Not book related & a couple days late, but Winston is a big 5 year old now! He dove into the toy pile and ripped the crown from his head moments after this was taken. 😂
Not book related & a couple days late, but Winston is a big 5 year old now! He dove into the toy pile and ripped the crown from his head moments after this was taken. 😂
@Kappadeemom Winston is adjusting better than I would've expected him to. 😊 He's taking his role as big brother very, very seriously.
Sleepy guy 😴
One more now that he's had his presents. 🥺💕🎉🐾
Not book related, but it's Winston's 4th birthday today! 😍👑🎉🐾
Winnie is upset that today was a rainy, cold Sunday. Great for the reading marathon that his humans had...bad for walkies.
Winston decided to take a nap right where I set my book instead of his usual spot on his bed. I reached down to grab it and got a handful of fuzzy ear instead. 🥺
My little reading buddy has been taking good care of me as I battle a sinus infection this weekend. His sweater arrived today and he was thrilled to put it on. 🤗
Since Winston is more of a fan of clothes than we thought he'd be, we bought him his first ever Halloween costume! Inspired by his favorite toy as a puppy, we decided to make him a dragon. 🐲
His neck is a little too floofy for the hood to stay on and he tries to attack the wings (hence why they're down for the photo), but it's still pretty cute. 🤣
Not book related, but I had to show off Winston's first sweatshirt. 🥺 I always thought he'd hate clothes, but his little nub wiggled like crazy when we put it on him. The sleeves just need to be rolled bc his legs are too short. 😭🥺
Winston is a herding dog, and he practices every day on me. He knows my habits very well and directs me where to go. He saw a book in my hands, and insisted that I sit down immediately or he would throw a fit. He also looks very worried until I obey his orders. Telling him to move his paws so I don't sit on them tends to result in barks of pure agitation as he reminds me to follow orders or suffer his wrath of ankle biting.
I love him.
Not book related, but I thought you might like to see the look on Winston's face the first time he got to run free on the beach. 😂
I'm going to say this is book related because you can kind of see a bookshelf in the back. 🧐
I just had to share this adorable photo of Winston smiling. That's all. Carry on. 💕
In a continuation of Winston‘s endeavors to get himself stuck under the bed, he succeeded in giving me a heart attack today.
My 5 year old niece went in and out of the front door a couple times, and I thought I'd kept track of the dog (he's a flight risk...training comes soon). Anyway, I realized I didn't know where he was at one point. After minutes of frantically searching, I hear a small bark come from the bedroom.
(Cont. in comments)
Winston likes to nap in small spaces. He typically goes behind the couch, but today he chose to go under our bed. Since we're living in my mom's house, I stack all my books on the floor by the bed.
So, he tried to back out the same way he came in, and got his butt stuck on a post. He tried to crawl out on my side, and got trapped by the books. Barricades do not deter him. I now have to relocate my books so he doesn't get stuck again. 🤦♀️
Thank you to everyone who commented & reached out earlier. It means so much to have a community of loving bookworms. 🥰💕
On a brighter note, Winston is happy about the extra time we've been spending with him. 🐶
My favorite little reading buddy ❤
I interrupt your regular book content to bring you a picture of my fur child. Today is his second birthday, so we got him a biscuit the size of his face. I tried to take a cute photo of him looking at the biscuit, but clearly he has no chill and he went full hell hound on this thing.
Happy birthday, Winston aka Winnie the Pooh 💛
He's been snoring like this for 10 minutes now. I don't have the heart to wake him, but he does make it a little hard to concentrate on my book. 😂❤😴
We just finished vacuuming, and now Winston is quite perturbed. He insists on staying close to me while I read my book for work in case the angry dirt monster rears its ugly head again. 🐶
Winston found a cozy spot in the library on this lazy Sunday. ❤🐶
Not book related (mostly because all I'm doing lately is studying), but it's Winston's gotcha day! We've had our little fur baby for exactly a year. So far he's gotten a burger, a long walk, three new toys, and our undivided attention. He's very spoiled. 😂
@kaye wants to see everyone's pets! It sounds like her fish had an untimely demise, and she needs some cheering up. ❤
As most of you know this is my corgi, Winston! He was too little when it snowed last year, so this was his first real experience. He seems to like it because he goes out of his way to create yellow snow, if you know what I mean. 🤣
Show Kaye your pets, everyone! 🤗
This is Winston's favorite spot to hang out. It's right in between mine & Lucas' chairs, right where we can usually be found with books and coffee. 🤓☕
Winston is just dropping in to say hi! He's loved having Lucas and me home all day everyday this weekend, and I've loved being able to do nothing but read. ❤🤓
Not book related... just Winston dropping in to say hi. 🤗
Not book related, but Winston's face was too cute not to share. 😂😜
Caught Winston picking out a book! (Just kidding, I put a biscuit on the shelf for him 🐶)
Not book related (although there are books in the picture 😉). Winston just got neutered today, and it went really well! I picked him up in the cone, tried putting the donut on him (which he promptly tore off and attacked) and now it's back to the cone with him. 🐶❤
Happy Sunday! Winston is exhausted today from being my mascot at a trade show yesterday. He got so much love and attention, and mom had to do all the talking! We're about to cuddle up and choose a good book for this rainy day. 😊
What is everyone else reading today?
@ReadingRover I tried to get a picture of Winston with his toys, but he took the bee and is now thrashing it around and hitting everything. 😂😂 He loves tags and crinkle toys so this is so perfect for him. Thank you again so much! ❤❤
Oh my goodness @ReadingRover 😍😍 This was so unexpected! Winston feels like a king, and I love the books, tea and niffler you threw in for Lucas and me! ❤ It's so funny because we were just saying how we needed a photo album just for Winston. Thank you so much!! That was so kind and generous of you! 🤗😍🐶
Haven't gotten any reading in tonight because this little guy is teething and needs all the attention. 😂
Not book related...Winston is just being adorable and I thought I would share. 😁🐶🐾❤
What happens when you're reading and temporarily not giving your puppy scratches? He hides under the couch and wiggles out to stare at you 😂😂
Wanted to bring a little bit of joy to Litsy this morning ❤❤ I haven't posted Winston since he was a floppy eared puppy, but he's now two and a half months old and becoming quite the little academic. 🤓📚 Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!
Winston is looking at me like, "Mom, you've barely read anything all week. Get with it."
@ReadingRover We're hoping his other ear takes its sweet time to pop up because he's so cute like this. 😂🐶
Getting ready to post These beauties 😍😍😍 http://etsy.me/2gtzUUz
But for real guys, I have a new appreciation for mothers. And I just have a puppy! I can't imagine a tiny human.
I feel like I haven't been posting anything, but at the same time I haven't been reading because this little man wears me out and takes up all of my time. 😂I love him to death, but I'm dying for a full night of sleep.
Anyway. I hope to post more bookish things, soon. Thanks for putting up with me in the meantime! ❤
In the shop now - Pre-Order The Corgi Librarian is In! These will ship in early Feb, the fabric has almost arrived http://etsy.me/2gtzUUz
There is one last Corgi left in the shop! If you have been thinking about them then this is it. Won‘t be restocking this one so when it‘s gone it‘s gone! Thank you to the 8 of you who have bought one - fills my heart every time - it‘s a stunner! http://etsy.me/2rMrlZg
Nothing to do with books. This quiz is amazing. Make yourself feel better about life and go choose a corgi to give you a compliment. 😂
Look at my birthday present from @Ciara_Rosey isn't it adorable!! This is the closest I'm getting to a real corgi for awhile. The socks are so comfy, the card is so cute & my puppy is huggable. I'm calling her Agatha. Say hello to Agatha Parker, my reading companion.🐶❤️❤️❤️❤️ I love you @Ciara_Rosey
I'm researching newsletters!! If you have a favorite newsletter, please share it in the comments. This would be incredibly helpful, so I can have several examples to reference. And as always, the bookish the better, but all newsletters are welcome. 👍📚
Thank you, Litsians!
(Dylan has nothing to do with this post, but he's just too cute. 😂)
The daily race up the stairs: I win. 😏
(P.S. Dylan is on Instagram as @ dylanofwinchester where you can follow all of his adventures, not just his bookish ones.)
It's been a slow recovery after my wrist surgery (and slow reading), so I give you the adorable soul you really want to see. 🐶
(Story: I searched the entire house for this insane dog and finally found him here behind the door. He's not even supposed to be in the library unsupervised! #Nibbler)
#thebookcorgi #dogsoflitsy
I know this isn't book related but I figured we could all use this right now. 💕
Dylan's having his first puppy sleepover!! His buddy Murphy is staying with us this weekend. It started out great with snacks and games, but now Murphy is homesick. Dylan is doing his best to help. 🐶❤️🐶❤️ #socute 😭 #dogsoflitsy #thebookcorgi
I've been glued to my computer since #AllHallowsRead started. I didn't even realize it until . . .
#dogsoflitsy #thebookcorgi #petsoflitsy #litsydogs