Litsy, it's been a minute; I miss you! I read Angel Catbird and it was the most delightful and utterly bizarre experience of my life.
Litsy, it's been a minute; I miss you! I read Angel Catbird and it was the most delightful and utterly bizarre experience of my life.
#augustauthors #margaretatwood
The three titles I've read by Atwood. Of course I loved Handmaids, liked Testaments and was disappointed by Angel Catbird. Next up on my Atwood reading list is Cats Eye.
I adore Margaret Atwood and typically love anything written by her. However, this graphic novel was weird, and not in a good way, and the story was boring.
She did add little facts about cats at the bottom of some pages, and I thought that was a nice touch.
I'm having fun with this premise, and I like Johnnie Christmas's art, but I got to this page and was like, "why isn't this manga?"
3 ⭐
It was interesting to see Margret Atwood's storytelling in a different format. I enjoyed her information in the beginning about where the story came from and how it was a long held dream to write. However, while I love Atwood, I did not love this. It was okay, but it felt like it was half told. There was just too many points to the story missing. It seems that it progressed to fast and didn‘t really explain what was going on.
I was really disappointed in this. I was once an avid graphic novel reader and I can handle a cheesy comment or two, but this was filled with them, and it wasn't because of the villain's preferences...
Coming from such a literary legend as Maragaret Atwood I think I expected something totally different. Maybe this shouldn't have been where I started reading her work.
Took a break from schoolwork to read this gem cover to cover in about an hour. Really enjoyed the story behind it's creation. Can't wait to snag volume 2!
Here's a fun idea from @Lcsmcat Find your oldest bookhaul post and tell how many you've read.This #bookhaul was from 3 yrs. ago. Bought these at Goodwill. There's 16 books/graphic novels and I've read 5. #bookhaulchallenge
Sorry Atwood, but this was just a bit too silly, and a bit too weird for my taste 🐱🦉
Very interesting concept!! Margaret Atwood is amazing!! I have the book The Handmaid‘s Tale but I haven‘t read it yet. I‘m already reading Vox which is somewhat similar I heard. I already started on volume 2. Review for that probably tomorrow. 5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
#readingresolutions #cats
⭐️⭐️ A silly story about a man that has an accident and is exposed to some chemicals is turned into a cat/bird. Filled with corny dialogue I was expecting something more creative and literary from Atwood.
The hubs and I decided to go by the local comic book store yesterday afternoon, and they happened to have the first volume of Angel Catbird in hardcover. I felt the need... #impulsebuy
Starting hour 8 with Angel Catbird and a pre dinner summery cocktail. Dinner has been simmering in the crockpot all day and the house smells delicious. Pork roasted with green chili for tacos and homemade refried beans on the menu.
I happened to read Book 2 first, before getting to this Book 1, during Free Comic Book Day at the library last weekend. It is great fun as a YA series, for those most entertained by cutesy cat-folk. ?? Eh? "What are you up to with our Litsy stickers?" Update: ? I just got the Litsy app fix. ?
Angel Catbird led to a SpongeBob pick, during Free Comic Book Day. 😄 This cover is hilarious, with impressive scenes. -- I got the last available, while Bob and Star Wars were clearing out fast. My second pick would have been The Nightmare Before Christmas; mainly the kids theme comics this year. 🏫
Angel Catbird was my selection for the Library's Free Comic Book Day. 🤓 I was pretty much in a nerdy mood, looking at the selections and finding SpongeBob to be the most interesting, for cool covers. -- I got the 2nd last available, fairly letting the kids go first, for all the Star Wars comics.
So we all know Atwood and how subversive she can be so I had high expectations on this and unfortunately it didn't quite hit the spot. This feels more like it should have been marketed at a younger audience, it has a message and sometimes it feels like this comes before the actual story. The problem with this is there are so many great comics out now and this just doesn't live up in comparison. Read if your interested but borrow don't buy
Well I can‘t say this was a favourite. It was fun and colourful, but it was a little too cliched than I was expecting. I‘ll still read the rest of the series, but only because it is a total of three volumes.
A quirky pun-fest by Atwood - with a message about keeping cats in-doors. Light and amusing, Catbird is a throw-back to comics of the forties. Book 2 for #24in48 and knocks of #task8 on the #readharder chalenge
If this guy isn‘t a #ratbastard I don‘t know who is 🐀
That was sooooo weird and entertaining 😄
Having never read anything by Atwood, I didn't have any expectations to this and seeing the mixed reviews for the writing, I think I was the better for it.
Reading this pulp comic from Margaret Atwood was enjoyable and it's different... But a good different.
It's fun, a bit corny, and reads like an appreciation to the older comics.
Her introduction even mentions how much she loved reading comics after WWII.
I fell in love with this cover, not gonna lie. I love the typeface... yup I'm nerdy like that.
#coverlove #graphicnovel
Kind of silly, but I do respect Margaret peppering it with all of the cat facts. I swear I don't pose Stormagedon, she just loves sleeping with the books!
Next up in my stack of TBR graphic novels from the library! I've seen mixed reviews if this one, so who knows. I'll try to get around to actually writing some reviews for you guys...I haven't been very motivated for that lately, sorry!
I was able to devote some time to the #24in48 #readathon today -- 5.5 hours of reading and 2.5 audiobook hours!
It was ok, just not for me.
A slight effort story-wise from the brilliant Margaret Atwood - I did really like the illustrations though. And Atwood's introduction about growing up reading comics was enjoyable and funny.
I feel a lot better after taking a break for dinner. Angel Catbird was a really fun romp with cat people and bird people and evil rat people. It's ridiculous, sure. But it's an enjoyable ridiculous. My next book is The Last of August. I don't know if I can finish it in time, but I'm going to try. #readathon
Next up: Angel Catbird by Margaret Atwood. I'm starting to get a little sleepy so I'm hoping this will be a good pick me up read. #readathon
Ok, this wasn't the feminist dystopian graphic novel I'd imagined when I heard Atwood was writing one. Once I started thinking of it as a pulp comic to benefit birds and cats, I enjoyed the weirdness and brawls. The statistics across the bottom are odd at first but informative. #mommyreads #quirky #graphicnovel #ebook
@Liberty - I definitely have #GRABBYHANDS ! 😁
One of my fav finds from Litsy was Angel Catbird. I am in LOVE with everything Margaret Atwood and yet somehow missed all mention of this graphic novel until I saw it on Litsy. #thankyoulitsy #litsylove #TBRgrowslongereveryday
Buttered toast, scrambled eggs, a new comic series (by Atwood no less!) and Yorkshire Gold with milk. Also the silence of 630 am on Saturday (although I know the 3yo is up - he was talking to himself, counting something as I crept past his door and went downstairs). Today we have plans to take my visiting in-laws to the outlet (Singaporeans love shopping) but I hope to do some reading today. What are you up to?
I did not love this one. In fact I found it quite silly, but not in a good way.
I had such high hopes, but in the end the story was predictable, the writing clunky, and there is nothing terribly interesting about the characters. I think this might have been a result of my high expectations getting in the way of my enjoyment, but there it is.
Despite her pedigree, Margaret Atwood should probaby stick to prose. This book reads like its author hasn't even seen a comic since the 50s.
Maybe you'll like it if you're nostalgic for the silliness of the silver age. But are you really?
I think it's me, not the book. I just don't seem to like graphic novels in the superhero genre.
I do love nonfiction graphic novels, any recommendations? I've read March, Persepolis and some others I can't seem to remember...
I quite enjoyed this first instalment in this series. The artwork was great and the story was interesting. The cat footnotes were a distraction. Instead of reading them with the story, I went back and read them after I finished the book. All on all, this was a fun first effort. I'll read volume 2 when I can get my hands on it. 4/5⭐️
Just starting this one and reading Margaret Atwood's intro. She reminded me about how I used to read comics on weekends as a kid. Nice to be getting back to it today!😉
#bookhaul I just had to stop at Goodwill today. Can never leave without at least 10 books. Also got my #bookoutlet haul. Now to figure out where to put all these😏
Day 10 - comics. This was such a cute, original comic. And it's written by Margaret Atwood so how awesome is that! #riotgrams @bookriot
Maybe it's because I'm a cat person, but I thought this was a fun graphic novel. It's light and I enjoyed the cat puns and the names of the characters (Count Catula!).
This read like an old noir type comic, I think. So silly, but I liked it. Look at that cat-owl-man butt! 😂😂
#graphicnovel #borrowed
Picked up my holds and was surprised that Posessions was there! Didn't get a notification for it! So I get to read one of the books of the month without buying it 😂😂 also, so stoked to get Angel Catbird!
#comics #riotgrams #libraryholds #botm
I figure Atwood is just having a blast her, living out a childhood dream of making ultra cheesy comics. Ultra cheesy with a side of explicit moralising. And the moral of the story is "keep your cat indoors so they don't kill birds". Seriously. The book comes with cat-safety facts. Maybe they were trying for "so bad it's good", but it's just bad. Except for the colourist's process guide at the end (as pictured). That was cool.
Here's my #tbr for #feistyfeb. The reversed book (only pages showing) is my postal book club read. I'm also reading Ready Player One and maybe I'll be able to get to something on Serial Reader. Game on!!!👊🏽