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Autoboyography | Christina Lauren
Fangirl meets Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda in this funny and poignant coming-of-age novel from New York Times bestselling author Christina Lauren about two boys who fall in love in a writing classone from a progressive family and the other from a conservative religious community. Three years ago, Tanner Scotts family relocated from California to Utah, a move that nudged the bisexual teen temporarily back into the closet. Now, with one semester of high school to go, and no obstacles between him and out-of-state college freedom, Tanner plans to coast through his remaining classes and clear out of Utah. But when his best friend Autumn dares him to take Provo Highs prestigious Seminarwhere honor roll students diligently toil to draft a book in a semesterTanner cant resist going against his better judgment and having a go, if only to prove to Autumn how silly the whole thing is. Writing a book in four months sounds simple. Four months is an eternity. It turns out, Tanner is only partly right: four months is a long time. After all, it takes only one second for him to notice Sebastian Brother, the Mormon prodigy who sold his own Seminar novel the year before and who now mentors the class. And it takes less than a month for Tanner to fall completely in love with him.
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Autoboyography | Christina Lauren
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One word title is my next pairing theme for #ThingsInCommon Tagging #TBRTarot as this is also the April prompt. Autoboyography was a soft pick for me there were some aspects of the story that I don‘t feel were fully fleshed out and in some cases handled poorly. But I think overall it was decent rep about dynamics of closeted young people in religious communities, in this case the LDS church. First #TrappedOnAnIsland 📖 complete.

Clwojick Great job! 1y
julieclair Helpful review! 1y
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Autoboyography | Christina Lauren

I loved it so much. It‘s definitely a new favourite of mine💗

Autoboyography | Christina Lauren

“You‘re here”
“I am”

Autoboyography | Christina Lauren
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first, for anyone who this book is important to & helpful, I am so happy it exists for you.
To me, his book is not good. The bisexual rep was not good, the intersection of religion and sexuality was so tough to read. Insta love in a concerning way. No issue is ever resolved, it‘s just never brought up again. MC‘s are not good for each other. Tanner is so awful to Autumn his best friend supposedly. I‘m sorry to anyone who loves this but why & how

kera_11 I normally really like their books so I was very surprised by this book 2y
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Autoboyography | Christina Lauren
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Sooooo goooood! This love story of two boys in a writing class was so well done. One of them is a devout Mormon and that is where a lot of the complications arise. But the book portrayed the main characters as well as their families and friends in such a nuanced way that is was never “just” a romance or “just” a YA book, it was a really rich story.

This was my first book by this prolific writing team. What should I read next?

Christy2318 The Unhoneymooners 2y
slategreyskies Oh, I haven‘t read this one yet! Stacked!! :) 2y
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Autoboyography | Christina Lauren
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I love it when characters have loving, supportive, healthy families. Better the 2nd time I listened to it (spaced out a lot the 1st time).

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Autoboyography | Christina Lauren
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Tanner is bi but back in the closet since his family moved to Mormon-infested Utah. It's his last semester of high school and he's signed up for a class to write your own novel. Easy. But then he falls for the teaching assistant, who is also the local bishop's son.
The plot is a bit predictable but I liked the portrayal of the struggle between faith in religion & accepting your identity, as well as trusting others to make their own decisions

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Autoboyography | Christina Lauren
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Not sure what I expected from this book, but it wasn‘t what I got. The other Christina Lauren books I have read were funny and light-hearted, but this was deep - at least IMHO. You really got to hear how Tanner thought and felt and how Sebastian struggled with his sexuality. It was very touching and now it‘s in my heart. #100YEARS100BOOKS #79 #BookSpinBingo #18 #BFC21 #6 #TALESandTAILSforADULTS #6 #JOYSofJUNE #2 #AUDIOJUNE #5

TheAromaofBooks Great progress!!! 3y
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Autoboyography | Christina Lauren
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Here‘s my review for an audiobook I just finished listening to.

Autoboyography | Christina Lauren
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A beautiful representation of LGBTQ+ families and the struggles of loving religion while trying to find your place in an outdated system. I laughed, I cried, I wanted to punch things. I admire Sebastian's inner strength and Tanner's resiliency and want everyone to read this.

Autoboyography | Christina Lauren
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A truly beautiful quote to start off this book.

Autoboyography | Christina Lauren
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Happy Saturday I am about to dive back into my ebook read of Autoboyography which I‘m really enjoying and this delicious cup of latte I just brewed. Enjoying Calli‘s company on the couch. #dogsoflitsy

Autoboyography | Christina Lauren
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Read it in one sitting.

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Autoboyography | Christina Lauren
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1. Done. Left to Right: myself, my daughter and my mom.
2. 20 - Autoboyography
3. Being able to go to stores.
4. NM green Chile 🌶️
@4thhouseontheleft @howjessreads

alisiakae looks like a great reading month! great mask selfie! 4y
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Autoboyography | Christina Lauren
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I read 20 books for April. 18 were YA books for #YAapril with @megnews , 2 were states for #Readacrossamerica, and 1 was for April's #bookspin with @TheAromaofBooks (You are a Badass)
Favorites for the month were Anna and the Apocalypse and Autoboyography.

megnews Great month! Thanks for joining us. 4y
TheAromaofBooks Looks like a great month!! 4y
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Autoboyography | Christina Lauren
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I've been reading all my physical books from the library so I figured I should start reading the ebooks I downloaded too.

Buechersuechtling That cover is intriguing me. 3y
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Autoboyography | Christina Lauren
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Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Tanner has a crush on someone who is religious and is a man. What will happen?
This book was really cute and focuses on lgbtq and religious issues. It was good, but at times too preachy feeling.
#litsy #littens #bookstagram #bibliophile

Crazeedi Pretty cover!❤ 4y
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Autoboyography | Christina Lauren
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This was sweet and painful and real. I loved it.

Autoboyography | Christina Lauren
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Currently reading. 🏔

Autoboyography | Christina Lauren
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Just wow. I‘ve read a lot of these ladies books, but this one was something very special. I loved that they dived into this and I think it‘s a book that will mean a lot to a lot of people ♥️ very touching story! #autoboyography

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Autoboyography | Christina Lauren
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[#BookReview] Autoboyography by Christina Lauren. I picked up this book because I had heard so many things about it and I definitely understand why! It brings up important topics surrounding religion and being a member of the LGBTQ+ community. I had some issues but overall definitely recommend!


Autoboyography | Christina Lauren
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Queer teen romance in very Mormon Utah. This had pretty much the right level of angst for me, and enough uncertainty over whether it would get a happy ending. Empathetic to both sides of the story. Very readable.

LoverOfLearning This cover is gorgeous! 4y
Verity @LoverOfLearning isn‘t it just! 4y
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Autoboyography | Christina Lauren
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Friday evening reading!

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Autoboyography | Christina Lauren

My brain is such a traitorous beast.

Autoboyography | Christina Lauren
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"A half-Jewish, half-nothing queer kid moves to an LDS-infested town. He can't wait to leave."

I've read several Christina Lauren adult romances, but this was my first of their YA - I definitely recommend! It gives definite Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda vibes, but takes place deep in a predominantly Mormon town - cue the obvious complications. Felt a bit too churchy for me at times, but well done and tugs the heartstrings! #loveislove ?️‍?

GypsyKat I loved this one! 5y
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Autoboyography | Christina Lauren
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📚 The tagged book (because of the cover 🤷🏻‍♀️)
🎬 The Great Outdoors
🎶 Camp Granada by Allen Sherman (my parents used to play it when I was little)

#ManicMonday @JoScho

mydearwatson I had that song in a piano book growing up...thought it was cool that my dad knew it. It‘s also hard to listen to “Dance of the Hours” without thinking of that song 😆. 5y
Texreader I loved that song! Used to know most of the words. 5y
jb72 I love the movie The Great Outdoors! 5y
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GypsyKat @mydearwatson Haha! Yes! 5y
GypsyKat @Texreader My parents had a whole album of his songs that they used to play all the time when I was a kid. That song was always my favorite. 😂 5y
GypsyKat @jb72 Right? It‘s hilarious!😆 5y
JoScho 💚🏕😊 5y
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Autoboyography | Christina Lauren
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Favorite June flower: Hydrangea
Favorite June read: Autoboyography
Binge Watch: Umbrella Academy
Favorite Poet: I can‘t choose! Joy Harjo because she was recently named poet laureate!

Autoboyography | Christina Lauren
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Loved this and wish I'd taken pretty much everyone's advice to read it sooner. I was ready for a lot of the same tropes that YA novels go back to, but they skimmed over a lot of them really well to focus on the pair's more personal story, while still giving enough attention to the bias' in both their backgrounds.

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Autoboyography | Christina Lauren
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💙💙💙💙 I really liked this. The characters are multidimensional including the parents. So much of YA has absent/terrible parents & this isn‘t like that. The kids aren‘t perfect & do some stupid stuff. It‘s hard to read about how Sebastian grapples with who he is and how that affects his place in his family and his community. The ending is unrealistic and kind of weak or this would be five ⭐️. #romantsy

CarolynM I completely agree with your review. It's such a shame about the ending, I'm sure it could have been done better. 5y
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Autoboyography | Christina Lauren
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Great quick read. It had just the right amount of (earned) angst for me. Parts were hard to read (teens do dumb things some times!) but it all felt realistic and hopeful.
Book 3/6 for the #bookfitnesschallenge
I also took TWO walks today.

crazyspine Way to go. Half way there! 5y
Caterina Halfway there! And yay for the two walks, same here! 🙌🎉 5y
Ash.on.the.line Yay for two walks!! Great job! 5y
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Felso Two walks!! Awesome! 💪🏻 5y
BookwormAHN Fantastic 👏🏻 5y
VanChocStrawberry Thanks for the support, everyone! 5y
Clwojick Way to go! 5y
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Autoboyography | Christina Lauren
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A meta coming of age LGBTQ+ story about a bisexual teenage boy living in Provo Utah. In an interesting twist he is out to his family who is almost over the top supportive, but he has to remain closeted to everyone else due to his conservative LDS surroundings.

sammisho I loved this book! 5y
xxjenadanxx @sammisho I really enjoyed it too. But I always love anything by her! 5y
sammisho Same! I have not read anything yet that I didnt love! 5y
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Autoboyography | Christina Lauren
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Started reading✨✨ first time with this author ✨✨

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Autoboyography | Christina Lauren
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Tanner, a queer kid, in a conservative, Mormon town, falls in love with Sebastian, the bishop's son. This was sweet and charming, just as I have come to expect from Christina Lauren. This was also heartbreaking, and hit close to home on multiple levels.
#pop19 A book with two authors

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Autoboyography | Christina Lauren
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I love Christina Lauren's romance book. They are some of the best romance books that I have read. So when I saw that they wrote a YA book I just knew I had to read it. I really enjoyed this book and hope that they write more YA books in the future. I loved Tanner and Sebastian's love story even thou it did break my heart at times!

rubyslippersreads 😻😻😻 5y
booklahoma How to get a ❤️ from me: Put kitty in photo. 😀 5y
TheLibrarian What a cute kitty!! 😻 5y
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Autoboyography | Christina Lauren
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1. Currently reading the tagged book! It is a book that I have been meaning to read for a while!
2. I haven't been to the movie theater in years. But the last movie I watched was Never Been Kissed!
3. I only drink one thing, so water!


Autoboyography | Christina Lauren
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I'm normally a very monogamous reader (one physical book and one audio book, different genres), but today I'm breaking tradition. I was getting so frustrated by my current book that I was avoiding reading. So, Tommy and I are starting something that should be a cute, easy read. Fingers crossed. 🤞

Autoboyography | Christina Lauren
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Yay yay yay yay! This #merryamdbright book swap package is sooooo awesome! Thank you so much @whippoorwill815 I am so excited for all 3 of the books, can‘t wait to try the hot chocolate in my new mug while eating some yummy chocolate! The book marks are also super duper cute!! @EH2018 thanks for hosting!

EH2018 👍🎄🎉📚😻 6y
Bookish_AF Yay! I‘m so glad you like everything!! The chocolate is from a local-ish place (only exists in NY, PA, and NJ) and is always a holiday must around here ! I hope you enjoy the books! 😀 6y
JamieLou @Kaciecalderon can I have these when you‘re done 😍 6y
JamieLou @whippoorwill815 You couldn‘t have made a better package for her if you lived with her I‘m pretty sure 😂 6y
Bookish_AF @JamieLou Yay!!!! I am glad 😄 and it sounds like maybe you will get to benefit from this package too 😂 6y
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Autoboyography | Christina Lauren
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Currently listening. Again. Third listen, and I can‘t seem to be able to get any part of this book out of my head. And my StrokeBrain wants this gentleness today; my brothers-in-law have been building us a walker/wheelchair ramp all week, so there‘s been lots of sawing and hammering equally matched by dogs barking.

Autoboyography | Christina Lauren
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CarolynM Just read this one. I enjoyed it 6y
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Autoboyography | Christina Lauren
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I really enjoyed this sweet but angsty YA m/m romance although it lost a bit of credibility at the end.

CarolynM Normally I'm all about the HEA but this one came a bit too easily to be truly believable given all that had gone before 6y
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Autoboyography | Christina Lauren
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Digging into this book this afternoon. Have you read it?

Autoboyography | Christina Lauren
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"I assume his family doesn't know he's gay?"

"I don't even know if he's gay."

My entire struggle as a gay ❤❤

Autoboyography | Christina Lauren
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Holy crap, this book is too relatable for me to pick just one quote ❤ #gaystruggles #iloveit

Autoboyography | Christina Lauren
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I‘m so excited I got this book yesterday! 😁 I have heard nothing but great things about this adorable book 📚 😍

Autoboyography | Christina Lauren
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Dinner and book. I‘ve read this already, AND listened to the audio. Twice. But I needed some Tanner and Sebastian in my life today. Pizza for dinner because my partner is in bed sick and I *really* didn‘t feel like cooking for one. Can I just say how much I still love these characters and their journey? I suspect this book will always be on my rotation of comfort reads.

Autoboyography | Christina Lauren

"Another sweet YA romance that might not have much profoundness but still touches important topics..."
Salvador Bonaparte

To read the full review please visit https://www.goodreads/TheResistanceBookclub

#YA #lgbt #romance

Autoboyography | Christina Lauren
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This was really well done! At its heart, it‘s a YA romance, but having the romance be between two young men, and showing how they dealt with their different families and upbringings is what really sets this apart. I loved that it showed both supportive parents, and non-supportive parents of LGBTQ teens. There aren‘t enough books out there like this.

minkyb This one is on my toppling TBR. Enjoyed your review. 6y
GypsyKat @minkyb Thanks! 💗 And It‘s definitely worth reading! 6y
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Autoboyography | Christina Lauren
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I‘m continuing on with my #AudioCrafting and #AudioPainting today by touching up my black and white stripes, and adding gold metallic touches to my planters. Once these are done I just have to coat them with polyethylene and then I can get to work on building the bases for the topiaries. 👍🎨🛠

Captivatedbybooks Did you make any of the jewelry for sale? It was you right? 6y
Texreader Amazing!! 6y
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Leftcoastzen They are beautiful! 6y
Eggs Beautiful Kat! 6y
GypsyKat @Captivatedbybooks Thank you. Did you mean the book charm jewelry? I haven‘t made anymore in a while since I lost the website where I used to make the covers. I‘m sure I‘ll find a way to do more at some point, but I‘m not there yet. 6y
GypsyKat @Texreader @Leftcoastzen @Eggs Thanks everyone! 💗💗💗 6y
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