I should be grading. #IDontWannaDoTheWorkToday #Loki #BratPrincessOfAsgard #CatsOfLitsy
I should be grading. #IDontWannaDoTheWorkToday #Loki #BratPrincessOfAsgard #CatsOfLitsy
The first in a series of fictionalised memoirs about world renowned dragon naturalist, Lady Trent.
Covering her childhood interest in anatomy and sparklings, through to the culmination of her first expedition to study the dragons native to Vystrana, this is a story of a woman pushing societal expectations to follow her passion for dragons.
I really enjoyed the audio for this 🐉
A zoologist who studies DRAGONS?? Sign me tf up. To me this is one of the peaks of dragon storytelling.
Recently read for #booked2023 prompt. First in a series. Great on audio!
#bookbinge #involvesdragons
This is the first in a Victorian series about Isabella, Lady Trent, the worlds foremost dragon naturalist.
As a young woman, her passion for learning about the natural world, particularly dragons,caused her to risk her reputation and hinder her marriage prospects. Most men and women of the period were astounded by her behavior. Luckily, her father accepted her passion and led her to a man who appreciated her. #booked2023 #gaslampfantasybook
Starting new audiobook for #booked2023 #gaslampfantasy New genre for me!
This was fascinating to read. I love the character of Lady Trent dnd the premise of her becoming the utmost expert in dragons in this fictional place. Looking forward to book 2!
Second time reading and I didn't bail.
The memoirs of Lady Trent start with Isabella's childhood, her first season and her first year of marriage. She (now 19y/o) persuades her husband to take her on a research trip to a mountainous country to study the local dragon wildlife.
Dragons are dangerous. The locals aren't very welcoming. There are smugglers. She doesn't speak the language.
#SeriesLove2023 @TheSpineView @Andrew65
I should have been obsessed with this book—I am totally the target audience! However, the main character‘s xenophobic stance toward the village she‘s intruding upon as a researcher does not change enough to give me confidence in joining her on an expedition to the version of colonial Africa in the sequel. I wanted more dragons, more science, and a more intersectional feminism. I would highly recommend Rachel Hartman‘s Seraphina series instead!
Thank you for the awesome book and chocolate! Can't wait to read this!
Thank you for hosting! @MaleficentBookDragon
🎧 I‘m surprised. I‘m not a lover of epic dragon books. I enjoyed this one! A mystery, and more of a drama and scientific approach. A young girl with a love of dragon (anatomy) loves her dream life. I‘d read a book two.
"Not a day goes by that the post does not bring me at least one letter from a young person (or sometimes one not so young) who wishes to follow in my footsteps and become a dragon naturalist. Nowadays, of course, the field is quite respectable, with university courses and intellectual societies putting out fat volumes titled Proceedings of some meeting or other."
#scarathlondailyprompts #teamslaughter @Clwojick
The upside to being awake ALL NIGHT coughing? Time to read and a peaceful sunrise. (Trying to find silver linings. #sickinpalmsprings)
#WyrdAndWonder day 12: step into another‘s shoes
I love reading about epic adventures, but if I‘m going to trade places with fearless protagonists I‘d rather step into the shoes of one of the Camherst girls: Isabella or granddaughter Audrey. You get to study dragons (or the Draconean language), enjoy indoor plumbing and get up the nose of the establishment - sounds right up my street!
Similarly to Charles Darwin and Jane Goodall, Lady Trent change the field of natural sciences with her research into dragons. Now that she‘s reached the later years of her life, she has decided to write a series of memories describing her life and the adventures that accompanies her field work over the years. Filled with sketches, maps, and all sorts of details from her research, Lady Trent finally opens up about everything she experienced.
Sunday morning, why did I wait to long to discover that book? It s right in my alley
My Christmas book haul! I sent my parents a list of books that I had been meaning to read for a long time and they bought me some of them! I‘m always trying to prioritize my owned unread books, so I figured if they BECAME owned unread books, I‘d get to them quicker. I can‘t wait to read them!
Sound world building. Great writing style. Will probably seek out other work by this author.
1. the tagged book
2. Hands down, Cinnamon roibos Chai tea from DavidsTea.
3. Non of my covers work so I used one of my calendars instead.
#weekendreads @rachelsbrittain
Just started this series. It's a fantasy (dragons and made up places that resemble actual places) and a mystery with a lady detective/naturalist struggling with the restraints society puts on her for being a woman (think: Sarah Howard in the The Alienist). It was different. I liked it. Think I'm going to read the rest. :)
Enjoying some dragons on Canada Day
I am posting one book per day from my extensive to-be-read collection. No description and providing no reason for wanting to read it, I just do. Some will be old, some will be new. Don‘t judge me - I have a lot of books. Join the fun if you want.
This is day 59 #bookstoread #tbrpile #bookstagram
This was a great book. I would be reading along with a picture in mind of the world she was writing about. Then she would mention a date or a place and it would remind me that she was not writing about our world.
Overall pick, despite being a little slow in spots. Set in a completely different world, it honestly felt like this story would have read better if it had taken place in an alternate of our world instead, especially since various geographic regions felt very much like England and other European countries anyway. While the MC did sometimes wander into that "I was so much smarter than all the other poor fluff-head girls" territory that greatly ⬇️
This is a reread for me and I enjoyed it still. I generally do not enjoy rereads but I read this when it first released and could remember almost nothing. I'd like to finish the series so rereading it was. If you haven't read this and love dragons I 100% recommend. It's an easy, pacy read and very light as far as tone and tension go. A great jumping off point.
Second time around is just as great as the first time 🙌🏽📚😋
Rereading this one because I really liked it the first time 🙌🏽📖😋
#audiocrafting with dragons and a macramé hanger for my Christmas air plant. This doesn‘t gives great idea of the scale—I‘ll try to take a better picture tomorrow after I‘ve cut the dowel rod down to size. Overall I‘m pretty pleased with it though! #audiobook #newskills #houseplants
Dragon Haul!!
In a dragon mood
In the middle of Eragon and I'm enjoying it.
The Two hard covers cost £2.99 each.
I love these illustrations!
You know I get a little bored with fantasy covers sometimes. Ya think the publishing houses could do better than reusing the same hero pose in cloak with sword/orb/staff The Lady Trent novels score on beauty, originality, and also hinting at the premise with the reference to scientific drawing. My favourite fantasy covers #7days7covers #covercrush
But my desire for knowledge was stronger than my religious sensibilities, which after all were more a matter of unthinking habit than real conviction.
“We stared at each other for a moment, then burst into laughter that must have scared off every nonhuman animal for half a mile around.“
A perfect, heart-filling moment in the story, built up to from several equally perfect moments. Isabella and Jacob are one of my favorite literary couples. Such a wonderful meeting of minds.
It‘s—it‘s as if there is a dragon inside me. I don‘t know how big she is; she may still be growing. But she has wings, and strength, and—and I can‘t keep her in a cage. She‘ll die. I‘ll die. [...] It‘s all right for women to study theology, or literature, but nothing so rough and ready as this. And yet this is what I want. Even if it‘s hard, even if it‘s dangerous. I don‘t care. I need to see where my wings can carry me.
Normally “but you haven't heard the REAL/full story“ lines fall flat, but the build-up to it in this intro, combined with the signature from Isabella to make it feel more real, sent shivers of anticipation through me.
One benefit of being an old woman now, and moreover one who has been called a “national treasure,“ is that there are very few who can tell me what I may and may not write.
Got a very large semi book related tattoo yesterday. The dragon is based on the Gringotts Dragon from Harry Potter. She is protecting her egg which is also the moon which is inspired from Doctor Who. I love the way it turned out and can‘t wait for it to heal so I can get some better pics.
4/5⭐ At 1st I only lukewarm toward the book, but then there's nothing like [spoiler] to make you realize how invested you are in the story.
This book was so fun, with a good balance of serious to make it more complex. The memoir-style, with the narrator adding tidbits from the future & lessons learned, added a brilliant layer that prevented the story from falling flat & just took the whole thing to the next level. Can't wait to read book 2.
I knew I would love this book the minute I bought it. It seems like a boring memoir about a fictional world and characters while they discover dragonkind, but it was fascinating, emotional, and smart. And includes pictures. It reminds me of a historical nonfiction, very informative, but also has a storyline. I will be reading the next book in the series.