Not happy that Mahm is back to work today. 😐
#ButYouJustGotHome #AttentionRequired #YesAllOfIt #CorgiLife #TheBookCorgi
Not happy that Mahm is back to work today. 😐
#ButYouJustGotHome #AttentionRequired #YesAllOfIt #CorgiLife #TheBookCorgi
This book about food is corgi Approved. ✔️
#ReadingWomenMonth #TheBookCorgi #TheReadingWomen
A #summerreading recommendation from #thebookcorgi. He knew THE STAR-TOUCHED QUEEN must be good when Mahm ignored him for an entire afternoon to read it. 😆🐾📚😻 #ReadingWomenMonth #VacationReads #thereadingwomen #women_writers #youngadult #readwomen
"Mahm's latest favorite book: #RoxaneGay's new #memoir HUNGER. She ignored me all day yesterday to read it. I made sure to slobber on the cover. ???" #ReadingWomenMonth #NewBooks #thebookcorgi #currentreads #women_writers #readwomen
That time Dylan's mahm asked Sharon Creech to sign LOVE THAT DOG for her fur son. I'm sure Dylan is nothing but grateful. 😅
#ReadingWomenMonth #SignedBooks #TheBookCorgi #LoveTheDog #SharonCreech
THE HATE U GIVE is next up on our #yalit #TBR. So. Excited. 😻📚🐾 #ReadingWomenMonth #YoungAdult #TheBookCorgi #ReadALLthethings
Two of my favorite things: #TheBookCorgi and #virginiawoolf.
#ReadingWomenMonth #MrsDallowayDay #women_writers #dogpark #summerreads
Outtake from @thereadingwomen's post for today: @quarterlane's fiction box! Many thanks to them for sending us our #beachreads for the #summer. We can't wait to read them. 😍📚🎉 #ReadingWomenMonth #BeachReading #quarterlanesummer #thebookcorgi #summerreading
Last year, Dylan learned the hard way that sometimes #ElenaFerrante comes first. 😅🙈 #ReadingWomenMonth #womenintranslation #ferrantefever #dissaprovingcorgi
#FlashbackFriday to last summer when #weekendreading meant a date with BARKSKINS.
#ReadingWomenMonth #TGIF #weekendswithcorgi #barkskins #annieproulx #thebookcorgi
While Dylan usually is the perfect model, today he's too distracted by nature. Still, he's quite the golden boy. 💛
#ReadingWomenMonth #AustralianAuthors #Fantasy #yalit #AlisonCroggon #TheBookCorgi
With a dreamy far off look and his nose stuck in a book . . . 🌹🔮🥀 #ReadingWomenMonth #BooksAboutBooks #TheBookCorgi #women_writers #readwomen
Dylan with his Book of the Month selection for June. I think he just realized this book isn't actually about white fur. 😅
#ReadingWomenMonth #PhotoChallenge #TheBookCorgi #BookOfTheMonth #dogoftheday
I told him to come out so we could get a picture for today's #ReadingWomenMonth challenge, and this is what I got. 😐😅😂 #TheReadingWomen #MuslimWriters #Women_Writers #TheBookCorgi #ReadWomen
Dylan takes his fandom seriously. 🤓
#HouseGryffincorg #HarryPotter #ReadingWomenMonth #PhotoChallenge #Fantasy
They say imitation is the highest form of flattery . . .
#ReadingWomenMonth #AmazingCovers #TheBookCorgi
"We seek him here, we seek him there, Those Frenchies seek him everywhere. Is he in heaven? - Is he in hell? That damned, elusive Pimpernel?"
#Classics #ReadingWomenMonth #photochallenge #women_writers #thebookcorgi
#TheBookCorgi is joining the #ReadingWomenMonth challenge! First up, short story collections. Errrr . . . I think Dylan might be over stepping his editorial rights here. 😂🤓📚
#readreadread #roxanegay #difficultwomen #amreading #literature #women_writers #dogoftheday
While Mahm recorded her new BookTube video, I destroyed a box AND beheaded one of these little pandas. Always here to help. 😁
Merry Christmas Eve! 🎄✨
Always happy to help Mahm with her book photos. 😸
Mahm and I both love #bookmail, but I suspect for entirely different reasons. 😸
Thank you, @mcorneli !! 😻
The daily race up the stairs: I win. 😏
(P.S. Dylan is on Instagram as @ dylanofwinchester where you can follow all of his adventures, not just his bookish ones.)
Mahm gave me a couple early Christmas presents. She says this is a modern children's classic, but she won't let me nibble it. 😐 Mahm says I have no taste. No idea what she's talking about. #NomNomNom #TheBookCorgi
Whaaaaaatt?? You haven't read these yet? I'm concerned about your life choices up to this point. #thebookcorgi #comics
Sometimes Mahm reads a book that makes her forget my 3 o'clock snack. 😞
But a double snack later helped me forget my sorrows. 😬
#TheBookCorgi #DogsofLitsy
Nibble of choice for #NonfictionNovember. 😆❤️📚
#WayBackWednesday to when Mahm finished the Neopolitan series. She didn't give me a belly rub for hours. 😫 She just stared at the nommable paper. 😒
#TheBookCorgi #FerranteFever
Book coma face. This is what happens when you stay up too late with your Mahm when she's reading. 😐
It's difficult being Litsy's most sought after book model, but someone's gotta do it. 😉😘 #AllHallowsRead #Ghostland #Giveaway
I insisted Mahm's book photography wasn't complete without this addition. Mahm says I've been opinionated from an early age. I even got to share my thoughts about graphic novels and comics in the latest episode @thereadingwomen podcast.
Today podcasts. Tomorrow #TheBookCorgi prize. #LifeGoals
What? Mahm's not here to take pictures of ME??
#puppydogeyes #AllHallowsRead #ScaryReads #TheBookCorgi
Helping Mahm with #AllHallowsRead. See? I even have my own #scaryread.
#SadiesBookofSpells #StuffedBook #TheBookCorgi
Maybe if I stare at her long enough, Mahm will let me have a turn. I mean, she doesn't need the pages she's already read, right?
#BookNibbler #TheBookCorgi #WhyYesIClimbedUpHereAllByMyself
"Dylan wasn't allowed to go to the Sharon Creech signing, but I made sure he got his book signed anyway." - @kdwinchester #DogsLoveBooksToo
From Chu's worried face, I'd have a guess he's heard the book nibbler rumors. Shhhh... let's not mention they're true. 🐶🍽📚🐼
#FBF #NomNomNom #FunFridayPhoto #DylansFirstBook #TheBookCorgi
Finally caught that damned, elusive Pimpernel.
#thebookcorgi #recommendsday
Welcome to the #thebookcorgi's account for all things print and pages!! Dylan now has a place of his own to express his literary opinions. Stay tuned for corgi smiles, stubby legs, and one adorable fluffy butt. 🐶❤️📚