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Interpreter of Maladies (Bound for Schools & Libraries)
Interpreter of Maladies (Bound for Schools & Libraries) | Jhumpa Lahiri
The Pulitzer Prize-winning sensation, a Pen/Hemingway Award winner, New Yorker "Debut of the Year", a national bestseller, and a Book Sense '76 pick, available in cloth and in paperback.
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Interpreter of Maladies | Jhumpa Lahiri
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Jhumpa Lahiri‘s writing flows like water. In this debut collection of short stories she explores the confusion and conflicts of adopting a home in a foreign land, of the internal complexities of love and marriage, of loneliness and comfort. Beautiful and subtle. She‘s a joy to read each time.

Interpreter of Maladies | Jhumpa Lahiri
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Yesterday was an almost perfect day. Mr. S & I went to a café so I could read, write, & study. It‘s located at the mouth of a canyon - in between writing & reading, I would look out the window at the pockets of fall foliage on the mountain side. Though the peak color has come & gone (the last 2 weeks have been breathtakingly vivid), there are still vibrant splashes of red, orange, & yellow to admire, sigh over, & tuck away into memory.

jen_the_scribe That really does sound like the perfect day 😍 9mo
catebutler @jen_the_scribe It was nice to be out, I don't know why, but studying in cafes is one of my favorite things to do. 🍁 9mo
jen_the_scribe @catebutler I love doing that too. But I haven‘t done it in a while. I‘m studying for a couple of certifications right now, I might have to take myself to a coffee shop soon. 9mo
catebutler @jen_the_scribe What a perfect reason to do it! I look forward to hearing about your upcoming cafe adventure. ☺️ 9mo
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Interpreter of Maladies | Jhumpa Lahiri

I like short stories and I like Jhumpa Lahiri's writing. But I'm just not in a right headspace for this book at the moment. I find myself skipping pages and even the whole stories just to make it till the end. So I think bailing is the best option for now.

Interpreter of Maladies | Jhumpa Lahiri
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I have read a lot of great short stories recently, including the stellar collections: Everyman's Library Shaken & Stirred, JC Oates' anthology of American Gothic tales, Munro's Something I've Been Meaning to Tell You. I had previously read 2 of Lahiri's stories years ago & they always stuck with me. One of them, the final work in the collection, has one of the best endings I've read this year. Terrific collection, among the best of the year.

LeahBergen I liked this one, too! 2y
jlhammar One of my favorites! 2y
BarbaraBB Wow. I feel like rereading this. I read it so long ago. 2y
Megabooks This is a fantastic collection! 2y
Texreader I‘m very pleased you liked this one as well!! 2y
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Interpreter of Maladies | Jhumpa Lahiri
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I rarely enjoy short stories; if it‘s going to be a good story then make it a novel! Or I get bored and they aren‘t very good. Not true for this book. All of the stories are compelling, readable, and I looked forward to picking it back up. No wonder it won the Pulitzer Prize. The stories dug deep into the Indian immigrant experience, and each one stood very well on its own. Anything more wouldn‘t have worked as well. Excellent! #foodandlit #India

Catsandbooks That's so great!! 🇮🇳 2y
CarolynM I loved these stories too 2y
Ruthiella Me too! I normally don‘t care for the short story format but I LOVED this collection! 2y
Bookwormjillk Have you read Purple Swamp Hen by Penelope Lively? That and this collection are the two short story collections I liked. 2y
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Interpreter of Maladies | Jhumpa Lahiri
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jlhammar One of my favorites. 2y
Blaire This is an all time fave of mine. 2y
AnneCecilie I loved this when I read it. I also have an other of hers on my tbr, so thank you for reminding me of her and that I can read her for India. This is the book 2y
Catsandbooks 😊🇮🇳 2y
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Wow! What a powerful and impactful group of short stories. Lahiri writes with a sense of place and longing that jumps off the page. Some of theses stories are so surprising, they nearly take your breath away. So good! #Roll100 @PuddleJumper #BookspinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

Soubhiville I picked up a copy of this not long ago. Glad to hear you liked it so much! 2y
KathyWheeler I loved this book. The title story was really interesting. 2y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
PuddleJumper That's really nice! 2y
MyNamesParadise So good! I had to read this in college. I studied creative writing. 2y
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Interpreter of Maladies | Jhumpa Lahiri
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This book broke my heart 💔

Interpreter of Maladies | Jhumpa Lahiri
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Well, I forgot I had already read this book when my #LPMBC #GroupC chose this short story collection. I love Lahiri. I love everything I‘ve read by her, and this #reread is no exception. So glad I got to share it with these wonderful folks. Highly recommend if you‘re looking for a short story collection that explores the themes of immigration, assimilation, and marriage/fidelity. Very glad you‘re teaching this to high schoolers @Readergrrl !

Readergrrl @Megabooks IOM is one of my favorites and I find I easy to use with my students as an entire collection or use individual chapters. I‘m so glad you enjoyed it as reread!! 2y
BarbaraBB I read this so long ago I remember nothing about it. 2y
Megabooks @Readergrrl very true! And since I only read dead white men in high school, I appreciate a teacher that shares work by living women of color. I hope my high school‘s current teachers have caught up 25 years later. (I mean not even Maya Angelou or Toni Morrison for crying out loud!!) 2y
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Megabooks @BarbaraBB once I started reading them, they were very familiar. I think I read it around 2012. 2y
Megabooks Forgot to tag you @Cinfhen 2y
Cinfhen I read this book with Niki when she read it for HS English 11th grade so that was probably 12 years ago ( give or take) 2y
BarbaraBB I checked and read it in 2002. I think I wasn‘t really ready for Lahiri back then and should maybe reread it too. 2y
TheBookHippie I love this one too! It‘s been awhile since I‘ve read it! 2y
CarolynM Such a good book! 2y
Megabooks @Cinfhen such a great book for high schoolers to read! 2y
Megabooks @BarbaraBB it‘s worth a reread. Of course I always enjoy short story collection rereads! 2y
Megabooks @TheBookHippie it‘s just fantastic! 2y
Megabooks @CarolynM agreed! 👍🏻 2y
Megabooks And this was my #doublespin! Forgot to tag you @TheAromaofBooks 2y
TheAromaofBooks Great progress!! 2y
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Interpreter of Maladies | Jhumpa Lahiri
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May was a decent reading month. I gave out my first five stars of the year to Interpreter of Maladies, and I enjoyed both of the nonfiction books I read. I also finished one of my friend rec challenge books.

Total: 5
Print: 2
Ebook: 1
Audio: 2

Fiction: 3
Nonfiction: 2

#lmpbc: 1
#Booked2022: 1
#friendrecchallenge: 1

Interpreter of Maladies | Jhumpa Lahiri
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My first five-star read of the year! I didn‘t really know what to expect going into this, but it didn‘t take long to realize I was in for something special. Lahiri‘s writing was beautiful and absorbing, the stories moving and beautifully crafted. There were nine stories and I enjoyed them all. There wasn‘t a single dud in the bunch.
#lmpbc #GroupC #catsoflitsy #Phoenix

Megabooks I started this years ago but put it aside for some reason. (I was in vet school so studying was probably why!) excited to get to it now, especially since I‘ve loved all her other fiction. 👍🏻👍🏻 2y
Megabooks @Readergrrl I‘m running a bit behind on where I‘d like to be because of a couple of bad long Covid days. I should get the Novak mailed to you on Tuesday. 2y
Readergrrl I am SOOO glad you liked it! This is one of my favorites!! 2y
jlhammar Such a good collection. Loved this one! 2y
Readergrrl @Megabooks No worries! I‘m a little late too. End of the school year chaos. You‘d think after 20 years that I‘d be used to it! 🤣 2y
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Interpreter of Maladies | Jhumpa Lahiri
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This is an eloquent and deceptively simple collection of stories but this talented author. The characters are ordinary people caught in snippets of their ordinary lives. The prose is unfussy and voice of each character clear. I am disappointed in myself for letting this astounding collection sit unread on my shelf for such a long time. #AxeTheStacksApril⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2

Ruthiella Boy, you are sure handy with an axe! 🤪I‘ve not finished one yet! I LOVED this collection and normally short stories leave me cold. (edited) 3y
Come-read-with-me @Ruthiella Lol! I‘m on spring break, my husband is out of state visiting family, and I‘m at home taking care of two very old dogs who sleep at least 20 hours a day. My only responsibility is reading. When I start school tomorrow my numbers will go way down! 3y
IuliaC I enjoyed this one very much too 3y
SqueakyChu This was a fabulous short story collection. Very highly recommend! 3y
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Interpreter of Maladies | Jhumpa Lahiri
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This was a beautifully written collection collection of short stories. Each story gave a view of life for Indian families living throughout the world, grieving for their home but forging a new existence in their adopted setting. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I am thinking of all the American Littens who are casting their vote😘

Tanisha_A This is definitely one of my favourite collections of short stories. 💙 4y
LeeRHarry This is my favourite short story collection - although I haven‘t read many 😊 4y
Freespirit Hi @Tanisha_A I felt each story was a little reflection of life for a Bengali exile. 4y
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Freespirit Hi @LeeRHarry they are all different but well worth reading! 4y
erzascarletbookgasm I liked these stories too 👍 4y
atla I have this one on my nightstand TBR pile. Definitely need to pick it up soon :). I love everything I‘ve read by Lahiri. 4y
Freespirit @erzascarletbookgasm lovely writing 💕 @atla hi I think you will enjoy them. They are easy to read! 4y
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Interpreter of Maladies | Jhumpa Lahiri
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I love short stories and this book has 9 wonderful short stories. I thoroughly enjoyed each and every one. The variety kept me intrigued. I look forward to reading more by this author. I had the audiobook and loved it.

Interpreter of Maladies | Jhumpa Lahiri
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A wonderful collection of nine short stories tackling major themes of love, death, disease, mariage, immigration, solitude; these apparently simple but strong and special Indian characters meet their destinies under the author's touching and thrilling writing

rubyslippersreads 😻😻😻 4y
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Interpreter of Maladies | Jhumpa Lahiri
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#AugustAuthors - Jhumpa Lahiri: Someone reviewed one of her books on Litsy awhile back and it was that post which made me feel like I was missing out on something extraordinary. There are no truer words regarding this book. This woman can write! Her words transcend the page. Okay, that‘s true for many gifted writers. Yes!👇🏽

Nute Hmm...her talented writing abilities puts a story on paper and yet somehow allows for the alteration of the telling and shape of it upon every reading. What does that mean? It‘s as if the story is still being written while the reader is reading it? It‘s that fresh and that constraint-free.👇🏽 4y
Nute Every time that I re-read the first story, “A Temporary Matter” I felt as if the ending might be different or at least mean something different each time around. She is deserving of all of those accolades heaped on her writing skills. I‘m so grateful for that Litsy post...I thank you! And Jhumpa Lahiri!
Highly recommended!
Nute It was the review by @Centique that touched me!💕 4y
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Ruthiella I so agree! This was the first book from her that I read and I was just consumed with it. I think I read all the stories in one day. And normally I am less than enthusiastic about short stories. 4y
CarolynM I loved these stories too. I've been meaning to read The Namesake ever since I read this but still haven't got there. 4y
Centique You are so kind! I‘m so happy you loved them 😍 I love your impression of them changing shape between readings - I can totally see that 🙌 4y
OriginalCyn620 I‘ll have to check this one out! 4y
S3V3N I just downloaded The Namesake by her. 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Which one should I read first?? 4y
Nute @Ruthiella Her storytelling is beautiful. It‘s easy to see how a reader would opt to spend an entire day with her reading story after story!🙂 4y
Nute @CarolynM I am saddened that it has taken me this long to experience her writing and storytelling. She is gifted! 4y
Nute @Centique 💕 4y
Nute @OriginalCyn620 I hope that there is time soon for you to connect with this author, Ms. Cynthia. I think that you might discover as I did that you have been missing out on a treasure. 4y
Nute @BeaG Did you read this short story collection? How was The Namesake? I like her writing style. 4y
Nute @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks This is the first book that I have read by her. I think that it is the one for which she receives the most accolades. I would start here, Misty. Just to note...it is a short story collection. I know that short stories are not for everyone. I really enjoyed it! 4y
S3V3N @Nute I have not read this collection. The namesake was just ok to me. I loved her writing style, the storyline just didn‘t do it for me. 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Nute thank you ❤️ 4y
Nute @BeaG I hope that you‘ll give her another try. I have yet to read a novel by her, but I feel that she shines brilliantly in the writing of her short stories. 4y
S3V3N @Nute I‘m waiting on 2 of hers on overdrive. I think she is an excellent writer too, that story didn‘t grab me. 4y
violabrain I am not a short story person at all, but I saw this book on a list of short stories to read for people who hate short stories and I was not disappointed. I‘ve read everything she‘s written at this point and every single thing is incredible! 4y
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Interpreter of Maladies | Jhumpa Lahiri

an alluring intimacy! i loved the lowland and this is so totally different! both are beautiful!

charl08 Yes. I've not read her latest one, you've reminded me. Will have to add it to the list. 4y
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Interpreter of Maladies | Jhumpa Lahiri
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This is a beautiful collection of short stories that has been on my TBR list for years. Glad I finally had the chance to immerse myself in Jhumpa Lahiri's engaging writing.

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Interpreter of Maladies | Jhumpa Lahiri
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Although I've read numerous Lahiri stories in anthologies, I have yet to read this one cover to cover. This article made me add it to my July TBR:

KVanRead This has been TBR for too long, Loved 4y
vivastory @KVanRead I read that one many many years ago and loved it. I also really enjoyed the short, but insightful 4y
KVanRead Stacked! 4y
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Tanisha_A I can't wait hear what you think. This is a favourite 4y
Tanisha_A *to hear 4y
vivastory @Tanisha_A I've really liked the stories I've read by her so I'm really looking forward to it! 4y
KathyWheeler I liked this book and found the title story interesting. 4y
BarbaraBB I read this a long time ago because of its appealing title! 4y
Blaire This is one of my all-time favorites. I read it when I was living in Boston so I also recognized a lot of the places which made it more special. 4y
vivastory @Blaire That's always fun 👍 4y
LeahBergen It‘s a great collection. 👍🏻 4y
acidREADER Each story is amazing. 4y
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Interpreter of Maladies | Jhumpa Lahiri

“He learned not to mind the silences.”

Read short stories after a long time.
This covers a wide range of life experiences of Indians living in any foreign country.
How they feel at home or are unable to adjust to their new life.

“A woman who had fallen out of love with her life”

Interpreter of Maladies | Jhumpa Lahiri
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7 books that left a deep impression on me.
Day1 #7days7books

Thanks for the tag, @hilded and @sudi ! 🥰 @ephemeralwaltz @ju.ca.no @readordierachel Would you like to join?

sudi I still haven't read this, but now i definitely want to😊. Thanks for playing ❤ 4y
Tanisha_A @sudi I love how her writing evokes emotions of longing and home. I think you'd like this one. 🤗 4y
ephemeralwaltz thanks for the tag! I loved this one as well. 4y
Ruthiella Normally I don‘t really like short stories but man, I loved this collection! 😍 4y
Tanisha_A @ephemeralwaltz @Ruthiella I feel like re-reading it. Love what she does with her stories. 4y
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Interpreter of Maladies | Jhumpa Lahiri
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Very well written and incredibly moving. I think A Temporary Matter was my favorite of the stories.

Interpreter of Maladies | Jhumpa Lahiri
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I don‘t read a lot of short stories. I like to be immersed in one world for a long time while short stories require you to jump in and out. But this short story collection is more than worth the effort. Each story is its own pearl, something beautiful that has grown around a hard little stone of pain. Lahiri casts light on moments of vulnerability within a sometimes hostile or ignorant world. Her writing is beautiful and gently devastating. ⬇️

Centique I think these little snapshots of life are deceptively simple. I can feel that they‘ve already burrowed into my brain and will be long remembered. 4y
Tanisha_A Fantastic review. ❤️ 4y
Trashcanman Hi Paula. 🤗 4y
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Centique @Trashcanman hello George! It‘s good to see you 😊 4y
Centique @Tanisha_A thank you lovely 😘 4y
violabrain I‘m not really short story person either, but I absolutely love both this collection and her other collection of short stories! 4y
LeeRHarry This is my fave book of short stories - glad you enjoyed it 😊 4y
Centique @violabrain I‘ll have to check out the other one! 4y
Centique @LeeRHarry a fave of mine now too! 4y
CarolynM I loved this one too. 4y
KateFulfordAuthor Nice review thanks 4y
MyNamesParadise I had to read this in college and I loved her prose! 4y
Ruthiella Like you I don‘t gravitate towards the short story format but this collection was outstanding! 😍 4y
Centique @Ruthiella wasn‘t it just? I have her novel waiting on my shelf to read too. 😍 4y
Nute Thank you for this review!💕 4y
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Interpreter of Maladies | Jhumpa Lahiri
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I understand why people like this book, but I found it ok. Short stories aren‘t my favorite, and some were better than others. I dislike the prevalent notion that “literary” fiction must feature infidelity, and there‘s quite a bit of that here.

I enjoyed Mr. Pirzada, Mrs. Sen, and The Third and Final Continent.

7th finish of #JumpStart2020, 5 from my original stack of 7. Six is in progress but slow going.
@Lizpixie @Clwojick

Crazeedi I only read half, never finished 4y
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Interpreter of Maladies | Jhumpa Lahiri
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A book that my mother-in-law loved, that has her signature inside, that she gave to me before she died. It finally comes off the shelf to be held, read and appreciated. These stories are each intimate and so detailed that you can imagine being with each character. Each brings you inside a relationship, where boredom, longing and frustration live. This is the second book I‘ve read this year filled with saris and cumin. 😻


Tanisha_A I loved loved this one. Great review! ❤️ 4y
merelybookish This has been on my #TBR for years but you've made me want to bump it up! (I reader her book about learning Italian earlier in the year and it was gorgeous!) 4y
readordierachel Lovely review. I read this years ago and loved it. I think I need to revisit it. 4y
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Anna40 Loved it too! 4y
Suet624 @Tanisha_A @readordierachel @Anna40 Thank you! I‘m so glad you all loved it too. 💕💕 4y
Suet624 @merelybookish this was my first time reading her work. Definitely not my last. 4y
merelybookish @Suet624 This is short and lovely on audio. 4y
tpixie How sweet of a family memento story! 4y
Suet624 @tpixie Thanks. It‘s been 10 years and I still miss her like crazy. She taught me more about being a mom than my own mom ever did. A truly wonderful person. 4y
tpixie @Suet624 how sweet. May your memories lighten your heavy heart. I‘m glad you had each other! ♥️♥️♥️ 4y
Suet624 @tpixie me too. Thank you for your kind words. 4y
tpixie 😊♥️ 4y
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The first short stories I have liked!! Secrets, isolation, and uncertainty abound in these beautifully told stories.

Anna40 Loved this book! 5y
Anna40 Loved this book. The first story was my favorite! 5y
Nebklvr @Anna40 The first and last were my favorites 5y
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Interpreter of Maladies | Jhumpa Lahiri
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⭐⭐⭐ (3)

I only really liked a few of these short stories, but they were well written, so I bumped it up to a pick rather than so-so. Read for #RtC (Rediscovering the Classics) book club a friend of mine runs. The author seems to have a negative view of humanity, and all but about three of the stories are severely depressing. Interesting glimpse into Indian culture.

I feel like I need a quick, happy read now. 🙃


Interpreter of Maladies | Jhumpa Lahiri
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First time reading Jhumpa Lahiri and I am completely smitten.

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Interpreter of Maladies | Jhumpa Lahiri
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Well, I might be the only one not reading Atwood or King today, but here I am starting this book instead. I'm reading it for my friend's book club that I follow along with online, called Rediscovering the Classics (#RtC). So far, I have only read the first story. It was sad, but touching. #Overdrive

Interpreter of Maladies | Jhumpa Lahiri
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I don‘t know about the first sentence, but the first story in Interpreter of Maladies was definitely an embrace. ❤️

Interpreter of Maladies | Jhumpa Lahiri
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Woohoo! My “Rediscovering The Classics” book group now has its reading list for the 2019-2020 year! I cannot wait to get started! Anyone want to join us?? #RtC

September: Interpreter of Maladies
October: The Power of Myth
November: Out of Africa
December: Calvin and Hobbes
January: Twelve Angry Men
February: Invisible Man
March: Bel Canto
April: A Room With A View
May: Civil Disobedience

Christine Great selections! 5y
Blaire Interpreter of maladies is one of my all-time favorites. 5y
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Interpreter of Maladies | Jhumpa Lahiri
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All the books I finished (+ one started) during #24in48. Read for a total of 11 hours and 3 minutes. Considering I only read for about three hours during the last ‘thon, I‘d say this is an improvement. My goal for next January will be 16+ hours. Can‘t wait! If anyone knows of any other readathons or challenges (aside from 24in48 and Dewey‘s), please let me know. These are a blast!

Megabooks Congratulations!! I read Heart Berries, too. 5y
ellarebee @Megabooks I saw on one of your previous comments - apologies for not responding. What a gut punch of a book. I had to break for a bit to absorb everything. 5y
thecurlybookworm Woohoo! Congrats! 5y
ellarebee @thecurlybookworm Thank you!! 😊 5y
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Interpreter of Maladies | Jhumpa Lahiri
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Winding down - not going to get near 24 hours but I am thrilled with how much I‘ve read this weekend. A dear friend gifted this to me a while ago and I am FINALLY going to read it. I feel a bit ashamed for taking this long to read it because I love Lahiri. #24in48

Interpreter of Maladies | Jhumpa Lahiri
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After doing a deep dive on Google, I‘m pretty sure this is called a “boti”: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boti

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Interpreter of Maladies | Jhumpa Lahiri
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Interpreter of Maladies | Jhumpa Lahiri
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It‘s not at all surprising that Lahiri won a Pulitzer for this marvelous collection. The stories tackle a variety of ordinary life experiences for Indian immigrants as they assimilate (or choose not to) in their new countries. Absolutely gorgeous prose.

Interpreter of Maladies | Jhumpa Lahiri
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The prose is beautiful and romantic, but for most of the stories, their plot feels rather flat. The narrative starts off as interesting, and picks up until the climax, but regrettably, the endings fall short. A few stories were achingly poignant, yet the rest were forgettable. I find it frustrating that the author used Indian and American stereotypes repeatedly, and that each story follows the same pattern. It was okay, but not notably good.

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Interpreter of Maladies | Jhumpa Lahiri

So in love with this book. Had been sitting on the shelf waiting patiently for me for years. Left me wanting more Jhumpa, stat. Read this one in Dec, so technically can‘t count toward my 2019 tally 🤗

Interpreter of Maladies | Jhumpa Lahiri
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#novemberwrapup #novemberstats #monthlystats
Part 1/2

Some of my November reads! Best of these was the tagged book 😊 Also Bingo Love is a big recommend 👍😍 Tagging more #comics in comments -couldn't fit in collage ⬇️

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Interpreter of Maladies | Jhumpa Lahiri
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Really enjoyed this collection of stories. Loved the introspective, melancholy feelings that connected most of them.

What are you reading today? 😊 📚

mreads I really enjoyed this collection too 6y
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Naj Listening to 6y
alysonimagines I read this recently and enjoyed it too! I also love the melancholy—it‘s almost palpable in her stories. (edited) 6y
glitterkitty459 @mreads ooh I've heard good things about that one! 6y
glitterkitty459 @Naj I keep meaning to read that! 😂😊 6y
Naj @glitterkitty459 I wasn't really interested in it at the beginning but EVERYONE loves it. I have finally given in to all the hype! 6y
Tessy Love love reading Jhumpa Lahiri. 6y
SassyBrit The Cruel Prince 🤴 x 6y
SnGilmoreGirl I've read this collection and listened to the audiobook. I can't get enough of these stories! 6y
meadowschloe I‘ve read this! 6y
DivineDiana I ❤️ this book! 6y
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Interpreter of Maladies | Jhumpa Lahiri
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Interpreter of Maladies | Jhumpa Lahiri
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Book - Interpreter of Maladies
Author - Christopher Isherwood
Movie - It Happened One Night
Food - Iberian Ham

#ManicMonday #LetterI

JoScho 💛💛💛 6y
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Interpreter of Maladies | Jhumpa Lahiri
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I like it this book. The stories are nice and the narrative is engaging. Nevertheless I can't say is a book to remember. After listening all the hype for so many years I was expecting more. I guess that is why I prefer to read books with lower expectations. I don't think I will recommend this book. But I can't say is bad. That someone else got the same feeling? #bookly #pulitzer

annaperuses Aye! 5y
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Interpreter of Maladies | Jhumpa Lahiri
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@JulietteGF Thank you so much for this wonderful #shortstoryswap package. I love everything! I‘ve never had a book sleeve before & I‘m so excited to use it! The tagged book is one I‘ve always wanted to read and the others sound great too. And the bookmarks! 💚 Thank you for fueling my coffee addiction!
@CSeydel thanks for organizing this. I don‘t normally read short stories & didn‘t realize there‘s so many good ones. Adding to Mount TBR!

Adventures-of-a-French-Reader @jillannjohn You're welcome! I'm so glad you like everything ;) Wish you a wonderful day. 6y
erzascarletbookgasm Book sleeves are great. 👍 6y
CSeydel Nice!! Hope you enjoy the stories! 6y
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Interpreter of Maladies | Jhumpa Lahiri


Nute Wow! You knew a long time ago that this was worth the effort. 4y
MsLeah8417 @Nute I loved her works from day one. ☺️ 4y
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Interpreter of Maladies | Jhumpa Lahiri

Captivating and soulful.

Interpreter of Maladies | Jhumpa Lahiri
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I lately received soooo much work (very busy bee for the moment...) that I totally forgot to review this gem. This book of short stories is very well written. Jhumpa Lahiri manages to create a whole atmosphere in few pages. This book talks about loss, grief, the hardships of immigration... A great book for a book club ;)