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The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde | Robert Louis Stevenson
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Read this for my Twitch, and I'm really happy to have re-read it as an adult. Not only did I get to make it scary for someone who didn't know the story, but I know far more about Victorian repression, anti-gay laws, and queer subtext than I did as a small child. It's one of the only books Stevenson intended to be read as an allegory, and while he wasn't gay himself, there's definitely a queer interpretation available here.

Faranae You can read Jekyll and Hyde as a toxic gay relationship that could have been avoided if queerness and sex didn't have to be secret in Victorian society. There are constant references to Jekyll leading a double life even before Hyde, about unnameable acts, and “it's not what you're thinking“ clearly meaning “I'm not being blackmailed by a spurned working class lover.“ 5mo
Faranae Further, you can read Utterson as Stevenson - indulgent of the “sins“ of his friends, even though he doesn't share in them himself. Stevenson was chronically ill, frequently bedridden, and decidedly straight and monogamous. But some of his friends were not any of those things. Utterson's failure in this book is not being a confidante and champion for Jekyll before it ever came to creating Hyde. 5mo
bookwyrm7 I love this book! I had never thought of it that way though and it will be interesting to read it again with this thought in mind. 5mo
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Faranae @bookwyrm7 The coding is hard to unsee once you know the Victorian gay scene. For example, it was considered ideal among middle and upper class gay men that they would have a working class, younger lover - they would attempt to educate him, and financially and socially elevate him, and considered themselves to be radically eliminating class barriers. So Jekyll has “an interest“ in Hyde's welfare, a man described as younger and more vulgar, etc... 5mo
bookwyrm7 I have to do some reading on that subject! Hmm not sure if it was in Victorian times, but that theme does remind me of "The Picture of Dorian Gray" which, as we all know, was very gay. 5mo
rwmg I think I'm going to have to re-read it with that in mind 5mo
Faranae @bookwyrm7 Both are not only Victorian, but very close together! Dorian Gray is from 1891, and Jekyll and Hyde is from 1886. 5mo
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Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde | Robert Louis Stevenson
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Eggs Good one 👏🏻👏🏻 8mo
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Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde | Robert Louis Stevenson
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I finished reading this with my son this evening. He needed to read it for school, so we read it together. Stevenson's writing is truly fantastic. Even my 8th grader said, "oh, I like that phrasing" at least once. I don't think I'd ever actually read this before, and I'm glad we did.

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I get why this story continues to hold sway over the public imagination. It's half the suggestion of the thing we all fear, that loss of our better nature, the failure of conscience and the doing of evil, becoming a monster while still human, it also half reads like a story of demonic possession. Because you once gave into temptation, your will is not guaranteed to be your own, you come to, finding yourself changed, evil done. 1/2

Robotswithpersonality 2/2 At the same time, the story emphasizes the need for balance, that as much as the morality discussed seems black and white, it suggests that maybe if Jekyll was more comfortable with a couple of shades of gray, things wouldn't have gotten as extreme. It's not jump-scare horror, but it's chilling enough in implication to still be a good fit for spooky season. 11mo
Robotswithpersonality ⚠️ On the 'this was written in the 1800s' side of things, the descriptions of Hyde, and by association, a person of poor character, support racist and ableist beliefs of the time that offend the modern reader. Beware! 11mo
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Don't be too hard on yourself, folks, or a lab experiment might turn you into a vile fiend!

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Never underestimate the importance of a Sunday walk. ☺️

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TheSpineView Awesome! 11mo
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Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde | Robert Louis Stevenson
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I read this in high school, and I admit I had forgotten most of it. So it was a fun read, and Richard Armitage, who played Thorin in The Hobbit, was a fantastic narrator.
#ReadTheClassics @AllDebooks

AllDebooks I really enjoyed revisiting this. I'd forgotten how good Stevenson is on atmosphere 12mo
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#Movie2BookRecs @Klou
Movie: Young Frankenstein

Klou Brilliant 12mo
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Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde | Robert Louis Stevenson
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repost for @AllDebooks:


I'm struggling to finish Trollope, so I'm going to shelve plans to read Frederick Douglas, for now. I've just got a physical copy of tagged, so this will be the month to finish it 😅

📣 September will be back on schedule with Jeckyll & Hyde.

All welcome to join in. Please do let me know if you wish to be added/removed from the taglist.

AllDebooks Thank you for the share x 14mo
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6 May 23 (audiobook)
I was supposed to read this at uni (glory days of having 3 novels and 20 legal cases assigned most weeks) so has been on my TBR list for almost 30 years! Pleased to have finally crossed it off and found it very enjoyable.
It is so interesting to see how homosexuality has been dealt with in literature in different periods, particularly in Victorian England. Awful to consider what people endured. Now curious whether RLS was gay.

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Mr. Utterson the lawyer was a man of a rugged countenance that was never lighted by a smile; cold, scanty and embarrassed in discourse; backward in sentiment; lean, long, dusty, dreary and yet somehow lovable.


dabbe You're ahead of the game! LOVE this book! I could read it over and over--and have a few times! 🤣❣️🤣 2y
rwmg My 3rd possibly 4th time 2y
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I thought I‘d try and read the novels that form the basis of the Universal movie Monsters. I read Frankenstein as any true sci-fi/horror fan should. However I found it an interesting but joyless read. Dr Jeckyll was altogether different. I got swept away in the glorious language & salacious innuendo. Must have been a blast to read this by the fire with a large brandy in the 1800s. Contemplating Dracula‘s next: As a kid I remember it being boring.

bthegood I enjoyed Dracula - but listened to audiobook (the accent was too much for me reading) - 😊 2y
The_Book_Ninja Well, I‘ll give it a go. When I was younger If there wasn‘t lots of blood and action in a book I used to bail. Maybe, now that I‘m as old as Dracula…. 2y
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Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde | Robert Louis Stevenson
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This is what sprang to mind with today's #NovemberNarrative prompt - Day 6:
A bit of a stretch, right, hope it counts nonetheless... 🧪⚗️🔬 - 😉

@AlwaysBeenALoverOfBooks @Eggs

Eggs Brilliant choice 👏🏻👏🏻 2y
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A quintessential examination of the duality of human nature, Dr. Jekyll and his potion make for perfect spooky night reading. #scarathlondailyprompts #potion #teamslaughter


I somehow in all my years have never read this one! A great little read for #Scarathlon! #TeamMonsterMash

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Ho appena finito "Dottor Jekyll e Mr Hyde" e devo dire che mi è piaciuto tantissimo. Non si tratta di una storia molti lunga, ma di certo non manca di originalità e profondità di argomenti. È incredibile come a volte si riesce a distinguere bene le due personalità come entità diverse e separate senza sembrare scontata e ridicola. Alla fine nessuno è solo buono o solo cattivo ma siamo un mix unico e questo è una bella lezione di vita. Consigliato.

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1. I had a black cat but I lost him in the divorce. Love void cats tho 🐈‍⬛
2. Tagged.
3. Yell when they are doing dumb things.
4. I‘m a needs-to-makes-whole-playlist kind of person. First 2 that came to mind are Halloween from Rent and Be More Chill. But I like finding spooky szn references in songs like my last post.
5. So many but Halloween is Grinch Night is a repeat every year.

#hhs #hauntedhollowswap

SilversReviews Love that pumpkin. 2y
wanderinglynn 👻🖤🙌🏻 2y
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Other than one scene from the lesser-known movie The Pagemaster, I was unfamiliar with this story until I went to Scotland. I learned a lot about Stevenson and Deacon Brodie, the real life inspo for the book, so I was eager to read it. It was surprisingly short and easy to follow, but the real “reveal” of the plot wasn‘t as dramatic as I expected it to be. I am still happy I read it and I understood the duality of man Stevenson addressed.


Mystery to be solved... 🤔🤔

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I am so surprised at how sad this book made me feel. Now to find some sort of movie adaptation (any suggestions?)

#NovelWatchingCrew (#NWC)
@AkashaVampie @AnansiGirl @jb72 @AsYouWish @mollyrotondo @Bibliobliss @Butterfinger

#the52bookclub2022 46: Prompt: Job Title in the Title


AmyG Omg ❤️❤️❤️ 3y
AkashaVampie I'm not sure where to look but I do know they have a few different ones... I believe there is one where a man turns into a woman (or it could be the other way around). 3y
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This is going to be my next #AudioCommute / #AudioCleaning / #AudioOrganizing book. I might get to the rest of my #ToDoList but... I am gonna take a quick break first (and its too cold to be outside or near the mudroom)

#NovelWatchingCrew (#NWC)
@AkashaVampie @AnansiGirl @jb72 @AsYouWish @mollyrotondo @Bibliobliss @Butterfinger

jb72 I‘m so glad you posted this. I was just thinking I need to find the book and now I have it added to my audible for free! Thanks! 3y
Shido Performed by Richard Armitage?! I need! 3y
ElizaMarie @Shido it was so well done! 3y
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Classic anyone? BookOutlet!! I‘m shocked! What an awesome edition!!! This dumb picture doesn‘t do it justice!! Sprayed edges!! The top edges say, “I AM THE CHIEF OF SINNERS” and the bottom says, “I AM THE CHIEF OF SUFFERERS”! And there‘s plenty of artwork within!!! I had no idea it was going to be such a cool book!! I recommend this hardcover! It was worth the price! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

truthinfiction 😍 oh gosh!!! Magnificent! 3y
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Happy Almost March Littens!! Who is starting the #NWC book for March/April soon? I am excited to get into this one. How about you?

If u are wanting to join in, u are so welcome to. We would love to have u. We are totally laid back and nothing is mandatory in our groups!

@ElizaMarie @AsYouWish @jb72

ElizaMarie I am very excited about this one! I have a couple of others to finish, so I will probably wait on this one till mid-March but... still super excited! 3y
AkashaVampie @ElizaMarie no rush.. we have 2 months to read it. 3y
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I wanted to like this one so much. I had had high expectations and well, this classic, unfortunately fell way short😕

CoverToCoverGirl Oh darn! But now you know and another one of your list! 🙂 3y
DieAReader @CoverToCoverGirl 😉Live and learn🤷🏻‍♀️I guess we can‘t like them all🤣🤣 3y
Ruthiella I think I would have liked this much more if I hadn‘t known the story beforehand... 3y
DieAReader @Ruthiella Fair enough😁 I only had the vaguest of knowledge about the story & because of that I think I overhyped it😬😂 3y
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Meh. I'd never read the original story before, but now I guess I have.

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Lots of tell, don‘t show but that was the style when it was written so I can‘t be that mad. There is a lot to take away from the story though getting through it is a bit of a slog.

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I started this last night, planning to only read a chapter or two. I ended up finishing it in one sitting! This was a compelling read and would have been fantastic if I didn‘t already know the twist. I‘m glad I can mark this off my TBR. All caught up for #thatsclassic ! 4⭐️


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Officially saying goodbye to our August #thatsclassic pick.

What are your final thoughts? Would you recommend this? Do you think you‘ll ever re-read?

bthegood Glad I read it - really enjoyed it - not sure about reading it again on my own - but if a book club I belonged to read it then I would read again. 👍 3y
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This one wasn't especially on my radar, but it was August's pick for #thatsclassic and seeing as it is quite short, I thought it was a great time to add another beautiful Penguin paperback to my collection!!

This is definitely a book that had me wondering how I would have felt about it if I hadn't known the spoiler. The writing is super atmospheric & I loved it. Stevenson is one of those authors that every time I actually read one of his books⬇️

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) I really enjoy it, yet I don't seem to go out of my way to find them!

This edition also includes a second short story called The Bottle Imp. I really liked that one, too, plus it took me to Hawaii (of all places) for #ReadtheUSA2021 and #SeparatedbyaPondTour ...as long as it counts that I “went“ there before Hawaii was actually a state!!

@Annie1215 @Andrew65
LitStephanie Thanks for posting a review! I have seen a play of the story but never considered reading it before now. 3y
robinb Beautiful edition! 3y
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TheAromaofBooks @LitStephanie - It's a super fast read, too - less than a hundred pages. 3y
TheAromaofBooks @robinb - Thank you!! Lately, as I've been reading classics I don't already own, I've been purchasing a copy when I can do so reasonably, and I'm kind of in love with these Penguin paperbacks. The spines are pretty, too!!! 3y
robinb @TheAromaofBooks can I ask where you get yours? At a bookstore? Online? 3y
LitStephanie @TheAromaofBooks wow, that makes me want to read it more! 3y
Andrew65 Well done 👏👏👏 I‘ve not read this yet. 3y
TheAromaofBooks @robinb - I got it from Book Depository. For some reason, I find their website easier to navigate when I am looking for a specific edition. They also sell the UK editions of books, since that is where they are located, & I think these Penguin editions are all UK, not American, although I could be wrong on that one haha 3y
robinb @TheAromaofBooks I‘ve never shopped with them before. I‘ll have to look them up and browse. Thanks! 3y
TheAromaofBooks @robinb - It's my go-to for when I'm looking for a UK edition. Why does the UK get all the beautiful covers??? 3y
UwannaPublishme Great review! Now I really want to read this one. Hope you‘re enjoying your summer, Sarah! It‘s going by too fast! 🤗 3y
TheAromaofBooks @UwannaPublishme - Thanks, Donna!!! Our summer is great but soooo busy!!!! I'm a million years behind on all my penpal writing, too! I really love how summer is full of outdoors & garden stuff, but also am looking forward to the slower, cozier pace of winter. I'll try to write soon - I miss you!!! 3y
UwannaPublishme Ha! I think I‘m as far behind as you are! I‘m still answering letters from July! 😁 Miss you and #Bookspin! I may catch up this month. 🤞🏻❤️ 3y
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Thank you all for your sweet messages about my cat 🤗. Here‘s another favorite picture, taken shortly after I adopted him as a kitten. He was always such a ham and it‘s been so strange without him here. Speaking of strange, I finished Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde today for #thatsclassic! I enjoyed the short novella, but finished wanting more to the story. A few more chapters about Hyde‘s rise in deviousness would have made it even more compelling 😈

WJCintron 😍 😍 😍 3y
SamAnne Those eyes….. 3y
Megabooks The handsomeness!! I know you‘re missing him. 💜💜 3y
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Good morning #thatsclassic readers! I‘m hunkered down avoiding the hurricane here and wanted to check in.

Fun fact: always a spooky weirdo at heart, I opted to celebrate my 16th birthday at a restaurant called a Jekyll and Hyde in NYC.

Question: what common thread do you find among literary monsters like Jekyll&Hyde, Dracula, Frankenstein, etc?

P.s. be on the lookout for an email later today…we‘re gonna try something new.

Liz_M My best friend worked as a character at one of the J&H for a few years 😁 (the midtown location). 3y
TheAromaofBooks I just started this one this week since my copy took a minute to arrive. I can't believe I've never read this one!! It's so atmospheric and fun! 3y
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Great read. I wonder what it felt like to read this when it first came out and nobody knew what the solution of the mystery was.
@Annie1215 #thatsclassic

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Checking in on my #thatsclassic friends! Has everyone finished? I know this was shorter than some of the others we‘ve read.

What has been your favorite theme while reading this? Or something you recognized that you didn‘t before?

sharread I finished a couple weeks ago. It was creepy. 3y
bthegood I enjoyed this - I only see this in terms of the good/evil theme - and I like how it is explored and how it ends! 3y
eeclayton I haven't finished yet, haven't even started, to be honest 😂 But since it's such a short book, I'm not worried. I'm actually looking forward to rereading it, as I've recently read The Jekyll Revelation, which is a fictional origin story for this classic. 3y
eeclayton I've finished now. One thing that surprised me was how Hyde was shorter than Jekyll (and J's theory about that). I hadn't remembered that, and in film adaptations it tends to be the other way around. 3y
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Checking in on my #thatsclassic readers

A major plot point is our protagonist‘s double identity. Can you think of any other story this reminded you of?

My mind immediately went to an earlier #thatsclassic read, The Count of Monte Cristo. That‘s another story where the character has a more daring and revenge driven identity.

What do you guys think of?

sharread Frankenstein A creation of something turns evil. Mr. Hyde was one creepy dude. 3y
Butterfinger I immediately thought of Dorian Gray. 3y
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#LitsySummerCamp @ImperfectCJ was amazing, very little reading, lots of good memories.
#ThinkPositiveBePositive thx for tag @TheSpineView @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks
"Life is a gift. Wake up everyday and realize that" source unknown.
One of the pictures I took in Alaska, beautiful place!

Annie1215 So pretty! 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Great quote ❤️ 3y
TheSpineView You're welcome! 💜 3y
bthegood @Annie1215 it was!😊👍 3y
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Second #readathon book complete. I will gladly listen to any book read by Richard Armitage #deweyaug #audible #AwesomeAugust #BookSpinBingo

Andrew65 Great 👏👏👏 3y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
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Uh oh I think Mr. Hyde found me 😅#readathon #deweyaug #AwesomeAugust #ThatsClassic

Ruthiella 😂😂😂 3y
kspenmoll He sure did!!!!😂 3y
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Day 3 - #Self

Maybe it's predictable, but I'm going with this one ❤😊

Eggs It‘s fabulous!! 👌🏼❤️📚 3y
Ast_Arslan @Eggs 😊😊❤ 3y
JazzFeathers Adoro Stevenson 😍 3y
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Ast_Arslan @JazzFeathers idem! Devo ancora trovare qualcosa di suo che mi deluda! 3y
JazzFeathers Non capisco proprio cosa ci stesse a fare nell'Ottocento. Uno scrittore (e un uomo) così avanti nei tempi. 3y
Ast_Arslan @JazzFeathers sono fermamente convinta che le voci fuori dal coro facciano bene ad ogni secolo... anche se non sempre sono state comprese e celebrate nel loro tempo 🤷🏻‍♀️ allo stesso tempo però manderei un po' degli odierni bigotti nell'800 per avere indietro uno Stevenson 🤣 3y
JazzFeathers @Ast_Arslan Mamma mia. Davvero 😆😂 3y
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This went much quicker than I was expecting! #thatsclassic

Pros: it‘s like a compact, shorter version of some other classics. It has big Sweeney Todd/Dracula feels in different ways.

Cons: the stage version I saw was better - it could have used some music 😂

sharread My favorite movie is Mary Reilly. John Malkovich does an excellent job portraying Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. ❤ I really enjoyed the audio version for this too. 3y
TheAromaofBooks Yay!! I'm looking forward to reading this one this month!! I'll try to find some appropriate background music when I do 😂 3y
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Happy August #thatsclassic readers!

We are kicking off The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (which I will henceforth be referring to as Jekyll and Hyde)

I‘ve never read this but I have seen a stage version so I have some idea what to expect.

Are there any books you‘ve seen a stage version of? I‘m a BIG theater fan so I‘d love to hear!

Twainy The Strange Case of the Alchemist‘s Daughter? It‘s about the young daughters of your J&H working with Holmes & Watson solving murders. Other Classic monsters are mentioned. 3y
Michael_Gee I saw a pretty bad musical adaptation of Northanger Abbey! 3y
Bookworm54 There is a really good bbc series called Jekyll that I would recommend if you can find it. One of my favourite series! 3y
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#BFC21 @wanderinglynn thx for hosting
For August will just work on TBR list (that I also keep adding to) - no number on the books - will read when and as much as I can - will work out 4x a week (at the least) -

Happy August everyone -

wanderinglynn Great goals! 🙌🏻 3y
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In an extremely close vote - we finally have a winner!

For August, #thatsclassic will be reading The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde!

Let me know if you‘ll be reading along 😀

MatchlessMarie I must have been living under a rock this is the first time I have seen this tag. I love it. If I can get a copy in time I would like to join in. 3y
Jess I‘m in. Will be my first read. Looking forward to it. 3y
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eeclayton I voted for the Agatha Christie book, but I'm very happy with this result, too! I read Jekyll&Hyde ages ago, I'll be glad to give it a reread ☺️ 3y
Butterfinger I will. 3y
bthegood I'm in - this has been on my TBR for a while now - thx for hosting! 3y
TheAromaofBooks Yes, I am hoping to read this one this month!! 3y
sharread I am too. 😁 3y
Blackink_WhitePaper I m in ! I am reading for the first time 3y
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This struck me as being less about the conflict of good and evil in a person's soul, and more about Victorian bourgeois hypocrisy.

Prior to Jekyll's transformation, he uses the shield of medical respectability to indulge his unnamed, and therefore probably sexual, vices (the other main vices of Victorian England, gambling and alcohol, not being unnameable), and he had already been leading a double life. 👇🏼

Bookwomble His potion, Jekyll says, has the potential to emphasise either the "good" or "evil" traits of the personality, in his Case unleashing Hyde due to his preexisting affinity for wickedness. Before the transformation, Jekyll had to hide this part of his life; as Hyde he is both more concealed and more visible to "polite society", which is more concerned with appearances than substance. ?? 3y
Bookwomble Although we don't get to follow Jekyll or Hyde into the world of their indulgences, it is likely that the people of that echelon of society better knew the quality of Henry Jekyll, and were of old acquainted with the qualities, if not the figure, of Edward Hyde. 🎩 3y
TrishB Great analogy! 3y
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