Title #WithASeason 🍁❄️🌸☀️ #TemptingTitles ☔️🌸💜
#BookNerd 🤓💙📚
It was so fun revisiting this story! I haven't read it since middle school, but I still enjoyed it a lot and am on to book two tonight 😊
@Andrew65 @TheSpineView
Three reasons to pretend it's the weekend tomorrow 😂
I read this series multiple times when I was in middle school, and I'm excited to dive back in and see if I love it as much as I did then 🐉💜
Mini bookshelf tour part 1/3 favorite book on this shelf is tagged ☺️
Shelf 1/21 📚🥰
#BookshelfTour #MargaretWeis #TracyHickman #EricCarter #ScottLynch #PeterVBrett #MichaelFaber #MichaelJSullivan #AnnLeckie #JohnScalzi #AdaPalmer #HughHowey
#BookNerd 💙🤓📚
This is classic 80s D&D fantasy—it makes sure to check all the genre boxes and so many of the characters and plot points feel like Tolkien ripoffs/wannabes. But I still enjoyed it—in the end, it‘s a fun adventure. In spite of clunky fight scenes & sexist stereotypes galore, there were some nice moments and quite a few promising characters that I‘m interested to follow into the next two books. July #DoubleSpin complete!
“The unicorn‘s beauty pierced the heart… Her fur was the silver of moonlight…”
So, is it just me, or does anyone else find it weird to refer to a unicorn‘s coat as “fur”? You wouldn‘t refer to a horse‘s coat as fur, right?
1. Dragons of Autumn Twilight2. Mistborn3. Kushiel's Dart4. Eldest5. The Stand6. Eye of the World7.Forge of Darkness8.Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone9.The Blade Itself10.Assassin's Apprentice 11. A wizard of Earthsea12. The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe13.Sword of Destiny14. The Dragonbone Chair15. Promise of Blood16. Dune17. Dragonflight18. Wizards first rule19. The sword of Shannara20. A court of thorn and roses
Escapism with a dash of tea.... Have periodically reread these books since 1986!!!
Raistlin stood. “Know this!” the mage said. “I have cast a spell upon our belongings. Anyone who touches them will be slowly devoured by the great worm, Catyrpelius, who will rise from the Abyss and suck the blood from your veins until you are nothing more than a dried husk.”
“The great worm Catyrpelius!” breathed Tasslehoff, his eyes shining. “That‘s incredible. I‘ve never heard of—”
Tanis clapped his hand over the kender‘s mouth. 😂
The story sets up with 6 friends meeting up in their home village, as agreed, after 5 years when they went out into the post Cataclysmic world. But it doesn‘t expand on why, what they found or what they planned to do about it - just throws them straight into the adventure which they (and we) know nothing about, going in.
I suspect it was to set up the story which then went in a different direction. Just musing out loud, as it were.
This is the first book which was written in 1984 to accompany the D&D game. A little unpolished, beginning is a bit clichéd (understandably) but fun so far (ch 7]. Must have been good since the series runs to 40+ books!
💖 💖 💖 💓🤍
This series was formative for my husband‘s forging as a reader (and teen dungeon master), and he‘s been wanting to share it with me, so we listened to the audiobook on a recent trip—wow, it‘s LONG, and also DERIVATIVE and RIDICULOUS and RIDICULOUSLY FUN. I was rolling my eyes for the first few hours but then it totally grabbed me in its talons and wouldn‘t let go. It was actually a blast to read and I will never forget Bupu and her dead rats 🐀💕
I somehow missed doing this on Thursday! 😲
#thoughtfulthursday @MoonWitch94
🌿 My favorite thing about Spring is reading outside at the park!
🌿 For some reason I really crave fantasy books this time of year!
🌿 Dragons of Spring Dawning! Gotta love the Dragonlance series! 💕
Finished book 1 a while ago. I really enjoyed it. Reading book 2 now. My husband bought me the collectors edition version of the trilogy, but I stumbled across these copies at my library resale shop. I bought them for my sister, who is also into d&d. She was super excited about them.
I can't believe I've never read these. Very happy my husband knows my love of all things d&d and 80's. Normally I would put a new book in my current tbr rotation but I'm making an exception and starting this one today. Happy Christmas books to you all!
This was definitely one of the first series' that really got me into dragons! It is so special to me. I can still remember stumbling upon these three books so long ago and then having that joyous realization that there were dozens of other books in the Dragonlance world to explore! And the dragons and their lore! The good metallic dragons and the evil chromatic dragons! So cool! #dragonsoflitsy #toptendragonbooks
Oh dear how interesting. I'll have to follow this.
I encourage fans of the high fantasy genre to dive into Dragons of Autumn Twilight. While you won‘t find long drawn out battles, or heavy politics like some of the modern-day high fantasy, it is such a fun read! And if you want to know anything about the world or certain characters, there is a wealth of information in other series/books in the Dragonlance world. #fantasy
Full review https://www.behindthepages.org/post/dragons-of-autumn-twilight
Seven books that will remain in our minds, because they touched us so much, changed us. No further comments! #7Books7Days
Thank you @hufflepuffle and @ThePageantHam for tagging me!
@BobbiB wanna play?
#7Days7Books Day 3.
'Books that left an impression on me.'
A little cheat here. 2 books in one picture. 🤭
Dragonlance & Forgotten Realms were both extremely influential back when I was a young lad in originally getting me intersted in Dungeons & Dragons.
A game I still play to this day. D&D is a HUGE part of my life and these are the two series that led me there. 💯
It was really exciting to see some lovely green blooms on my walk today! 🤗🌾💕📚 #keeplitsypositive
There are so many little streams and cricks in the park near me. I think the sound of water is so relaxing! #keeplitsypositive
Went for a walk into town today, just to enjoy the sunshine and blue sky! It was a little chilly, but still beautiful out. I brought this book with me, because I'm considering a reread of the Dragonlance series! I'm already in the middle of some other fantasy rereads though (WoT and GoT) so it's probably not such a good idea! 😅
Great adventure with amazing characters and a fantastic storyline 🙌🏽😋📖
Keeping with the theme of the last series I just finished I‘m starting this now 📖😋
I loved the penultimate book in this series, but the last one (tagged) was a bummer. Kudos for the #fantasysetting though.
Reading way way out of my wheelhouse with this one: a friend of mine leant it to me, the series being one of his all-time favorites. Apparently the entire series was outlined first and then became both D&D modules and the companion novels. The characters of the mage and kender were standouts, but the rest seemed more archetypal and flat. Even if it wasn't completely for me, I did enjoy the story- lots of classic fantasy landscapes to appreciate.
I love fantasy, but I was underwhelmed with this Dragonlance classic. There are too many characters and not enough space to develop them, so they end up occupying types.
1. Random. I keep a running list but there always seems to be something I've forgotten.
2. Honey Mustard.
3. Cook but only vegetarian. Preparing meals can actually turn my stomach so I then have a hard time eating.
4. Of course! A couple cookies every day make me happy.
5. Tagged book mentions the Inn Of The Last Home in Solace where the best fried potatoes are served. I love potatoes!
#TellMeTuesday @Ke633
#NYBirthdayGiveaway @LazyOwl
3 in 1. These are 3 fantasy trilogies that I loved as a teenager. I spent so much time in the worlds that these books offered me. All three of them are long spanning series that are still going to this day. I might not be reading the new ones that are coming out now, as my tastes have grown over the years, but the memories I have of the older originals are precious to me and I will carry them with me always. ❤️
#fifteen #NovemberByTheNumbers
Haven't opened this book for ages. Bought it on a university field trip to the Globe Theatre in London in 2001.
We had an over eager coach driver who brought us across Westminster bridge as Big Ben chimed for 8 a.m. That resulted in a day starting with English breakfast near Piccadilly, a visit to the Museum of London and St Paul's, then Twinings, followed by book shop after book shop. When I arrived 👇👇👇
It's hard to explain why this book means so much to me. Years ago I read mostly urban fiction (Fly Girl, Coldest Winter Ever, etc) and thrillers because that's what everyone else around me read and I wanted to fit in. Reading this showed me that I love fantasy & that it's okay for young black girls to read whatever we want and that I don't have to tailor myself to fit anyone's preconceived notions of what hobbies I enjoy or what books I read👇
I thought I didn't have a single book with the #SeasonOfYourBirth in the title. Then I remembered this.
"People want to believe in something—even if, deep inside, they know it is false."
This book was actually my very first Fantasy book that I ever bought and I remember why I bought it too! The cover art looked so freaking cool! I'm really glad I read it - because I totally got into it and bought the rest of the series. Weiss' & Hickman's chemistry really works because reading his or her other books' without the other co-author I noticed that they weren't as interested or well written. Also the book has some amazing characters!
One of my favourite quotes by my favourite character of all time.
"Hope is the denial of reality. It is the carrot dangled before the draft horse to keep him plodding along in a vain attempt to reach it."
"Are you saying we shouldn't hope?"
"I'm saying we should remove the carrot and walk forward with our eyes open!
Does Tas count for a best sidekick? He does to me! He is one of my favourites. #booktober (catch up)
My very first fantasy read. My sister had this whole series. Actually, I think she has everything Weis and Hickman ever wrote. She was reading it and she was the coolest person I knew at the time (ballpark 1996). Now I've got my own set 📚😎 #fantasyorscifi
Fun to revisit the books from my youth but not as good a read as I remembered. Still decent though. And you can never go wrong with dragons, elves, and magi.
Morning reading; dialing it back to junior high when I devoured this whole series.
#morningreading #weisandhickman
The DragonLance series is excellent. Love them all!
When I met Margaret Weis at Dragoncon years ago, I saw her name on a booth and said, "Wow! You're Margaret Weis?" She said, "Yes, that's me." I said "THE Margaret Weis?" She said, "Um... I guess so?"
Classic! I got all three autographed. ?
#SFF #fantasy #dragon #dragons #autographs #autographed #pick #picks