When books and art collide... the result is eye candy.
When books and art collide... the result is eye candy.
OHMYGOSH... this 102 man knits sweaters for injured penguins and the 2nd penguin from the left is wearing the penguin books LOGO! Ackkkk, that is cuteness OVERLOAD! I♡♡♡thisman
I have a few Penguin Classic Deluxe Editions, but I want them ALL! #gimmegimmegimme #ABBAinAugust
I loved the eye candy of various Classic Penguin covers and the (brief) stories behind the designs. But now I want even more books, especially the Drop Cap editions. Sigh!!
Now I know why the Penguin Ink covers aren‘t discussed here! It‘s too bad it didn‘t continue to work out. I wish they elaborated more on the difficulty of working with most of these tattoo artists! Probably some good stories there.
It‘s nice to see this cover featured and discussed here. Brings back good memories of our #LittleRaskols readalong 😊!
At first I thought I had a defective copy because the headlines seem slightly sliced off at the top, but evidently this was intentional 🤷🏻♀️.
Arrived today! All this for $35 from Book Outlet 😍. If hubby asks, I‘ll tell him the two college books were what I ordered (youngest is a HS junior) and the rest were just to get free shipping 😉. Had my eyes on these Penguin Orange editions after having included another one in my previous BO order. P.S. tagged book is because @vivastory mentioned it quite some time back.
My favorite write-up so far. Riccardo Vecchio for Penguin Miller Classics.
What a gorgeous book. 😍
So many adorable bookcovers. 😍
The illustrators explain their ideas, why they made up the covers like this and the different editions are introduced. For example, you find two editions of 'Emma' in this book.
I really want to give my library away and buy most of these books. 💋
#tbrbingo 11/25
@vivastory thank you for sharing this book!
Another time... Some reading for #Litsypartyofone. 😍
A beautiful design book that shows many Penguin book jackets #covertocover in double page spreads. #fallintobooks
I don't own any craft books. The Penguin Threads series definitely has a craft vibe.
Penguin's horror series
@Kalalalatja It makes my head hurt
Penguin has done a great job of making this book visually stunning (apart from the odd decision to make me feel like the top 2mm had been chopped off every page in the book ). The artwork chosen is impeccable and combined with the sometimes fractious and humorous asides by illustrators and creative director Paul Buckley it gives you a great insight into the book cover design process.
Task 3 - Book about Books
I love opening each new page of this to get arrested by these fantastic book cover illustrations. It's pointing me to some great looking Penguin Black Spine Classics and others I purely want to get for their beautiful art work - like this one here for the deluxe edition of The Master and Margarita .
#readharder #readharderchallenge #booksboutbooks
#judgedbyitscover #marchintoreading @RealLifeReading
Since I saw this book here on litsy, I needed to have it. 😍 I really love it and its adorable pictures of covers. 😍
This book is magic! It's a look at the cover design process for a number of different Penguin classics. There are blurbs from many of the artists about their process. Some of the unselected options are shown beside the final cover, as seen here. This book is everything I wanted Jhumpa Lahiri's The Clothing of Books to be. A delight for those who love covers.
I love Penguin Classics, and this was a fun inside look into the design process with commentary from illustrators and even some rejected covers. An interesting behind the scenes peek. I wish they had included some covers from Penguin Ink and the clothbound hardcover classics, but a nice selection nonetheless.
There are so many beautiful covers in the book but I think my favorite is the threads
This book, along with Peter Mendelsund's "Cover", is my favorite cover design book. I unabashedly love the design work that Penguin has been doing for awhile, despite the rare flop (Galaxy Series deserved a better design). I will be returning to this book frequently. Absolutely adore it. If you enjoy cover art, then this is a must own.
Da ich letzte Woche krank war, musste ich mir selbst schnell ein kleines Weihnachtsgeschenk machen und habe mir diese tollen Sachen vom Penguin Verlag bestellt *ich bin (buch)verliebt* 😍
I was ill last week, so I had to order myself a little christmas gift and found these wonderful things of penguin books. *I'm (book)enamoured * 😍
For #Recommendsday this week, let's try something a little different: tell us what books you're giving as gifts for the holidays. Because books make the best gifts! Tag a photo with #Recommendsday, or leave a comment on this post. 📚💕🎁
Thanks to the magic of same day shipping, my Amazon Black Friday splurge is already in! So excited to start these!
No-one does orange like Penguin.
In love with my new phone cover 😍
My reps know me so well! This unexpected gift from my Penguin guiding star absolutely made my day.
I do so love that Penguin has published a book about their gorgeous cover designs.
Best coffee table book ever? Best coffee table book ever. 😍
If you are a fan of Penguin Classic's covers, you need this book in your life. It is the coolest! This is for the truest #booknerd. It is the story of the cover designs and pictures of all the covers. I completely love this book!
Taking a break from novels while I eat lunch to feast my eyes on this beauty. It's an epic nerdpurr!
Also, I'll be taking over the @Litsy Twitter account at 2pm EST today to talk about books and #24in48. Because BOOOOOOOOOOKS. ♥️📚🤘🏻
We had coffee with the Penguin Classics team last week, and they treated us to a copy of the much anticipated “Classic Penguin Cover to Cover.” Admission: We haven‘t been able to put this beauty down since, and the rest of our summer reading pile looks resentful. Highly recommend!