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La mano sinistra del buio
La mano sinistra del buio | Ursula K. Le Guin
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The Left Hand of Darkness | Ursula K. LeGuin

One of the best world-building I read in a long time; the intricate detailing of Le Guin does not suffocate; it is as fresh as Winter itself. Same goes for character building. The use of stark contrasting - between countries, between landscapes, between characters - was done so smoothly that I both felt like I was going back and forth yet within the given world of Gethen still - nothing felt detached.

The Left Hand of Darkness | Ursula K. LeGuin

“How does one hate a country, or love one? I know people…I know how the sun at subse tin autumn falls on the side of a certain plowland in the hills; but what is the sense of giving a boundary to all that, of giving it a name and ceasing to love where ghe name ceases to apply? What is love of one‘s country; is it that of one‘s uncountry?…that sort of love does not have boundary-line of hate.”

The Left Hand of Darkness | Ursula K. LeGuin

A biologically androgynous society (p 93-94): “Room is made for sex, plenty of room; but a room, as it were, apart…Anyone can turn his hand to anything. This sounds very simple but its psychological effects are incalculable. The fact that everyone between [17] and [35] or so is liable to be…”tied down to childbearing” implies that no one is quite so thoroughly “tied down” here as women, elsewhere, are likely to be - psychologically or physically.”

The Left Hand of Darkness | Ursula Le Guin

“The unknown…that is what life is based on. Ignorance is the ground of thought. Unproof is the ground of action… Tell me, Genry, what is known…the one certain thing you know concerning your future, and mine?” “That we shall die.” “Yes. There‘s really only one question that can be answered Genry, and we already know the answer… the only thing that makes life possible is permanent, intolerable uncertainty: not knowing what comes next.”

BookmarkTavern 💙💙 6mo
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The Left Hand of Darkness | Ursula K. LeGuin
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Ever since Kim de L'Horizon mentioned this in their book I wanted to read this. I also thought that I really should have read at least one book by Ursula K. Le Guin.
While reading I often had to remember the date this book was originally published, it feels so “modern“. The philosophical and ethical parts were interesting and thought-provoking. The story itself couldn't really caputre me.

#BookishMonopoly @AkashaVampie

The Left Hand of Darkness | Ursula K. LeGuin
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Phew, I almost hit jail time! But instead I landed on my Trello Wishlist, and decided to remove the book that has been there for the longest from that list. It's The Left Hand Of Darkness by Ursula K. LeGuin, which I have listed about a year ago. My library hold already came in, so I can start tonight.

#BookishMonopoly @AkashaVampie

Ruthiella Enjoy the book! It was the first Le Guin book I read and I thought it was so good and thought provoking. 8mo
Jari-chan @Ruthiella Thank you for your insights. I'm really looking forward to the book! 8mo
AkashaVampie Yay!!! Hopefully book # 2 will be a hit too. 8mo
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Jari-chan @AkashaVampie I hope that too 😁 8mo
UwannaPublishme Cool Bookish Monopoly board! 🙌🏻 8mo
Jari-chan @UwannaPublishme Thank you 😁 It's fun playing. @AkashaVampie set it up ❤️ 8mo
AkashaVampie @UwannaPublishme feel free to join in. Everyone is welcome at any time. 8mo
UwannaPublishme @AkashaVampie Thank you! It‘s such a creative and cool idea. Not sure if I‘m at all artistic like you two! 8mo
Jari-chan @UwannaPublishme I'm not artistic at all 😅 also, the only requirement is liking books 😉 8mo
AkashaVampie @UwannaPublishme haha not an artist!!! Haha. If u want to participate, just look up blank monopoly board and then fill in the spaces. Don't need to do anything artsy on it unless u want to. U could turn on an audiobook or music and just do what feels right. Or u could figure out a theme for ur board like what monopoly does. Print out stuff instead of drawing. U have so many options. I got faith in u! 🤓 8mo
AkashaVampie @UwannaPublishme and u have a few days before February starts that u could get one done. 8mo
UwannaPublishme @AkashaVampie @Jari-chan Well, you both sure can create an artistic Monopoly board, so don‘t sell yourselves short! 😊🎨 You have inspired me to try my hand at this, even if it takes me awhile. Thanks for the vote of confidence! 😌 8mo
Jari-chan @UwannaPublishme Oh, that's great news! Can't wait to see your prompts and books 📚 and thank you for the kind words ❤️ 8mo
kspenmoll What a fabulous idea! 8mo
Jari-chan @kspenmoll It is 😊❤ 8mo
AkashaVampie @UwannaPublishme awesome sweetie! Can't wait to see it. 8mo
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Left Hand of Darkness | Ursula K Le Guin
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Mrs. Claus made me do it. 🤶🏾

I didn‘t realize the tagged novel was written in 1969; it‘s high time I read it.

Funny, I am shopping exactly a year in advance for #Europacollective (Belle Greene). I wanted to support an Indie - Red Balloon Bookshop in St. Paul.

Ruthiella Other than the first Earthsea book, that‘s the only Le Guin I‘ve read, but I thought it was really good. 9mo
Tamra @Ruthiella I haven‘t read her others, but I heard this was a “classic.” 9mo
jlhammar Red Balloon is wonderful 🎈So looking forward to Belle Greene and the rest of our 2024 #EuropaCollective picks! 9mo
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Tamra @jlhammar it was very busy in the shop this afternoon! 9mo
Caryl Hooray for the Red Balloon Bookshop! 🎈🥳🎈 9mo
Tamra @Caryl it is a nice, well stocked store. 😁 I would say though my favorites are Wild Rumpus and Birchbark. 💙 Are you in MN? I‘ve probably asked before! 9mo
Caryl @Tamra - Yes, I am! And those are two more wonderful bookstores. We are fortunate to have so many in the Twin Cities. 9mo
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The Left Hand of Darkness | Ursula K. Le Guin
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Thanks to the #authoramonth challenge,I finally pulled this powerful book from my shelves. The cover was a puzzle to me,but I soon discovered the significance of the planet Winter and the mountain like glacier. Science fiction is not my usual choice, but the storytelling soon captured me.The Gethanians can become male or female during each mating cycle. The book is studied in LBGTQ + college courses.Simple, elegant language.Politics and morality.

Librarybelle Hooray!! 1y
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Soubhiville Great review! You‘ve made me want to read it. 🙂 1y
Cinfhen Excellent review! Same @Soubhiville 😊 1y
DivineDiana @Soubhiville Thank you! ❤️ 1y
DivineDiana @Cinfhen Thank you! ❤️ 1y
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Left Hand of Darkness | Ursula K Le Guin
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repost for @Soubhiville:

Happy June! Time to pull out our Ursula K Le Guin books for #AuthorAMonth. What are you planning to read?

#AuthorAMonth is a no-pressure, no-commitment Litsy challenge. The goal is to celebrate the works of a particular author each month. Authors were chosen through polls by Litsy participants. Read as many as you like, skip months when needed, it's entirely up to you!

Soubhiville Thank you for reposting! 1y
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The Left Hand of Darkness | Ursula K. LeGuin
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#Movie2BookRecs @klou
Movie: Tootsie

If you enjoy gender bending books you will probably enjoy The Left Hand of Darkness. In this book an alien culture has people who spend most of their lives without a gender. I found it to be very philosophical.

Klou Interesting 1y
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The Left Hand of Darkness | Ursula K. Le Guin
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I wish there was a rating between pick and so-so since that‘s how I really feel about this novel. It‘s good, but I also didn‘t feel as though it‘s the “classic” it‘s touted as. It is however, an interesting thought experiment in how an alien race with neutral gender identities except when in “kemmer” (a monthly mating season when they assume either male or female) shapes a society and how a normal human (male) visitor attempts to comprehend it.

paper.reveries I've never even heard of this book! Is it one of those sci-fis everyone says you have to read? 1y
Schwifty @daisyheadmaesie Ehhh, I don‘t know about that, but several other sci-fi writers describe it as a classic and the writer of the introduction suggests that Le Guin‘s lore and world-building is on par with Tolkien which I don‘t agree with. 1y
paper.reveries @Schwifty Interesting! Sorry you didn't enjoy it! 1y
Schwifty @daisyheadmaesie Don‘t get me wrong, it was decent and as sci-fi goes, off the beaten path. I just think it‘s overrated. 1y
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The Left Hand of Darkness | Ursula K. LeGuin
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The Left Hand of Darkness is a sci-fi classic for a reason. Le Guin nails her exploration about how so much hinges on our ability to understand and engage with the cultures we are surrounded by. This feeling of cultural disconnect is so reocgnisable, and her observations about the impact it has remain spot on. Glad to finally have read this.

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The Left Hand of Darkness | Ursula K. LeGuin
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Starting the year with one I‘ve been meaning to read for a while

LeahBergen Happy New Year! 2y
Chris @LeahBergen Happy new year! 2y
SamAnne What a powerful book! 2y
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The Left Hand of Darkness | Ursula K. LeGuin

I will never EVER get over Harth's death

DivineDiana I felt the same. 😢 1y
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The Left Hand of Darkness | Ursula Le Guin
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📚Little Women by Louisa May Alcott (and tagged)

✒️ Ursula K. LeGuin

🎞 Lawrence of Arabia

🎤 John Lennon, Lizzo

🎼 “Little Green,” by Joni Mitchell, “Love of My Life,” by Queen, “Life During Wartime,” by Talking Heads, “Lost in the Supermarket,” by The Clash

#manicmonday #letterL @CBee

jlhammar Yes! Love all of those choices! 2y
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The Left Hand of Darkness | Ursula Le Guin
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“Science fiction is not predictive; it is descriptive.

Predictions are uttered by prophets (free of charge), by clairvoyants (who usually charge a fee, and are therefore more honoured in their day than prophets), and by futurologists (salaried). Prediction is the business of prophets, clairvoyants, and futurologists. It is not the business of novelists. A novelist‘s business is lying.”

The Left Hand of Darkness | Ursula K. LeGuin
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I adored reading this book. It's the kind of story that I know will be sticking around in my mind for a while yet.

I discovered Le Guin after hearing that she was an inspiration of Becky Chambers, and I can 100% see that in the details of the differences between the worlds' species, e.g. kemmer.

The Left Hand of Darkness | Ursula K. LeGuin
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This is such an interesting look at gender & culture. It is amazing that it was written in 1969 considering how relevant the themes still are. I did have to Google some words so be aware that is a thing in the writing. Overall I'm glad I read this & will read more by her. I saw an article where she did say she would have used neutral gender pronouns instead of he/him as the default if she had written it more recently. I highly recommend.

The Left Hand of Darkness | Ursula K. LeGuin
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"A man wants his virility regarded, a woman wants her femininity appreciated, however indirect and subtle the indications of regard and appreciation. On Winter they will not exist. One is respected and judged only as a human being. It is an appalling experience." Note: this sounds great to me. Definitely not appalling!

The Left Hand of Darkness | Ursula K. LeGuin

This was beautiful, one of the best sci-fi novels I've read in recent years. The world building is almost like a fantasy novel. There is a mythology and a rich history, all explained poetically by Le Guin. The writing of the relationship between the lead characters of Genly Ai and Estraven is extraordinary. This is the fourth book in the Hainish Cycle and, though you don't need to read them in order, I do plan to go back and read more Le Guin.

The Left Hand of Darkness | Ursula K. LeGuin
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Happy #NationalBeerDay‼️

I love #BooksandBrewsClub sponsored by my Library and held at local Brewery. Glad will be discussing this Classic Sci Fi book because it's a lot to take in. Hearing other members thoughts to helps me to process. 📖📚🍻

Sparklemn Fun name! 2y
tokorowilliamwallace Same, I can process better with discussion---and then I can bounce off of others' input and ideas associatively and get to rambling a barrage of thoughts that arise momentarily. 2y
LeahBergen That beer looks tasty! 2y
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The Left Hand of Darkness | Ursula K. LeGuin

It's been a p exhausting week (a mix of great and not so fun) but I am HERE with my #BFC22 March review!

In March I read 3 books and started a 4th/5th, took the month off for the most part with yoga/Blogilates to allow my body to recover properly from Covid but got going again in the last week or so there & I've really enjoyed the Mindful March calendar😊

For April, my goal is to keep listening to my body and going with what it needs!😊

The Left Hand of Darkness | Ursula Le Guin
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Eggs 💚🐉👏🏻 2y
TheBookHippie 💚💚💚 2y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 💚🙌🏻 2y
WJCintron Love it!! 2y
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The Left Hand of Darkness | Ursula K. LeGuin
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Enjoying a cozy day of reading with my new buddy 😊🐈‍⬛


The Left Hand of Darkness | Ursula K. LeGuin
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I'm taking a little break from Black & British to read this little gem - I'm not sure what to expect from this one but it looks great!

(Really enjoying Black & British so far - it's just very long & dense so decided to break reading it up a bit with other books)😁

KathyWheeler I loved this book so much I went on to read some more of her books which I also loved. (edited) 3y
Moll @KathyWheeler Ooo yay, thank you for sharing that! Now I'm even more excited😍 3y
KathyWheeler @Moll I really hope you like it. 3y
Moll @KathyWheeler Already very much so😊 3y
KathyWheeler @Moll good to hear. 😊 3y
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The Left Hand of Darkness | Ursula Le Guin
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❄ Tagged
❄ Not really, unless I can stay inside and read.
❄ The Snow Queen by Joan D. Vinge

#sundayfunday @ozma.of.oz

BookmarkTavern Absolutely fantastic pick for 1! Thank you for sharing! 3y
tokorowilliamwallace The Snow Queen was in my last stack and still need to get to it! I recently found another fantasy by her at the resale charity shop I frequent nobody had been taken the last few times I had browsed---one in her Cat-Hydran saga. 3y
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The Left Hand of Darkness | Ursula K. LeGuin
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The plot felt a little plodding to me at first (being very new to sci-fi, I guess I was expecting star-ship races and lasers going “pew-pew”). But then it snowballed into something different, a rich story that seemed to incorporate a lot of Le Guin‘s anthropological background: how a man encounters an alien world where gender does not exist. The book (always gently) prods you to shuck off any notion that “mankind” appears as one fixed thing.

tenar Lovely review! I had the same sluggish experience with the opening, and by the finish it ended up being one of my favorite books. 3y
BookmarkTavern LeGuin tends to do that. ❤️❤️ I always love seeing people meet this book for the first time. It is one of my favorites! 3y
danx I have many of her books but have not yet read this one despite it being one of her more revered works, looking forward to the day I do! 3y
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cant_i'm_booked @danx I'm definitely now a fan and looking for more. If you have a personal fave from your own Le Guin collection to recommend, I'm all ears! 3y
cant_i'm_booked @tenar Thank you so much! It's a really nice intro/portal to all things Le Guin. I'm hooked. 3y
danx @cant_i'm_booked sorry only just noticed the conversations tab. The Dispossessed is a favourite of mine, I quite liked the Legend of Earthsea series also although more you g adult in style. 3y
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The Left Hand of Darkness | Ursula Le Guin
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Lindy Good news! Already looking forward to the shortlist next year. 😊 3y
Cathythoughts Great picture ❤️ 3y
tenar Thanks for sharing, this is the best news I‘ve heard today! 3y
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Tonton @Lindy I can‘t wait either! 3y
Tonton @Cathythoughts Thanks, the Strand backin the day❤️ 3y
Tonton @tenar it was a rather squee moment for me 🌟 3y
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The Left Hand of Darkness | Ursula K. LeGuin
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🎧 📖 OMG how did this book get better than a 4 star rating? Are we talking about the same book? 🤨

OK it was well written. Very well written! The narration wasn‘t hideous.

At times it was ... Boring. Weird. Dated. I might listen to this one again ... Just to torture myself ... J/K ... maybe I needed to be in a mood? This 1 just didn‘t do it for me today. Snoozeville. Sorry. Classic snoozeville. I‘m seriously slating it for a re-read!


nanuska_153 I love this book!The explanation of how a society without gender roles would work,that we see experienced by a human coming from a society where your gender determines so many aspects of your life (and therefore serves to highlight the problems with the way we treat gender in our society)and also the way Ai's views on gender and even sex are transformed through his relationship with Estraven makes this book fascinating and insightful in my opinion 3y
Twainy @nanuska_153 TY! Good insight!! It‘s on my reread TBR! My 1st read thru it felt like heavy handed 70‘s era hard & dry sci-fi. I wouldn‘t be surprised to find out that it was written in the 70‘s!

I did feel it was well written just a bit cringe-worthy. Felt dated. I own a lovely version of the book & plan to investigate before I jump back in. I had no previous knowledge before this read thru. Looking forward to it! 🤗
nanuska_153 @Twainy I think it was written around that time alright. It's one of the first feminist science fiction books written. I think it's just one of those books that either you love it or you hate it, or at least everyone I know who read it fits into either one of those! 3y
Twainy @nanuska_153 oh no! Really? I thought it was well written so it‘s worth a reread to me. 50 years old!! That explains a lot & definitely makes sense! I imagine I‘ll find a lot of info about it out there before I reread it with different eyes. 🖤 3y
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The Left Hand of Darkness | Ursula K. LeGuin
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Another one from my book order. I've not read any of her stuff yet but I've heard good things. #tbrpile

Mitch Love that cover of your edition 3y
valeriegeary Beautiful edition! I just finished reading this and really enjoyed it...a bit of a slow start but worth it 3y
bookishbitch @valeriegeary That is good to know. Thanks! 3y
bookishbitch @Mitch Thanks! 3y
SamAnne She was ahead of her time. 3y
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The Left Hand of Darkness | Ursula Le Guin
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Finished my #doublespin! Tried to post this earlier, but Litsy wasn‘t working with me. While I did really like this book, there were some parts I didn‘t like, so it only gets ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ #bookspinbingo

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
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Left Hand of Darkness | Ursula K Le Guin
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Weekend plans: edit some YouTube videos, go for a run, go for a long bike ride, snuggle the puppy, finish this book!

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The Left Hand of Darkness | Ursula K. Le Guin
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Current read... 50 pages in and I'm a little confused but trusting Le Guin to take me on this journey.

bookseller_cate I read this in an anthropology course decades ago. It definitely was challenging, in both the literary and the societal sense. Thank you for the reminder. I definitely should reread it. 3y
valeriegeary @bookseller_cate I definitely wish I was reading it for some kind of class because I think I'm missing a lot of the nuance and metaphors but I am enjoying it! Hope it's a good re-read for you! 3y
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The Left Hand of Darkness | Ursula K. LeGuin
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My list for March‘s #bookspinbingo - a good mix of genres to look forward to as well as the next chunk of Bleak House for #whatthedickens @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! 4y
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The Left Hand of Darkness | Ursula K. LeGuin
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I adore the vivid imaginings of Ursula Le Guin, and this is just another beautiful example.

The alien-ness and the humanity of the different peoples, the weirdness of the world, the depth of the characters and the weaving plot all blew my mind as I was transported to the world of Winter.

I'm so glad I finally took the time to read it.

KathyWheeler I loved this book. I had never really read her work until a few years ago when I read this, The Lathe of Heaven, and The Dispossessed. I loved all three. 4y
TCLinrow @KathyWheeler I bought a couple of books by her over the years, but I'm only just getting around to reading them now, and I love them so much! This is my 2nd one after the tagged. 4y
KathyWheeler @TCLinrow I keep meaning to get The Word for World is Forest — I love that title. 4y
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Left Hand of Darkness | Ursula K Leguin
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The Left Hand of Darkness | Ursula K. LeGuin
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What imagination +a remarkable bk.written in 1969 it references issues still relevant today.At the centre is an androgynous people visited by an envoy from another planet, politics leads to the kings minister escape to a neighbouring state as the envoy follows, is then sent in prison trains to a camp, & escapes across ice with estrahaven. Sexuality, climate & more

#booked2021 @4thhouseontheleft @BarbaraTheBibliophage @Cinfhen SFwrittenbyawoman

Cinfhen Wonderful review 4y
Moray_Reads I loved this one, so powerful. I've just started The Dispossessed which I think is pay of the same series. Also excellent 4y
andrew61 @Moray_Reads I will definitely give the others a go as I noticed this was book 4 of the series. An incredible imagination and given it's 50 years on the issues seem very relevant today. 4y
Moray_Reads @andrew61 she was so forward thinking. She had this ability to cut through right to the heart of an issue and say what is important 4y
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The Left Hand of Darkness | Ursula K. LeGuin
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The Left Hand of Darkness may be a bit cold at first, both in temperature—it takes place on a planet called Winter—and in tone—it starts with diplomatic missteps and political intrigue, but somewhere in the middle of the northern Gobrin ice sheet, I found myself feeling an immense warmth toward humanity. Gender, sex, I and Thou relationships, Taoism...there are as many reasons this book is a beloved classic as there are Gethenian words for snow.❄️

underground_bks Read for January Bookland: Science Fiction, TBR Veteran 4y
Leftcoastzen 😻👏 4y
readordierachel I really want to read this one! And love the photo 😻 4y
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monalyisha Great review! 4y
tenar I just adore this book. You‘ve written such a lovely review! 4y
underground_bks @tenar thank you so much! I loved it and was so earnest to do it justice 4y
underground_bks @readordierachel you absolutely should! Google the introductions to it by Becky Chambers and Charlie Jane Anders too! 4y
underground_bks @Leftcoastzen 😺📘❄️ 4y
underground_bks @monalyisha thank you so much!! 4y
underground_bks @BookishMarginalia my boy Peter! 😺 4y
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The Left Hand of Darkness | Ursula Le Guin
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Thank you UPS! #litsylove

Ruthiella Neat! 😍 4y
Crazeedi Awesome!! 4y
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The Left Hand of Darkness | Ursula Le Guin
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I had high hopes for this book but it left me with mixed feelings. Fairly interesting story though slow going at times. Mainly I was put off by the fixation on the gender binary-- ironic for a book exploring a mostly genderless alien species. Very heteronormative, a bit sexist, and states a sexual drive is necessary to be human. Whew. Would've been much more interesting if the mc had those beliefs challenged or changed by the end, but alas.

MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm Aww man, this is on my TBR and I‘ve had high hopes for it too. The premise sounded great! I‘ll still read it, but I‘m glad I know more of what I‘ll be getting myself into. 😅 4y
Lylah I think for the time it was probably pretty revolutionary in how it talked about gender but it‘s definitely hard to read books like that nowadays. 4y
tenar Woah, this is one of my favorites as I felt like what the protagonist describes himself experiencing emotionally in the final act repudiates his earlier beliefs about femininity, the gender binary, and physical intimacy. I felt like he realizes his wrong-headedness through deep connection, then expresses it through love and respect. It is certainly aged, though, and this makes me want to reexamine it. So sorry it didn‘t stick the landing for you! 4y
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rachelsbrittain @tenar I can see that! There definitely did seem to be a turn at the end, I guess it just didn't feel like enough for me after all the rest. But everybody reads things differently! Definitely didn't put me off of Le Guin (who I for sure want to read more of), this one just clearly wasn't my cup of tea haha 4y
rachelsbrittain @Lylah you may be right. I was just hoping for more, I suppose 4y
rachelsbrittain @MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm maybe you'll feel differently! 4y
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Left Hand of Darkness | Ursula K Leguin
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A winter-themed light blue book that is overdue for a reread. #12ColoursofDecember #wintergames2020 #merryreaders, @Clwojick

+20 +1 points

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The Left Hand of Darkness | Ursula K. LeGuin
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Ohhhh, book hangover! Another re-read (from a few years ago). I remembered the world and characters but little of the plot. Of course it's about gender (how could it not be?) but it's also about helpless miscommunication despite good intentions. At heart it's a story of trust and betrayal. UKLeG gives much to think about but she touches the heart too: how on earth did I forget that ending when it's taken me two days, this time, to post a review?

tenar I loved this one, and you‘ve made me want to reread it, too! The three LeGuin books I‘ve read have each given me that same book hangover, always such emotional endings. 4y
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The Left Hand of Darkness | Ursula K. LeGuin
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"The only thing that makes life possible is permanent, intolerable uncertainty: not knowing what comes next."

2020: year of a whole new level of possibility! ?

TrishB Maybe a new approach! 4y
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The Left Hand of Darkness | Ursula Le Guin
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This is a struggle between a pick and so-so. It's short, only 215 pages, but so densely packed and paced, with long stretches of no dialogue just descriptions of snow and ice. It also didn't help that there was alternating POV both in first person that confused me who was speaking at times.
3 🌨🌨🌨
4th book for #votedearly (25:41:11) @howjessreads
1st book for #crushtherush (11:23:06) @Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick

Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick Too bad it wasn't better, but you're 1 book close to your goal! 4y
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The Left Hand of Darkness | Ursula Le Guin
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I'll make my report as if I told a story, for I was taught as a child on my homeworld that Truth is a matter of the imagination.

#FirstLineFridays @ShyBookOwl

The Left Hand of Darkness | Ursula Le Guin
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A rare book haul 📚 I made a trip into the city so,of course, had to pop in to Kinokuniya! These are both books which have been on my TBR for a long time

Jess861 I loved The Ocean at the End of the Lane 4y
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The Left Hand of Darkness | Ursula K. Le Guin
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Klou This sounds brilliant!!! 4y
TheSpineView @Klou Le Guin books are really good!💜 4y
Klou @TheSpineView hadn't heard of her until now! I'll have to check her books out on Goodreads!💜 4y
TheSpineView @Klou If you decide to read some of her books, I suggest you start with the Earthsea series. 4y
Klou @TheSpineView okay, thank you! I'll have a look at that one first. 4y
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