard of it but it sounds so good! The other two have been on my want to read list for awhile! Also the Funko of Drogon is adorable and I can‘t wait to add him to my shelf!! I also can‘t wait to use the notebook it‘s so gorgeous!Thank you! Also thank you @Avanders for hosting the swap! My first swap was amazing!


Marmie7 Glad you like everything. This was a fun swap! 5y
Avanders 🧬🦄♥️♥️👏🏽 5y
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Alias Hook | Lisa Jensen
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I love Peter Pan and I love retellings. I have only read two retellings, Alias Hook, and Everland.
I thought it would be fun to read more Peter Pan retellings, and then rank them on my blog.
So if you have any recommendations for me, that would be great. :)

Alias Hook | Lisa Jensen
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Here is what I‘m working on today. I don‘t think I could ever see hook any other way than in Once Upon a Time which was on for #7years
#LaborDayReads #ReadingResolutions

Kalalalatja Nice interpretation 👍 6y
Tanzy13 before I started watching once upon a time, I thought of peter pans version of captain hook but now I think of OUAT and I much perfer OUAT version lol 😏😉 6y
MommyOfTwo @Tanzy13 I always used to think of him from the movie Hook when Dustin Hoffman played him but that was pretty much the same as the Disney version. 6y
Cinfhen My kids loved that show ❣️❣️❣️nice choice 6y
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Alias Hook | Lisa Jensen
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These are the plan and whatever else we pick during the month. #TheFirstDay brings on a new list of books.
#SeptemberTBR #ReadingResolutions #NewHogwartsAdventure

vkois88 ❤❤❤ 6y
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Alias Hook | Lisa Jensen
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Starting a new book today! I may see hook as he was in Once Upon a Time. 😉 #maps

rubyslippersreads That‘s certainly how I would see him. 😄 6y
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Alias Hook | Lisa Jensen
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I am definitely feeling spoiled again. @Avanders I don‘t even know what to say!!!!! Thank you so much. You sure are keeping my shelves stocked! #CoffeeBeanBookClub

Avanders 🤗🤗🤗🤗 6y
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Alias Hook | Lisa Jensen
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@Librarybelle Thank you so much!!! It got here safely! And I‘m so excited to read it! I think I‘ll start it right away! Thank you for the lovely card! #allthehugs #Litsypeepsarethebomb! 🤩👏🏻🙌🏻 ☠️

Librarybelle Hooray! Enjoy! 🙂❤️ 6y
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Alias Hook | Lisa Jensen
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Purely #blameitonlitsy ...I never go to Dollar Tree. Never. But, I couldn‘t pass up an opportunity to visit and see their book selection. The store was closing, so I had to grab quick. I‘m amazed and will now probably stalk all of the nearby Dollar Trees to see how many books I can grab at 1.00 a piece. #bookhaul

DivineDiana Good haul! I still need to scope out some close by! 7y
Librarybelle Thanks, @DivineDiana ! I was impressed with the selection. 7y
Avanders ... dollar tree has books?! 7y
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Librarybelle @Avanders I had no clue either until I saw a few posts on Litsy about it. I had to check it out, and at least at the one I visited, it had a nice sized area dedicated to books. 7y
LeahBergen I heartily enjoyed Vanessa and her Sister. 👍🏻 7y
AmyG I am going tomorrow. If not for Litsy...I would never know they have decent books. 7y
Librarybelle @LeahBergen Great! Definitely a good buy! ❤️ 7y
Librarybelle @AmyG Hahaha! I know...my places to get books certainly has expanded thanks to Litsy. 7y
Avanders @Librarybelle well now I have to go stat!! ... because, you know, 1000+ unread books in the house is clearly not enough....... 😳😬 7y
Librarybelle @Avanders Yup...I feel the same way! 7y
Eggs That's amazing!! Guess where I'm going tomorrow 7y
ReadingVampire Dollar tree had Alias Hook? 7y
Librarybelle @Eggs Have fun! I need to go back when I have more time to explore. I wonder how often they get in different books... 7y
Librarybelle @Puredragonstar Yes! I was quite amazed at the selection. It was definitely worth the trip for me. 7y
rustoryhuf Every now and then Dollar Tree takes my book money. 🤓 7y
Librarybelle @rustoryhuf I can see why! 7y
ReadingVampire Went to several dollar trees in search of Alias Hook with no luck. 😢 But I did find five other books to add to my ginormous TBR 🤩 lol 7y
Librarybelle That‘s sad, @Puredragonstar , but I‘m glad you did find five others! I can‘t remember if there were any other copies of Alias Hook at the one I visited or not. 7y
Librarybelle @Puredragonstar My hope is to visit a couple Dollar Trees this weekend, including the one where I found Alias Hook. If I find a copy, would you like me to get it for you? I‘d be more than happy to grab one for you! 6y
ReadingVampire Thank you so much! That would be amazing! 🤩🤩🤩 6y
Librarybelle @Puredragonstar If I find a copy, I‘ll post on Litsy! 😁 6y
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Alias Hook | Lisa Jensen
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Oh my goodness, oh my goodness. @BookwormAHN you spoil me so. More Lisa Frank coloring (you can never have too much) plus more coloring and a Peter Pan retellings. I have heard lots of good things about this book. Gonna be honest, I won't read it for a while but that is because I am finishing up another Hook retelling. Plus handmade BMs. I love everything and thank you for the time and thought put into it. 😁🎅🏼🎄😁🎅🏼🎄#secretsantagoespostal

erinreads A Lisa Frank coloring book? Whaaaat? Definitely need to look out for that now! 😍 7y
Cinfhen 💚❤️💚 7y
BookBabe 😁👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🎄🎁 I was obsessed with Lisa Frank when I was a kid! The name still gives me goosebumps! 😂 7y
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LibrarianRyan @BookBabe I agree. I still have some of my stuff including stationary. 7y
LibrarianRyan @erinreads yes. And it's an adult coloring book (more complicated patterns. Love it!! 7y
BookwormAHN I'm glad you're enjoying everything. I had a lot of fun shopping for you 🎄 7y
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Alias Hook | Lisa Jensen
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Awwwwww! Adult Hook has a bae of his own...and I'm still single!

I really enjoyed this book but I definitely was not expecting the adult scenes 🤣🤣🤣 that caught me off guard but shows like OUAT prepped me to be ready for fairytale sex life. Their dialogue and relationship was so cute but also much more adult than YA normally has.

The old racist terminology was pretttttttttty cringey though... *Shivers grossed out*

Genevieve what is bae? 7y
SassenachTheBookWizard @Genevieve it's just a term of endearment for couples (like baby) 7y
Genevieve nice! thanks 7y
Leniverse @Genevieve Bae is a new term, used by young people. I get the impression that most people over 30 hate it. ? I'm over 30 but think it's pretty cool, both because I like to watch linguistic development and because it's a gender neutral term. No more boyfriend/girlfriend, just "I'm bringing my bae", no gender implied. Scandinavian languages have had this for ever, glad to see the English language catch up. ? (edited) 7y
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Alias Hook | Lisa Jensen
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Coffee and starting a new book before yoga

DGRachel Ooh, this looks good! 7y
Cheshirecat913 Pretty cover and I always like a good retelling. 7y
Wife This was a “cover buy” at #DollarTree. So pretty 😍 7y
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Alias Hook | Lisa Jensen
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Thank you @sprainedbrain ! I am excited about my #theretellingbookswap gifts. We were in sync with our Maguire picks. I had never heard of Alias Hook and now that's on the top of my #TBR. I've been wanting Heartless for ages. Good stalking skills.Thank you!!!!

sprainedbrain Yay! I‘m so glad you like it! 😃 7y
MaleficentBookDragon @sprainedbrain oh and I love ❤️ spearmint! 7y
sprainedbrain @MaleficentBookDragon I think I saw that on one your questions posts... and something about lavender. I may have taken my stalking to an extreme. 😂 7y
Avanders So fun!! 7y
MaleficentBookDragon @sprainedbrain I do love lavender. I have a salt rock that holds tea lights. Perfect. (edited) 7y
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Alias Hook | Lisa Jensen
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A beautiful retelling that showed both Peter Pan and Captain Hook in a new light. Absolutely loved it ❤️

BookwormAHN I just bought this, glad you liked it. 7y
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Alias Hook | Lisa Jensen
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Perfect day enjoying the sunshine with a good book ☀️☀️

Alias Hook | Lisa Jensen
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A great beach read! Perfect for fans of retellings and Captain Hook. Alias Hook provides a new perspective on the infamous Captain Hook and his relationship with Neverland and Peter Pan.

Rating: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

#bookreccomendation #summerreads #beach #captainhook #aliashook #peterpan #neverland #retelling #fantasy #favorite #bibliophile

Alias Hook | Lisa Jensen
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“The timbre of her voice alone, so well remembered, so undiminished by time, is enough to rouse every part of me capable of standing, a helpless tide rising to her moon. I so crave her touch, I might fling myself at her like a drowning man upon a spar”

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Alias Hook | Lisa Jensen
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“I‘ve had saucier kisses, before, craftier, but never anything that seared so deeply into the very heart of everything I thought I knew, everything I thought I was.”

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Alias Hook | Lisa Jensen

This book was so amazing! I absolutely loved it. well-written, excellent character development.
The other side of Hook, as well as the other side of Pan...

Alias Hook | Lisa Jensen
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#toread Been hearing good things about this book #hookedonhook #onceuponatime

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Alias Hook | Lisa Jensen
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I loved this adult fairy tale, focusing on Captain Hook and the endless monotony of his daily existence. Both the characterization and setting are so rich. I can't recommend it highly enough.

Caveat: There was the use of a certain word to refer to Neverland's indigenous population that I basically hated. Peter Pan fans will know the word I'm talking about.

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