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Pawn of Prophecy
Pawn of Prophecy | David Eddings
Selected as a 2003 Popular Paperback for Young Adults by the Young Adult Library Services Association Long ago, so the storyteller claimed, the evil God Torak sought dominion over all and drove the world to war. Now the one talisman keeping this sinister force from seizing power has been disturbedand no one will be safe. . . . Raised on a quiet farm by his Aunt Pol, Garion spends his days lounging in his aunts warm kitchen and playing in the surrounding fields with his friends. He has never believed in magic, despite the presence of a cloaked, shadowless stranger who has haunted him from a distance for years. But one afternoon, the wise storyteller Wolf appears and urges Garion and his aunt to leave the farm that very night. Without understanding why, Garion is whisked away from the only home he has ever knownand thrown into dark and unfamiliar lands. Thus begins an extraordinary quest to stop a reawakened evil from devouring all that is good. It is a journey that will lead Garion to discover his heritage and his future. For the magic that once seemed impossible to Garion is now his destiny. The first exciting adventure in David Eddingss The Belgariad Pawn of Prophecyis the newest addition to the Del Rey Imagine program, which offers the best in fantasy and science fiction for readers twelve and up.
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Pawn of Prophecy | David Eddings
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1. If I‘m just taking a brain break, cozy mysteries are life.
2. I reread Little Women annually, but when I was hospitalized last year I had my husband bring me the first 3 books of The Belgariad (first one is tagged).
3. Pawn of Prophecy, Little Women/Little Men. Otherwise I‘m not much of a rereader, because there‘s so much on my TBR! The “Bibliophile Murders” by Kate Carlisle is a comfort series.

Thank you @MoonWitch94 for the tag!

Pawn of Prophecy | David Eddings
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Thanks for the tag @Laughterhp
I‘ve reread The Belgariad many times- and Little Women, Pride and Prejudice, Into The Wilderness - I think those are my top rereads.
I‘d love to know what books other people reread- so feel free to join or respond!

i.besteph Pride and prejudice is my all time favorite too! Anything by Jane Austen really. 😉🥰 (edited) 2y
Bradenthebooklover 1. Httyd 18 times 2.Harry Potter 11 3. Hunger games 3 2y
Maria514626 The Elegance of the Hedgehog. ❤️ 2y
jitteryjane724 HP series (1-7) countless times over the last 20 years...never fails to transport me to a happy place 2y
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Pawn of Prophecy | David Eddings
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1. Every once in awhile I'll create new new adventures for characters as I fall asleep, but no actual dreams.
2. The books of David Eddings
3. Read more. Work out more. Catch up on my #LitsyLove letters.

LKK526 1. Rarely. 2. Defending Jacob. 3. Finding better books to read than the lemons I‘ve been picking out lately! 2y
Eggs Thanks for playing @LKK526 ! 2y
Eggs Thanks for joining in Amanda! 2y
LKK526 @Eggs 😃👍😊 2y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks #3 👍🏻🙌🏻 me too!! 2y
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I shouldn‘t laugh but Silk baiting Captain Brendig is always amusing. 😊

humouress I think Eddings got ‘sulky teenager‘ right without making Garion bratty. I was around the same age when I first read this series and I could empathise with him. Now my kids are the same age I still find him relatable. 2y
humouress Good pacing and enough description and little incidents to paint in the background and invest you in the characters. (edited) 2y
humouress It's not high literature but it is written well and lots of fun; it's a bit irreverent with a lot of banter between the characters. Best of all, it lived up to my memories of it.
I like the way Eddings shows and doesn't tell; mainly we learn about events as Garion does. But it's also easy to put together information and understand a bit more than he has, so far.
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‘She says she finds little advantage in it …‘ 😦

Chrissyreadit Pol‘s main downside. 2y
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Restarting this because I had library e-books which were expiring.
I like the way Eddings took time to set the world up beginning with Garion‘s childhood; I think it grounds the start and invests us in the characters & their interactions as a family (group).
I also remember liking the way that the people of each nation have their own quirks and characteristics (hey, it‘s fantasy!) A farm-boy/ sword-in-the-stone trope story first published 1982

humouress I love the original cover art on the Corgi edition by Geoff Taylor; this is the 1991 edition (my firsthand copy). Can you believe it was Qb.99 when it was published? (edited) 2y
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This was one of the books that got me really started in fantasy in my teens. I‘m going to re-read it for the first time after a long time and I hope it holds up 🤞🏼It was in the era when fantasy books were under 300 pages and some books suffer from being curtailed (on re-reading).
This original Corgi edition cover illustration (can‘t find the artist‘s name) typifies the (UK) fantasy covers of the time 💝 - they helped pull me into that world.

humouress I've found it: the cover artist is Geoff Taylor. 🎨 3y
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Pawn of Prophecy | David Eddings
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Delivery from my husband. Hospital Day 3: Bring It On.

Leftcoastzen I wish you a quick recovery.If you feel good enough to read , always a plus in my humble opinion! 3y
Prairiegirl_reading Sorry to hear you are still there!! Hope you are well soon!! 3y
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Pawn of Prophecy | David Eddings
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Congrats Christie on your milestone! 🎉🥳

So many books I read & reread & recommend. I picked the tagged (1st book of The Belgariad) for both. I was 10 the first time I read The Belgariad & because of it, I fell in love with the epic fantasy genre. I was transported to another place with characters that felt so alive to me. I reread it every couple of years. I often recommend The Belgariad to anyone looking for a wonderful epic fantasy read.

LazyOwl I have read The Belgariad quite a few times, such nostalgia when I read 💕 3y
TheLudicReader I don‘t think I have ever read straight up fantasy in my life. 😬 Thanks for playing! 3y
wanderinglynn @TheLudicReader 😳 That‘s the main genre I read! 😆 3y
wanderinglynn @LazyOwl 💜🙌🏻 3y
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Pawn of Prophecy | David Eddings
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I got through all my #TBRDeckofCards prompts for January! (well technically I'm still reading Ancestral Night but close enough)

2 - sff - Swordspoint
K - bookspin - Pawn of Prophecy
7 - nonfic - Stories in a New Skin
10 - a book I hibernated - Blood Ties
2 - sff - Ancestral Night

I pulled my cards for February and am excited to knock a few more books off the tbr!

Pawn of Prophecy | David Eddings
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January #doublespin done! @TheAromaofBooks
Also my first book down for #seriesread2021 @TheSpineView

I read this on audiobook and didn't love the narration. But the story itself was enjoyable. I would have liked it a lot if I'd read it when I was younger. I'm looking forward to seeing where the series goes.

alisonrose Every time I see this author‘s name, I do a double take because I had a classmate in middle school with the exact same name. 3y
llwheeler @alisonrose lol that's a funny coincidence 3y
Shaneyney I love ALL of his books! 3y
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llwheeler @Shaneyney I think this is the first one I've read. I see why, though 🙂 3y
Shaneyney Make sure you read the whole set, and there‘s a whole other set that‘s a sequel to this set! 3y
llwheeler @Shaneyney I have the rest of this series, so I'll definitely be reading it. I didn't know there was more after that, thanks for letting me know! 3y
TheSpineView Way to go! I loved this series! 3y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
llwheeler @TheSpineView good to know! I'm looking forward to the rest 3y
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Pawn of Prophecy | David Eddings
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I didn't finish the audiobook (tagged), but I did finish my wee little hedgehog who is now living on my poetry shelf 🦔🌸

On to the next craft!

BookKenz Very cute! 3y
AmyG Adorable! 3y
BookwormM Love it 😍 3y
llwheeler @BookwormM thanks 🙂 3y
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Pawn of Prophecy | David Eddings
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Time for some audiobook and cross-stitch - I'm determined to finish this little hedgehog that I started over 4 years ago then set aside. So close!

xicanti It‘s adorable! 3y
Nute Such a cool hobby! 3y
Eyelit So. Cute! 3y
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valeriegeary Awwwww! ❤️❤️ 3y
wordslinger42 How cute! 3y
llwheeler @Nute it's fun! And occasionally frustrating lol 3y
mhillis So cute 💕 3y
readordierachel Adorable! 3y
BookishTrish So cute! 3y
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Pawn of Prophecy | David Eddings
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Here's my new list for #BookSpin, ready for Jan! I'm combining it with #seriesread2021 so these are all series that I've been wanting to either start or continue.

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! I've been really wanting to read that Novik series as well!! 4y
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This is an 80's bk pblshd b4 YA fantasy became a thing & it shows.

A simple story with 👌 characters & enuf intrigue to keep us entertained. With newer fantasies I had cm to expect cnstnt twists, but this bk was predictable in a nostalgic, good way. I am continuing with the series.
I don't care much for the plot, but I am very interested in Polgara, Durnik & a few other characters.

There's a charm to reading old books isn't it?

LazyOwl I just love The Belgariad Series, glad you're enjoying 💕 4y
rrkreads @LazyOwl this is the first time I am reading the series, yet, it feels so nostalgic & close to my heart. 😊 4y
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Thanks for the tag @sprainedbrain I could not pick 1- these are my go to comfort reads when I‘m anxious or worried.
Music that is my mood-here‘s 1: https://youtu.be/2aQykuIaJVI
I‘m grateful for POC voting in a system that fights to disenfranchise them every step of the way.
Join in @ElizaMarie @hermyknee @Mitch @mabell @wanderinglynn

Cosmos_Moon What a fantastic thing to be grateful for 💙 4y
wanderinglynn Thanks for the tag! 😘 4y
mabell ❤️❤️❤️ 4y
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Pawn of Prophecy | David Eddings
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“The first thing the boy Garion remembered was the kitchen at Faldor‘s farm. For all the rest of his life he had a special warm feeling for kitchens and those peculiar sounds and smells that seemed somehow to combine into a bustling seriousness that had to do with love and food and comfort and security and, above all, home. No matter how high Garion rose in life, he never forgot that all his memories began in that #kitchen.” #QuotsySept20

wanderinglynn Love this series! ❤️❤️❤️ 4y
TK-421 @wanderinglynn Me too! It‘s one of my favourites ❤️ 4y
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Pawn of Prophecy | David Eddings
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#20series20days Day 12

I couldn‘t list my #top20series without The Belgariad by David Eddings! This is the series that introduced 11yo me to epic fantasy. And I‘ve loved fantasy ever since. This remains one of my favorite series & I reread it every couple of years.

I know @Chrissyreadit will agree with me as she loves this series as much as I do!

And I had to show off my little wizard gnome I painted today at the ceramics shop. 💜🧙🏻‍♂️

Andrew65 Another series I need to get to. 4y
Lesanne This remains one of my favorites as well! 4y
Chrissyreadit Your gnome is adorable! 4y
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wanderinglynn @Chrissyreadit thank you ☺️ 4y
wanderinglynn @Lesanne @Andrew65 you totally should make this your next read! 👍🏻 4y
Pageturner1 adorable 😊 4y
Andrew65 My library has the first 3 available. 4y
AlaMich He‘s adorable! 4y
TheSpineView I have to agree with you on this series. Loved it!💙💜💚📚📚📚 4y
wanderinglynn @AlaMich thank you 4y
Deblovestoread Stacked! And love your gnome. 💜 4y
wanderinglynn @Kdgordon88 thanks! ☺️ 4y
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Pawn of Prophecy | David Eddings
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#20Series20Days Day 2:

The Belgariad qualifies as one of my #Top20Series by virtue of its sheer awesomeness! I read and fell in love this this fantasy series as a teenager—I would check the bookstores constantly in the hopes the next book had come out. Fast-paced, incredibly funny, and filled with a likable and very entertaining cast of characters this series makes me smile, even today, just thinking about it.


Andrew65 A great choice. 4y
EadieB This series does look interesting! 4y
Nute I am so excited about finding out about all of these fantasy series! 4y
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Pawn of Prophecy | David Eddings
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Garion is the chosen one in Eddings‘s Belgariad.

Klou Brilliant! 4y
OnlyYoo One of the best fantasy series! 4y
wanderinglynn @OnlyYoo right!?! 🙌🏻❤️ 4y
EadieB Nice choice! 4y
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Now I am one who takes a lot of care of her books. I don‘t break my spines, I don‘t bend the corners, I treat my books like they are made of glass. So having bought this used through eBay I knew it wasn‘t going to be perfect. But BOTH the front and back covers made complete cracks (literally they cracked) and fell right off while I was reading it. That‘s how old this book is. My heart is breaking right now. Also I have about 50pgs left to read.

DGRachel 😭😭😭 4y
Texreader Oh I‘m with you. How disappointing!! 4y
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Look at what I have acquired!! Late last year I seen Pawn of Prophecy on Hoopla and I was like “oh that looks and sounds interesting” but I never borrowed it. Fast forward to this year and it seems everyone who has read older fantasy series has read this one and loved it, so I decided “might as well buy the whole set then” so now I have it and I can‘t wait to start it!

Pawn of Prophecy | David Eddings
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Day 1 of #7days7books that left an impression on me is The Belgariad Series.

My now husband encouraged me to read this when we were dating and these books are what got me into reading and really into reading fantasy.

Thanks for tagging me in this fun tag @sprainedbrain

I tag @Bookzombie if you feel like joining in.

Bookzombie Thank you for tagging me! 4y
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I'm not done it yet but so far I like it. It is just so engaging. It is about a boy named Garion who lives with his Aunt Pol in a remote farm village. He has three friends, but after an incident in a barn with one of them his Aunt Pol keeps both eyes on him at all times. Now he is moving away, reasons I don't know yet but I know I'm going to like the rest of the book and series.

Pawn of Prophecy | David Eddings
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March stats - a challenging month as I got to the point I couldn‘t focus on any of the new books I picked up. Thanks to my reread of The Belgariad, my stats aren‘t that bad.

I didn‘t get all the books read I had intended, but I did remove 14 books for #marchunshelfing (not all read this month). As soon as I can, these will be donated (and hopefully I can add a few more to this pile). Thanks @Clwojick for hosting this fun challenge.

Clwojick Woohoo! Congrats on lightening your book load. And I love all the puzzle pics lately 😍 4y
Kenyazero Sounds like a productive month. Beautiful puzzle! 4y
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Pawn of Prophecy | David Eddings
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Found another Waterstones, this time in Greenwich. I‘m not keen on the Paolini quote, but I love this cover! This is one of my favorite series—I might have to get it.

Chrissyreadit Ohhhh!!! An absolute favorite in my house too! I‘ve never seen it in anything other than trade paperback and a compendium though! That cover 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 4y
wanderinglynn @Chrissyreadit right?!? ❤️ I just wish it came without the quote on the cover. 4y
TorieStorieS I love this series- and what a fun new cover!! 4y
kezzlou85 Love this series and that cover is gorgeous 4y
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Pawn of Prophecy | David Eddings
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#festivephotochallenge Dec. 3 - Naughty/Nice #wintergames #TeamFestivus

Silk/Kheldar, a Drasnian prince, spy, and thief, is both naughty & nice in the Belgariad series. Introduced in Pawn of the Prophecy, he‘s described as fairly short with a rat-like face, scruffy black hair, narrow eyes, a very long nose that tends to twitch when his cleverness was about to secure him a profit.

Image by Melissa Findley on the David Eddings wiki site.

Pawn of Prophecy | David Eddings
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Thanks for the tag @4thhouseontheleft 😘
1. Ken Follett‘s Pillars of the Earth
2. So many, but the tagged is one of my faves to reread
3. 688 on GR
4. Dot Journaling A Practical Guide. It was okay, but kind of basic.

Lindy When you get to Pillars of the Earth, I think you will be glad. It‘s really good. 5y
Eggs Thanks for playing 💗👏🏻🤗📚 5y
wanderinglynn @Lindy One of these days, I will get to it. 😂 5y
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Pawn of Prophecy | David Eddings
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Not reading as much these days as preparations for my excavation season ramp up but there is always time to post cool retro book covers. Today‘s isn‘t actually all that old but it is a beloved, battered 1984 paperback edition of Pawn of Prophecy. $2.95 and worth every penny. This was my favorite fantasy series as a teen and one that holds up (the original 5)—still makes me laugh every time I read it.

wanderinglynn It‘s one of my favorites too! ❤️❤️❤️ It was the series that introduced 11-year-old me to epic fantasy. I still love it. 5y
Kaddele Oooh, I hadn‘t thought about these in a long time - I remember absolutely devouring them at the time. Now where have I put them? (edited) 5y
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1. I do. Unfort, my dreams are always disturbing. I had to learn lucid dreaming in high school just to cope.
2. A tame female wolpertinger (See inset) named Gad. Small, yet fierce. I assume the does would not have such large antlers.
3. Flavia Albia from Lindsey Davis
4. The Kingdoms from the tagged book. I would love to live in Riva.
5. I‘m taking my girls to Disney! The imagination is going to be out of control!

#hellothursday #imagination

wanderinglynn Great answers! And I love The Belgariad! I‘d like to meet Polgara. Thanks for playing! 💜 5y
mrsmarch @wanderinglynn I‘d love to meet her. I‘m not sure if she‘d be my friend 😂 5y
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Pawn of Prophecy | David Eddings
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The outstanding, spectacular, and incredibly expeditious @hermyknee has already sent my #scififantasyswap - let the countdown begin!

hermyknee It was so much fuuuuunnnn!!! You can ask @That-Bookish-Hiker I was a little bit obsessive about your box 😅 Now all the waiting 😳 5y
Avanders 🤭🤭 Yay!! 💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽 5y
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Pawn of Prophecy | David Eddings
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I enjoyed the book thoroughly, it reminds me of the kind of fantasy I used to read when I was a child. It made me happy and content and the whole book feels like a fantasy road trip with friends and family. I will definitely read the whole series!

Pawn of Prophecy | David Eddings
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My favourite reads this January 😍 All three are fantasy. Two from back in the day, and The Wicked King just came out and is a YA fantasy with fairies.

Also look at how pretty my frosted garden looks 😊

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Pawn of Prophecy | David Eddings
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Some old-fashioned fantasy for the weekend. I hope everyone is well. Trying to figure out what to eat currently...I‘m hungry for bad food 😂

Pogue I love David Eddings. His worlds are amazing. 5y
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Pawn of Prophecy | David Eddings
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I love the series, I am so glad to be revisiting it.

keys_on_fire One of my ‘comfort foods‘ 😊 6y
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Pawn of Prophecy | David Eddings
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I first read this series when I was in primary school! It‘s a perfect series to revisit when I‘m burnt out from uni. I love the quiet story in this book and the characters. #fantasy

JazzFeathers I've meant to read Eddings since the 1990s... and l still haven't 😨 6y
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Pawn of Prophecy | David Eddings
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Book 1 in the series and a good beginning. Was recommended these by my mother-in-law's husband and so far I'm liking them. A good fantasy with some interesting characters.

wanderinglynn Love this series! It‘s one of my favorites! ❤️ 6y
TCLinrow These books were what made me fall in love with fantasy!❤ 6y
kezzlou85 @wanderinglynn I'm enjoying it and got all the others so can read the whole series 6y
kezzlou85 @TCLinrow I hadn't heard of them but I'm glad I have now. 6y
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Pawn of Prophecy | David Eddings
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For yesterday's #CoolBooks prompt I couldn't think of any memorable #swords from any #FairyTales 🤔 but I have these beauties instead, that would definitely seem to fit 😉


Jovy Good pick! I ❤️ The Belgariad! 6y
Quirkybookworm You‘ll get a kick out of Malice. It‘s brutal and it‘ll have you on an emotional ride throughout the series. I‘ve read all 4 of them last month. I‘m still reeling from it which I@still haven‘t done my review. 6y
Linsy Great covers! 🖤💙 6y
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Pawn of Prophecy | David Eddings
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1. Hard to pick just one, but I probably listen to 90s grunge the most.
2. David & Leigh Eddings who introduced me to epic fantasy.
3. Books of course. Or gift cards/money for books.
4. Books - it‘s my fave baby shower gift.
5. ☀️ low 80s, low/no humidity

keys_on_fire ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ the Belgariad! I re-read Polgara more times than I should probably admit. 😊 6y
Ruri_kaichou @wanderinglynn @keys_on_fire me too! I fell in love with fantasy with the Belgaraid and Mallorean. I'm planning on rereading them this year. 6y
wanderinglynn @keys_on_fire @Ruri_kaichou 👍🏻 😀 I was introduced to the Belgariad when I was 10 or 11. I reread it, The Mallorean, and then the two companion books (Polgara & Belgarath) every couple of years. ❤️ those books! 6y
Seekingtardis My dad loves David Eddings, he always falls back to his books and has had to replace several over the years because they have fallen apart from so much use. 😍 6y
wanderinglynn @Seekingtardis 👍🏻 You can never go wrong with David & Leigh Eddings. 😀 6y
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Pawn of Prophecy | David Eddings
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1. The tagged book - one of my first “grown-up” books, I was given when I was 12. It was my first real introduction to fantasy (there was no HP back then ?). I fell instantly in love with the genre.
2. A tough choice. Jane Austen, the Brontë sisters, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, or George Eliot or any of the female writers/poets from the 1800s.
3. Not using the Oxford comma and misusing ‘s
4. @Wanderingwithwords ???

Sophoclessweetheart Thank you for the tag Lynn. 🙏💛 X 6y
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Pawn of Prophecy | David Eddings
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There are so many fantastic child protagonists - Matilda, Coraline, HP, Fern, Laura Ingalls - the list goes on & on. But one that immediately came to mind was David Eddings‘s Garion, who is a child in the first couple books. I read this series when I was a tween and loved it. I re-read it every few years and I never get tired of the story.

Thanks @maich for doing such a fun April photo challenge!

Pawn of Prophecy | David Eddings
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Jake came down the other night and said he had nothing to read. My hubby laughed and said "not in this house" and handed him the first book of the Belgariad. We'll see if he sticks with it.

RebelReader A reader+ that face= future broken hearts!! ❤️ 6y
AmyG Adorable. 6y
janeycanuck I read these when I was in late-elementary school and LOVED them. They are so funny, I hope he enjoys them! 6y
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Pawn of Prophecy | David Eddings

I loved this series when I was younger, and I was afraid it wouldn't live up to that, but I had no reason to worry. It was just as good the second time around.

Pawn of Prophecy | David Eddings
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Because I can ....... again 😊😂 #fantasy #epic

Pawn of Prophecy | David Eddings
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Shipped and on its way to meeeeeeee 😁😁😁 all 18 of the David Eddings books!!! Can't wait to read the sequel to Pawn of Prophecy. Thanks eBay 😁😁😁

bookandcat @mrsmarch I blame you for this 😂😂 7y
mrsmarch @bookandcat I AM SO HAPPY TO TAKE THE CREDIT! 7y
mrsmarch @bookandcat I can also vouch for the Ruby Knight/Diamond Throne/Sapphire Rose. Sparhawk. *swoon* #bookboyfriend 7y
bookandcat @mrsmarch can't wait!!!!!!! 7y
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It‘s everywhere!! #thriftstorefind

bookandcat Ahh how have I never heard of it before now lolll 7y
mrsmarch @bookandcat I still have the copy I got in 8th grade after my English teacher recommended it! So there‘s 5 books of the Belgariad, 5 books in the sequel series the Mallorean, plus two autobiographical versions from Belgarath‘s and Polgara‘s POVs....you could be snowed in for two months and have plenty of reading material 😂 7y
bookandcat @mrsmarch are they all just as good? 7y
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bookandcat @mrsmarch because someone has a set on eBay I might get lol 7y
mjdowens This series is what started me on my sci-fi journey. Someone in my family gave me the first two books and I did not read them for a long time. When I did though...WOW. As an adult I have slowly been collecting the whole series🤗 7y
mrsmarch @bookandcat The Mallorean takes dedication but yes, worth it. 7y
Lizpixie I have all of them! I adored this series as a teenager/young adult. One of my first high fantasy series.💚💜 7y
mrsmarch @mjdowens My first fantasy book was The Raven Ring. I read all of Wrede I could get at the time and then a couple years later my 8th grade English teacher recommended Pawn of Prophecy. I also enjoy Yolen‘s 7y
mjdowens @mrsmarch I will have to check those out. I have no shame about reading YA🤗 7y
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Pawn of Prophecy | David Eddings
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LOVED this so much. Finish it while waiting for curtain to go up on a production of Thoroughly Modern Millie.
This book reminds me of The Once and Future King in a lot of ways. Can't wait to read more in this fantasy series. Thanks for the book @mrsmarch , it was so great!
P.S. bonus if anyone recognizes the bookmark I was using! 😁

mrsmarch So glad you liked it!!!! The whole series should be declared a national treasure. I‘ve been contemplating a reread, I always want to read it in cold weather. ❄️ 7y
Jas16 That is an old Borders bookmark isn‘t it? 7y
bookandcat @mrsmarch I need to go hunt down the remaining books! It's perfect fall/winter reading! 7y
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bookandcat @Jas16 you got it!!! 😂😂 7y
bookandcat @mrsmarch thaaaaaanks 7y
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Pawn of Prophecy | David Eddings

One of the best books ever. I love how David Eddings writes and uses words

Pawn of Prophecy | David Eddings
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The book (and the series) that hooked me on fantasy! I still remember that first rush of excitement at the discovery of a whole new magical world. #Sentimental #FallIntoBooks

Centique YES! This is my most beloved fantasy series too 😍😍😍 7y
Jovy @Centique 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 7y
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Pawn of Prophecy | David Eddings
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This was the first fantasy book I ever read. It's hilarious and the sorcery captivated me, so it's #somethingmagical on two levels - the magic in the book and the spell it cast on me. #riotgrams