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Istantanea di un delitto | Agatha Christie
Manca poco a Natale. La signora McGillicuddy, dopo essersi affannata tutto il giorno a cercare regali per i suoi parenti, sta ritornando a casa in treno. Improvvisamente un altro convoglio si affianca al suo e l'anziana signora assiste suo malgrado a uno spettacolo sconvolgente...
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4.50 from Paddington | Agatha Christie
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4:50 from Paddington | Agatha Christie
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This is a low pick. While I liked the story, I was unimpressed with the villain reveal at the end. Christie is not usually one to pull a villain and motive out of thin air — clues are planted along the way so it all makes sense in the end — yet I feel that‘s just what she did here. That said, I otherwise enjoyed the story and loved Lucy Eyelesbarrow.

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4:50 from Paddington | Agatha Christie
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I had yet to read this one by Christie, so I was so glad the #GoldenAgeCrimeClub read this one this month! I‘m a few days late finishing!

Christie crafts such a dramatic, edge on your seat opening scene, that the reader has to find out what happens. As usual, Christie introduces clues and red herrings to keep one guessing. So good! #192025 #1957 #52BookClub23 #TimeInTheTitle

kwmg40 That opening scene is incredible! 10mo
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4:50 from Paddington | Agatha Christie
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I used this #goldenagecrimeclub choice for prompt #6 (cozy mystery) of the #CloakandDaggerChristmas challenge.

This was a reread and I listened to the audiobook narrated by Emilia Fox this time around. An excellent Miss Marple mystery with one of the best opening scenes ever for a murder mystery!

@mitch @Ruthiella
#BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks
#RushAthon @DieAReader @Andrew65 @GHABI4ROSES

DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 10mo
Ruthiella Yes! The opening scene is a stunner! One of my favorite Miss Marples. 😃 10mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 10mo
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What Mrs. McGillicuddy Saw! | Agatha Christie
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I would definitely put this in my top ten of Agatha Christie‘s books. The intro is fabulous, the characters of varying degrees of likability, and a very complex mystery. The combination of her prose and the many films that share a similar trope, made the whole novel feel cinematic. I‘m so glad I reread this for @Mitch ‘s #goldenagecrimeclub. (Also, my mom‘s collection has some of the best covers!)

kspenmoll Despite Mrs. McG‘s name in the title,I had to google this title; had no idea it was 10mo
kspenmoll Thanks for hosting this monthly buddy read @mitch! 10mo
DGRachel @kspenmoll So many of her books have different UK/US titles. I had to look it up when I went to pull the physical copy and couldn‘t find 4:50 on my Agatha Christie shelf. I know I have all of her books. It‘s just a matter of finding the alternate title! 10mo
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4:50 from Paddington | Agatha Christie
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Anything we‘ve yet to chat about?

AmyG I am not good at figuring out the killer but this was really tough for me. At one point I thought it could have been any of them! (edited) 10mo
Ruthiella Do any of you feel certain that Lucy Eylesbarrow and Brian Eastley surely got married? Also my one pet peeve is Martine turning out to be young Stoddard-West‘s mother. That‘s a bit too much of a coincidence. 😅 10mo
DGRachel @Ruthiella I agree about Martine‘s identity being too coincidental, and I wouldn‘t be at all surprised to see Lucy and Brian marry, although that would probably bring her career to an end, which kind of makes me sad. 10mo
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jlhammar @Ruthiella I kind of wanted her to end up with Brian, but I actually think if she ended up with anyone it might be Cedric. More sparks, less predictable... 10mo
jlhammar Oh, and I loved that the vicar's son, Leonard (in utero at the end of Murder at the Vicarage) made an appearance! 10mo
kspenmoll @AmyG Me too! 10mo
Ruthiella @jlhammar Yes! Young Leonard Clement Junior! So nice to get a peek at Griselda again and some continuity. 10mo
AmyG @Ruthiella YES about Martine. I thought that would be more key to the murders. 10mo
kwmg40 I liked that Christie left us hanging about Lucy's future. The mystery itself was wrapped up so neatly that I didn't mind this open question at the end. 10mo
Librarybelle Me too, @kwmg40 ! 10mo
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4:50 from Paddington | Agatha Christie
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Agatha Christies own son was about the age of the two boys in the story when she wrote this book. I think this shows - I really enjoyed this younger voice. What did you think of the boys?

AmyG I just wrote how they were lovely boys….full of adventure and always hungry! 10mo
Ruthiella They were lovely! I loved how young Alexander was so mature and almost a parent to his own father. ❤️ It might disturb some that they were so keen to see a dead body, but I think actually lots of children would have the same curiosity, then and now. 10mo
DGRachel They brought levity to the house and the investigation and I found them delightful. 10mo
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Mitch They were so nice weren‘t they! @AmyG @DGRachel and @ruthiella - so lively and hungry and curious 10mo
jlhammar The boys were so endearing. I found those parts of the story charming. 10mo
kspenmoll The boys were such assets to the novel- authentic, so yes, you can see the inspiration here sons gave her in presenting their characters. 10mo
kwmg40 I liked the inclusion of the boys. They brought some humour and fun to the story. 10mo
Aimeesue The boys were great - such energy! 10mo
Librarybelle I think the boys were a great respite from the horrid adults. 10mo
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4:50 from Paddington | Agatha Christie
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The Crackenthorpes were a tough crowd - I‘m not sure I‘d like to have them around my dinner table! What did you think of them and their family dynamic?

AmyG The father was a vile man….a real piece of work. A truly lovely dysfunctional family. I like the young grandson and his friend…they seemed like good kids. 10mo
Ruthiella I think with better parenting all around, they‘d all have turned out nicer people! But the awfulness of them all makes for lots of potential red herrings. 10mo
DGRachel Funnily enough, the patriarch was the only one I wanted to bump off myself. Abusive parents, especially ones that are resentful of their children, raise my hackles. Like @AmyG I liked Alexander and James. The sons just made me roll my eyes. 10mo
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Mitch And then when they started dying off @DGRachel I so did not care. It was all done and dusted in a few paragraphs that I had to go and re read and make sure I‘d not mistaken what had happened! 10mo
jlhammar Interesting dynamics - great for a mystery! I did not envy Lucy being stuck with that lot (the patriarch in particular), but she seemed to enjoy the challenge. 10mo
kspenmoll That patriarch was horrid!!! The lot of the males trying to get Lucy into their beds so to say, was funny, especially how she maneuvered herself around their desires. 10mo
kwmg40 The family was definitely dysfunctional and most members were unpleasant. However, it they weren't like that, the mystery would not be nearly as interesting! 10mo
Aimeesue Thé Crackenthorpes were a sad lot, I think, and it came out in awful ways. At least the next generation, such as it is, offers a glimmer of hope. 10mo
DGRachel @mitch Yes! It was like one dies horribly? Okay. Next one dies offscreen. Okay. 😂😂 10mo
DGRachel @kspenmoll The way Lucy was able to get around them politely but firmly was great. 10mo
Librarybelle What horrid people! 😂 10mo
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4:50 from Paddington | Agatha Christie
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How would you rate this as a Miss Marple mystery??

AmyG This was one of my favorites. I liked the characters (or didn‘t)… they were well-written. 10mo
Ruthiella I like all the Miss Marple novels, even the weaker ones. 😂 But for sure this is one of the best. The solution is so tricky and yet makes absolute sense in the end. 10mo
DGRachel I haven‘t read them all, but I think this is one of the better Christie novels in general, not just Miss Marple. It definitely had a lot less overt racism (although still chock full of classism and misogyny). 10mo
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Mitch I agree. I liked it - but I didn‘t think Miss Marple did quite enough sleuthing! 10mo
jlhammar @Ruthiella Same! I can't help but like them all. This is an especially good one though. I thought maybe I'd try to rank the Miss Marple mysteries once I finish making my way through in December, but I think I'm going to have to abandon that - too hard! 10mo
kspenmoll I have not read all her books but this was such fun! 10mo
kwmg40 This was definitely one of the better Marple mysteries, even though she didn't have as much of a presence here as she did in others. 10mo
Librarybelle I‘ve not read all of the Miss Marple books, so I cannot really say how it measures up, but this was quite enjoyable! 10mo
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4:50 from Paddington | Agatha Christie
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“ Of course!” Said Miss Marple, “ Lucy Eyelesbarrow!”
What did you think of our Ms Eyelesbarrow?

AmyG I thought she was wonderful! That woman could do anything, it seems. I kept wondering when she ever found time to herself! No wonder she took trips between jobs. (edited) 10mo
Ruthiella I liked her a lot and while she was efficient, I think Christie gave her just enough ego to keep her from being insufferably perfect. 10mo
DGRachel Lucy was exhausting. I really liked her, but I got tired just reading all of the things she was doing. I definitely could not have been as patient with the Crackenthorpe clan! 10mo
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Mitch @AmyG I know! She just whipped us a delicious meal, cleaned a mansion and had time to snoop as well. Wonder Woman! 10mo
Mitch @Ruthiella she knew her worth, for sure! 10mo
Mitch @DGRachel She had the answer for everything didn‘t she! I wonder how much of christie wanted to be Lucy?? 10mo
jlhammar I really liked Lucy. Love how Miss Marple is so creative in finding ways to keep on sleuthing through the limitations of old age. Detective by proxy - just brilliant! 10mo
kspenmoll She is a fantastic character! 10mo
kwmg40 I liked Lucy but she did seem a little too wonderful to be realistic! I thought it was hilarious that she got so many marriage proposals. 10mo
Aimeesue I liked Lucy a lot. I would even eat her mushroom soup. 🍄 10mo
Librarybelle Lucy was a good “proxy” sleuth, like @jlhammar mentions. She seemed quite capable of everything - I‘m not sure I‘d be that excited to clean someone else‘s house and organize things like she does. But, I like the tag team of Marple and Lucy…it worked well. 10mo
Mitch @Librarybelle they seem like they‘d make a perfect duo for another 100 books! 9mo
Librarybelle @Mitch So true! That would have been fun to read! 9mo
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4:50 from Paddington | Agatha Christie
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The opening scene, a murder witnessed through a train window - is so memorable and has launched a host of subsequent books, films etc - inspired by this novel. What did you think of the start?

AmyG I love old movies so this opening scene was great. I had it all pictured in my mind. Great opening scene. 10mo
Ruthiella The opening scene is fabulous. I think that is one thing that Christie excels at…she knows how to grab the reader‘s attention. Also, while I have never witnessed a murder, I have been on a train running alongside another train where briefly you can see right into the other train cars. It is a peculiar experience. 10mo
DGRachel I always have to remind myself that Christie was the original for a lot of classic mystery tropes and not think “I‘ve read this a hundred times” 😂 That said, I love the opening scene here. It‘s brilliant and Mrs. McGillicudy is the perfect witness. 10mo
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Mitch @DGRachel she is isn‘t she! I love her practicality - she knows what to do, alerts the authorities and is perceptive enough to know she won‘t be believed! I loved her friendship with Miss Marple. That unconditional support 10mo
Mitch @Ruthiella she really does know how to quickly set the scene and get the story going - no hanging about 🤣 10mo
Mitch @AmyG it‘s all super visual isn‘t it - she gives us just enough description too let the scenes roll. 10mo
DGRachel I thought it was hysterical that Miss Marple believed her because she didn‘t have enough imagination to make up an event like that. 10mo
jlhammar Fantastic opening scene - so memorable! 10mo
kspenmoll Memorable open ling scene- so creative of Christie! @DGRachel that was hilarious! Christie uses humor so well in her books. 10mo
kwmg40 This book definitely has one of the best opening scenes. It drew me into the story right away. 10mo
Aimeesue @DGRachel Right? 10mo
Librarybelle So good! It‘s the perfect way to suck the reader into the story. So descriptive! 10mo
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4:50 from Paddington | Agatha Christie
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This month we‘ve read our second Christie. Firstly - a big thank you to everyone in the #goldenagecrimeclub that has read with me this year - its been a highlight of my reading year most definitely. Let‘s kick off with your initial impressions, history with this book, with Christie…. And please do also post your book covers - there are some fab ones around!

AmyG I really liked this one. Good, solid mystery. 10mo
Ruthiella This is the third time I‘ve read this particular Christie mystery and I‘ve also seen the adaptation with Joan Hickson a couple of times. I listened to it this time‘round narrated by Emilia Fox. Miss Marple is my favorite Christie detective and I heartily enjoyed it. 10mo
DGRachel This is my second read of this one and I really enjoyed it. I‘ve read it in print and audio. Emilia Fox is not my favorite narrator, so I prefer print with this one. 10mo
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jlhammar My first time reading this (back in July for my year of Marple) and really enjoyed. I still have a couple Miss Marple mysteries left (Nemesis-Nov and Sleeping Murder-Dec). It's been so fun to make my way through, one each month in publication order. Sad I'll be done soon! 10mo
kspenmoll @jlhammar what a wonderful read way to read through christie‘s books. I was introduced to her when young thru my dad‘s Book of the Month Club books. I don‘t remember reading this one & I loved it! 10mo
kwmg40 This was a reread for me, and I listened to the audiobook narrated by Emilia Fox this time around. I love the Miss Marple books and this one was a good one. 10mo
Aimeesue @kwmg40 @Ruthiella I listened to the same version - I thought it was very well done. (edited) 10mo
Librarybelle This was my first time reading this one by Christie, and I liked it! I love Christie‘s set up of the mystery, the red herrings she sprinkles in, and the grand way the reveal occurs. 10mo
Mitch @jlhammar I was going to read one a month this year - but slipped on a few months so have some to get to in 2024! I did the same with Dorothy L Sayers - lots more of this to go too! 9mo
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What Mrs. McGillicuddy Saw! | Agatha Christie
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I love the fact that when I plug in this title, Litsy pulls up posts for the original title: 4:50 From Paddington. It drives me nuts that her books have multiple titles. 🤪 Anywho… I was going to re-listen to the audiobook for #goldenagecrimeclub but I‘m running out of time and I read faster with my eyeballs than I do with my ears. (Also…I adore my mom‘s old copies! They smell like my favorite used bookstore)

jlhammar Great edition! 10mo
Mitch Fabulous cover 10mo
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4:50 from Paddington | Agatha Christie
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Started this #goldenagecrimeclub mystery on the plane from Tampa FL to Hartford CT. Went from swimming at the beach to snuggling under mounds of covers. I don‘t remember ever reading this particular Christie mystery so I‘m having fun with it. This is my “bookseat” that holds books & my iPad so I do not have to use my right arm or shoulder. I recommend it for anyone recovering from shoulder surgery or needs hands free reading!

AmyG I really enjoyed this one. Hope you are doing well-with the shoulder. (edited) 11mo
Ruthiella I have a bookseat as well and I love it for hands-free reading! 11mo
kspenmoll @Ruthiella they are perfect!!! 10mo
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4.50 from Paddington | Agatha Christie

In this mystery, Miss Marple delegates the legwork to a young acquaintance of hers, Lucy Eyelesbarrow. Lucy was a good character, and Miss Marple is always fun to watch as she trips up people who underestimate her, but I found the solution hard to figure out from the clues provided.

4:50 from Paddington | Agatha Christie
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I listened to this audiobook yesterday as I drove to TN (I'm going to see my nephew in his college marching band today). I was totally surprised by who ended up being the culprit, but it made perfect sense. I think this was my first Miss Marple, and she lived up to the hype.

4:50 from Paddington | Agatha Christie
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Novembers #buddyread for the #goldenagecrimeclub is a classic! Discussions will be on Nov 26th - everyone welcome

AmyG This one I have! 11mo
AmyG And….loving it. Great mystery. 11mo
Chrissyreadit i‘m going to try! i love mystery and am enjoying the picks I read so much! 11mo
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4:50 from Paddington | Agatha Christie
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Another fun Miss Marple mystery.

4:50 from Paddington | Agatha Christie
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Another delightful Miss Marple mystery (my seventh of the year). I won‘t say much else since this is our November pick for #GoldenAgeCrimeClub. Should be a fun discussion!

4.50 from Paddington | Agatha Christie
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I am starting to like that the Miss Marple novels are mostly told from other points of view than the one of Miss Marple herself. I specifically liked the character of Lucy - she is definitely not twisted around the little finger of the representation of male upper class easily. 👏👏👏

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4:50 from Paddington | Agatha Christie
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Not my favourite Agatha Christie. A great premise to start the book off, a woman is sitting on a train when another train passes them and she sees a woman being murdered on that train. However, no sign of a body anywhere afterwards. Cue Miss Marple!

4th book finished for #20in4
#SeriesLove2023 @TheSpineView

charl08 I have the audio to this: Joan Higson is wonderful. 1y
Andrew65 @charl08 Yes I listened to the audio and she did an excellent job. 1y
TheSpineView Well done! 1y
Andrew65 @TheSpineView Thnaks 😁 1y
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This was a pick, but not as strong of one as Christie‘s other works for me. I enjoyed it overall, but there wasn‘t much in the way of clues for the actual final reveal. A couple of things also felt just a bit too much of a coincidence to be believable. The overall skill in writing and likable characters kept my interest though, and I will probably reread at some time in the future.

Chrys One other thing that sort of seemed odd was the repeated reference to Miss Marple “twinkling” at people. It was a bit overused, and didn‘t quite match what I thought I remembered of her personality in prior books, but it has been a bit. 1y
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4:50 from Paddington | Agatha Christie
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The inaugural read for the #GoldenAgeCrimeClub inspired me to reread more Christie. I really enjoyed this whodunnit. Miss Marple has to enlist the help of the remarkable Lucy Eyelesbarrow in her investigation. It all starts when Mrs. McGillicuddy witnesses a murder on a passing train.

I‘m using this for #pop23 (text only on cover) AND I thought I‘d tag along with @CBee ‘s #TBRTarot and use this for the January promt “Starts with a number”.

CBee Nice! I‘ll add you to my tag list 😊😊 2y
Ruthiella @CBee Thanks! Looking for yellow covers right now! 😂 2y
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CBee @Ruthiella awesome 😊😊😊 2y
Cortg Fantastic! 2y
Ruthiella @Cortg Thanks! 2y
KarenUK I love Christie…. Glad you enjoyed it! 😍 2y
jlhammar I‘m so excited to make my way through the Marple books this year. Looking forward to this one. The Body in the Library is up next for me. 2y
Ruthiella @KarenUK I‘m a huge Christie fan myself. She‘s my go-to comfort read. 😊 2y
Ruthiella @jlhammar Nice that you are reading them in order! I love Poirot but Miss Marple is my heart‘s favorite. (edited) 2y
tokorowilliamwallace What do you think of Josephine Tey as far as classic crime/mystery goes? 2y
Ruthiella @tokorowilliamwallace I have read all of Tey but one title. I like her, but she doesn‘t have a signature style, like Christie. My favorite is still 2y
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4:50 from Paddington | Agatha Christie
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This is probably the billionth re-read of this book for me. Read this for the Comfort Book Club, and it was just as charming as ever. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

4:50 from Paddington | Agatha Christie
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📖 1-27-23 || My second Christie and just my first Miss Marple. I was a little disappointed that we didn‘t see more of Miss Marple herself in this one. But it was still fun to guess and to see how it would all come together in the end.**This was the January pick for the Comfort Book Club of my favorite bookish YouTuber, Miranda Mills:

thegreensofa Great review! 😃. 2y
Kristin_Reads @thegreensofa Thank you 😊 2y
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Book 28/150.

4:50 from Paddington | Agatha Christie
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This was my first Miss Marple, and while I like Poirot more, this was still good. And as usual I was no where close to guessing who did it.

Jari-chan I'm glad I'm not the only one who never gets the culprit in Christie's books 😁 3y
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4:50 from Paddington | Agatha Christie
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Finished this during last weekend. I love Miss Marple. An interesting premise, a lot of focus on red herrings. The only concern is the amount of statements about how old Miss Marple is, including from her. I hope Christie doesn‘t kill her off at the end of her series.

4.50 from Paddington | Agatha Christie
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Bk22 of #WinterGames2020 #CrushTheRush #ChristmasSpirit #TisTheSeasonForReading #Cosyathon #FestiveFlicksBingo #AVeryMerryBingo #ReadYourWay #Winterathon #TRFReads #BookmasBingo #BookishBingo #ShutdownReadathon #readathon is done! Another of the Dame Agatha Special Editions, it also takes place around Xmas so that‘s more points.Plus it‘s two more bingos on my boards! Next one will prob be the last book of the year🎉 1,886pts for Team #MerryReaders

DieAReader 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 4y
CarolynM Happy New Year, Liz💕 Hope you're celebrating in style 🎉 4y
BarbaraBB Happy new year Liz, cheers to a better one 🍾 4y
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Lizpixie And it‘s another #AuthorAMonth book too! 4y
Lizpixie @CarolynM Happy New Year to you too! Of course it‘s in style, I‘m sitting in my pjs, watching Miss Marple & reading The Hollow Places by T.Kingfisher. Paartaay!!🎉 4y
Lizpixie @BarbaraBB Happy New Year to you too! I am crossing everything I can in hopes of 2021 being at least an ok year🤞🎉 4y
CarolynM Sounds fab 🎊 Enjoy! 4y
TheSpineView Great job! 🤩📚 4y
Jadams89 🎄🎉 4y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick Amazing! Happy reading & Happy New Year! 4y
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4.50 from Paddington | Agatha Christie
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Miss Marple #8. I think I‘ve read this one before but we didn‘t have goodreads back in the dark ages when I was at uni (studying the actual dark ages). #myyearwithagatha

inthegreensandblues What are your fave Marple recs for a newbie? I've only ever read Poirot stories. 5y
umbrellagirl @inthegreensandblues I liked A Murder is Announced and 5y
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4:50 from Paddington | Agatha Christie
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Elspeth McGillicuddy is not given to hallucinations. Or is she? After she boards the Paddington Station train & becomes a witness to an apparent murder, no one believes her but her friend, Miss Jane Marple.
Christy holds all the cards close to her chest until the final reveal. Her characters were fascinating and the plot was nicely paced. I look forward to reading more of her novels and recommend this book to those who love mysteries.

CarolynM One of my favourite Christie novels🙂 5y
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4:50 from Paddington | Agatha Christie
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And I went to Agatha Christie‘s house, too!

I liked looking at the bookshelves in her bedroom; she had several by PG Wodehouse and Miss Mapp by EF Benson. We could be friends. 😆

mabell I agree! Plus a love of archeology 😊 5y
batsy Fabulous! You're having a very cool vacation 😍 5y
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ValerieAndBooks Nice 😍!! 5y
Tanisha_A So j of your vacation right now. 😭 5y
Simona 😍😍😍 5y
Sarah83 Such a gorgeous trip. 🤩 5y
Aimeesue Wow! 5y
Centique That‘s awesome. I love to imagine she‘d have been a Litten if she had a chance! 😍 5y
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4.50 from Paddington | Agatha Christie
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I just borrowed this one from my library‘s Overdrive as an audiobook. It‘s 1 hour 29 minutes short. Is that possible?

bromeliad Yes! Christie's books are all more novellas than novels. 5y
Tove_Reads @bromeliad I‘ve read it as a child, but don‘t remember anything. The last one I listened to was 6 hours long. This one just sounds so short... 5y
bromeliad @Tove_Reads wait, really? Wow! I read Murder on the Orient Express recently and got through the whole thing in one afternoon sitting. 5y
KarenUK It sounds like an abridged version to me.... 🤷‍♀️ 5y
Tove_Reads @KarenUK Yeah, it does. Why do they make those versions? 5y
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4:50 from Paddington | Agatha Christie
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Wonderful as always! Agatha Christie always delivers a clever, enjoyable story that makes me feel like everything can be right in the world. Even where there is murder 😄 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ #mystery

raeintheworld Miss Marple is my favorite! 5y
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4:50 from Paddington | Agatha Christie
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Chores done, too hot to be outside so starting a new mystery, napping dog at my side.

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4:50 from Paddington | Agatha Christie
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Eggs Love the art❣️ 5y
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"She could hardly admire old Mr Crackenthorpe's taste in art. He seemed to have an unerring instinct for selecting the worst specimen of any period."

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4.50 from Paddington | Agatha Christie
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I just couldn‘t resist another reread of one of the finest Miss Marple books from Dame Agatha. Plus, I received this gorgeous edition for Xmas. I‘m so glad they‘re bringing out books in matching editions, Murder On The Orient Express must have sold really well. Mrs McGillicuddy is traveling on a train at Xmas when she witnesses a murder in a passing train. When no one believes her, she turns to her friend, Jane Marple, for help. #christiecrimeclub

Cinfhen Pretty edition 6y
Lizpixie @Cinfhen I love it, it matches Orient Express & they‘ve also released The ABC Murders & Mystery On The Blue Train in, I believe they‘re called casebound, editions. How is your holidays Cindy? Happy (belated) Hanukkah! 6y
Cinfhen Thanks so much, Liz 😘😘All is good, quiet for now but overseas guest land later tonight. Hope you had a wonderful holiday 💚❤️💚 6y
JazzFeathers What an awesome edition! Jealous. 6y
Gillyreads I love these covers ! 6y
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4.50 from Paddington | Agatha Christie
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Merry Xmas Litsy! Mine was fantastic, not only did I see the extended family on Xmas Eve, I also got to have a Xmas day party with all 3 of my grandbabies!! That‘s the true wonder of Xmas right there. I also got a special edition of the tagged book, signed special edition of Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine, L‘il Gotham graphic novel, a Room Of Requirement sign for my library door, a leather corgi purse😍& a Mary Poppins Pandora bead! #xmas2018

JennyM You have been quite rightly spoilt by your beautiful fam-bam 😘 6y
Dragon Sounds like a fabulous Christmas! Happy holidays! 💚🐉🎉 6y
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Tamra Merry Xmas! 6y
LeahBergen Lovely! 👏🏻👏🏻 6y
Kalalalatja What great gifts! Merry Christmas Liz! 🎄🎁❤️ 6y
Cinfhen Love all the holiday loot 6y
Cinfhen And hurray for the grands💕💕💕 6y
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Its been many years I hadn't read any Christie books. I remember those days when I was totally smitten by Christie and her unpredictable plots. So its natural that I'm quite excited to start this new book. Time for some cozy thrills.

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4:50 from Paddington | Agatha Christie
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I haven‘t been posting much on Litsy, but I have been doing some reading here and there. I‘ll have to catch up on posting what I‘ve read. I finished this on my kindle today and really enjoyed it. I love that I randomly picked this one which happens to be set during Christmas time. It‘s not a big part of the story, but it is mentioned.

mcipher I love when that happens! Makes it feel so festive even if the book totally isn‘t! 6y
Dragon Time for a reread 😀📚 6y
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4:50 from Paddington | Agatha Christie
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I read this ages ago as a teen and I honestly couldn‘t remember who the murderer was! I really liked this one, Miss Marple was great and Lucy was fabulous!!

4:50 from Paddington | Agatha Christie
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I know I really liked my last one, but I think this might be my favorite Agatha Christie entirely. It‘s got everything: trains, doddering old ladies, English country estates, elaborate wills and inheritances, precocious schoolboys, poison, servants, Scotland Yard mucking things up, and of course murder. Whodunit is a little beside the point, but it‘s so much fun I almost don‘t care. Only two Marples left in my reread!

4:50 from Paddington | Agatha Christie
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This is my first Miss Marple, and I just love her as a character. Christie's sense of humor really shines through. As to the narrative, when comparing it to, say, And Then There Were None, which was published 18 years prior, this book is markedly more enlightened. The prose is also much stronger. As to the mystery, the clues-to-story ratio is not great. Plenty of red-herring foreshadowing; not so much in the way of foreshadowing the final reveal.

MayJasper Ooh I'm trying to remember the name of the female witness. Is it Macgillycuddy? 6y
PerksOfBeingABookworm Good review! 🙌🏼 6y
RaimeyGallant @MayJasper Good memory! 6y
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4:50 from Paddington | Agatha Christie
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Love this math: "And why did I eat too much? Because there was too much food on the table... You, young woman, five potatoes you sent in for lunch. Good-sized ones, too. Two potatoes are enough for anybody, so don't send in more than four in future. The extra one was wasted today."

SexyCajun Precious baby 😸 6y
UCLAoso Ha ha! That‘s awesome 👏🏽 p.s. your little one is a looker😽 6y
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Book Haul, found 13 Agatha Christie books all for $5 at a junk store

4.50 from Paddington | Agatha Christie
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@jpmcwisemorgan tagged me for this challenge. 😊

This is my first section 😍💖

jpmcwisemorgan I didn‘t think of Agatha Christie. Duh! 6y
Sarah83 @jpmcwisemorgan I try to read a book a month written by her. 😊😍 6y
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