The story has a good plot that keeps the children engaged and has an interesting story line.
The story is up an down and has an interesting writing style for young readers.
I have the entire 13 book collection of A Series of Unfortunate Events and should really read it or get rid of it. If I do a book a month (with 1 & 2 in January for momentum), would anyone else be interested in a buddy read for 2024? I am not a question-y person, so it would just be casual. Just an occasional check-in, comraderie thing.
So I started a list in my notes app at the beginning of last year to keep track of the series I've started and it has escalated quickly 😅
My goal for 2023 is not to start a new series until I've crossed one of these off the list! Shouldn't be too hard, since a lot of these only have one left
#SeriesLove2023 @TheSpineView @Andrew65
Lots of library holds came in this week! I‘m in a long wait for the last Percy Jackson book, so I‘m hoping to fill in the gap by rereading a good portion of THE SERIES OF UNFORTUNATE EVENTS! I watched the Netflix adaptation and remember enjoying the books as a kid, but honestly don‘t remember too much about any of them after the first 3!
What did you think of the Netflix adaptation??
I'm not gonna review every book in this series since there are thirteen in total and I couldn't pick a favourite one if I tried. I read them as an adult, which I thought was a pity. I would've loved them even more as a child. The humour is amazing and very witty. Special mention for the wonderfully bittersweet dedications in each book.
Artwork by:
I love finding children's & middle grade books that are just as wonderful for adults. I watched the Netflix series of A Series of Unfortunate Events with my kids a year or so ago, & made my way through the series this past year. They're just so much fun. #12Booksof2020 @Andrew65
Stealing @Traci1 's post for #teamslaughter #scarathlon2020 @Clwojick! This #readathon lasts until 31/10 & I can already see how some of my books will work! #anunfortunatereadathon
I just discovered this #readathon that sounds like tons of fun and runs through October 31st. Who doesn't need another readathon, amiright? And if you're doing the #scarathlon, the points will stack, so win-win!
+1 #TeamHarkness
The book is about three siblings called the Baudelaire siblings. Their house was burned down along with their parents and they are forced to stay with their closest relatives starting with a man named count Olaf. Count Olaf only wanted their fortune. I like this book it is mysterious and shorter than most books. A symbol from the book would be a strange eye tattoo on count Olaf‘s ankle which to the Baudelaire‘s only meant trouble.
In an unusual turn of events for me, I watched the Netflix series (Neil Patrick Harris) before I read the books because my kids enjoyed it so much. It was fantastic, as were these books. Absolutely enjoyed every one of them - such clever writing! Perfect for your late elementary/early middle school student.
I have read so many of these books over the past few months, it is time to revisit the movie!
Let‘s see if I still like it as much as I used to.
I love this series, so silly and irreverent, but also a bit creepy. And the netflix show is great. This was not my favorite version, I am not a huge fan of audiobooks with a full fast and sound effects. But rereading this did make me want to read it to my 7 year old, so it is on the short list for bedtime books
I just came across this on Facebook. I‘ve never read any Lemony Snicket, but there‘s a very high chance that this is how it will be for me!
It's official. I've been in a reading slump for over a month. I didn't finish a single book in October, despite forcing myself to make an effort. I've come to accept that I won't meet good number of the goals I set for myself this year. It's not internal, but rather external circumstances that have worked against me for months. Many issues have afflicted my household, including major dental work for this little guy who has lost half his teeth.☹🐕
this book is about three orphans who had their parents die in a fire and then they had to live with their evil uncle count olaf who keeps following them for their fortune.after they stop living with him,then they live with their uncle monty and get followed by count olaf in disguise.
I just rewatched season 3 of the Netflix show for about the seven thousandth time😂😂😂and the kit/Olaf love scene hit me haaard, it always does but this time it was rly hard
The unfortunate tale of three orphans sent to live with their not-so-warm relative Count Olaf after their parents pass away in a fire.
I don‘t know why but I loved this book. Loved the movie too.
Despite its dismal storyline and bleak outlook, it‘s just a fun and easy read. Really appreciated the dark humor.
Anyone else love the librarian from A Series of Unfortunate Events?! I am so sad its over 😭
📚 A Series of Unfortunate Events
📽 Office Space
🎶 I‘m Just a Kid by Simple Plan
#manicmonday @JoScho
My pick for a “bad” villain is actually an amazing character who I love... but who is super bad at being a villain. Although I think he would disagree with me...
Count Olaf is spectacularly awful at his one simple job. Stealing the Baudelaire orphans enormous fortune. #lovehate #badvillain #poorbeatrice @ErinSueG
1) Bunnicula! I also loved reading Monster at the End of This Book to my little brother 💕
2) Playing with my brothers on snow days
3) Push mowing 5 acres twice a week every summer
4) it‘s not really a toy, but my piano was my salvation as a kid
5) Loved reading the Lemony Snicket books to my daughter when she was small ❤️
Has anyone seen these hilarious posts on Twitter??? My husband somehow found them and I‘m cracking up! #removealetterspoilabook
Upcoming Events 🤗:
I bought some goodies for the #FallingforFallSwap while shopping this past weekend. I can‘t wait to see who I‘m matched with!
There are a few books en route to me from The Book Depository. When they arrive, I can post my #MakeMeReadIt stack & cross my fingers for more votes.
And I‘ve decided that I AM going to put my #WitchPleaseSwap idea into effect (“witch” I‘ll start organizing after my brother‘s wedding in 2 weeks 😱)!
What a fun day! We stopped by a shop and I picked up a The Black Arts a Concise History of Mystical Practices Throughout the Ages. My partner also found this amazing 35th anniversary My little pony. My inner child was so pleased. My step sister also let me borrow her collection of A Series of Unfortunate Events. I have never read this series. The sad part.. she is missing 6! I will definitely fix that!
Linking (below) to an article about Children‘s Lit & the #metoo movement. Particular attention is paid to Daniel Handler‘s gross behavior.
"For too long, kid‘s & YA lit has done what so many other industries have done: 'Not us! Not here! We‘re different! We‘re KIND! We write about dragons, & wizards, & justice, & how middle school bullying is wrong, & kittens being best friends with dogs! We don't have THAT kind of problem.' That time is over."?
❇ Not a movie but I read the first few of A Series of Unfortunate Events before the Netflix series.
❇ Too many to count
❇ None yet 😔
❇ Chocolate chip crunch cookies from The Chocolate chip cookies murders and Russian tea from The Witches of Echo Park. Both delicious.
#weekendchat @CSeydel
I think ASOUE, Harry Potter and Pride and Prejudice are the books I can read over and over! The first 2 being 2 of my favourite from being a child, and every time I re-read them I learn or realise something else. Pride and Prejudice is just lush and an absolute classic 😍😍
Thanks for the giveaway @mrozzz ❤️📚
💛2 older sisters! 👩🏻👩🏼👩🏻
💛Nope. I need to travel more, first.
💛Anatomy Of A Scandal, A Little Life and Genesis.
💛ASOUE and Pride and Prejudice
💛I don‘t know - Amazing?
💛I honestly don‘t know!
💛BOTH 🐱🐶
💛Tea, then Hot Chocolate then coffee
💛Rebecca 😂 (I think I‘m so funny 🙄)
💛 @jenniferw88 - my #potterheadswap match! 💚
Hello friends,
I finally finished A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket and it was SO GOOD! I started reading it when I was in elementary school but never finished it. I started the series in January as a part of my bookclub‘s “Firsts” challenge as my first series of the year. The books were a little repetitive but I enjoyed most of the characters and the author‘s way of writing. If you haven‘t read this series then I recommend you do.