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Ik ben Pelgrim
Ik ben Pelgrim | Terry Hayes
Pelgrim is de codenaam van een man die niet bestaat. De geadopteerde zoon die uitgroeide tot een van de beste spionnen. De regisseur van een uiterst geheime eenheid binnen de Amerikaanse spionagedienst. Een man die, voordat hij van de aardbodem verdween, het ultieme boek schreef over forensisch onderzoek. Het is datzelfde boek dat hem een jaar later in een obscuur hotel in Manhattan doet belanden, waar het lichaam van een onherkenbaar verminkt jonge vrouw is gevonden. Maar wat begint als een moordonderzoek zonder aanwijzingen, verandert in een zoektocht naar een onbekende vijand die een weerzinwekkend plan tot uitvoer wil brengen.
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Holy moly was this a good read. A murder, a spy, an ex cop, and an extremist that leads to a terrifying ending. Real world scariness at its best. Loved the backstories of the characters. Written so well. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

LoverOfLearning This was on kindle unlimited. I didn't read it. But it's interesting how a 2014 novel is suddenly resurfacing! 8mo
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We're selecting a new thriller to read over on Patreon. We have somewhere around 12 spy novels to choose from and our subscribers will all vote to see which book ultimately makes the cut. Democracy in action. It stirs the soul.

Anyways, it's a fun little thing we have going over there. Check it out if you're interested. There's still plenty of time to vote!


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July was apparently my month for reading massive books. First Great Circle and then this.

This was at times a slog and I didn‘t care for the detective that much. That being said the plotting was phenomenal on this book, everything stitches together so well and the villain is astonishing; fascinating and relatable.

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Had this on the go for a while and feel very happy to have accomplished finishing it yesterday. Great, gripping story set in different countries and locations. Nice to read something different!

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Book 30

I listened to this lengthy secret service thriller. It could have been a series because there are multiple lengthy stories spanning the protagonist's career. It was decent but not notable. ⭐⭐⭐

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💛💛💛💛 A fast paced thriller about an American intelligence agent hunting a terrorist in the Middle East. An interesting read with lots of interwoven plots. If the covid pandemic has been an anxiety trigger, I would avoid this book, as there is a lot of focus on biological weoponary of pandemic viruses which is very unsettling. I didn't enjoy the use of heavily stereotyping towards religions/cultures, it made uncomfortable reading at times.

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This book is awesome 10/10

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Today I went to B&N before work. Nice. I purchased Twisted Visions & The Trouble with Peace. When I got home I found a package waiting for me, I Am Pilgrim. I‘m going to say that my day coulda been worse.

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I was going to give up around the beginning, then wanted to know what's gonna happen I had the feeling that someone read the book, took the idea of the Coronavirus which made me read to the end. loved this book so much it is The second best book I have read, it comes second after the last kingdom series. there is some exaggeration. I like the sequence and the tracking part of the Saracen.

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Finally got round to reading this stunner. The characters' intwining stories set in different countries gives the book ambience. The characters' are interesting and the story is relevent today.


One of the most brilliant thrillers Ive read in my life. Must read for anyone looking for an action packed Sunday.

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A fiction debut, an exceptional thriller that boasts a credible narrator who has had so many covert identities he can barely remember his original name.

Soul-weary Scott Murdoch (aka Pilgrim) has retired fm the top echelon of ultrasecret espionage, but duty calls him back into service.

Like many pilgrimages, this one is long, packed with unexpected menace but readers will agree that this journey of body and soul is well worth the effort.

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The worst sickening Islamophobic racist and sexist garbage I've ever read. It does not even redeem itself with a good plot and proper characterisation.
This kind of books being published and actually celebrated is a sad statement at the time we live in.
There is not enough space here to express my disgust, so plz check Emily May's excellent review:

DaveGreen7777 So sorry this was such an unpleasant and offensive book! 😔 5y
Niso @DaveGreen7777 and it's 600+ pages. Being an Arab from a Muslim background (I am an atheist myself), you get used to a certain level of racism in western media, but to Hayes credit, old Holywood movies where Arabs are depicted as lecherous barbarians pale in comparison to this book. 5y
akaGingerK Yikes. Appreciate the warning! 5y
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Maria514626 Thanks for the warning! The le Carre reference in the book description may have turned my head. 5y
CampbellTaraL Thanks for the heads up, but I'm sorry you had to read such garbage. 5y
AutumnRLS Good to know. I've got no time for garbage. 5y
Kboltz So you don‘t think that there are extremists out there??? Oh it‘s here. 8mo
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Love this book. Real page turner

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“If you want to be free, all you have to do is let go.” This book is pretty long. It was like three books in one. But it didn‘t feel long. It‘s a thrilling story of espionage. It read a lot like a move. I couldn‘t put it down. I loved it!
@TheReadingMermaid @Andrew65 @jb72

Becker I loved it too and it is not the kind of thing I normally read. Just a great story. 5y
Andrew65 Going well! 👏👏👏 5y
TrishB Loved this one too 👍🏻 5y
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I had a good reading day yesterday. This is today‘s start time. I‘m loving this book, but it feels like it‘s taking a really long time to get through it.
@TheReadingMermaid @Andrew65 @jb72

Andrew65 Great going, well done. 👏😊 5y
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Sundaying. Starting a new library book, while hubby watches bad tv. I really wish I could get library books on my kindle. Why doesn‘t amazon fix that for us Canadians?

Bookcation74 This is one of my all time favorite books! Enjoy!! 5y
Crazeedi That's a shame! I'd be pretty disgusted if I couldn't do tat 5y
Melissa_J You need to switch to Kobo. Just saying 😉 5y
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Melissa_J Oh, and I loved that book! 5y
JacqMac @Bookcation74 Good to know. Someone told me I “just have to read it”, so I had to check it out. Lol 5y
JacqMac @Melissa_J I am very, very tempted. I need the kids to stop spending all my money. Lol 5y
AlaMich Funny you say that about Amazon, because I‘m in the US and I recently bought a Kobo Clara (and I know Kobo is Canadian 😊). One reason was that it has integrated Overdrive and it is super easy to download library books. 5y
Buechersuechtling @JacqMac That was one of the conditions I had when I decided to have an e-reader. It must be compatible with the epub-format so that I can download library books on it. 5y
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Reading another from my TBR pile.


Awesome book!


Thoroughly enjoyable from start until end.

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I had a long week full of:

Declining a job offer that I had really wanted.
Accepting a new offer from a different employer (super excited).
Quitting my current job. This news was not received well.
Anxiety. All the anxiety.

Cherishing this quiet hour in between Christmas celebrations today with my book and Candy Cane Crush tea.

MicheleinPhilly Congratulations on the new job! Boo to the anxiety. 6y
Well-ReadNeck Congrats!!! 🎉Looks like some good self care right there! Take care of you. 6y
JacqMac That‘s a very anxiety inducing week. Congrats on the new job. Enjoy your quiet time. 6y
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Ashley_Nicoletto @MicheleinPhilly @Well-ReadNeck @JacqMac Thanks! I‘m super excited to try something different! 6y
vivastory Congratulations on the new job! Hopefully you have time in between jobs to relax! 6y
valeriegeary Phew! That's a lot! Congrats on the new job! Enjoy your down time and that delicious sounding tea! ☕ 6y
Meaw_catlady You‘ve got this!! 6y
GingerAntics You‘ve had a full week. Hope things slow down a bit now. That tea sounds amazing!!! 6y
TheLibrarian Congrats on your new job!!! 6y
Bookcation74 Change can be good!! Congrats!! 🍾 6y
Erinreadsthebooks Hoping life settles a bit for you! 6y
kspenmoll Congrats on your new job! Glad you are trying to relax & let go- you had such big decisions to make! Hope your anxiety lessens with your tea, etc. 💕💕 6y
CouronneDhiver Congratulations on the new job! Just give yourself a few minutes to “be” - no worries about expectations, apprehensions, etc. Just breathe. That‘s what helps me when I get anxious 6y
Ashley_Nicoletto @vivastory Thank you! I have a feeling I‘m moving into a lesser stress environment so I‘m sure all will be well. 6y
Ashley_Nicoletto @valeriegeary @Meaw_catlady Thank you! @GingerAntics Thank you! And the tea is delightfully pepperminty. 6y
Ashley_Nicoletto @Erinreadsthebooks Me too! 🤞🏼🤞🏼 I am hoping in the next few weeks and months I feel more settled. 6y
Ashley_Nicoletto @kspenmoll Thank you! The hard stuff is over (with the exception of starting new), but this weekend has been good for relaxing. 6y
Ashley_Nicoletto @CouronneDhiver Thank you! Great advice! I will need it often over the next two weeks I‘m sure. 6y
saresmoore Girl. That is A LOT. Sheesh. I hope you will be fully rejuvenated and overwhelmed by assurance of your good choices as you enter the new year. Much love to you! ♥️ 6y
Ashley_Nicoletto @saresmoore Oh my gosh I know. At one point I didn‘t think I could take any more decisions. Thank you so much! I‘m sure this next year will be a good one. 6y
auntie_jenn good grief! i hope you turned that cuppa into an adult beverage. sounds like you need /deserve it! wishing you all the best 🧡 6y
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I am currently the definition of illness.

Like took three naps today, have eaten nothing but fluids, can‘t even read I‘m so sick illness.

Making what will most likely be a wasted attempt at making some progress on this book.

Illness makes me cranky. 🤧

Redwritinghood I hope you recover soon. 6y
hermyknee I‘ve been sick, too! I hope you get better soon! Sending positive vibes your way 💝 6y
Kappadeemom Ugh, the worst! Feel better soon! 6y
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Tamra I think I may be joining you. Lots of people succumbing to bugs these days around here. 😑 6y
vivastory I hope you recover quickly! 6y
DarcysMom I hope you feel better soon! 6y
Beckys_Books Feel better soon! 6y
inthegreensandblues It's the worst when you can't even read. 😟 Hope you feel better soon. 6y
TheLibrarian Feel better soon! 6y
merelybookish Ugh. Hope it passes soon! 6y
ErikasMindfulShelf Feel better! 6y
Bookzombie I hope you feel better soon! 6y
JoScho Ugh. That sounds yucky. Hope you feel better soon. 6y
valeriegeary Being sick is bad, but being sick and not able to read??! The worst!!! 😭 6y
JacqMac Ewww... Feel better soon. 6y
Karkar Get better soon!!! 6y
Louise Healing wishes to you. Maybe try an audiobook so you can let your eyes rest. 💕 6y
sprainedbrain Ick. Feel better soon! 😷 6y
Reggie Hope you feel better!! 6y
AmberG1 I hope you feel better soon. 6y
kezzlou85 Feel better soon. ❤ 6y
Ashley_Nicoletto @hermyknee Thanks friend! I hope you feel better soon too! Sickness is the pits. 6y
LauraBeth Hope your feeling better! 6y
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I was hesitant on reading this one, but after hearing multiple other Littens rave about it when I expressed that hesitation - I‘m going in. Total #25infive time is 15 hours.

MicheleinPhilly I bought this book YEARS ago to read on a vacation. Still haven‘t read it. 6y
JillR I really enjoyed this although since then have read very mixed reviews, and I kind of get the reason for some of those. It was still a gripping page turner for me though... 6y
Andrew65 Well done 👏👏👏 6y
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Ashley_Nicoletto @JillR I love a gripping page turner! I can‘t wait to see what I think. 6y
Bookcation74 Yay! Can‘t wait to hear your thoughts! 6y
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This reads like a screenplay: “A woman dead in a run-down motel. A man publicly beheaded in a Saudi Arabian public square. A biotech expert found eyeless in a Damascus junkyard. Human remains on a mountainside in Afghanistan. A plot to commit a crime against humanity. One path links them all, and only one man can make the journey.” It reads like a screenplay – because it was written by a screenwriter. Strap yourself in and enjoy the thrill ride.

Bookcation74 This is one of my all time favorite books!! 6y
Amiable @Bookcation74 I can totally envision the movie! 6y
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I have been non stop cooking for 72 hours!!! I‘m exhausted and I‘ve hardly read anything ~ my kiddies however finished these 3 books. All 3 were picks for them. I did read the tagged book and enjoyed it as well.

TrishB I enjoyed the tagged book 👍🏻 6y
Cinfhen It was kind of a #chunkster @TrishB and I expected a sequel by now... 6y
LeeRHarry I think there is one coming at the end of the year, I enjoyed this one too. 6y
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DivineDiana You are a cooking machine!!! 😮 6y
Reviewsbylola I hope you had a nice Rosh Hashanah! Shanah Tovah! 6y
Cinfhen Thanks @Reviewsbylola It was a lovely way to start the New Year ?this "cooking machine" is experiencing some glitches @DivineDiana I'm fried!!!! I hope you're right @LeeRHarry I'd love to read a book 2 from that author 6y
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Ik ben Pelgrim | Terry Hayes
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My babies have come back to me! Love that feeling when you get your borowed books back (in one piece) 📚

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A long drawn out thriller with the potential to be a good book if only 600 pages were removed! I found this book was trying too hard to be something it's not. I didn't hate "I am Pilgrim" but I really didn't love it either meaning I'll be giving this one 2 stars.

My review is up on my blog, check it out! ? #iampilgrim #terryhayes

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I ordered this a little bit ago- I think I like it. . . I have Jake Tapper‘s new book on the way. I can‘t decide if I should read something lighter in the meantime.

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I really enjoyed this convoluted thriller about a secret agent's attempt to stop a radicalized fanatic from destroying the US. It is the first novel for the author and sounds like he will be continuing the character in future books. Downside is that it is really long, slightly over 600 pages. Must admit I stopped and read other books in between. But worth a read, and look forward to more by this author.

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Well, this was quite complicated. Not a boring second (except for the beginning) but not my type of book either. I didn‘t care much for the heroism, Americanism or sentimentality. And the audiobook narrator was among the worst I‘ve ever heard. #24in48

batsy Those three things together are the worst... 7y
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It‘s amazing what horrible narrators one can get used to after spending 8 hours in their company. #24in48

UwannaPublishme 😁😁😁 7y
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Some audiobook sewing for #24in48 before we head over to the dog park. I love this fabric!

Bambolina_81 Gorgeous print! 7y
Lizpixie Well done you! It looks amazing. My MIL constantly bemoans the fact that none of her grandchildren are crafty. She‘s a brilliant seamstress, she also quilts, knits, crochets & used to do ceramics too. 👏👏👏 7y
rockpools That is so nice! I was looking at sewing classes just this morning- maybe I should actually sign up for some. 7y
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ElishaLovesBooks Wow! That is lovely! 7y
julesG Amazing! 7y
llwheeler That looks awesome! 7y
cobwebmoth Love it! 7y
Redwritinghood Looks great! 7y
BookMaven407 Awesome! 🙌 7y
[DELETED] 3803335244 I admire you! I see but I‘m not good! You‘ve got skills 💙💙💙 7y
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Are audiobooks OK for #24in48?

Betty Many many MANY people did this last year. I couldn't because I'm deaf. My eyes suffered, so I'm not participating this year. 7y
parttimedomestic Yes, they are! 7y
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tricours @Betty I think my eyes would get sore too... 7y
swishandflick Yes, definitely! I've never hit the full 24 hours without them, haha, and then I'm able to get laundry done, etc. while I listen 😄 7y
24in48 Absolutely! 7y
BarbaraBB Where do you buy/download these audiobooks? 7y
tricours @BarbaraBB I‘ve got an Audible subscription, and all of these are daily deals! 7y
BarbaraBB @tricours Thanks! I must check Audible out then. I want to try audiobooks as well, I have never read one! (edited) 7y
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Very long book. At the beginning j enjoyed all the detail but near the end I was bored and it was a bit too much and just wanted it to end.

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Currently half way through this book. Having read some of the good reads reviews I thought I'd give it a try anyway. I wonder how it will end...

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No surprises with my shortest and longest books- in spite of its epic length, I loved I am Pilgrim- super excited for the follow up to be released in 2018. School books always end up being my shortest reads- I‘m always flicking through a few textbooks here and there


I binge read this over Christmas. It relies heavily on cheap thriller tactics to keep you interested, the main character is transparently designed to appeal to alpha males and I groaned every time someone was described as ‘probably the best x in the world‘. But what really turned me off were the racist views and sexist attitudes of the narrator, whom I read in the authors note was someone Terry Hayes ‘liked as a person very much‘. I‘m offended.

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This novel is ideal summer reading...an epic thriller. I am Pilgrim reads like an old school novel of espionage, but with all the hallmarks of a great modern thriller. There was just enough social and political commentary to be interesting, but not too heavy. Although long, it was engaging and by and large did not feel too drawn out. For me, the only exception was the exposition- which felt a little laboured.

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Love this book

Texreader This book looks amazing but what an investment of time. Ok. On my tbr list. 7y
ClairesReads @Texreader it‘s definitely a good holiday read- when you have time to smash through it- but I‘d definitely say it was worth the time- I really enjoyed it and didn‘t feel like it was taking ages to get through 7y
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LOL that “The Catcher in the Rye” reference 😂😂

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Finally reading

TrishB I enjoyed this - good thriller 👍🏻 7y
Cinfhen It's good and it's a bit of a chunky!! 7y
BarbaraBB Still need to read it. Looking forward to what you think of it! 7y
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ClairesReads @BarbaraBB that makes me feel better! I thought I was the only person who hadn‘t read it yet 7y
Redheadrambles @ClairesReads nope have not read it either, my other half has had beside the bed for about 3 months now 7y
ClairesReads @Redheadrambles it‘s a chunky beast! 7y
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Wonderful book totally loved it all the way through the 900 pages of intense pleasure

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Warm socks + glass of wine/ cup of tea + " I am Pilgrim" = perfect winter evening.
Really good book. Can't stop reading!

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I finally finished this book, and found it to be a great novel.

MrBook Loved this one! 7y
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Only 60 pages from the end, but I've got to get off at the next stop and go to work! My boss won't mind if I keep riding the train until I'm done, right?