Absolutely loved this and a large part was the audio narrator. I feel like most Norse retellings trod the same ground so this POV was a nice surprise.
Absolutely loved this and a large part was the audio narrator. I feel like most Norse retellings trod the same ground so this POV was a nice surprise.
Beautifully written and wonderfully evocative. The first third was a little rough (I like banter, but I found it repetitive here) but there‘s a moment mid-way through the story where everything clicked into place and I devoured the rest of the story in a few sittings.
My last completed book for 2023…and it was so good! I am unfamiliar with Norse mythology but quickly became enamored with Gornichec‘s telling of Angrboda. Beautifully written. Another #LiteraryCrew book I‘m finally finishing!
This was SO pretty. At times sweet, funny or heartwrenching.
After being burned by the gods, Angrboda resigns herself to existence alone in the Ironwood until Loki returns her heart. It takes more than the trickster god to bring her from her life of solitude. As her life grows, so does the threat from the gods.
I‘m not knowledgeable on Norse mythology by any stretch, but it was exactly the characterization of Loki that I wanted & expected.
Keeping the goals simple, out with the old, finish off my current reads. I‘m not very far into any of these but would love to wrap up a couple before the end of #Wintergames
#20in4 @Andrew65
Thank you @AmyG for my #JolabokaflodSwap23 i cannot wait to dive into this book!!!
Thank you @MaleficentBookDragon for organizing & hosting!!!
Other than some name recognition I do not know much about Norse mythology. The story lagged in a couple of places for me but overall I enjoyed this tale of Angrboda, Loki and their children. 4 🌟
I went into this knowing very little about Norse mythology so it started out a bit slow for me not really feeling like there was much of a direction. Once you hit the second section this book really takes off! The finish is incredibly strong and will make you feel all the emotions. Hard to put down after that! I would be interested in reading more Norse based stories after this. Read for #literarycrew and gifted by @CBee THANK YOU!
Long ago, when the gods were young and Asgard was new, there came a witch from the edge of the worlds.
I‘m 100 pages in and loving this #LiteraryCrew October book.
@ShyBookOwl @Librarybelle
It‘s time for this month‘s #LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead discussion! I have 9 questions posted under spoilers - you can find them in either my feed, the book‘s feed, or searching the hashtags. Answer whenever you can!
If you wish to add any comments about the book, comment below!
I have the list of suggested titles for 2024, so I will hopefully soon post those for us to decide what to read first! I had just enough suggestions to cover 2024.
9. Who was your favorite character and why? Who was your least favorite? ~from Book Club Kit
#LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead
8. Did the ending make you happy, sad, or a mix of both? ~adapted from the Book Club Kit
#LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead
7. Angrboda has visions of the future and a strong notion of what her fate - and the fate of her children - will be, even though she hopes she can change it. Loki refused to hear his wife's prophecies - would you do the same? Do you think he know more than he let on? ~adapted from the Book Club Kit
#LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead
6. Near the end of the book Angrboda has a moment when she wonders if Loki and Odin have been plotting together during the entire book. Do you think there is any possibility of that? ~from Book Club Kit
#LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead
5. Angrboda and Skadi's relationship is one of the most important and enduring in Angrboda's life. Describe how their relationship changes over time. How does Angrboda and Skadi's relationship compare to Angrboda and Loki's relationship? ~from Book Club Kit
#LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead
4. Were you surprised by Loki's betrayal or did you see it coming? ~adapted from Book Club Kit
#LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead
3. After Angrboda becomes a mother, her priorities shift a great deal. How does becoming a mother change her outlook on the world and define her goals? ~from Book Club Kit
#LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead
2. The book starts with Loki literally giving Angrboda her heart back. What does that signify about their relationship? Do you think it is a significant reason that she trusts him even though she knows he is Odin's blood brother and trickster? ~from Book Club Kit
#LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead
1. Were you familiar with Angrboda's story prior to reading this book? This website provides more background on Angrboda as well as dives a bit deeper into her story: https://historycooperative.org/angrboda/
And, take a look at @cazxxx 's feed for an amazing artist rendition of Angrboda!
#LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead
Angrboda, whose name translates to "the one who brings grief" or "she who offers sorrow," is a prominent giantess in Norse mythology. She resides in the land of the giants, Jotunheim.
Angrboda is best known for her union with Loki, the trickster god, with whom she bore three infamous offspring that play pivotal roles in the apocalyptic events of Ragnarok (essentially end of the world): Hel, Fenrir and Jormungandr
I enjoyed this retelling of Norse mythology. I‘m more familiar with Greek myths, so I didn‘t know the basis for much of the origins of this book, but I don‘t think it lessened my enjoyment. The narrator didn‘t differentiate between characters as much as I would have preferred, and I question the narrator‘s choice of accents. But the narrator didn‘t detract too much from my experience. (cont) ⬇️
Holy cow this was one great book! Jane Entwistle‘s narration was spot on and added much enjoyment to my reading. The story itself was captivating. Nearing the end of it, it almost felt like a history lesson of sorts, a history of Norse mythology. There was just so much detail that the author covered. Really well done and I highly recommend the audiobook. Looking forward to the #LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead discussion at the end of the month! 5/5⭐️
We‘re about halfway through the month, so checkin time for this month‘s #LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead ! If you‘ve started, any thoughts to share?
Discussion questions will be posted on October 31st!
Reposting for @thelibrarybelle
This month‘s #LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead selection is a reimagining of Norse mythology about love and the wrath of gods.
If you would like to be added to the tagged list this month, just comment below! I will post periodic checkins throughout the month, with discussion questions on October 31st.
I‘ve also received some great book recommendations for next year - if you have any to share, please comment below!
This month‘s #LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead selection is a reimagining of Norse mythology about love and the wrath of gods.
If you would like to be added to the tagged list this month, just comment below! I will post periodic checkins throughout the month, with discussion questions on October 31st.
I‘ve also received some great book recommendations for next year - if you have any to share, please comment below!
Still working on busting out of my slump. Here‘s hoping this is the month. Considering my I‘m already a week behind on #sundaybuddyread probably not a great start 🤷🏼♀️ Planning on starting the #literarycrew book this month since I have the physical copy (thanks to wonderful Litsy friends). Way behind on #gotchapteraday but working on catching up. Here‘s to #bookspin #doublespin #bookspinbingo
Reposting for @librarybelle
I am so excited for October‘s #LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead !! This has been on my tbr for quite awhile.
This buddy read is low key - read the book at your own pace during the month of October, with discussion questions posted on October 31st. I will post periodic check ins during October.
Tagging those who have expressed interest in this book. If you would also like tagged, comment below! All are welcome!
I am so excited for October‘s #LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead !! This has been on my tbr for quite awhile.
This buddy read is low key - read the book at your own pace during the month of October, with discussion questions posted on October 31st. I will post periodic check ins during October.
Tagging those who have expressed interest in this book. If you would also like tagged, comment below! All are welcome!
Thanks for the tag @dabbe 😺
1- Hermione
2- Angrboda from The Witch's Heart
3- Princess Leia
I went out today and discovered that was a very bad idea. Even after going to a bookstore, I found myself leaving more tense than when I got there. Too many people, too much noise. I'm recovering with a large cuppa, a scone, and the tagged book in my comfy and quiet den.
Outstanding and deeply touching characters and story. I want to read more by this author!
I'm also putting myself on a book buying pause. If I try to do a complete ban I'll never stick to it. So I'm going to try to just enjoy BOTM, Kindle Unlimited, and a few preorders I've made 🤞🏻
Thanks for the tag @MaleficentBookDragon 😺
A new Norse mythology retelling of Angrboda, legendary witch, lover of Loki and mother of “monsters”. This highly entertaining story follows the new trend of highlighting women in mythology, which I am loving. Though it has a slow start, it has a epic action packed last third. 4⭐️
#bookspin pick done!
This is a beautiful, bittersweet tale of Angrboda, Mother Witch, wife to Loki, mother of Hel, Fenrir, and Jormungandr. The writing is lovely, even if the pacing is painfully slow in parts. It‘s a story that made me cry and rage, and also makes me want to dive deeper into Norse mythology. The audiobook narration is excellent, too.
I haven't been around for a while but I have been reading. I have never been big into Swift but this album HAS me. And Instagram has books/tracks lists that I am living for. I'm making my own and I'm starting with Anti Hero. If you have any comparisons, please share!
Books, like music, often leave me with feelings. I love matching the two by those feelings.
I'll be back with more! 🤍
#ScarathlonDailyPrompts #Day13 #Witch I absolutely loved this take on a Norse myth. In it, Angrboda is a witch, living in the outer forest after fleeing a burning from Odin for refusing to read his future. Highly recommend #Scarathlon #TeamSlaughter 6pts
I started this with cursory, pop-culture level of knowledge on Norse mythology and ended with a newfound appreciation because the story isn't centered on the popular cluster. This is the story of Angrboda and it's a fantastic telling. I loved the modernized dialogue which included lots of humour, wit, and heart.
Thank you so much!!! I love it!
I‘m so excited about this book and the chocolate is going to last about 5 minutes tonight. It looks soooo good!
Thank you!!!
#Fffs #Fallingforfallswap
A lovely Nordic tale from a fresh female perspective, reminiscent of Circe. A little slow at first but worth the build up. And if you haven‘t already, I highly recommend Neil Gaiman‘s Norse Mythology first for an introduction to many of myths referenced in The Witch‘s Heart.
Loki is insufferable and infuriating, like a lot of men! Yeesh
I'm finding myself smirking and rolling my eyes a lot @ what he says. Yet of course, he's charming in his own way, and doubtless that's why Angrboda puts up with him.
This book is a perfect addition to the new thing going on with women in myths finally getting their stories told. Angrboda is the wife of Loki, she‘s been exiled out of Asgard and she really just want to live safely away from the drama of the gods and one follows her to her wilderness. It‘s a good story steeped in Norse mythology and full of angst for the future and heartbreak to an extent. I gave it 4 stars!
Okay, Witches! Here are my picks for #GroupW #LMPBC! Let me know which one y‘all are interested in! I think A Discovery of Witches is long, so I‘m leaning away from that one. Blood Like Magic is also 500 pages I think. Practical Magic is the shortest one, but what do y‘all think? I‘m down for anything!
I find it fitting that I finished this today. Happy Mother's Day to all mothers and mother figures out there! 💖
I loved this! I cried 😭
Made me want to read more about Norse mythology (and/or retellings) as I know very little of it.