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Three Act Tragedy (Poirot)
Three Act Tragedy (Poirot) | Agatha Christie
At an apparently respectable dinner party, a vicar is the first to die...
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Three Act Tragedy | Agatha Christie
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This might not be the most memorable mystery and Poirot is absent for a big chunk of it, but it still ends up being fun.

Three Act Tragedy (Poirot) | Agatha Christie
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Agatha knew people, all right.

“I always felt sorry for him. I think that terribly conceited manner of his is a good deal put on.”

“I shouldn‘t be surprised,” said Mr S. “It‘s a very common phenomenon. If I ever see anyone who appears to think a lot of themselves and boasts unceasingly, I always know there‘s a secret sense of inferiority somewhere.”

Three Act Tragedy (Poirot) | Agatha Christie
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Loved this one! I wish Poirot had showed up sooner but it all worked out in the end. And once again I was completely wrong! 😂

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Three Act Tragedy | Agatha Christie
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A good whodunit to start the day. #audiobook

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Three Act Tragedy (Poirot) | Agatha Christie
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This mystery has a different feel to it than Christie's previous books. Apart from having trouble keeping track of some of the characters, I quite enjoy how she tells this story. Her characters are so animated, I have to wonder how much they're based on actual individuals.

catiewithac I love this one!!! 3y
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Three Act Tragedy (Poirot) | Agatha Christie
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Brilliant, Agatha Christie never disappoints. I was leaning towards someone I thought she could make the murder, but once again I was wrong. I really enjoy her books immensely and completely understand why they were made into mini-series. I also really love the character Poirot. He is delightful with his little grey cells.

Three Act Tragedy (Poirot) | Agatha Christie
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I've been obsessively listening to Agatha Christie this past week! When the husband's away, this is apparently how I play.

Poirot seemed a lot more authoritative (almost domineering?) with suspects in this book.

Egg was a hoot. I always love Christie's "terrifyingly alive" modern young women. I wish more of them were from their pov!

I really liked this one!! Kept me glued the whole time. Definitely recommend!


ShelleyBooksie Love the floral background 3y
Linsy @ShelleyBooksie Thanks! It's one of our downstairs wallpapers. One of the reasons I wanted this house! 3y
ShelleyBooksie That's your wallpaper! Totally jealous ♡♡ 3y
Linsy @ShelleyBooksie And so many people thought I'd get rid of it because its old! I told them they were wrong, lol. Glad you're a kindred spirit! 3y
curiouserandcurioser @Linsy i love, love your wallpaper-it is beautiful!! 3y
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Three Act Tragedy (Poirot) | Agatha Christie
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Finished this one today. 🎃😈👻 #scarathlon2021 #teamslaughter

Three Act Tragedy | Agatha Christie
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4. The murderer in this novel acts particularly callously by staging a "practice run." At the end of the book, Poirot comments that he might have been the victim of this poisoning. How did you feel about this comment? Did you interpret it humorously or earnestly?


Three Act Tragedy | Agatha Christie
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3. This book marks the reappearance of Satterthwaite from The Mysterious Mr. Quin. How did you feel about this crossover? How does he stack up against Hastings as a sidekick?


Three Act Tragedy | Agatha Christie
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2. Reviewers of Christie's book commented that Cartwright shows a lot of similarities to an earlier character, Dr. Sheppard in The Murder of Roger Ackroyd. Do you agree? What similarities did you see?


Three Act Tragedy | Agatha Christie
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Woohoo! I remembered to do #agathachristieclubR2 questions in a reasonable time! Easier to do while I'm on EIGHT MORE WEEKS of home rest 😭

As always, please remember to tag anyone who has previously commented to keep to discussion going, and please remember to look at the posts following this one for all the questions (I do one question per post).

1. Did you enjoy this novel? Why or why not?

Laughterhp I really liked this one. I read it in May though, so I don‘t remember the specifics. I liked that it had both Poirot and Satterswaithe in it. 3y
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Three Act Tragedy (Poirot) | Agatha Christie
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Christie does it again! I had an inkling of who the killer might be but thought, nah that doesn't make sense. But then the twist! And it all made sense! I love her writing and her plotting 😄
Poirot was mostly absent for the first half of the book and then gets sweeped in at the end. It was interesting to see things being investigated by different characters.

BookDadGirlDad I'm currently reading The Murder of Roger Ackroyd 3y
peanutnine @BookDadGirlDad that's a good one too! I'm slowly making my way through all her novels 3y
BookDadGirlDad I try to sprinkle them in occasionally. I'm always on the lookout for them in my usual haunts. I think I'm subconsciously collecting them all. Maybe I should just admit it, print a list, and buy them all like I did with Louis L'Amour (edited) 3y
BookDadGirlDad And I printed out a list and started checking off which ones I have. I'm committed now....
peanutnine @BookDadGirlDad 😂😂😂 I love a good list 3y
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Three Act Tragedy | Agatha Christie
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At a dinner party the reverend falls dead after taking a sip from a cocktail. Poor is present and thinks it‘s natural death. Sometime later, another dinner party and this time a doctor falls dead. Friends, Sir Charles and Mr Satterthwaite, decide to investigate this themselves and along the way they are joined by Egg.

For being a Poirot mystery, I would expect more of him. He doesn‘t re-enter the scene until way after halfway.

AnneCecilie I didn‘t see the conclusion to this at all so once again she had me fooled. #agathachristieclubR2 @ferskner 3y
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Three Act Tragedy | Agatha Christie
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Hi #agathachristieclubR2 friends! I'm trying to get back on top of things after a difficult summer, and I realized that one of the things that's stressing me out is posting catch-up questions for the books I've missed the past few months. So I'm resetting us with the schedule above! If you've already read these, great! You get a couple of months off and are ready for discussion. If you haven't, great! You have some time to catch up. Sound okay?

Librarybelle Sounds good! 3y
AnneCecilie Sounds great 3y
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janeycanuck Oh, awesome! I‘m behind and this will put me back on schedule. It makes me sad this stresses you out, though. For me, I‘d be perfectly happy if you posted just a general discussion post instead of detailed questions, if that would help? Or maybe we go to every other month? 3y
TheAromaofBooks Perfect!! And I'm with @janeycanuck - I don't want you to feel stressed about this challenge!! We could also take turns posting the discussion questions so it isn't always your “job“? Switch to quarterly instead of monthly? Have a few months that are especially busy be skip months? However we can make it work for you in a not-stressful way, just let us know!!! 3y
Laughterhp I‘m with @janeycanuck and @TheAromaofBooks ! Don‘t want this to be stressful for you! I‘m just enjoying reading Agatha Christie. Do what you need to do. 3y
Emu Can I join? I love reading Agatha Christie and I‘d love to read along with you. 😊 3y
ferskner @janeycanuck @TheAromaofBooks @Laughterhp you guys are so sweet! I really enjoy doing this but I'll let you know if it gets too be too much. Now that I've reset the schedule I'm not feeling stressed, but with everything that's happened this summer I was feeling anxious about getting caught up. And tbh, my mom's health has been a big stressor for the past few years but now that she's gone I will have more bandwidth generally. 3y
ferskner @Emu of course! We'd love to have you! I'll add you to my list to tag when I post the questions at the end of the month. 3y
Emu @ferskner Thank you! 😀 3y
TheAromaofBooks I'm sorry to hear about your mom ❤ but I know what you mean. When Grandpa had cancer it took a huge amount of my resources, physically & emotionally. I was glad to give it & losing him was so hard, but it has kind of blown my mind how much more of... well, everything, I have to use now! Hopefully everything in your life starts to balance itself out!! 3y
ferskner @TheAromaofBooks exactly! It was just years of worry. Things are hard now but at least I'm not anxious about how she's doing all the time. 3y
sarahbellum Just came across this challenge- looks like you all are reading through all of Christie? I‘ve been working on that goal for a few years and would love to join you all on this quest! Count me in 😁 3y
ferskner @sarahbellum yes, exactly! We're thrilled to have you! 3y
janeycanuck @ferskner Just don‘t feel like you have to post lots of questions every month. A general discussion post once in a while never hurt anyone, especially if it saves your sanity! 3y
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Three Act Tragedy | Agatha Christie
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Another favourite! Interesting mistery and fun characters to follow. And then Poirot shows up at the end to set things straight 😎

Three Act Tragedy (Poirot) | Agatha Christie
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This felt so familiar to me but I‘ve definitely never read it before. I do prefer my Poirot books to star Poirot, not have him as a minor character so this one lacked for me but the overall plot was intriguing.


Three Act Tragedy (Poirot) | Agatha Christie
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I really liked this one. I feel like I always say that with Agatha Christie books!

I really liked how this one had both Poirot and Satterthwaite in it. I really like him too and think he‘s clever.

A really great mystery I hadn‘t read before.


batsy Love that cover! 3y
ferskner Oooooo great cover! 3y
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Three Act Tragedy | Agatha Christie
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I really didn't remember this Christie at all, and thoroughly enjoyed it. Poirot is more of a secondary character here as the clue-hunting is being done by others, with the narration in third person rather than from the perspective of Hastings. As always, the clues are there if you can see them, although I, of course, did not!!

I also really liked the way Christie listed the characters in the front of the book!!

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Three Act Tragedy | Agatha Christie
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Welllll all my library holds came in, so as you can see, Led Zeppelin has been pushed back yet again! 😂 Most of these are either for May reading challenges or holds that need to be returned fast since they are new books. I also added a Norway travel guide to my chapter-a-day pile!! These should be some pretty fast reads so I am cautiously optimistic that I will make a dent!! #WeeklyForecast @Cinfhen

Cinfhen Good luck 🍀 hurray for libraries 😁 3y
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Three Act Tragedy (Poirot) | Agatha Christie
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A great read that I always enjoy! ⭐⭐⭐⭐

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Three Act Tragedy | Agatha Christie
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I had so many things to get done today, but instead I read another book. This is my #doublespin for October. @TheAromaofBooks
A Poirot mystery, but he doesn‘t play a significant role until the last part. Speaking of playing roles, this starts out at an actor‘s home. Mr. Satterthwaite is a MC, too. I thought I would be better by now at guessing the murderer, but I still never know. Also, this had a great last line. @Clwojick #teamslaughter 16pts

Clwojick I think I have this one! I‘ll have to read it soon if I do. 4y
LiteraryinPA I was just thinking today that I should circle back to some Agathas I haven‘t read in a while. Maybe tomorrow will be the day! 4y
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Scochrane26 @Clwojick @LiteraryinLititz I really liked this one! Except there wasn‘t enough Poirot. 4y
TheAromaofBooks I didn't realize Mr. Satterthwaite was in not-Mr.-Quin books! @ferskner did you know that?? 4y
ferskner @TheAromaofBooks Yes! It's a fun little crossover. 4y
LiteraryinPA Just reread this one. So much fun! I didn‘t remember the ending. And you‘re right- love that last line! 4y
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Three Act Tragedy | Agatha Christie
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1. Going into the city. I finally have free time and I can‘t use it lol. That said, I also miss work.

2. It‘s slowed things down for sure. I listened to a lot of audiobooks at work and now that I can‘t go I just. Haven‘t been doing that. However, I‘ve paired down my bookshelves a decent amount.


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Three Act Tragedy | Agatha Christie

An enjoyable listen, one which I devoured within a couple of days. Full review available here: https://thecuriousmagpie2018.wordpress.com/2020/04/17/audiobook-review-three-act...

Three Act Tragedy | Agatha Christie
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I almost always enjoy Hugh Fraser's narration of Agatha Christie's work and thank god for it. It was the only thing that made this Poirot story bearable. Well, that and the fact that it has less overt racism than some of her earlier stories. I think what disappoints me most is that I guessed the murder 1/3rd of the way through.

Three Act Tragedy | Agatha Christie
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This week‘s #weeklyforecast is very similar to last week‘s because I got so little reading done this week. I hope to finish my listen to the tagged book, get to page 403 of The Red Sphinx for my #yearofdumas, finish Pride of Eden, and with any luck, read all of Nairobi Noir and An American Marriage. I‘d really like to also at least start one of my February wishlist reads. #dreambig

Three Act Tragedy | Agatha Christie
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I really enjoyed this one. Poirot is a little bit of a deus ex machina, with only a cameo appearance or two until almost the end, when he applies his little gray cells, unravels the mystery, and unmasks the murderer. But I enjoyed following the clues through the eyes of the three amateur detectives. This has a satisfying conclusion—one that I kind of anticipated but kept talking myself out of until it was revealed!

Three Act Tragedy (Poirot) | Agatha Christie

Well, I got who if not why

Three Act Tragedy (Poirot) | Agatha Christie

"Rather a difficult name for a servant to remember—the parlourmaid here is rather stupid. She came and said to me, “Mrs West India has come,” and of course I suppose Rushbridger does sound rather like West India"

In what accent does Rushbridger sound anything LIKE West India, Dame Agatha?

Three Act Tragedy (Poirot) | Agatha Christie
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Another favorite Christie for me. The solution is chilling and diabolical, and I think quite a bit darker than most of her other books. #agathachristieclub @Bambolina_81 #booked19 #foodorbeverageoncover @Cinfhen @BarbaraTheBibliophage @4thhouseontheleft #readharder #cozymystery @bookriot

raeintheworld I‘ve got this one on hold with Libby. I‘m working through Poirot mysteries in order. 5y
ferskner @raeintheworld me too! I read a Christie a month, in publication order. We used to have the #agathachristieclub on Litsy but I think I'm the only one still going. :) 5y
Librarybelle I‘m so far behind in the #agathachristieclub ! Maybe a year or more?? I should probably binge read to catch up...I miss reading her monthly! 5y
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TheAromaofBooks Maybe we need to restart the #agathachristieclub - I would be way into that! I read all her books in published order a few years ago and would love to work through them again. 5y
ferskner @Librarybelle @TheAromaofBooks YES! I'm pretty far into it so I wouldn't want to start over, but I'd love company. @batsy you in? 5y
batsy @ferskner Yes! Like you I probably wouldn't start over but I'm trying to keep going from where I left over from reading her books chronologically. I'm not sure how it would work if we're all at different books but it's fun to just keep the club going for us to find each other through the tag and read the comments and reviews :) 5y
Librarybelle @batsy @TheAromaofBooks What if we had two pieces to this? I‘m so behind that I don‘t mind starting again, and anyone who wants to join in on that piece may do so - read a book a month, with discussion at the end. For those in the middle of this, maybe just continuing where we should be under the original club. I don‘t think it would be too confusing...Littens would have the option to start from the beginning or pick up in the middle of the list. 5y
TheAromaofBooks @Librarybelle @batsy - maybe keep the original #agathachristieclub but also add a secondary tag to differentiate, like #secondround or something like that? 5y
Librarybelle I think that would work, @TheAromaofBooks ! 5y
ferskner @TheAromaofBooks @librarybelle @batsy Honestly, I wouldn't mind taking a break for y'all to get caught up. I'm also behind on where I should be, and but I remember the books well enough that I could join in on discussions at the end of the month, and I'd reread some of my favorites. I am SUPER behind on a bunch of podcasts and series, so this would give me a chance to balance that out again. 5y
ferskner @TheAromaofBooks @librarybelle @batsy I'm also a big fan of the All About Agatha podcast, where they recap and analyze all the books, so that could help me refresh my memory as well. :)
batsy @TheAromaofBooks @Librarybelle I'm not sure where we last stopped as a group or where we should be right now; the last one I read following publication order was Lord Edgware Dies. @ferskner That podcast sounds great by the way, thank you for recommending! I'm going to check it out. 5y
ferskner @batsy it's really fun! They're sometimes pretty catty and I don't always agree with their favorite books (they LOVED The Man in the Brown Suit), but they do discuss the underlying racism and sexism and take into account how well the stories have aged as part of their ranking system. And I always love a ranking system! 5y
Librarybelle @batsy @TheAromaofBooks @ferskner The next one on the list for me is Peril of End House...no clue how far that is down the list from everyone else. I‘m fine with however we want to do this! 5y
TheAromaofBooks @Librarybelle @batsy - I've never participated in this type of long-term reading group before, so I'm not sure how it usually works. Do we have an official list somewhere? 5y
Librarybelle @TheAromaofBooks @batsy We were using the publication list from Agatha Christie‘s website. It has a breakdown chronologically of her works and designated UK titles versus US titles, since a few are different. 5y
batsy @TheAromaofBooks Hope the link works https://www.agathachristie.com/stories If you scroll down to the bottom it says "download the full list of works" or something and it's a nice handy pdf file :) OK so I'm still a bit clueless about how to proceed from here if we're all at different books ? @Librarybelle 5y
ferskner @batsy @librarybelle @TheAromaofBooks what do y'all think? I'm fine with taking a reading break to let the group catch up (but still participating in discussions), but if that's crazy then I'll do whatever. I tend to overthink these things. :) 5y
ferskner @batsy @librarybelle @TheAromaofBooks or maybe we do two a month until we get caught up to @batsy?
Librarybelle This has been a great discussion! I think I also tend to overthink things. I believe I‘m a couple books away from Lord Edgware, so I‘m close to @batsy . My thought had been maybe some of the newer Littens would like to join in - I‘ve seen a lot of Agatha Christie being read, so kind of why I said maybe to have a start over to reintroduce the idea. But, I‘m totally up for anything! We need Dame Christie to help solve this puzzle! 😂 @TheAromaofBooks (edited) 5y
batsy @Librarybelle @ferskner Poirot would be appalled at my not so active little grey cells 😂 I think this sounds great; I've no problem with waiting. For newer Littens who are Christie fans, if they'd like to do a readalong in publication order like we are, perhaps like @TheAromaofBooks suggested they can add the #secondround or something tag to their posts? 5y
TheAromaofBooks @librarybelle @ferskner @batsy - the link definitely worked, and that is a super useful list no matter what we decide to do haha It looks like there are 16 books before Lord Edgeware, so that is almost a year and a half for those ahead to wait. Are there people out there still doing the original list? If no one else has been participating in discussions, I think we can do whatever we want. Anarchy!! 5y
Librarybelle Haha, anarchy! I don‘t think anyone else has been participating. Maybe we should just keep reading and posting at our own pace?? @TheAromaofBooks @batsy (edited) 5y
batsy @Librarybelle @TheAromaofBooks I'm down with anarchy! 😆 I think we can do just that? 5y
ferskner @batsy @TheAromaofBooks @Librarybelle haha this discussion! We're such nerds. I agree with @Librarybelle that I'd like the idea of opening it up to new Littens and also having a monthly discussion so there's a little bit more of a book club feel than the original club had. Can we do that, and maybe call it #agathachristieclubR2 or something like that? I'm happy to spearhead the discussions. Then those ahead can keep reading at our own pace? 5y
TheAromaofBooks @batsy @Librarybelle - I think it would be great if @ferskner would like to be a gentle guide as to what we are reading next, and to organize the discussion? We have a week until September, so maybe this is a good time to invite people to start? 5y
ferskner @TheAromaofBooks @batsy @Librarybelle I think that since perfect! I'll post something later tonight. 5y
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Three Act Tragedy (Poirot) | Agatha Christie
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My first Agatha Christie!

wanderinglynn Welcome to Litsy! 👋🏻 5y
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Three Act Tragedy (Poirot) | Agatha Christie
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This may have become one of my favorites. ❤ It's such a clever mystery. I watched the tv adaptation before reading the book and was surprised at Mr. Satterthwaite's role in the novel but not the show. It worked though. I loved it.

rretzler ❤️ Christie! 5y
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Three Act Tragedy (Poirot) | Agatha Christie
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"In all the world there is nothing so curious and so interesting and so beautiful as truth..."

jenniferw88 Suchet! 😍😍😍 6y
Crazeedi Poirot!! Love him!!! 6y
Crazeedi Welcome to Litsy !🎉🎉🎉 6y
Anagnostis Thank you😊😊 6y
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Three Act Tragedy (Poirot) | Agatha Christie
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A man who dramatises himself is sometimes misjudged.

Three Act Tragedy (Poirot) | Agatha Christie
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Lunch hour reading! 😀

Three Act Tragedy (Poirot) | Agatha Christie
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Finished Christie (a pick) and immediately started A Head Full of Ghosts. Maybe not the smartest move. The Christie narrator was so good and I'm struggling with this new narrator...I'm also not sure if Ghosts works as an audiobook. I'm only on chapter 2 so maybe I need to give it more time 😂

Three Act Tragedy (Poirot) | Agatha Christie
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Started this yesterday. So far so good.

catiewithac This is a great one!! 6y
Sace @catiewithac I really like the narration and the characters. 6y
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Three Act Tragedy (Poirot) | Agatha Christie
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This was such a fun and clever mystery. I liked the theatrics and drama Christie created in this one.

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Three Act Tragedy (Poirot) | Agatha Christie
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Evening reading and cuddles. I'm half way through this and finding it very entertaining.

Three Act Tragedy | Agatha Christie
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Continuing to read my way through all the Poirot books. This has probably been my least favorite so far. I predicted the killer but the whole story just wasn‘t my favorite. Oh well, on to the next one.

Three Act Tragedy | Agatha Christie
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These are my two books for #LMPBC #GroupB and #whodunitthesequel, but I‘m having a hard time getting into either of them. Does anybody else feel this way sometimes with their “assigned” reading? I like getting new books each month, etc. but it almost feels like homework to me. 🙈 Just me?

kspenmoll I always alternate with a book of my choice. But then I have always read more than one book at once. 7y
aschermetz @kspenmoll I am a one book at a time gal. I can do an audio and a print at the same time, but I have trouble holding focus with two prints. 7y
JamieArc I‘m having a really hard time with my LMPBC book as well. I‘m forcing myself to read it for the sake of the group, but I really don‘t want to 😕 7y
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BookwormAHN Assigned books start to feel like homework to me after a point. Also The Man Who Loved Books Too Much does start slow. 7y
Gabypen For Three Act Tragedy, I‘d just push along. It gets better in the second half. It‘s not my favorite Christie, but when Poirot does get involved in the case it‘s much more entertaining. Best of luck! 7y
aschermetz @JamieArc I actually did not finish the last book for my group. I just couldn‘t get into it despite several attempts. I wrote about why in our group journal! Life‘s too short. 7y
kspenmoll @aschermetz I so get that. Sure its my ADD! Also think@it‘s ok not to finish a book; sometimes it has to speak to you, if not, bail. Like you said, life is too short & reading for the most part is a pleasurable escape! (edited) 7y
aschermetz @Gabypen Thank you! I do love Poirot so I need to keep going for sure. 7y
aschermetz @BookwormAHN I like getting exposed to new books and genres, I just wish I could train my brain to not think its homework! 😂😂 (edited) 7y
[DELETED] 3803335244 @Gabypen is right, Three Act Tragedy does start out slow but gets better. I liked it but not my favorite Christie. I picked it because I had never read it & was short. I didn‘t finish the last LMPBC book it just wasn‘t my cup of tea. I gave it 100 pages. I definitely do the same thing with assigned reading, have a hard time getting into it, sometimes. Good Luck but never feel bad for a DNF. Time is precious ❤️ 7y
alisiakae I understand the feeling. I have enjoyed all of my #lmpbc books so far, but with my monthly book club, there have definitely been times I skip/DNF because I don‘t care for the selection. 7y
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Three Act Tragedy (Poirot) | Agatha Christie
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More from my Agatha Christie binge-- can Dame Agatha be too clever in her plotting? If so, I think she might be too clever here. Still fun to watch these unfold, and delicious with spaghetti and meatballs 🍝

SassyBookworm Spaghetti is my favorite 🍝 7y
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Three Act Tragedy | Agatha Christie
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Nothing says I'm gonna finish off this awful cold like tea in my favorite Totoro cup, and an Agatha Christie novel. Perfect company for this chilly weather 😊🤒😷. Thank you so much for all the goodies, @ForeverNerdy, that was incredibly thoughtful!

#LMPBC #GroupB

Rachbb3 I love the Poirot mustaches! 7y
UrsulaMonarch That cup & saucer !!!! 7y
rubyslippersreads 😍😍😍 7y
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TricksyTails 😍 Your Totoro teacup!!! ♥️ 7y
batsy Oh my gosh that cup and saucer 😍😍 7y
WarpedSweetness The teacup and saucer are so cute! 7y
gossamerchild The cup and saucer were a birthday gift from my husband. He brought them back from Taiwan! 😍😍 7y
[DELETED] 3803335244 Oh I‘m glad you love them! 💜💜💜 Sorry I didn‘t see this post sooner. Love your teacup! Hope you get warm 💜💜💜 7y
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Three Act Tragedy | Agatha Christie
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Thank you so much to the lovely @ForeverNerdy for the thoughtful Poirot-themed gifts she sent to each of us in #LMPBC #GroupB! So cute! Can‘t wait to use that cup cozy. Thank you!

[DELETED] 3803335244 Oh I‘m so glad you got them! Can‘t wait for you to read my book pick! Have a great December 💙 7y
LeahBergen Love this 😍😍 7y
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mabell Awesome! So cute! 7y
GypsyKat So cute!!! 😍 7y
MaleficentBookDragon @ForeverNerdy I love the cozy! Did you make it? I want to learn to crochet them myself. 7y
[DELETED] 3803335244 @MaleficentBookDragon yes, I made it. I downloaded the cute cup paper from Pinterest. If you need any help starting let me know. A great you tube crocheter is Jada in stitches. She‘s really upbeat, funny too, so helpful. 7y
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