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L'uomo di gesso
L'uomo di gesso | C.J. Tudor
Guardandosi indietro, tutto cominciato quel giorno alla fiera, con il terribile incidente sulla giostra. Il giorno in cui Ed, dodicenne, ha incontrato per la prima volta l'Uomo di Gesso. stato proprio lui, l'Uomo di Gesso, a dargli l'idea di utilizzare quei disegni per i messaggi con il suo gruppo di amici. E all'inizio era uno spasso, per tutti. Fino a quando non stato ritrovato il cadavere di una ragazzina. Ma sono passati trent'anni, e Ed pensava di essersi lasciato il passato alle spalle. Poi, per posta, riceve una busta: un gessetto, e il disegno di un uomo stilizzato. Certe storie non finiscono. Il gioco, per Ed e i suoi amichetti di un tempo, ricomincia da capo. L'Uomo di Gesso di nuovo tra loro.
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The Chalk Man | C. J. Tudor
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I got this for 50c at a church op shop. I‘ve owned it before but don‘t think I ever finished it. It got off to a good start and I couldn‘t put it down but then it began to drag. Way to drawn out and the ending didn‘t thrill me.

Jeg Just looked and I had read it 5 years ago. I gave it a pick then but with similar comments. I read it on a holiday. I tell you I could easily have a shelf of books and read from one end to the other then start again! 🫤 3mo
TheLudicReader Agree. Strong start, but didn‘t land the ending. 3mo
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The Chalk Man | C. J. Tudor
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It was a pretty good book but overall but underwhelming ending. The twists didn‘t take my breath away. The journey was better than the ending.

The Chalk Man | C. J. Tudor
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The main characters being children adds a real sense of danger to the story as children can and are absolutely horrible to each other verbally and physically and the sense of foreboding came from the sense of not knowing what they are capable of.

Silly childish behaviour has real world consequences beyond the imagination of the instigators and even simple actions are not black and white and lead to dangerous assumptions being made.

The Chalk Man | C. J. Tudor
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Books, Coffee & Rain. I love this color changing poison apple mug. 🍎

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Both of these are really good! Cool mug ☕️ 8mo
TheBookgeekFrau My daughter has that mug--It's so cool! 8mo
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The Chalk Man | C. J. Tudor
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Thank you, Misty!! This looks super good! @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 💚💚💚

jamield1911 This is brilliant! I hope you enjoy it 😁 1y
CBee @jamield1993 thank you 😊 1y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I hope you like it!! ❤️ 1y
CBee @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks thanks again, friend 🤗 1y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @CBee you‘re welcome 💞 1y
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The Chalk Man | C. J. Tudor
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So I'm half-heartedly listening to this one, thinking to myself, this is really not what I expected, but The Lighthouse Witches was sooooo good, so I should stick with it. And then it hit me... I've mixed up my C.J.s. I chose this one thinking it was CJ Cooke, when in fact it's Tudor 😅...OK, now I can bail.

Stephen King fans may enjoy this one. It's fine, but TW for disturbing scenes involving children.

paper.reveries Boooo :( Sorry this one didn't please you, but really happy to hear Lighthouse Witches is good! It's sitting on my shelf. 1y
SamAnne I wasn‘t a fan of this one either. 1y
IndianBookworm I remember trying hard to read it and then ended up DNFing it just like you! 😊 1y
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Ruthiella There‘s also CJ Samson who writes Tudor mysteries! 😂 1y
ShyBookOwl @SamAnne @IndianBookworm Yeah, it's definitely not for everyone 😕 glad I've moved on 1y
ShyBookOwl @daisyheadmaesie ooh, enjoy! I think about it often. It really stuck with me! 1y
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The Chalk Man | C. J. Tudor
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After hearing mixed reviews, I decided to give it a go. I really enjoyed it!

Ok, so, it gave me real Stephen Kings "IT" vibes with the dual timeline and the gang of kids, including the one red-haired girl. I genuinely thought I had it all figured out early on, but there was twist after twist! That ending.... wtf... ??

Overall, it's a very strong debut! I will look out for more by this author. I'd give it a solid 4⭐️

The Chalk Man | C. J. Tudor
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“The thing you have to understand is that being a good person isn‘t about singing hymns, or praying to some mystical, god. It isn‘t about wearing a cross or going to church every Sunday. Being a good person is about how you treat others. A good person doesn‘t need a religion, because they are content within themselves that they are doing the right thing.”

This was a wild ride!! If you are in the mood for a “wtf just happened “ book this is it!!

Mimi28 Happy Nurses Day!!! ❤️‍🩹😇 1y
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The Chalk Man | C. J. Tudor
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Trying to finish this one! It‘s so creepy and good! We went to therapy, to eat, and then fed the ducks! My sweet granddaughter made me a beautiful necklace and bracelet! And one for the kitty 🐈‍⬛

I hope that you all have had a great day!!


Leftcoastzen A momma had kittens in my yard ,too. 1y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Leftcoastzen these are now getting out of the crate!! I‘m driving myself crazy trying to keep up with them!! 1y
IndoorDame Oh, they‘re so sweet! They‘re growing fast!❤️❤️❤️ 1y
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The Chalk Man | C. J. Tudor
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“We think we want answers. But what we really want are the right answers. Human nature. We ask questions that we hope will give us the truth we want to hear. The problem is, you can't choose your truths. Truth has a habit of simply being the truth. The only real choice you have is whether to believe it or not.”


The Chalk Man | C. J. Tudor
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“History itself is only ever a story, told by the ones who survive it.”

Enjoying a great book and a nice fire 🔥


The Chalk Man | C. J. Tudor
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“We think we want answers. But what we really want are the right answers. Human nature. We ask questions that we hope will give us the truth we want to hear. The problem is, you can‘t choose your truths. Truth has a habit of simply being the truth. The only real choice you have is whether to believe it or not.”

I‘m loving this roller coaster ride!! There is so much packed into each chapter!!

TW so far for violence, abuse, sexual abuse.

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Also a gory scene, death, abortion… I‘m trying to remember everything and I‘m only on page 100. I definitely have a nostalgic feeling with the dual timelines and one set in the 80‘s. Although I don‘t remember EVER using the slang word “ace” for “the best.” That is driving me nuts!! 🤣 1y
tonymp I stacked it, but I've been meaning to read this for months. Your quote makes me want to push it up on the top of my list of next reads. It's yet another book I have, but haven't got around to reading just yet. 1y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @tonymp I had never heard of Fable and another litten has buddy reads on there. One group was reading this one and I had it so I joined! It‘s fun reading others opinions on what is going on! 1y
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @tonymp I‘m 47 and I don‘t remember ever using “ace!” Not sure how old you are but do you remember that? 1y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @tonymp I see that you have a Freida McFadden book on your tbr. I love her books!! 1y
tonymp @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I do! And more that isn't on here, because I don't use this site for tracking my reading. I still have to read the sequel to The Housemaid, which was outrageous. There's also a new novel coming out by her. When I read The Housemaid, I basically stayed up all night from start to finish. It was fantastic! 1y
tonymp @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Hahahaha! I'm also 47 and yeah, boys in the way back used the word “ace“. You aced things, and you had the ace, and you also observed other boys doing stupid things and you said “ace“ 1y
REPollock I‘m 50 and in the 80s I vaguely remember the jocks in my school using “ace!” in that context but all the freaks/geeks I knew thought it was beyond lame. 1y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @tonymp haha!! 😂😂 1y
tonymp @REPollock Ummmm, I was not a jock in high school. As a matter of fact, I used the word “ace“ with my fellow band nerds. 1993 Drum Major Champion in the state of Maine, also undefeated. Undefeated Drum Major Champion in New England the same year. We band nerds were using the word ace. My surname is Puglisi. You can do the google thing and check that I was quite the famous nerd in the state of Maine in SAD 35. (edited) 1y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @tonymp that‘s awesome!! Thank you for sharing!! 1y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Edited to add animal abuse and rape… 😓😱 1y
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The Chalk Man | C. J. Tudor
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Starting this one tonight for a book club on Fable! I‘m really enjoying how the questions and discussion is laid out!

Check out Killer Thriller Crew on Fable! We‘re reading The Chalk Man. Join us!

FlowerFairy Loved this one! 1y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @FlowerFairy this book is wild!! Soooo much happens in each chapter!! 1y
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The Chalk Man | C. J. Tudor
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Book 66🎧 4.2⭐️

From the beginning I was getting SK “IT” vibes. Maybe it was due to the dual timelines or that it was told by one of the grown up group members. Not supernatural, but still very creepy. I thought I knew how this one would play out but Tudor is a master of twists!

The Drift is still my #1 from Tudor.

The Chalk Man | C. J. Tudor
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#LittenListen @aperfectmjk #Scarathlon #TeamSlaughter @Clwojick

This is my first read by this author and I felt like it was just okay. The storyline taking place in the 1980's felt more developed than the 2016 story. Some of the twists were predictable, but overall it was a quick read. There were enough creepy moments to keep me interested, but I've read much better thrillers this month.

jlhammar I thought this was just okay too. I did enjoy The Burning Girls though and am looking forward to her story collection out next month. 2y
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The Chalk Man | C. J. Tudor
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‘ most people have done bad stuff at some point in their lives , stuff they wish to take back, stuff they regret. we all make mistakes. we all have good and bad in us. just because someone does one terrible thing, should that overshadow all the good things they‘ve done? or are there some things so bad that no good act can redeem them? ‘ 5/5 ; perfect book for gloomy autumn weather

The Chalk Man | C. J. Tudor
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I wanted to like this one more. I found myself bored through a lot which made it hard to follow, leaving me confused sometimes. The storyline itself was pretty good but I struggled. ⭐️⭐️

The Chalk Man | C. J. Tudor
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This thriller really kept me hooked! It alternates between the events of the protagonist‘s childhood and the creepy new events that are starting up now that he‘s grown. Of course they‘re linked, and it takes the whole book to figure out what is going on. There‘s lot of suspense and a few dead bodies thrown in for good measure. Very suspenseful!

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The Chalk Man | C. J. Tudor
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This has been very hyped up but it was meh for me. Took me quite a while to read as I was bored throughout most of it. I didn‘t find it very thrilling, didn‘t feel anything for the characters and the story just didn‘t grab me. I‘ve liked other books by this author but this one just didn‘t hit the mark for me

The Chalk Man | C. J. Tudor
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As a kid, Eddie and his friends discover chalk symbols on the trees in their local woods. The symbols lead them to the remains of a young girl. Her head is missing.

Thirty years later, Eddie receives a letter in the mail. A letter full of chalk drawings . . .

This gripping, slow-burn murder mystery is a layered, poignant tale that surprised me with its reveals—and an awesomely wicked ending—that I never saw coming.

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The Chalk Man | C. J. Tudor
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Didn‘t enjoy this one as much as the author‘s The Burning Girls. Found this dull & wholly depressing, convoluted plot + ending made it worse. Loose plot points, not much thrill/suspense. caveat: seems to be a lot of Stephen King references. Liked dual timeline / flashback storytelling, favored the 1986 childhood timeline. Content warnings should be advised, this is packed with graphic stuff. Overall, not recommended, others by author much better.

The Chalk Man | C. J. Tudor
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Eggs I used this one too🧡🍊🧡 3y
DarkMina @Eggs Great minds! 🧡 3y
TheNeverendingTBR I've got a copy of this, still to read it though. 3y
DarkMina @TheNeverendingTBR It‘s good. I have The Burning Girls from the same author I need to read. Heard it is a really good one. 3y
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Chalk Man | C J Tudor
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks So pretty 🧡📚 3y
Eggs Thank you 🙏🏻 🧡🥰 @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks (edited) 3y
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The Chalk Man | C. J. Tudor
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@DinoMom Thank you so very, very much! I feel so spoiled! My teenage daughter was in awe of all of the cute drawings on the packages! Im so excited to read, eat and take a bath with the candles and zombie bomb! Thanks, too, @wanderinglynn for organizing this amazing swap! #hauntedhollowswap

wanderinglynn Fantastic! 🎃🧡 3y
DinoMom Happy Reading! Glad you like it! 3y
Bookishgal71 @DinoMom Love it!! 3y
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The Chalk Man | C. J. Tudor
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@Eggs I‘ve been clearing my bookshelves of books I have read. This one was on your TBR list so it is on its way to you along with another surprise book 📖 Let me know when you receive. Thanks!

Eggs Oh yay!! It‘s like early Christmas 🎄 Thanks Eadie❤️❤️❤️❤️ 3y
EadieB @Eggs You‘re welcome! 3y
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The Chalk Man | C. J. Tudor
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Well well well.... I had no expectations starting this and I was blown away!!! A bunch of friends get caught up in a few local murders & the past comes back to haunt them. Don't assume, question everything. 👍 I would NEVER have seen the very end coming in a million years!

vivastory This picture 🤣I really liked this one too 3y
IamIamIam @vivastory 😂😂 Legit my face when I got to the very end!!!! 3y
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The Chalk Man | C. J. Tudor
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Enjoying this spooky little jammy...

The Chalk Man | C. J. Tudor
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A solid thriller heavily influenced by Ray Bradbury and Stephen King‘s earlier works. (Which is not a complaint! It‘s just wild how much influence Bradbury had on King‘s It and The Body/Stand By Me and how those influences continue to trickle down.) Some of the plot points were predictable and it wasn‘t tied up very neatly in the end, but I enjoyed it. #Screamathon @4thhouseontheleft

The Chalk Man | C. J. Tudor
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Tackle the TBR 🤓📚 #boleybooks #TheChalkMan #cjtudor #bookbeast #bookjoy #creepyreads
What are you reading? 😊

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The Chalk Man | C. J. Tudor
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I frequently sell my books on Facebook Marketplace, but this is the first time that someone bought ALL of the books I have for sale. Here‘s the entire #unhaul of 49 books. I‘ve read and enjoyed 14 of these, but the rest I have lost interest in. I‘m happy to see them go to a new home.

Also, friendly reminder to my fellow Canadians to go vote! I went to an advance poll this afternoon. It‘ll be interesting to see how this election turns out 🗳🇨🇦

Trashcanman See i try and look up, but my eyes burn. That's a lot to ship. 3y
robinb Nice way to make room for more! 👍 3y
MartinaLove I'm Canadian too. Nice to see other Canadians, here, on Litsy. 3y
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Librariana Did the same person buy ALL of them? Or did I misunderstand and was it that all your books were purchased? Either way, fantastic outcome! 3y
CoverToCoverGirl I voted today too. Hoping for another minority. 🙂 3y
candority @Trashcanman Someone picked them up from my house - no shipping required 😊 3y
candority @robinb It is! Although I could probably do with less overall. It‘s a bit out of control at the moment 🙈 3y
candority @MartinaLove Woohoo! 🇨🇦 There are quite a few of us here 😊 3y
candority @Librariana Yup, the same person bought them all! She and her daughter were interested in most of them and thought it would be easier to take them all. Surprisingly, I had someone else message wanting to buy them all too - they said they just wanted to fill their home library and didn‘t care what books they had, which just seems bizarre to me? 3y
candority @CoverToCoverGirl Yay for voting! 🇨🇦 I think it will probably end up being another minority. We‘ll see though 3y
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The Chalk Man | C. J. Tudor
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Wow! Enjoyed this a lot! Recommend.

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The Chalk Man | C. J. Tudor
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WHOA!! literally up until the last page. My husband had to check on me because I was yelling OMG at the very end. I never saw anything coming in this book. That beginning and that incident at the fair is what childhood nightmares are made of! I devoured this in almost one day!

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The Chalk Man | C. J. Tudor
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The suspense is killing me!!

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The Chalk Man | C. J. Tudor
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Best intro ever! Whoa!

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The Chalk Man | C. J. Tudor
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Book 70

susurran Loved this book! 3y
allureofbeauty Just read that. Super good. 3y
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The Chalk Man | C. J. Tudor
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Omg. This was great. The ending.......what!?! Had a feeling of a combo of lean on me and IT.

The Chalk Man | C. J. Tudor
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Read this for a Book Club. I really enjoyed it, it felt very reminiscent of it by Stephen King to me. With the 80s summer group of friends riding their bikes with only one girl in the group, there‘s even a character named Eddie in it. I could‘ve done without the dog part though, warning for animal cruelty and death.
I did leave a couple chalk men on the sidewalk outside the members house we were meeting at I wonder if she‘ll notice haha

Gissy Great picture!👌 3y
allureofbeauty @Gissy thank you 🖤 3y
rather_be_reading great idea! 3y
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The Chalk Man | C. J. Tudor
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🎧 Well this is another amazing book by CJ Tudor.

Every once in awhile I love to mindlessly meander through a thriller enjoying the twists & turns without trying to solve it. Loved it!

Dual timelines solving a murder in 1989. There‘s some great pop culture including the dissing of the 6th Doctor! 😆

Listened straight through. Edge of my seat. The author has written better books but this is a great book with a great ending! Karma!


BooksCoffeeNurse I love Cj Tudor. ❤️❤️❤️ Her new book, The Burning Girls, is out. And it‘s excellent. My favorite book of hers is The Other People. 3y
Twainy @BooksCoffeeNurse I‘ve read The Hiding Place & this one. I like her writing style. My library doesn‘t have The Other People 😩 so I guess I await an Audible sale 😁. The Burning Girls is a 26 week wait on my Hold list 😆 (I have 3 other books that have a wait of over 6 months). C. J. Tudor writes a gripping book where nothing shocking feels gratuitous! 3y
BooksCoffeeNurse @Twainy Yes, she certainly does. Books are my addiction, so I‘m often spending way too much money on them, as opposed to waiting for the Libby holds. I will say all of her books are worth it. ☺️ 3y
Twainy @BooksCoffeeNurse agreed!! I feel any 4+ star book of mine is worth owning! There are SO many books that I‘m ok with a long hold. 90% of the books I read are library audiobooks through Hoopla & overdrive/Libby. 📚🎧😁 3y
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The Chalk Man | C. J. Tudor
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The Chalk Man is a fast-paced thriller, with some serious Stephen King vibes. I enjoyed the dual timeline aspect (although I preferred the childhood story set in 1986 to the present day one set in 2016) and I love that every single character had secrets! This was Tudor‘s debut novel, and while it was good, her work has only improved! 3⭐️

TheLudicReader My thoughts exactly. 3y
candority @TheLudicReader 😊 (edited) 3y
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The Chalk Man | C. J. Tudor

Meh. I enjoyed "The Burning Girls" so much more. CJ Tudor's craft has definitely improved with time.

The Chalk Man | C. J. Tudor
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Ed, dude, you‘re fucking creepy. This book was just kind of horrifying all the way around and I wasn‘t even creeped out about the murdered girl. Sean kind of messed me up and I‘m not going to lie, I‘m not mad at his fate. This was just one of those books where all of the characters were giving me bad vibes. I didn‘t really like any of them. I did however like the twists and turns. This is just one of those dark books where everything is fucked.

rather_be_reading Amazing pic! 3y
brittanythebookdragon @rather_be_reading So kind. Thank you! 😊 3y
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The Chalk Man | C. J. Tudor
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6 of 2021. Solid thriller. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


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The Chalk Man | C. J. Tudor
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About halfway through THE CHALK MAN on audio and thoroughly enjoying both the story and the wonderful narration by Scottish actor Euan Morton. The plot bounces between 1986 and 2016 with a very IT-like vibe, and Morton is able to modulate his performance in the first-person narrative to capture the subtle differences between the young and old protagonist. Mesmerized and eager to finish this fantastic book!

The Chalk Man | C. J. Tudor
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Thanks for the tag @MoonWitch94!

1. Stay in pajamas. Avoid people and news outlets. Read. Snuggle cats.

2. Honestly I don't think I have one.

3. Not sure if the tagged book counts as "creepy", but it was creepy by my definition ?

If you are reading this you are tagged ?

Eggs Thanks for playing @Sace🤗📚🤗 4y
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The Chalk Man | C. J. Tudor
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There needs to be a "this book pissed me off" option. I guess I'll call it so-so, but that feels way too neutral, so it edges closer to pan. For at least 100 pages it felt like an It knock off (which I was willing to accept because I'll read pretty much anything.) Honestly the narrator just annoyed me (and felt unreliable) and at the end I wanted to punch him. #bookspin

SincerelyWinona Sounds like 👎🏻 to me! 4y
Sace @SincerelyWinona I was fine with it until the last 3 pages 😂 4y
SamAnne Completely agree. 4y
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BarbaraBB Me too 4y
Sace @SamAnne @BarbaraBB Glad I'm not alone. 4y
Laughterhp Haha great review! 4y
paper.reveries Yikes! That‘s a bummer. 4y
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The Chalk Man | C. J. Tudor
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I sort of love and hate that #BOTM does this. I love that I always know which month and year the book was a selection. I hate knowing how long it's been sitting around unread. 🤣

(This is from the tagged book which is also one of my #bookspin books.)

JenReadsAlot Same! 4y
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The Chalk Man | C. J. Tudor
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Let the #bookspin begin!

rockpools Oh that‘s neat! I‘d seen you‘d posted two lists but hadn‘t quite twigged what you were doing. Ilike it! 4y
Sace @rockpools I got the idea from another bookspin participant. It's brilliant! 4y
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The Chalk Man | C. J. Tudor
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Who‘s ready for October‘s #BookSpinBingo?! I know I am! Nine of these books are from my #Scarathlon2020 TBR, while the others will give me a break from all the scary reads. Plus, five spaces for library books or mood reads!

Grrlbrarian Heart Shaped Box was SO SO spooky 😱 I loved it but wow, Joe Hill is intense 4y
BooksCoffeeNurse I LOVE The Chalk Man. ❤️ 4y
candority @Grrlbrarian Oh, I can‘t wait! I read N0S4A2 by him and liked it, so I think this one will be right up my alley. 4y
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candority @BooksCoffeeNurse I hope I do too 🤞 I‘ve been waiting to read it forever! 4y
BooksCoffeeNurse @candority I love C.J. Tudor. The Other People is my favorite. ☺️ 4y
candority @BooksCoffeeNurse I read that one earlier this year and enjoyed it! 4y
TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! 4y
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