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Three Daughters of Eve
Three Daughters of Eve | Elif Shafak
104 posts | 64 read | 1 reading | 141 to read
Peri, a wealthy Turkish housewife, is on her way to a dinner party at a seaside mansion in Istanbul when a beggar snatches her handbag. As she wrestles to get it back, a photograph falls to the ground - an old polaroid of three young women and their university professor. A relic from a past - and a love - Peri had tried desperately to forget. The photograph takes Peri back to Oxford University, as an eighteen year old sent abroad for the first time. To her dazzling, rebellious Professor and his life-changing course on God. To her home with her two best friends, Shirin and Mona, and their arguments about Islam and femininity. And finally, to the scandal that tore them all apart.
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Always love to be in the company of Elif Shafak‘s writing..She can craft a story so well, keeping it compelling but providing a great commentary on social issues. A coming-of-age story of a young Turkish girl that is caught between her mother‘s strong cultural beliefs and her father‘s beliefs on how education can be used as escapism from the dire political situation they are faced with in Istanbul.. beautiful and riveting!


There was a palpable sense of suspense throughout the first three quarters of this book. The characters were expertly crafted and I was eager to find out about the 'scandal' that had led the promising young academic to become a bored Istanbul housewife. The storyline was compelling in its strangeness - facing up to a mugger, student housemates and the nature of God - and I really enjoyed it. Ultimately, the 'scandal' was a damp squib, but nvm!

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#NovemberNarrative Day 17: While I did not enjoy the pontificating tone of the story, I admired Shafak‘s beautiful turns of phrase, her evident love for words, the way she made Istanbul and Oxford come alive in my mind, the vivid portrayal of what it is like to be a woman in #Turkey, and the earnest attempts to untangle something complex in her mind through this story.

My full review: https://wp.me/pDlzr-km0

Eggs Beautiful 🤩 🥰 2y
Suet624 Yum! 2y
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First book I read from this author last year.
Love her. Her descriptions of food, sense of belonging and cultures, women's experiences and attention to detail. 🌙

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A great first line: “It was an ordinary spring day in Istanbul, a long and leaden afternoon like so many others, when she discovered, with a hollowness in her stomach, that she was capable of killing someone“ (1).

Cathythoughts What a line 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 3y
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Everything was too obvious and tendentious. Even tough i personally consider some of the the topics important and discussion-worthy, everything but the father-daughter bond, was a boomer.

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I really enjoy her writing. A definite slow burner with excellent focus on characters.

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I finished Bridgerton last night (amazing!) so today I can focus on reading. I haven't finished a book in 2021 yet and already feel behind!!

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My reading goal for 2021 is 50 books and I'll kick it off with this one.

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“Certainty is a very dangerous thing. I like it when faith and doubt talk to each other and challenge each other.” - Elif Shafak in an interview with Kati Piri.

While this quote is from the interview and not the book, it perfectly sums-up what Three Daughters Of Eve is all about.

#elifshafak #threedaughtersofeve #britishturkishnovelist

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What a surprising book! I love slow burning, character centric stories and this one didn‘t disappoint on those points. Definitely glad I was “forced” to get through this right now by the #bookspin choice this month! @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks So glad you enjoyed your pick!! 4y
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Starting my #bookspin for April. This is the book that has been sitting on my nightstand the longest, waiting for me to read down to it. So, its fitting to be "forced" to get through it!

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This book brought to my mind the CS Lewis quote “we read so we know we are not alone.” I found myself relating in so many ways to Peri as she was nearing midlife and was thinking about, struggling with, and trying to analyze how she got to where she was in life. I also very much related to the feeling of being able to “fit in“ in many places, settings, and with almost anyone, but never feeling like I quite belong or am at home anywhere.

Cathythoughts I really enjoyed this one 👍🏻❤️ 5y
Suet624 Ooohhh, sounds exactly like me! I‘m going to have to check this out. 5y
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5 ⭐

Thanks @RachelO for choosing this book - definitely on the lookout for more by Shafak.

The man in the photo is Chris Mounsey, who I've written quite a bit about in the book, as Azur reminds me of him (but in good ways). There's also 4 loose postcards in the book as I didn't want to clog up the margins!

@jhod it will be sent sometime next week - I need to get more package envelopes! 🤣🤣🤣


Cathythoughts Yes I really enjoyed this one too ... a new author to me & one I will read more of 👍🏻♥️ 5y
rockpools Wow -5🌟! I‘m so glad you and @Cathythoughts both liked this one Jenny! Think I‘m going to be in the weird position of liking everyone elses books more than my own, and everyone else liking my book more than I did 🤷🏻‍♀️🤣 5y
jhod Look forward to it! X 5y
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Sunday morning coffee & enjoying my #lmpbc read 👍🏻♥️ beautiful writing

Hi 👋🏻 guys @RachelO @jenniferw88 @jhod

rockpools 👋 Morning Cathy! Glad you‘re enjoying it 😊. I‘ll be putting the next one in the post tomorrow- it‘s a much quicker read (sorry! I forgot to check just how dense the print was before I picked that one 😬) 5y
TrishB Great start to Sunday 😁 5y
jhod Ooh great choicd @RachelO! I should finish mine today so will send on in the week 😘😘 5y
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jenniferw88 Cathy, there's no rush for me as i won't be in to collect any parcels until 11th. X 5y
Cathythoughts @jenniferw88 yes you did say that , so I thought if I post it on September 10th from here ... that should work 👍🏻😘 5y
Cathythoughts @TrishB if at all possible it‘s the only way 👍🏻♥️ 5y
jenniferw88 @Cathythoughts yes that's fine, just wanted to remind you really! 5y
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This book is impressive and I was left wanting more. Solid literary fiction which alternates perspectives of one woman during three different times of her life. I think the three daughters is referring to her and her friends, but it could equally be referring to the 3 different Peri's or Peri, her mother and daughter. That's the joy of literary fiction though isn't it - the layers, the complexity, the confusion!

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Prepping my mum for her first trip to #edbookfest next week. She'll get the german editions, me the english and then we get to meet the authors. And of course we wont have time to finish them because i was late in getting them.... 🙈 #edinburgh2019

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Love this book. Outstanding book

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This book starts with Peri, a married Turkish woman, going to a party at a home on the Bosporus,and ends at that home. Most of the book tells the story of Peri and her family, and Peri‘s time at Oxford University. There she becomes friends with two women, one Iranian and one Egyptian. And then there is the charismatic, male professor who influences all of them, but Peri in particular. I enjoyed the drama of the women‘s friendship and the culture.

mcipher What a pretty spot!! 5y
DivineDiana @mcipher Agree! There are many homes built close to the Bosporus which runs through Istanbul. In the book, a large ship actually manages to come on shore a bit and crash into the house!!! 5y
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For the #WomenReadWomen2019 Read Along Chat, I asked for a favourite quote from the book. Here is mine, sagely uttered by Professor Azur whose unorthodox ways proved to be too incendiary. I didn‘t like him at all despite his brilliance. I thought he exploited his students for his own purposes, and too convinced of his own smarts. What did you think of him? What‘s your fave quote from the book?

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#WomenReadWomen2019 Read Along Chat is here with only four Qs. Do chime in if you have read the book, very eager to read your thoughts. This is a so-so for me. Found it borderline proselytizing, with the story taking a backseat to the heavy pontification. Tagging those who have expressed an interest previously.

Laughterhp I never got a chance to read this book. I still have it from the library so hopefully I‘ll get to it eventually! 5y
DivineDiana I did not share the sense of proselytizing. Instead, I finished with a sense of oneness with humanity, no matter what you believe.🤔 #1 answered in a previous post. #2 I‘m choosing Peri, only because of her searching in regards to religion. I do think that I would not have made some of her life choices.#3 I enjoyed the cultural exploration of the 3 women. Although, I have not visited Turkey yet,I have 2 Turkish brother-in-laws. Have been to Iran. (edited) 5y
DivineDiana Thank you for hosting this challenge! It encouraged me to read a book from my shelves! 👏🏻📚🙂 5y
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“Ahead in the dark she noticed a figure illuminated by the sodium-yellow street lights: a bag lady pushing a rusty pram piled with clothes, cardboard, plastic bags- a perennial traveler from here to nowhere.”

#roadtonowhere #wanderingjune

Cinfhen Oh wow!!! That‘s pretty darn perfect 💕🙌🏻🏆 5y
BarbaraBB Auw.. such a sad quote and pic 💔 5y
DivineDiana @Cinfhen I love when I stumble upon a quote for a Challenge! 😘 5y
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DivineDiana @BarbaraBB I thought so too. 😔 5y
BarbaraBB That backpack 💔 5y
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“Why roots were rated so highly compared with branches or leaves, Peri had never understood. Trees had multiple shoots and filaments extending in every direction, under and above the ancient soils of the earth. If even roots refused to stay put, why expect the impossible from human beings?” 🤔

GatheringBooks lovely quote! :) 5y
RaimeyGallant Nice quote! 5y
DivineDiana @GatheringBooks I am sorry to be so late in responding to your discussion questions. Trying to catch up on posts! As I read the book, I wasn‘t consciously looking for a favorite quote, so I am choosing this one, as I liked it enough to create a post. It does challenge my mind! 🌳#womenreadingwomen2019 (edited) 5y
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Books were liberating, full of life. She preferred being in Story-land to being in her motherland. #womenreadwomen2019

gradcat So pretty...is it a cover? ♥️ 5y
BarbaraBB I‘m curious too! 5y
DivineDiana @gradcat @BarbaraBB It is a fantasy painting by Patti Kingsley called “Storyland” ! 5y
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GatheringBooks awesome! perfect graphics to go with the quote! 5y
gradcat It‘s really beautiful. It makes me happy. 😊 5y
kspenmoll So colorful! 5y
DivineDiana @kspenmoll I love the colors! 5y
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“She would rather stay home and in the witching hours, be immersed in a novel- reading being her way to connect with the universe.” #womenreadwomen2019

GatheringBooks perfect photo! looking forward to our discussion by end of the month! 5y
keithmalek Is that you? 5y
DivineDiana @keithmalek No, I found it via a Google search for “a woman reading a book”! 🙂 5y
keithmalek @DivineDiana Well she's absolutely gorgeous, so you might want to lie and say that she is. 5y
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One of the millions of Syrian refugees who had fled the only life they knew, she first thought- though there was an equal chance that he was a local Turk, or a Kurd or a Gypsy or a bit of everything. #gypsyroad #wanderingjune

Cinfhen Striking imagery ~ I wanted to like this book, but it ultimately fell flat for me 5y
GatheringBooks looking forward to discussing this by end of month! :) 5y
DivineDiana @Cinfhen Oh no! So far, so good. 🤞🏻 5y
Cinfhen It has lots of #LitsyLove so hopefully you end up liking it 5y
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Starting a new book from the TBR shelves. It was a gift from my husband. #womenreadwomen2019

Megabooks Love that cover!! 5y
DivineDiana @Megabooks I do too! ❤️ 5y
GatheringBooks awesome!! :) 5y
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Reggie I love that your husband gives you books. 5y
DivineDiana @Reggie It is very sweet! ❤️ 5y
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Repost for @GatheringBooks :
#WomenReadWomen2019 Schedule for Read Along Chat this June! Save the date. I came across this Guardian article this morning showing Elif Shafak under investigation in Turkey. Makes her novel even more interesting and worth reading in light of this. Everyone‘s welcome to join! Let me know if you wish to be tagged!

GatheringBooks thank youuuu! 🧚🏼‍♀️😘💕📚 5y
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#WomenReadWomen2019 Schedule for Read Along Chat this June! Save the date. I came across this Guardian article this morning showing Elif Shafak under investigation in Turkey. Makes her novel even more interesting and worth reading in light of this. Everyone‘s welcome to join! Let me know if you wish to be tagged!

Itchyfeetreader I heard her speak when this book was published. I was most interested in her thoughts about the contraction of the Turkish language. If you can find her on YouTube I would totally recommend 5y
Soubhiville I may join you if my TBR allows. It‘d be a last minute read, but I‘ve been interested in this book. Add me to tags please? 5y
GatheringBooks @Itchyfeetreader great recommendation! haven‘t heard her speak yet so will def check it out. :) 5y
GatheringBooks @Soubhiville sure thing! :) 5y
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I am still not sure what Elif Shafak was trying to do with the novel. It was a patchy story and the@time shifts were not handled well. The general premise was great but it did not come off.

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This book was so good! It dealt with number of serious issues - religion, politics, feminism, identity - and while it did not delve deeply into them all, I did not find it lacking. Rather I identified with the Peri's story and her struggle as she wondered if she would always be "somewhere in between" faith and doubt.

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"She had been reading for almost three hours and her brain was saturated with ideas. She imagined her mind as a rambling house with many rooms in which she stored all the things she read, heard and saw, and where they were inspected, processed and registered by a little clerk, a homunculus entirely at her unconscious service. Yet it was possible, she believed, that one‘s thoughts could be hidden even from oneself."

BekaReid This books is so good!! Pic is of the author, Elif Shafak. 5y
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#CurrentRead 📖👓

Tonton Great cover! 5y
Bibliophilia @Tonton Yeah, love it! 5y
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How does your Monday look like? Mine looks like this. Not too bad. Oreo mudpie and flat white paired with the #WomenReadWomen2019 Read Along Chat book pick for 30 June.

alisiakae That looks like an amazing Monday! 5y
Louise Oh, my! 😍 5y
RealLifeReading I want my Monday to look that way too 😀 5y
ephemeralwaltz Not bad at all! I wish! 5y
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We are hosting guests from Germany - my sisters from another mother. My weather app says it is 4-10 degrees in Munich. In Singapore, it is a sweltering 32 but feels like 38. Pretty young things sweating it out with the humidity, but still looking glam. Easter Sunday Lunch with nasi lemak and banana bread and cassava and affogato and so much yummy-licious farm-grown goodness.
#WomenReadWomen2019 Read Along Chat pick for end of June. Happy Easter!

alisiakae That all sounds and looks so yummy! What is nasi lemak? Is it a rice dish? I‘ve had nasi goreng before. (edited) 5y
GatheringBooks @4thhouseontheleft this is what google says: “Nasi lemak is a Malay fragrant rice dish cooked in coconut milk and pandan leaf” - here it is paired with nuts, dilis (little dried fish), scrambled egg, and chicken. Super yum. 5y
Amor4Libros I loved that book! 5y
GatheringBooks @Amor4Libros so glad to hear that! i am hosting a read along chat of this title on 30 Jun. Do consider joining us. 💕📚🧚🏼‍♀️ our hashtag is #WomenReadWomen2019. 5y
Amor4Libros @GatheringBooks I will join in, thanks for the invite! 🙂 5y
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🕯 Book club by candlelight 🕯A power outage didn‘t stop our discussion of The Three Daughters of Eve!

Cinfhen 🙌🏻 5y
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Was just ordering books for my college daughter‘s English class. She told me we could rent this book instead of buying it. I told her we were buying it because it‘s on this mama‘s amazon wish list. She just shook her head. Sometimes I‘m not sure she‘s mine. 😜


Sehr spannendes Buch: von Anfang bis zum Schluss wird man in die Geschichte hineingezogen. Sie spiegelt die Gesellschaft der heutigen Türkei wider.

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I loved the first Shafak book I read, The Architect‘s Apprentice, & had high hopes for this one. On the way to a party, Peri is mugged & a photograph falls out of her wallet forcing her to confront a past she had tried to, but ultimately couldn‘t, forget. The plot was predictable &, as Shafak revealed the why, rushed & events dealt with only at a surface level. Ultimately, it wasn‘t totally believable. The writing was excellent, the story ok.

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Next up in the queue...

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As I'm just a tiny bit in denial about the fact that it's #December, I'm going with #AllAboutEve for this one from my TBR. Very mixed reviews, and I have to admit, although I've read at least 1 of her other books, I barely remember them/it 🤦🏻‍♀️. BUT I love hearing Elif Shafak speak on things - I heard her at the London Book Fair a few years back - so I'm very happy to give her another go. #winterwonderland

Cinfhen I thought of this book as well!! I didn‘t love this one but I feel like that was an #UnpopularOpinion 6y
TrishB I think this is on my tbr! 6y
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I‘m feeling a bit like Scrooge because this was a #BahHumBug read for me. I‘ve seen so many glowing reviews but I found the book pretty trite and not overly stimulating. I thought the author was trying to explore more than she was capable of. Not a fan ☹️Another #MoreMehThanYeah @TrishB 2.5 stars/5 My appetizer from last night was too gorgeous not to share. It was filled with a spicy Yemenite ground meat & the pastry shell was sweet😋#Delish

Cinfhen @ElishaLovesBooks you have to show this to Yitzy!!! The food at last night׳s BM was ridiculous!!!! 6y
ElishaLovesBooks @Cinfhen That looks amazing!!! 😋😍I will show him! Also- I was going to read this book but based on your review I think I‘ll skip! 💕 6y
Cinfhen I can send u my copy if u want to read it still @ElishaLovesBooks most people loved it!! It just fell flat for me, I was expecting more🤷‍♀️ 6y
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TrishB I won‘t rush it to the top of the pile anytime soon!! 6y
Cinfhen Maybe wait for a #KindleDeal @TrishB it was sappy for my taste and plot felt a bit forced 🙄 6y
ElishaLovesBooks @Cinfhen I‘m sure I can get it from the library if I want it! Thanks though!♥️ Also- that appetizer looks amazing! Yitzy was very impressed!! (edited) 6y
emilyhaldi I've been skeptical about this book 🧐 won't be adding to my tbr. Dinner looks delish tho!! 🤤 6y
Cinfhen @JenP I‘m ready to wrap up my #backpackEurope adventure ✈️flying back to Israel 🇮🇱 6y
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#backpackEurope travelogue *fictional*
Country 17: Turkey is awesome. I spent time in Istanbul--I shopped til I dropped at the Grand Bazaar (LANDMARK) and gaped at the stunning former church-now-mosque of Hagia Sophia. Way bigger IRL.
This book was lovely. I loved Peri's character, seeing how her choices influenced her growth. It tackles big subjects like religion, feminism, terrorism, and more. Reminded me of Eugenides' The Marriage Plot. 4🌟

bookandcat I received a copy from #NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. 6y
bookandcat @bookwormm @jenp landmark approval here (it mentions it directly). I gave up on My Name is Red because I wasn't feeling it when I was on vacation this week. 6y
BookwormM Approved 6y
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#BackPackEurope There‘s been a few references to Istanbul‘s famous #GrandBazaar 🎉🛍🍊🍇🍞🥩which sounds incredible!!!! #BucketList @JenP #AlmostHome

hilded Keep it high on your bucket list, both the market and Istanbul itself is fantastic!! 6y
Cinfhen I hope to go one day @hilded 6y
KarenUK Ooh this sounds great... stacked! 6y
BarbaraBB Just was there this spring with my daughter 😍. A great place (though full of tourists like me unfortunately 😂) 6y
Cinfhen I remember your photos @BarbaraBB 😍😍😍did u feel safe in Turkey?? I‘m a little afraid to go 6y
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#BackPackEurope #Turkey My first novel by Elif Shafak apparently the Liane Moriarty of 🇹🇷 I first picked this up after reading @suvata glowing review and I‘ve seen lots of #LitsyLove since then 💕

TrishB Sounds interesting 👍🏻 6y
mhillis Oh nice! I‘m planning to read Bastard of Istanbul next for #backpackeurope 6y
Cinfhen I‘m curious about that one @mhillis 6y
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Cinfhen So far it‘s good @TrishB but I‘m not WOWed 6y
Itchyfeetreader @mhillis I have that one ready if I get that far! 6y
mhillis @Itchyfeetreader haha! I‘ve been reading my Greece book forever...can‘t wait to finish it and keep traveling!! 6y
JenReadsAlot I would love to go to Turkey! 6y
Cinfhen I know @JenReadsAlot The Blue Mosque looks breathtaking!!!! 6y
Reviewsbylola Oooooh I‘ll watch for your review! 6y
suvata Great book 6y
Cinfhen I feel bad but this book is just meh for me @Reviewsbylola @suvata 😢 6y
suvata @Cinfhen Don‘t feel bad. We all have different tastes. 6y
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"She always suspected that if chewing gum flavours were political regimes, peppermint would be Fascism- totalitarian, sterile, stern."

Started this highly anticipated book, just about now. Moisturizing the body and soul. Win win.

#ThreeDaughtersOfEve #ElifShafak #LetsSeeHowThisGoes

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Pros: elegant writing, a protagonist wrestling with deep ideas, well-developed characters. Cons: the book tried to do a bit too much, with the storyline, flashbacks, and profound conversations about God. YMMV, this isn‘t for everyone, but I highly enjoyed it and recommend it!

JSW Reminds me a bit of Ann Patchett‘s writing. 6y
Cinfhen It‘s been on my shelves for a while ~ hoping to get to it soon 6y
JSW @Cinfhen that was the case for me as well. 😂 It‘s a thoughtful sort of book, so maybe a good autumn read. 6y
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