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Excellent Women
Excellent Women | Barbara Pym
240 posts | 117 read | 129 to read
Mildred Lathbury is one of those 'excellent women' who is often taken for granted. She is a godsend, 'capable of dealing with most of the stock situations of life - birth, marriage, death, the successful jumble sales, the garden fete spoilt by bad weather'. As such, she often gets herself embroiled in other people's lives - especially those of her glamorous new neighbours, the Napiers, whose marriage seems to be on the rocks. One cannot take sides in these matters, though it is tricky, especially as Mildred, teetering on the edge of spinsterhood, has a soft spot for dashing young Rockingham Napier. This is Barbara Pym's world at its funniest and most touching.
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Excellent Women | Barbara Pym
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I need a good afternoon tea session one of these days 😃 For those in NYC, have you been to Tea & Sympathy? It looks good!!!


Ruthiella That looks amazing 🤩 8mo
BarkingMadRead We always go to the Plaza! 8mo
sisilia @BarkingMadRead 😍 The best place! 8mo
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TheBookHippie We do the Russian Tea Room 8mo
sisilia @Ruthiella and makes me hungry 😆 8mo
sisilia @TheBookHippie Added it to my list of places to visit ✅ 8mo
TheBookHippie @sisilia So much history it‘s amazing. 8mo
Liz_M I haven't been to Tea and Sympathy, I think. I have been to Alice's Tea Cup once or twice. 8mo
sisilia @Liz_M Ah yes, I‘ve been to Alice‘s Tea Cup UWS… what a cute place 8mo
Hooked_on_books Looks fancy! 8mo
Leftcoastzen Oh , pretty! 8mo
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Excellent Women | Barbara Pym
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4⭐️ Cozy spinster lit, best read on a rainy day 😃 Don‘t forget a large pot of tea with cakes etc because tea is mentioned zillion times in this book and it will make you crave for it. I didn‘t have any cake but leftover Lebkuchen worked. I like this better than her first book Some Tame Gazelle.

youneverarrived Love the cover 😍 8mo
batsy Excellent book 🙂 and hooray for #spinsterlit 8mo
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Ruthiella I also liked this more than Some Tame Gazelle, which was the first title I read from Pym. I thank my lucky stars that I read on, because I‘ve become quite a Pym fanatic. ❤️ 8mo
Liz_M This was my first Pym and it was lovely! 8mo
sisilia @youneverarrived My fav cover for this book 😍 8mo
sisilia @batsy 😆 Love spinsterlit… looking fwd to more 8mo
sisilia @Ruthiella Ooohhh which is your fav so far? 8mo
sisilia @Liz_M Such a comfort read 8mo
Ruthiella Excellent Women is still my favorite, but read on! I haven‘t read one I didn‘t like yet. And I need to re-read Some Tame Gazelle now that I get Pym‘s style and humor. 8mo
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Excellent Women | Barbara Pym
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So glad I discovered this author-the way she describes small interactions, her longings, domestic worries & social setting is just beautiful, historical & timeless. I loved Mildred. I loved how she was honest with herself about everything. I loved how she was perched on this cusp in life & was really trying to meet her own needs whilst negotiation loss for a passed life & lifestyle as well as coming to terms with a new post war vision for women.

Mitch #auldlangspine This is why I love you- only a few days into the year and a read that might well be on my end of year list already in the bag! Thank you @Singout (edited) 8mo
Mitch And thank you @monalyisha for being such an influential force in my reading life for the past few years. You‘re magic! 8mo
monalyisha Well, that‘s sweet! Thank you. 🥰 And I clearly need to bump this book back up on my list! I did shelve it on my “to read” cart, so it‘s still near the top, anyway. 😊 8mo
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LeahBergen Isn‘t it wonderful?? 8mo
Mitch @LeahBergen it really was - I lived here view of the men, how we see them through her eyes and how fiercely she maintains her independence. I bet this was an even more powerful read in 1951 8mo
Singout I‘m glad you liked it! My mom was a small town minister‘s wife, and some of those things still haven‘t changed! Who dominates the jumble sale is definitely a thing. And yes, I loved how Mildred navigated all those relationships and power struggles as well. 8mo
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Excellent Women | Barbara Pym
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My reading buddy is only going to let me read whilst it rains! The minute that last drop falls he‘ll@be waiting at the door ! #auldlandspine

Soubhiville A day in the life of a good dog 🙂❤️ 8mo
Cupcake12 Happy new year! Oh Woodford, you are just too cute 🐾 8mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 8mo
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Excellent Women | Barbara Pym
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A storm blowing through today has changed the days plans - I have an unexpected few hours to spend with my first #auldlangspine !

monalyisha Your copy is so much prettier than mine! 🤩 Enjoy! 8mo
AmyG This was a nice read. I loved the main character. 8mo
Mitch @AmyG she‘s so lovely. I think I‘d of like to have been her in 1950! 8mo
Mitch @monalyisha im a sucker for a pretty edition! 8mo
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Excellent Women | Barbara Pym
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Current stack

CarolynM The Mortimer and the Pym are both great. Enjoy! 8mo
sisilia @CarolynM i‘m halfway the Pym and loving it… Mildred Lathburry is an interesting character 😃 8mo
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Excellent Women | Barbara Pym
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I am trying hard to not buy more books as my bookshelves are overflowing. (Common problem, n‘est-ce pas?) But i couldn‘t leave these friends behind could I? Excellent women, all of them 😂

willaful Ah, a green Virago...so pretty. 11mo
Centique @willaful i love them too! I rescued this one from a nasty price sticker on the front that must have been there for years. 11mo
LeahBergen I loved ALL of these! You just had to rescue them. 😆 11mo
Tamra Heavens no you couldn‘t leave them! 11mo
batsy Excellent picks! Loved the Pym and really want to read the other two. 11mo
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Excellent Women | Barbara Pym
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While I liked this book, it was at the lower end of the pick scale for me. Mainly because it seems as if Mildred never really does anything — she just lets things happen to her and lets people take advantage of her. Nothing in her life ever really gets resolved: she seems to be one of those women perpetually doomed to be of use to others but never to be really important to those others. #audiowalk

Excellent Women | Barbara Pym
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It‘s now back to Excellent Women for my walking book. I‘m finally getting into the swing of the story; I think that‘s why I was having trouble sticking with it before. #audiowalk

Excellent Women | Barbara Pym
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I read this book while catsitting at someone‘s house & reading on the outside porch that faced that beautiful smoke bush. I‘ve had trouble reviewing this. What makes a life? What makes a life valuable? Mildred, a single woman, is there to help with church activities and to help neighbors with their various issues, but where does Mildred fit in her own life. Is it enough for her? The story & characters were brilliant & subtle in their humor.

Singout I totally loved reading this as an #AuldLangSpine rec from @TheBookHippie, partly bc I grew up as a minister's kid. I can totally relate to being absorbed in that world to the point that your personal identity gets fuzzy, as well as the absurd drama (the jumble sale conflicts continue in the 21st century!) Wish I could get a free/cheap copy for my mom. 13mo
Suet624 @Singout I love your comment about your identity becoming fuzzy. So true. I also loved the Sister who keeps riding up on her bike and making sarcastic comments. That would be me. I‘d be happy to send you my copy of the book for you to give to your mom. Email me your address: SueT624 at gmail. 13mo
Singout Wow, that's so kind of you. Thank you!

(edited) 13mo
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TheBookHippie I so loved this book, for most of the reasons you said! I was going to offer my copy as well but Sue beat me to it! It‘s quite lovely to read this in the summer especially I think. I totally agree about the jumble sales!! 13mo
Singout @TheBookHippie I was slow on the uptake and Sue passed hers on: I‘d love your copy if it‘s still available and would pay postage (to Canada)! You‘ve got my email… 11mo
TheBookHippie @Singout oh yes I will I‘m out of town til Sunday I‘ll put to post on Monday. I‘m trying to find back your email can you send to me 😝 christinethebookhippie@gmail.com 11mo
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Excellent Women | Barbara Pym
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The only way to make an oil change better.

Tamra My current read as well! (Though I don‘t have a pretty paper book.) 😊 14mo
Suet624 Oh how fun! Pym twins. 14mo
Tamra @Suet624 😆 for some reason I‘m not falling in love with it at the moment. I think perhaps too many distractions; I‘m going to put it on pause. 14mo
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Suet624 @Tamra I‘m enjoying it but I‘m also noticing that my mind keeps wandering and I‘m easily distracted. 14mo
Ruthiella That‘s exactly the same paperback edition that I have. 😃 14mo
Suet624 @Ruthiella 😍😍 14mo
kspenmoll Beautiful edition. My mom loved Pym & I have some of her editions. I am hoping you will settle in with this book at a different time. 13mo
Suet624 @kspenmoll I liked this book a great deal!!! 13mo
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Excellent Women | Barbara Pym
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I scrolled through my List feed and my Goodreads to see how many #Pemberlittens Readalongs I've done in the last 3 yrs.

#ExcellentWomenandBoiledPotatoes remains my favorite Hashtag. 🥔🥔🥔

Excellent Women | Barbara Pym
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Tea in a mug? What a disgrace! ?

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the word "slut" has a number of meanings. From the Middle Ages onwards, it was used to describe "a woman of dirty, slovenly, or untidy habits or appearance". This is a meaning that many older people would use it for even now

LiseWorks Oh my, I only drink tea in mugs 🍺 🤪 1y
marleed I need the biggest mug and keep refilling it all day! 1y
Cazxxx @LiseWorks Me too 😂 1y
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Cazxxx @marleed 😄😄 1y
Branwen I must be a HUGE slut... 😱... I only drink my tea in mugs! 😂 1y
Cazxxx @Branwen Outrageous! 😂 1y
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Excellent Women | Barbara Pym

Thanks to @TheBookHippie for this fun insightful rec! I really enjoyed the intricacies of the platonic and romantic relationships, as well as the humour and tensions found in a faith and neighbourhood community, which totally ties into my background. It felt very “small town,” though it was set in London. The post-War thread was interesting, and I appreciated the subtle presence of the queer characters. #AuldLangSpine #Booked2022 #AuthorNotLIving

Singout I totally have to give this to my mother now. Seventy years later and on the other side of the Atlantic the jumble sale drama is real. (edited) 2y
TheBookHippie I loved this one more than I thought I would. It was a #pemberlitten read. 2y
Singout What group is that? 2y
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Singout My mother woke me up with a phone call today asking if I want a piece of “art” that I‘ve never seen that my grandparents‘ friends brought back from Mexico over 60 years ago before it goes to the jumble sale next weekend… 1y
TheBookHippie @Singout I missed that!! It is a Jane Austen like -we've read all the Jane Austen together already twice I think- group called #pemberlittens I now do @Barkingmadreads #hashtagbrigade reads look at the hashtags!! 1y
Singout Wow, looks like fun! I was looking just yesterday to see if I could get my mom Excellent Women for her birthday. 1y
Singout @TheBookHippie My mother loved it, and mailed it today to my sister in England for Christmas! Thank you again! The gift that keeps on giving. 9mo
TheBookHippie @Singout oh how lovely!!!! I‘m so glad! 9mo
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Excellent Women | Barbara Pym
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As a preacher‘s kid, I loved this sentence near the opening of the book:
“With my parochial experience, I knew myself to be capable of dealing with most of the stock situations, or even the great moments of life: birth, marriage, death; the successful jumble sale, the garden fête spoiled by bad weather.”

jlhammar Pym is so good. Love this book! 2y
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Excellent Women | Barbara Pym
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“I‘m supposed to be having dinner with somebody, and I shall probably have to help with the cooking.”
“How very anxious for you,” said William. “I always like to have full control of a meal, or no part in it at all. I‘d rather not see people adding Bovril to the gravy and doing dreadful things like that.”

TheBookHippie 🤣👏🏼♥️ 2y
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Excellent Women | Barbara Pym
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“I suppose I did not want him to remember me as being the kind of person who is always making cups of tea at moments of crisis.”

TheBookHippie Oh I hope you like it! 2y
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Excellent Women | Barbara Pym
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📖 1-21-23 || This is the year I‘ve discovered Barbara Pym! Why did I go so long before picking this one up? It is a pure delight… funny, subtle, and reflective.

These podcast episodes have added to my appreciation:
The first has snippets of audio from her interviews - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/backlisted/id1063252175?i=1000471273492
Another favorite -

LeslieO Pym! That‘s a pretty cover! 2y
Kristin_Reads @LeslieO I love the old-fashioned style! 2y
batsy Yes! I loved this and I really must read more of her (as I've been saying for years 🙈) 2y
Kristin_Reads @batsy I just ordered three more Pyms! 2y
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Excellent Women | Barbara Pym
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#12Booksof2022 - day 8

2022 was the year I discovered Barbara Pym. This was the first book I read by her. I read two others during the year as well.

Andrew65 A very popular choice. 2y
MaGoose I've read some of Pym's books in the past. I think I need to put her on my TBR list for this year and re-read her. 2y
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Excellent Women | Barbara Pym
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#12BOOKSOF2022 August is when I finished this Amazing read - #pemberlittens read
I loved this read LOVED and now I am a Pym fan.
Hope to read her other books in 2023 ♥️

Andrew65 Another popular choice. 2y
Aimeesue One of my faves. Everard Bone! 🤣 2y
TheLudicReader I love your tea cup. 2y
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TheBookHippie @TheLudicReader thanks !!! I love it as well! 2y
kspenmoll My mom was a Pym fan & got me reading her! 2y
TheBookHippie @kspenmoll it‘s so fun to read! 2y
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Excellent Women | Barbara Pym
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Like many of you, Excellent Women won me over in July. Pym had long been sitting on my TBR, so I‘m very grateful that the #pemberlittens buddy read encouraged me to finally get to it this year. Very much looking forward to my next Pym!

Andrew65 This one has got a few recommendations. 2y
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Excellent Women | Barbara Pym
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This was a re-read for me in July 2022 with the #PemberLittens and I fell in love with Pym and her subtle wit all over again. I do believe this book is actually perfect. 😍


LeahBergen It is! 2y
batsy Yes! 2y
Andrew65 An excellent choice. 2y
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Aimeesue Yessssss! 2y
jlhammar It really is! I just loved it. 2y
AnnR One I still need to read sometime. Happy New Year @Ruthiella. Wishing you lots of wonderful reading in 2023. 2y
Ruthiella @Ann_Reads Happy New Year to you too! I think you will enjoy it whenever you do pick it up. It‘s a true classic. 2y
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Excellent Women | Barbara Pym
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A quiet, unassuming book that packs a surprising feminist punch. I see why it is such a classic, though it is slow going at times and I had to push myself at times to finish. I‘m so glad I did! Sorry the pic is blurry, finished in the car. #BookspinBingo #WinterReadathon #travelingreader @TheAromaofBooks @Andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES

DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 2y
LeslieO Pym!❤️ 2y
Andrew65 Well done ☃️☃️☃️ 2y
TheAromaofBooks This is one I would never have read if it wasn't as a buddy read, but I ended up enjoying it. It didn't make me want to rush out and read every book Pym ever wrote, but I would read another if it came my way haha 2y
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Excellent Women | Barbara Pym
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#AdventRecommends December 15th

This was the year I discovered Barbara Pym, and I all started with the excellent novel Excellent Women.

I‘m so glad I have more of her books to read. Some of them pictured above.

(Picture is from theartfulelle on Instagram)

TheBookHippie I loved this book!! 2y
Suet624 I keep meaning to find books written by her. 2y
LeahBergen Love her! 😍 2y
BarbaraBB Wonderful editions! 2y
batsy Love seeing all those covers together! 2y
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Excellent Women | Barbara Pym
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Looking forward to these (what we have in audio in the Toronto Library) from @TheBookHippie who sent the longer excellent list below. A play will be interesting! And thanks again to @monalyisha

I‘ve had a condition called myalgic encephalomyalitis 2008, and have had my energy greatly reduced since 2013. So, I am very grateful for the abundance of audiobooks available now! I can read while sitting up but use that time for other things.

Singout 1. The Heart: Frida Kahlo in Paris by Marc Petitican
2. Two Gentlemen of Verona by Shakespeare 
3. This Life: Secular Faith and Spiritual Freedom by Martin Hägglund 
4. The History of Love by Nicole Krauss
5. The Enchanted April by Elizabeth von Arnim
6. Never Silent: ACT UP and My Life in Activism Peter Staley 
7. Excellent Women by Barbara Pym
8. Come Fly the World: The Jet-Age Story of the Women of Pan Am by Julia Coke 2y
Singout These *all* looked good! 1. The Heart: Frida Kahlo in Paris by Marc Petitican
2. Two Gentlemen of Verona by Shakespeare 
3. This Life: Secular Faith and Spiritual Freedom by Martin Hägglund 
4. The History of Love by Nicole Krauss
5. The Enchanted April by Elizabeth von Arnim
6. Never Silent: ACT UP and My Life in Activism Peter Staley 
7. Excellent Women by Barbara Pym
8. Come Fly the World: The Jet-Age Story of the Women of Pan Am by Julia Coke 2y
monalyisha The Enchanted April looks *so good!* And I bought Excellent Woman recently for a steal. 💝 Enjoy! 2y
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TheBookHippie Yay!!!!!! Enjoy!! 2y
Singout Barbara, Pym is someone I‘ve heard a lot about, but I‘m pretty sure I‘ve never read her. Looking forward to it! 2y
TheBookHippie @Singout it was really interesting I loved the prose. I‘m a classical literature junkie. As for Shakespeare I finished reading all of his works this year and Two Gentlemen of Verona just hit me. I loved it. 2y
TheBookHippie @monalyisha It‘s so good. We enjoyed it as a Sunday buddy read. 2y
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Excellent Women | Barbara Pym
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Thoroughly enjoyed the witty observations of Mildred - a single woman in the 1950s, who others assume has nothing to do or needs a man or both! Very well written and executed -


Make a great day everyone -❄️

jlhammar This was my first Pym - loved it! 2y
bthegood My first as well 😄 2y
CarolynM ❤️ It‘s a gateway drug @jlhammar 😆 2y
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jlhammar @CarolynM 😂 So true. 2y
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Excellent Women | Barbara Pym
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Excellent Women | Barbara Pym
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Voted on Saturday in Ohio - no picture - (sent an email also) hoping to get early registration opportunity for #AuldLangSpine @monalyisha - I've never participated in this and would love to try this year -
fingers crossed -🤞

Make a great day everyone -😊🍂

monalyisha Response email sent. I‘m excited to have new folks interested in participating this year! 😊 2y
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Excellent Women | Barbara Pym
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I finally finished this #pemberlitten pick. I really loved the dry humor and all the talk of “excellent” women. Mildred is an “excellent” woman because she‘s bright and considerate and a good listener and can be friends with men without pressuring them to marry her 🙄 “excellent” being synonymous with doormat. Really smart comedy.

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Excellent Women | Barbara Pym
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An enjoyable read and an interesting look at the role of the unmarried woman in Society at this time. Let‘s just say there was a lot of tea involved. 🫖

Suet624 Darn it! Why do I always forget to read Pym. (edited) 2y
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Excellent Women | Barbara Pym
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MoonWitch94 Gorgeous!!!! Thanks for playing 🐚🍁😊 2y
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Excellent Women | Barbara Pym
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I am embarrassingly late to finish the #PemberLittens buddy read but what a splendid read! I love the gentle wit and Mildred‘s voice. The book makes me smile, and sometimes titter. Also very thirsty, with all the constant tea brewing. A great introduction to Barbara Pym for me.

P/S I love this mug featuring artwork from the Virago Modern Classics edition of the book 😍

batsy This was also my first (and only, so far) Pym! 💚 2y
Librarybelle That mug is adorable!! 2y
Sparklemn Love the mug! 2y
CarolynM I had my eye on this mug, but I bought more of her books instead🤣 Excellent Women is a gateway drug, you‘ll be craving more Pym soon 😆 @batsy 2y
Crinoline_Laphroaig So much tea! 2y
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Excellent Women | Barbara Pym
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It was fascinating to see how Mildred, a spinster in the 1950s, spent her days and how others took advantage of her kindness and inability to set boundaries. I fall into that trap occasionally but generally am too stubborn and lazy to be considered an Excellent Woman. And that's OK with me. 😜 😉 Enjoyed reading this with the #pemberlittens!

Bookbuyingaddict 🤣🤣brilliant review ! 😂 2y
Crinoline_Laphroaig I strive not to be an Excellent Woman! 2y
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Excellent Women | Barbara Pym
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Mildred Lathbury, an unmarried woman in 1950‘s England is an Excellent Woman. Kind,gracious,active in her Church,supportive of her friends, she is often taken for granted. When a young married couple move into her building, her world opens up to new and exciting friends. There is always tea. Mildred is often making tea for someone in need of a chat. Manners are expected. I felt soothed by the pace and language.Charmed by Mildred. #pemberlittens

Nutmegnc Great image. Totally evocative! 2y
Cathythoughts Yes, great image 👌🏻 2y
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batsy Lovely review & perfect choice of picture! 2y
Librarybelle I felt charmed by Mildred too! 2y
DivineDiana @Nutmegnc @Cathythoughts Thank you! ❤️❤️ (edited) 2y
DivineDiana @batsy So kind! ❤️ 2y
DivineDiana @Librarybelle Glad we agree! ❤️ 2y
erzascarletbookgasm Lovely review. And excellent pic! 2y
DivineDiana @erzascarletbookgasm Thank you so much! Wish I had taken the photo! 🙂 2y
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Excellent Women | Barbara Pym
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This was my first Pym and I really enjoyed the writing. The story follows Mildred a single 'excellent' woman as she must deal with new neighbors, gossiping parishioners, and men who take advantage of her helpfulness. I was surprised by how engaging and funny it was considering its simply a day to day account of her life but I found myself invested in her life. It gave a good glimpse of what it was to be a 'spinster' woman in the 50s

Excellent Women | Barbara Pym
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Current read. A bit late for the group, but looking forward to it! I see the author is much loved on Litsy. #blameitonlitsy #pemberlittens

AllDebooks Enjoy, it is so good x 2y
DivineDiana @AllDebooks Thank you! I think this is just what I need now! 📚 2y
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Excellent Women | Barbara Pym
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I didn‘t get a chance to post this after finishing the #chapteraday readalong with the #PemberLittens This was my first Barbara Pym book although I have 2 more loaded on my Kindle. I enjoyed reading about Mildred, an “excellent woman” (aka spinster) living a quiet life in London serving her church & community & anyone else who asks for her help (or who she feels she needs to sort out.) Pym‘s Excellent Women don‘t seem to have or set a lot of ⬇️

DebinHawaii … boundaries for themselves for being called to help others (sort out marriages, hem drapes, organize church sales, send furniture, make tea etc.) in the 1950s setting. I guess being never married myself, Pym would call me excellent too😭🤣 but I think I‘m much better at my boundaries! It is a quiet little book but Pym is witty & sly with her humor & I will definitely read more from her. Thanks to @Crinoline_Laphroaig for hosting the #readalong 🤗 2y
TheBookHippie I‘ll definitely read more -she was fun! 2y
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Excellent Women | Barbara Pym
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Honourable mention to “Battles at Thrush Green“ by Miss Reed

Excellent Women | Barbara Pym
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#Litsy Fun and Games
On my way through the #PromptMaze

TheAromaofBooks Looking great!!! 2y
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Excellent Women | Barbara Pym
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Thank you to @Crinoline_Laphroaig for excellent leading us through #EXCELLENTWOMENANDBOILEDPOTATOES my daily backyard reading was so much fun the perfect July read! #pemberlittens

Cinfhen Stunning photos 😍 2y
TheBookHippie @Cinfhen I live it up June to September.....because after that the dreaded SNOW ..... 2y
julieclair Beautiful backyard! And I agree that @Crinoline_Laphroaig did a great job hosting. #ExcellentWomenAndBoiledPotatoes 4-ever! 🥔👍 2y
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Crinoline_Laphroaig And it's beautiful! 2y
kspenmoll Gorgeous flowers! 2y
AllDebooks Beautiful blooms x 2y
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Excellent Women | Barbara Pym
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I read this book a-chapter-a-day style with the #PemberLittens, which turned out to be great for me. Had I read it the traditional way, it might have bored me, because not a whole lot happen in this novel. People come and go and there is some drama of the oridinary life, but at the end, nothing and nobody has really changed. Still, I appreciated... ⬇️

eeclayton ... the portrayals of ordinary people with their ordinary problems, and the characters' attitudes and comments about Mildred being single are still very relevant (and maddening) today.
Thanks for hosting @Crinoline_Laphroaig and thanks for all the comments and insights #pemberlittens 😊
Crinoline_Laphroaig You're Welcome! 2y
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Excellent Women | Barbara Pym
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This entire paragraph is both hilarious and wince-inducing in its description of men and the domestic burden of women.I love her tongue in cheek description of the advantages she sees of marrying Bone-talking to his mother about worms and Jesuits, and figuring out an irrelevant mystery.Not surprised Pym never married!!
Hugely enjoyed this buddy read,so grateful to @Crinoline_Laphroaig for suggesting this.Have enjoyed this #Pemberlittens

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Excellent Women | Barbara Pym
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Mildred Lathbury's new neighbours in the flat downstairs are an anthropologist married to an Admiral's Flag Lieutenant. Unfortunately, the marriage seems to be somewhat shaky, while the vicar is enamoured of a widow who has also just moved into the parish.

Classic Pym. I think I am going to have to get a new copy - mine is now falling apart I have read it so many times over the last 30 years or so.

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Excellent Women | Barbara Pym
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Thoughts on the Ending⁉️

I was bit underwhelmed. Felt like I needed another Chapter and Epilogue to wind up the story. Especially since I read a Spoiler here for Mildred from her next book Jane & Prudence.

Or is that point. 'Mildred is an Excellent Women" and will continue to be one?

#Pemberlittens #TheEnd

Crinoline_Laphroaig That being said I definitely want to read more Pym. This is arriving today 2y
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DivineDiana I just received my copy from the Library, but I will look back at the posts and comment. ❤️ 2y
Crinoline_Laphroaig @DivineDiana Yay! I'm excited to hear your thoughts. 2y
BarkingMadRead I thought it was kind of vague and abrupt lol I like imagining the ending but also I would have like to read it 🤣 it kind of reminded me of the end of My Fair Lady lol 2y
julieclair At first the abrupt (perfect word @BarkingMadRun ) ending bothered me, but the more I thought about it, I kind of liked the open-ended-ness of it. In my mind, Mildred ends up with Everard Bone, and improves his social awkwardness. I'm kind of tired of Julian Mallory, lol. I didn't realize there were more Mildred books. But I didn't read the link, thanks for the heads up about the spoiler, @Crinoline_Laphroaig . And I agree, need to read more Pym! 2y
Ruthiella @julieclair There aren‘t any more books featuring Mildred. She just gets a one line mention in Less Than Angels which lets the reader know if she married or not. 2y
Ruthiella I like the open ended-ness. I think part of the point of the book is that marriage isn‘t a HEA. It‘s just a different kind of burden for an Excellent Woman. 2y
TheBookHippie @Ruthiella I agree with the open ended-ness like. I am definitely reading more Pym! Where to start?!?! I loved your daily synopsis and our discussion so much fun I looked forward to it every day! 2y
Ruthiella @TheBookHippie I would read Less Than Angels next and then No Fond Return of Love only because there are cameos providing glimpses of characters from previous books. Quartet in Autumn is good, but I don‘t think there is any connection to other books. 2y
TheBookHippie @Ruthiella that sounds like a plan! 2y
sarahbellum @Ruthiella thanks for the suggestions for what to read next! I also want to keep reading Pym, but didn‘t know where to start 🙂 2y
peanutnine I was surprised with the ending at first because nothing seemed to have changed really. But overall I really enjoyed this look into Mildred's life. And @Ruthiella I love that idea of marriage as a different kind of burden. So true! 2y
AnneCecilie I think that is the point, that nothing really changes for Mildred. 2y
Crinoline_Laphroaig Sorry for all the tags. Litsy was being weird this morning 2y
Crinoline_Laphroaig @julieclair @BarkingMadRun at first I was What⁉️ but then after I thought about it I was like yeah I get it. Not exactly more Mildred books she just is mentioned I think. 2y
julieclair @Ruthiella Thanks for letting me know there are not any more Mildred books. I like the advice you gave to @TheBookHippie and will follow that Pym Reading Plan. My only question is when to read Less Than Angels. I‘m not sure I‘m emotionally ready yet to find out whether Mildred gets married. 😉 2y
Crinoline_Laphroaig Thanks for reading order @Ruthiella @TheBookHippie @peanutnine Opened End is a good way to describe. I think you're right with nothing really changes @AnneCecilie 2y
julieclair @peanutnine @AnneCecilie @Ruthiella Interesting thoughts about marriage being a different kind of burden, and nothing ever changing for Mildred. Perhaps Excellent Women will always carry burdens, no matter their life situation; that‘s just who they are. They are drawn to help people, are reliable, and have difficulty saying no. 2y
DebinHawaii Vague & a bit depressing to me—the ending, not the book which I enjoyed. I don‘t care whether Mildred married but I wanted her to want & get more from her life. But true to the era for unmarried (Excellent) women I suppose. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I will look into reading more from Pam too. Thanks for the suggestions @Ruthiella And thanks for hosting @Crinoline_Laphroaig 🤗 2y
Vansa I liked the ending,with Everard Bone dumping work that she doesn't even want to do,on her.It seems very in keeping with his character.Mildred actually is fairly content with her life,and I like that the more she sees of the married state, the less alluring it seems to her!If you hadn't found someone who made it all worth it,she seems to accept that she was ok in her own way. 2y
Vansa The book and it's ending feel very timeless to me.This is still the case for single women,in most of the world.Finding love has always been difficult,and continues to be so,and single women are still looked on as people with nothing better to do than be at the Beck and call of others,without reciprocal help. 2y
Crinoline_Laphroaig @Vansa Everard Bone's way of courting? 2y
Vansa @Crinoline_Laphroaig no,I don't think so at all,really.He's not the socially awkward geek or modern romcoms, he's genuinely a quite self centred man who would look on her as unpaid editorial assistant plus housekeeper! 2y
eeclayton @Vansa I feel the same way about Everard Bone. He never contacted Mildred for the sheer pleasure of her company, he always wanted something, news about the Napiers if nothing else. I also agree with @AnneCecilie that the ending suggests that nothing changes and nothing probably will. 2y
willaful I'm really not a fan of that kind of ending -- I'm glad to see from the article above that more interesting times were possibly in store for Mildred.

Crinoline_Laphroaig @willaful I gave it 4stars on Goodreads. Would have been 5 with better ending 2y
Sparklemn I also found the ending rather depressing. All that's really changed for Mildred is the number of her acquaintances grew with each one being a burden in their own way. My wish for Mildred is that she take advantage of these new relationships to expand, not narrow, her world. Take Italian lessons from her new neighbors. Join the Learned Society or the Prehistoric Society or whatever interests her and become a scholar in her own right. 🙂 2y
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Excellent Women | Barbara Pym
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I‘ve yet to read anything by Pym, but I suspect I‘ll be reading more by her.

Mildred is an “excellent woman,” an unmarried woman of a certain age who helps her church and her community. When new neighbors move into her house, chaos, to a degree, ensues. I found myself sympathizing with Mildred quite a lot. The characters are witty, & Pym‘s writing style is satirical and engaging. Great choice for #PemberLittens ! #ExcellentWomenAndBoiledPotatoes

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Excellent Women | Barbara Pym
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What a nuanced, lovely conversation. And again, what lovely writing. Rocky isn't a bad guy, or a shallow one. But love can be... disappointing at time.

Brimful I love and share your love of Barbara Pym‘s writing! 2y
Bookbuyingaddict Another one ☝️ on my huge TBR 😆 2y
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Vansa @Brimful this is the first one I've read, I'm so grateful to @Crinoline_Laphroaig for leading this buddy read! I'm planning to read at least one Pym a month now. 2y
Vansa @Karons1 managed it through the Litsy #Pemberlittens chapter a day read! It's a short book 2y
Vansa @Brimful any particular reading order you would recommend? 2y
Brimful Definitely Jane and Prudence next! 2y
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Excellent Women | Barbara Pym
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#Pemberlittens #Excellentwomenandboiledpotatoes @Crinoline_Laphroaig
How does she write sentences that are so simple, but so acutely capture a feeling.

Crinoline_Laphroaig Her way with words was amazing. 2y
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Excellent Women | Barbara Pym
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“I saw myself playing a rather noble part, stepping into the background when they were reunited and going quietly away to make a cup of tea or do some washing or ironing.“

Oh, Mildred. Have some self respect. 😬

Ruthiella 😂😂😂 2y
Blueberry Lol 2y
AnneCecilie 🤣🤣 2y
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Excellent Women | Barbara Pym
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For the last few years I've done this thing where I've Celebrate my Birthday for as many days as I am years old. And while I do spend money( it's my Birthday 🤷🏻‍♀️) that's not the main focus. It's about taking time to enjoy the little things in life. Like spending time with #Pemberlittens!

#ExcellentWomenandBoiledPotatoes has been a treat to host. Today is the last day of #56DaysofFun. Thanks for joining in the Celebrations. 🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈

Crinoline_Laphroaig My 📚 & 🍻Club is always a big part of the fun. Day 4 of the Celebration was June Discussion of The Guncle.

📸 is from Day 32. July Read was The Lincoln Highway so I dressed up in my British Retro 50s dress. 💋
BarkingMadRead Happy birthday month!! 2y
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sarahbellum How fun! Happy birthday! 🥳 2y
Ruthiella Have a fantastic birthday. Thanks for a very entertaining read along! 😃 2y
LeahBergen Happy Birthday! And you look gorgeous! ❤️ 2y
AllDebooks It was a great readalong, thank you. Happy birthday xx 2y
AnneCecilie Happy birthday 🥳 I like your way of celebrating (edited) 2y
TheBookHippie LOVE LOVE LOVE this! And the Dress! Happy Happy Birthday!! The 50s are the best, right? 2y
TrishB That sounds fab! 2y
rwmg Happy birthday and thank you for the excuse to re-read Barbara Pym 😘 2y
MaureenMc 🥳🍷🎉 2y
Sparklemn Enjoy!! 🍻 2y
julieclair What a lovely idea! And thank you for including us all in your celebrations. This has been such a fun buddy read! 📚 🎂🥳 2y
eeclayton Thanks for hosting and happy birthday! 🥳 2y
RedxoHearts Happy belated birthday! I love your outfit 2y
DivineDiana You know how to have fun! Belated Birthday greetings! You look fabulous! 🎉🎂❤️ 2y
50 likes19 comments
Excellent Women | Barbara Pym
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‘I‘m Charlotte Boniface,‘ she announced. ‘My friend Mabel Edgar and I are just moving in—‘Edgar!‘ called Miss Boniface into the other room. ‘Come and meet Miss Lathbury, who lives in the flat above us.

‘‘Do excuse me,‘ she said. ‘I always have to hang the pictures because Bony can‘t reach."

Who else thinks Edgar and Bony are totally a couple? ??‍?‍??

#Pemberlittens #ChapterTwentySix

AllDebooks Absolutely a couple 2y
peanutnine Oh, for sure a couple! And I loved how they could read Rocky's inscription and even corrected his grammar 😂 2y
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TheBookHippie 🙋🏻‍♀️ 2y
TheBookHippie @peanutnine 💯💯💯 2y
BarkingMadRead For sure! 2y
DebinHawaii Yep! 🙋🏻‍♀️ 2y
sarahbellum 👯‍♀️ 2y
Ruthiella No doubt about it!👍 2y
julieclair Absolutely. 2y
julieclair I wonder if Mildred would recognize that they are? 2y
Vansa Definitely. And they seem quite fun and friendly! 2y
AnneCecilie I never gave it much thought before you mentioned it now. 2y
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