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Umami (Spanish Edition)
Umami (Spanish Edition) | Laia Jufresa
56 posts | 26 read | 126 to read
Umami es el debut literario de Laia Jufresa y Publishers Weekly ya lo considera uno de los hot books del 2015. Ana quiere plantar una milpa en su traspatio, en pleno Distrito Federal. Pero en la tierra hay altos contenidos de plomo y la casa donde vive est plagada de ausencias. Su hermana muri, sus paps estn de luto y sus hermanos de campamento; su nica amiga se fue a buscar a quien la abandon cuatro aos atrs. Menos mal que queda Alfonso. Alfonso es un antroplogo especializado en alimentacin prehispnica. Es viudo y dueo de la pequea urbanizacin Campanario. l mismo la dise a partir de un esquema de la lengua humana y dio a las casas el nombre de cada uno de los cinco sabores que percibimos: Dulce, Salado, Amargo, cido y Umami. En duelo, los habitantes de la comunidad desearan echar el tiempo atrs. Tejida al revs, esta novela se lo permite. Mientras Ana remueve la tierra y clava las semillas, sus vecinos hurgan en el pasado. Pero el traspatio de la memoria est minado con preguntas: quin fue mi mujer? Por qu se fue mi mam? Y, cmo es posible que se ahogara una nia que saba nadar? ENGLISH DESCRIPTION Shortlisted for the Best Translated Fiction Book Award, 2017 "Ms. Jufresa: Where the f*#! did you learn to tell a story so well?" --lvaro Enrigue, award-winning author of Sudden Death As heard on NPR's Weekend Edition with Scott Simon It started with a drowning. Deep in the heart of Mexico City, where five houses cluster around a sun-drenched courtyard, lives Ana, a precocious twelve-year-old who spends her days buried in Agatha Christie novels to forget the mysterious death of her little sister years earlier. Over the summer she decides to plant a milpa in her backyard, and as she digs the ground and plants her seeds, her neighbors in turn delve into their past. The ripple effects of grief, childlessness, illness and displacement saturate their stories, secrets seep out and questions emerge -- Who was my wife? Why did my Mom leave? Can I turn back the clock? And how could a girl who knew how to swim drown? In prose that is dazzlingly inventive, funny and tender, Laia Jufresa immerses us in the troubled lives of her narrators, deftly unpicking their stories to offer a darkly comic portrait of contemporary Mexico, as whimsical as it is heart-wrenching.
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Umami | Laia Jufresa
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Wow, wow and more WOW! Just a truly awesome book!

Umami | Laia Jufresa
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I enjoyed the quirkiness and playfulness with language in this book, but in the end it didn‘t really add up to anything for me…

Umami | Laia Jufresa
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I couldn't get into this. Hard to explain why. Maybe the voice of each character was too similar? It was well written and I wanted to like it but couldn't. I bailed. 😔


Here's a bare bones #WeeklyForecast.

I am still struggling to focus. I simply want to finish the tagged book. I have less than 40 pages to go.

Cinfhen Good luck!!!! You can do it 💚 5y
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Aaaaaand I'm finally ready to start reading!

JSW We need to go do laundry, then I'll be ready to tuck in!! 5y
Sace @JSW ack! You just reminded me I needed to fold some things! Thank goodness for audiobooks! 5y
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"Una milpa, les dije"


(love this!)

Sace I'm reading The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo too...but I'm lazy and it's a fairly long first line for my big fingers and a phone keyboard 🤣 5y
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Reading and taking notes for an online Spanish book discussion I'm leading (a term I'm using very loosely.)

Umami | Laia Jufresa
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I may have found a cheap bookstore...

Umami | Laia Jufresa
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#WanderingJune This book has been sitting on my shelf for too long. When a friend mentioned her daughter wanted to read it I gifted it to her... but not before taking a photo 😊🥳😂 This story is set #DowninMexico

TrishB You never know when the photos are needed! 5y
Reviewsbylola Gorgeous pic! 5y
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Umami | Laia Jufresa
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🎉📚🎉 It‘s heeeeeere! If you were waiting for or just want to find a way to push your reading in 2019 here is Book Riot‘s Read Harder challenge: https://bookriot.com/2018/12/12/2019-read-harder-challenge/

Purrsistently YESSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!! 6y
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Umami | Laia Jufresa
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I loved getting to know the people living in Belldrop Mews but Alfonso was my favorite character. I‘m glad I stuck with this one. #womenintranslation #mexico

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Umami | Laia Jufresa
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Pretty cover!!! 6y
vkois88 Sounds interesting! 6y
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Umami | Laia Jufresa
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I was super excited to see this book by a Mexican author translated from Spanish on scribd. I really wanted to read this when it first came out but couldn't get my hands on it cheaply. #scribdpicks #womenintranslation #womenintranslationonscribd @mhillis

mhillis That cover😍 6y
rmaclean4 I am loving Scribd! 6y
Weaponxgirl @rmaclean4 me too! I've found it best though when I know what I'm looking for why I thought I'd start sharing what I find. 6y
rmaclean4 @Weaponxgirl that is great! 6y
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Umami | Laia Jufresa
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The car is my new favourite place to read 💗

Umami | Laia Jufresa
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Just finished this beautiful and uniquely written book. I want to know so much more about these intriguing characters. The writing was lovely and it‘s really unique storytelling. Wish there was more. So satisfying but so many questions.

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Umami | Laia Jufresa
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Just finished The Obelisk Gate. Switching to Umami now 😁 #ATB #24in48 @Erin7

Erin7 Happy Reading! I‘m not familiar with this one. 6y
AceOnRoam Nice going 👏👏 6y
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Umami | Laia Jufresa
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My library haul that I am hoping to make a dent in this weekend with #ATB #24in48

Umami | Laia Jufresa
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Mixed feelings about this one. Took a long time to read and no real outcome.

RaimeyGallant A belated welcome to Litsy! #LitsyWelcomeWagon Some of us put together Litsy tips to help new Littens navigate the site. It's the link in my bio on my page in case you need it. Or if you prefer how-to videos, @chelleo put some together at the link in her bio. @LitsyWelcomeWagon 6y
RaimeyGallant Also, a few days ago, I asked everyone who was willing to follow back newer users to comment on a post. If you're interested, about 240 people have so far. To find the post, you can either scroll down my page, or use the magnifying glass icon, then select tags, then type: DirectUsersToThisTagButDontPostOrCommentWithIt ...Let me know if you decide to try it, because I'm excited to know if my idea is going to work. :) 6y
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Umami | Laia Jufresa
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Enjoying this lovely book and some very tasty Chinese food.

tammysue Looks yummy! 😋 7y
SoniaC @whatshesreadingnow I was really craving it. 7y
ephemeralwaltz Yummy!!!! 7y
tammysue Now I am!! 7y
sudi I love the cover of that book 😍 and now i will order myself some chinese food 😄😋 7y
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Umami | Laia Jufresa
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My lovely friend @Jess7 requested to see some of my #CoverLover books 💚Here are three beauties from my TBR shelf... #ReadingResolutions

Jess7 Beautiful!!! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 7y
Christine11 I have that cover of The Good People too - it‘s so gorgeous! 😊 7y
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Lacythebookworm I like that cover of Three Daughters of Eve better than the one I have. 💕 7y
Kalalalatja Lovely covers! 😍😍 7y
Cinfhen Thanks @Kalalalatja ❤️and I definitely bought Three Daughters of Eve because of the cover @Lacythebookworm 😉 7y
ephemeralwaltz I feel in love with The Good People at the bookstore when I first saw it!😍😍 7y
Reviewsbylola They‘re all gorgeous!! 7y
Cinfhen I know @ephemeralwaltz it's delicate, intricate and shiny 💛💛💛 I'm a sucker for a pretty cover @Reviewsbylola because the tag book is pretty awful...I can't get into the story but the cover is lovely 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks So pretty!!! 💛💚 7y
Cinfhen I like pretty covers especially if they have flowers or shiny metallic foil! I'm like a three year old @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 😘😘😘 7y
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Umami | Laia Jufresa
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Making my way through the bingo challenge! My current read, Umami, was first chosen for its beautiful cover. #LitsyReadingChallenge2017

Cinfhen It's been on my shelf for months....how is it?!? 7y
Ms_T Great progress there! 7y
cajunsyd @Cinfhen I am enjoying it so far, still getting introduced to the characters. 7y
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cajunsyd @Ms_T thank you, I only just found the bingo challenge but I was able to use most of the books that I have read so far this year. Still have a little way to go, any recommendations are welcome for the remaining themes! 7y
SauerPatch Such a great, diverse card! And you‘re making great progress too! 😃 7y
cajunsyd @SauerPatch thank you! I need to update it, I have another one finished! 7y
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Umami | Laia Jufresa
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My next book takes me to Mexico City into the world of a 12 year old girl who grows a garden while grappling with some of life‘s hardships. I can‘t wait to get started! The cover was so beautiful and I love the name of the book so I bought it! I have a serious book problem...

Tamra Arresting cover! 7y
cajunsyd @Tamra isn‘t it? 7y
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Umami | Laia Jufresa
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The "quietly devastating" description of this book is spot on:
"I should have used her name so much more... I threw away thousands, millions of chances to savor it in my mouth. When I spoke about her I would say 'my wife.' When I called her I said 'love.' When I messaged her I wouldn't even greet her. I wrote pithily, as if we were immortal: 'You home for lunch?'"

valeriegeary 💔 7y
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Umami | Laia Jufresa
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Is there anything better than starting a new book on a 3-day weekend? Got this (translated) beauty from The Booksmith in SF. #translation #booksmith

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Umami | Laia Jufresa
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A wonderfully told story set in the heart of Mexico City over five years by four different voices. Written by Mexican-born Jufresa, and translated into English this was a great book to read for women in translation month. While the primary theme is loss, it is written with humour and great talent for words and storytelling. I promise you will know what the heck umami is after reading this, and you will be inspired to grow a milpa!🌱🌱

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Umami | Laia Jufresa
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Really enjoying this one so far... I'm late on women in translation month, but what odds! The characters in the compound all have their houses named after tastes on your tongue. Sweet, bitter, sour, salty and the indescribable umami. Which I still am struggling to comprehend. Imagine living in a house called sour. Ha.

Umami | Laia Jufresa
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mcipher I love the cover of Umami! 7y
Mdargusch Yes, great cover on Umami! 7y
Reviewsbylola I know that I read Wind years ago. Agree that the Umami cover is fantastic. 7y
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Cinfhen I totally bought Umami for the cover @mcipher @Mdargusch @Reviewsbylola it's really vibrant in REAL LIFE 😍 7y
Cathythoughts Loved shadow of the wind. Great characters 🙏 7y
Billypar I don't know Jufresa, but Umami sounds great! 7y
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Umami | Laia Jufresa
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Has anyone read this book in its original language (Spanish)? This book had enough interesting and insightful perspectives that it I kept reading, but overall it was a confusing book. I'm not sure if it is the translation or the overall writing style that made it seem like nonsense at times. It was set in Mexico, but the characters weren't stereotypical in any way, which I liked. I'd love to hear from anyone who has read it in Spanish!

Umami | Laia Jufresa
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Beautiful novel about loss, grief and craving; and 5 narrators, each responsible for a year (2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000). Jufresa lets us know right away that a 5 year old has died, as has a middle aged woman, that someone's mother ran away but came back, and that another character is struggling with an eating disorder. All of these people's lives intersect at Belldrop Mews, where they live. https://cannonballread.com/2017/08/constant-craving/

Ellen_C PS -- it's Women In Translation month! Good choice if you care to participate. 7y
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Umami | Laia Jufresa
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June reads 📚 I apologize for the inactivity lately, I just finished a week at music camp and now I'm leaving for Europe tomorrow! #travel

Bookladylinda Have fun!!! 7y
Buddys_Momma That sounds great!! Have a safe trip👍🏽✈️ 7y
dastevensish Have a wonderful trip!!! 7y
minkyb Enjoy! 7y
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Umami | Laia Jufresa
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Took me a little bit to understand what was going on, but after that it was really good. A story about different characters who are all neighbors dealing with different types of grief. Interesting, funny, and heartwarming.

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Umami | Laia Jufresa
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Good morning ☀️ gonna finish this one today over coffee

LauraBrook Yay, Stone Creek! I wish there was one close to my house. 7y
Bundoolin @LauraBrook the rosemary honey latte is so good! I live just down the street so I'm lucky 😅 7y
LauraBrook Ooh, you are lucky. And that sounds really good, I'll have to hunt one down over the weekend. Enjoy! ☕️ 7y
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Umami | Laia Jufresa
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Reading books where the main characters are children is often a wake up call. She's so blunt! #afternoonreads

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Umami | Laia Jufresa
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Early morning reading in bed. I have to finish the books from the library before I leave for Europe!

Libby1 Where are you going in Europe? Hello from Northern Ireland! 7y
Nat_Reads Oooh exciting! Where in Europe are you going? 7y
Bundoolin @Libby1 @Nat_Reads thanks! I'm going to Prague for a wedding and we are also spending time in Germany and Paris 😁😁 7y
Nat_Reads How wonderful!! Safe and exciting travels to you! 7y
Libby1 Yippee! Have fun. 7y
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Umami | Laia Jufresa
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Some quality classical music humor early in the morning 👌😁🎻 #morningreads

Umami | Laia Jufresa
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Starting this one today. I'm in love with the cover ❤️❤️ #summerreading

batsy I've had my eye on this but wasn't sure. Look forward to your thoughts. 7y
EvieBee 😍😍😍 7y
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Umami | Laia Jufresa
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Picked these ones up from the library today. Which should I read first and what did you guys think?

Notafraidofwords Oh god. I love Evans. Those stories are awesome. But I read Yapa's book and loved it. (edited) 7y
Mixedreader Awesome list! 7y
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Umami | Laia Jufresa
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I can not be trusted anywhere near a bookstore?Nor can I be trusted when I hear about a "deal"???it's all good...got these 4 books and the tote for under $24.00 #HappyDance ??

KarenUK I hear My name is Leon is excellent 7y
Cinfhen I'll let you know 😍 @KarenUK 7y
minkyb Well, the free tote probably pushed you over the edge! 😜 7y
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Cinfhen Hahaha 🤣🤣🤣am I that obvious?!? @minkyb 7y
Soubhiville Those are all books I'd like to read 😊 7y
emilyhaldi Lol, we are here to support you 🤗 7y
TrishB I have The Raven Boys ready on my tbr! 7y
Reviewsbylola Dumplin is really good. Pretty covers! 7y
Kalalalatja Great haul! Looking forward to see what you think of them 👍 7y
Cinfhen @TrishB another buddy read at some point???? 😘😘😘 7y
Cinfhen @Soubhiville I'll keep you posted..... 7y
TrishB Absolutely 💝 shout out when ready! 7y
DebinHawaii Looks like a necessary purchase to me--the free tote bag sells it! 📚👍👍 7y
Cinfhen Glad you share the same shopping sense as me 🤑 @DebinHawaii 7y
kspenmoll Great deal- how could you pass it up?! 7y
Cinfhen Thanks 🙏🏻 even my hubby was somewhat impressed @kspenmoll 7y
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Umami | Laia Jufresa
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Umami | Laia Jufresa
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#MayBookShowers One from Mount TBR. I'm pretty sure I added this one based on the cover alone.

MicheleinPhilly #MayBookFlowers Duh, Michele. I blame the fact that it's pouring. 7y
Sace Excellent decision. And I say that based on the cover alone. I haven't read it, but wow the cover is pretty! 7y
Reviewsbylola Yup, I can see why! Gorgeous cover. 7y
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Umami | Laia Jufresa

Of the novel's many narrators, I most enjoyed the thoughts of the retired professor, a widower whose narration mostly related to his deceased wife and the time they had spent together. His musings on time, love and purpose were at times quite profound. A good novel for pondering some of life's important questions, but the lack of differentiation between its several voices felt like a significant weakness.

Umami | Laia Jufresa
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#MarchintoReading #startswithU @RealLifeReading This is in my TBR & part of my LitsyAtoZ challenge. Love the vivid colors of the book jacket❤📚

Cinfhen Love this cover ❤️ 8y
Lacythebookworm I picked up a copy of this over the weekend! 8y
Gulfsidemusing Pretty cover! 8y
kspenmoll @Cinfhen @Lakesidemusing. ❤❤ yes, I think I should frame it! @Lacythebookworm It's in my TBR for this month & my Letter U for LitsyAtoZ challenge📚😃 8y
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Umami | Laia Jufresa
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Today's #bookhaul 😊 None of them were on my TBR, but they all look so good - I couldn't resist!

Zelma Mosquitoland is odd but really interesting. Definitely made me want to read the author's next book. 8y
Robothugs @Zelma Good to know! That's the main reason I got it, it looked pretty interesting. 8y
Suet624 I liked Mosquitoland too. Was pleasantly surprised by it. 8y
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Umami | Laia Jufresa
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I think this book has an interesting perspective and I appreciate the shifting voices. But it may be one I have to come back to.

Umami | Laia Jufresa
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RealLifeReading Oh! Somehow I've missed out on even knowing about the book Umami! Adding it! 8y
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Umami | Laia Jufresa
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Like its title, this book is savory. Starting with a story of a girl who decides to plant a milpa to help her deal with the recent death of her younger sister, it flows into other stories of grief, from relationships, to childhood, & regret. Yet it does so with kind humor. Jufresa paints beautiful, unique characters while exploring grief, a thread that binds us all, & uses it to examine community building & life in contemporary Mexico City. 🏠🌵

Matilda Yes! I want more from her. 8y
Zelma I am in love with the colors and artwork on the cover. 😍 8y
epeolatrist The cover is so beautiful ❤️ 8y
jveezer I love everything about this book without having read it: literature in translation (I seem to remember), a woman author, beautiful design for a trade. 8y
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Umami | Laia Jufresa
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Starting a new book for #Diverseathon with a late-night snack because it's been a long day. Really looking forward to Umami! You can't really tell from the Kindle version but the cover is striking. It centers around a drowning that takes place in Mexico City. It's also blurbed by Valeria Luiselli, so that's good enough for me. 📖🍫

#bookandyourfavesnack #readjanuary

LeahBergen Yes, this cover IS amazing in colour! 8y
Misanthropester I enjoyed this quite a bit. tone of the prose was really pleasing 8y
Matilda I loved this one. Should have been more known last year. 8y
Theresa I bought this book because of the beautiful cover! 8y
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Umami | Laia Jufresa
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We love books in translation! Here are just a few of our favorites, old and new. What are your favorites?

Dragon I liked the trilogy starting with 8y
WordWaller ❤❤❤ 8y
mrsthilkey I'm on the second Elena Ferrante book, they are so good. The Count of Monte Cristo is amazing. I plan on finally reading One Hundred Years of Solitude this year. 8y
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EclecticReaders One of the favorites of our books last year was a translation: 8y
CherylDeFranceschi @Dragon one of my favorite series! 8y
CherylDeFranceschi @mrsthilkey The ladies here LOVE the Ferrante books! (edited) 8y
Lindy I've been saving The Three Body Problem for my 13-hour flight back to Canada. Looking forward to starting it later today. 😀✈️ 8y
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Umami | Laia Jufresa
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I really enjoyed this! It takes a look at family, friendship, and loss, and also at food. I enjoyed my time with these characters -- they are memorable, well-developed, troubled, interesting.

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Umami | Laia Jufresa
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