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Miss Buncles Book
Miss Buncles Book | D.E. Stevenson
42 posts | 58 read | 89 to read
Who Knew One Book Could Cause So Much Chaos? Barbara Bunde is in a bind. Times are harsh, and Barbara's bank account has seen better days. Maybe she could sell a novel ... if she knew any stories. Stumped for ideas, Barbara draws inspiration from her fellow residents of Silverstream, the little English village she knows inside and out. To her surprise, the novel is a smash. It's a good thing she wrote under a pseudonym, because the folks of Silverstream are in an uproar. But what really turns Miss Bunde's world around is this: what happens to the characters in her book starts happening to their real-life counterparts. Does life really imitate art? A beloved author who has sold more than seven million books, D. E. Stevenson is at her best with Miss Buncle's Book, crafting a highly original and charming tale about what happens when people see themselves through someone else's eyes. "Love it, love it, love it" "There are no vampires, no faeries, no weird creatures, just a sweet story about real people living in a world I've always dreamed of."-Reader Review
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Miss Buncles Book | D.E. Stevenson
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In a nutshell, a novel about a novel about an English village that upsets the apple cart. The story is like Miss Buncle‘s book - deceptively simple. Compulsively readable, yet quiet. At the same time, I was frequently anxious about the situations and outcomes!
Unusual for me, I had a very hard time picturing Miss Buncle. I couldn‘t quite place her!

Thank you for sending it to me @Gissy !

#1934 for #192025

Librarybelle Sounds like a lot of fun! 7mo
TheKidUpstairs I read this one earlier this year, it was so delightful! 7mo
Gissy Another book from your tbr that I need to read📚🤗I like that cover (edited) 7mo
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mabell @Librarybelle It was my first D.E. Stevenson. I can‘t believe I‘m just now getting to her! 7mo
mabell @TheKidUpstairs It was a Litsy recommended read! I had no idea what to expect, so it was fun to just jump in! 7mo
mabell @Gissy The cover is very striking! Have you read other D.E. Stevenson books? 7mo
Gissy @mabell Nope 7mo
mabell @Gissy Me either. But I have a number of others on my shelves! 😆 7mo
LeahBergen Aww, this is such a fun one! 7mo
mabell @LeahBergen It was! I need to get to her others! 7mo
MaureenMc This is one of my favorites! So glad you enjoyed it. ☺️ 7mo
mabell @MaureenMc Such great characters! Have you read the sequel(s)? 7mo
Gissy @mabell Waiting for your reviews🤗I think that one is part of a series. (edited) 7mo
MaureenMc @mabell Not yet, but they‘re definitely on my TBR! 7mo
mabell @Gissy A package came from you!! 😍❤️🎁 I‘m going to save it for tomorrow and enjoy opening by the Christmas tree! 😄🎄❤️ Thank you! I‘m so looking forward to it! 7mo
Gissy @mabell I‘m always late in my packages 🤦🏽‍♀️Hope you like it🤗🎄💚❤️💚🤞 7mo
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Miss Buncles Book | D.E. Stevenson
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One of my #GuiltyPleasures is watching Miranda Mills's 'cosy' reading vlogs. (If you know you know. If you don't, be glad. ?)
So for this month's #TitleandTunes, I'll be reading one of Miranda's recommended cosy reads.
As for a song, no guilt at all. I just straight up love TikTok by Ke$ha "cuz the party don't start till I walk in." ?
@cinfhen @BarbaraBB

Cinfhen Hahaha 🤣 perfect 🙌🏻🎶 14mo
Cinfhen And I DON‘T know 😁 14mo
merelybookish @Cinfhen I wish I didn't know, because now I cannot look away! 🙈 14mo
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Cinfhen 😂😂😂 14mo
LeahBergen Ah, I‘ve been following her for years! She‘s great. And Miss Buncle‘s Book is so good. 14mo
merelybookish @LeahBergen Not surprised to hear that! You could be her Canadian counterpart. 😁 14mo
LeahBergen 😆😆 14mo
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Miss Buncles Book | D.E. Stevenson
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A cozy sort of day rereading a favorite. It holds up!

Leftcoastzen Aww ! Cute reading buddies 😻😻 1y
Aimeesue I love that one ❤️ 1y
dabbe Da sweetest kitties! 💙🐾🐾💚 1y
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mabell @gissy just sent this one to me! ❤️ I‘m looking forward to reading it! 1y
Ruthiella 😻😻😻 1y
Gissy @mabell I heard is good and that is the first one in a trilogy. Looking forward for comments @mabell 1y
LeahBergen A favourite of mine, as well! 1y
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Miss Buncles Book | D.E. Stevenson
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Utterly delightful, heartwarming fun. How has this not been made into a movie?

LeahBergen Right? I love this book. 🥰 1y
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Miss Buncles Book | D.E. Stevenson
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What a charming book! This complete #blameitonLitsy read finds Miss Buncle writing a “fictional” book that just happens to show everyone in her town how they really are. Not everyone is pleased, of course, and several of the townsfolk set out to unveil the author. I was completely delighted!

bnp Your dog is beautiful. 2y
LeahBergen I especially loved how close some of her fictionalized names (and place names) were to reality. 😆 2y
Hooked_on_books @bnp Aw, thank you! She‘s all over my posts, as I can‘t help myself. 😬 2y
Hooked_on_books @LeahBergen Yes! That was so funny. It‘s such a clever book. 2y
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Miss Buncles Book | D.E. Stevenson
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Sunday nights in November just seem to say Persephone to me.

merelybookish The grey does seem fitting. 2y
BarbaraBB And rightfully so 😉 2y
quirkyreader It ‘s a very good story. 2y
LeahBergen Perfect! I loved this one. 2y
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Miss Buncles Book | D.E. Stevenson
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A book about a woman who wrote a book about a woman writing a book. This was just so clever and unexpected. I really enjoyed it.

MaureenMc I recently read this one, too. So charming! I also loved how everyone was incensed that Mr. Smith wrote such dreadful, truthful “slander.” 😄 2y
Ruthiella Such a cute book! 2y
LeahBergen A favourite of mine. 🥰 2y
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Bookwormjillk @MaureenMc @Ruthiella @LeahBergen have you read the next one? 2y
Ruthiella @Bookwormjillk I read the second one. Not quite as good as the first, but still fun. 2y
MaureenMc I haven‘t read any others in the series yet. 😊 2y
LeahBergen Yes, exactly what @Ruthiella said! 👍 2y
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Miss Buncles Book | D.E. Stevenson
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Delightful, hilarious, charming, and meta. 😊 Loved this one!
A pic of our cozy cat for this cozy read. 😸

BarbaraBB A great read indeed! 2y
LeahBergen I love this book! 🥰 2y
MaureenMc @BarbaraBB @LeahBergen It‘s the definition of charming. 🥰 2y
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Cathythoughts I‘m looking forward to reading this one 👍 2y
kspenmoll What a sweet ball of snuggly cat! 2y
MaureenMc @kspenmoll That‘s our Onyx. He‘ll be 20 in April. 💙 2y
elkeOriginal This was my intro to DE Stevenson and she has become a favorite! 2y
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Miss Buncles Book | D.E. Stevenson
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I am sharing my almost-favorites of the year. The ones who didn‘t make my #Top21Of21 but are favorites nevertheless. One for each month.

Persephone books are always good and often outstanding. In #June I read and loved this one.

LeahBergen Such a favourite of mine. 😊 3y
Ruthiella This was a sweet and fun book. 3y
quietjenn Love this one! 3y
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Cathythoughts I‘m looking forward to this one 3y
Andrew65 This sounds really good. 3y
andrew61 Great choice, I have just listened to the 'baclisted' episode on the book, well worth a listen. 3y
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Miss Buncles Book | D.E. Stevenson
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@BarbaraBB Thank you so so much for this lovely gift. My first Persephone! And so beautifully wrapped I almost didn‘t want to open it! So thoughtful, so kind…. I just love it. Thank you dear friend…. 🥰😘

erzascarletbookgasm Lovely! 😍 Happy Birthday! 🥳📚 3y
squirrelbrain Ooh, a Persephone… lucky you! ❤️ 3y
BarbaraBB Happy birthday dear Karen! I love how they wrap their books 😉. I happened to love Miss Buncle and think you will too! ❤️🎈 (edited) 3y
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KarenUK I‘m pretty sure that why it was on my list! 😉👯‍♀️ 3y
Cathythoughts Beautiful 💫 3y
LeahBergen Happy Birthday! I love Miss Buncle. ❤️❤️ 3y
KarenUK @LeahBergen thanks so much Leah. I have a feeling I‘ll love her too! 3y
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Miss Buncles Book | D.E. Stevenson
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This is the delightful read about Miss Buncle who writes about the people in the English village she lives in. When the book is published most recognize themselves and are not amused to say the least. Miss Buncle may not look very sharp, her pen is.
Comfort reading at its best! #persephone

squirrelbrain Great photo! 😁 3y
Tamra This sounds fun - stacked 3y
Megabooks I‘m excited to read this! 3y
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TrishB Love the pic ♥️ 3y
BarbaraBB @Tamra @Megabooks It is a feel good novel without being cheesy. Read it when you‘re in the mood! 3y
BarbaraBB @squirrelbrain @TrishB I spend so much time at home I now have to take pictures of the bathroom 😂 3y
rubyslippersreads I‘ve had this on my TBR list for ages. 3y
LeahBergen Didn‘t you love her not so subtle name changes of people and places? 😆😆 3y
BarbaraBB @LeahBergen Made me laugh out loud! 3y
BarbaraBB @rubyslippersreads I hope you‘ll pick it up one day 🤞🏽🤍 3y
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Miss Buncles Book | D.E. Stevenson
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#WeeklyForecast 18/21

I couldn‘t resist starting We Begin at the End immediately after receiving it as a giveaway by @TheLudicReader 🤷🏻‍♀️. Reviews are so tempting!
Lot I want to read because I loved Memorial and am eager to see how Washington‘s short stories are! According to @Reviewsbylola they are just as good. And I hope to start the tagged one because I fancy a good old #Persephone and this one has been praised all over Litsy.

Ruthiella Miss Buncle‘s Book is really sweet. 😊 3y
Megabooks Lot is fantastic! Enjoy! 3y
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TrishB I put We Begin in my weekly forecast a few weeks ago and didn‘t get to! I will eventually of course 😁 3y
BarbaraBB @TrishB It‘s totally in your wheelhouse too! I am having the perfect Sunday with it! 3y
TrishB I may start very soon! 3y
Reviewsbylola I hope you love Lot! 3y
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Miss Buncles Book | D.E. Stevenson
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Sometimes you have to order your own Christmas present on someone else‘s card! 😏🎄

Parents gave me their number to order these for Christmas because, in general, we are hopeless at finding gifts for each other!

The Blank Wall is totally you, Barbara. 👍🏻

Sparklemn I 💙 Persephone books! #persephonebooks 4y
Megabooks @Sparklemn me too!! 4y
Reviewsbylola Is this BD?!? 4y
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Megabooks @Reviewsbylola no this is the actual Persephone books website. I price matched these three books between BD and Persephone direct, including international shipping for the direct and the exchange rate on their credit card. It came out to within $1, so I decided to support Persephone directly. 4y
BarbaraBB What a great gift to yourself and to Persephone! I gladly take the blame for The Blank Wall 💕 and I have heard such good things about Miss Buncle. I might take a look at the Persephone website now myself... 4y
Megabooks @BarbaraBB ?? it‘s nice that they do 2£ off per book for ordering three. Makes it worth beefing up your order! ? 4y
BarbaraBB It‘s nice and very tempting 😀 4y
LeahBergen Awesome! ???? Yes, I always order directly from Persephone to support them, too, AND you only get the matching bookmark when you order from them (the matching bookmark is very important ?). Oh, and yeah... I always order three at once to save that Qe, as well. ?? (edited) 4y
Bookwormjillk Nice 👏👏 4y
Megabooks @LeahBergen the matching bookmark is KEY!! 💜💜 4y
Megabooks @Bookwormjillk thanks! 😊 4y
Reviewsbylola Ohhhhh nice. I didn‘t realize they did the discount online too! 4y
Megabooks @Reviewsbylola yup! And when I looked at BD, some individual books were cheaper, but when I looked at buying multiple books, there is really no difference. I‘d definitely recommend supporting Persephone and getting the bookmark, especially if you‘ve been eyeing a few! 4y
Eyelit Excellent! 💜 4y
erzascarletbookgasm That‘s brilliant. And Persephone 😍! 4y
Megabooks @Eyelit @erzascarletbookgasm I‘m so excited!! It‘s going to be a Merry Christmas for sure! 4y
silentrequiem Nice! And I adore Miss Buncle's Book. One day, I'll read the sequels. 4y
Megabooks @silentrequiem it just sounds so fun, I couldn‘t pass it up! 4y
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Miss Buncles Book | D.E. Stevenson

Book #2 in this series cannot come in at my library fast enough 😫 I have to keep reading!! This was a delight
🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟/5 easy, no hesitation 👏🏻

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Miss Buncles Book | D.E. Stevenson
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Fall decorations are up and I‘m snuggling up on the sofa with a new read ☺️ I‘m only 60ish pages in and I‘ve already requested 4 other books from the author on my library‘s app 😆

quietjenn I love her! 4y
Aims42 @quietjenn Her writing is exactly what I need right now 🥰 4y
LeahBergen I love Miss Buncle!! ❤️❤️ 4y
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Penny_LiteraryHoarders Oh good to know! This one is on my TBR@ 4y
Aims42 @Penny_LiteraryHoarders it‘s just delightful, that‘s the perfect word for this book and her writing 🥰 I‘ll be binge reading her for the next few weeks and will have zero regrets about it lol 4y
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Miss Buncles Book | D.E. Stevenson
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There are some weeks when the right bk comes around at the right time. All I needed this wk was a gentle English comedy of manners + this was perfect. Barbara buncle lives in silverstream, a village with remarkable characters who she writes abt in a novel that is a bestseller + outrages the community. A lovely bk that left me smiling as I put it down and im still
Smiling as I think abt it, and of course the beautiful persephone edition.

LeahBergen Didn‘t you love her names for people and places and how closely they matched the real names? 😂 4y
Cathythoughts Sounds perfect ✨ 4y
andrew61 @LeahBergen yes it was so clever in lots of ways , but the characters were just brilliant, I cd easily imagine meeting them over a cup of tea. Definitely a feel good book. 4y
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Aims42 Sounds delightful! Cheers to a great night 🍷📖 4y
erzascarletbookgasm I need this. A book/story that makes me smile and smile even after finishing it. 😊👍 4y
Moray_Reads Brilliant characterisation in this one 4y
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Miss Buncles Book | D.E. Stevenson
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Day 3 of #20Series20Days and my pick is the Miss Buncle series. Try the first if you are in the need of something light, comic, and feel-good. 😊


rubyslippersreads 😍😍😍 4y
MsMelissa I have the first book! 4y
catebutler I adore this series!! Such a great choice!! 👏🏼 4y
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Andrew65 Love the presentation. I don‘t know these, but need to explore them. 4y
ManyWordsLater ❤️ #Persephonebooks have you read any of the modern library #torchbearerseditions ? (edited) 4y
JamieArc This sounds delightful! 4y
Ruthiella Good choice! I‘ve only read the first two. 😀 4y
Leftcoastzen How pretty! 4y
quietjenn 🧡🧡🧡 4y
CarolynM Such a great photo - love those Staffordshire dogs🙂 And yet more books for the TBR ... sigh ... 4y
BarbaraBB Which is the first? 4y
LeahBergen @rubyslippersreads My very own Gogs and Magogs (a la LM Montgomery). Right? 😆😆 4y
LeahBergen @Book_Fiend_Melissa I hope you like it! 😄 4y
LeahBergen @catebutler Thank you! Isn‘t it lovely? 💕 4y
LeahBergen @Andrew65 Try the first. It‘s slight and silly but really fun. 4y
LeahBergen @ManyWordsLater I hadn‘t heard of them! I looked them up and yes, I‘ve read a few (the Georgette Heyer, the Brontë, the Austen, Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, and The Awakening). They‘re very pretty editions! 4y
LeahBergen @JamieArc They are! Try Miss Buncle‘s Book. 😊 4y
LeahBergen @Ruthiella Me, too. 😆 4y
LeahBergen @Leftcoastzen Thank you! 😘 4y
LeahBergen @CarolynM I started out only wanting a pair and somehow the others “followed me home” over the years. 😆😆 4y
LeahBergen @BarbaraBB Miss Buncle‘s Book. 😊 4y
Tanisha_A Stacked, stacked! 👌🏽 picture! 🤩 4y
TrishB Gorgeous pic ❤️ 4y
VeganCleopatra The two closest figurines are also dogs? Their eyes scream lemur to me. 4y
Cathythoughts Adorable picture 4y
BarbaraBB Thanks! That‘s one I have a copy of! 4y
Andrew65 @LeahBergen Slight and silly can often be what you need especially at this time. 4y
emilyhaldi I think we‘re all in need of some of that at the moment 🤪 4y
LeahBergen @Tanisha_A I think you‘ll like them. 😊 4y
LeahBergen @TrishB @Cathythoughts Thanks, you two! 😘😘 4y
LeahBergen @VeganCleopatra 😆😆 Yes, they ARE very lemur-ish. I consider it the charm of these weird old Staffordshire spaniels. 😆 4y
LeahBergen @emilyhaldi Oh, hell yeah. 😆 4y
VeganCleopatra Do a lot of them have eyes like that or are they the eccentric ones? 4y
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Miss Buncles Book | D.E. Stevenson
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Well that was fun!

Miss Buncles Book | D.E. Stevenson

Really sweet and funny novel about small town manners. Loved all the different characters living in Miss Buncle‘s town and unwillingly in the pages of her book.

Miss Buncles Book | D.E. Stevenson
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Today i went to oxfam at lunchtime to browse and saw 2 persephones with bookmarks at £1.49 each. Last time that happened i didn't get them and next day when i went back they'd gone. I checked GR first and @LeahBergen and @Moray_Reads had both give 4* to the title book so here they are plus 2 others and managed to sneak them in the house and reassure wife that the pile of books in the corner is not getting bigger its an optical illusion.

jhod I am very lucky my partner is so unobservant 😂 5y
andrew61 @jhod i don't really think mine is probably just very patient ☺ 5y
squirrelbrain Bargain Persephones! Well done....! 5y
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TrishB Bargains 👍🏻 5y
Leftcoastzen Yay! 5y
saresmoore Fantastic! 5y
Aimeesue Persephones! Yay! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 5y
LeahBergen You HAD to get them! Miss Buncle‘s Book is sweet and fun. I also have The Light Years waiting on my shelf. 👍🏻 5y
Cathythoughts These look good 👍🏻. Must investigate 5y
youneverarrived Good finds 👍 5y
Andrew65 The Frieda Klein Series by Nicci French is excellent. 5y
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Miss Buncles Book | D.E. Stevenson
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We‘re snowed in today, so I‘m sneaking in a few chapters in between work emails and watching an episode or two of Miss Marple. I‘m not very far along in, ‘Miss Buncle‘s Book‘, but I absolutely love it so far. After reading ‘Mrs Tim of the Regiment‘ last month for a buddy read, I‘ve been on a D. E. Stevenson kick. She‘s such a light hearted and brilliant writer and the perfect read for a snow day.

LeahBergen I love this one (and your photo is gorgeous)! 5y
Freespirit Snowed in with Miss Marple sounds perfect to me! Another gorgeous photo Cate. I will stack this book..I think we have similar taste😊 5y
catebutler @LeahBergen When I was adding the book to my Litsy reading list I saw you had posted about this book. I love how similar our reading tastes are! Kindred spirits. 💓 5y
catebutler @Freespirit It has been a fun day! All of the schools & universities have closed today because of the snow. I was reading an article today, the last snow day here, was in 1998, when I was in middle school - it brought back all the memories! It is such a fun book, and Stevenson has such a delightful wit that will make you smile. I think you‘re right about similar tastes. Do let me know what you think of this, once you pick it up! 5y
LeahBergen We ARE kindred book spirits! 😆 5y
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Miss Buncles Book | D.E. Stevenson
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I adore this charming novel about a woman who writes a book about her neighbors under a pseudonym and it becomes a runaway bestseller. And it's on sale. #dealalert

For fans of: The Blue Castle, Major Pettigrew's Last Stand, and I Capture the Castle

Rachbb3 I loved this book! 6y
silentrequiem @Rachbb3 Have you read any of the sequels? I'm half afraid they won't live up. 6y
Rachbb3 I haven't although I have them. I just read this one this year and loved it. I hope they're just as good! 6y
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Miss Buncles Book | D.E. Stevenson
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The ebook is on sale in the US Kindle store today. A lovely, light, very funny book. One of my favorites.

Ruthiella Yes this book was adorable 😀 Did you read the sequels? 6y
Aimeesue @Ruthiella Yes, indeed! The sequels were also good, but not as good as the original, imo. Still fun, though! 6y
LeahBergen This is a fave of mine, as well! 😍 6y
Aimeesue @LeahBergen We do have splendid taste, don‘t we? 😄 6y
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Miss Buncles Book | D.E. Stevenson
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Such a fun read! Shy and quiet Miss Buncle writes a book about the people in her village as they are truly seen and causes quite a scandal. It's a clever, funny and enjoyable read. 😁


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Miss Buncles Book | D.E. Stevenson
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Utterly charming. I loved the tongue-in-cheek self-awareness that Stevenson shows of her own genre. A perfect light read

laurieluna Your folio collection is perfection 😍 6y
jillrhudy Check out the sequel 6y
Aimeesue @jillrhudy Did we read this as a group read, or did we all read it because of word of mouth reviews? 6y
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jillrhudy @Aimeesue it‘s a favorite of Dixie; that‘s why I read it. 6y
LeahBergen I loved how infinitesimally she changed the place names for her novel. 😂 The second book in the series is fun (but not QUITE as fun) 6y
Moray_Reads @LeahBergen Messrs Nun and Nutmeg for Abbot and Spicer 😂 6y
jillrhudy Oh! @LeahBergen is correct. Miss Buncle Married is second, Two Mrs. Abbots third. 6y
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Miss Buncles Book | D.E. Stevenson
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I've finally made some progress with BK but my brain is fried so it's time for something lighter!

Cinfhen Pretty photo 😘 6y
Kalalalatja That view 😍😍 6y
Moray_Reads @Cinfhen @Kalalalatja it makes me feel a little better every time I look up 😉🤧 6y
LeahBergen Oh, this is such a silly and fun read! I hope it does the trick. 6y
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Miss Buncles Book | D.E. Stevenson
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Here is Number 86 on my #MountTBRchallenge. This is the link to my full review: https://quirkyreader.livejournal.com/50199.html

#persephone #persephonebooks

LeahBergen I loved this one. 💕 6y
jillrhudy Love love love I love everything that @LeahBergen loves 6y
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Miss Buncles Book | D.E. Stevenson
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Ahhhhhh😱😳 🤯 my current situation!!! My #Libby library book holds all checked out at once!!! I‘ve got a lot going on this week & obviously a lot to read too!!!

#LateNightThoughts #SassyBookworm 😏 #ConfessionsOfABookworm #bookhaul #TBR #LifeOfABookworm 🤷🏼‍♀️ #BookLife #LibraryBooks

LeeRHarry Can't believe that it is 20 years since the Titanic movie...😊 7y
Mollyanna I hate it when that happens. I just had the same thing happen to me on overdrive. Erg! Unfortunately, I think a couple of mine will be send back to the hold list 🙁 7y
TheSketchyReader I‘ve read a couple of these. You‘re about to be very busy! Too busy to do chores, cook, socialize.... 7y
SassyBookworm @LeeRHarry I know, ☺️ I happen to catch a special about the 20yr Anniversary with the director James Cameron telling how he put so much work into the details ect of the movie! @Mollyanna & I woke up to another one checked out this morning 😫😭 @TheSketchyReader I definitely agree I‘m not sure I‘ll get much of anything done 😖 (edited) 7y
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Miss Buncles Book | D.E. Stevenson
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I would never have guessed this was first published in 1936. This charming story is perfect for a cozy weekend!

HKGirl I enjoyed D.E. Stevenson as a teen, but haven't read any in years...and I don't think I ever read this one! I need to find a copy. Love this cover too. 😍 7y
LeahBergen It‘s such a fun read. ❤️ 7y
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Miss Buncles Book | D.E. Stevenson
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This is the coziest of cozy reads. A lady writes a book all about her neighbors in her small English village, they recognize themselves in her bestseller, and hilarity ensues. A light, fun read with memorable characters and witty prose, in which the author lovingly pokes fun at her characters.

Stich ins Wespennest: Roman | D. E. Stevenson
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@rubyslippersreads here you get a pic of the other gorgeous cover. 😙

rubyslippersreads 😍😍😍 7y
merelybookish It's so cute! 7y
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Miss Buncles Book | D.E. Stevenson
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I am trying very hard not to get more books. But we all know how that resolve works. I was out and about and spent Six American dollars or books.

Stop 1. The library in Mason, Michigan library store. I found some major scores there. It was mostly women writers except for the Stoker. The one in the upper right corner is "Lolly Willowes" by Sylvia Townsend Warner.

LauraBrook An excellent and impressive haul! I've seen such unusual covers for Lilly Willowes, none of them close to any other one. Kind of interesting! Fingers crossed that next time you find some more great deals! 7y
rubyslippersreads Great finds! Love 7y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled I bought The Dollmaker recently too! Lots of good finds here 7y
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quietjenn I ❤️ Miss Buncle. 7y
Jess_Read_This Such a great bookhaul! Those Buncle books are lovely and I've had Lolly Willows on the TBR radar for awhile now. 7y
LeahBergen Miss Buncle! 7y
batsy Lolly Willowes 😍 7y
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Miss Buncles Book | D.E. Stevenson
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Set in a 1930s English village, this book is about what happens when a budding author uses her own thinly-veiled town and neighbors as inspiration for her debut novel - and the novel becomes a smash hit!
This was a wonderful recommendation by Arpita @Bagfullofbooks

Bagfullofbooks Glad you enjoyed it. So much fun 😊 7y
mylittlebookbag @Bagfullofbooks Absolutely!!! I'm eager to read the rest of the Miss Buncle books. Do let me know if you come across any. 7y
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Miss Buncles Book | D.E. Stevenson
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Beautiful day to read on the deck. I'm loving this little charmer. #summerreading

LeahBergen Isn't it fun??? 7y
LeslieO @LeahBergen it's my first Stevenson. I love it! 7y
Verity I love this book so much. It's sequel is almost as much fun. This is so funny and so good. I just love the idea that the way out of a financial bind is to write a book. 7y
LeslieO @Verity And one about your neighbors! 7y
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Miss Buncles Book | D.E. Stevenson
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Set in a 1930s English #smalltown, this fun little novel is about what happens when a housewife and budding author uses her own VERY thinly-veiled town and neighbours as inspiration for a bad novel - and that novel suddenly becomes a smash hit.

Hobbinol Sounds delicious! 7y
Melissa_J I've had this one on my TBR pile for ages! Thanks to your endorsement of it I'm going to pick it up soon 👌🏻 7y
ValerieAndBooks I have not heard of this author but the storyline sounds fun! Will have to check it out. 7y
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LeslieO I own a few Stevenson books but haven't read them yet. Not the Persephone editions though. 7y
quietjenn I love D.E. Stevenson! 7y
GatheringBooks ooohlala what are persephone books? are they like folio society novels? 7y
SusanInTiburon Oh, I liked this one! 7y
LauraBrook My mom borrowed my copy, and then read the rest of the series from my shelves - before I even had a chance! 😂 they're still sitting there, unread, along w a few of her other books, simply bc I want to read one before my mom. I making her wait. 😏 7y
Cinfhen Perfect description @Hobbinol 💙😊👍🏻 7y
LeahBergen @Hobbinol It is! 😘 7y
LeahBergen @Melissa_J Oh, good! 👏🏻 7y
LeahBergen @LeslieO I've read two and want to get some others. 👍🏼 7y
LeahBergen @quietjenn 👏🏻👏🏻 7y
LeahBergen @GatheringBooks They publish "forgotten books", primarily by women of the 1920s to 1950s, in lovely uniform grey paperback editions. The endpapers of each book are based on a fabric or motif from the time of that book and come with matching bookmarks. ? 7y
LeahBergen @LauraBrook 😂😂 You should try one soon! 7y
LeahBergen @Cinfhen Right?? 😘 7y
SusanInTiburon No, I haven't read that one. Have you? 7y
LeahBergen @SusanInTiburon Yes! I liked following up on Miss Buncle to see how she was doing. 😁 It wasn't quite as good as the first but still really enjoyable. 7y
rubyslippersreads I've been wanting to read these. 7y
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Miss Buncles Book | D.E. Stevenson
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#ReadJanuary Day 11 - #DNF

A woman causes an uproar in her small, English village when she writes a novel, where the characters are very-thinly-veiled versions of the villagers - warts and all. This sounds like a fantastic premise for a story, and it is, but I found the writing style too clichéed and simplistic for my taste.

mabell This premise was a Murder She Wrote plot - "The Sins of Castle Cove" In that case, the *fiction* piece resulted in a murder! ? 8y
BooksForYears @mabell Ooooooh that sounds amazing! 8y
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Miss Buncles Book | D.E. Stevenson
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Love this delightful book #setinasmalltown in England. Comedy, intrigue, romance... this book has a bit of everything. 😄 #photoadaynov16

Ruri_kaichou Love the cover!! 8y
KarenUK Sounds fun! Stacked! 📚 8y
Wilkie I love this book! Good choice💖 8y
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saresmoore Such a cute cover! It makes me smile. 8y
RealLifeReading I've seen this before but have never picked it up! Stacked! 8y
LeahBergen Ha!! I thought of this town, too! 8y
GlitteryOtters I love this cover! Sounds right up my alley...another for the massive TBR list! 💕 8y
quietjenn I so love these books. She's definitely one of my comfort authors. 8y
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Miss Buncles Book | D.E. Stevenson
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The Kanawha County Public Library (my local) just posted on FB that "D E Stevenson is back in print." I've never heard of these books or the author (a distant relative of Robert Louis Stevenson), but the book descriptions sound delightful. Have you read any of Stevenson's English romance novels?

rubyslippersreads I haven't read any yet, but a friend recommended them, so they're on my TBR list. 8y
Eyelit I've read quite a few - they are delightful 😃 8y
LeahBergen I read Miss Buncle's Book and Miss Buncle Married and really enjoyed them. #Persephonebooks also publishes them (and lots of other stuff like it). 8y
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BlogginBoutBooks Never heard of them, but they sound fun! 8y
MMenefee @Eyelit @LeahBergen @WanderingBookaneer My library has them and y'all recommend them so they're a must add to the tbr. 8y
Dragon Okay these sound fun going on the tbr 😀 8y
LauraBrook I own all the recently republished ones and am now stalking the inter webs for the rest of her catalog. Haven't read one yet, but my mom has read most and Loves them all! 8y
EvieBee They are great little novels. Humorous with a touch of romance. I own all of them but have only read the Miss Buncle books. So glad they're back in print. 8y
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Miss Buncles Book | D.E. Stevenson
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I've read Miss Buncle's Book and the rest of the pile is my TBR Tuesday pic. I LOVE Persephone books.

Twocougs That is one beautiful pile 8y
CherylDeFranceschi Gorgeous! 8y
GuiltyFeat I file all my books alphabetically by author. I've never understood a publishing program that matches designs across multiple authors like this. It would be utterly wasted in my collection. 8y
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Caryl So lovely! 😍 I have several of those on my shelves, too, waiting for me. Do you get their Persephone Biannually? 8y
LeahBergen @GuiltyFeat My shelving system is not alphabetized but definitely follows an order of my own devising, so clumping these together is "allowed" in my library. ? 8y
LeahBergen @Caryl I do get it! Isn't it lovely? 8y
Caryl @LeahBergen - Very! (Confession: I even like to read the insert about their shipping policies; they have such a way with words! 💕) 8y
LeahBergen @Caryl Yes, exactly. And the short story is always fab, too. 8y
quirkyreader Do you go to the shop to get your books or order them direct? 8y
LeahBergen @quirkyreader I have to order them as I live in Canada. 😢 8y
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Miss Buncles Book | D.E. Stevenson
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I really enjoyed this quiet but soothing book all about the troubles a roman a clef brings to a small English village and its inhabitants.

Miss Buncles Book | D.E. Stevenson
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Loving the characters in this clever book!