Ch 32: y‘all. This chapter was so random. #townlife #sickfolks #pleasedontmakemethatjelly 🤢#beerbrewing #bathtime #poorjoe #thatsallihavetosayaboutthat #theclergymanandwife #sosad #allsorandom #hashtagbrigade
Ch 32: y‘all. This chapter was so random. #townlife #sickfolks #pleasedontmakemethatjelly 🤢#beerbrewing #bathtime #poorjoe #thatsallihavetosayaboutthat #theclergymanandwife #sosad #allsorandom #hashtagbrigade
Ch 8: I have so many things to say 🙄🤣 #melodeon #thiswholechapterwasbassackwards #somanyconflictingtheories #hesterprynnewantsherABack #thatsallihavetosayaboutthat #readysetgo #hashtagbrigade
Ch 35: nooooooo #ripruth #thatsallihavetosayaboutthat #hashtagbrigade
Chapter 20: a proposal! #gasp #thatsallihavetosayaboutthat #allthedrama #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
#Pemberlittens Ch. 21: Ick, all I feel is dread for when this whole farce becomes exposed. And really, Farzana and Hafsa are pretty mean to pull this on their family. Hafsa is so spoiled she can‘t stand for one of her rishtas to go to her cousin? Really?
Ch. 22. Amir is a pig. And I really want to know more about Zareena.
Chapter 11: Hatfield is an awful human. #thatsallihavetosayaboutthat #westonthough #everyoneloveshim #also #themurraygirlskindasuck #notnewinfo #justnewwaystosuck #pemberlittens
Chapter 10: y‘all. Searching for Victorian girl with broken arm is a rabbit hole I did not need to go down! #idigress Beck is not a cuddly mom but Lucy would like to cuddle Dr John #thatsallihavetosayaboutthat #fifinewassobrave #desireeneedsaspanking #beckneedstoparent #imfeelingsuperjudgey #lucyisaflirt #soproud #pemberlittens #villette