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Gulliver's Travels
Gulliver's Travels | Jonathan Swift
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Gulliver's Travels | Jonathan Swift
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(challenge catch up post, I finished this in May)
#fourfoursin22 canonical - a classic @Lauredhel
#roll100 - April and May

My #roll100 list is my kobo ebook tbr, but when I started the copy of this I had, I realized pretty quickly it was abridged. So, deleted that one and got a copy from the library instead. Either way, another one off the tbr! Can't say it's one of my favourite classics, but parts were interesting.

Graywacke Cool and kudos. Not a classic i see people actually reading all that often. 2y
llwheeler @Graywacke I can see that. I found it got a bit repetitive, each new place he discovered sort of followed the same formula. And I also felt a lot of satire was probably going over my head cause I lacked his social context (I didn't bother to do any supplementary reading or research) 2y
BiblioLitten I read this ages ago. Not sure how I would feel about it now. 2y
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Gulliver's Travels | Jonathan Swift
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The May #roll100 numbers gave me 2 new series starts, and Gulliver's Travels again (which is handy since as predicted I haven't started it yet). So I think May's focus will be catching up the books I still have unread from earlier months, and then if I still have time, start a new series. They might get pushed to the summer sometime.

Thanks @PuddleJumper!

Gullivers Travels | Johnathan Swift

I remember i liked it

Gulliver's Travels | Jonathan Swift
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Great choice 📚🙌🏻 3y
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Gullivers Travels | Johnathan Swift
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Swift called out Britain on their bull💩 using the lens of fiction and I‘m here for it. Perfect work of satire. I really wish I could spend one day with Swift. If you ever get a chance to watch the Ted Danson version, do it! I‘ve always loved this book but looking at it with my British Lit class was even better. 190/1,001 #1001Books #RoryGilmoreChallenge

Gulliver's Travels | Jonathan Swift
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I call this piece “Having Three Young Adult Drivers and Organizing Their Court Dates”. Or maybe I should just call it “Facepalm”. Glad to know 1-2 of the 4 kids are on track to also be lawyers🏛 #dailycheckin 😂

Gulliver's Travels | Jonathan Swift
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Resurfacing after another 10 day work emergency, which never fails to leave me bedridden with that bad stomach. I am thinking use the time to READ. Miss and appreciate my Litsy Family💖


Lesanne Hope you feel better soon! 🤗 4y
GHABI4ROSES Thank you💖, I just have to give into it😉 4y
Andrew65 Sending positive thoughts 🥰 4y
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DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES Rest, Relaxation & Copious amounts of Reading is my👩🏻‍⚕️prescription to you😉🥰😘 4y
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Gulliver's Travels | Jonathan Swift
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#dailycheckin with the hopes of reading something, anything today⁉️😫

DieAReader 😡😳🤬 4y
GHABI4ROSES Crazy, huh @Squidget 💖 4y
DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES Definitely! 🥰 4y
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Andrew65 Can we have your island so we can irradiate it and hand it back! No seriously we are taking your island! 😢 4y
GHABI4ROSES EXACTLY @Andrew65 not uncommon❣️ 4y
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Gulliver's Travels | Jonathan Swift
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#dailycheckin to stay close to my Litten Family. Keeps me grounded at my desk! Happy New Week!

Andrew65 Happy week to you too. Hope all well with the Covid. 4y
Lynnsoprano Have a wonderful week! 4y
GHABI4ROSES Thank you both🥰 I think COVID has left our house, at least for now🙏🏾 4y
Lesanne Happy new week to you too! Hope y‘all stay safe out there! 🤗 4y
GHABI4ROSES All is well🤗 4y
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Gulliver's Travels | Jonathan Swift
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Here‘s my #BookSpin stack for June. This month I read Book 1, Gulliver‘s Travels, and am replacing it with Dandelion Wine (from my secret Santa).
Thank you @TheAromaofBooks for hosting!

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There were so many times I found my mind wandering during g this book, it was unable to maintain my focus. Hugely imaginative but far too detailed with social / political commentary for my liking

Gulliver's Travels | Jonathan Swift
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No. Not another adventure novel. After two chapters I have literally thrown it aside. Not for me. #1001books

Cinfhen Torture!!! 5y
Cinfhen Read it in 8th grade and then again with each of my kids 😖 5y
BarbaraBB @Cinfhen I tried it as a kid too and bailed. Same goes for Robinson Crusoe, Jules Verne and books like that. And now they‘re all on that damned #1001books list 😫🤪 5y
Cinfhen That LIST!!!!! Ugh!!!!! 5y
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🙌🏻📚🙌🏻 5y
OriginalCyn620 👌🏻📚🌎 5y
Lcsmcat Great minds think alike. 🤣 5y
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Gullivers Travels | Johnathan Swift
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Gulliver is quite the #globetrotter, and by the looks of it so is this copy. BTW, I‘m a collateral relative of Swift. I am not descended from him but we share an ancestor. #letstravelaugust @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @OriginalCyn620

OriginalCyn620 Cool! 👌🏻😊🌎 5y
jewright That is really cool! 5y
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Gulliver leaves his wife and kids at home to gallivant around the world, four times over, even though he constantly meets with disaster. He becomes a twisted misanthrope and lives out his days ankle-deep in horse manure. Sure, it‘s an ever-timely critique of corruption and religion and government… but I can‘t get past the wife-abandonment. My full review here: http://keepingupwiththepenguins.com/gullivers-travels-jonathan-swift/

Taylor This book sucks to me. 5y
keepingupwiththepenguins @Taylor Yeah, I didn't love it either 😅 5y
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Gullivers Travels | Johnathan Swift
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Listening to the audiobook with David Hyde Pierce narrating, I have had a few good chuckles. When I was a kid, my dad recommended that I read this. I tried, but couldn't get past the first chapter. As an adult, I am enjoying it much more.
#audiobook #audible #commute #classics #readtheclassics #satire

bookseller_cate Downloaded! 🙏💛😊 5y
Aims42 My first time reading this was last year. I really enjoyed it too 👍🏻 5y
cherinium @bookseller_cate I hope it can give you some smiles! 5y
cherinium @Aims42 I'm really surprised at and amused by some of the potty humor. Who knew "making water" could be so useful as to extinguish fires! 5y
Aims42 @cherinium Haha, yes!! 🤣 I was surprised by that too!! And yet, the humor stays the same even after all these years 5y
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There are a lot of #imaginaryplaces in this book...although I haven‘t read it since I was young and really only remember Lilliput...


Cinfhen Me too!!! But it‘s SO MEMORABLE 🧠even for a #SquirrelBrain 💋💋💋💋 5y
squirrelbrain @Cinfhen 🤪🐿🤪🐿 5y
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Gullivers Travels | Johnathan Swift
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Have yet to read this classic! But thought this was quite apt for the #tiny prompt of the #ANewChapter picture challenge :)

@vkois88 @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I haven‘t read it either!! 6y
Jee_HookedOnBookz @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks hi five! Hmmm I'm thinking maybe I shd read it...one fine day 😅But first, tackle current TBR! 😅 6y
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Gullivers Travels | Johnathan Swift
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Reading a book that I should have read in high school, but looked up on Spark Notes instead. 🤓

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Gullivers Travels | Johnathan Swift

Great example of context and fitting in.

Gullivers Travels | Johnathan Swift
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Found this sweet $1 baby from the 40's at a flea market and will be enjoying her this evening along with a nice bath. One more precious baby to add to my antique and aged book collection. 💎

StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Welcome to Litsy 📖💙 6y
CoffeeNBooks Cool find! Welcome to Litsy! 📚 6y
Lel2403 Welcome to Litsy 📖 6y
CarolynM Welcome to Litsy 🌼 6y
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I was a strange child. Apparently I greatly loved this story...I am quite frankly borde by it, now. I like other of Swift's works so much more. This just seems to go on and on. Not sure if I'm going to get through it before its due. With the wait list I can't renew it, either.
#jonathanswift #gulliverstravels #teaandabook #teaandanaudiobook #teaandaudiobook

GingerAntics A Modest Proposal was great. It was oddly funny and oddly still completely poignant. Admittedly, I have a bit of a twisted sense of humor so that may have had something to do with that assessment. What was not funny was when I had a student who didn't get that it was snark and claimed in a paper that Jonathan Swift believed Irish children should be eaten, actually ate them, and would not be persuaded from this view. Now THAT is twisted. (edited) 6y
BookishBelle I also enjoyed A Modest Proposal much more than Gulliver‘s Travels. I read them both in undergrad. Can‘t remember if I actually finished Gulliver‘s Travels... I think I did. I was much more strict with myself about such things back then. Now I‘ll just bail. 6y
GingerAntics @BookishBelle that's interesting, because I find myself more strict about finishing now than I used to be. lol I think I generally skim when bored just to say I finished. lol That may end up happen with theserial reader, but at least I tried. 🤷🏼‍♀️ (edited) 6y
BookishBelle That‘s the spirit!! Lol 6y
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This was read to me long ago, but I don't remeber it. I remeber watching a TV movie version of it when I was quite young. So excited to listen to this classic story once again.
#jonathanswift #gulliverstravels #teaandabook #audiobook #teaandaudiobook

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A giant walks the streets of Liverpool, witnessed by a brobdingnagian crowd, amongst which is Mrs Bookwomble 💗

DivineDiana Fascinating! What‘s going on here? 🤔 6y
saresmoore Whoa! 6y
Bookwomble @DivineDiana It's a street theatre company which uses giant puppets to put on shows. They've done two previously in Liverpool, to great local acclaim, and they're back again. Too crowded for my taste, but ill enjoy seeing my wife's photos when she and her friends get back. More info on this link, of you wasn't to check it out 😊 https://www.giantspectacular.com 6y
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DivineDiana There is quite a crowd! 😬 Thank you for the link! 🙂 6y
TrishB Had to watch from my sick bed! 6y
Bookwomble @TrishB I hope it gave you a lift, Trish 💗 6y
TrishB It gave the city a great boost didn‘t it! I wouldn‘t have liked to be in that crowd - probably gone to one of the smaller areas. 6y
Bookwomble @TrishB It sure did! No, I'm not good in crowds like that. Mrs Bookwomble said it was amazing, though 😊 6y
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Gullivers Travels | Johnathan Swift
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I was tempted by the Gulliver‘s Travels - it was one of my texts for my A Level Literature exams and my copy is all marked up! - but I thought the font they used in this edition was rather weird.

DivineDiana Love the covers, though! 🙂 6y
Texreader Gulliver‘s Travels is a free ebook on iTunes 6y
erzascarletbookgasm These editions are lovely! 6y
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Gullivers Travels | Johnathan Swift
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1. We are at the Jersey Shore! Hoping for no rain!
2. Funny thoughtful book.
3. Mayonnaise
4. As a child I was a cheerleader and a softball player
5. 🏖🤗
#Friyayintro @jesshowbooks

Gullivers Travels | Johnathan Swift
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While this book slightly slow in parts and many might find the language difficult, I lol‘d many times. Swift is not just telling a story of exploration but really giving a commentary on 17th century English culture and humanity in general. I loved the last part with the yahoos the most. So funny!

bewareofwords Yes, I agree!! Your thoughts are spot-on 👍🏽 6y
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Gullivers Travels | Johnathan Swift
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I read this on @SerialReader , 47 issues. It was for my classic lit book club. The beginning wasn't so bad, but as it went on I had to force myself to continue reading. Way too detailed and some of the "adventures" are just absurd. This is not a classic I would recommend, but now I can say I read it! #classics #serialreader

Allylu I just finished it for #WinterRespite Readathon and I definitely agree with your description. Although some think the “potty humor” is funny, I think it was disgusting especially the frequency it was inserted. I will have to do more research to find out just exactly what significance this book had on the people of that era. 5y
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Gullivers Travels | Johnathan Swift

Engrossing. I‘d love to go on a journey like that!!!!!

Gullivers Travels | Johnathan Swift
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TrishB Great pick 👍🏻 6y
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Gullivers Travels | Johnathan Swift
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I enjoyed reading all three books. Two of them read during childhood, and one last year.

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So you go in another thrift , hardcovers are $1 paperbacks are 50 cents .You find an old Dell , you end up paying retail, yet you don‘t care. 😀

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Gullivers Travels | Johnathan Swift
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I‘ve really never once felt the need or urge to read Gulliver‘s Travels, but that sure has changed since NDT‘s segment on The Great American Read last night. (And it‘s not even one of the 25 books I put on my #GARbingo card! Sigh.) I really loved the show - and especially how much it was enjoyed by some of my less-actively-bookish friends. http://www.pbs.org/video/neil-degrasse-tysons-favorite-novel-gullivers-travels-n...

LauraJ NDT! NDT! NDT!!! 6y
Christine @LauraJ He is so great! I kind of still don‘t want to read this book but his love for it was so extreme that I feel like I must at least give it a try. 6y
ravenlee It's not a favorite of mine, but it's one that I felt better for reading. It's more than just Lilliput, and while it's kind of heavy-handed it's not bad social commentary. And it goes fairly quickly. 6y
Christine Ooh, thanks for those thoughts, @ravenlee - between you and NDT, the social commentary angle will get me to try it, I think. :) 6y
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Gullivers Travels | Johnathan Swift
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It's a really great book.
Good travel readers!!??
Quinbus Flestrin never let you go!
#Catala #Gulliverstravel #Spain #recommendation "toberead
Do you like this book?

rockpools Hi, welcome to Litsy! 6y
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Gullivers Travels | Johnathan Swift
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My first read on serial reader, an a selection for the #greatamericanread I enjoyed parts of it, and can certainly see why it‘s a classic, but I was never transported, and never forgot that I was reading something that I was “supposed” to have read.

Gullivers Travels | Johnathan Swift
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Another book art ‘cause I‘m still knee deep in endangered language text books and eighteenth century databases 💕

Ps. I don‘t think the version of Gulliver‘s Travels that I was familiar with as a kid featured his particular method for putting out the fire in the royal chambers 😳

RohitSawant Love how detailed this is! 6y
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Gullivers Travels | Johnathan Swift
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I saw Jonathan Swift‘s grave at St Patrick‘s Cathedral in Dublin yesterday.

HotMessJess Beautiful! 6y
rather_be_reading jealous!!! ❤❤ 6y
Lcsmcat Cool! I‘m (very distantly) related to him. I‘m not descended from him, but he and I are descended from the same person, a few generations back from him. 6y
goodbyefrancie Added to my must-see list! 6y
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Boring at times but still a must read. The political and philosophical satires are noteworthy. Not for those who read simple and easily written Young Adults only. I know it can get frustating at times but if you figure out the message and the satire behind it, it becomes worth it.

Gullivers Travels | Johnathan Swift

I enjoyed this book even though at some points the writing seemed a bit dry, but at other times quite amusing. I had only known about the story about a giant in a land of tiny people. I enjoyed all the other stories and the social commentary that is quite obviously behind each one.

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Gullivers Travels | Johnathan Swift
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#BookMail from #EastonPress is the next installment from the #OneHundredGreatestBooksEverWritten subscription. I have honestly never read this book, and I have actually heard it is very boring, but I will find out. It is very beautiful, though. These books make my heart happy ❤️

GypsyKat Beautiful edition! 7y
BooksTeasAndBookishThings @GypsyKat I am in love with their books. Seriously the best quality I have ever seen. 😍 7y
Meglet I had to read it in high school. I remember it being a struggle, but mostly because of language. It wasn't boring. 7y
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FRIENDS I DID IT 🎉🎉🎉 (finished the book and completed my challenge!) this was surprisingly entertaining and easy to read.

ChicaReads 👏👏👏 7y
Lmstraubie 👏👏👏👏👏 7y
MicheleinPhilly Nice job! 7y
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JoRead Awesome!! 7y
LeahBergen 🎉🎉🎉🎉 7y
JessClark78 🎊🎉🎉🎉🎊 7y
rubyslippersreads 🎉📚🎉📚🎉🎉🎉 7y
quirkyreader Hurrah!!!🐸🐙 7y
AmandaL Huzzah! 🎉🎈🎉 7y
JeaMar82 Yay 😊🎈🎉 7y
GinEyre22 🎉🎆🎊🎇 7y
Pamwurtzler Hurray!!! 7y
ErikasMindfulShelf 👏🏻👏🏻🎉🎉 7y
Redwritinghood 👏👏👏👏 7y
batsy 👏👏👏 Well done! 7y
nickimags Fantastic 👏👏👏 7y
Birdsong28 Well done 🎉🎊📖📚 7y
Simona 👏👏👏Nice number! 7y
RohitSawant Congrats!! 🎉🎉 7y
CoffeeCatsBooks Congrats 🎊🎈 7y
DivineDiana 👏🏻📚👏🏻📚🎉 7y
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I have to read this by Thursday for a class... wish me luck! ⛵️

Izai.Amorim Good luck! 7y
nickimags Good luck! ❤ your mug! 7y
cleoh @Izai.Amorim @nickimags thank you! I was successful! 7y
nickimags Fantastic 👏👏👏👏 7y
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Book jar pick

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This book is exactly like the rating says: "so-so." Some interesting parts but overall pretty boring.

#LitsyAtoZ #LetterG #classics

LazyLibrary This book scared me as a kid. And then Gullivers Kingdom, the abandoned theme park in Japan 😱 yikes!!!!! 7y
[DELETED] 3803335244 I am in agreement. I found this book so boring. Not what I expected. 7y
cleoh I have to read this for a class this term 😨 7y
Kristy_K @LazyLibrary I could see parts of this being scary for a kid. There are a lot of weird situations. 7y
Kristy_K @cleoh There's some interesting points in this political satire. Maybe deciphering them in class will make the book more enjoyable. 7y
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