It came today @ImperfectCJ , thank you! Adding it to the TBR stack! 📚📚📚
It came today @ImperfectCJ , thank you! Adding it to the TBR stack! 📚📚📚
This book was just a little too “science fiction-y” for me.
I don't usually Pan books, but this book deserves it. 😂
I should have bailed when I realized the story wasn't really going anywhere. It started out interesting with an unknown sound in the desert that no one knew where it came or what was making it. Then we have a patient in the hospital recovering from his encounter with the mysterious sound. From there it all falls apart, answers are never given, and too many tangents are developed.
This novel starts out creepily enough, and the back-and-forth in time works well, but ultimately the story runs off in too many different directions and makes no sense. It's written as though there's supposed to be something profound about the reveal, but it reads more like Malerman couldn't decide what it should be.
#bookspinbonanza book 11
Walked with my family to get our CSA share this afternoon. I didn't listen to any books, but I did talk to (at?) my spouse about the tagged book, Bird Box, and The Children of Jocasta. 3.59 miles
#litsybitsy @Cuilin
This is a pick with reservations. Part of me just wanted it to be over and I listened at 1.5x speed for the entire second half, but part of me HAD to know what happened, NEEDED explanations. This is #60 for #mounttbr this year and was a gift from a summer solstice exchange in 2017. I don‘t know if Mel is still on Litsy - it won‘t let me tag you - but thanks again for this book!
A mysterious sound heard in the desert with the power to render nuclear warheads impotent. Miraculous healing after being in contact with the sound. Both amazing, but what is the sound exactly? It‘s a rainy day in my neck of the woods, which means it‘s a perfect day to read and find out. 📚
The synopsis had so much potential, but I feel it did not quite deliver. The beginning had me hooked. It started with Philip Tonka, a former WW2 veteran having almost every bone in his body fractured (of varying degrees) by a sound in Africa that is supposed to only make you sick.
After that though, it kind of started to fall. What had me going was seeing how Philip would progress with such a crippling injury. By the end, I had no clue...
Did not enjoy this one at all. Just couldn‘t get into the story or the characters. Bird Box much better.
Love it when my color schemes match up. I just finished Black Mad Wheel and now onto historical fiction. Donner party + supernatural tinge = sign me up!
I almost bailed on this one. It just didn't grab me at all and it certainly didn't scare me like Bird Box or Malerman's other books.
I'm glad I finished it but didn't feel like the ending really wrapped anything up.
Why do so many library holds come in at one time!? Good thing it's a long weekend.
Eh, this was just ok. Definitely liked Bird Box better. This one didn‘t quite make sense to me....
I‘m still reading but ready to bail... the characters don‘t hold my attention enough? I don‘t really care about anyone except Ellen? And maybe Ross‘ Mum! I don‘t even really care what the noise is? Anyone else had this?
I‘m not ready to give up on Halloween but finished all my horror TBRs. Share your recommendations on the best spooky lit published in 2017.
I don't dislke this book....but I just don't care. I was immediately hooked by Bird Box and this is definitely well written but something is not grabbing me so far....and I think I am more than half done.
The Danes, a Detroit based band, are approached by the US government, to travel to Africa and locate the origin of a mysterious and threatening sound. Malerman's book alternates between the expedition and the aftermath, as one of the band members recovers in a hospital from multiple broken bones. Malerman's writing has improved since "Bird Box," & has much more to offer than an unusual concept. The characters are better written & there are ?
I have to say, this is working for me more than "Birdbox" did on many different levels. #unpopularopinion
This is already creepier than Bird Box, but sounds can really mess with me irl so I think I might have more of a real life connection here. Vision and blindness I'm a bit more comfortable with.
About to dive in to this. Pretty excited but hoping it doesn't lose its bearings like "Bird Box" did in the last third.
#Litsomnia strikes again so I may as well read a horror novel. I'm not sure what to think of this one yet. The premise has been a little hard to follow so far, but it's Josh Malerman so I'm hoping he'll tie it all together. Either way, good mindless reading.
Although the ending felt a little abrupt and left some things unclear for me, this is still a pick because it was such an engrossing mystery. Four former WWII army band members return to the military 12 years later to help investigate a strange sound heard in the Namib Desert. This one deals with sound in the way Bird Box dealt with sight - something heard can leave you changed in a bad way. I wonder if he'll move to one of the other senses next.
I've been feeling awful for about a week and it turns out I have strep throat - that's something I haven't had in quite a few years. Continuing my read of this while my husband goes to pick up some antibiotics for me. This book is strange, well-written and really engaging so far. Thank goodness because I need the distraction right now!
This is due at the library in a couple of days and just realized that I can't renew it, so time to start this one. I love Sunday mornings on the couch with a book!
My son wanted a mystery/thriller for our drive home from my parents yesterday. We hit a lot of traffic, so we made a decent dent in the book. I actually wanted to listen to Bird Box, but Scribd didn't have it on audio. (PS: we didn't listen at 0.8 speed- I don't know why it's showing up that way!)
This little thingamajig is my favorite book related item. I love that I can read while I blow-dry my hair. ❤️❤️
Do you like weird? Do you like confusing? Do you like wtf? Black Mad Wheel messes with sound the way Bird Box messed with sight. "I wouldn't do that if I were you."
Bird Box is one of my favorite books! Love this author but I flat out didn't get this book at all. It was compelling enough to finish, hence the 2 stars, however a better journey than ending. I can't even tell you what this is supposed to be about. Disappointing
So, I didn't love this as much as Bird Box, but it was still very good. I think it will be near impossible to re-capture the lightening in the bottle feel of Bird Box, though, so it's not a true or fair comparison. Malerman is so so so wonderful at the creepy, ominous buildup, and this read is worth it alone. I also love how both books have each played with a sense, and I wonder if he will continue on that theme.
Just arrived in Savannah for a couple days of R&R (i.e. reading in these lovely squares).
The point at which this book hooked me. A very horror moment. You know exactly what's coming next (lots of bad stuff).
All the other books that I am currently reading need to make way for this new acquisition. I cannot wait to start this one tonight.
I'm excited for several book releases this month! Amy Plum's new thriller/horror novel is being pitched as Nightmare on Elm Street meets Inception and I'm all about that. I loved Vol. 1 of The Girl from the Other Side. It ended on a cliffhanger, so I'm interested to see what happens in Vol. 2. River of Teeth looks fantastic and I love the cover!
The #arc fairy came today and she did not disappoint! I've been waiting for the next Josh Malerman since the moment I put down Bird Box.
A series of loud bangs at my front door. My dogs go berserk. I open the door a crack and peer into the darkness. Our porch light has been dead for years. The dogs sense something foul and retreat to the kitchen. "Hello?" I whisper, but nobody answers. I shine my phone flashlight and spot the intruder.
Stoked for the new horror books coming out this year even while trying to catch up on last year's.
Kindle's hot with dope ARCs at the moment. Can barely touch it without my hand sizzling.
Agh! It has a title! And a cover! And the eARC is out in the world and waiting on my e reader! It may just be my next read :)
This book was completely bananapants. Like, more bananapants than BIRD BOX. It's similar to BIRD BOX in that there's an unknown thing, but this time it's an unearthly sound, coming from the Namib Desert, and a rock band is recruited by the government to figure out what is causing it. Like I said - bananapants. It's creepy and fun! 🤘🏻☠️🍌👖
Thanks to Liberty for the heads up! Edelweiss I love you.
How can I be expected to sleep when I have this?!? 🤘🏻📚🎉