Snuck a book to my Aunts New Years Eve Day Party!
Snuck a book to my Aunts New Years Eve Day Party!
I totally forgot about this site (I‘m sorry!) reading the last book of the scythe series by Neal Shusterman! It was a little slow to start but I hope it picks up again!
I didn‘t like this book as much as Scythe but I did overall enjoy it!
Loved this book! I‘m so glad I decided to read it thanks to the Monthly Bookclub on Facebook! I couldn‘t put it down and I highly recommend it to anyone who is looking for an escape!
Decided to take a break from Harry Potter and read this one! It‘s very gripping and intriguing so far! About 60 pages in! I‘m reading it to hopefully participate in the Young Adult Barnes and Noble Book Club! I have until December 12th to finish it on time!
Currently Reading: Harry Potter #5... I usually read when I get the opportunity which can be anytime but usually afternoon/evening....I honestly don‘t remember the last author I followed maybe Maureen Johnston author of Truly Devious series...
Visiting my cousins house! I have officially claimed my reading spot!
Dolores Umbridge is the character I hate the most from the Harry Potter series! What character did you hate most and why?!
After reading Harry Potter all day my brain literally won‘t shut off and nothing else on tv is interesting to me!
When you know what happens but it doesn‘t make it any less suspenseful!
My work day is done!
My favorite weekend past time...a good book and exploring goodreads! I‘m still looking for ways to get more active and find friends on Litsy! Any suggestions are welcome! I am also looking for more goodreads friends! Happy Reading!
Harry Potter and Football! Happy Thursday Night!
Started this today!
Friday Night of Witches! Hocus Pocus and Harry Potter! Hoping to finish it this weekend!
Hi everyone,
I'm still relatively new to the site and I'm looking to become more active or find ways to make Litsy friends...any suggestions are welcome!
Currently Re-reading Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire!
A few weeks ago my aunt spent the time to help us get reorganized!
This shelf is the books I had in a Barnes and Noble bookhal bag from this summer along with some of my books that I haven‘t read yet from a few years ago! This is only part of my TBR books but I am so happy for them!
I also have 3 Harry Potter books and 2 other books upstairs that I haven‘t read yet! This isn‘t just a hobby it‘s a life style!
No work tomorrow means I‘m setting up shop for a long night! This is my first re-read of my favorite series as an adult!
Still on the boat...everyone is watching Datline so I snuck off to my room to read some more! I read about 100 pages today! I forgot how good this series is! We‘ll see how late I stay up tonight! #Excited #BookNeard #Ravenclaw
Reading on a boat! Happy weekend! #RIBoating!
As you can see from my posts I had decided to participate! I have a 3 day weekend this weekend but I don‘t think I‘ll be able to reach 24hrs... unfortunately I do have responsibilities!
This book took me almost 2 months to finish....
I pushed through and I finished! I think I didn't overly enjoy this book because it took me so long to read it. My mom and neighbor loved the books that are out and thats why I forced myself to finish a book I wasn't necessarily enjoying. I haven't decided if I am going to start the second book yet or not.
- Maybe finish later...
Finally finished the book I‘ve been reading for 2 months!!! This was my total time reading tonight! #24BFMonday
@Andrew65 @jb72 @TheReadingMermaid
Trying to track my reading time has proved difficult! What form of timer do readers usually us? #24BFMonday
@Andrew65 @jb72 @TheReadingMermaid
I have literally been reading the same book since I joined 2 months ago! I am going to push through and finish it tonight! #24BFMonday
@Andrew65 @jb72 @TheReadingMermaid
What is going on on Litsy? Are there any read-a-thons going on? Fun activities etc...
I've been reading the same book for over a month...need a fun way to push through it
Found myself a reading spot for the next day or so! Labor Day Weekend get away! Dover, NH
Thank you so much for the book @bookandcat I am so excited that I won my first giveaway! Happy Reading!
short reading session tonight!
#currentlyreading #SummerEndReadathon #24B4Monday
@Clwojick @TheReadingMermaid @jb72 @Andrew65
Does anyone know what exactly #24b4monday is all about? I'm having trouble finding the original post...thanks!
Today I went to Barnes and Noble on lunch break and got the first 2 in the Caraval series and one other! I went back to work and my co-worker surprised me with the Matched series!
Has anyone read any of these!?
Watching the Pats pre-season game for a little then early to bed! Go Pats!
I will be working a full time job as well as job hunting for a new job at night so I‘m not sure how much time I will have to dedicate to this but it seems fun!
We only have a few more weeks left to enjoy the pool! #SundayFunDay #CurrentlyReading
So much truth to this! I‘m pretty lacking in the friend department so I read ( or try to read ) to distract myself!
@bookandcat #32KGIVEAWAY
This is my first giveaway I hope I'm not too late and I hope I entered right!
I‘m not sure what to read! I‘m struggling to get into these 4 right now but I‘m open to recommendations as to what to stick with...thanks!
My neighbor recommended this series...her and her kids and my mom have read it and loved it!
We shall see I‘ve been having a hard time getting into books lately...
I'm not really sure how this site works yet...goodreads isn't the same as it used to be and I'm looking to make some friends who I can talk about book related stuff with!
I have found my people!
I haven‘t been apart of a fandom for a long time! I miss the Harry Potter days!
I‘m also looking for my next series! If anyone has suggestions I am more then open to recommendations!