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From Twinkle, with Love (Reprint)
From Twinkle, with Love (Reprint) | Sandhya Menon
160 posts | 139 read | 3 reading | 98 to read
"Utterly charming." --NPR "Cinematic." --Teen Vogue "Funny and sweet." --Buzzfeed "Dazzling." --Bustle Three starred reviews for this charming romantic comedy about an aspiring teen filmmaker who finds her voice and falls in love, from the New York Times bestselling author of When Dimple Met Rishi. Aspiring filmmaker and wallflower Twinkle Mehra has stories she wants to tell and universes she wants to explore, if only the world would listen. So when fellow film geek Sahil Roy approaches her to direct a movie for the upcoming Summer Festival, Twinkle is all over it. The chance to publicly showcase her voice as a director? Dream come true. The fact that it gets her closer to her longtime crush, Neil Roy--a.k.a. Sahil's twin brother? Dream come true x 2. When mystery man "N" begins emailing her, Twinkle is sure it's Neil, finally ready to begin their happily-ever-after. The only slightly inconvenient problem is that, in the course of movie-making, she's fallen madly in love with the irresistibly adorkable Sahil. Twinkle soon realizes that resistance is futile: The romance she's got is not the one she's scripted. But will it be enough? Told through the letters Twinkle writes to her favorite female filmmakers, From Twinkle, with Love navigates big truths about friendship, family, and the unexpected places love can find you.
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From Twinkle, With Love | Sandhya Menon
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A sweet book which skewed a little bit young for my taste at this time. I have preferred her other books compared to this.

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From Twinkle, with Love | Sandhya Menon
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This was a sweet epistolary YA romance told through Twinkle‘s diary entries written as letters to her favorite female filmmakers, along with a few blog posts and texts with Sahil‘s perspective. I appreciated how encouraging and supportive Sahil was. Even when Twinkle was making bad choices, it felt authentic to a sixteen year old girl trying to navigate her feelings. 💖

This was a #roll100 pick for March I didn‘t get to earlier. @PuddleJumper

PuddleJumper That's awesome! 2y
MeganAnn This is also my #noshamereadathon22 pick for a YA romance! @Nessavamusic #nsr22 2y
Nessavamusic Nice job! This looks cute. 2y
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With fall-ish weather, I went for a walk around the lake. #audiobook

Soubhiville Looks very peaceful. 4y
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From Twinkle, With Love | Sandhya Menon
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#AugustWrapUp: Things just kept appearing on my book radar and I just kept reading through them and most of them made me pretty happy! I think the tagged was my favorite. Read anything interesting in August?

keys_on_fire My top pick from my August stack was definitely 4y
jmtrivera @keys_on_fire I'm not sure I'm ready for a pandemic book, but the cover is so gorgeous, it's pulling me in. And I keep hearing such great reviews! 4y
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From Twinkle, with Love | Sandhya Menon
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Watching Twinkle battle btwn her crush on Neil & feelings for Sahil was sweet & fun. Who her secret admirer is & how that will end is obvious early on, so it was better to watch her growth as a character. She faces the changes of growing up, making new friends, and growing apart from old ones, all big parts of adolescence. Menon doesn't shy away from how it can be complicated & painful, but also shows how rewarding facing those challenges can be.

From Twinkle, with Love | Sandhya Menon
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Something cringe-worthy is coming, I can feel it! Why does Menon have to write such great characters, and now I'm all worried about them! 🙈

From Twinkle, With Love | Sandhya Menon
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I wish this had been more about filming the movie, but otherwise a pretty good YA romance. It‘s mostly about struggling with popularity and the ways friendships can evolve.
#Igor #CatsOfLitsy

KVanRead Igor😻 4y
AmyG Fabulous photo! 4y
Soubhiville @AmyG he doesn‘t love having his picture taken 😹. Apparently he has better things to do. 4y
Leftcoastzen Awww!😻 4y
Catsandbooks Igor is a pretty kitty! 💕 Also I love your rug! 4y
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From Twinkle, With Love | Sandhya Menon
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I have to say, this was a really good group of books! Not one I didn‘t like. From Delicious Foods, told partly from the point of view of crack cocaine (no kidding!), to several terrific 🏳️‍🌈 fiction and nonfiction books, to environmentally minded nonfiction, to fave author rereads (McCall Smith and Pratchett). It really has been a nice reading month.

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It‘s not as amazing as When Dimple Met Rishi, but I‘m enjoying it. It‘s definitely a light and easy read in these crazy ass times.

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Alright my #readathon #deweyapril wrap up! I finished 3 books. Read most of Stung and half of From Twinkle With Love on audio. I had a great time cohosting on twitter and the blog and it helped me stay up. I was up early today and took a nap after playing with my dogs a bit and then finished my other two books!

Morr_Books Great job! 4y
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Okay, it‘s official: I love everything Sandhya Menon writes. She‘s so good at writing such sweet, delightful YA contemporaries that everyone will relate to in one way or another. Twinkle was relatable (although sometimes I was rolling my eyes at the teen angst) in her want to be recognized and to do something meaningful in life. Highly recommend!

Charityann Loved this one too! 😊 4y
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1. What do you read for pure escape? Usually YA, super quick- tagged books is one of my faves.

2. Comfort food right now? Breakfast casseroles. (Sausage, green chilis, potatoes, pepper jack cheese, and a milk/bisquick/egg blend. Best if let to sit covered over night for a day or two!)

3. Share a shelfie! Picture above is of my TBR bookcase in my bedroom.

A little behind on tags this week- catching up now! Thanks @Eggs #wonderouswednesday

Eggs Thanks for playing 👏🏻🌟🥳. Love these responses! 4y
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From Twinkle, With Love | Sandhya Menon
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My final book for the #teenangst category for #BBRC! #lollipopfiction

I didn‘t like this nearly as much as When Dimple Met Rishi. Cute story, but there was a lot of immaturity here.

#readingtheusa2020 #Colorado

LibrarianRyan I have not been able to get through any of these. 4y
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From Twinkle, With Love | Sandhya Menon
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I can‘t focus this week; this cutie isn‘t helping.🐰

I‘m stressed. Patients are cancelling left and right, so hubby‘s workload has taken a nosedive. Those who do come are stealing medical supplies from his office. 20 years in healthcare, he‘s never seen anything like this.

School just cancelled all field trips indefinitely. I see spring break travel policies shortly following (bye bye San Francisco trip, plus I have asthma, so 🤷🏻‍♀️).😫

Leftcoastzen Such crazy behavior! I‘m sorry about your trip, I had 2 events on the books for this weekend that canceled just to be on the safe side. 4y
alisiakae @Leftcoastzen Thanks! Bummed, but not super stressed by that. We are pretty much in a cancel no matter what frame of mind, since we also wouldn‘t want to put his patients and hospital staff at greater risk after returning. But the paycheck hits that may happen down the line if patients keep staying away will definitely hurt. (He‘s a general surgeon, lots of hernias, gallbladders, etc. The emergency surgeries are continuing). 4y
wanderinglynn Today, the Governor of WA is supposed to ban all meetings/events with more than 250 people. 1st & 2d rounds of Mens b-ball tournament is suppose to be in Spokane March 19-21 4y
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Megabooks That is insane!! 4y
Megabooks @wanderinglynn I get the feeling if March madness happens, it‘s not going to be in front of live audiences. 4y
alisiakae @Megabooks @wanderinglynn I have a feeling sports is going to take a huge hit this spring. And I‘m worried for the Olympics. 😢 4y
wanderinglynn @Megabooks and how weird will that be? To watch a game with no crowds cheering. 4y
wanderinglynn @4thhouseontheleft I think even if Japan goes forward with hosting the Olympics, there will be a fraction of the crowd. And who knows which countries will actually attend. It will be weird. 4y
TrishB Going to watch Liverpool tonight. It may be the last game this season, who knows. 4y
blank Watched a patient steal a half full bottle of hand sanitizer from our waiting room the other day. If he would have asked, I would have given him a full one. We give them out as promotional gifts. No need to sneak them into your pocket. People are ridiculous. 4y
Meaw_catlady Oh no!!! How come humans keep proving that Stephan king is right about a lot of the percent of them. Hope things start getting better soon! Sending hugs! 4y
DaveGreen7777 I‘m so sorry! 😢 I hope things get more calm soon! 4y
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From Twinkle, With Love | Sandhya Menon
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It may be overcast and rainy outside, but my #currentread is bright and cheerful!

Reviewsbylola Beautiful plant! 4y
HannaPolkadots Great pic! What plant is that? 4y
MissAimz_55 Beautiful!!! 4y
alisiakae @HannaPolkadots A fake one 😂😂 4y
HannaPolkadots Aha, so that's the trick!🤣😉 I might manage to keep one of those pretty looking for more than a week 😅🤩 4y
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Happy Purim! 👑🥳

It‘s also daylight savings, which did not make it easy to get to the synagogue early for the last dress rehearsal for the Purimspiel. This year Maya is Mordecai, (after 3 years of being Esther)!

I have a full reading plate this week!


Chrissyreadit ❤️ 4y
alisiakae @Chrissyreadit ☕️☕️☕️ 4y
Cinfhen Ha!!!! Chag Sameach 💕💕 All Purim parties & events have been canceled by the Health Ministry here 😢😢I feel bad for the kids but I guess safety / health first 😷 4y
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alisiakae @Cinfhen that‘s too bad! We don‘t have any confirmed cases in Charlotte yet, and only 2 cases in our state, although our spring break trip to San Francisco is looking questionable. My in-laws just cancelled their trip to Spain, they were supposed to leave on Wed. 4y
alisiakae @Cinfhen I was just thinking this morning, feeling lucky our event wasn‘t cancelled, since this may be her last time performing in Purimspiel, she ages out soon. A silver lining for the early morning. And she was so sweet, she turned down the Esther role so her friend would have a chance to play her. (edited) 4y
Cinfhen That is sweet of Maya and nice you get one more year of the PurimSpiel 😁those were always fun. I was meant to fly to the states on the 17th but my flights have been canceled. I‘m disappointed as I was going to see my son in LA & I was stopping in NY to help Niki move but it‘s just not worth any risks I guess. 4y
alisiakae @Cinfhen I‘m sorry your trip was cancelled. 😞 I‘m going to email you a pic of our rabbi this morning. He was dressed as a Megillah and had a bottle of hand sanitizer strapped to the front of his costume. 🤣 Everyone was asked to wash their hands before eating hamentashen. ☺️ 4y
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I really like Menon‘s writing, and have enjoyed her other books so much...I really wanted to like this one too. Ultimately, it ended up falling a little flat for me. I would definitely recommend “When Dimple Met Rishi” if you‘re trying this author for the first time. I really enjoy that she‘s writing from a perspective that isn‘t explored much in Young Adult fiction.

From Twinkle, With Love | Sandhya Menon
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Once again, our YA book club holiday exchange was a delight! I love you ladies! @Merethebookgal @AlizaApp @Nitpickyabouttrains @NAM99

Nitpickyabouttrains Such a great swap!!!! 4y
MayJasper 'Death Wins a Goldfish'! What an amazing title! 4y
AlizaApp ❤️📚😍 4y
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I enjoyed When Dimple Met Rishi, so I thought I‘d give this one a try. But it‘s just reading far too young for my taste. So, 25% in, it‘s going back to the library! (The audio reader is doing a great job—I would love to read other books she narrates.)

From Twinkle, With Love | Sandhya Menon
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I honestly didn‘t know this was signed. 😱

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From Twinkle, With Love | Sandhya Menon
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Once I got past the whole “written like journal entries to female directors” gimmick, I enjoyed this romance about a girl figuring out how to be her true self, and apologizing for mistakes she makes along the way. #bbrc #teenangst #lollipopfiction #readmyowndamnbooks

LibrarianRyan 👍 😁 5y
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I can't handle how cute she is! This little miss turned 3 this week! #catsoflitsy

MallenNC She‘s very cute! 5y
MarriedtoMrT Super cute! 😻 5y
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Great ya romance. Excellent characters

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From Twinkle, With Love | Sandhya Menon
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Far from perfect or even a well executed book, but I still enjoyed it for it's silly, tropey romance and its casual diversity (shout out to the black gay guy who calls out toxic masculinity and has a bi boyfriend, as well as Indian American and Japanese American characters). I appreciated how Menon allows Twinkle to make mistakes. I do have a quibble: the novel never actually shows Twinkle being a great director, even though it tells you she is.

From Twinkle, With Love | Sandhya Menon
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This has so many romance tropes in it, I love it. #Romantsy #Romance #YA #WeNeedDiverseBooks #audiobook #AwesomeAudiobooks

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This book would have been good, if not for the main character! I loved the love interest, Sahil, and the storyline was very interesting and captivating. I liked the backstories of all the characters, too. But Twinkle was too self-centered and childish for the majority of the story. Listened to the #audiobook on #Scribd

Avanders Hi! I‘m hoping you can post a pic of the #SFFS package you received from Michelle — I‘m sure she would appreciate seeing your thoughts! 😘♥️ 5y
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5/5 stars. Sandhya Menon is quickly becoming one of my favorite authors. She has amazingly diverse characters, and I was rooting for these main characters throughout the whole book.

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I love a main character that makes mistakes.

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From Twinkle, With Love | Sandhya Menon
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What a gorgeous book?

Twinkle gets it right, then gets it REALLY, REALLY WRONG. Then right again. Then wrong again. Then REALLY REALLY RIGHT. I enjoyed the ride.

Also, grandmothers are really freaking great. Those of us who have them, care for them more. Love on them more.

Also, also, love me an epistolary novel. Never unhappy with that style.

MaureenMc Did you say “epistolary?” *stacked* 😁 5y
WhatDeeReads @MaureenMc My Jam! Love a good books of letters. 5y
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From Twinkle, With Love | Sandhya Menon
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1. Bet Me (But it always makes me hungry thanks to the decadent food descriptions.)
2. Going to Nashville.
3. So cute!
4. I can touch my tongue to the tip of my nose. 🤷🏻‍♀️


From Twinkle, With Love | Sandhya Menon
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I didn‘t like this as well as When Dimple Met Rishi. The characterization, inner monologues, everything was a little too heavy handed - even for YA...

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From Twinkle, With Love | Sandhya Menon
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Reading in the toddler‘s bed since both kids are asleep in mine...

From Twinkle, With Love | Sandhya Menon
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I‘ve picked this room up twice today, went to the store and came back home to another mess. So I‘m giving up and sitting down with something light and easy

Chelsea.Poole Sounds like my day today, the picking up constantly! (Oh wait, everyday! 🤨) 5y
Caroline2 I feel your pain! 😔 5y
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From Twinkle, With Love | Sandhya Menon
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Ugh I loved When Dimple Met Rishi, but this was just not something I enjoyed. The epistolary fashion was unique, but that was about it. It felt too much like Dimple and the story arc was dull and similar. And I honestly just didn‘t like the characters at all. So disappointed in this one! I was hoping for a good one in this.

From Twinkle, With Love | Sandhya Menon
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This book was great the relationship between Twinkle and Sahil was great the story was heart filled

From Twinkle, With Love | Sandhya Menon
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Such a sweet story with good lessons about friendship and being true to oneself. Good characters and just enough rom com to be fun but not so much to make it silly. I also recommend her 1st book. 🎧 audiobook performance by Soneela Nanjani was excellent. Vikas Adam has a small part, but his performance also good.

From Twinkle, With Love | Sandhya Menon
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This was delightful! I loved Twinkle, the romance, and the subplot about her friendship with Maddie (although that also infuriated me at times). Fun and funny amd sweet. A great #YA #romcom!
4/5 🌟

From Twinkle, With Love | Sandhya Menon
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January Finale Pictured: My 6 Favorite Reads of the Month (3 new, 3 rereads)
Total: 16 New Reads: 12 Rereads: 4
MG: 4 YA: 6 Adult: 6
Fiction: 14 Non-Fiction: 2
Realistic Fic: 8 Fantasy/Sci-Fi: 6

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From Twinkle, With Love | Sandhya Menon
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I had high hopes for this one after how much I enjoyed Ms. Menon‘s first book, but it didn‘t quite live up to my expectations. I like YA, but this was just a little too teenage angsty for me. It dealt with insecurities, fitting in, and figuring out who you are. I thought the premise was cute, and I liked how it was written in first person journal style. But the overall teenage drama of the story wasn‘t enjoyable to me. Ah well.

LauraWeasley I haven't read this one yet but I love your picture! 😍 5y
GypsyKat @LauraWeasley Thank you! I loved the colorful colorful, so I wanted to have a little fun with the picture. 😊 5y
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From Twinkle, With Love | Sandhya Menon
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Twinkle, you‘re annoying. 60% in: falling in love w/Sahil, but wait! What if your secret admirer is his IDENTICAL twin? You can‘t risk missing out because popularity?

T, allow me to burst your bubble. Your secret admirer is obviously the guy who‘s been giving you class notes. You‘ll be done w/school in a year or two & your dreams of popularity won‘t mean a thing.

You don‘t deserve Sahil. I know you‘ll wind up w/him, but you don‘t deserve to.

howlinglibraries I hated and DNFed this book exactly for your final comment - she really didn‘t deserve him. 5y
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From Twinkle, With Love | Sandhya Menon

Too much setting my teeth on edge, not enough movie making. It got stronger at the end, I think, but not enough to make me like it.

From Twinkle, With Love | Sandhya Menon

These are going to be the worst dvd extras ever.

From Twinkle, With Love | Sandhya Menon
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So good! That‘s two Menon books I‘ve loved now. She does such a great job at the relational aspect on all levels. I also like how are her teens make realistic teen choices even if as an adult you want to yell at them.

From Twinkle, With Love | Sandhya Menon
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Day 15: Diverse Read
The next book on my stack was perfect for today‘s prompt.

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I need to read these books!! 5y
brandymuses @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks They are cute and fluffy but with excellent characters and development at the same time. 5y
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From Twinkle, With Love | Sandhya Menon
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I‘ve been going slow with this one for some reason. Time for a little reading in bed. 📖🛌 #ReadingInBed

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From Twinkle, With Love | Sandhya Menon
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I‘ve been debating about what book to start, and I‘ve finally settled on this one. Something light and fun sounds great right now. 💖

aeeklund That‘s what I‘ve been doing for my last several books... I‘m supposed to be reading/reviewing literary fiction for my new job duties, and I‘ve been mainlining YA fantasy... oops. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 6y
GypsyKat @aeeklund Hey, you gotta read what you want! 😉 6y
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