Reread confirms it. Still my favourite book. The one that got me out of a decade long reading slump two years ago, before I'd read any other Discworld books. Having now read all of them, and reread all the City Watch books, I'm overjoyed that it lives up to my memory. 1/?
While Thud! does a lot for Vimes, this is the only book that really moves from including Vimes as the head of an ensemble in the City Watch, to being primarily his story with a new supporting cast. 1y
Regarding the supporting cast, I also wish we got other books with Willikins the bad ass butler! 1y
Puns around Feeney 's meals and fighting style are as wince worthy as they were the last time I read it.
If the goblins and their denigration and enslavement are a metaphor for the history of racism then Vimes comes dangerously close to a white saviour figure. However if the lesson has to do with animal rights, he doesn't. I think it's up to interpretation.
⚠️speciesism/racism, enslavement 1y