A friend stopped an early morning robbery in progress off my husband‘s work lot. Recovered all the sonar panels and visited with nice helpful cops. Back in bed, can‘t get back to sleep, so let #Scarathalon begin! #TeamSlaughter
A friend stopped an early morning robbery in progress off my husband‘s work lot. Recovered all the sonar panels and visited with nice helpful cops. Back in bed, can‘t get back to sleep, so let #Scarathalon begin! #TeamSlaughter
I'm going camping and this is my stack of books I'm taking (+two I added after this picture was taken lol). We'll see if I can get through any of these. Yes, they're mostly spooky reads because I want to be uneasy the entire time I'm out in the woods 😅
This is an engrossing, fast read. This isn‘t my favorite, but it may be the most thought-provoking, and in some ways, frustrating work by the author that I‘ve read to this point. I want to sit down with SGJ and chat with him about the characters, the events that happened (or didn‘t happen), and that ending…oh my god that ending! 4/5
#BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks
My next #TBRDeckofCards was to read the last book gifted to me, and @vivastory gifted this book to me recently, and I'm so glad I finally read it.
Stephen Graham Jones is such an incredibly gifted writer. This book, although short, is full of raw emotion while also being an intense ghost story. I absolutely loved it. 💚
I loved Only Good Indians so much, I had to get more Stephen Graham Jones. This one sounded like it has similar creepy vibes to Coraline, so I thought I‘d give it a go.
#StephenGrahamJones #MappingTheInterior
I‘ve got work to do (on this holiday weekend) but it‘s cold and there‘s rain in the forecast, so I‘m gonna squeeze in a creepy novella!
I had a quick trip to @chopsueybooks and picked up more than I intended, of course🙄, but we‘ll worth it. Then I got the #library notification that JVN‘s book was ready for me! And yet, I‘m rereading Anita Blake‘s series. #toomanybooks #nosuchthing
#ScreamathonPhotoChallenge #Haunted @4thhouseontheleft
Stephen Graham Jones is on my “must read everything they publish“ list. His stories have heart, with characters that feel like real people.
"When he looked up, he even said my name: “Junior.” Then he said it three more times, softer and softer: “Junior Junior Junior.” Every fourth person on our reservation, that‘s their name, like the same stupid person is trying life after life until he gets it right at last."
Well that was disturbing as hell. I'm really not sure what to think. It was definitely compelling and I gasped a few times, and definitely would not have guessed the truly awful ending. But. I can't say I liked it. I need to snuggle some kitties now. #catsoflitsy
CW: bullying, gore, murder, animal death
Horror is really not my genre.
#booktober day 8: a book that deserves more recognition than it gets. I went into to this book not knowing it was classified as horror, which perhaps made it even more haunting to me.
My favorite nugget sized novel is the tagged book. It was a novella that held me in its world in just under 100 pages with Native American characters and a ghost story. The writing was gorgeous as well.
A fifteen-year-old boys sees the ghost of his father, in full Blackfeet fancydress attire, after sleepwalking, and the story begins. Has his dad returned to help his mentally challenged brother or his mother? Or is he back for a sinister reason. Mapping the Interior is a haunting story, in more ways than one, about present-day Native American life and cyclical nature of families.
How is it possible for so much horror, sadness, and creepiness to be packed into just 110 pages? Pick this one up. There is much to think about upon finishing this one. I would for love anyone who has read this to chat with me in the comments (with the spoiler tag of course)!
I can check another one off! This was interesting... I‘m 1/8 Indian and we have no clue what tribe due to my Papa never really knowing his father. He is 82 and still talks about having to use flour to lighten his skin for school. My mom knows way more some Indian traditions and superstitions. I‘m definitely going to pass this one on to her. I am somewhat confused but still found this to be page turning! #24in48
Catching up on some of my Nocturnal Reader's Box books on this lazy Sunday.
HOLY CRAP. This book was only 100 pages but boy oh boy is it a roller coaster of chills. What starts as a ghost story turns into a boy's adventure story and then in the last ten pages becomes truly and deeply horrific. The writing here is perfect, and Jones' perspective as a Native American writer gives the story a new shape. If you liked Pet Semetary, check this out, but I'm not kidding: this one shook me up. #LitsyAtoZ #diversebooks
WOW. Seriously Wow. And I still have 3 more to go. I just yesterday added making the Interior to my book cart after so many people nominated it for a #litsyaward. It's so small. But beautiful. I have been wanting Bestly Dreadfuls since I saw it in a sub box and if I have heard of this Dan Wells book I don't remember it, but it is SO up my alley. Can't wait to dig in. #secretsantagoespostal
Novella about a native american father who dies, his 15 year old son believes he has come back to live in a sinister way involving his younger brother. Fierce predators, a son‘s love and, ultimately a horrible tragedy unfold- the writing flowed and you are taken along on the fevered ride. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Forgot to post this the other day. This novella was awesome! SGJ delivers again.
The perfect way to start October!
This story of a boy who sees the ghost of his father roaming the house hits just the right notes of eerie and horrifying. The dream logic that Junior comes up with to explain the rules of the unreal is grounded by the reality of daily life with his mom and brother.
I totally remember when those cinnamon toothpicks were a thing for my Cub Scout Troop.
#littensdressedinblood #screamathon
There's a character in this book which fits the #Dracula prompt. I can't really say who the character is without spoiling the book, so I will try to be as vague as possible 😄
Let's just say that there are some blood sucking and heavy manipulation going on.
Junior first sees his dead father in the family hallway when he is twelve, while he is sleepwalking. His search for proof will lead him and his challenged brother to danger beyond their imaginations. The best horror is often full of sadness and loss (which is why so much of it is set during childhood) and this novella is emotionally gripping as well as creepy and disturbing.
This book. THIS BOOK!
This book crawls under your skin, and leaves a tingling feeling that something is wrong. I'm still unsure of whether the events in the book are "real" or if they only happen in the head of Junior, the MC.
The writing is beautiful and raw, and I will definitely read more by SGJ. And I really need to spend more time and effort reading indigenous authors.
I started to read this short book yesterday, but I were so tired, I couldn't make it past 30 pages. What from what I did read (and can remember), I think I'm in for a treat! I haven't read many indigenous authors, but I seriously need to change that!
#coverlovers - tbr edition. These are my favourite, beautiful covers from my tbr shelf. It is amazing I get anything done when I'm home, because all I want to do is stare at these all day 😍😍
Haunting, weird, depressing. I don't really know what to say.
"Emotionally raw" only begins to describe this book. It's like a fistful of heartache in plain prose. It's such a unique take on grief, loss, and horror. I definitely recommend this one. #mappingtheinterior #stephengrahamjones #nativeauthors #nativeamericanauthors #horror #family #grief #loss #quickreads
The blurb on the back calls this part-Shirley Jackson. Remember when Haunting of Hill House punched you in the face? This rips out your heart. You've been warned. I don't even know if I mean that in a good or bad way considering certain difficulties with my own child. But I liked it, am deeply unsettled, and bid potential horror fans to remember it's not always the horror you expect. I'm going to go cleanse my palate with regency romance now.
Started this while waiting for my son to fall asleep tonight, should be finished soon! I had to take a short break at an intense scene. Also I'm really excited because this is the first signed book I've ever owned! It came in my August Nocturnal Reader box.
#bookmail from Nocturnal Reader Book Box
This novella was one of three books that came in my Nocturnal Box.
One night, Junior sees his long dead father appear at a doorway in full Blackfoot regalia. Junior searches for the truth of his father's death and why he has returned now, after all these years.
This was well written and an interesting story. However, I didn't find the chilling description accurate until the ending of the book, which was shocking.
Hmmm. Creepy and inconclusive -- is there a real haunting? Mental illness? What? It's powerful and I'm certainly left thinking. FYI, violence against disabled character, also from someone he trusts.
The challenges that the novella poses are well-known. When it succeeds it is a unique experience; when it fails it feels like a sketch for a novel, or a short story that runs fifty pages too long. Jones' latest work is perfectly realized & immensely satisfying. As Tremblay said, it is "emotionally raw." It is also genuinely unsettling. I'm calling it, "Mapping the Interior" is novella of the year.
Book 36 of 50 for my Goodreads challenge. 72% of the way there!
This has happened a couple of times, where an author either likes or comments on a review of mine. And I won't lie, it feels so wonderful. Not just because, damn, writers are totally celebrities but also because I love letting authors know they are awesome. (Or that they suck...but that's a different story...)
Oooh this was intriguing.