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Cold Mountain
Cold Mountain: A Novel | Charles Frazier
In 1997, Charles Fraziers debut novel Cold Mountain made publishing history when it sailed to the top of The New York Times best-seller list for sixty-one weeks, won numerous literary awards, including the National Book Award, and went on to sell over three million copies. Now, the beloved American epic returns, reissued by Grove Press to coincide with the publication of Fraziers eagerly-anticipated second novel, Thirteen Moons. Sorely wounded and fatally disillusioned in the fighting at Petersburg, a Confederate soldier named Inman decides to walk back to his home in the Blue Ridge mountains to Ada, the woman he loves. His trek across the disintegrating South brings him into intimate and sometimes lethal converse with slaves and marauders, bounty hunters and witches, both helpful and malign. At the same time, the intrepid Ada is trying to revive her fathers derelict farm and learning to survive in a world where the old certainties have been swept away. As it interweaves their stories, Cold Mountain asserts itself as an authentic odyssey, hugely powerful, majestically lovely, and keenly moving.
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Cold Mountain: A Novel | Charles Frazier
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Perfect ⛰️ 2mo
Eggs Excellent 👌🏼 2mo
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Cold Mountain: A Novel | Charles Frazier
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 💙⛰️🖤 2mo
Eggs 🩵💔💙 2mo
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Cold Mountain: A Novel | Charles Frazier
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I really liked this book. It was an interesting book. I love the characters and the plot of the book. I rated this book a 3 out of 5 stars.

Cold Mountain: A Novel | Charles Frazier
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Set during the Civil War,Inman,after 4 years of fighting as a Confederate soldier,turns his back on war and walks to Cold Mountain where he hopes Ada is waiting for him.In the meantime Ada,the educated but ill-prepared for life pastor‘s daughter,learns how to live independently following her father‘s death with the help of Ruby,a free spirit who knows how to run a farm.Rich in descriptions of thoughts,landscape,characters,not to be rushed through.

Cold Mountain: A Novel | Charles Frazier
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Eggs Really enjoyed the film 👍🏼 1y
TheSpineView @Eggs I haven't read the book or watched the movie. One of these days! 1y
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Cold Mountain: A Novel | Charles Frazier
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Perfect 👍🏻 ⛰ 2y
Kayla.Adriena One of my favorite movies 2y
TheSpineView @Kayla.Adriena 👍🎬 2y
Eggs Great choice 2y
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Cold Mountain: A Novel | Charles Frazier
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Eggs Well done 👍🏼 2y
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Cold Mountain: A Novel | Charles Frazier
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Perfect 💙📚⛰ 2y
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Cold Mountain: A Novel | Charles Frazier
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The prompt #mountain brought me back to this book which was difficult to read at first but ended nicely. I have yet to watch the movie so unsure of the adaptation.
#savvysettings @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Eggs

LindaLappin being from the area where the book is set, I loved it. The film, directed by Anthony Minghella, is a triumph. closely follows the text, and adds so much with the element of music, photography, and the actors are brilliant. 2y
SusanLee @LindaLappin thanks for letting me know! It sure sounds breathtaking 😘 2y
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Cold Mountain: A Novel | Charles Frazier
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DNF at 70%

I'm sure that this is a great story. But that's just it, it's ALL story, there's little to no dialogue and it lacks character development, and for me it's just too hard to connect with.

I'm going to have to step away and recognize that this one just isn't for me.

#bookspinbingo @TheAromaofBooks

Amiable Oh, I‘m with you on this one. I really tried to get through it because it got so much praise. But I couldn‘t do it. 2y
TheAromaofBooks I only read a chapter or two of this one before deciding it wasn't for me. 2y
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Cold Mountain: A Novel | Charles Frazier
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You know, normally I enjoy listening to an author read their own novel, but in this case, Lord help me!

Talk about monotonous, I'll be lucky if I can stay awake or retain anything through this one.

Someone tell me it gets better, or is at least worth trying to stick it out. I'm 10% in, I couldn't tell you who, what, where, or why!

#bookspinbingo @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Oh dear, that's not a good sign! 😂 2y
xicanti I read it in print, not on audio, but I found it pretty monotonous on the whole. 2y
BkClubCare Good luck! A bad narrator can be extremely poisonous 2y
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DogMomIrene I read the print version for book club. Monotonous is an incredibly generous descriptor😜 2y
marleed I had both audio and print when I went through it. I felt the book portrayed Inman‘s odyessian journey back to home better than the movie. The movie it seemed was more focused on Ada & Ruby. That held my interest - and maybe the monotony was needed with the whole Odyssey reboot - just how grueling it was to get home. Hope that helps! 2y
Ruthiella I liked the author‘s narration actually. But I can see where you are coming from. 2y
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Cold Mountain: A Novel | Charles Frazier
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Everyone who said the prose in this one was beautiful was absolutely right. I put off reading this for a long time cause I didn‘t see how it could avoid being cheesy, but it was gorgeously understated. I loved the quietness and the mix of violence and tenderness.

BethM That cover pulls me in 3y
kplovesbooks ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ So glad you liked it! It was one of my top 5 last year! 3y
kplovesbooks @BethM Agreed!!!! 3y
Ruthiella Agree! On paper, it didn‘t sound like anything I would like, but it was really beautiful, poetic even. 3y
JuniperWilde I agree. It‘s a literary gem. 3y
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Cold Mountain: A Novel | Charles Frazier
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I reckon my last book I finish this year will be the tagged book which I expect to finish tonight, and I doubt I‘ll finish anything tomorrow so Cold Mountain will round out the year.

I struggle a lot to plan my reading with any accuracy so honestly who knows what I‘ll read next but I have Trust Exercises and The Inseperables sitting about. Who knows.

#lastfirst @BookNAround

Traci1 I loved Cold Mountain. 3y
kplovesbooks A fantastic book to end the year on! 3y
tokorowilliamwallace A quality atmosphere & theme to round out the year with in Cold Mountain. Seems like it worked out fine to me. I have Trust Exercise I got from a BAMM summer holiday sale. Might be a good time of year for its themes and for me to start. 3y
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Cold Mountain: A Novel | Charles Frazier
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Another slightly stressful day at home culminating in reading Cold Mountain under a big blanket - pleasant end to a tiring day

Bookwomble 💗 3y
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Cold Mountain: A Novel | Charles Frazier
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Nice to have a bit of quiet time between Christmas and new year when I‘ve been so stressed and busy. I still have a huge pile of work to do but this morning I‘ve been to the Waterstones sale, made coffee and sat by the Christmas tree to read some of the tagged book that‘s been on my tbr forever. Then a friend (the incomparable @indiaro 🥰) is visiting for a pub lunch and I‘ll probably return to work and try to do a workout in the evening

Aims42 What a perfect view and a perfect plan!! ❤️ 3y
kplovesbooks Love this book. The way it's written is so beautiful! ♥️♥️ 3y
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Cold Mountain: A Novel | Charles Frazier
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#FallTreasures @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Eggs
Prompt: 19th Century

Set in the closing days of the civil war and near where I grew up. It is a good portrayal of life in the south after the war.

Traci1 Love this book. ❤ 3y
TheSpineView @Traci1 👍😍📚 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 📚💙🙌🏻 3y
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Eggs Great book/movie👏🏻👏🏻 3y
kplovesbooks LOVED both the book and the movie! ♥️♥️♥️ 3y
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Cold Mountain: A Novel | Charles Frazier
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🏔📚🙌🏻 3y
Eggs 💙📚🏔 3y
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Cold Mountain: A Novel | Charles Frazier
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I know it toke me good while to read, it was mainly how detailed it was. I wanted to absorb it all in. It's a good combo of modern day writing and the writing of old. However, I learned so much from different views of people that experienced that time. It just shows that nothing is what it seems, expect love itself. Which is what I think the author was trying to say...

Cold Mountain: A Novel | Charles Frazier
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Using this 3 hr marathon to make a dent into Cold Mountain. I normally read 2 different books at the same time. 1 for while I'm donating plasma and 1 for everything else. I've been burning thro the books I have saved for my donating sessions but haven't made a dent in the other tbr file. #bookcommunity #3hrmarathon

Cold Mountain: A Novel | Charles Frazier
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I had been scared off for years by the movie‘s dull trailer. Fortunately, this is far more than a sappy love story. In Inman, we have a character who has barely survived the horrors of war and who only wants to return home. He‘s tired of fighting and he wants to see if he can rekindle a romance with Ada. In Ada, we meet a young lady who is forced to become independent and fend for herself (with a ton of help from Ruby of course!).

JoeMo This was much more about the journeys and struggles of these characters to survive instead of a sappy romance. The author did a fantastic job of building a world with interesting and in some cases, quirky characters and events. My only complaint is that the action and events of the final few chapters felt rushed compared to the rest of the story. I also would have preferred that the author not include an epilogue. 4/5 3y
paulfrankspencer Excellent book 3y
paulfrankspencer Also, excellent movie, in my opinion anyway. Great soundtrack with Alison Krauss and Jack White contributing. 3y
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JoeMo I listened to the soundtrack while I was finishing up the book and it‘s pretty good. I‘m excited to watch the movie...it helps to know it has your stamp of approval. Thanks for the feedback! 3y
bthegood Putting it on my TBR list now😊 3y
KCofKaysville It was a great read. @JoeMoe 3y
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Cold Mountain: A Novel | Charles Frazier
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Day 19: Baby it's Cold Outside
#DecemberSong @Eggs

Eggs Exquisite choice 💙❄️💙 4y
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Cold Mountain: A Novel | Charles Frazier
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Next up for winter reads ❄️🍷🤍

Cold Mountain: A Novel | Charles Frazier
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So this book along with the whole lord of the rings trilogy I've been slow burning. I keep running into wise and amazing sayings that just make me go, "WHOA." Both are my reads when I need enlightenment in some way. I have another book that I'm reading purely to escape from reality.
Have you guys ever noticed that as you age, the reasons that we read just slightly change?

Cold Mountain: A Novel | Charles Frazier
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When I think about this book all I remember is Nicole and Renee. I had to look up the Cold Mountain cast to see who played Inman (Jude Law - how could I forget that!). But in the book, I was completely engrossed in the odyssey of Inman.

aperfectmjk I just picked this up last weekend for $2. I've heard it's good! 4y
marleed @aperfectmjk My copy was thrifted, as well! It‘s beautifully told and deserves a slow paced read. I don‘t think I knew when I saw the movie that this was a remix of The Odyssey, but very apparent in the book 4y
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Cold Mountain: A Novel | Charles Frazier
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Cold Mountain: A Novel | Charles Frazier
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Eggs 💗📚🏔👏🏻🏔❤️ 4y
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Cold Mountain: A Novel | Charles Frazier
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Day 15 - #Mountains #MagicalMay
#ColdMountain #CharlesFrazier

I read this book in 2008 and enjoyed it very much.

Eggs Great pick!! 4y
EadieB @Eggs Thanks! 4y
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Cold Mountain: A Novel | Charles Frazier
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The first Frazier I ever read, years ago, is “a harrowing account of one man‘s long #walk home.” #bloomingbibliophiles @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @OriginalCyn620

Cathythoughts A new pic 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 we all need them ! I‘m going to try make my own 👍🏻 well done ❤️ 4y
OriginalCyn620 📚👍🏻📚 4y
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Cold Mountain: A Novel | Charles Frazier
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I think my weather app lacks empathy...but as we all know here on Litsy, cold weather is excellent reading weather!🧣

StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Sassy. I like it. 5y
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Cold Mountain: A Novel | Charles Frazier
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I am going into the weekend and I‘m not reading anything. I started the tagged book and I just can‘t get interested, so I‘m not going to force it. This weekend is packed so I think I‘ll give my brain a rest before I start my October reading. I‘m going to cram as many spooky and festive things in it as possible. 🎃🎃🎃🎃

Birdsong28 This book is very hard to read. I read it for my eng lit class 10 years ago and I still would rather watch paint dry than read it! So just leave it and get another book. 📚📖 5y
Jess861 Many years ago I attempted to read this book. Same as you - I never got into it. 5y
wildwoodreads @Birdsong28 Planning to! I just can‘t force myself to read it, even if it‘s considered a must read. 5y
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Cold Mountain: A Novel | Charles Frazier
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Alright - I‘ve tried to finish this book three times, I just cannot do it. You win, Cold Mountain. I give up.

Cold Mountain: A Novel | Charles Frazier
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#7days7covers #covercrush

I‘m late to the game so I tag anyone who hasn‘t already been tagged.

TamTracy Loved this book ♥️ 5y
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Cold Mountain: A Novel | Charles Frazier
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#7Days7Covers #covercrush
Day 1
Thanks for tagging me @Amiable

@DaveGreen7777 want to play along?

Amiable I love the cover, but (unpopular opinion alert!) I have to admit I didn‘t care for the book itself. 😬 5y
DaveGreen7777 I‘ve actually been playing the cover challenge game already, but thank you for thinking of me! 😊 5y
wildwoodreads @Amiable Hoping I enjoy it. I have a book hangover from Gone with the Wind and I need more Civil War content. 😂😂 5y
wildwoodreads @DaveGreen7777 So sorry! I haven‘t been on in a day or two, so I haven‘t noticed who all is playing. 5y
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Cold Mountain: A Novel | Charles Frazier
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TheSpineView 😍😍😍 5y
Eggs @TheSpineView 💗📚💗 5y
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Cold Mountain: A Novel | Charles Frazier
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Today‘s thrift store finds. Only $0.30!

Megabooks Wow! 5y
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Cold Mountain: A Novel | Charles Frazier
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Eggs 💗🎶🤗👏🏻📚 5y
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Cold Mountain: A Novel | Charles Frazier
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This is the second book I have read by this author and that is two too many. It was a boring story about paper characters in a place that was supposed to be in the South but that was written in such a way as to be anywhere. Blech. We are parting ways.

Suet624 I had trouble with this one too. And the ending really ticked me off. 5y
Nebklvr @Suet624 blah blah someone died. Blah blah war is bad and someone died. Yep. Not my bag 5y
Suet624 Hahaha. Exactly. 5y
Birdsong28 I had read this for my Eng lit course whilst doing my a levels some years back now and I can only describe this as watching paint dry in book form. I watched the movie and it made it slightly better to read on till the end as I could visualise it better but it was still awful. 📚📖 5y
Nebklvr @Birdsong28 Out of all the wonderful literature in the world they forced you to read THAT?!? 5y
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Cold Mountain: A Novel | Charles Frazier
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This is another of my all-time favorites. The writing is gorgeous. The book is much better than the movie (although I did enjoy the movie). I love the theme of a long journey. It symbolizes so much.

Freespirit I have had this book on my shelf for years to read😁 5y
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Cold Mountain: A Novel | Charles Frazier
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Starting this tonight!

Cold Mountain: A Novel | Charles Frazier
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Cold Mountain
Cool Kids - Echosmith
#manicmonday @JoScho

JoScho 💙💙💙 5y
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Cold Mountain: A Novel | Charles Frazier
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It took me a while to get through this book but I absolutely loved the story and it is so beautifully written! I will definitely be reading another by Charles Frazier in the near future!!!

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Cold Mountain: A Novel | Charles Frazier
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Help me choose my next read! Im torn between these 3....

inthegreensandblues Cold Mountain is beautiful. 6y
Redwritinghood Agree, Cold Mountain is good. 6y
xoxocass Cold Mountain it is! 6y
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Cold Mountain: A Novel | Charles Frazier
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In this historical novel, Inman decides to desert the Confederate Army. He has been fighting for a cause that he does not support, and starts to walk home to Ada, the woman he loves who lives on Cold Mountain. Beautifully written. National Book Award 1997. Also a great movie starring Jude Law and Nicole Kidman. #babyitscoldoutside #winterwonderland

TrishB Good pick 👍🏻😁 6y
Cinfhen I always mix this title up with 6y
Cinfhen Which is a VERY DIFFERENT story 😂😂 6y
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Birdsong28 I read this for my English literature course and it's the only time the book was better than the movie as it brought the book to life. Definitely not for me! 🙈 6y
DivineDiana @Cinfhen That it is! 😉 6y
DivineDiana @Birdsong28 Did you mean the movie was better? It is definitely not a happily ever after! 6y
Birdsong28 Yes because the book to me was like watching paint dry so to actually 'get' the book for my course I watched the movie and afterwards it wasn't so bad but I won't be recommending it anytime soon @DivineDiana 6y
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Cold Mountain: A Novel | Charles Frazier
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I loved this book, as you can see by the worn cover! #Mountains AugustisaTrip @vkois88 @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

hermyknee Great photo! 6y
saresmoore I love the picture! 6y
erzascarletbookgasm Great idea for the photo! 6y
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 👍🏻👍🏻 6y
vkois88 Cute pic! 6y
Emilymdxn I really wanna read this one! Been sitting on my shelf for a million years 6y
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Cold Mountain: A Novel | Charles Frazier
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📘 Cold Mountain by Charles Frazier
👩 Charlotte Bronte
🎬 Clue
🍫 Chocolate

#manicmonday @JoScho

JoScho 🍫❤️ 6y
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Cold Mountain: A Novel | Charles Frazier
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This is me not doing the case study due tomorrow or crisis cleaning for absentee husband‘s return from two week business trip tomorrow:)

Cold Mountain: A Novel | Charles Frazier
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Today‘s prompt #bookishmountain brought to mind this old favorite. My son Teague is NOT named for the villain in this though! #readingresolutions

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Cold Mountain: A Novel | Charles Frazier
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Although this was not one of my favourite reads, it features the required mountain 😆 and I love the cover on this edition. #readingresolutions #bookishmountain

Zelma That cover is amazing! 😍 6y
Tashreads @Zelma Right!?! If only I owned this one and not the movie version (cringe!) 6y
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Cold Mountain: A Novel | Charles Frazier
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#bookhaul from the amazing Book Barn in Niantic CT. Frazier & Allende are for my “favorites” bookshelf, Reichs is one I‘m missing from the Temperance Brennan series and the others have been on my wishlist for a while - $24 🤑

mrozzz 😄👏🏻 6y
IamIamIam We LOVE the Book Barn!!!!! It's a 2 hour drive for us but we've gone a few years in a row!💜🖤💜 6y
Ubookquitous @IamIamIam we are an hour away in Hartford- but we‘d drive further to go if we had to because it is soooooo awesome 😎 6y
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IamIamIam We're from Long Island & were introduced to the Book Barn by friends who used to live in Rhode Island. It was our halfway meeting spot to let the kids run around! It's such a unique place!!! 💜💜💜 6y
minkyb Great haul. They look new! 6y
Ubookquitous @minkyb - yes all are in good shape - a couple are first editions 😀 6y
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Cold Mountain: A Novel | Charles Frazier
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Hey Jude! Stop moping by the creek and get back to Nicole already! #HeyJune

Traci1 Loved that movie. And the book. 😍 6y
Susanita @traci1 Me too! I even bought the soundtrack. 6y
Cinfhen Hahahaha...exactly 🙏🏻 6y
Susanita @traci1 Charlie Hunnam played the creepy home guard guy. #whoknew 6y
Traci1 @Susanita Charlie Hunman is yummy. Though maybe not so much in this... 6y
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