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L'espace d'un an
L'espace d'un an | Becky Chambers
Rosemary, jeune humaine inexprimente, fuit sa famille de richissimes escrocs. Elle est engage comme greffire bord du Voyageur, un vaisseau qui creuse des tunnels dans lespace, o elle apprend vivre et travailler avec des reprsentants de diffrentes espces de la galaxie : des reptiles, des amphibiens et, plus tranges encore, dautres humains. La pilote, couverte dcailles et de plumes multicolores, a choisi de se couper de ses semblables ; le mdecin et cuistot occupe ses six mains rconforter les gens pour oublier la tragdie qui a condamn son espce mort ; le capitaine humain, pacifiste, aime une alien dont le vaisseau approvisionne les militaires en zone de combat ; lIA du bord hsite se transfrer dans un corps de chair et de sang... Les tribulations du Voyageur, parti pour un trajet dun an jusqu une plante lointaine, composent la tapisserie chaleureuse dune famille unie par des liens plus fondamentaux que le sang ou les lois : lamour sous toutes ses formes. Loin de nous offrir un space opera daction et de batailles ranges, Becky Chambers signe un texte tout en humour et en tendresse subtile. Elle russit le prodige de nous faire passer en permanence de lexotisme la sensation dune familiarit saisissante.
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The first half felt like I was in the bar on Tatooine in Star Wars, with the crazy music and different species, and that was NOT the book I wanted to read! I stuck with it and ultimately became quite fond of the characters of the Wayfarer tunnelling ship as they made their way through space. It was actually quite a gentle, sensitive read, once I got past the beginning. That said it felt quite simplistic, perhaps YA, and overall I didn‘t love it

monalyisha Same! And I love her Monk & Robot books. 1mo
JillR @monalyisha I haven‘t read any of her other books, and not sure whether I will after this one. Interestingly the rest of my book group loved it. 1mo
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This is the third Becky Chambers book I‘ve read and I think it‘s safe to say she‘s become one of my favorite writers. This book is just so decent. It feels loving, both to the characters and to the reader. It‘s exactly what I wanted and needed right now. I will absolutely be reading the rest of the series.

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Follow.my.read I have this series! It‘s on my TBR list! Also, since I have hundreds on my list, not sure when I‘ll get to it. #toomanybooksnotenoughtime 5mo
sakeriver @Follow.my.read Her Monk & Robot books are favorites of mine, so I‘m looking forward to this one 🙂 4mo
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My brain since I just recently read the tagged: just like Doctor Chef‘s species! I love finding sci-fi stories in biology 😆

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I've been looking forward to reading this one for a long time, and it was well worth the wait. I absolutely loved this! The characters are so fun, and the world building delves deeply into each race's culture and mannerisms in such interesting ways. It's lower action than most scifi, so it won't be everyone's favorite. It reminded me a lot of Firefly and Titan AE. #LGBTQIA #SciFi

Kenyazero I used this for the Corsola prompts Someone Dies and isolated location prompts for #GottaCatchEmAll, for slap a grin on it in #LGBTQ2024 book bingo, and it was one of my #Roll100 picks! @PuddleJumper 5mo
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️if science fiction space opera were a cozy this would be it. If you love character driven stories, this would be it lol. It‘s sort of like Star Trek, a harmonious galaxy with many different species that you learn a lot about and friendships. Nice read.

dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 5mo
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My review of this book can be found on my YouTube Vlog at:



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My first set of #Roll100 picks for 2024! Last year, I finished 9 books and bailed on 5 other books for this challenge, moving 14 books off of my 800+ item TBR on Libby and Hoopla 😆 thanks @PuddleJumper !

peanutnine Love love love the tagged! 6mo
Kenyazero @peanutnine I‘m very much looking forward to it because I‘ve absolutely loved other Chambers books! 6mo
PuddleJumper 💜💜 6mo
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Did a little number crunching and then weeding for middling series, et voila! My favourite author/artist list for 2023.
Time to wrap up the #2023readingwrapup with a couple observations leading to #2024readinggoals neither of which I have the energy to create graphics for:

Robotswithpersonality 1) I read a small bunch of longer books (500 to 1000 pages) this past year and enjoyed sprinkling the experience among more reasonably sized volumes, I will continue that going forward.
2) Tracking the diversity (ethnicity, sexuality, gender, author/publisher country) of my reading shows that I could do way, WAY better, so I will make that a goal going forward.
3) I finished a number of graphic novel series, but I do have a butt load of other series started. I'll happily continue in those, without putting too much pressure on myself to complete, especially as a number of them are ongoing (unpublished volumes pending).
Here's to another year of fine tuning my reading taste and finding new favourites! 🥂
Texreader Love this!! 6mo
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But listing favourite books THIS year is really only part of the story. I had some of my most amazing reading experiences with series. Two things surprise me:
1) That the top two are both sci fi rather than fantasy.
2) That there's so much mystery on here.
Two of these series combine fantasy and mystery, definitely a winning combo for me.

Robotswithpersonality To avoid confusion of first books in series standing in for series, here are the series' names in the order presented (top left to bottom right)
1) Wayfarers
2) Old Man's War
3) Even fall Witches B&B
4) The Stranger Times
5) Mickey7
6) Rivers of London
7) The Thursday Murder Club
8) Slough House
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I read this for a work bookclub and didn‘t know what to expect. Space operas are sometimes ok, but often long and way too confusing to follow. This was not the case. There were a lot of characters and things to learn, but it was much more about acceptance, family, and who your real friends are


Loved it! Rhe lore, the worldbuilding: amazing.

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This was an amazing book.

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A year (two?) ago, my book club chose the third book in this series to read together. I hate reading out of order so I promptly bought this one. Didn‘t read it (or the monthly selection) because I was missing the meeting anyway. Now reading it will give me a bookspin bingo. Let‘s see if I can get it done by the end of the month. #serieslive2023 @TheSpineView @Andrew65

Readergrrl I liked this book so much!! My first sci-fi book in a looong time and I thoroughly enjoyed it!! (edited) 9mo
Bookishlie Definitely got some firefly vibes from this - which I loved. 9mo
GondorGirl This series is one of my go-to comfort reads. 🥰 9mo
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Prairiegirl_reading I need you to back me up in my book club! Someone recommended a book this year that‘s number four in a series! No ma‘am!! 9mo
rwmg @Prairiegirl_reading It does seem a very odd thing to do 9mo
BookNAround @Prairiegirl_reading That‘s a huge no from me! 9mo
TheSpineView 👍📖📚 7mo
Andrew65 Strange to choose a book part way through a series. 7mo
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@TheAromaofBooks This amazing book is on its way to you! @suvata #LMPBC #ROUND18
@Readergrrl I absolutely loved this book it was seriously so so so good! I'm so grateful this was your pick. I would never have picked it up on my own, which is why I love doing these buddy reads with you all! @LibrarianRyan

LibrarianRyan Nice. I‘m behind but I‘m catching up this weekend. 10mo
TheAromaofBooks Yay!! I am planning to mail Cold the Night tomorrow @LibrarianRyan I have been on the struggle bus reading-wise this month!!! @KateReadsYA @Readergrrl 10mo
Readergrrl @KateReadsYA I am so glad you liked it! I was so pleasantly surprised myself and have been recommending it to my friends!! 10mo
TheAromaofBooks Hey Kate, just wanted to let you know that this one arrived safe and sound!!! Thanks!! 10mo
KateReadsYA @TheAromaofBooks oh yay so good to hear. 10mo
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Good morning, Litsy! 📖☕️🌤

BookishMadHatter Love the mug 10mo
KateReadsYA @BookishMadHatter Thank you 🤗🎃 10mo
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@Readergrrl I've received this gem! (: cannot wait to read it. @LibrarianRyan @TheAromaofBooks
#LMPBC #ROUND18 @suvata

BarbaraJean Ohhhh, this is so good! Enjoy!! 11mo
LibrarianRyan Yeaghhhh 11mo
Writeme Loved all three!! 11mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 11mo
Readergrrl I hope you enjoy it as much as I did! 11mo
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Just got this in the mail today! I had so much fun reading this book! Chambers does such a great job of writing her characters with humor, sensitivity, and insight! Some might say that SciFi is too “out there,” but she proved that aliens, rocketships, and space travel are just as engaging, exciting, and humanly relevant as any Earthly novel. I loved each character and the adventure was fun & exciting! Eager to read the next in the series! 4.5/5⭐️

Readergrrl I should add that I received a package from @LibrarianRyan but I have yet to open it. I‘m up in Canada for the summer and my husband will be bringing it from CT here to me in Canada next week. I‘m looking forward to reading it!! 11mo
Readergrrl @KateReadsYA This book will arrive to you from Calais ME but that‘s just because I‘m vacationing up here. The P.O. tells me that you should receive it on Wednesday. 📚🩷 11mo
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TheAromaofBooks And before I forget, I received a book from @KateReadsYA as well!! Last week went a bit off the rails so I didn't get a chance to post!! @LibrarianRyan 11mo
LibrarianRyan @Readergrrl lucky you. Have fun 11mo
Bookish.SAM This was my ‘intro‘ to sci-fi and I loved it!! 10mo
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Thanks to a Litsy tip, I went from Becky Chambers Monk and Robot books to her earlier Sci-fi Wayfarers series. The first book was great! A bit of a slow start, but her commitment to exploring the relationships we have with each other, our planet, and technology is amazing. Fun and thoughtful. Just picked up book 2!

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Strange and weird because this is one of the most captivating reads where nothing really seems to happen. A long road-trip through space- eventual destination is in the title. Meh? BUT SO NOT MEH! Chambers‘ story is deceptive in the intricacies of world building and the creation of sociopolitical dynamics. It‘s like all the positive good parts of all space shows; Star Wars, Star Trek, Firefly et al woven together in a good vibe space opera!

Centique You‘ve summed up how I felt exactly! I think you‘re going to enjoy the others in the series too 😍 13mo
Creadnorthey @Centique I‘m on it (though I have a TBR stack that needs a bit of chopping down first 🤣) 13mo
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I find myself in the minority who have read this book…I was definitely enjoying it for about the first half as I learned the characters and different species of beings within the novel. Super wholesome relationships within the arc. However I felt like there really wasn‘t much of a storyline past getting to know the characters. There were MINOR bits of action within the book but for the most part this book fell completely flat for me.

Leniverse It's basically the TV show Firefly, (or more like the movie Serenity), only queer. Which is fine, and I enjoyed it, but I'm a bit surprised that people find it super innovative. But I really loved the novella To Be Taught, If Fortunate. Now that was innovative. But in a quiet, low action way. 13mo
451Degrees @Leniverse I need to watch those… I really did love the characters I just really wanted more of a story with them. I feel like their contracts weren‘t a huge part of the story! I‘ll take a look at the novella!😊 13mo
Leniverse There's more plot and fewer characters in the second book of the series, although it's definitely character driven. But yes, I definitely recommend Firefly. It's basically a space western with some great characters and atmosphere. 13mo
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So good! I loved this sci-fi about a found family on board a ship, what makes us different and how we connect and show up for each other. Strong Firefly vibes, I really enjoyed this and can‘t wait to read the next in the series. #BookspinBingo #20in4 @TheAromaofBooks @Andrew65

Andrew65 Sounds good. Well done 👏👏👏 13mo
Ruthiella I loved this book and the rest in the series too. ❤️ 13mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 13mo
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Next up for #20in4! This one has been on #MountTBR for a long time!

BarbaraJean Ohhhhh, I love this book (and the others in the series)!! Enjoy! 13mo
LitStephanie I keep almost checking this out at the library. Looking forward to your review! 13mo
peanutnine Ooo my favorite of her works! Enjoy! ☺️ 13mo
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What a sweet series. This second novella is just as charming as the first Monk and Robot book. Just put the first book of their Wayfarer series on hold. Great author!

BookmarkTavern Oh I am so excited for you to get to read the Wayfarer series for the first time! ❤️ 14mo
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Effortlessly engrossing. Perhaps aided by my having just read two non-fiction works back to back, I still can't get over how easy it was to be swept up in this story.
But it's not all about the warm fuzzies or the tranquility and gentle humour often overlaying myriad encounters on a worlds-spanning journey though space (though that was a pleasantly large part of the story, definitely my ideal ratio). 1/?

Robotswithpersonality Like all the best speculative fiction/sci-fi, it comes at the big questions sideways, gently encouraging you to think a bit more about personhood, genetic experimentation, body modification, cultural norms, nature of intimacy/relationships, what makes a family, gender identity and sexuality, freedom of choice, (whether regarding aspect of life or death), the high cost of intolerance, the danger of putting profits before lives. 2/? 14mo
Robotswithpersonality Bonus: For those who naturally struggle with the world-building/info dump common to this genre, Becky Chambers has a delicate touch. I never felt over-loaded, even as the narrative introduces multiple alien species, and a number of new concepts/lingo germane to the plot.
I am ecstatic that this is the first in a series that is ongoing. Want the next one RIGHT NOW! 😃 Curse you, library hold wait time. 🙎🏼‍♂️3/4
Robotswithpersonality ⚠️ The framing can get a bit esoteric, but I think these warnings apply to discussions held/plot points: ableism, xenophobia, mental health concerns, genocide, war profiteering, non-consensual medical intervention 4/4 14mo
BookmarkTavern I love this whole series so much! ❤️ 14mo
Robotswithpersonality @ozma.of.oz happy to hear it! 14mo
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PSA: Don't space walk while high, kids. 😏

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The CUTE. I am deceased. 🧶🤖🥰

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Who else has read anything by this delightful author???

I picked the most worn paperback I could find at the library, and it was just published in 2015?? I‘ll never be the same! Character relationship-centric writing across galaxies and many forms of sentience. I cannot WAIT to read the next one 😍🎯🦾

(And hello again after a school-induced interlude!! Nice to see everyone and all their thoughts and reads 🤗)

TieDyeDude I have only read her novella To Be Taught, if Fortunate, but it was excellent and I definitely plan on reading more! 14mo
MerlinTheSlightlyAwkward @TieDyeDude ooooooo I just picked that one up! So excited!! “To Be Taught” was the only one of her titles available at the library without a hilariously long hold line 😂 Bring onnnnnn the space age 🦾 14mo
Kenyazero Oh dang, I absolutely loved the last Chambers works I read. I'll add this to my list! 14mo
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BookmarkTavern I have loved everything I‘ve read by her! You are in for such a treat! ❤️ 14mo
bthegood nice to see you back after your “school-induced interlude“ - hope school went well - 🙂 14mo
MerlinTheSlightlyAwkward @Kenyazero I‘m so excited for you!! And @ozma.of.oz you are so completely right, I‘m hooked 🥰 14mo
MerlinTheSlightlyAwkward @bthegood nice to see you, too! I hope life has been kind during the interlude ❤️ (school‘s been great, but p u n i s h i n g 😵‍💫😆) 14mo
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Spicy potato! 😅
Honest mistake. 🤷🏼‍♂️

suvata That‘s what my husband calls me 🤣😂🙃 14mo
Robotswithpersonality @suvata I LOVE it! 🤣 🥔 14mo
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It's just that easy! 🫴🏻

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Sensual vegetal: love the adjectives used to describe the plants.

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I‘ve had this for awhile and finally decided to start it tonight because I keep hearing how good it is. It‘s also nice to read science fiction written by women.

Long Way to a Small | Becky Chambers
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This is a cozy Sci-Fi where the plot sets the stage for some unusual relationships! After a while you feel as though you live here too! I‘m so glad this award winning series has a fan base too! As a huge Star Trek fan, I had to “disengage” from that world to participate in this one. It invites you to imagine concerns and values from a whole other perspective while pondering our own existence here on the earth plane. Enjoy!!!


I quite enjoyed this one!! The characters really carried it for me - what a lovely bunch

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Birthday reading over brunch😊❤️


Soubhiville Happy birthday! 1y
OriginalCyn620 Happy birthday! 🎂 1y
Sharpeipup Happy birthday! 1y
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PurpleyPumpkin Happy birthday! Have a lovely day. 🥳 1y
TheKidUpstairs Happy Birthday! Great pick for a birthday read!!! 1y
JessClark78 Happy Birthday! 🎊🎂🎉 1y
Moll Ahh thanks so much everyone!!!❤️❤️❤️ 1y
dabbe Happiest of birthdays! ❣️ 1y
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I‘m so late to the party on this one, but holy spacecats that‘s the best sci-fi book I‘ve ever read!!

Oryx It's so good. And the other ones in the series are equally awesome. 1y
Karisa I loved that book so much! I agree with @Oryx great series too. Each book is so different from the next but altogether show a beautiful vision of the future. It‘s hard to find that in sci-fi sometimes 😊 1y
HeatherBlue @Oryx and @Karisa Good to know! 🙂 heading out today to buy the next one 😆 1y
Dragon Kizzy 💚🐉 - time for a re-read . You have reminded me how much I enjoyed this book. 1y
cariashley This has been on my list forever and I‘ve never gotten around to it, will have to change that! 1y
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After moving my entire library 3 times over the past 5 years, I've become increasingly selective about what physical books I want to add to my collection. The Wayfarers series definitely makes the grade, and as a Christmas gift, was the #LastFirst of the year!

Took care of my #JumpStart2023 goal to read the books I received for Christmas!


Enjoyed this one a lot even if I don't know how to describe it! This follows a long mission of the wayfarer, a ship made to build new wormholes, going to a small angry planet to do their job. But that's just the framing. The book is about the journey and how people bond, or not, when stuck with each other for so long among folks of completely different species and cultures. Found family is a repeated theme.

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I felt like this book wasn‘t what I expected, but it‘s completely my fault because it IS EXACTLY WHAT THE TITLE SAYS! It‘s the journey, not the job itself, that is the point. I loved the character development all around. I will probably continue the series, but I‘m not scrambling to do so.

Clare-Dragonfly The title of this book is great because it is an exact description of what is inside 😆 but that doesn‘t actually mean you can predict what the story is about! 1y
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Long Way to a Small | Becky Chambers
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My favorite reads of 2022! I read 176 books this year and will not cut my favorites down to 10!
These were all amazing reads that I continue to think about days, weeks, months after putting them down.

jlhammar Wonderful list! I bought Book of Mother after your review, but haven‘t read it yet. Really looking forward to it. 1y
ChaoticMissAdventures @jlhammar I hope you like it! I went through an intense French phase this year. I had Barbara Pravi playing on repeat most days. 1y
BarbaraBB I loved four of these too so I have to check out the others! 1y
ChaoticMissAdventures @BarbaraBB hope you had a great year of reading!! My tastes are all over the place, love agreeing on the greats! 1y
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My bookish presents! I hope I will like the Wayfarer Series, it‘s always a gamble to have several books from an unknown series. My friend sew me a second book bag. I also got a Game for my switch, a dvd, a blanket with whales, a gift card from a book store and a Hamilton Funko Pop 🥰📖🎉.

#christmas #presents

peanutnine Love Becky Chambers!! Hope you enjoy them! What a wonderful gift haul 🎁💕 2y
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The tagged book is btwn a pan and so-so for me. #unpopularopinion but the hard science/tech + an overwhelming amount of world-building and interspecies cultural context = too exhausting to be enjoyable for me.
The real redeeming quality was that the main characters were fantastic and my heart ached for them by the end. Still, not going to continue with this series right now.
BUT HEY I‘ve finally finished my next #promptmaze!! @TheAromaofBooks

BennettBookworm 401 or more pgs - diamond eye;
Borrowed from library - long way planet;
Set in the city - violin;
Pro owns a business - something wilder;
Red letters - true biz;
Fantasy or Sci Fi - prayer for the crown shy;
Green spine - women dragons;
Depths of TBR - Britt Marie
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! Looking fantastic!!! 2y
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What a great book. I‘m a Becky Chambers fan. This is my first full length novel by her, though I‘ve read three novellas. I‘m going to look up the next in the series and check my closest used bookstores. (After the holidays)

If you like your sci-fi a bit on the quiet side with lots of sweet characters and some philosophical conversations, and don‘t mind that the action only comes in small short pockets, pick this up.

BkClubCare Sold! 2y
Aimeesue Becky Chambers writes fabulous stuff! ❤️ 2y
Prairiegirl_reading I love monk and robot! I need to get to this series!! 2y
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Ruthiella You‘re gonna love the rest of the Wayfarer books, I predict! 2y
Bookish.SAM Loved this book! My intro to the genre ❤️ 2y
CaseyTheCanadianLesbrarian The second Wayfarers book is even better, imho! 2y
Soubhiville Oh! Now I have to get it @CaseyTheCanadianLesbrarian ! 2y
Eyelit I have the whole series if you want to borrow any of them 2y
Eyelit And I agree with @CaseyTheCanadianLesbrarian about the second book 🙂 2y
Soubhiville Thanks @Eyelit ! I feel like this is a series I‘m going to want to own. 😊📚 2y
Eyelit Absolutely! 2y
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I guess this is one way to do bedtime reading Sietje. 🐶🤣💕

Pretty sure I got this battered copy from @SenatorMothma at a swap. I love well used books, the way the pages get softer and the spine already cracked so I don‘t worry about being super careful with it. This has some bangs on the spine and wrinkles on the cover and feels really nice in my hand.

Anyone else love used books for similar reasons?
(Of course I love my new books too!)

batsy Yes! And if I have two or more copies of a fave book, it's the well-worn copy that I'll reread while the nicer, newer edition sits pretty on the shelf 😆 2y
wanderinglynn Yes, exactly! You described the love of a used book perfectly. ❤️ 2y
Patchshank I love used book. Even better if they wrote notes. 2y
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4.5/5⭐ A perfect mix of fun and serious. There are so many layers to the characters, so many meaningful themes and ideas without punching the reader in the face with philosophy. I could barely put it down. #booked2022

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I never thought of fear as something that can go away. It just is. It reminds me that I want to stay alive. That doesn‘t strike me as a bad thing.

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Reads like a cross between Firefly, the Expanse and Red Dwarf with a bit of the Ship Who Sang.

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This book feels like a combination of all my favorite space shows from the last 90s and early 2000s. And yet again I have fallen for an AI and that is just not good bro. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️