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Dear Committee Members
Dear Committee Members: A novel | Julie Schumacher
56 posts | 86 read | 124 to read
Finally a novel that puts the "pissed" back into "epistolary."Jason Fitger is a beleaguered professor of creative writing and literature at Payne University, a small and not very distinguished liberal arts college in the midwest. His department is facing draconian cuts and squalid quarters, while one floor above them the Economics Department is getting lavishly remodeled offices. His once-promising writing career is in the doldrums, as is his romantic life, in part as the result of his unwise use of his private affairs for his novels. His star (he thinks) student can't catch a break with his brilliant (he thinks) workAccountant in a Bordello, based on Melville'sBartleby. In short, his life is a tale of woe, and the vehicle this droll and inventive novel uses to tell that tale is a series of hilarious letters of recommendation that Fitger is endlessly called upon by his students and colleagues to produce, each one of which is a small masterpiece of high dudgeon, low spirits, and passive-aggressive strategies. We recommendDear Committee Membersto you in the strongest possible terms.
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Eggs Great cover and background! Sounds good 👍🏼 4w
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I enjoyed this book very much, the MC‘s humor and wit (and unapologetic snarkiness) had me laughing out loud 🤣 I am starting the second book (“The Shakespeare Requirement”) right away 👍

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Did a little indie bookstore shopping on our last day in MN 😇 Stoked to read this series by a local author!!

Suet624 Nice!!
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This email made me laugh. In the endlessly quotable words of Neil Gaiman, “Truth is, there aren‘t any grown-ups. Not one, in the whole wide world.”

5feet.of.fury 🤣🍪 7mo
julesG 🤣🤣 7mo
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I‘ve been meaning to read this #epistolary novel for awhile and finally did for a library discussion.

This book gets 5 stars for the number of times it made me laugh out loud. I needed that. It‘s short and witty, with a sarcastic humor I love.

KathyWheeler I loved this one. I keep meaning to read her second book, The Shakespeare Requirement. 1y
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Poor Jason Fitger. Doomed to be in the underfunded creative writing department of the aptly named Payne University, he spends his days writing letters of recommendation for students new and old. While his own literary career has tanked, he tries to get funding for his last graduate student who is rewriting Bartleby set in a bordello. Not to mention his failed romantic entanglements.

I loved the #audiobook of this 💯 epistolary novel! ⬇️

Megabooks ⬆️ I read this in print before, but the audio really adds something! Great narrator. On to book two! 😁 3y
TrishB I think this may be a bit too much like work! 3y
Megabooks @TrishB 😬 I‘d hate to have to write that many LORs! 3y
MaureenMc I loved this book! 😂 3y
Megabooks @MaureenMc it‘s so funny! 3y
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I don't know how to describe how I feel after reading this. #JoyousJanuary @Andrew65

Megabooks I liked this the first time. The second time I found it tedious. 4y
Rissa1 @Megabooks tedious is a great word! The first half I was laughing, the second half I wanted a change. The end was just sad. 4y
Andrew65 Well done 👏👏👏 4y
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A quick and witty read (truly, a must for any academic—current or recovering). Also, surprisingly touching.


Anyone familiar with academia will get a kick out of this sardonic, epistolary novel comprised of a series of rather forthcoming recommendation letters from a jaded professor.

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A quick read, with a few twists I didn't expect. I preferred the first half over the last few letters though. #quarantinereads

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After spending many years in a collegiate English department, I found this humorous little tome all too familiar—and quite enjoyable because of it. 😉😂🤓

Megabooks This book is hilarious! 5y
Cinfhen Is author related to Amy?? 5y
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Still an enjoyable epistolary novel. LORs from a cantankerous English/creative writing professor. I started my second reading before my procedure and finished up with the audiobook tonight. This would be especially hilarious for anyone in academia. 4⭐️

#bfc #bfcr2 #bookfitnesschallenge book 12/12 upping my goal to 28! It‘s a stretch, but we‘ll see. #goteam

rockpools Wow, look at you with your book goal. I‘m impressed- glad it was a fun read! 5y
Megabooks @RachelO Thanks!! I‘m hoping I can make 28 🤞🏻🤞🏻 5y
mhillis I need to read this!! 5y
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Megabooks @mhillis It‘s so funny!! 5y
wanderinglynn Way to crush your goal! 🙌🏻 5y
cobwebmoth Great job on your reading goal! 5y
Megabooks @wanderinglynn Thanks! 😁😁 5y
Megabooks @cobwebmoth Thank you! 😊😊 5y
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A lot of times I don't like satirical books but this was very entertaining, especially if you've worked in an academic setting. The author did a great job of moving the story along through all the main character's letters of recommendation. This was another pick on @LazyLimaLife 's list for #NewYearWhoDis

monalyisha Sounds like I‘d like this one! 6y
MallenNC @monalyisha Definitely give it a try! It's fairly short too. A lot of times epistolary novels don't flow well, but this one did. (edited) 6y
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Reading this pick from the #NewYearWhoDis list I got from @LazyLimaLife and my cat Pippa is keeping me company. #catsoflitsy

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An epistolary novel, I found the beginning humorous. By the middle I found the narrator/writer so annoying it was hard to motivate myself to pick up the book again, but by the end it had found it's charm again. Not the best of it's form nor the best of the topic of academe. But a clever and timely premise that might carry more pointed identification with those dealing with college students of today. I have been out of that life for 18 years.

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After four days of wanting to read but not wanting to read, I‘ve finally decided to put this aside for now, which is hard for me (especially as it‘s a library ebook). It is clever and engaging but really not what my reading self needs right now. Hopefully I‘ll remember to go back to it and finish some other time.

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As the reviews say about this book, it "puts the pissed in epistolary." It's written as a series of hilarious letters of recommendation that a professor of creative writing at a small liberal arts college in the Midwest is endlessly called upon by his students and colleagues to produce. Each letter is droll, amusing, and fairly passive-aggressive. Laugh-out-loud funny.

Day 16: #adventrecommends

BookNAround This one cracked me up! 6y
Amiable @BookNAround I know, right?? 6y
zsuzsanna_reads I loved this one! 6y
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This book is, so far, irreverent, witty, and how I feel most days working in higher ed. Written as a series of short letters/emails/correspondence makes for a quick read as well.

TrishB I haven‘t read yet because I think it may be too much like work!! 6y
julesG Welcome to Litsy! 6y
jenrockey @TrishB Ha! I definitely have those "Yep, been there" moments while reading some of these letters. But definitely in a hilarious way! 6y
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Chrissyreadit Welcome! Hope you love Litsy! 6y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Welcome to Litsy 📖💙 6y
Eggbeater Welcome to Litsy! 🌻 6y
BridgetteM Welcome to Litsy! 6y
CarolynM Welcome to Litsy 🌼 6y
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This fully epistolary novel (yay!) follows an acerbic curmudgeonly professor as he writes letters of recommendation for various students and colleagues. It is hilarious!

He has a number of interactions with an ex-wife and ex-girlfriend in different departments that are especially funny. And hearing about students‘ creative writing workshop projects cracked me up! 4⭐️

Lola I loved this one. I also really liked the sequel, which just came out 6y
Megabooks @Lola That‘s what made me think of this for #MonthofRereads. I asked my library to get her new books! I‘m happy you‘ve endorsed it! 😁😁👍🏻 6y
AlaMich This sounds like a fun must-read! 6y
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BookNAround This one truly made me laugh out loud. It‘s such a fun skewering of academia. I read and enjoyed the sequel but not quite as much. 6y
Megabooks @AlaMich Definitely is! It‘s just hilarious! 6y
Megabooks @BookNAround I‘ve asked my library to buy the sequel. I‘m hoping I like it. 🤞🏻🤞🏻 6y
Reader4-ever Oh this sounds like a great read! Going on my ever growing TBR list. 🤗 6y
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Sharply witty, hilarious, endearing. Loved it all.

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Enjoying this recent recommendation from the #readingenvy #podcast. I think autumn is finally here!

ReadingEnvy Yes!!!! 6y
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The epistolary format in this isn‘t my favorite. I think I enjoy atmospheric and setting descriptions, and feeling immersed in a place, more. Given that, the LORs were quite good at filling in most of those details. Yes, I‘ve worked in academia, and yes, this is good for many chuckles and winces. As cynical and dry as the professor is, it didn‘t get unbearable. Very well-balanced. Done quite well, but I won‘t return to it.

RaimeyGallant Nice review! 6y
Meglet @RaimeyGallant Thank you! 6y
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A fun & fast read - especially for anyone who spent time in academia. I think I heard about this one on NPR and I was expecting something totally different. It‘s epistolary and manages to be both hysterical and poignant. Definitely recommend👍🏾

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I‘ve seen this book dismissed as slight and not that original, but, having been a teaching assistant, a research assistant, and an adjunct faculty member in a couple of higher ed English departments, I totally related to this book. There were several laugh out loud moments, but the ending was surprisingly bittersweet.

mhillis Great review! I‘d like to read this one. 6y
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I‘m all over the place with my reading — I‘ve got several going on at once. Since I‘m too angry to sleep, I‘m reading this to get some laughs.

jbhops Too angry to sleep. I've been there. I hope it gets better soon. 6y
KathyWheeler @jbhops Thanks. I hate it but l will be okay. 6y
BookNAround This was hilarious so I hope it helps. The sequel just came out too. 6y
KathyWheeler @BookNAround Thanks! I saw the title but didn‘t know if it was a sequel or not. 6y
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I think I‘ve narrowed it down to these 4 books plus my kindle for our ill-timed trip to Hawaii (we leave next Wednesday morning). Depending upon the weather forecast I may add more books closer to our departure date.

Jabberwocky Molokai is heart wrenchingly gorgeous 6y
Tomigirl44 And I recently saw that a sequel to Molokai will be published soon. 6y
TheBookStacker @Jabberwocky I tried to find a good book centered in Hawaii, @Tomigirl44 oooh I‘ll have to check that out and see once I finish it! 6y
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ReadingEnvy If you work in academia, Dear Committee Members is hilarious! 6y
TheBookStacker @ReadingEnvy I‘m excited to start it 6y
AlaMich Moloka‘i is an incredible book. Bring tissues. Lots of tissues. 6y
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I love this epistolary novel. It is original and a pithy and leads to bouts of snickering in public places. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Amiable This book made me LOL, too! 6y
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The people at the next table at the swim school turned to look at me snickering at this book. Expect more snickering, fellow swim school parents! For there will be plenty more.

Soubhiville Sounds fun! Plus, a porcupine on the cover?! Yes please! 6y
LRSmith As an academic, I gotta say this is one of my favorites. It is so true. So very, very true. Thanks for reminding me that I need to reread this one. 6y
RealLifeReading @Soubhiville I know right? Now to discover what other books have porcupines or hedgehogs on covers...! 6y
RealLifeReading @LRSmith you‘re welcome! It‘s such a great book, even for a non-academic! 6y
WanderingBookaneer Currently listening to audiobook and loving it! 6y
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If you‘ve ever worked at a university English department, you‘ll relate so much that you may wonder if you were introduced to Julie and forgot. Pretty comical, easy read.

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I work in an academic division in a community college so it was funny to see that things are alike all over. It was also a little sad to see that some of the more frustrating things about academia are alike all over. I found myself chuckling on one page and wincing the next.

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Newly loaned #librarybooks
The Simsion's had to be 'extended' since there are many current reads demanding my limited attention 😅 😅

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The sun finally came out! Rose and reading on the deck. #august #summerreading #roseallday

zsuzsanna_reads Bring on various committees, that title makes me want to run for the hills. 😁 7y
zsuzsanna_reads That should have read 'being' not 'bring' - autocorrect!! 😲 7y
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zsuzsanna_reads My house name autocorrects into "burgled". ? 7y
LeslieO @zsuzsanna_reads Autocorrect is the worst! 7y
Caryl I love this book! Looking forward to hearing your thoughts. 😎 7y
LeslieO @Caryl I loved it! As an English major in college it made me a little sad. But I loved the snark! 7y
Caryl I'm so glad you enjoyed it! (I remember being impressed with how the author made me laugh, and cry.) 7y
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Just started this funny little novel told in the form of letters of recommendation.

ReadingEnvy Oh my gosh this novel could be written about our English Dept, uncomfortably so. It had be cackling. 7y
BookBabe 😂 7y
LeslieO @ReadingEnvy @BookBabe so far it's so funny and snarky! But the blurbs mention funny and sad. 7y
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This was a fun read and very funny perspective of academia! Great way to end the #24in48 readathon!

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I've been in English department meetings like this one! This book is bringing back memories, and not good ones. Not old ones either. This could have been my department last semester.

TrishB My life.....😔 7y
merelybookish Yes, this book made me laugh but could have just as easily made me cry. 7y
RebeccaH @TrishB @merelybookish yep! It helps to be reading this in the summer, with some distance from it all. 7y
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Lolololol, this book is providing the laughs I need right now.

tpixie Interesting concept of a book, isn't it? 7y
RebeccaH Yes! I love epistolary novels and I'm loving this one so far. @tpixie 7y
tpixie 🙂 7y
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This book is so funny! The whole thing is letters of rec from a professor of English and is hilarious. Recommend for any English (or other Humanities) major, teacher, or academic. A modern-ish take on the epistolary novel. It's a hoot.

BookNAround This was completely hilarious. 7y
Lacythebookworm I read this one recently and loved it, too! 😍📚 7y
Lola I loved this book! 7y
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This book is a hoot! If you work in academia or look fondly on your years at university, then you'll enjoy this witty look at the life of an English Department through letters of recommendation. Very clever 📚😍

annkuch13 Yes! Loved this one! I read it while I was applying for doctorate programs and asking for letters haha 7y
Lacythebookworm @annkuch13 😊The next time I'm asked for a LOR, I'll definitely think back to this! Such a fun book! 7y
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This book is a hoot! If you work in academia or look fondly on your years at university, then you'll enjoy this witty look at the life of an English Department through letters of recommendation. Very clever 📚😍

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Had a lovely time at Village Books in Bellingham, Washington, today as my parents explored the town. Been meaning to read Dear Committee Members for a while now, and this seemed as good a time as any to pick up a copy.

#TBR #loveyourlocal #bookstoretourist #VillageBooks #indiesfirst #independentbookstore #DearCommitteeMembers

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A fun read with a surprising amount of depth

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A hilarious and snark filled #epistolary novel told through the letters of a disgruntled English professor. #readjanuary

TrishB I like the sound of that 😀 8y
Lindy I laughed out loud when I was reading this. 😀 8y
Titania @TrishB It's so sharp witted and funny. 8y
Titania @Lindy Me too! 😂 8y
TrishB It appealed to me as I work in a University and probably with people just like this 😄 8y
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Sitting outside on a warm, windy fall day and wishing I had a book in my hands instead of papers to grade. Shout out to my other teachers and academics out there. It feels like there are hardly any nights when I don't have "homework" to do! #academia #teachersOfLitsy

Godmotherx5 Thanks for your hard work. 8y
rachelm @Godmotherx5 thanks! I love what I do, I just love to gripe about grading essays, too 😜 8y
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One more for #funfridayphoto - this time from a professor's point of view. This book is deliciously snarky and wickedly funny.

Lindy Great book! Porcupine on the cover is a good representation of the professor's prickliness. 8y
Caryl I love this book. I got to meet the author last May, and I told her so! 8y
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Finished this during a late-night (and rare) trip to the gym. It's a hilarious compilation of letters from a (fictional) English professor. Through his irreverent and often inappropriate letters of recommendation, departmental memos, funding requests, etc., you piece together his personality and life events. At times it was laugh out loud funny. I read it in small chunks while reading other more plot-driven books. Be ready to laugh!

Zelma That sounds like a fun palate cleanser. 8y
Fortheloveofpages Sounds like a good read for this time of the year! 😄 8y
LiteraryinPA @Fortheloveofpages Yes, it is! Welcome to Litsy! 8y
acc5446 just saw the blurb that says this novel "...puts the pissed back in epistolary" so I am sold. 8y
Fortheloveofpages Thanks! This is so much fun! :) 8y
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Finished this during a late-night (and rare) trip to the gym. It's a hilarious compilation of letters from a (fictional) English professor. Through his irreverent and often inappropriate letters of recommendation, departmental memos, funding requests, etc., you piece together his personality and life events. At times it was laugh out loud funny. I read it in small chunks while reading other more plot-driven books. Be ready to laugh!

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#funny books - I pulled some funny fiction from my shelves for today's photo. #augustofpages #bookphotochallenge #augustphotochallenge

Angelala007 Ahhh Jitterbug Perfume ❤️ 8y
erzascarletbookgasm Princess Bride..hilarious :) 8y
SusanInTiburon Cold Comfort Farm 💙 8y
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PurpleyPumpkin Great choices! I forgot about some of these. 👍🏼 8y
ReadingEnvy Dear Committee Members was almost too familiar to be funny (but she really gets academia!) 8y
Caryl @Angelala007 @erzascarletbookgasm @SusanInTiburon - So glad you love these, too! All so fun. @PurpleyPumpkin - That's one of the most fun things about seeing other's book stacks on Litsy, isn't it? 😍 8y
Caryl @ReadingEnvy - I hesitated to include that one, because it involved so many other emotions besides laughter. (Which is why I loved it. It was so much more than I expected-- and yes, very on point!) Did you know it won the Thurber Award for American Humor? 8y
ReadingEnvy @Caryl I hadn't heard it won an award (but that sounds like a good one to pay attention to!) 8y
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Being an adult= leaving your 3 in-progress books that you really want to keep reading at home while you instead drive into the office to catch up on work. Ugh.

SoniaC Adulting is hard 😩 8y
Jenshootsweddings THE WORST. 8y
Owlizabeth Dumb work, it's the pits. 8y
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Yamich49 Adulthood SUCKS! 🙄 Like 99% of the time anyway lol 8y
LiteraryinPA @SoniaC @Jenshootsweddings @Owlizabeth @Yamich49 Thanks for the support! I know, I even like my job, but c'mon! Not on the weekend when there are books to be read! :) 8y
tricours I sneak read at work 😇 8y
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Selected on a whim from my overdrive 'available now' list, this was a surprisingly enjoyable read! Here are 4 reasons why:
1. Academic setting. 2. Epistolary format 3. Humor... the passive-aggressive kind. 4. It's short... under 200 pages It will also change the way you think about Letters of Recommendation😉 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Gulfsidemusing Well that didn't format as expected😳 8y
Megabooks I read this recently and enjoyed it too. Very funny! 8y
RealLifeReading Keep hearing good stuff about this book. Will have to go read it soon 8y
Gulfsidemusing @RealLifeReading Can't wait to hear what you think! 8y
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