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The Girl in the Tower
The Girl in the Tower: A Novel | Katherine Arden
The magical adventure begun in The Bear and the Nightingale continues as brave Vasya, now a young woman, is forced to choose between marriage or life in a convent and instead flees her homebut soon finds herself called upon to help defend the city of Moscow when it comes under siege. Praise for The Bear and the Nightingale A beautiful deep-winter story, full of magic and monsters and the sharp edges of growing up.Naomi Novik An extraordinary retelling of a very old tale . . . A Russian setting adds unfamiliar spice to the story of a young woman who does not rebel against the limits of her role in her culture so much as transcend them.Robin Hobb
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I read that this is not as good as the first part. Well it is not as magical but it's definitly not bad. I enjoyed it.

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I enjoyed this one- it was a lot more action packed than the first in the series. I also liked the changing relationships between the siblings and loved the horse. I‘ll read the 3rd but I‘m going to wait until November at least because these are definitely cold weather books.

zezeki I also finished this one recently and loved it, but I'll probably read the next one within a month, because I cannot wait to see how it ends! 4mo
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I was away last night so I‘m having my hygge hour now. Reading the tagged while it‘s still cold outside. ❄️❄️❄️

TheBookHippie Wonderful!!! 4mo
Chrissyreadit 🤍❄️🤍 4mo
AllDebooks Lovely x 4mo
kspenmoll Enjoy! 4mo
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Wow 🤩 what a galloping romp ! The last 150pages I had my heart in my mouth and pulse racing ! What a fantastic series and a perfect 👌 choice for a winter ❄️ read , I felt chilly to my bones with the detailed descriptions of the snow ❄️ and ice and cold . Often whilst reading it I thought “i could never survive in those temperatures!”
A great read

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Perfect 🤩 January wintry 🥶 read with your beloved pup 🐶 in bed 🛌 #heaven 😆#bookspinbingo #januaryreads

TheAromaofBooks I loved this trilogy!! 6mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 6mo
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Third January read 🤓January is a horrible month but probably one of the best to just snuggle 🤗 down and read , I‘m now on book 📖 no3 of #bookspinbingo #doubleapin I have a good feeling about this month ☺️so far I‘m enjoying the girl in the tower but it doesn‘t seem a slower pace , still a perfect 👌 wintry read

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Loving this trilogy so far!

TLuvs @carolcharityhome hello 👋 1y
TLuvs For a 2nd in the trilogy, this book continues to develop in plot and is most definitely working toward a great finale! 1y
carolcharityhome @TLuvs wanna support our homeless plus Ukraine orphans with disabilities in our orphanage homes 1y
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As usual, the color match is better in real life haha

Book 2 of the Winternight Trilogy doesn't let up on the action. Honestly, these books are stressing me out! There were times that Vasya was making 100% the wrong decision and I just wanted to stop her. Also, if someone continually says he hates you and wants you to die and threatens your family, I'm not saying go out and kill him, but maybe stop saving his life?? Geezy, girl, let nature ⬇

Andrew65 Well done 👏👏👏 1y
TheSpineView Awesome! 1y
Clare-Dragonfly I knooooow, right? 😆 1y
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Well the windowsill seems to be at maximum capacity again! 😂 My #WeeklyForecast includes finishing the tagged book as well as The Winter of the Witch, and then it will be time to tackle some March challenge books. The bedroom project is continuing (you can see the chop saw on the porch in the background lol) so this week will also involve painting the ceiling and organizing under the bed. Today I am painting two more bookshelves!! Never enough 😁

Cinfhen I love how you tackle all the home renovations and you still find time to read 🙌🏻Amazing 1y
Clare-Dragonfly Hey, all your books are vertical—you could totally fit more 😂 1y
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AlaMich I love the Katherine Arden series so much! I wish she would write more for adults, but at the moment I think she‘s only doing middle grade fiction. 1y
Bookzombie I love your windowsill each week. Also, agree with @Cinfhen about tackling renovations and reading. 🙂 1y
TheAromaofBooks @Cinfhen @Bookzombie - My husband does the heavy lifting (including building new bookshelves!! 😁) but I am AWESOME at painting after YEARS of devoting myself to honing my skills 😂 1y
TheAromaofBooks @Clare-Dragonfly - You're so right! I have fit more books in there in the past. Once you start stacking, you start realizing that there is a LOT of space in a window! 😂 1y
TheAromaofBooks @AlaMich - This is my first foray into her writing, and I'm totally hooked!! 1y
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Girl in the Tower | Katherine Arden

Enjoyable fantasy sequel set in medieval Russia with a strong heroine and an amazing horse. Has its own separate fantasy beings, different from the usual.

Girl in the Tower | Katherine Arden
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Starting this sequel now. I liked the first volume and will see how this one is.

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"The great blue forest lay silent as a chapel beneath a risen moon, and the black trees soared impossibly, merging with the cloudy sky."


"Why carve things of wood," she asked him, "if you can make marvelous things of ice with only your hands?"

He glanced up. "I carve things out of wood because things made by effort are more real than things made by wishing. "

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"Two rivers gashed the skin of the Russian forest, and Moscow lay at their joining, atop a pine-clad hill. Her squat, white walls enclosed a jumble of hovels and churches; her palaces' ice-streaked towers splayed like desperate fingers against the sky."

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Starting my re-read of book two tonight.

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Apparently this years theme is continuing series….

The Girl in the Tower is book 2 in the Winternight trilogy and it was just as good as the first.

Now to get a copy of the next book so I can finish the trilogy…..

This one also completes January‘s double spin pick


#thegirlinthetower #katherinarden #thewinternighttrilogy #continuationstation #bookreview #doublespin

TheAromaofBooks I have this trilogy out from the library right now but still haven't started it! 1y
BacklistReader @TheAromaofBooks it feels like a good one to binge if you like to do that. I probably would have if I had them all. 1y
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The read along dates for The Girl in the Tower. Katherine Arden will be live on Instagram on these dates at 3pm EST (8pm GMT) and again at 8pm EST.

BookNotes Loved this series. ❤️ 1y
booksandsympathy @CherylRussell me too! I've so enjoyed re-reading the first book. 1y
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~20 Jan 2023~

"You cannot love and be immortal."

My first read of 2023.

I know I have been MIA.. but you know LIFE happened and this time pretty harsh and solid.. Don't know if I'll be still regular here..

Which is your first read of 2023?

IMAGE - My hand holding the book with cover page being displayed against sky and trees in the background.

#2023 #firstread #katherinearden #library #books

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#JanuaryJazz Day 9: Literally, #Fireside reading while in my sis-in-law‘s place in Antioch. Taken back in 2019.

Eggs Perfect 🥰🔥❤️ 1y
dabbe No better place to read than that! 😊 1y
marleed Lovely! 1y
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Enjoyed as much as the first!!!! I am currently waiting for my print copy of the third book, and cannot wait to hear how it all ends!!

BookwormM Brilliant series loved them all 1y
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❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️ Absolutely stunning sequel to The Bear and the Nightingale. These books are rich with Russian lore woven beautifully into a story all it‘s own. The best thing about this is how immersive they are and how you can fall into the world effortlessly and leave this one.

The tale continues with Vasya and the winter-king with many layers of deep storytelling and emotions. It may be cold and harsh but winter never looked and felt more warm

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This is so cozy and beautifully written, the perfect autumn/winter read!


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In my opinion this is better than “The Bear…” Vasya is growing up and learning a lot about the world and herself. I loved the fantasy elements, and found I couldn‘t put it down!

BookwormM Loved the whole series 2y
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I seldom read books of the fantasy, science fiction genre. I was impressed with the first book of this series, The Bear and the Nightingale, and have been intending to finish the series. I can‘t help but to be amazed by Vasya and her beloved Solovey. Her travels are both intimidating and fascinating. I‘m grateful for the opportunity to explore other worlds and ancient time periods. #MountTBR

RosePressedPages It only gets better with each book! This is one of my fav series🥰 2y
NatalieR @MadelineMcCrae Good to know! I‘ll probably read the next one soon so I don‘t forget the characters. I waited too long to read this one. 😆 2y
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I found that “The Girl in the Tower” bypassed its predecessor and more. Vasya‘s struggle to maintain her freedom in a world and culture that is male-focused and readily shames women is a main theme throughout which was very well-written. I enjoyed how both Vasya‘s and Morozko‘s characters developed throughout the book and I absolutely flew through the last part of the book. Now onto the last book of the trilogy!

BookwormM Loved the whole trilogy 2y
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“I do not know what you should choose. Every time you take one path, you must live with the memory of the other; of a life left unchosen. Decide as seems best, one course or the other; each way will have its bitter with its sweet.”

- Morozko

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💚🧙‍♀️💚 Fairy tales. Twists and turns. Sword fights. Demons and Spirits. This audiobook had me sitting in my car wondering “how late can I walk into work and not be noticed.” I kind of can‘t wait to read/listen to book three.

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A fantastic sequel to The Bear and the Nightingale! I loved the beginning and the ending, but the middle dragged for me a bit because I despise court intrigue. However, I‘m very excited for Winter of the Witch! This was a great pick from my winter tbr ❄️

BookBr I just started the Bear and the Nightingale! 3y
RosePressedPages @BookBr I hope you enjoy it!☺️ 3y
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"Every time you take one path, you must live with the memory of the other: of a life left unchosen."

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I loved this book! It has the perfect tagline: For a young woman in medieval Russia, the choices are stark: marriage or a life in a convent, Vasya will choose a third way: magic…! After a stressful week at work and my Dad being really ill with covid, this book was the perfect escape that, frankly kept me sane! 😬

GatheringBooks One of my fave fantasy series of all time! Hope your dad feels better soon. 3y
ShelleyBooksie Sending your day speedy healing wishes! 3y
Jas16 Hope your dad is feeling better soon. 3y
Caroline2 @GatheringBooks @Shelleybeanz73 @Jas16 Thank you, he seems to be on the mend now thank god! You just don‘t know how these things will go, do you! 😬 3y
Susanita I think this was my favorite of the series. 3y
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Bk11 of December & #WinterGames2021 & Bk1 of #DashingDecember #Readathon is done.The 2nd in the Bear & the Nightingale trilogy, it‘s a book I‘ve put off for too long, but glad I‘ve read it now.Based on Russian folktales, it‘s set in medieval Moscow when magic was still about. Onto Bk3! #AVeryMerryBingo #MerryBookmas #TisTheReadson #AVeryMerryReadathon #WinterCosy #WrapItUpReadathon #Adventathon #ChristmasFilmsReadathon #MistletoeManiacs 4,740pts👇

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Read the first book in this series a while ago and decided to go for this one for #foodandlit #russia for June!
@Texreader @Butterfinger

AnneCecilie I love this series 3y
Butterfinger I've chosen this one too. 3y
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“Above all, Vasya wanted her #horse. She wanted his strength, his warm breath, his uncomplicated affection. Without him, she was a lost girl in a dress; on his back, she felt invincible.” #QuotsyApr21


A wonderful continuation of the world created in “The Bear and the Nightingale”. Awesome character development, intriguing plot, great writing!

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I am posting one book per day from my to-be-read collection. No description and providing no reason for wanting to read it, I just do. Some will be old, some will be new - don‘t judge me I have a lot of books.
Join the fun if you want. This is day 72.

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Vasya makes her way to Moscow where she sees her sister and brother again. It's just as magical as the first book

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🎶reading in a winter wonderland🎶

Happy Lockdown Saturday. Hope everyone is safe and warm (depending on where you are lol)

OriginalCyn620 So pretty! ❄️ 3y
Deblovestoread Love the snow pic! 3y
Kenyazero This looks like a cozy day to be locked down on 3y
ShyBookOwl @OriginalCyn620 @Kdgordon88 thx! Makes me feel festive again lol 3y
ShyBookOwl @Kenyazero so cozy! There are definitely worse days to be cooped up 3y
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A girl rode a bay horse through a forest late at night.

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First book finished for 2021 and it was a great one! I think I liked this even better than The Bear and the Nightingale, if that's possible...

WriterAtHeart All 3 books just get better and better as you read! I was 100% captivated the entire time I read. 3y
BookishTrish What a gorgeous book! 3y
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A Dangerous Collaboration by Deanna Raybourn
The Subtle Knife by Philip Pullman

Finishing up The Girl in the Tower by Katherine Arden this morning for my first 2021 read!
#Goodbye2020 @ShyBookOwl

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And I‘m told the third book is even better?!

This book did not suffer from the slump in the middle of a trilogy, that‘s for sure.

PatriciaU You are in the middle of one of the best trilogies out there. Enjoy and savor the 3rd book! 4y
glamhobbit Best trilogy I‘ve read in years! A true and utter joy 🍄 4y
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“Only boys and fools think men are first in courage. *We* do not bear children.”

Thank you, Sergei!

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This was an amazing sequel to the bear and the nightingale! Vasya must disguise herself as a boy in order to try and help the Russian prince defend against the invading attackers, but her Brother and Sister get caught up in her lies. To say nothing of the snow demon that may help or hinder. #fantasy #folklore #demons #magic you could probably even pick this up without having read the first one.

BookwormM Love this series 4y
snowpaws94 @BookwormM I'm so excited to read the 3rd book! 4y
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"I do not know what you should choose. Every time you take one path, you must live with the memory of the other:a life left unchosen. Decide as seems best, one course or the other; each way will have its bitter with its sweet."

Girl in the Tower | Katherine Arden
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Good start to a new book. And I have a friend keeping me warm. Good morning #cats