“Their keeper Mr. Gramzay noticed the two penguins and thought to himself, 'They must be in love.“
“Their keeper Mr. Gramzay noticed the two penguins and thought to himself, 'They must be in love.“
This is a perfect book for teaching young children concepts of acceptance, inclusion, and love. A very beautiful book that would be amazing for young readers.
This is such a cute and inclusive book for young children. Some may find it controversial, however it shows such a cute meaning of love. Beautiful book that I forward to using in my classroom.
Grandad and grandchild reading And Tango Makes Three together.
As an exvangelical who grew up in the Bible Belt, I can see why this book would be banned.
However, coming to this book years later after being exposed to more variety of life than what I grew up with, I can say this book is stinking cute!
Spent this morning with coffee, books, and a bagel. It was a wonderful morning ❤️ tagged is my fave.
#AndTangoMakesThree #JustinRichardson #book #books #bookdesign #bookdesigner #bookdeal #bookdeals #bookdealer #bookdragon #bookdragons #bookfeature #bookfeatures #bookfair #bookfan #bookfandom #bookfever #bookfevers #bookfanatic #bookfrenzy #bookgeek #bookgeeks #bookgeeky #bookgang #bookgangs #bookgasm #geek #geeks #geeky #bookhoarder #bookhoarders #PictureBooks #LGBT #Childrens #BannedBooks #Animals #NonFiction #Family #Queer #RealisticFiction 🐧
A cute, real story about two male penguins who chose each other and were blessed with a baby of their own to love and care for, making their family whole.
#lgbtq #lgbtpride #lgbt #lgbtqia #lgbtq🌈 #lgbtqcommunity #lgbtqbooks #lgbtqiap #lgbtqfamily #lgbtqlove #lgbtqplus #lgbtqyouth #lgbtqreads #lgbtqpride🌈 #pride #pridemonth #pride🌈 #lgbtpride #lgbtpride #pridemonth🌈 #pridemonth2023 #bannedbooks #readbannedbooks #childrensbooks #pemguinlove
Say it again for those in the back!! 🙌🙌🙌
My library #pride display was called perverted yesterday. I suppose that at least it was just one person on a primary Election Day with predominantly Republican candidates. The display was not damaged nor the books taken. Nonetheless, the comment has stayed under my skin. People are so quick to hate what they don‘t know. Sigh.
June 2nd, 2015
This book is about two penguins in the Central Park Zoo that want to have a family. Which the help of a zookeeper they can have Tango their baby penguin.
Title of Book : and tango makes three
Author of Book: Justin Richardson and Peter Parnell
Illustrator (if applicable): Henry Cole
Date of Publication: April 26, 2005
Genre: Fiction
Brief Summary: Two penguins are best friends and do everything together like the couples in their place at the Central Park Zoo. The zookeeper puts an egg in their nest. Roy and Silo raised Tango. THIS IS A TRUE STORY
Published in 2005, This is a true story that took place in NYC Central Park Zoo. Two male penguins did everything together and started doing what the couple penguins would do. They started seeing the other couple of penguins laying eggs and they couldn't. A zookeeper noticed and saw an egg that needed to be nurtured and gave it to the two-mile penguin. They raised the penguin for their own.
Book of Choice
This book was published in 2005, and is a completely true story about two male penguins who fall in love. The zookeeper sees the penguins, and decides to give them an egg for them to raise. I loved this book and will definitely use them in my classroom.
This book tells the story of two male penguins who fall in love. The girl penguins start to match up with some of the boy penguins and create eggs to take care of. Roy and Silo picked one another, but were not able to produce an egg. They chose to sit on rocks instead. The zoo keeper notices this and brings them an extra egg to take care of. The egg hatches, and out came Tango!
I‘m super excited about this year‘s #BBRC theme of banned and challenged books! I‘d never actually read some of the most famous in the picture book category before, and I‘m especially excited about this one since it covers a nonfiction political story that‘s exactly developmentally appropriate. And as a bonus, does it well! What more could you ask for? #BBCRPictureBookLetterT @LibrarianRyan
I've actually wanted to read this since it first came out and I just hadn't. Bought it for my niece for Christmas, I really enjoyed it as it was a super sweet story. Hope she enjoys it too!
Read a little late for #BannedBookWeek
Challenge for- and these are all direct quotes from the ALA- being anti-ethnic, anti-family, homosexuality, religious viewpoint, and for being unsuited for age group.
Such a cute picture book! Roy and Silo are a penguin couple at a New York zoo. One day, another penguin couple had an extra egg, so the zoo keeper decided to give it to Roy and Silo so they could raise her. 5🌟
In the little book nook, reading an adorable story with the nibling! ❤️
This story is adorable. It was fun to hear Neil Patrick Harris read it, too. It has everything a good children‘s story needs: love, family, and penguins. To the weird people who believe this book isn‘t appropriate for small children, I certainly hope they don‘t like children‘s books that talk about mommy‘s and daddy‘s loving each other, otherwise that argument makes no sense. Great book for every child and even playful adults!
Such a sweet, true story of two gay penguins at the Central Park Zoo. The next time I visit NYC, those three will be on my To see list.
#BBRC @LibrarianRyan @Sarahreadstoomuch
So close. I'd made it if all my orders came in. I will add them to September's. #BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks
Continuing my tradition of reading anything on the ALA Top 10 Challenged Book List that I haven't read. This made me a big ole pile of happy mush. So sweet. As someone who is #childfreebychoice I enjoy reading children's books. So much more inclusive than they were in my childhood. They fill me with hope for future generations. Especially love reading right before bed. Takes my mind off the troubles of the world so I can fall sleep.🐧🐧🐧
Continuing my tradition from last year to read anything on the ALA Challenged Books List that I haven't read.
6 Books to read between now and Banned Books Week. Sep 27 - Oct 3. 📚
#rebelreader #ireadbannedbooks #nationallibraryweek #librariestransform
#findthelibraryatyourplace #donttellmewhattoread2020tbr
“‘And Tango Makes Three‘ is a lighthearted and happy story surrounded by Cole‘s beautiful illustrations, showing readers that Roy, Silo, and Tango are as happy and loved in their family as other penguins.” https://wowlit.org/on-line-publications/review/xi-4/4/ #Picturebook
Completely adorable true story of two male penguins who hatch an egg together and become a family. It alternately cracks me up and makes me furious that this is consistently one of the most challenged/banned books in the U.S. Yes, it positively portrays a same-sex relationship. BETWEEN PENGUINS. If you are really concerned about that, you have bigger problems than a book.
I made our Banned Books Week display this year and actually got it up early. 😁
#PrinceOfJuly Day 29: This sweet-looking picturebook caused a lot of #Controversy here in Singapore when the National Library Board decided initially to pulp the book when one of the patrons complained about its content. Because of the public outcry, the decision was overturned and the book is now available in the adult section as a reference material. Full thoughts of Iphigene about this here: https://wp.me/pDlzr-8QW
It's still #pride month. So here's a load of books that are perfect for spreading the message of pride, love and incusivity. Love is love! #love #family #childrensbooks #pridemonth
It is, of course, exactly the same story as And Tango Makes Three. It's not as well written and a little heavy handed. The repeated "And why not?" only end up indicating that there might be a problem with two males parenting together, when the point of the story is that it's not relevant. So I say it's a pick, but only because And Tango Makes Three was never translated in French AFAIK.
“Two male penguins, Roy and Silo, did everything together. They bowed to each other..sang to each other, swam together..Their keeper..thought to himself, 'They must be in love.” This tale, inspired by actual events in New York's Central Park Zoo, tells of two male penguins, given an extra egg to nurture and raise. Some schools used this book to teach about tolerance and relationships but it caused a stir among some parties.
#quotsyjan18 #penguin
@thequeerspiderwoman penguin 🐧
I read this book last year during #bannedbooksweek. It‘s the adorable true story of two male penguins who became partners and raised a baby penguin together. Awww 🐧💕 #novemberbythenumbers #3
11-3-17: #novemberbythenumbers Such a great children's book about how all configurations of a family are good and loving. I read this to my daughter when she first realized her best friend had two moms. It was a perfect story to explain love is love is love 😍💖
Picture book. A true story of 2 male penguins who are a couple and raise a chick. A beautiful, heartwarming & adorable story that serves as a great introduction for children to non-traditional families.
I took a Gender in Children's Lit class in college and this is one of the #diversepicturebooks we discussed. It's such a sweet story of two male penguins who raise an abandoned baby penguin. This was once a banned book even though it taught love is love, even in the penguin world. 🐧💙#marchintoreading
I love talking about queer lit *happy squirm*
#lgbt #lgbtliterature #weneeddiversebooks #DiverseBookBlogger
Berry reading a banned book for Banned Books Week! This is one of my favorite picture books anyway because it has love and family and penguins!
Celebrate Banned Books Week! ALA, PLA, and library buttons, @outofprint socks and a wonderful book about love that some children still don't have easy access to read. #somethingforsept #septphotochallenge @RealLifeReading #bannedbooks #bannedbooksweek #socksunday