We had a “ magical dusting of snow” all day Sunday into Monday morning. By morning it was about 4 inches. #firstsnow #firstsnowoftheseason
Quote from Sherri, the lovely @Eggs
We had a “ magical dusting of snow” all day Sunday into Monday morning. By morning it was about 4 inches. #firstsnow #firstsnowoftheseason
Quote from Sherri, the lovely @Eggs
#FestivePhotoChallenge Day 16: Weather. Woke up to snow this morning in the Puget Sound. As someone that endured Midwestern winters for 20 years, I‘m always a little sad when it snows here. Especially if I have to venture out. I moved away for a reason! BUT, we‘ll just be staying in today, so it‘s perfect reading weather! ❄️ 😜 #wintergames2021 #mistletoemaniacs #selfiescavengerhunt #inthesnow
Packages are shipped and should arrive between December 16th-18th!
I hope everybody enjoys their swaps and has a great holiday season!
@Pogue you may want to open yours when you get it and put the chocolate in the fridge or freezer it is homemade so it will keep it fresh in there, I wrapped your book so you won‘t have to peek on it :)
I've read some holiday kid's picture books this week. Out of this bunch Let It Snow was my favorite. Absolutely adorable. Definitely one I'll probably hold on to.
#WinterGames2020 #readnosedreindeer #CrushTheRush #ReadYourWay #itscoldoutside @StayCurious @Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick @TheSpineView @Bookgoil
You guys - I have never lived where it snows. I can't pull myself away from the window!
How long before it gets old?? 😂
Ok... this is officially too much snow for the first snow fall of the season.❄️🙄😂❄️
And it hasn‘t stopped yet!
#hellothursday @wanderinglynn
1. Yay if I don‘t *have to* go out in it. Nay otherwise.
2. Not very often.
3. Go outside with my dog and play in it followed by warm cuddles on the couch and maybe a nap.
4. Watching it snow.
1. Nay
2. Rarely since I‘m in Atlanta
3. 📚💤📚💤
4. Watching it through the window
#HelloThursday @wanderinglynn
Yep, it‘s official...I had to go get out the shovel, darn it...I‘m not ready.
See you next spring little purple flowers. ❄️❄️❄️
1. I‘ve always loved snow!
2. Michigan.....yeah.
3. Look out the window. But today I have to drive in it to pick up my grandkids.
4. As much as I love snow, I don‘t do more than walk in it. Don‘t like heights so skiing and sledding are out. Used to ice skate, but now I‘d fall and break my hip.
And so it begins....we are starting with sleet unfortunately.
According to a post I say on Facebook today, snow in November is a direct result of people decorating for Christmas before Thanksgiving! 😂
Our winter storm warning expires in 20 hours and 6 minutes according to the weather app. I‘ll keep you posted.
It has progressively gotten worse here in Nebraska. Luckily, my fiancé and I have no where to go for the rest of the day and I can get further in my book! ❄😊
It's snowing again. ? "The Adventures of MrBook Driving In the Snow, Part III," will soon take place. ?#LitsyLovesLibraries
Perfect weather for snuggling up with a book and some hot chocolate!!
I think he's over being sad about school being cancelled lol 😂.
It very rarely snows in our corner of England. This is our first significant snowfall in 8 years! Being from New England it hardly counts as snow but still, I'm a happy bunny! ❄❄☃️
Day 8: Book Accesories - Tonight it's fuzzy PJs, fuzzy socks, and my Peanuts bookmark to end #sneauxday2017. ❄️☃️ #lilbookishthanks
Y‘all this is southeast Texas! Y‘all it was 80 on Monday! I can‘t believe it. It is a December miracle. I so wish I could snuggle in blankets and read all day.
Izzy and I are hoping for a snow day tomorrow so we can snuggle on the couch and read!!
Took this pic after brunch this afternoon. It snowed in Middle Earth! Just about 2 feet fell. And when I was done, the banks of the driveway are now level with my head, lol. @BookBabe had Earl Grey & freshly baked sugar cookies awaiting me 😋😍😊👍🏻.
Some pretty snow strata blowing up against my sliding glass door.
Still snowing and blowing like crazy now too! (The porch has meet the seats, LOL)
And no, that's not a Russian hat, that's a picnic table.
Just thought I'd share! In February it was warm enough to sit outside, the tulips were coming up....now it's all buried. 22 inches and it isn't even 10am here yet.
Last week we had 60+ degree weather and this week we have snow. I love New England weather. The snow, however, wasn't enough to keep us home. I was really hoping for a day off and an early start to a long weekend of reading!! Wishful thinking. It's been such a busy couple of weeks that I haven't been able to read much. I want a weekend with my books with no interruptions.
Late start to the #ListyPartyOfOne for me (well, the BF is here too, but he's studying) - I had to shovel... again... although not as much as some of you Littens. And it is pretty.
I was a Girl Scout so I definitely know how to prepare for a winter storm! Who needs milk and bread when you have books and wine?!
It looks like perfect Christmas Eve/Christmas day weather here in Detroit! Yay!
I'm so glad that my manager let me leave early today so that I could pick up my groceries and get home. I've shovelled twice today, and it's still snowing, with a lot more to come tomorrow night. If tomorrow ends up being a snow day, I shall read and teach Mr Ace how to shovel the driveway!
Love this charming celebration of friendship. Toot & Puddle don't want to buy meaningless whatsits from a store for each other! They want to spend quiet time appreciating the world around them and to make meaningful presents for each other.
Puddle's Christmas present to Toot is a painting he made about their quiet day out in the snow appreciating the beauty around them. I love this book!
Bought this charming picture book for my nieces and nephew. Their Elf Scarlet Nutmeg will leave it for them to read on Christmas Eve. Such a beautiful story that celebrates true friendship. I'm so thankful for books for the little people that encourage these quiet moments.