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The Trump Survival Guide
The Trump Survival Guide: Everything You Need to Know About Living Through What You Hoped Would Never Happen | Gene Stone
Dont despair. Dont retreat. Fight back. The stunning election of Donald J. Trump rocked an already divided America and left scores of citizens, including the nearly sixty-five million voters who supported Hillary Clinton, feeling bereft and powerless. Now, Gene Stone, author of The Bush Survival Bible, offers invaluable guidance and concrete solutions they can use to make a difference in this serious call-to-armsshowing them how to move from anger and despair to activism. Before we can successfully engage, we need to be clear about the battles ahead. Stone outlines political and social conceptsincluding such issues as Civil Rights, Womens Rights, the Environment, Obamacare, International relations, and LGBTQ Rightsproviding a brief history of each, a refresher on Obama's policies, and an analysis of what Trumps administration might do. Stone then provides an invaluable guide for fighting backreferring to organizations, people, sites, and countless other resources that support positive and possible goals. While marches and social media are important forms of protest, concrete actions achieve real change. Positive and reinforcing, The Trump Survival Guide presents the essential information we need to effectively make our voices heard and our power felt.
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Got a package today and hubs was like, do you have a secret admirer because i didn‘t get you anything! Had a hard time figuring it out until I got the contents out of the box. It‘s my door prize i won during January‘s #24in48 !!!! You guys, I can‘t even begin to explain how well this mug fits me. ❤️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸

AmyG That‘s so great! 6y
Readergrrl Seriously ❤️❤️❤️❤️this mug!!! 6y
aschermetz Fun!!!! 6y
mrozzz 👌🏻😄 6y
OrangeMooseReads 👍🏽 I have the T-shirt with that statement on it 6y
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Today‘s #litshirt ... I have officially gone (including today) 8 days of only literary/bookish/reading shirts in public. This shirt doesn‘t always get the best responses or looks, but I don‘t much care because it‘s the truth.
I don‘t want to do anything today, but I have to make sure Man Cub has what he needs to go to Florida with his dad‘s family Wednesday, clean my neglected kitchen, and take my stupid (I ❤️ u) car in to be fixed.

MelanieMefford I have that shirt too and wear it to Work where I teach kids of very conservative parents. My boss doesn‘t love it. I also wear the “Read or Die” t-shirt, and for some reason he isn‘t a fan of that one either.. 🤔 6y
AmyG Great shirt. 6y
Bklover I love your T-shirt. Have a great day, and good luck with the car 🚘❤️ 6y
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britt_brooke 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 6y
OrangeMooseReads @MelanieMefford 😂 ... I have the “Read or Die” as well, that one gets some looks too lol 6y
OrangeMooseReads @Bklover thanks. I‘m hoping it‘s not expensive. 6y
callielafleur Love this shirt!!! 6y
mrp27 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 6y
Dolly Also love the shirt and how it can be read in a few different ways 👏 6y
OrangeMooseReads @Dolly yes I do too 6y
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God posted this on Instagram I am laughing, this is fantastic! Sorry it‘s not book related, I had to share.
(His face gives me anxiety)

suvata Weight shaming? 6y
OrangeMooseReads @suvata I didn‘t see it as weight shaming because he isn‘t 239. I suppose it could be seen that way. 6y
suvata @OrangeMooseReads and you know his weight how? 6y
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OrangeMooseReads @suvata by looking at him. My dad is 6‘1 and weights slightly more than 239 and is much smaller that Trump. Yes people carry weight differently and clothes and pictures can alter how you see a person. There is no way that I can believe he is that tall and weighs that much. 6y
TheBookHippie There's no way he's that weight. None. It's just adding to his usual fare...I can't listen to him or look at his face. This isn't about weight it's about deception ... 6y
KrystleTheBookSlayer I'm pretty sure that Trump and I are using the same scales because I'm always putting the wrong weight on things too, the DMV can confirm this! 😂😂😂 6y
OrangeMooseReads @TheBookHippie it is about deception. It‘s not even good deception though. 6y
TheBookHippie @OrangeMooseReads Is any of it 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🙄 6y
Texreader 😂😂😂 6y
Kaye @Krystle1 Same. According to my drivers license, I‘ve weighed the same SLIM figure for 35 years 😁 (edited) 6y
Kaye PS- I don‘t think the photo is weight shaming as much as Trump Shaming. If we dislike him, then we look for flaws in every area. It‘s not very hard to find his flaws. There are so many. His bragging about being the healthiest man on the planet tends to make us more vigilant to spot areas that dispute that claim. (edited) 6y
umbrellagirl Nothing wrong with fact checking. We could use more of that. Maybe even some accountability as well. 6y
TheRiehlDeal ? Trump probably told his doctor: "If you tell the media I'm not healthy, you're fired". 6y
OrangeMooseReads @TheRiehlDeal I can see that happening lol 6y
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My shirt came today! Can't wait to piss off my Republican family.

Notafraidofwords lol 😂 7y
KVanRead Awesome! 7y
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britt_brooke 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 7y
catiewithac Where did you get this? I need one! 7y
AndreaReads Nice! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 7y
OrangeMooseReads @catiewithac Book Riot ... I believe it was a limited time offer, but it can't hurt to check if they still have them 7y
RaimeyGallant Sweet. 7y
JaclynW Very nice! 7y
Sace Love it! 7y
AlaMich 👍 back at ya!! 7y
rachellayown 👍👍👍 7y
alisiakae 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 7y
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Poe is hiding from the news.

valeriegeary That's about right. 7y
Bklover Can't blame him! 7y
TheNextBook Ha! I feel like this is a cat I could love. 7y
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ReadingSusan Awww I feel you Poe. 7y
readingallthetime Who is this and why Am I tagged? 7y
kspenmoll Sorry @readingallthetime meant to #hashtag not tag you. Please accept my Apologies; its @kspenmoll who you probably don't know. 7y
readingallthetime It was hash tagged but I'm curious. Do I know you. 7y
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I just preordered this lovely shirt from @bookriot can't wait to get it!

britt_brooke Yes!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 7y
BarbaraTheBibliophage I'm thinking about getting it too! 7y
OrangeMooseReads @BarbaraTheBibliophage I encourage that line of thinking 😊 7y
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JoeStalksBeck Omg I need this in my life! 7y
BookishMarginalia Love it! 7y
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#rockinmay @Cinfhen

Ruri_kaichou This shouldn't even be a thing 😣 7y
Cinfhen Funny but Sad 😫#TRUTH 7y
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2 politics books to start my weekend. I enjoyed this "survival guide" but b/c it was published pre inauguration & everything has already changed so much, it feels out of date already. However, it outlined 12 key issues really well & provided resources & more books. It also didn't totally indulge in apocalyptic hysteria, which I appreciated.

Verdict: Glad I read it. Glad I borrowed it & didn't buy it.

Now time for a bunch of fiction!

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I've been picking and choosing chapters to read here and there, mostly depending on what's currently happening with policy. I love the historical overviews of each topic before explaining where Trump stands and what can be done to fight back. #Resist

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Some daily-ish nonfiction reading for the next month or so. #booksfighthate

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So excited!!!

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Trying to get some reading done while Waiting on my kid at parkour class. Dude on the bench next to me is aggressively jiggling his legs and feet, making it almost impossible to read. It's the adult equivalent of having a kid repeatedly kick the back of your airplane seat.

TrishB Very anmoying.....😬 7y
Mimi28 Yikes... 😒 7y
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Free ebook alert! This is not in the database but is currently free from Verso books for those who are interested.


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You can tell it was written in haste. Though riddled with grammatical errors, it is intriguing and thorough.

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Hey guys, sorry I've been MIA lately. Life has been stressful and I'm making changes to hopefully balance everything better. I wanted to share a blog post I wrote for my library about reading for self-care. Written on day 3 in office--of course now I want it to just be a list of human rights & climate change books. Anyway, you can read it here https://areadinglife.com/2017/01/26/reading-for-self-care/
Miss you guys! I'll be back on the regs soon!

Yamich49 Good luck with everything! Hope things become less stressful for you soon (in your personal life at least, politically it doesn't look good). 7y
BookishFeminist 💙💙 good luck and stay strong. You're not alone. List of human rights and climate change books coming up soon. 👍🏼 7y
[DELETED] 1409720085 Thanks for sharing! I'm right there with you. 7y
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required reading

Susanita I might buy this, but I'd have to get past the idea of even having his name in my home. 7y
riversong153 Was it everything it should be? 7y
katrrosee @riversong153 It wasn't exactly what I expected, but still a great resource. After this week though, I feel like it was still too mild/optimistic. 😕 7y
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This is a very quick read on key items such as the economy, Medicare, environment, etc. Each chapter is a few pages long with the same format- a brief history, what Obama did, what Trump proposes (based on campaign), what you can do, and books to read. This was hastily put out, but it was still an ok read. Promotes advocacy mostly along with educating oneself. I read it in about an hour.

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Still in a terrible reading slump y'all 😔 I used the readathon to get a little reading done but in the time off I've had this week I frantically scroll through Facebook and Twitter trying to catch up on all the terrible things Trump is doing. And now my best friend who has an environmental job might lose it soon! Can anyone recommend any light, short escape reads? Because I need something to distract me for small moments of self care.

moranadatter Phoebe and Her Unicorn really cheered me up the other day. 7y
Bibliogeekery Sending care! Have you read the Wildwood Series? 7y
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Hooked_on_books I just finished this one and it's a delightful book-love book: 7y
Dragon Or anything by Nora Roberts such as 7y
Bette During the election I read 7y
stacybmartin If you like YA, I recommend 7y
ReadingEnvy Phryne Fisher mysteries or some indulgent romance. 7y
readinginthedark I'm burying myself in the Anne of Green Gables series! 7y
Tcip I liked this one. It was super light and easy to read 7y
My_novel_obsession Get caught up in a crazy dysfunctional family for awhile 7y
LauraBrook I've found those James Patterson Bookshots are good for about an hour of distraction. And I feel the same way as you, you're not alone there. Rereading an old favorite helps sometimes too. 7y
Weaponxgirl It's not the shortest but really not over 7y
Weaponxgirl Agh stupid button and fat tired fingers ! I love this when I need nothing too bad happens 7y
EricQiao Read about how terrible other countries are, like China. That'll cheer you up. 🤗 7y
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Doesn't surprise me. 😒😑💩

rubyslippersreads Just as well. I'd hate to think we had anything in common. 7y
jes @rubyslippersreads Preach it. 7y
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The majority of my fb friends seem to think that the frequent posting of nasty memes constitutes action. There is real work to be done.

Hooked_on_books Agreed! 7y
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A little over 7 hours done! Gonna take a break to eat food and be mindless for a little bit as this book plus The Impossible Fairy Tale are way too heavy to take in 7 hour chunks! Ho boy! But I am enjoying both of them 😊 Fantastic job to those of you doing the #24in48 #readathon! @24in48

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Hour two of the #24in48 readathon!!

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I am very happy to report that this book gives me some hope. Each chapter reviews the history of the topics above, what Obama did on the issue, what we may expect from Trump, and what we can do to fight, including getting involved and books to read. I feel like I now have a primer to rely on over the next 4 years. This is worth your time.

ElizabethAndino I bought it earlier this week. Going to start today! 7y
WordWaller I agree! Although I think that the title could be different since I had different expectations because of it. 7y
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Examples of civil rights organizations to get involved with to help protect the rights of everyone. Report hate crimes so they aren't silent. Be an ally to others, especially those in groups which are marginalized.

I'm getting my activist on with this book! #constantvigilance

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I am in a funk. Work was a good distraction today but also didn't help much since I had to tell someone he has cancer. Which worsened my mood. I think this is the perfect state of mind to dive into this. Preparation is everything. #constantvigilance

Claireluana With you. We will make it through the next 4 years! 7y
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Today in a nutshell. Today I read, I work at the bookstore, I watch videos of the Obamas. Tomorrow I march. Forever, I resist. ✊🏻✊🏼✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿

SiriGuruDevSingh I need this!💗💕💗 7y
TrishTheBibliophile This is a wonderful blurb! 7y
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ReadingEnvy ✊🏽✊🏻✊🏾✊🏿✊ 7y
BookishMarginalia 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 Love the pic! I bought this today too. 7y
DeborahSmall Michelle Obama for next president. ✊🏼✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿✊ 7y
JSW Today, tomorrow, forever. 👏🏼 7y
MMFinck 7y
Aswenson ❤️MN March 7y
rachellayown 👊🏼👊🏽👊🏾👊🏿 7y
Hooked_on_books 🙌🏻🙌🏼🙌🏽🙌🏾🙌🏿 7y
RealBooks4ever Yeah! 😀 7y
DivineDiana 👏🏻🚶🇺🇸✌️️ 7y
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This was okay, not great. It's a good primer to polices, what has been in the past, what Obama did, and what could happen in the Trump presidency. It's neatly laid out by political issue, but the advice it offers falls flat. Writing representatives, donate to such and such organization, complain on Facebook (wtf?) -- I feel like it's stuff everyone knows. It's a good reference for books and websites to turn to, but overall I was hoping for more.


I don't even know if I can survive this inaugural concert! It's going to be a long 4 years.

(Not taking this lightly. But sometimes you have to joke in the face of a scary future.)

Weaponxgirl I completely get where your coming from, I make brexit jokes out of nerves even though I'm not finding it funny at all! 7y
Weaponxgirl It's my normal response, scared? I laugh. Nervous, I laugh. Uncomfortable, I laugh. You get the gist. Sometimes I think I must look like a deranged fool 7y
dariazeoli @Weaponxgirl I get it. And I know you're not a deranged fool 🙏🏻 7y
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You guys... HUNDREDS!

LeahBergen Oh, man... 7y
Cinfhen OY 🙄 7y
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readordierachel His facts are so good. He has the best facts. 7y
vivastory @ReadOrDieRachel I know some people, they're the best people, not like the crooked media, & you just wouldn't believe what they say about his facts. I mean, he is very rich, billions & billions of dollars. The best facts. (If I don't laugh, I'll cry) 7y
StephBengtson @vivastory I'm at that point too. Better to laugh. 7y
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Commence eye rolling.

Suet624 Ugh. 7y
Gleefulreader Words fail me. 😡 7y
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Prepretory reading.

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So I tried this book horoscope thing with multiple books and didn't achieve results that made any sense. Until this book. I do not take this as my horoscope but, rather, a fitting prediction for this year, considering.

drokka 😳😧😯 7y
Gayan 💔😢 7y
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These arrived today, just in time. Prepping for the coming nightmare. #constantvigilance

Hooked_on_books @coffeenebula Agreed! 🙌🏽 7y
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BookishFeminist Ugh. 😒 Nightmare's an understatement. 7y
Claireluana I wish I could just live in an alternate reality for the next 4 years. 7y
SuperPunkNinja Building my bunker now... 7y
Bette My husband just read the T survival guide...and it actually has some good advice in it. I thought it was going to be a goofy spooky thing. We need all the help we can get at this point. 7y
TrishTheBibliophile Take me with you if you find one @Claireluana 7y
Claireluana @TrishTheBibliophile I'm in Canada right now... I keep thinking Trump won't be president here... Trudeau is in charge here... a respectful progressive intelligent feminist... sigh lucky Canadians 7y
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Today's #bookmail. One to face reality and a couple to escape it. 📚📬💕

CouronneDhiver One thing we can probably all agree on: the news will not be boring for the next four years. 7y
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If you are new to activism and being politically involved, this book is a good start. If you've been "woke" for a while, you will know most of the material this book covered.

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I thought this was a spoof but it actually offers practical advice: like books to read, sites to visit, and how to stay informed. Go figure. 😊 😺💤 #catsoflitsy

Suzze Is that Theo? He doesn't seem to concerned. 7y
Bette @Suzze Yep, you remembered! That's Theo. And no, he is tuckered out after chasing Harper around. 😂 7y
Suzze @Bette I remembered the white paws. He's a cutie. 7y
rubyslippersreads 😻😻😻 7y
DebinHawaii So sweet! 🐱❤️ 7y
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Ohai, 2017...

courtney Man, they come out with these so quickly 😂 8y
OrangeMooseReads I need that lol 8y
kspenmoll Vital! 7y
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