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True Crime Addict
True Crime Addict: How I Lost Myself in the Mysterious Disappearance of Maura Murray | James Renner
48 posts | 55 read | 99 to read
An account of the author's lifelong fascination with true crime and his obsessive quest to find Maura Murray, a UMass student whose disappearance in 2004 has stumped authorities to this day.
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I first encountered Maura Murray‘s disappearance on an episode of the aptly titled Investigation Discovery show, DISAPPEARED. Earlier this year, I stumbled across a newer documentary on Peacock that mentioned this book that I‘d picked on sale. I hadn‘t known about the family‘s reaction & after listening, I can see why. The more autobiographical information adds a lot but I don‘t know if this positively contributes to any efforts to find Maura.

Cuilin NH resident. We followed this case for years. Disappeared is a good title. I don‘t think we‘ll ever know what happened her. 14mo
dabbe I don't want to take away from the seriousness of this book and topic (and I've stacked it--thank you!), but did you color that pic? It's GORGEOUS! 🤩🤩🤩 14mo
TorieStorieS @Cuilin I sincerely hope that someday answers will be found- but as time stretches on it makes it harder to imagine how they can be… 14mo
TorieStorieS @dabbe I understand and thank you- I did color this! 14mo
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Beach reading ☀️I couldn‘t put this one down! I didn‘t care for the author from the beginning, but he grew on me. The case is fascinating. The chapters are short. I liked all the small connections explored by Renner. Must read for true crime fans. 5⭐️

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Interesting, but best to be read instead of listening, is my opinion.

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Wow!!! I was hoping we would have found an answer to the disappearance of Maura Murray but instead so many MORE questions. I just devoured this book. Journalist James Renner does a great job of laying out all the theories, players, facts and red herrings. Although his narration was a bit robotic, I came to appreciate his reading and quirkiness. Plus his own personal family history ....whoa 😱
And with this book I‘ve completed #ReadingUSA2020 👇🏼

Cinfhen I‘m pretty sure I picked up this book after a review by @reviewsbylola
Thanks, Steph ♥️ I‘d love to discuss
Have you read this @Megabooks it‘s REALLY GOOD
Megabooks Thanks for the rec! Missing person books scare me! 😱😱 4y
Reviewsbylola I loved this one! But yeah, wtf happened to her?! 4y
Cinfhen Something bad was up with that dad. I think she staged her own disappearance. Up until the epilogue I thought she was alive but now I wonder if the boyfriend killed her. I think she was pregnant and the $4000 was for an abortion or maybe money to help her hide @Reviewsbylola Maura was actually a hot mess. 4y
Cinfhen Then you should definitely skip this one @Megabooks but it was a lot of crazzzy-ness that made for a great listen (edited) 4y
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When I can‘t put a book down, when I‘m sad that I finish the book, and when I keep thinking about the book long after I finish - that‘s a 5⭐️ book for me. Renner wrote a disturbing memoir that intertwined with the strange disappearance of Maura Murray. He is definitely a true crime addict and it effects his life. The personal side was hard to read but the mystery and his theories on where Maura might be, made the book fascinating.

Mitch Sounds great - stacked! 4y
8little_paws oh wow, normally I am not into true crime but you've got me intrigued! 4y
Crazeedi Intriguing review, sounds good 4y
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Mdargusch I think you will like it @Mitch 🤞🏼 4y
Mdargusch I found it highly readable @crazeedi @8little_paws 👍🏼 4y
BarbaraBB Super intriguing review. 4y
Reviewsbylola I loved this. I read it in the airport on our first trip to England! 4y
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I finished True Crime Addict late on New Year‘s Eve. The author, James Renner, narrated the audiobook. Mr. Renner is intrigued by the disappearance of a nursing student. The author described how the investigation impacted his personal life. This was not the bang I had planned for New Year‘s. I hate when I put too much trust in the reviews. I think it may have been better as a hard copy without narration.

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Does anybody else besides me who is reading along and all of a sudden your hometown pops up out of nowhere get all excited and freaked out lol. Did not realize there was a Saratoga springs NY connection in this !

Melismatic Same! And I‘m from Upstate too! Utica originally...but I live in Brooklyn now lol 5y
NikkiRobson73 @Melismatic that‘s awesome ! I‘m living in Georgia right now and I miss NY terribly ! 5y
Cedar_and_Grapefruit So cool! I'm from a little village in upstate NY called Northville. Like you, I've relocated to the south: first in Lafayette, LA and now in central FL not far from Tampa. How are you finding the transition? 5y
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NikkiRobson73 @Cedar_and_Grapefruit I know northville it‘s only 40 min from Saratoga ! I‘ve had a difficult time to be honest everything is so different And I‘ve had older southern people tell me yankee go home and I also had 2 heat strokes from the humidity and heat so it could have been better for sure ! Lol how was your transition ? (edited) 5y
Cedar_and_Grapefruit We spent a lot of time in Saratoga 💕 It took me a good ten years to adjust. I'm far more at home in FL, likely because it has so many transplants from the north. In which part of GA do you live? @NikkiRobson73 5y
NikkiRobson73 @Cedar_and_Grapefruit Waycross it‘s about 90 min from Florida line 5y
Cedar_and_Grapefruit @NikkiRobson73 I've had similar experiences. The in-laws, some of my workmates... I was told I talked like a lawyer, which was meant as an insult, because I didn't have a southern accent. My looks, my clothes, my speech, my viewpoints were all discredited just because I was from NY. It started to affect my marriage because so many questioned my husband for marrying someone from NY. That's when I said it was time to move. We've been happy since! 5y
NikkiRobson73 @Cedar_and_Grapefruit sounds exactly what im going through and my husband is from down here and his family told me one time I need to start doing things the southern way and it‘s little jabs against me and the north all the time (edited) 5y
NikkiRobson73 And I have also been told by the locals that Yankees keep coming down here and taking their jobs and it‘s the complete opposite when we go home to visit nobody gives my husband a hard time about his southern accent 5y
Cedar_and_Grapefruit @NikkiRobson73 Good luck to you! It's funny how romance novels make a southern hero & his welcoming family warm your heart. I suppose there must be success stories IRL, but that has been far from my experience. Yours too, I'm sad to hear😪 If it's any consolation, we've been thriving for the last 12 years since we moved here. He loves it and I do too. It was a battle to get him to move, but we've both benefitted. Hang in there, Miss Fabulous 💙 5y
NikkiRobson73 Thank you for your kind words and you‘re story has given me encouragement and it‘s nice to know I‘m not crazy ! Lol so glad to hear you and your husband are doing well ! Do you ever go back to upstate to visit ? 5y
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Getting my true crime fix ! I really enjoyed the Maura Murray podcast and James Renner never disappoints so this should be excellent ... my expectations are high for this one

Lauram I really liked this book. His book and blog about Amy Mihaljevic is also fascinating. I read it all in a night. 5y
NikkiRobson73 I love reading about true crime 5y
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My stopwatch was reset late Saturday night when I was using the timer for cooking. In all, I was able to read for 25ish hours and finish 4 books, 3 audiobooks, and make significant progress on 2 others (book and audiobook). My thanks to @Andrew65 and @TheReadingMermaid for hosting #24b42019. It was my first time participating in a readathon and I‘m sure it won‘t be my last. Happy New Year!

BeansPage You are most welcome sweetie. You got a great time and you should be proud of yourself 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 I hope you will join us for January's read-a-thon 🤗 6y
Andrew65 Congratulations, a great achievement for the first time. 🥳😊👍 (edited) 6y
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I've identified the cause of my reading slump. His name is Jelly Bean. Between work and chasing him around I don't have time to read and when I do have time I immediately fall asleep.

Suet624 So adorable. 6y
TheLibrarian 😍😍😍 6y
LauraBeth What a cutie 😍 6y
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#KindleDailyDeal I‘m kind of obsessed with #TrueCrime all of a sudden ~ picked this one up today

Reviewsbylola This one was fascinating. I read it in one sitting. Very engaging. 6y
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Cinfhen Thanks for the recommendations @BethM I was OBSESSED with MOB WIVES back in the day. Will definitely read the mob book 😉 6y
Cinfhen I think I might have stacked this book (True Crime Addict) based on your review @Reviewsbylola 6y
BethM Omg I was obsessed with that show as well! That‘s where I learned about the book- it‘s Karen‘s dad. (edited) 6y
Cinfhen I was sooooooo upset when Big Ang died @BethM 6y
emilyhaldi Sounds like you‘re slowly morphing into @Reviewsbylola 😜 6y
Cinfhen Hahaha @emilyhaldi it could be worse.... you could have said @Meredith3 😘😘😘😘 6y
Cinfhen Come back @Mdargusch !!!! Miss u 🧡 6y
emilyhaldi HA!! I actually thought about it... but you have a long way to go before you reach @Meredith3 status 😉😉😉 6y
Meredith3 Omg I love James Renner ♥️ 6y
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I would consider myself a true crime addict, but maybe at a distance...more in the form of reading books about cases and watching episodes of Dateline. 😅 James Renner is truly a true crime addict. He became obsessed with the missing person case of Maura Murray. I can see why. It's a strange and beguiling story. I loved the way he weaved in bits of his personal life along with his investigation of the case. Recommended 🌟 #audiobook

Lauram I haven‘t gotten to this one yet, but I really enjoy James Renner‘s writing. I read one of his earlier books in 1 sitting. 6y
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The thing that made this one so compulsively readable was that the author weaves his own personal struggles and dark family history into the story. He talks about the Murray case, but also delves into his dark desire to search for danger. It was hard to read at times, but I couldn‘t put it down.

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In lieu of the #itstrulycriminalswap coming up! Here‘s a cool article I just found while browsing 🤟🏻

The 16 Best True Crime Books of All Time


MStew Love this post 😍thank you!! 6y
AmyG Ooooo thanks. 6y
guinsgirlreads @meghan2714 @AmyG you‘re welcome! 🍻 6y
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@LeslieO and @JenlovesJT47 my #trulycriminalswapbox arrived in record time! I should have my final items in on Saturday and be able to get mine out in the mail on Monday. So excited for opening day!

JenlovesJT47 Yay! 💚 6y
LeslieO Me, too! 6y
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#Itstrulycriminalswap mail arrived today! Opening day is on the way! Thanks @DiruVamp !

DiruVamp Glad it made it safely!! 👏🏻👏🏻 6y
JenlovesJT47 Yay!! 6y
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Finally made it to my favorite bookstore to pick up a few more books for the #itstrulycriminalswap 🕵️‍♀️

@Mowen036 I‘m hoping to get your package in the mail next week! 🤞🏼

Mowen036 Yay! That looks like a half priced books. If so that‘s my favorite book store too! Your box is packed and ready to go I just have to get it to the post office. 6y
Alfrazier21 @Mowen036 it‘s a store called McKay‘s but it‘s similar to a Half Priced Books! Their True Crime section was actually pretty well stocked. 🙌🏼 6y
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#IWonder what happened to Maura Murray. If you‘re into a good unsolved mystery, I highly recommend checking this book out. #ABBAinAugust

Andrew65 Too many like this! 6y
Meredith3 @Andrew65 I know 😿 6y
emilyhaldi I hate unsolved mysteries 🙁 6y
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Reviewsbylola I freakin wonder too! 6y
Mdargusch Poor Maura. I had forgotten the connection we discovered. 6y
Meredith3 @Mdargusch I emailed he author about it and he actually responded to me 😳😹 6y
Mdargusch What did he say?!?! 6y
Meredith3 @Mdargusch he was very nice but probably thinking why did this random lady just tell me all of this random stuff 😹 he thanked me for reading and liking his book and said to let him know if I ever get any more info about the boyfriend‘s family in Marengo and told me he believes the boyfriend is going to be charged with unrelated crimes that were mentioned in the book very soon (edited) 6y
Cinfhen That‘s pretty cool that you & your mom are playing part time detectives 🕵️‍♀️😂🙌🏻 6y
Meredith3 @Cinfhen it is pretty fun and exciting!! The author is looking for a part time assistant of sorts but he said you have to live in north east Ohio- I almost asked him about it but decided against it @Mdargusch 6y
Cinfhen 😂😂😂 6y
Cinfhen By the way, there‘s a girl in my daughter‘s office named Jackie who looks JUST LIKE Maura....it‘s a little freaky!!!! 6y
Meredith3 @Cinfhen omg maybe it‘s her 😹where is this office?? 6y
Cinfhen Smack in the heart of Manhattan....I‘m asking my daughter for a picture of Jackie 😆 6y
Cinfhen Of course Jackie is 24 and it‘s 2018 but that‘s just a minor detail 6y
Mdargusch 😂😂😂😂 @Cinfhen And @Meredith3 you need to try to get that job!!! 6y
Meredith3 @Cinfhen hahahaha omg this is too funny 😹 6y
Meredith3 @Mdargusch maybe I should look into it further just for shits and giggles? I also thought it would be great for @Reviewsbylola 6y
Mdargusch You‘re not that far away from northeastern Ohio. It would definitely be more rewarding than looking at dented bumpers. 😆 6y
Meredith3 @Mdargusch that‘s true!! 😹😹😹 6y
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I forgot to post my review! Finished this one a little while ago. I loved it. Renner can tell a story. It wasn‘t even really about the case for me by the time I got to the end because I was so wrapped up in the storytelling surrounding it. Of course there‘s no resolution because it‘s an ongoing case, but it felt final enough. I enjoyed it.

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I have less than 100 pages left in this book and I already know I‘m going to be reading more by Renner. His writing style is very Gonzo journalist, very personal, very open. I‘m pretty sure he thinks pretty highly of himself but it‘s in a very self-depreciating way if that makes sense. He‘s humble and he‘s confident. And it makes for a helluva storytelling voice.

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My husband gets me. 💕

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I wasn't crazy about the author's narration on audio (kind of nasally and a bit lethargic in my opinion), but the case is interesting enough for that not to have been a huge problem. I have no clue what happened to this girl but it's fun to speculate! For my next true crime I might need to go with a case that's actually been solved so I can sleep better at night 😂 #audiobook #truecrime

Kaye Good to see more true crime books here. James Renner is fairly local in our area so I‘ve heard him on lots of interviews. He‘s great at responding to fan mail. I‘ve emailed him a few times and he always writes back. He appreciates his fans, I think. Hope you find another good one. 👍 6y
CouronneDhiver Omg... nasally is right. 😂 I just started this one and I‘m not sure I‘m going to be able to make it. 6y
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I'm gonna get addicted to the feeling of having a hold come in, I can tell 😂 #audiobook

LauraAmalia Makes me feel like a won a prize every single time! 😂 6y
amvs1111 It's delightful! 6y
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This is the third true crime memoir I have read recently and it was soooo much better than my last. Renner had a great way of relating to the disappearance of Maura Morris without overshadowing the story. I found him relatable in a refreshing way. I definitely plan to read more from him. For anyone familiar with this case, comment and let me know what you think happened to Maura! I definitely agree with Renner‘s theory. @emilyhaldi photo bomb. 😂

Kaye Hi @reviewsbylola. This one is an odd one. I honestly can‘t figure this one out. All the scenarios are a possibility. It‘d fit if she was going to meet someone and staged the wreck to disappear for good. It almost sounds as if her dad was overbearing and controlling,so maybe she wanted out permanently from that. It also sounded as though the relationship with her boyfriend was not great. I don‘t think he had a thing to do with her missing CONT 6y
Kaye Another scenario is that she planned to disappear in her own and live across the border in Canada, but I doubt it. I think she would have gradually decided that was a dumb decision and come back. She wouldn‘t have had enough money to survive for very long unless she knew someone up there. I don‘t think so. Next is suicide. Possible but where are the footprints and why didn‘t searchers fu d anything ever ? I dint think this happened either. CONT 6y
Kaye Last is being abducted. There was a serial killer loose in that area but it was many years ago. It‘s doubtful he‘d still be alive. It was a pretty deserted area, so chances of that happening that quickly are slim. The bus driver had seen her just minutes before. There are theories that one of the cops up there was shady and he may have taken her, but that‘s also a long stretch. Missing Maura Murray podcast has tons of info on the case. 6y
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Reviewsbylola I think the most logical explanation is that she planned to run away. Everything leading up to her disappearance points to her trying to escape. The author surmised that she had another car with someone helping her escape, and when she crashed her car they picked her up. I also think there is something really strange going on with that family, especially the dad. @kaye 6y
Kaye Yea that does make sense. There are so many theories about her life at that time. She‘d gotten in trouble at West Point, been in trouble for using another girl‘s charge card, 2 ? Car wrecks, rumors of pregnancy.her boyfriend sounded a bit controlling, her dad had some sort of hold on her, just maybe everything got too overwhelming and she skipped out with someone‘s help. Very possible. This is one of those that we may never have an answer on. 6y
Mdargusch I‘m glad you matched your nail polish to your book! 6y
L_auren I agree with everything you said, Stephanie. Tandem car theory for life!!! 6y
Reviewsbylola It‘s truly the only theory that makes sense! @L_auren 6y
emilyhaldi Gross 6y
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It‘s been a great reading weekend!!!

JaimeDawn I'm addicted to true crime podcasts 6y
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Just finished coloring this while listening to my new fave podcast Fake Geek Girls. Please excuse the color combo. I never claimed to have good taste. 🤷🏻‍♀️ #audiocoloring #ssdgm #myfavoritemurder

EvieBee I think the colors are gorgeous! 7y
dylanisreading @EvieBee Thanks! 😘 7y
Drebae29 In love. I have to get this 7y
Cortg You did good! 7y
dylanisreading @Drebae29 Yes! I love it. @Cortg 🙏 7y
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A gift from my dad, along with a giant case of various gel pens. Can‘t wait to start #audiocoloring
#mfm #murderino ☠️🔪

WarpedSweetness Oh my God!!! I may have squealed just a tiny bit outloud! SSDGM 7y
dylanisreading @WarpedSweetness It‘s beautiful! ❤️ SSDGM 7y
Godmotherx5 That‘s awesome. I‘m a #true crime fan & enjoy that podcast. 7y
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bobregina I love it!! 7y
AmyG Omg that‘s amazing! 7y
dylanisreading @Godmotherx5 @bobregina @AmyG The art is fantastic. I‘m having so much fun coloring one of the pages. 7y
WarpedSweetness @Bianca The cover looks beautiful, so I can only imagine the inside is amazing too! 7y
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Someone help me learn to resist #audible sales. #bookhaul #audiobooks #blackfriday

Drnkpnkprincess Hahahaha- but those books are SO good! 7y
BookishMarginalia That won‘t be me! I can‘t resist either 🤷🏻‍♀️ 7y
ItsAngel I listened to Luckiest Girl Alice recently and really enjoyed it!! 7y
Rachbb3 I'm on the verge of creating an account. 🤦 Good luck! 7y
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Take 2 for #fivestarpredictions - now with nonfiction. A total hodgepodge list, but a few things straight from my wheelhouse, especially the tagged book. I might get to one or two of these by the end of year, but chances are they'll linger on mount TBR for awhile!

Thank you to both @Avanders and @TheLudicReader for tagging me for this challenge. Sorry it took me so long to finally post!

Avanders Oooh another great stack! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 7y
megt @Avanders thanks!!! 7y
LyndseyReads I listened to the Clueless book a few years ago on audio. Pretty fun! 7y
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Murderinos! I've found a new podcast! Similar to My Favorite Murder but with dudes and they're all small towns. Check it out...Small Town Murder

megt Thanks for sharing! Just downloaded a couple of episodes. 7y
CocoReads @megt happy to share! I just found it yesterday and I'm on #6 already and there's only like 10 or 11 so far... 7y
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"Some families are magnets for tragedy, it's been my experience that those who have suffered the most are usually the first ones to suffer again."

#quote #audiobook #audiobookread #jamesrenner #truecrimeaddict #truecrime #memoir #overdrive #library #libraryread #overdriveread

Nightblooming7 I really liked this one. 6y
allureofbeauty @Nightblooming7 it wasn‘t bad. 6y
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My #CouldntPutItDown collection from the past few months. #day26 #somethingforsept #septphotochallenge

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I had some prior knowledge of the case going in, which was very helpful. This isn't just about the Maura Murray disappearance, but rather half about the case and half about the author's life while researching the case for this book. Those looking for a traditional true crime account of Maura Murray's disappearance may be disappointed, but those interested in how an interest can affect one's life and sometimes take it over may enjoy this.

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Indulging my own interest in true crime today.

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There's a cigarette burn mark in my library book!!! Not mine. Grade school me is freaking out right now. Animals and savages I tell you!

BookishFeminist 😱😡 this is awful! 8y
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Needed a break from trying to work while feeling awful so naturally I reached for a true crime audiobook. I'm totally normal, you guys.

TheJOMOreader Oohhhhh. This sounds like a book I can relate to! 8y
KerriArista Just finished about a week ago- I'd like to hear what U think of it when ur finished! 8y
Matilda @Kerriari I didn't know the case prior and am watching a dateline type show that did an episode. It's weird that the family didn't want his help since they did do the episode. He's a bit of an ass sometimes. I liked the narration and it's told as a good story I couldn't put it down. Major side eye to the slut shaming chpt. 8y
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I certainly identify with the title of this book I'm just starting...

Matilda Have this on audio and looking forward to it. 8y
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I absolutely loved this book, and being unfamiliar with the case of Maura Murray made this a very interesting story. James Renner was able to completely suck me into the mystery of Maura's disappearance and I can't wait to read more of his work!

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"I have the results from your MMPI test," she said, moving on
"How'd I do?" I asked.
"Your results were very similar to those of Ted Bundy, the serial killer."
That's one of those statements you just can't unhear.

#truecrimeaddict #jamesrenner

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My next read!

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I fucking loved this book. Read it in one sitting. I think it helped that I wasn't familiar with the case so all the information about it was new to me.

LeahBergen I want! 8y
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The book describes the disappearance of Maura Murray. The writer James Renner uses social media and his army of armchair sleuths to help him. The book narrates his life and how his personality is similar to one of a psychopath and how smart he is.

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You can read Jennifer's thoughts on this book at http://wp.me/p4kTLQ-fj

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See my full review here .... http://wp.me/p4kTLQ-fj